Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet resuelven su divorcio un día después de presentarlo

Jason Momoa y Lisa Bonet parecen haber tenido su divorcio resuelto antes de ir a la corte, porque solo un día después, ¡todo el asunto está oficialmente resuelto!

Ya se ha dictado sentencia en el caso de divorcio de la ex pareja - que, de nuevo, acaba de comenzar oficialmente cuando Lisa presentó ayer una demanda de disolución del matrimonio. De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales, obtenidos por TMZ, todo está envuelto en un bonito y limpio lazo.

Según el acuerdo, todo, desde la custodia de sus 2 hijos, manutención de los hijos, manutención del cónyuge y casi todo lo demás fue negociado en privado.

El papeleo señala que JM y LB compartirán la custodia física y compartida de sus hijos, Lola y Nakoa, y compartirán los gastos de manutención de los niños sin ningún pago formal de manutención infantil.

Lisa y Jason también han renunciado a sus derechos a recibir manutención conyugal. Ambos están cargados - así que tal vez esto no es tan sorprendente tampoco.

Lo interesante acerca de esto es que Lisa y Jason no estarían técnicamente solteros —al menos ante los ojos de la ley— hasta julio de este año, cuando los documentos dicen que su estado de soltero será oficialmente restaurado.

El anuncio de su separación hace dos años fue impactante, pero enterarse de que habían estado separados desde 2020 fue aún más sorprendente. Suena como si hubieran estado tramando un plan de salida entre ellos desde hace un tiempo, porque este es uno de los divorcios más rápidos de la historia.

Jason Momoa & Lisa Bonet Settle Divorce ... Just a Day After Filing!!!

Jason Momoa and Lisa Bonet appear to have had their divorce all figured out before they went to court -- 'cause just one day later ... the whole matter is officially settled!

A judgment has already been entered in the former couple's divorce case -- which, again, just officially started when Lisa filed for a dissolution of marriage yesterday. According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, everything's wrapped up in a nice and neat little bow.

Per the settlement, everything from custody of their 2 kids, child support, spousal support and just about everything else was hashed out privately.

The paperwork notes that JM and LB will share joint and physical custody of their children, Lola and Nakoa, and they'll share the living expenses of the kids without any formal child support payments.

Lisa and Jason have also waived their rights to receive spousal support. They're both loaded -- so maybe this isn't all that surprising either.


The one thing that's somewhat interesting about this is that Lisa and Jason won't technically be single -- at least in the eyes of the law -- until July of this year when the docs say their single status will officially be restored.

Their split announcement 2 years ago was shocking -- but learning they'd been separated since 2022 was even more surprising. Sounds like they've been hatching an exit plan among themselves for a little while now ... 'cause this is one of the fastest divorces ever.


Kendall Jenner isn't exactly leaving the past in '23 ... she rang in the New Year with her ex Bad Bunny, which we knew, but now she's showing off pics of their trip.

Though there's no romantic reconciliation to see here, folks -- the model and rapper are clearly amicable exes were nestled amongst a large group of pals in the snap from a Barbados beach.

The whole group was there taking in the fireworks to celebrate the start of 2024.

Kendall only shared that one shot of her ex ... the rest in her IG gallery are smokin' hot bikini snaps.

The Bad Bunny images fully confirm what we reported last week -- there's a snap of him chatting with Kendall on the beach ... and in a clip shared by Kendall's pal, you can hear him wishing everyone, "Feliz Año Nuevo!" during the NYE extravaganza.


This comes after sources with direct knowledge told us the two remain close -- despite their recent breakup.


K and BB enjoyed a whirlwind romance ... kicking off things on a double date with good friends Justin and Hailey Bieber in Feb last year.

By April, TMZ got snaps of them on a horseback riding date .... before they made things official, cuddling up at Drake's show and doing a Gucci campaign together.


News of their breakup emerged last month -- but given how much time they're spending together, a reunion could be in the cards for the pair this year. Or not.

Kendall Jenner comparte la primera foto con su ex Bad Bunny

Kendall Jenner no está dejando el pasado atrás, ya que pasó el Año Nuevo con su ex Bad Bunny —cosa que ya sabíamos— pero ahora está mostrando las fotos del viaje.

