Jeannie Mai Please Don't Enforce Prenup ... I Didn't Have Enough Time!

Jeannie Mai's requesting the court hold off on enforcing her prenup with Jeezy ... saying she didn't have enough time to review it before signing.

The talk show host filed the request Thursday afternoon in Fulton County Superior Court ... asking the judge to either deny Jeezy's motion to enforce the prenuptial agreement or at least hold off on enforcing it until the parties can exchange info about it.

In the docs, obtained by TMZ, JM says the prenup process was so quick -- they started negotiating just five days before she walked down the aisle -- she doesn't think she was able to do her proper due diligence on the agreement.

Basically, she says she didn't go through Jeezy's financial disclosures with a fine-toothed comb to make sure she was getting a fair deal ... saying the truncated window "raises significant concerns about the adequacy and thoroughness of the due diligence process."


She's also kinda calling out Jeezy here ... saying she has "significant reservations" about her ex's financial disclosures. Her legal team says the rapper only handed over one personal financial statement with approximate taxes and insists she was legally entitled to a thorough examination of all documents.

We previously reported ... Jeezy filed for divorce from Jeannie back in September saying the marriage is "irretrievably broken." Jeezy seemingly implied he thinks Jeannie cheated on him in his music ... but she came out and denied any suspected infidelity.

In fact, Jeannie took it a step further -- outright suggesting he might've been the one who possibly cheated -- claiming he'd pay through the nose for it per the prenup if that did, in fact, turn out to be true.

Anyway, this divorce is quickly getting messy ... so stay tuned.

Jeannie Mai Por favor, no hagan cumplir el acuerdo prenupcial

Jeannie Mai le está solicitando al tribunal aplazar la aplicación de su acuerdo prenupcial con Jeezy, diciendo que no tuvo tiempo suficiente para revisarlo antes de firmarlo.

La estrella de la televisión presentó la solicitud el jueves por la tarde en el Tribunal Superior del Condado de Fulton, donde le pidió al juez que, o bien negara la moción de Jeezy para hacer cumplir el acuerdo prenupcial, o al menos aplace su aplicación hasta que las partes pueden intercambiar información al respecto.

En los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Jeannie Mai dice que el proceso prenupcial fue tan rápido -comenzaron a negociar solo cinco días antes de que fuera camino al altar- que no cree que haya sido capaz de hacer una debida diligencia del acuerdo.

Básicamente, dice que no revisó detalladamente las declaraciones financieras de Jeezy para asegurarse de que estuviera recibiendo un trato justo. Dice que esto "plantea importantes dudas sobre la idoneidad y la exhaustividad del proceso de diligencia debida".

La otra cara...

También está un poco criticando a Jeezy aquí. Dice que tiene "reservas significativas" sobre las revelaciones financieras de su ex. Su equipo legal dice que el rapero solo entregó un estado financiero personal con los impuestos aproximados e insiste en que ella tenía derecho legal a un examen a fondo de todos los documentos.

Como informamos previamente, Jeezy solicitó el divorcio de Jeannie en septiembre, diciendo que el matrimonio estaba "irremediablemente roto". Jeezy dio a entender en su música que piensa que ella lo engañó, pero Jeannie ha negado cualquier sospecha de infidelidad.

De hecho, Jeannie fue un paso más allá y sugirió abiertamente que podría haber sido él quien la engañó, alegando que iba a tener que pagar por ello si lo hizo.

De todos modos, este divorcio se está complicando rápidamente, así que quédense atentos.


It's the home that just won't sell, but Sofia Vergara's giving it another go ... relisting her Beverly Hills mansion with a massive price drop to woo a buyer.

The 7-bedroom abode has been through a few price reductions since going up for sale in 2022 for $19.6M ... even being taken off the market earlier this month ... and now it's being relisted for $13,950,000. If you're not good at math -- that's a big dip!

The $5.7M price drop is undoubtedly an attempt on Sofia's end to get rid of the property ... as it's the home she once shared with her ex-husband, Joe Manganiello.

The pair announced their divorce in July 2023 ... but while things didn't work out for them personally, at least they were living it up in style. That much is clear from these photos.

The spectacular BH estate is steeped in exceptional elegance and complete privacy ... boasting a brand-spankin' new chef's kitchen, 11,000 sq ft of living space, and hardwood floors.

It's also got a full-sized gym, a resort-like backyard with a pool and spa, a movie theater, and even a wine room. It sounds like a steal for the new price tag!

