Taylor Swift New Album Might Be Riff On Ex's 'Tortured Man Club'

Taylor Swift might have one more dig for her ex-boyfriend, Joe Alwyn -- that is, if her new album is in any tied to a boy's club he admitted to have created ... and it sure seems to be.

Eagle-eyed fans noticed that Tay Tay's forthcoming project -- which she's titled "The Tortured Poets Department" -- sounds eerily similar to a group that Joe once admitted he'd created among his buddies in the virtual world ... and on its face, Taylor might be trolling it.

The reason many are jumping to that conclusion -- Joe spilled this little detail a couple years ago during an interview he did with Paul Mescal on an 'Actors on Actors' segment.

In the sit-down, Paul and Joe -- who are friends, BTW -- reveal they're part of a WhatsApp group called the 'Tortured Man Club' ... where they apparently share their woes about their significant others. They had a good laugh about it, noting they weren't so tortured anymore.

This was during a time when Paul and Joe were both in relationships -- Joe was obviously still with Tay Tay in late 2022, and PM himself was dating singer Phoebe Bridgers.

Of course, the name of their joke-y club sounds eerily similar to Taylor's new album title ... almost to a T. And considering that Paul broke up with Phoebe not too long after this chat with Joe (not to mention Joe and Taylor hitting Splitsville) ... it's all seemingly connected.

Funny enough, Taylor and Phoebe are low-key BFFs these days ... so yeah, it's a dig.

While her fans are reveling in this perceived connection -- basically, it's yet another post-breakup album with Taylor torching her ex -- some are raising an eyebrow if this is in fact the route she's pursuing ... 'cause she's knee-deep in a relationship with Travis Kelce.

Fact is ... if Taylor's gonna use a whole album (or a good portion of it) to trash Joe/air out her feelings about their breakup -- which most people assume is the case at this point -- then it makes ya wonder ... how does TK feel about that???

He's not the type to hold his tongue -- and you gotta imagine if he's bothered by it, he'd let it be known. Her album is coming out in about 2 months ... so we'll see, we suppose.


BTW, we recently ran into "Million Dollar Matchmaker" star Patti Stanger ... and we got her thoughts about Taylor and Travis, generally, and whether she thinks they'll go the distance.

As it turns out ... PS does think they'll get hitched eventually, and had some other interesting insights -- including what their sexual chemistry might be like between the sheets. According to her, they have great sex!

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One more thing we'll leave you with regarding TS -- we actually have a new podcast coming out this week that touches on all things T-Swift ... it's called "TMZ Swift-Tea" and we're going to be talking all about Tay Tay and everything that comes with her ... good or bad.

It'll hit our podcast network starting Tuesday Feb. 6 -- so keep an eye out, Swifties!

BRITNEY SPEARS & SAM ASGHARI Divorce Nearing Finish Line ... Key Step Just Took Place

Britney Spears and Sam Asghari could be on the verge of settling their divorce, 'cause Sam just filed some information that usually signals ... the end is near.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Sam's legal team turned over his financials to Britney's attorneys, including the declaration of income and expenses among the required paperwork, as well as a list of assets and separate and community properties.

It looks like he's just ready to say goodbye to this chapter once and for all -- 6 months after filing for divorce from the singer in August. Filing financial disclosures is often the last step taken in a divorce that suggests all parties are coming to an agreement.

As we reported, Sam cited "irreconcilable differences" for their split -- 14 months after tying the knot at her Thousand Oaks home. They'd been together as a couple for much longer than that, of course.

On her end, Brit reflected on the failed marriage on IG in December ... saying they'd endured many ups and downs and that it was strange being single again.

But, it doesn't seem like Sam's on Brit's mind too much recently ... she's been having a bit of a back-and-forth spat with her ex, Justin Timberlake. She hasn't uttered Sam's name in a while.

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Anyway, this thing should be tied up pretty soon here. We already know they have an ironclad prenup -- which leaves Sam with nothing. Unclear why the divorce has dragged on as long as it has with this in mind -- but it appears they're buttoning it up once and for all.

Britney Spears y Sam Asghari Su divorcio está muy cerca de terminar...