Aunque no hay reconciliación romántica, la modelo y el rapero claramente siguen siendo amigos. Estaban muy juntos compartiendo con un grupo de amigos en la instantánea de una playa de Barbados.

Todo el grupo estaba allí mirando los fuegos artificiales para celebrar el inicio de 2024.

Kendall solo compartió esa foto de su ex, el resto en su galería de Insta son fotos en bikini.

Las imágenes de Bad Bunny confirman plenamente lo que informamos la semana pasada, hay una instantánea de él charlando con Kendall en la playa y en un clip compartido por el amigo de Kendall, se le puede escuchar deseandole a todos, "¡Feliz Año Nuevo!" Durante la extravagancia de NYE.

¿juntos otra vez?

Esto viene después de que fuentes directas nos dijeron que los dos siguen siendo cercanos a pesar de su reciente ruptura.

Kendall y Bad Bunny disfrutaron de un romance relámpago. Se les vio en una cita doble con sus buenos amigos Justin y Hailey Bieber en febrero del año pasado.

En abril, TMZ consiguió fotos de ellos en una cita montando a caballo antes de que hicieran las cosas oficiales, abrazándose en el show de Drake y haciendo una campaña de Gucci juntos.

¿momento romántico?

La noticia de su ruptura surgió el mes pasado, pero dado el tiempo que están pasando juntos, una reunión podría estar en las cartas para la pareja este año... soñar no cuesta nada.


Shanna Moakler ain't just a scorned ex-wife, she's a heartbroken one ... reflecting on the one moment she was utterly blindsided by Travis Barker -- while coming for the Kardashians yet again.

Dumb Blonde Podcast

The ex-Miss USA is appearing on a new episode of Bunnie XO's "Dumb Blonde" podcast -- and in some teaser clips released ... Shanna claims she saw something that turned her world upside down -- this while setting up a video call on the drummer's computer as he underwent a blood transfusion at a burns unit after his 2008 plane crash.

She says she not only saw emails from loads of women ... but saw he was trashing her online and leaving nasty comments about what a shitty and terrible mother she was.

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Shanna immediately left the hospital and cried in her mother's arms for hours ... unable to wrap her head around her then-husband trolling her. It's not exactly clear how she pieced together Travis' alleged bashing -- but in any case, she seems certain it was him.

Now, Shanna also slams the Kardashians in the podcast -- though it's nothing new as she's frequently made her distaste for Travis' new wife, Kourtney, loud and clear.

In her latest rant, she doubles down on disliking the family ... insisting she's not in the minority 'cause there are loads of people 'who don't watch the show and don't give a f*** what Kim's doing with her a**." Nothing new there, Shanna stays hatin' on them.

Probably annoyingly for Shanna, Kourt made big news back in November ... welcoming her first child with Travis -- a baby boy named Rocky. TB himself seems happy, and has more than clearly moved on ... whereas Shanna looks to be holding on to the past for dear life.

Shanna Moakler Dice que Travis la troleaba en Internet... Y critica a las Kardashians DE NUEVO

Shanna Moakler no es solo una exesposa despechada, tiene el corazón roto cuando reflexiona sobre el momento en que fue totalmente sorprendida por Travis Barker y apunta a las Kardashians una vez más.

La ruptura
Dumb Blonde Podcast

La ex-Miss Estados Unidos apareció en un nuevo episodio del podcast de Bunnie XO "Dumb Blonde", y en algunos clips liberados afirma que vio algo que puso su mundo al revés. Esto pasó mientras preparaba una videollamada en el computador del baterista mientras él se sometía a una transfusión de sangre luego de su accidente de avión en 2008.

Ella dice que no solo vio correos electrónicos de un montón de mujeres, sino que vio que la estaba destrozando en línea y dejando comentarios desagradables sobre la madre de mierda y lo terrible que era.

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Shanna inmediatamente abandonó el hospital y lloró en brazos de su madre por horas, incapaz de entender que su marido la estuviera acosando. No está claro cómo reconstruyó la supuesta paliza de Travis, pero en cualquier caso, parece estar segura de que fue él.