Santiago Arana of The Agency and Barry Peele of Sotheby's International Realty hold the listing.

Cassie Luce feroz en desfile de moda... Primer evento desde la demanda de Diddy

Cassie está volviendo a la vida normal después de resolver su demanda sobre trata de personas contra Diddy, y su primer evento fue un desfile de moda en Francia.

La cantante apareció el miércoles en la Semana de la Moda de París en el desfile de LGN - Louis Gabriel Nouchi Menswear, y se veía como una modelo cualquiera lista para subirse a la pasarela.

De hecho, parece que realmente podría haber andado por la pasarela en un momento, si esta foto es una indicación de algo. Cassie llevaba un traje negro, con sombra en los ojos súper oscuras detrás de sus gafas de sol, negras también.

Esta es la primera vez que vemos a Cassie en un evento público desde que resolvió su explosiva demanda con Diddy por una suma no revelada.

Cassie fue vista en público en Connecticut en noviembre, inmediatamente después del acuerdo por la demanda de violación y otros cargos, pero en cuanto a eventos oficiales, la Semana de la Moda de París es el primero de este nuevo capítulo.

Mientras tanto, Diddy se ha alejado de los focos. El cantante ha sido golpeado con otras demandas que lo acusan de violación y agresión sexual y que él ha negado con vehemencia en cada oportunidad.

En cuanto a Cassie, está siguiendo adelante y haciendo su mejor aparición en Francia.

Cassie Looking Fierce at Fashion Show ... First Event Since Diddy Suit

Cassie is getting back to regular life after settling her human trafficking lawsuit against Diddy ... and her first official order of biz is a fashion show in France.

The singer popped up Wednesday at Paris Fashion Week ... making an appearance at the LGN Louis Gabriel Nouchi Menswear fashion show ... and she was looking like a straight-up model who was ready to hit the runway.

In fact, it looks like she might've actually gone down the catwalk at one point -- if this photo is any indication. Cassie went with an all-black outfit, with super dark eye shadow behind her black sunglasses ... and it looks like she meant business.

It's the first time we've seen Cassie at a public event since she settled her explosive suit with Diddy for an undisclosed sum.

Cassie was spotted in public in Connecticut back in November immediately following the rape lawsuit settlement ... but as far as official events, Paris Fashion Week is the first for her as she starts a new chapter.

Meanwhile, Diddy's stepped out from the spotlight ... as he's been hit with other lawsuits accusing him of rape/sexual assault, allegations he's vehemently denied at every juncture.

As for Cassie, she's getting a move on with things and doing her best Blue Steel in French.

Sophie Turner dispuesta a retirar la denuncia por "secuestro de menores" contra Joe Jonas

Sophie Turner y su ex, Joe Jonas, parecen tener las cosas resueltas en lo que respecta a la custodia de sus hijos, razón por la cual ella le está diciendo a un juez que retire su demanda de "secuestro de menores" del año pasado.

Sabemos por los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, que los abogados de la ex pareja están pidiéndole al juez que desestime el caso federal de Nueva York que Sophie presentó por primera vez en septiembre... Esto a la luz del plan de crianza que comenzó a llevarse a cabo en octubre.

En otras palabras, ambos están en la misma página y todo tiene que ver con lo que han trabajado en cuanto a la custodia en los tribunales del Reino Unido.

Mientras que un juez aún tiene que firmar oficialmente, eso sería todo. Todo esto es una gran cosa teniendo en cuenta lo dramático que fue cuando Sophie corrió por primera vez a la corte citando una ley de secuestro infantil.

Usted recordará cuando ella invocó ese estatuto, alegando que Joe estaba impidiendo que sus dos hijos viajaran a verla al otro lado del charco por supuestamente retener sus pasaportes, lo que elevó todo ese asunto a un nivel federal.

También afirmó que ellos, como familia, habían decidido que Inglaterra se convertiría en su hogar permanente, pero debido a que Joe supuestamente mantenía a los niños en Nueva York en medio de su divorcio, ella afirmó que sus acciones iban en contra de las leyes internacionales de sustracción de menores.

Desde entonces, ella y Joe se  han entendido mucho mejor, sí, el divorcio sigue su curso, pero han resuelto temporalmente quién se queda con los niños y cuándo, lo cual están citando aquí como la razón por la que esta demanda será retirada.

Esto solo indica aún más los esfuerzos continuos de los ex para arreglar las cosas en privado - por el bien de sus hijas, suponemos - después de que se inició su separación pública en un pie particularmente amargo.