Britney Spears y Sam Asghari podrían estar a punto de resolver su divorcio, pues Sam acaba de presentar una información que suele indicar que el final está cerca.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, el equipo legal de Sam entregó sus finanzas a los abogados de Britney, incluyendo la declaración de ingresos y los gastos, así como una lista de activos y propiedades separadas y comunitarias.

Parece que está listo para despedirse de este capítulo de una vez por todas, a seis meses de solicitar el divorcio de la cantante, en agosto del año pasado. La presentación de las declaraciones financieras es a menudo el último paso en un proceso de divorcio y sugiere que ambas partes están llegando a un acuerdo.

Como ya informamos, Sam alegó "diferencias irreconciliables" como motivo de su separación, 14 meses después de casarse en su casa de Thousand Oaks. Habían estado juntos como pareja durante mucho más tiempo que eso, por supuesto.

Por su parte, Brit reflexionó sobre su fallido matrimonio en Instagram en diciembre, diciendo que habían soportado muchos altibajos y que era extraño estar soltera de nuevo.

Pero no parece que Sam esté en la mente de Brit últimamente. Ella ha estado en medio de unos dimes y diretes con su ex Justin Timberlake y no se ha pronunciado sobre Sam en un tiempo.

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De todos modos, este asunto debería estar listo muy pronto. Ya sabemos que tienen un acuerdo prenupcial blindado y que deja a Sam sin nada. No está claro por qué el divorcio se ha alargado tanto, teniendo esto en cuenta, pero parece que están por cerrar el acuerdo.

Darius Rucker Ex-GF Kate Quigley Roasts Him Over Drug Arrest ... You're A Douchebag!!!

Darius Rucker's ex Kate Quigley is rubbing his nose in his Tennessee arrest for drug possession ... calling it "karma" and him a "d-bag."

The comedian posted a message on the social media app X hours after Rucker was booked into the Williamson County jail for three misdemeanor offenses Thursday and his mugshot spread across the national media.

Quigley wrote,  "Yes. I’ve heard. All I can say is Karma."

But Quigley wasn't done. About an hour later, she twisted the knife in his back, sharing a photo of herself smiling in a bikini with a snarky caption, "Mood when u hear your d-bag ex got arrested. #Karma."

As we first reported ... Rucker was busted for simple possession/casual exchange of a controlled substance and violation of the state’s vehicle registration law.

He was released from jail after posting a $10,500 bond. Police have not released details on the case. His lawyer, Mark Puryear, told TMZ ... Rucker is fully cooperating with the investigation.

As for Rucker and Quigley, their relationship ended in the toilet.

You may recall, Quigley survived an accidental overdose after allegedly using cocaine laced with fentanyl in September 2021. Three other comedians with her also overdosed, but died.


At the time, Rucker -- the lead singer of Hootie & the Blowfish -- issued a statement to TMZ, saying he had not dated Quigley for a while after they first hooked up the year before.

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Quigley later posted two messages on X, telling Rucker not to publicly comment on her well-being and shaming him for not reaching out to see how she was doing.

She also admitted Rucker's statement "stung" and joked that he was probably creating a song called, "Let Her Die," referring to the Hootie & the Blowfish tune by a similar title, "Let Her Cry."

Britney Spears Slams Timberlake Over 'Apology' ... Gonna Cry to Mom Again???

Britney Spears is coming after Justin Timberlake for taking back his apology to her from a few years ago -- and she's going even further back to slam him ... and his skills on the court.

The pop star just posted a photo of a basketball hoop with the moon in the background that looks like a ball going through. It's a cool shot, but her caption is even more telling -- 'cause she kinda goes scorched earth on her ex after his little stunt last night.

She writes, "Someone told me someone was talking s*** about me on the streets !!! Do you want to bring it to the court or will you go home crying to your mom like you did last time???"

Britney emphatically adds one last dig that's pretty good, TBH ... writing, "I’m not sorry!!!"

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no apologies given

Of course, she's referring to JT issuing his non-apology in front of a NYC crowd Wednesday -- when he performed for a one-night show. You'll recall, right before he launched into 'Cry Me a River' -- which is famously known to be about Brit -- he said ... he'd like to take the opportunity to apologize to "absolutely f***ing nobody."

