Vanessa Hudgens está embarazada y se lo hizo saber al mundo de la manera más grande posible, apareciendo en los Oscar con una gran barriguita de embarazada a cuestas.

La actriz es una de las anfitrionas en la alfombra roja el domingo en el Teatro Dolby de Hollywood, donde la ceremonia se llevará a cabo, y antes de que todas las estrellas llegaran a acaparar la atención, Vanessa se lució frente a los fotógrafos.

Vanessa dejó ver orgullosamente que está esperando un hijo, y es la primera vez que esto se hace público.

Por supuesto, esto es una gran noticia, ya que sería el primer hijo de Vanessa, y lo mismo para su marido, Cole Tucker. Recordemos que se casaron hace unos meses en México, y ahora van a tener un hijo juntos en un tiempo récord. No hay nada como el presente, ¿verdad?

Cole y Vanessa han estado juntos como pareja desde 2020 -después de que ella rompió con su novio de mucho tiempo, Austin Butler- con quien había estado durante muchos años.

Vanessa y Cole eran dos gotas de agua, ella dijo que sabía que él era el indicado de inmediato.

Mientras que ella está claramente feliz con su marido, el tema de su relación con Austin ha surgido bastante últimamente, especialmente con él siendo lanzado al estrellato a través de todas estas películas que ha estado en el último par de años, incluyendo "Elvis".

Vanessa acaba de decir la semana pasada que está feliz de que su ruptura con Austin la llevara a Cole, y Austin, mientras tanto, ha dicho que valoraba su tiempo con Vanessa y que todavía la respetaba y se preocupaba por ella.

Austin no tiene previsto estar en la ceremonia de los Oscars de hoy, aunque ha asistido a fiestas relacionadas con los Oscars este fin de semana.

Así que podría aparecer esta noche. Es imposible no preguntarse como se sentirá al respecto.

En fin... ¡¡¡felicidades!!!

Vanessa Hudgens Preggo with First Child ... Shows Off Baby Bump at Oscars!!!

Vanessa Hudgens is pregnant, and she let the world know in the biggest way possible -- showing up to the Oscars ... with a big ol' baby bump in tow!

The actress is one of the hosts on the red carpet Sunday at the Dolby Theater in Hollywood -- where the ceremony will be going down later today -- and before all the stars arrived to take their own pictures ... Vanessa made sure to steal the spotlight with shots of her own.

She had a very good reason, too ... clearly, Vanessa is expecting a child -- and this is the first time anyone's hearing about it publicly. On its face, it seems she's fairly far along.

Of course, this is major news ... seeing how this would be VH's first child, and ditto for her husband, Cole Tucker. Remember, they just got married a few months ago down in Mexico ... and now, they're having a kid together in record time. No time like the present, right?!

Cole and Vanessa have been together as a couple since 2020 ... after she broke things off with her longtime boyfriend, Austin Butler -- with whom she'd been with for many years.

Vanessa and Cole were two peas in a pod ... she said she knew he was the one right away.

While she's clearly happy with her hubby ... the topic of her relationship with Austin has come up quite a bit lately -- especially with him being launched into superstardom through all these movies he's been in the past couple years, including 'Elvis.'

Vanessa just said last week she's happy her split with Austin led her to Cole -- and Austin, meanwhile, has said he valued his time with Vanessa ... and still respected/cared about her.

Austin himself is not scheduled to be at today's Oscars ceremony -- although, he has been out and about for Oscars-related parties this weekend.

So, he might be around somewhere later tonight as well. Ya gotta wonder how he might feel about this big development.

Anyhoo ... congrats!!!

ARIANA GRANDE "¡DEJEN EN PAZ A DALTON!" Atacan a su ex por la letra de "Eternal Sunshine"

Ariana Grande dice que algunos de sus fans la están defraudando al atacar a su ex marido, Dalton Gomez, ya que creen que la engañó debido a la letra de su nueva canción, "Eternal Sunshine".

Ari publicó una demanda muy clara el sábado, diciendole a sus fans: "Solo quería decir que cualquier persona que le esté enviando mensajes de odio a la gente de mi vida sobre la base de su propia interpretación de este álbum, no me está apoyando y está haciendo absolutamente lo opuesto (y también está totalmente malinterpretando la intención detrás de mi música). Les pido que por favor no lo hagan".