Ahora, Shanna también está criticando a las Kardashians en el podcast. Aunque esto no es nada nuevo, ya que con frecuencia ha dejado claro su disgusto por la nueva esposa de Travis, Kourtney.

En su última diatriba, ella redobla su aversión a la familia, insistiendo en que su opinión no es minoritaria "porque hay un montón de gente que no ve el programa y le importa un cara*** lo que Kim está haciendo con su a**". Nada nuevo, Shanna sigue odiándolas.

Aunque probablemente le molestó a Shanna, Kourt compartió una gran noticia en noviembre, cuando dio la bienvenida a su primer hijo con Travis, un niño llamado Rocky. El propio Travis parece feliz y más que claramente ha seguido adelante, mientras que Shanna parece estar aferrándose al pasado.

CARDI B Y OFFSET víctimas de falsa alarma en su hogar de Georgia… LA POLICÍA SE TOPÓ CON EL TÍO Y UN MIGO ENFADADO

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Cardi B y Offset fueron víctimas de una falsa alarma en su hogar de Georgia el verano pasado, cuando alguien llamó al 911 reportando hechos ficticios. El cual fue registrado en un video obtenido por TMZ.

TMZ ha obtenido imágenes de la cámara corporal de la policía tomadas en agosto del año pasado en Sandy Springs, Georgia, donde la pareja separada tiene una casa. Según el informe policial, los agentes fueron mandados a su dirección tras recibir llamadas que informaban que alguien había sido disparado en el lugar.

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Un oficial señala en el informe policial que el informante afirmaba que alguien disparó un tiro en la “casa de un rapero famoso” e incluso sugirió que Cardi misma podría haber sido alcanzada por una bala. Los policías llegaron con luces y sirenas, y con sus armas desenfundadas.

Afortunadamente, la llamada resultó ser falsa, como descubrieron los agentes al llegar a la propiedad y hablar con el tío de Offset, Derrick Cephus, quien estaba cuidando la casa. Al parecer, Cardi B y Offset ni siquiera estaban en casa durante este intento de “swatting”, solo un familiar confundido.

Puedes ver el video para presenciar el encuentro, ya que es bastante impactante, especialmente cuando parece que Offset es involucrado en la llamada, como se puede escuchar claramente desde el altavoz. Es evidente que estaba molesto por el informe falso y quizás aún más porque los oficiales estaban allí en primer lugar.

Después de cierto intercambio de palabras y al darse cuenta de que no pasaba nada, los policías se fueron y simplemente tomaron un informe del incidente. También cabe mencionar que Offset se refiere a CB como su “esposa” aquí y dice que ella está con él en Los Ángeles mientras todo este alboroto ocurre en casa.

En cuanto a cómo esto afecta al estado actual de su relación(complicado), es difícil decirlo con certeza, pero parece que cualquier problema en su relación podría haber ocurrido después de este incidente.

Mientras tanto, esto demuestra una vez más que algunas personas gustan de fastidiar a las celebridades de la peor manera posible.

Cardi B & Offset Swatted at Georgia Home ... Cops Run Into Uncle & Angry Migo

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Before Cardi B and Offset called it quits late last year, it looks like they were dealing with some bozo calling 911 and reporting fake crimes happening at their home ... and some of it was captured on video.

TMZ has obtained police body cam video that was taken in August last year out in Sandy Springs, GA -- where the estranged couple have a home. In an incident report, cops say they were dispatched to their address after calls came in to report someone had been shot there.

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One officer notes in the police report that a caller claimed someone fired a shot at a "famous rapper's house" and even suggested Cardi herself may have been hit with a bullet ... so cops came with lights and sirens, and with their firearms drawn.

Fortunately ... cops say the call turned out to be BS -- something officers discovered when they arrived at the property and talked to Offset's uncle, Derrick Cephus, who said he was house-sitting. Yep, it sounds like Cardi and Offset weren't even home for this swatting attempt .... just a confused relative!

Check out the video to see the encounter, 'cause it's pretty wild -- especially when it sounds like Offset gets roped in on the phone, which you can clearly hear from the speaker. It's pretty obvious he was heated about the bogus report ... and perhaps even angrier that officers were there at all.