A lot of Britney fans were upset with the fact that he flip-flopped ... especially, seemingly, out of nowhere. Mind you, Britney herself had just recently apologized to Justin about stuff in her memoir.

It's also interesting that Britney is bringing up this basketball stuff again. Remember, she actually crapped on his b-ball ability (or lack thereof) late last year out of the clear blue.

Basically, she says she beat him a ton when they were dating ... and that he sucks. Now, she seems to be implying that he was bent out of shape over it, and maybe even cried.

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Weird flex, but okay ... Britney's out here flaunting her stuff. Love to see it!


Britney Spears arremete contra Justin Timberlake Por retirar sus disculpas

Britney Spears arremete contra Justin Timberlake luego de que el cantante retirara su disculpa. La diva arremete criticándolo a él y sus habilidades en el escenario.

La estrella del pop acaba de publicar una foto de un aro de baloncesto con la luna de fondo. Es una buena foto, pero lo que escribió al pie es bastante revelador.

¡Ella escribe: "Me dijeon que alguien estaba hablando mierda de mí en la calle. ¿Quieres llevarlo al juzgado o te irás a casa llorando con tu madre como hiciste la última vez?".

Britney añade enfáticamente una última indirecta que es bastante buena: "¡No lo siento!".

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no hay disculpas

Por supuesto, ella se refiere a Justin emitiendo su no-disculpa frente a una multitud en Nueva York el miércoles, cuando actuó por la noche. Usted recordará, justo antes de que él lanzó "Cry Me a River" -que es famosa por ser sobre Brit- dijo que le gustaría aprovechar la oportunidad para pedir disculpas a "absolutamente f***ing nadie".

Un montón de fans de Britney estaban molestos, y con razón. Eso sí, Britney se había disculpado recientemente con Justin sobre cosas en sus memorias.

También es interesante que Britney vuelva a sacar el tema del baloncesto. Recordemos que ella realmente se cagó en su capacidad (o falta de ella) a finales del año pasado de la nada.

Básicamente, ella dice que le ganó un montón de veces cuando estaban saliendo y que apesta. Ahora, ella parece estar dando a entender que él incluso lloró luego de perder.

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Britney está aquí haciendo polémica y nos encanta.

Justin Timberlake Sorry, Not Actually Sorry ... Britney & Janet Fans Pissed

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no apologies given

Justin Timberlake seems to be taking back his apology to Britney Spears, and maybe even Janet Jackson too -- the timing of which couldn't have come at a worse time, TBH.

The singer performed in NYC Wednesday for a one-night-only show, and there's footage of him going around on social media that's raising eyebrows -- specifically, a clip of him winding down one song and transitioning into the next, where he says something curious.

Check it out ... JT tells the crowd that he'd like to take this moment to apologize -- but then hits a brief pause before he finishes his thought and says ... "to absolutely f***ing nobody."

Some in the audience cheered right then and there -- but this video is NOT being well-received online in the aftermath ... for a couple reasons, depending on how you look at it.

For starters, this is immediately being perceived by many as a straight-up shot to Britney -- which is probably spot-on considering he reportedly went right into "Cry Me a River" right after this ... and everyone knows that track is famously about his popstar ex.


Of course, BS herself recently apologized to JT publicly ... well, kinda. She said sorry if what she wrote in her book made anyone feel bad -- so it was a half-apology, of sorts, to him.

The other celeb people are expressing outrage on behalf of is Janet -- and that's 'cause Thursday is the 20-year anniversary of her Super Bowl performance with him, where he pulled her boob out in front of millions ... something folks are still angry about even today.

There was a lot of controversy over this a few years ago when a doc dove into the topic in great detail, and JT ended up apologizing at the time not just to JJ, but Britney as well.

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He issued a full-blown statement, etc. ... but now, it seems he maybe didn't mean it? 🤷🏽‍♂️

Justin Timberlake Lo siento, en realidad no... Los fans de Britney y Janet enfurecidos

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Ninguna disculpa...