La indignación de los fans comenzó a aumentar el viernes por la mañana cuando se estrenó la canción que da título a su nuevo álbum, "Eternal Sunshine".

La canción incluye un verso que dice: "Nunca he visto a alguien mentir como tú lo haces. Tanto, que incluso tú empiezas a pensar que es verdad. Así que ahora jugamos por separado. Ahora, ahora ella está en mi cama, mm-mm, acostada en tu pecho. Ahora estoy en mi cabeza, preguntándome cómo termina".

En otra línea, dice que "jugaron conmigo como un Atari", y que ha encontrado un "buen chico y está de mi lado"... una aparente referencia a su nuevo novio Ethan Slater.

Todo esto llevó a su legión de fans a atacar a Dalton en redes sociales, e incluso amenazarlo con comentarios como: "Dalton Gomez no volverás a tener un sueño tranquilo en esta vida, te lo prometo".

Otras reacciones intensas fueron: "DALTON GOMEZ TE QUEMARÁS EN EL INFIERNO", "meterte con ariana después de los peores años de su vida y hacerla sentir que por fin que había encontrado el amor verdadero y se estaba curando solo para engañarla y ser un marido horrible... dalton gomez te odio tanto".

Sí, muchos sentimientos. Demasiados, según la propia Ariana.

En su intento de calmar las cosas de una vez por todas, agregó: "No me están apoyando. Todo lo contrario. Aunque este álbum recoge un montón de momentos dolorosos, también está entretejido con una línea de amor profundo y sincero. Si no pueden oírlo, por favor, escuchen con más atención. Gracias".

Curiosamente, ella no dijo exactamente que la canción no es sobre Dalton, en cambio, su punto parece ser que eso fue lo que pasó y ahora están bien. Y tú también deberías estarlo.

TMZ publicó la historia, Ari y Dalton finalizaron su divorcio el año pasado, luego dos años de matrimonio. Se habían reunido durante la pandemia de COVID y nuestras fuentes dijeron que las cosas se vinieron abajo una vez que regresaron a sus horarios regulares.

También nos dijeron que la ruptura fue lo más amistosa posible, aunque "Eternal Sunshine" sugiere claramente que Ariana, que ahora sale con Ethan, tenía resentimientos.

La música puede ser catártica.

Ariana Grande Tells Fans, Leave Dalton Alone!!! Ex Attacked Over 'Eternal Sunshine' Lyrics

Ariana Grande says some of her fans are letting her down by attacking her ex-husband, Dalton Gomez ... who they think cheated on her due to the lyrics of her new song, "Eternal Sunshine."

Ari posted a very clear demand Saturday, telling fans ... "I just wanted to say anyone that is sending hateful messages to the people in my life based on your interpretation of this album is not supporting me and is absolutely doing the polar opposite of what I would ever encourage (and is also entirely misinterpreting the intention behind the music) ... I ask that you please do not."

The fan outrage started mounting early Friday morning when the title track of her new album, "Eternal Sunshine" dropped.

The song includes a verse that goes ... "I've never seen someone lie like you do // So much, even you start to think it's true // So now we play our separate scenes // Now, now she's in my bed, mm-mm, layin' on your chest // Now I'm in my head, wonderin' how it ends."

In another line she says she got "played like Atari," and she's found a "good boy and he's on my side" -- an apparent reference to new BF Ethan Slater.

All of this prompted her legion of fans to torch Dalton on social media, and even threaten him with comments like ... "i don’t wanna see her like this literally ever again dalton gomez you will never have another peaceful sleep in this lifetime i promise you that."

Other intense reactions went like this ... "DALTON GOMEZ U WILL BURN IN HELL," and "getting with ariana after the worst years of her life and making her finally feel like she found true love and was healing only to cheat on her and be a horrible husband… dalton gomez i hate you so much."

Yeah, lots of feels. Way too much, according to Ariana herself.

In her attempt to call off the dogs, once and for all, she added ... "It is not how to support me. It is the opposite. Although this album captures a lot of painful moments, it also is woven together with a through line of deep, sincere love. If you cannot hear that, please listen more closely. Thank you."