Los primeros signos de la pareja tratando de arreglar las cosas surgieron en octubre, acordaron un acuerdo temporal de custodia de los hijos, lo cual tuvo a los niños yendo y viniendo durante Acción de Gracias, Navidad y en el medio.

Parece que otros aspectos del divorcio todavía se están resolviendo, pero mientras tanto, ambos parecen haber seguido adelante románticamente, Sophie pasando al aristócrata británico Peregrine Pearson y Joe a la modelo Stormi Bree.

Una buena señal de que las cosas están pasando un poco a la etapa amistosa de esta saga.

Sophie Turner Ready to Drop 'Child Abduction' Claim Against Joe Amid Custody Agreement

Sophie Turner and her ex, Joe Jonas, seem to have things figured out, for now, as pertains to custody of their kids ... which is why she's telling a judge to drop her whole "child abduction" claim from last year.

Per new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, attorneys for the former couple are asking the judge in their federal case out of New York -- which Sophie first filed in September -- to dismiss the entire action ... this in light of the parenting plan they hashed out back in October.

In other words, they're signaling here that they're both on the same page to dismiss this case ... and it all has to do with what they've worked out custody-wise in the UK courts.

While a judge has yet to officially sign off ... this thing is all but gone -- which is a big deal considering how dramatic it was when ST first ran to court citing a child abduction law.

You'll recall ... when she invoked that statute -- claiming, at the time, Joe was preventing their 2 children from traveling to see her across the pond by allegedly withholding their passports -- it elevated that whole matter to a federal level. So, it was on Uncle Sam's radar.

She also claimed they, as a family, had decided England would become their permanent home ... but because Joe was allegedly keeping the kids in NY amid their still-fresh divorce filing, she claimed his actions ran afoul of international child abduction laws.

Since then, of course, she and Joe have landed in a much better place -- yes, their divorce is still proceeding, but they've temporarily worked out who gets the kids and when ... which they're citing here as the reason that this lawsuit she submitted can now go bye-bye.

This just further signals continued efforts by the exes to hash things out privately -- for the sake of their daughters, we assume -- after they kicked off their public split on a particularly bitter foot.

First signs of the pair trying to work things out emerged in October ... they agreed to a temporary child custody arrangement -- with the kids going back & forth between them over holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and in between.

It appears other aspects of the divorce are still being worked out ... but in the meantime, they both seem to have moved on romantically -- Sophie moving on to British aristocrat Peregrine Pearson and Joe to model Stormi Bree.

A good sign, for sure, that things are somewhat moving into the amicable stage of this saga.

Chelsea Handler Takes A Dig At Ex-BF Jo Koy ... For Lackluster Golden Globes Performance

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The CW

Chelsea Handler couldn't resist taking a dig at her ex-boyfriend Jo Koy during Sunday's Critics Choice Awards in L.A. for his much-criticized Golden Globes performance.

Chelsea was hosting the CCA event onstage at the Santa Monica Airport's Barker Hangar last evening when she gave Jo a shot as she served up jokes during her opening monologue.

The comedian set it up like this ... "Unfortunately, Martin Scorsese isn’t here tonight, but that’s not going to stop me from letting everyone in this room know that I would toss him around like a little Italian meatball." The crowd chuckled.

Then Chelsea hit the punch line ... "Thank you for laughing at that. My writers wrote it."

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Ouch, Jo! That must have hurt, especially from an ex! Jo, as you know, got roasted in the press and on social media after his jokes fell flat as host of the Golden Globe Awards earlier this month.

Jo's wisecracks about the film, "Barbie," were met with groans and, when he poked fun at Taylor Swift, she shot him an icy look.

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Sensing he was going down in flames, Jo tried to blame his writers for his bad jokes, telling the GG audience, “Some [jokes] I wrote, some other people wrote. Yes, I got the gig 10 days ago! You want a perfect monologue? Yo, shut up. You’re kidding me, right?”

He added, “Slow down, I wrote some of these and they are the ones you are laughing at.”


Last week, Jo tried to clean up his remarks during an LA Times interview, admitting it was a "rookie move" to fault his writers.

Now we'll have to see if Jo responds to Chelsea's jab.

Stay tuned.

Jason Momoa Que no tenga una casa no significa que sea un sin techo...

Jason Momoa está aclarando su situación de vida después de sugerir recientemente que técnicamente podría ser una persona "sin hogar". Ahora está diciendo que simplemente no tiene una morada y que eso no es lo mismo.