Justin Timberlake parece estar retractándose de su disculpa a Britney Spears, y tal vez incluso a Janet Jackson, y el momento no podría ser peor, para ser sinceros.

El cantante actuó el miércoles en Nueva York para un show de una sola noche, y hay imágenes de él dando vueltas por redes sociales que están causando desconcierto, en concreto, un clip donde dice algo curioso después de terminar una canción.

Echa un vistazo, Justin Timberlake le dice a la multitud que le gustaría aprovechar este momento para pedir disculpas, pero luego hace una breve pausa antes de terminar su pensamiento y dice "a absolutamente nadie" (f***ing nobody).

Algunos en la audiencia aplaudieron en ese momento, pero el video no está siendo bien recibido en línea por un par de razones, dependiendo de cómo se mire.

Para empezar, esto fue inmediatamente percibido por muchos como un golpe directo a Britney, lo que es probable considerando que justo después cantó "Cry Me a River", una pista que todo el mundo sabe que trata sobre su ex popstar.

Por supuesto, la propia Britney se disculpó recientemente con Justin Timberlake públicamente, o bueno, más o menos. Dijo que sentía si lo que escribió en su libro hizo que alguien se sintiera mal, por lo que fue una media disculpa hacia él.

La otra celebridad por la que los fans están muy enojados es Janet, y eso es porque el jueves es el 20 aniversario de su actuación en el Super Bowl con Justin, donde le sacó las tetas delante de millones ... Algo por lo que la gente aún está enojada hasta el día de hoy.

Hubo una gran controversia sobre esto hace unos años, cuando un doctor se sumergió en detalle en el tema y Justin terminó pidiendo disculpas en el momento no solo a Janet Jackson, sino que también a Britney.

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El cantante emitió un largo comunicado, pero ahora parece que tal vez, ¿no lo decía tan en serio? 🤷🏽‍♂️

Ariana Madix Sent Pissed Text to Schwartz About Sandoval ... Choke On Dirty D***!


Ariana Madix has a well-defined line in the sand, which Tom Schwartz crossed by supporting Tom Sandoval on TV -- and she let him know it with a very NSFW insult!

Here's the deal ... season 11 of "Vanderpump Rules" finally premiered last night after months of waiting, and the drama picked up right where it left off, focused on the "Scandoval."

Dismiss any thoughts of Ariana letting it go ... she still seems pissed about Sandoval cheating on her with Rachel Leviss -- because she told Scheana Shay she's now got Schwartz blocked on everything, and told him straight up, during the season 10 finale, they wouldn't have a relationship.

Well, as you might know, Schwartz went on 'Watch What Happens Live' a few weeks after the finale filming, and showed some love for the other Tom -- telling fans to give him a "hug" if they see him.

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AM admits that pissed her off, and she texted Schwartz one last time before blocking him -- and, though, she claimed that final text wasn't "that bad" ... he has a different memory of it.

In fact, he has receipts -- in Tuesday night's premiere, Schwartz read the text on-air ... "It says, 'F*** you, I am blocking your number. Go choke on Sandoval’s dirty ass d*** some more.’"

Yeah. Not that bad. 😂

Schwartz has sorta straddled the line throughout the scandal -- apologizing to Ariana and condemning Sandoval's actions while still showing love for his close friend and business partner.

It's led to some current and former costars blasting him for not taking a harder stance, and for knowing about the affair and keeping quiet.

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The "Scandoval" might be old news, but the aftermath's still pretty explosive!

Britney Spears Apologizes to Justin Timberlake Praises New Music Too!!!

Britney Spears is changing her tune on Justin Timberlake -- 'cause she just fired off a full-blown mea culpa to the guy ... and even acknowledged she's digging his new tunes.

The pop star did an about-face on her IG account, posting a screenshot of JT with Jimmy Fallon during his 'Tonight Show' performance from last week -- where they were singing one of his new songs from his latest album -- and singing his praises.

Before she got to the compliments, though, she said sorry in no uncertain terms -- writing, "I wanna apologize for some of the things I wrote about in my book. If I offended any of the people I genuinely care about I am deeply sorry."