Interestingly, she didn't exactly say the song isn't about Dalton -- instead, her point seems to be ... whatever happened, I'm cool with it now. And you should be too.

TMZ broke the story ... Ari and Dalton finalized their divorce last year, wrapping up their 2 years of marriage. They'd gotten together during the COVID pandemic, and our sources said things fell apart once they returned to their regular schedules.

We were also told the split was as amicable as could be -- although, "Eternal Sunshine" strongly suggests Ariana -- who's now dating Ethan -- had some hard feelings.

Music can be cathartic.


You Won't Get What You Want

Barbara Corcoran's dishing some no-nonsense advice for Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott over their desperate attempts to offload their uber-fancy Beverly Hills mansion.

We got the "Shark Tank" star out in L.A. earlier this week ... she tells us the exes slashing the price from $21.9M to under $18M ain't enough, and they need to quite simply be realistic when it comes to their asking price.

The real estate pro says it comes down to the L.A. luxury housing market not being the best right now, especially with that pesky new "mansion tax" in play -- which she's been vocal about ... previously telling us it was ridiculous.


BC also weighs in on Travis' other property, which sits atop a huge crack in a Brentwood hillside caused by recent record-breaking storms.

A precarious situation for sure, but Barbara says it's nothing to worry about.

As someone who's purchased a few oceanfront properties herself, Barbara says she's seen fellow seafront property owners have their pads washed out ... so, to her, a crack in the land ain't a big deal nor is it a bad investment, especially if Travis uses the property wisely.

Leave it to Barbara to put things in perspective!

So, as for Kylie and Travis, it looks like the exes need to go back to the drawing board and dip that price a little bit lower.

John Mulaney Not Mentioned in Ex-Wife's Book ... Despite Fan Speculation

John Mulaney's ex-wife is dropping a new memoir in the near future -- and while some think she's gonna torch John over their uncoupling ... those folks are s*** outta luck.

Here's the deal ... Anna Marie Tendler -- who was married to the comedian for 7 years before things fell apart and they divorced in 2021 -- announced this week that she's got a book coming out later this summer, and it's called 'Men Have Called Her Crazy.'

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The title in and of itself seems to suggest she'll go to town on some dudes in her life -- and her caption seemed to further fuel that notion. She wrote, "I have been writing this book for two years. More accurately though I have been writing it for close to four decades."

AMT adds, "I have never been more proud of any work. It is a story about mental health; about being a woman; about family. And finally, about the endless source of my heartbreak and rage -- men."

Of course, people in her comments think she's bull-horning her intentions ... namely, taking John to task over what some characterize as a messy divorce, which Anna has said left her heartbroken. John started dating Olivia Munn shortly thereafter, and had a kid with her too.

John caught some flak over all this at the time -- and now, Anna seems primed to speak about it all. Here's the thing though ... we know for a fact she absolutely won't.

Sources with direct knowledge -- who've already read Anna's memoir -- tell TMZ that John is never mentioned in her forthcoming offering ... either directly or indirectly.

Not only are we told that he isn't named in the book, but there's no alluding to him or their marriage -- in other words, John makes no cameos in this whatsoever ... literally nothing.

In terms of what is in the book ... our sources tell us Anna mostly focuses on her mental health journey -- and she does, in fact, touch on men in her life, both explicitly and implicitly -- but we've been assured ... none of those fellas are John.

That might come as a bit of a shock to some ... and perhaps a letdown for others. We're sure Anna's book is good reading regardless -- but if you're looking for tea in this, you won't find it in her memoir.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Anna's memoir is due out in August ... so you can read all about it then, FWIW.

Natalie Portman Se divorcia discretamente de Benjamin Millepied ... Ya está finiquitado

Natalie Portman no solo ya solicitó el divorcio de su marido de más de una década, sino que el caso ya está resuelto, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que un informe de People Mag, que dice que Natalie y Benjamin Millepied pusieron fin a su divorcio en Francia, es correcto ... Así que sí, ya no están casados y oficialmente solteros a los ojos de la ley en Europa.

Todavía no hay detalles sobre lo que implica este acuerdo de divorcio, esto es, la custodia y manutención de sus dos hijos, la manutención del cónyuge, la división de bienes, etc.