El actor hizo nuevos comentarios sobre el tema en People Mag el jueves, después de hacer la sorprendente revelación a ET a principios de esta semana. Esto es, que no tiene "un hogar en este momento" y que está pasando gran parte de su vida en la carretera.

Ahora el actor está aclarando esa observación en una nueva entrevista, diciéndole a People: "Solo estoy sin casa. No soy un sin techo. Tengo una bonita caravana". Y añade: "Todo el mundo dice: 'Jason Momoa es una persona sin hogar'. Yo digo: 'Tranquilos. Tengo un puto saco de dormir'". Mmm... okay.

Jason Momoa también dice esto: "No he comprado una casa todavía y estoy emocionado de hacerlo algún día". Piensa que cuando finalmente compre una casa, la gente dirá... "Santo cielo, ahora tiene una almohada".

Si bien puede sonar un poco chocante escuchar que Jason, que es una estrella de la lista A, no tiene propiedad, él dice en esas entrevistas que está muy bien y que la razón radica en el hecho de que está muy ocupado con películas y otros proyectos.

En resumidas cuentas... que no tenga un techo propio es una decisión totalmente suya y no es por falta de medios. Al contrario, el tipo está absolutamente forrado y simplemente prefiere este estilo de vida en este momento.

Curiosamente, tiene una nueva docuserie a punto de estrenarse llamada "On the Roam" y narra exactamente eso: Jason Momoa recorriendo el país y reuniéndose con gente interesante.

Por supuesto, el telón de fondo de esta noticia es el hecho de que él y Lisa Bonet acaban de completar su divorcio la semana pasada. Es bueno saber que no tendrán que preocuparse por quién se queda con la casa... porque parece que no habrá ninguna que repartir. 😅

Como se suele decir, papa was a rolling stone.

Jason Momoa Look, I Just Don't Have a House RN ... Doesn't Mean I'm Homeless

Jason Momoa is clarifying his living situation after recently suggesting he might technically be "homeless" -- now saying he's simply without an abode ... noting it ain't the same thing.

The actor dished some fresh comments on the subject to People Mag Thursday -- this after making the startling revelation to ET earlier in the week ... namely, saying he didn't "have a home right now." He went on to note that he's largely living his life on the road right now.

Welp, he somewhat cleared up that remark in this new interview -- telling People ... "I'm just houseless. I'm not homeless. I have a nice trailer." He goes on to say, "Everyone's like, 'Jason Momoa's homeless.' I'm like, ‘Relax. I got a f***ing sleeping bag." Hmm ... okay.

JM also says this ... "I've never bought a house yet, so I'm excited to one day." He thinks when he does eventually purchase a pad, folks will say ... "Holy s***. He's got a pillow now."

While it might sound a little shocking to hear that Jason -- who's a freaking A-lister -- doesn't own property ... he does point out in these interviews that he's doing just fine ... and that the reason lies in the fact that he's so damn busy with movies and other projects.

Bottom line ... him not having his own roof over his head is entirely his decision -- and it's not for a lack of means. On the contrary, the guy's absolutely loaded ... he just prefers this lifestyle at the moment.

Interestingly enough, he's got a new docuseries coming out called "On the Roam" ... and it chronicles exactly that -- JM traversing the country and meeting with interesting people.

Of course, the backdrop to this news is the fact that he and Lisa Bonet just finalized their divorce this past week. Good to know they won't have to worry about figuring out who gets the house ... 'cause it sounds like there just might not be one to divvy up. 😅

As they say ... papa was a rolling stone.

Anderson .Paak Solicita el divorcio de su esposa Jae Lin

Anderson .Paak se está divorciando y poniendo fin a un matrimonio largo y muy privado que parece haberse desmoronado muy de repente ... TMZ ha averiguado.

El cantante acaba de presentar los documentos legales para pedir la disolución del matrimonio con su esposa, Jae Lin, con quien ha estado casado durante mucho tiempo.

De hecho, a diferencia de lo que se pensaba, AP cita el 2010 como el año en que se casaron y no el 2011 como todos creían.

Ahora, en cuanto a su fecha de separación, parece que ni Anderson lo sabe, pues dejó en blanco esa casilla en el papeleo y simplemente escribió "TBD".

Sin embargo, no oculta el hecho de que quiere un divorcio directo, a diferencia de una separación legal, y nombra a sus dos hijos menores de edad como individuos con los que tendrá que negociar la custodia, y de buenas a primeras, parece dispuesto a compartir los deberes de crianza.