BS then hyped up his new singles, adding ... "I also wanted to say I am in love with Justin Timberlake's new song 'Selfish.' It is soo good and how come every time I see Justin and Jimmy together I laugh so hard???" She also shouted out his other songs, 'Sanctified.'

Like we said, it's definitely a sea change from how she spoke about her ex in her memoir, "The Woman In Me," from last fall -- where she said she'd gotten pregnant with him ... but then suggested she got an abortion at his behest, among other allegations against JT.

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Britney's fan base has had their knives out for Justin in the wake of all that -- even going so far as to troll his new music by making one of her old songs chart above his on iTunes.

Now, however, Britney is speaking for herself ... and it sounds like she's got regrets -- and maybe some love remaining for her former boyfriend. It certainly sounds like an olive branch.


We'll see if this is enough to get her loyalists to back off of Justin ... they're a little wild.

Britney Spears se disculpa con Justin Timberlake Y elogia su nueva música

Britney Spears ha cambiado su opinión sobre Justin Timberlake, porque acaba de hacer un mea culpa en toda regla y reconoció que le gustan sus nuevas canciones.

La estrella del pop dio un giro de 180 grados en su cuenta de Insta, publicando una captura de pantalla de Justin con Jimmy Fallon durante su actuación en "Tonight Show" de la semana pasada donde cantaron una de sus nuevas canciones.

Sin embargo, antes de llegar a los cumplidos, ella dijo lo siento, escribiendo: "Quiero pedir disculpas por algunas de las cosas que escribí en mi libro. Si ofendí a alguna de las personas que genuinamente me importan, lo siento profundamente".

Britney luego promocionó sus nuevos singles, añadiendo: "También quería decir que estoy enamorada de la nueva canción de Justin Timberlake, "Selfish". Es tan buena y ¿cómo es que cada vez que veo a Justin y Jimmy juntos me río tanto?". También gritó otras de sus canciones, "Sanctified".

Como dijimos, es definitivamente un cambio radical a cómo habló de su ex en sus memorias, "The Woman In Me", del otoño pasado, donde dijo que había estado embarazada de él, pero luego sugirió que tuvo un aborto a instancias de él, entre otras acusaciones.

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La base de fans de Britney ha sido dura con Justin a raíz de todo eso, incluso troleando su nueva música haciendo que decaiga en iTunes.

Sin embargo, Britney está hablando por sí misma y parece que lamenta haber dicho ciertas cosas sobre su ex-novio.

Veremos si esto es suficiente para que sus leales se alejen de Justin ... son un poco salvajes.

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Lopez Spotted With Jennifer Garner At School Event ... Co-Parenting In Los Angeles

Here's something you almost never see ... Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck photographed with Ben's ex-wife, Jennifer Garner.

But that's exactly what everyone saw Sunday after the famous trio left a musical performance at a Los Angeles school with the kids Garner shares with Affleck, namely Seraphina, 14, and Samuel, 11, along with Emme, 15, who J Lo shares with ex-husband Marc Anthony.

TMZ obtained these rare images showing Garner walking out of the school with Seraphina and Samuel following the event. Just behind them, Ben and Jen were strolling with Emme, while the three had a little convo. What we did not see was Lopez and Affleck interacting with Garner.

Still, everyone seemed totally chill, as if viewing them in the same frame was no big deal. And maybe it wasn't.

You may recall in November ... Affleck and Garner were filmed laughing it up as they attended Samuel's basketball game in Santa Monica. Clearly, the two movie stars were enjoying co-parenting together – and now it seems Lopez is part of that equation with Sunday's outing.

As we reported ... Affleck was married to Garner for 13 years, divorcing in 2018 after having three kids: Seraphina, Samuel and their oldest child, Violet Anne, 18.

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In 2021, Affleck rekindled his previous romance with Lopez before the two tied the knot the following year.

Ben now plays stepdad to Lopez's 15-year-old twins -- Max and Emme -- from the actresses' marriage to singer, Marc Anthony. Lopez divorced Anthony in 2014.

'Biggest Loser' Trainer Dolvett Quince Owes Me $10K ... Ex-Wife Claims in Docs

Dolvett Quince -- of 'Biggest Loser' fame -- is being dragged to court by his ex-wife ... 'cause she says he owes her a fat stack of cash, and she wants to collect.