Todo lo que sabemos con certeza es que Natalie es una mujer soltera, lo que es un desarrollo sorprendente teniendo en cuenta que ella y Ben han estado en el centro de los chismes desde hace más de un año, en medio de las acusaciones de infidelidad por parte de él, que todavía no han sido abordadas.

Sin embargo, el hecho de que Natalie se divorciara del chico parece dar cierta credibilidad a las conjeturas. La actriz también ha estado paseando sola por Estados en medio de la temporada de premios de los últimos meses.

Por si no están familiarizados, se ha rumoreado que Ben habría tenido una aventura con la activista climática Camille Etienne en 2023.

Varios medios de comunicación informaron que Natalie y Ben se separaron debido a esa supuesta infidelidad, pero la pareja nunca lo ha confirmado o negado oficialmente.

Ella recientemente dijo que se había mudado a París con sus hijos mientras se desarrollaba todo este lío y el divorcio se tramitó en los tribunales franceses. También hemos confirmado que Natalie y Ben, de hecho, se separaron el año pasado y, claramente, terminaron su matrimonio tras bambalinas.

La pareja fue bastante privada con su relación desde que se casaron en 2012 en Big Sur, California. Se conocieron en 2009 durante el rodaje del "Cisne Negro" y Benjamin dejó a su novia del momento para estar con Natalie. Él también es bailarín y coreógrafo.

Natalie Portman y Benjamin Millepied estuvieron casados 11 años. Ellos comparten dos hijos: Aleph, de 12 años, y Amalia, de 6 años.

No se sabe si había un acuerdo prenupcial o no, pero podemos imaginar que puede haber sido el caso.

Natalie Portman Quietly Divorced Benjamin Millepied ... Already Finalized

Natalie Portman has not only already filed to divorce her husband of over a decade -- but the whole case is already settled in the books ... TMZ has confirmed.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us a report from People Mag -- which says Natalie and Benjamin Millepied have finalized their divorce in France -- is accurate ... so yes, they're no longer married and officially single in the eyes of the law there in Europe.

There are no details just yet about what the divorce settlement entails -- including custody and child support of their two children ... ditto for spousal support, division of assets, etc.

All we know for sure is that Natalie is unattached -- which is a stunning development considering she and Ben have been at the center of gossip and speculation for well over a year now ... this amid allegations of infidelity on his part, which has gone unaddressed.

The fact Natalie divorced the guy, however, seems to lend some credence to the conjecture. She was also rolling solo here in the States for award shows of late.

If you're unfamiliar ... Ben is reported to have had a fling with climate activist Camille Etienne in 2023.

Several media outlets reported Natalie and Ben separated as a result of the alleged cheating -- but the couple never confirmed or denied on the record.

She recently said she'd relocated to Paris with their children as this whole mess unfolded -- and the divorce was handled in French courts. We've also confirmed that Natalie and Ben did, in fact, separate last year ... and clearly, they ended their marriage behind the scenes.

They were pretty private about their relationship since tying the knot in 2012 in Big Sur, CA -- although the 2 met in 2009 during the filming of "Black Swan," and Benjamin left his girlfriend at the time to be with Natalie instead. He's a dancer/choreographer himself, BTW.

NP and BM were married for 11 years. They share 12-year-old Aleph and 6-year-old Amalia.

No word on whether there was a prenup or not ... but ya gotta figure there might've been.

Kathy Hilton Reflexiona sobre la ruptura de Kyle y Mauricio... ¡Se venía gestando!

Ella ha pensado en esto

Kathy Hilton cree que la ruptura de su hermana Kyle Richards con Mauricio Umansky se veía venir desde hace mucho tiempo y expresó su opinión sobre el asunto nada menos que en televisión nacional.

La madre de Paris Hilton hizo su esperado regreso a "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" para la segunda parte de la reunión el miércoles y no se contuvo de opinar sobre el matrimonio de su hermana.

La veterana socialité especuló en voz alta que Kyle probablemente no se precipitó en su decisión de separarse del magnate inmobiliario. Como Kathy dijo: "[Kyle] no es una persona compulsiva".

Con eso en mente, Kathy piensa que es poco probable que Kyle pusiera fin a su matrimonio de 27 años por unos meses difíciles. La matriarca Hilton sospecha que su hermana ha estado considerando la separación durante al menos unos años.