After some back and forth -- and eventually realizing nothing was wrong -- the cops left and just took a report of the whole thing. Also worth noting ... Offset refers to CB as his "wife" here, and says she's with him in L.A. while all this ruckus is going down back at home.

Now, in terms of how this plays into their current relationship status (complicated), it's hard to say for sure ... but it seems to suggest that whatever happened with their relationship may have been after this.

Meanwhile, this just goes to show ... folks apparently love to screw with stars in the worst way possible.


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ABC News

Jonathan Majors mantiene su inocencia incluso después de ser declarado culpable por un jurado, afirmando en su primera entrevista televisada que quedó impactado por el veredicto.

El actor habló en exclusiva con ‘GMA’, emitido el lunes, donde Linsey Davis hizo algunas preguntas bastante difíciles, incluyendo si hizo lo que se le acusó por parte de la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, a saber, el agredir a su exnovia Grace Jabbari.

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Majors insiste en que no lo hizo… por lo que afirma que quedó atónito por el resultado, una condena por dos de los cuatro cargos, incluyendo el acoso y agresión, aunque eran los 2 cargos menos graves.

Davis le preguntó cómo Jabbari pudo haber sufrido sus lesiones si no fue él… encogió los hombros, diciendo que no tiene idea, pero que le encantaría descubrirlo para encontrar algo de paz.


También se le interrogó sobre un audio en el que sermoneaba a Jabbari sobre cómo debía ser más como Michelle Obama y Coretta Scott King si quería estar con él.

Jon afirma que simplemente señalaba a grandes personas a las que aspiraba a ser como ellas… defendiendo su discurso.

Hay otros puntos destacados, pero estos son los más importantes, Majors termina expresando su arrepentimiento por cómo manejó las cosas con su ex. Alega que debió ser lo suficientemente hombre como para dejarla antes de esa noche… y que no debió estar en el auto con ella.

No se menciona nada sobre la visión a futuro de su carrera, por lo que escuchamos… supongo que todo está por verse.

Jonathan Majors I Was Shocked by Guilty Verdict ... Because I Didn't Do It

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ABC News

Jonathan Majors is maintaining his innocence even after being found guilty by a jury of his peers -- saying he was shocked by the verdict in his first televised interview.

The actor spoke to 'GMA' in an exclusive sit-down that aired Monday, and Linsey Davis was asking him some pretty hard questions ... including whether he did what he'd been accused of by the Manhattan D.A.'s Office -- namely, assaulting his ex-GF Grace Jabbari.

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Majors insists he did not ... which is why he says he was stunned by the result, a conviction on two of four counts -- including harassment and assault, albeit the 2 lesser charges.

Davis asks him how Jabbari might've sustained her injuries if it wasn't him ... and he shrugs his shoulders, saying he has no idea -- but that he'd love to figure it out to find some peace.


JM was also grilled about this wild audio in which he's lecturing Jabbari about how she needed to be more like Michelle Obama and Coretta Scott King if she wanted to be with him.

Jon says he was simply pointing out great people he aspired to be like ... defending his rant.

There are other highlights, but these are the big ones -- and Majors ends by expressing regret over how he handled things with his ex. He says he should've been man enough to leave her before that night ... and also says he shouldn't have been in the car with her.

No mention of his future career prospects from what we heard ... suppose that's all TBD.

Lukas Gage I'm Loving The New 'White Lotus' Cast ... Throws Shade At Ex???

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Lukas Gage is digging the new cast from his HBO series ... and seemingly taking a dig at his estranged husband, Chris Appleton, too.

We got the "White Lotus" star Friday afternoon at the DOGPOUND in West Hollywood and our photog asked him about the hit franchise's new faces.

Lukas says he's especially stoked about Leslie Bibb and Parker Posey, who he says is about as close to a Jennifer Coolidge type as possible.

Of course, there's no replacing Jennifer -- she was the fan favorite for the first two seasons but her character won't be back for a third -- but Lukas says Parker is a great addition nonetheless and he tells us why the show doesn't need Harry Styles' star power.

Other 'Lotus' castings include Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Dom Hetrakul and Tayme Thapthimthong.

Lukas looks pretty fit ... a classic case of post-breakup hotness.

TMZ broke the story ... Lukas is going through a divorce with his estranged husband, celeb hairstylist Chris Appleton, after a whirlwind marriage.