According to new legal documents, obtained by TMZ, the famed TV trainer Dolvett's ex, Amanda Quince, claims he's falling way behind on spousal support -- to the tune of 5 figures, in fact. Amanda claims Dolvett is supposed to pay her $2,500 on the first of every month ... but she says the money isn't flowing her way of late.

In the docs, Amanda says Dolvett now owes her $10,000 because of this ... explaining that over the past six months or so, he's only given her $5,000 of the $15,000 he was supposed to shell out.

Amanda claims Dolvett has the money ... she says he's making upwards of $35,000 a month and has no problem shelling out over $8,300 for his Santa Monica penthouse. If he can afford that, she's questioning why he can't cover the money he's allegedly behind on.

Probably worth noting -- Dolvett and Amanda have been divorced since January 2023 ... and she says he's given her hardly any financial support since their marriage ended, this despite the fact that he's supposed to. Amanda claims she's now unemployed and barely scraping by as she navigates a new country. She's asking a court to make him pay her what she says he owes.

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We've reached out to Dolvett for comment ... so far, no word back.

Hugh Hefner Ex-Wife Kimberly Defends Him ... Slams Crystal, Ex-GFs

Hugh Hefner's ex-wife Kimberly is defending the Playboy founder against an onslaught from his widow Crystal ... 'cause Kim suggests Crystal's just bashing Hef to make a buck.

Kimberly -- who was married to Hef from 1989 to 2010 and had two kids with him -- tells TMZ ... Crystal, in her mind, has no credibility and goes on to claim it was actually her who was exploiting Hef while he was still alive, not the other way around.

As we've reported ... Crystal has a new memoir out about her marriage to Hef and their life at the Playboy Mansion, and she's taken a ton of shots at both ... ripping his bedroom skills, calling their relationship toxic and backward and saying she felt trapped/hypnotized.

But Kimberly's firing back on behalf of her ex-hubby, saying ... "As a few people speak their version of their idea of events in hopes of riding a wave of headline relevance, and making a quick buck, we should all ask ourselves whether we want to live in an environment where people refuse to take accountability and use words loosely like 'force' and 'survive' to describe choices they made willingly at a certain point in their own lives." Oof, talk about harsh!

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The way Kimberly sees it ... Crystal wasn't forced into marrying Hef or living at the Playboy Mansion Crystal now despises. Kimberly tells us Crystal made choices that gave her "notoriety, opportunity, and money."

Now that Crystal seems to have turned on Hef, who has been dead since 2017, Kimberly adds ... "We should be wary of those who try to destroy things because they are no longer benefiting from them."

Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

Remember ... Crystal's also told us she felt like she lost herself in her marriage with Hugh,  and she's said she wants to drop his famous last name because it's not clear if it's helping or hurting her these days.

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Kimberly says it's not fair Hef's not here to defend himself ... praising him as a "pioneer of free thought and expression" and a "leading voice behind some of the most significant social and cultural movements of our time, advocating for free speech, integrity, sexual freedoms, and civil rights."

Bottom line for Kimberly ... she doesn't appreciate Crystal's about-face, finishing by saying ... "If you want to talk about exploitation, this is exactly what these women have done with Hef in his later years and at the end of his life."

Hugh Hefner Su ex mujer Kimberly lo defiende... Critica a Crystal y a sus ex

La ex-esposa de Hugh Hefner, Kimberly, está defendiendo al fundador de Playboy de la embestida de su viuda Crystal, sugiriendo que solo lo está criticando para ganar dinero.

Kimberly, que estuvo casada con Hef desde 1989 hasta 2010 y tuvo dos hijos con él, le dice a TMZ que Crystal, desde su perspectiva, no tiene credibilidad y asegura que en realidad era ella quien estaba explotando a Hef mientras él aún estaba vivo y no al revés.

Como hemos informado, Crystal tiene un nuevo libro de memorias sobre su matrimonio con Hef y su vida en la Mansión Playboy, y ha lanzado un montón de dardos en contra de ambas experiencias, llamando a su relación tóxica y diciendo que se sentía atrapada.