En cuanto a cómo están Kyle y Mauricio luego de su pública ruptura, Kathy dejó claro que están todos muy bien, haciendo sus propias cosas, y destacó la participación de Mauricio en "Dancing With the Stars" como prueba. Esa era su opinión cuando esto se filmó.

Kyle, que ha negado los rumores de que está saliendo con su amiga Morgan Wade, ha cambiado un poco su tono en los últimos meses. De hecho, le dio a Mauricio su bendición para que saliera con otras personas durante un evento de Amazon Live la semana pasada.

La separación de Kyle y Mauricio se jugará en la segunda temporada de "Buying Beverly Hills", el otro reality show de la familia. ¡Vamos a estar en sintonía!

Kathy Hilton Weighs in on Kyle, Mauricio Split ... 'Twas Years in the Making!!!


Kathy Hilton believes her sister Kyle Richards' split from Mauricio Umansky was a long time coming ... and she expressed her fiery opinion on national television, no less.

Paris Hilton's mom made her highly anticipated return to "The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" for part 2 of the reunion on Wednesday -- and she didn't hold back when it came to weighing in on her sister's marriage.

The veteran socialite speculated aloud that Kyle likely didn't rush into her decision to separate from the real estate mogul. As Kathy put it ... "[Kyle]’s not a compulsive person.”

With that in mind, Kathy thinks it's unlikely that Kyle would end her 27-year marriage over a few rocky months. The Hilton matriarch suspects her sibling has been considering the split for at least a few years.

As for how Kyle and Mauricio are doing in the aftermath of their public breakup ... Kathy made it clear that they're all hunky dory, doing their own things -- shouting out Mauricio's stint on "Dancing With the Stars" as proof. That was her view when this was filmed anyway.

Kyle -- who has denied rumors she's dating gal pal Morgan Wade -- has somewhat changed her tune in recent months ... as she revealed in an Amazon Live stream last week that she and Mauricio are allowed to date other people.

Kyle and Mauricio's split is set to play out on season 2 of "Buying Beverly Hills" ... the family's other reality show. We'll be tuning in!

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Spotify / Call Her Daddy

Camila Cabello está soltando todo sobre su breve reconciliación con Shawn Mendes, incluyendo lo que causó su separación final... y parece que simplemente no eran el uno para el otro.

La cantante fue a "Call Her Daddy" de Alex Cooper, donde reveló que su reunión con Shawn terminó tan rápido como empezó. Al parecer, ella y Shawn se dieron cuenta de que a pesar de su caliente aparición en Coachella 2023, no eran tan buena pareja pensaban.

Camila dijo que volvió a salir con él en un impulso, pero pronto se dieron cuenta de que no estaba funcionando y que no necesitaban forzar la relación. Camila recordó decidir solo para ser amigos con Shawn ... Diciendo que ella y Shawn terminaron en buenos términos.

052923-shawn-mendes-camila-cabello-KAL3 May 2023

Las dos estrellas del pop salieron previamente entre 2019 y 2021, y la cita fue ni más ni menos que una noche de la gira "Eras" de Taylor Swift en mayo.

No suena como que Camila lamente el romance reavivado, llamándolo un "momento divertido".

La diversión no terminó allí para Camila, ya que fue vista de vacaciones con Drake en las islas Turcas y Caicos el pasado mes de diciembre. Sin embargo, Camila aclaró que no todo fue diversión, también fue un viaje de trabajo... etiquetándolo como "vacaciones de amigos".

Desafortunadamente, la cantante se mantuvo hermética sobre si ella y Drizzy hicieron algo más que hacer música. Pero confesó: "Diré que lo amo".

Shawn, por su parte, también ha pasado de Camila después de haber sido vinculado a la presentadora británica Charlie Travers el otoño pasado. Recuerde, Shawn y Charlie fueron vistos disfrutando de un día de playa en ropa interior después de vincularse en West Hollywood en noviembre.

¡Parece que todo el mundo lo está haciendo muy bien!

Camila Cabello Explains Second Shawn Mendes Split ... Just Didn't Feel Right!!!

Spotify / Call Her Daddy

Camila Cabello is spilling all about her brief reconciliation with Shawn Mendes -- including what caused their final split ... and the gist of it is, they just weren't right for each other.