Lukas is already jumping back in the dating pool ... with a new Hinge profile.

We asked him why he went with Hinge over Raya, and he tells us he's looking for the "real ones" as opposed to influencers or celebs.

It seems like a shot at Chris ... because Lukas adds, "We've done that already."

Lukas Gage elogia al nuevo reparto de "White Lotus" y le lanza indirectas a su ex marido

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Lukas Gage está encantado con el nuevo elenco de su serie de HBO y parece que también se burla de su marido, Chris Appleton.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "White Lotus" el viernes por la tarde en el DOGPOUND en West Hollywood y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de las nuevas caras de la exitosa franquicia.

Lukas dice que está especialmente entusiasmado con Leslie Bibb y Parker Posey, que según él, es lo más parecido a Jennifer Coolidge.

Por supuesto, no se puede reemplazar a Jennifer -ella era la favorita de los fans para las dos primeras temporadas, pero su personaje no volverá para una tercera- pero Lukas dice que Parker es una gran adición y nos dice por qué la serie no necesita el poder de la estrella de Harry Styles.

Otros castings de "Lotus" incluyen a Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Dom Hetrakul y Tayme Thapthimthong.

Lukas se ve en forma... un caso clásico de post-ruptura.

TMZ publicó la historia, Lukas está pasando por un divorcio con su marido, el peluquero Chris Appleton, después de un matrimonio relámpago.

Lukas ya está saltando de nuevo a la piscina de citas, actualizando su perfil de Hinge.

Le preguntamos por qué prefirió Hinge por sobre Raya, y nos dice que está buscando a gente "real" en lugar de influencers o celebridades.

Parece una indirecta para Chris... porque Lukas añade: "Eso ya lo hice antes".

Kelly Clarkson Kiddos Banned From Social Media ... My Roof, My Rules!!!

Kelly Clarkson's using the oldest parent cliché in the book ... telling her kids they can't use social media as long as they live under her roof -- 'cause what she says goes, period.

The singer/mama-of-two dished out her somewhat strict parenting rules in a new interview with People -- explaining why it's her way or the highway when it comes to social media and her children. Namely, they ain't allowed to get on the 'Gram ... or anything else.

She says, "[Social media] can be really hard on kids in general but especially kids with parents in the public eye. So I have informed them they’re not allowed to, under my roof, ever have [it]." Kelly adds things may change down the line, but for now ... hell no.

One interesting part of the interview ... Clarkson talked co-parenting with her ex-husband and seemingly took a shot at him in the process -- which jibes with their contentious uncoupling.

KC says ... "My daughter was like, ‘Well, what if Dad lets me?’ I’m like, ‘Well, you’re there four days a month. Enjoy that.’ And right now he’s not letting them do it either."

Whether it's an intentional shot or not, she seems to be saying her daughter River and son Remington aren't seeing much of their dad these days ... at least that's what we can glean.

As we reported ... Kelly filed for divorce from Blackstock back in 2020, and it was finalized nearly two years later. She also took him to court over how he managed her finances -- and there, too, some interesting nuggets emerged about their professional relationship.

Don't worry Clarkson kids ... only about a decade until you're out of social media jail!

Ariana Grande anuncia su primer single en casi 3 años

Ariana Grande ha estado fuera de la escena musical por un buen tiempo, pero todo eso va a terminar a finales de esta semana, al menos eso dice la Princesa del Pop.

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La cantante anunció el domingo que lanzará un nuevo single en solitario -el primero en casi 3 años- el próximo viernes y ha vuelto a usar comas en los títulos de sus canciones. El tema se llama "Yes, And?"

Ari está publicando una tonelada de anuncios en sus historias de Insta, incluyendo un montón de enlaces para que los fans ordenen el single por anticipado. También parece estar usando su cuenta oficial de "Sweetener" para promocionarlo.

Por supuesto, su base leal está más que entusiasmada con la noticia, ya que muchos sienten que ella estuvo seriamente fuera del radar por demasiado tiempo desde que nos entregó el álbum "Positions" allá por el otoño de 2020. Después de eso, ella ha sido bastante discreta tanto en la música como en la vida pública.