Pero Kimberly está disparando en nombre de su ex-marido, diciendo: "Mientras unas cuantas personas dan su versión de los hechos con la esperanza de subirse a una ola de relevancia en los titulares y ganar dinero rápido, todos deberíamos preguntarnos si queremos vivir en un entorno en el que la gente se niega a asumir su responsabilidad y utiliza palabras vagas como "forzar" y "sobrevivir" para describir decisiones que fueron tomadas voluntariamente en un momento determinado de sus vidas". Uf, ¡qué duro!

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Para Kimberly, Crystal no fue forzada a casarse con Hef o a vivir en la mansión Playboy que ahora desprecia. Nos dice que Crystal tomó decisiones que le dieron "notoriedad, oportunidad y dinero".

Ahora que Crystal parece haberse vuelto en contra de Hef, que está muerto desde 2017, Kimberly añade: "Debemos tener cuidado con aquellos que intentan destruir las cosas porque ya no se benefician de ellas".

Miss Understood with Rachel Uchitel Podcast

Recuerden, Crystal también nos ha dicho que sintió que se perdió a sí misma en su matrimonio con Hugh, y ha dicho que quiere dejar su famoso apellido porque no está segura si la está ayudando o perjudicando en este momento.

Kimberly dice que no es justo que Hef no esté aquí para defenderse y lo elogia como un "pionero del libre pensamiento y expresión" y una "voz líder detrás de algunos de los movimientos sociales y culturales más significativos de nuestro tiempo, abogando por la libertad de expresión, la integridad, las libertades sexuales y los derechos civiles".

En pocas palabras, a Kimberly no le gusta el cambio que ha tenido Crystal, diciendo para concluir: "Si quieres hablar de explotación, esto es exactamente lo que estas mujeres han hecho con Hef en sus últimos años y al final de su vida".

Britney Spears Sus fans empujan una vieja canción suya a las listas Para trolear el regreso de Justin Timberlake...

Justin Timberlake está tratando de dominar las listas de reproducciones con su primer single en 6 años, pero los fans de Britney Spears están contraatacando con un troleo importante: conseguir que una canción suya se ubique entre las tendencias de nuevo.

Después de que Justin Timberlake lanzara "Selfish" el jueves, la que ha estado recibiendo críticas decentes, en realidad, la fanaticada de Brit se puso en marcha inmediatamente para frustrar sus esfuerzos, reproduciendo su canción del mismo nombre "Selfish" del 2011, la que de hecho ha regresado rápidamente a las listas de iTunes.

Por cierto, la versión de Britney de "Selfish" fue un bonus track de su álbum de 2011 "Femme Fatale" y pasó un poco desapercibida en su momento, por lo que este resurgimiento de parte de sus leales fans, es asombroso. Solo demuestra el amor que tienen por ella, por no hablar del poder que tienen.

"Selfish", de Britney Spears, ha alcanzado el número 1 en diferentes listas (como iTunes) en determinados territorios, como Armenia, Brasil, Canadá, Chile, México, Namibia e incluso Estados Unidos, lo que demuestra el atractivo internacional de Britney. La canción de Justin Timberlake también ha tenido buenos resultados, por cierto.

Que todo esto pasara el mismo día que Justin lanzó su nuevo single, obviamente, no es una coincidencia y los fans lo han dejado muy claro. Creen que sus acciones fueron en parte responsables del vilipendio público a Britney en la década de 2000. Así es como ella lo vio.

Los fans se han unido especialmente en contra de él después de que su relación con Brit fuera escudriñada por primera vez como parte del movimiento #FreeBritney en 2021, por no hablar de lo que ella reveló sobre él en sus memorias el año pasado.

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De hecho, la marea contra él se volvió tan grande que terminó emitiendo una disculpa pública a su ex, diciendo que estaba profundamente apenado por las veces en su vida en que sus acciones contribuyeron a sus problemas.

Cuento corto, sigue estando en la mira de los fans de Britney, incluso en 2024. ¡En este momento, tenemos un pequeño enfrentamiento musical entre ambos y los fans se están uniendo para que ella gane!