The singer went on Alex Cooper's "Call Her Daddy" -- where she revealed that her reunion with Shawn ended as quickly as it began. Apparently ... she and SM realized that -- despite their hot make-out sesh at 2023's Coachella -- they weren't as good a fit as they thought.

Camila said she jumped into things again with him on an impulse -- but soon, she says they both realized it wasn't working and that they didn't need to force the relationship. CC recalled deciding just to be friends with Shawn ... saying she and SM ended on good terms.

052923-shawn-mendes-camila-cabello-KAL3 May 2023

The two pop stars previously dated between 2019 and 2021 -- before giving it another go ... which included a date night to Taylor Swift's "Eras" tour in May.

Doesn't sound like Camila regrets the rekindled romance ... calling it a "fun moment."

The fun didn't stop there for Camila, BTW ... who was spotted on vacation with Drake in Turks and Caicos this past December. However, Camila clarified that it wasn't all good times and games -- it was a work trip, too ... labeling it a "friends vacation."

Unfortunately, the singer stayed tight-lipped on whether she and Drizzy did more than make music. But, she did notably share ... "I will say I love him."

Shawn, for his part, has also moved on from Camila -- having been linked to British presenter Charlie Travers last fall. Remember, Shawn and Charlie were spotted enjoying a beach day in their underwear after linking up in West Hollywood in November.

Sounds like everyone's doing just fine!

Vanessa Hudgens Very Grateful for Austin Butler Split ... I Found My Person!!!

She Pivots

Vanessa Hudgens has an optimistic outlook regarding her breakup with Austin Butler ... 'cause she says it led her to her husband, so she's happy things ended with him.

The actress got candid about how prior failed relationships made her reevaluate things on Wednesday's episode of the "She Pivots" podcast. As Vanessa explained ... her splitting from AB in 2020 led her to Cole Tucker, whom she calls the "right person."

Vanessa -- who married Cole in December in a lavish wedding in Mexico -- made it clear she couldn't be more grateful for her MLB player spouse in the wake of the Butler split.

She says, "He's just the most supportive, real understanding human being that I've ever met."

Despite VH and AB's frosty reunion at the 2023 Oscars -- where Vanessa infamously walked by Austin at the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party without saying a word -- it seems there's no bad blood between the exes ... but then again, her words here do kinda sound like a dig.

Austin recently emphasized the love and care he says he still has for Vanessa in an interview from February ... this after catching flak for labeling her as nothing more than a friend, even though they dated for nearly 10 years.

As we reported ... Austin referred to his ex of almost a decade as just a friend when detailing how his iconic role in Baz Luhrmann's "Elvis" came to be. Yet ... during a chat with Esquire last month -- he defended that he didn't mean to downplay their love story -- he just wanted to protect her from having to comment on their past relationship.

It's clear that everyone has happily moved on these days -- with Austin now dating Kaia Gerber. Of course, Vanessa is now a married woman herself ... and looks smitten with Cole.

Closure all around ... or so it seems!

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She Pivots

Vanessa Hudgens tiene una visión optimista con respecto a su ruptura con Austin Butler, porque dice que la llevó a conocer a su marido, así que está feliz de que las cosas terminaran con él.

En el episodio del miércoles del pódcast "She Pivots", la actriz se sinceró sobre cómo sus anteriores fracasos sentimentales le hicieron replantearse las cosas. Vanessa explicó que su separación de Austin en 2020 la llevó a Cole Tucker, a quien ella llama la "persona indicada".

Vanessa -que se casó con Cole en diciembre en una lujosa boda en México- dejó claro que no podía estar más agradecida por su cónyuge jugador de la MLB a raíz de la separación de Butler.

Ella dice: "Él es simplemente el ser humano más comprensivo que he conocido".

A pesar de la frío encuentro de Vanessa y Austin en los Oscars 2023, donde Vanessa infamemente pasó al lado de Austin en la fiesta posterior a los Oscars de Vanity Fair sin decir una palabra, parece que no hay mala sangre entre los ex, pero de nuevo, sus palabras suenan un poco como una indirecta.

Austin recientemente hizo hincapié en el amor y el cuidado que dice que todavía tiene por Vanessa en una entrevista de febrero, esto después de la captura de la flak para etiquetarla como nada más que un amigo, a pesar de que salieron durante casi 10 años.