Anderson señala en su solicitud que él y Jae quieren tener la custodia legal y física conjunta de sus hijos, con un régimen de visitas para ambos. En términos de la división de sus bienes y propiedades, Anderson .Paak dice que él y su equipo legal todavía tienen que determinar quién es el dueño de qué.

Como hemos dicho, han sido pareja desde hace un tiempo y Anderson es bastante discreto con su vida privada, a pesar de que, profesionalmente, se ha disparado en los últimos años.

No había indicios de problemas en el horizonte, pero es evidente que algunas dificultades se estaban gestando tras bambalinas.

Anderson .Paak Files to Divorce Wife Jae Lin ... Wants to Share Custody

Anderson .Paak is getting divorced -- ending a lengthy and very private marriage that seems to have fallen apart very suddenly ... TMZ has learned.

The singer just filed legal docs asking for a dissolution of marriage from his wife, Jae Lin ... to whom he's been hitched for a long time. In fact, contrary to the year the public seems to have thought they tied the knot (2011) ... AP cites 2010 as the year they got married.

Now, as far as their separation date ... it doesn't sound like Anderson even knows when that was -- 'cause he leaves it blank here in the paperwork, and simply writes "TBD."

Still, he makes no bones about the fact that he wants a straight-up divorce -- as opposed to a legal separation -- and goes on to list their two minor children as individuals they'll need to hash out custody over ... and right off the bat, he seems willing to share parenting duties.

Anderson notes in his filing that he wants himself and Jae to have joint legal and physical custody of their kids ... with a visitation schedule for both of them. In terms of divvying up their assets/property ... AP says he and his legal team still need to ascertain who owns what.

Like we said, they've been a couple for a while now -- and Anderson's pretty low-key about his private life ... even though, professionally, he's been skyrocketing over the past few years.

There's been no indication that we can see there was trouble on the horizon, but clearly ... some issues were brewing behind the scenes.

Ryan Shazier Files For Divorce From Wife

Ryan Shazier is officially calling things off with Michelle Shazier ... filing for divorce from his longtime partner less than two months after she publicly accused him of cheating.

According to court records obtained by TMZ Sports, the former NFL star filed the docs on Wednesday.

No further details surrounding the matter were revealed, however, as a court has ordered the case to be sealed.

An attorney for Ryan declined to comment when we reached out on Thursday.

As we previously reported, Michelle went scorched earth on Ryan back in late November, claiming he sent raunchy texts to another woman.

The messages, she said, showed Ryan flirting ... before sending links to books filled with sexual content.

"Infidelity at its finest!" Michelle said in a caption on her post of the images of the messages. "I can't sit here and keep hiding anymore . You can have it. I deserve better. 🤍 This is Ryan… he’s a liar and a cheater!"

Ryan said in a statement to TMZ Sports at the time of the allegations, "Michelle and I have been living apart and are currently separated. As we work through what comes next for our family, I ask for privacy and prayers."

Michelle and Ryan -- who have raised two boys together -- met well before he suffered his catastrophic spine injury in 2017. They married in 2019.

Sam Asghari Postea una foto con Brad Pitt ... ¿trolea a Britney Spears?

Sam Asghari posó junto a nada más ni nada menos que Brad Pitt esta semana y la foto podría ser una indirecta a su ex Britney Spears, que históricamente ha estado encaprichada con la mega estrella de la lista A.

Sam publicó algunas fotos suyas junto a Brad Pitt en la exposición de arte del director de "Moneyball", Bennett Miller, en Beverly Hills el jueves por la noche, afirmando que obtuvo "un montón de buenos consejos sobre el cuidado de la piel del mismo hombre". La foto muestra a un Sam muy brillante, junto a un prístino Brad.

Por cierto, la galería de Bennett combina la inteligencia artificial con la historia de la fotografía y trabaja con un generador de imágenes DALL-E para hacer sus piezas. La razón por la que esto es importante es porque algunos han levantado una ceja de sospecha... preguntándose si realmente era el verdadero McCoy.

Algunas personas han dicho que la foto de Sam y Brad parece un poco retocada. No está claro si ese es el caso, pero definitivamente ese es el verdadero Brad Pitt. Hay otras fotos suyas circulando por Internet en este momento. Así que Sam no está aprovechándose.