Todo eso cambió el año pasado cuando se divorció de su ahora ex marido Dalton Gómez y comenzó a salir con su coprotagonista en "Wicked" Ethan Slater (el chico de "Bob Esponja"). El cambio en su vida amorosa causó muchos titulares al igual que su separación profesional del mega manager Scooter Braun.

Mientras que mucha gente siente que Ariana ha decaído últimamente, la verdad del asunto es que ella ha estado ocupada rodando este musical en el Reino Unido y obviamente haciéndole frente a muchas cosas en su círculo íntimo.

Sí, ella no ha sacado música original hace un tiempo, pero ha vuelto a los escenarios durante las vacaciones y fue un gran éxito.

Veremos qué tiene que decir sobre todo lo que ha pasado en su vida últimamente. Estamos impacientes.

Ariana Grande You've Been MIA, Love ... 'Yes, And?'

Ariana Grande has been out of the music scene for a good long while now -- but that's all coming to an end later this week ... so says the Princess of Pop herself.

The singer announced Sunday that she'd be dropping a brand new solo single -- her first in nearly 3 years -- this upcoming Friday ... and she's back to using commas in her song titles. The track is called 'Yes, And?' and AG teased with a blurry close-up shot of her mug.

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Ari's posting a ton of promo in her IG Story too ... including lots of links for fans to pre-order the single. She also seems to be using her official "Sweetener" account to hype it up as well.

Of course, her loyal base is beyond excited about the news ... as many feel like she seriously fell off the radar for a bit too long since dropping her "Positions" album way back in the Fall 2020. After that, she's been a pretty MIA ... both in music and in public life.

That all changed last year when she divorced her now ex-husband Dalton Gomez and started dating her "Wicked" costar Ethan Slater (the 'SpongeBob' guy). The swap in her love life caused a lot of headlines ... as did her professional split from mega manager Scooter Braun.

While a lot of folks feel like Ariana fell off lately, the truth of the matter is ... she's been busy shooting this musical out in the UK, and obviously dealing with a lot in her inner circle.

Yes, she hasn't put out original music of her own in a bit -- but she has recently dipped her toe back into performing onstage in front of a crowd ... and for the holidays, it was a big hit.

Now, she's back ... we'll see what she has to say about all that's gone with her. Can't wait!

Boxer Ryan Garcia Guys, I Had a Baby!!! Also, I'm Getting Divorced?!?

Ryan Garcia had a little good news/bad news sitch on his hands this week -- first, he's a father to a new baby ... plus, he's apparently leaving his wife who just delivered said baby.

The lightweight boxing phenom made shocking back-to-back announcements Friday evening, almost instantaneously ... namely, breaking happy news that he and his partner, Andrea Celina, had recently welcomed a boy into the world ... whom they named Henry Leo.

Within the hour of posting pics of his new kid -- which is actually his second with AC -- RG threw up a downer of a post ... in which he declared he and Andrea were getting divorced.

Ryan's birth post was jubilant, reading ... "Honored To announce my Beautiful First Born SON PRAISE THE LORD. I am so thankful, I love him so much already. He is so fast already haha. Took him just 8 min to arrive You know where he got that speed from lol. GOD DID! And GOD WILL ... THANK YOU LORD I LOVE YOU."

In a since-deleted IG post that went up almost immediately after the baby announcement, Ryan said he and Andrea were ending their marriage ... which was eye-popping for a couple different reasons. For starters, no one seemed to know they were already hitched.

Of course the bigger reason is ... it was literally the very next thing he posted.. Ryan wrote in part, "As I step into a new chapter in my life, it's with a heavy heart to share that Drea and I have decided to divorce." He goes on to say that they remain committed to co-parenting their two children, etc. Now, it's a bit unclear if he and Andrea are on the same page here.

Andrea herself did not post the divorce statement, and Ryan's now scrubbed it from his page -- even though it was publicly up for well over 12 hours. Andrea has since posted some cryptic messages of her own on her IG Story ... perhaps suggesting she's mad at him.

It's a strange turn of events ... especially considering they've been together since 2019. Now that Ryan's taken down his divorce announcement -- we're not quite sure where things stand.

We've reached out to Ryan's team for clarification and comment. So far, no word back.