Como informamos, Austin se refirió a su ex de casi una década como solo una amiga tras dar ddetalles de su papel icónico en la versión de Baz Luhrmann de "Elvis". Sin embargo, durante una charla con Esquire el mes pasado, defendió que no tenía intención de restarle importancia a su historia de amor y que solo quería protegerla de tener que hacer comentarios sobre su relación pasada.

Está claro que todo el mundo ha seguido adelante, con Austin ahora saliendo con Kaia Gerber. Por supuesto, Vanessa es ahora una mujer casada y parece enamorada de Cole.

Todo pasa por algo, ¿no?

BRIAN AUSTIN GREEN SOBRE SU SEPARACIÓN DE TIFFANI "Estaba celoso de sus escenas de sexo"

"pobre tiffani"
Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty

Brian Austin Green admitió que los celos en el set de "Beverly Hills 90210" jugaron un papel importante en el término de su pasado romance con su compañera de reparto Tiffani Thiessen.

El actor hizo la confesión durante el episodio del lunes de Shannen Doherty "Let's Be Clear" pódcast, diciéndole a su ex compañero de reparto todos los detalles acerca de su separación de la famosa actriz de "Salvados por la Campana".

Según Brian, Tiffani fue su primera relación seria, ya que salieron entre 1992 y 1995. Sin embargo, cuando Tiffani se unió al drama adolescente de Brian durante la temporada 5, admitió que se ponía increíblemente celoso cada vez que su chica trabajaba con otras estrellas de "90210".

Le dijo a Shannen que le resultaba extraño cuando su novia de repente tenía que hacer escenas de sexo con sus amigos, a los que dice que consideraba su familia.

Tiffani interpretó a Valerie Malone, la chica mala por excelencia que se acostaba con casi todos los protagonistas masculinos, a excepción de Brandon Walsh de Jason Priestley.

Según cuenta Brian, los celos se apoderaron de él y la pareja se separó solo un año después de irse a vivir juntos. Brian, que ahora está comprometido con la participante de  "Dancing With the Stars" pro Sharna Burgess, confesó que actuó mal al enloquecer de la forma en que lo hizo.

Afortunadamente, Brian y Tiffani fueron capaces de seguir siendo amigos después de su separación, lo que no se puede decir de otros ex compañeros de reparto. Tiffani encontró su final feliz con el actor Brady Smith, con el que comparten los niños Harper y Holt.

Brian, obviamente, ha estado en un puñado de relaciones serias desde entonces, y ha tenido hijos con sus ex Vanessa Marcil y Megan Fox.

De los errores se aprende, ¿no?

Brian Austin Green Spills on Tiffani Split ... I Was Jealous of Her Sex Scenes!!!

Poor Tiffani
Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty

Brian Austin Green admitted that jealousy on the set of "Beverly Hills, 90210" played a real hand in the demise of his past romance with fellow costar Tiffani Thiessen.

The actor made the confession during Monday's episode of Shannen Doherty's 'Let's Be Clear' podcast ... telling his ex-castmate all the deets about his split from the "Saved by the Bell" alum.

According to BAG ... TT was his first serious relationship -- as they dated between 1992 and 1995. However, when Tiffani joined Brian's teen drama during season 5 ... he admitted to getting incredibly jealous whenever his lady worked with other '90210' stars.

He told Shannen that he found it weird when his girlfriend all of a sudden had to do sex scenes with his friends -- whom he says he considered family.

Tiffani played Valerie Malone -- the ultimate bad girl who slept with almost all of the male leads ... except for Jason Priestley's Brandon Walsh.

As Brian tells it -- jealousy got the better of him and the pair split only a year after moving in together. Brian -- who is now engaged to "Dancing With the Stars" pro Sharna Burgess -- confessed that he was in the wrong and shouldn't have freaked out the way he did.

Thankfully, Brian and Tiffani were able to remain friends in the aftermath of their split -- which can't be said for other notable costar exes. Tiffani found her happy ending with actor Brady Smith -- they share kids Harper and Holt together.

Brian has obviously been in a handful of serious relationships since, previously welcoming kids with exes Vanessa Marcil and Megan Fox.

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