Ahora, sobre el tema de Britney, ella ha admitido que Brad fue su primer amor con una celebridad y ha estado un poco obsesionada con él durante décadas, francamente, ¿quién no?

Cuando Sam y Britney se comprometieron en 2022, Sam se tropezó con una foto sin camisa de Brad en "Thelma & Louise" y enmarcada en su casa, a lo que Britney respondió: "The one and only". Él se lo tomó con humor y ha hecho bromas sobre Brad en línea también.

10 veces mejor que ese tipo!!!

Brit también publicó -y luego borró- una foto de Brad Pitt joven en su Instagram el año pasado y dijo que lo hizo "porque se parece mucho a su tío". Interpreten eso como quieran. El caso es que... parece que Sam tuvo la oportunidad de conocer al hombre y la aprovechó.

Teniendo en cuenta que sabe mucho del amor de Britney por Brad, hay que preguntarse si estaba muy ansioso por publicar estas fotos, tal vez para restregárselo en la cara un poco después del divorcio. Quién sabe.

De todos modos, Brad todavía se ve muy bien, así que les dejamos una pequeña galería del hombre para disfrutar de sus formas de ensueño.

Que lo disfruten.

Sam Asghari Posts Picture With Brad Pitt ... Trolling 'Obsessed' Britney Spears?

Sam Asghari posed alongside none other than Brad Pitt this week -- and the snap could be a dig at his ex, Britney Spears ... who's historically been infatuated with the mega A-lister.

Sam posted some pics of himself and BP at "Moneyball" director Bennett Miller's art exhibit in Beverly Hills Thursday night -- claiming he got "a lot of great skin care tips with the man himself." The photo itself features a very glossy-looking Sam, next to a pristine Brad.

BTW, Bennett's gallery combines AI with the history of photography, working with a DALL•E image generator to make his exhibit pieces -- and the reason that's relevant is because some have raised an eyebrow on this photo ... wondering if it's actually the real McCoy.

Some folks have pointed out the fact that the snap of Sam and Brad looks a little touched up -- unclear if that's the case, but this is definitely the real BP ... other photos of him there are circulating online right now. So Sam isn't pulling a fast one.

Sam's rep, Brandon Cohen of BAC Talent, tells TMZ ... Sam was honored to be in the room of great talent and artists to support Bennett Miller. Sources at the event tell us Sam and Brad bonded over the acting business.


Now, on the subject of Britney ... she's admitted in the past that Brad was her first celebrity crush ... and has been a bit obsessed with him for decades -- frankly, who hasn't, right?

When Sam and Britney were engaged back in 2022, Sam stumbled upon a framed, shirtless pic of Brad in "Thelma & Louise" inside their home ... to which Britney responded, "The one and only." He kinda poked fun at her about ... and he's made jokes about Brad online too.


Brit also posted -- then deleted -- a photo of young Brad Pitt on her Instagram last year, and said she shared it "because he looks so much like my uncle" ... so take that for what you will. The point is ... it looks like Sam got his opportunity to meet the dude and he took it.

Considering he very much knows about Britney's love for Brad ... you gotta wonder if he was extra eager to post these pics -- perhaps to rub it in her face a bit post-divorce. Who knows!

Anyway, Brad still looks great ... so here's a little look back at the guy and his dreamy ways.

Enjoy, y'all.

Kim and Kroy Bank Says It Has Right To Foreclose

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann are still beefing with a bank over their Georgia mansion ... and now the bank says it has every right to foreclose on the place to collect the money it’s owed.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Truist Bank claims the couple defaulted on their mortgage … and now the bank has the right to foreclose on their mansion.

Kim and Kroy are going through a messy divorce, but they're still living inside the family residence ... remember, Kroy's got the primary bedroom and Kim has the nanny suite and basement.

Truist Bank says it's well aware of the divorce proceedings, but it claims that's not enough to block its foreclosure rights.

TMZ broke the story ... in October, Kim and Kroy asked a judge to stop the bank's foreclosure auction so they could sell it on their own ... and they've slashed the price on the estate to $5.5 million.

Truist Bank says it voluntarily delayed the auction in November ... but Kim and Kroy haven't been able to sell it themselves, and now the bank is apparently getting impatient and intends to exercise its foreclosure rights so it can collect on the debt.

Kim & Kroy's Cove
Atlanta Fine Homes Sotheby's International

Meanwhile, Kim and Kroy remain at each other's throats over their finances and divorce proceedings ... that is, when they're not banging.

We reached out to reps for Kim and Kroy ... so far no word back.

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