Jonathan Majors I Was Shocked by Guilty Verdict ... Because I Didn't Do It

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ABC News

Jonathan Majors is maintaining his innocence even after being found guilty by a jury of his peers -- saying he was shocked by the verdict in his first televised interview.

The actor spoke to 'GMA' in an exclusive sit-down that aired Monday, and Linsey Davis was asking him some pretty hard questions ... including whether he did what he'd been accused of by the Manhattan D.A.'s Office -- namely, assaulting his ex-GF Grace Jabbari.

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Majors insists he did not ... which is why he says he was stunned by the result, a conviction on two of four counts -- including harassment and assault, albeit the 2 lesser charges.

Davis asks him how Jabbari might've sustained her injuries if it wasn't him ... and he shrugs his shoulders, saying he has no idea -- but that he'd love to figure it out to find some peace.


JM was also grilled about this wild audio in which he's lecturing Jabbari about how she needed to be more like Michelle Obama and Coretta Scott King if she wanted to be with him.

Jon says he was simply pointing out great people he aspired to be like ... defending his rant.

There are other highlights, but these are the big ones -- and Majors ends by expressing regret over how he handled things with his ex. He says he should've been man enough to leave her before that night ... and also says he shouldn't have been in the car with her.

No mention of his future career prospects from what we heard ... suppose that's all TBD.

Lukas Gage I'm Loving The New 'White Lotus' Cast ... Throws Shade At Ex???

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Lukas Gage is digging the new cast from his HBO series ... and seemingly taking a dig at his estranged husband, Chris Appleton, too.

We got the "White Lotus" star Friday afternoon at the DOGPOUND in West Hollywood and our photog asked him about the hit franchise's new faces.

Lukas says he's especially stoked about Leslie Bibb and Parker Posey, who he says is about as close to a Jennifer Coolidge type as possible.

Of course, there's no replacing Jennifer -- she was the fan favorite for the first two seasons but her character won't be back for a third -- but Lukas says Parker is a great addition nonetheless and he tells us why the show doesn't need Harry Styles' star power.

Other 'Lotus' castings include Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Dom Hetrakul and Tayme Thapthimthong.

Lukas looks pretty fit ... a classic case of post-breakup hotness.

TMZ broke the story ... Lukas is going through a divorce with his estranged husband, celeb hairstylist Chris Appleton, after a whirlwind marriage.

Lukas is already jumping back in the dating pool ... with a new Hinge profile.

We asked him why he went with Hinge over Raya, and he tells us he's looking for the "real ones" as opposed to influencers or celebs.

It seems like a shot at Chris ... because Lukas adds, "We've done that already."

Lukas Gage elogia al nuevo reparto de "White Lotus" y le lanza indirectas a su ex marido

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Lukas Gage está encantado con el nuevo elenco de su serie de HBO y parece que también se burla de su marido, Chris Appleton.

Nos encontramos con la estrella de "White Lotus" el viernes por la tarde en el DOGPOUND en West Hollywood y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de las nuevas caras de la exitosa franquicia.

Lukas dice que está especialmente entusiasmado con Leslie Bibb y Parker Posey, que según él, es lo más parecido a Jennifer Coolidge.

Por supuesto, no se puede reemplazar a Jennifer -ella era la favorita de los fans para las dos primeras temporadas, pero su personaje no volverá para una tercera- pero Lukas dice que Parker es una gran adición y nos dice por qué la serie no necesita el poder de la estrella de Harry Styles.

Otros castings de "Lotus" incluyen a Jason Isaacs, Michelle Monaghan, Dom Hetrakul y Tayme Thapthimthong.

Lukas se ve en forma... un caso clásico de post-ruptura.

TMZ publicó la historia, Lukas está pasando por un divorcio con su marido, el peluquero Chris Appleton, después de un matrimonio relámpago.

Lukas ya está saltando de nuevo a la piscina de citas, actualizando su perfil de Hinge.

Le preguntamos por qué prefirió Hinge por sobre Raya, y nos dice que está buscando a gente "real" en lugar de influencers o celebridades.

Parece una indirecta para Chris... porque Lukas añade: "Eso ya lo hice antes".

Kelly Clarkson Kiddos Banned From Social Media ... My Roof, My Rules!!!

Kelly Clarkson's using the oldest parent cliché in the book ... telling her kids they can't use social media as long as they live under her roof -- 'cause what she says goes, period.

The singer/mama-of-two dished out her somewhat strict parenting rules in a new interview with People -- explaining why it's her way or the highway when it comes to social media and her children. Namely, they ain't allowed to get on the 'Gram ... or anything else.

She says, "[Social media] can be really hard on kids in general but especially kids with parents in the public eye. So I have informed them they’re not allowed to, under my roof, ever have [it]." Kelly adds things may change down the line, but for now ... hell no.

One interesting part of the interview ... Clarkson talked co-parenting with her ex-husband and seemingly took a shot at him in the process -- which jibes with their contentious uncoupling.

KC says ... "My daughter was like, ‘Well, what if Dad lets me?’ I’m like, ‘Well, you’re there four days a month. Enjoy that.’ And right now he’s not letting them do it either."

Whether it's an intentional shot or not, she seems to be saying her daughter River and son Remington aren't seeing much of their dad these days ... at least that's what we can glean.

As we reported ... Kelly filed for divorce from Blackstock back in 2020, and it was finalized nearly two years later. She also took him to court over how he managed her finances -- and there, too, some interesting nuggets emerged about their professional relationship.

Don't worry Clarkson kids ... only about a decade until you're out of social media jail!

Ariana Grande anuncia su primer single en casi 3 años

Ariana Grande ha estado fuera de la escena musical por un buen tiempo, pero todo eso va a terminar a finales de esta semana, al menos eso dice la Princesa del Pop.

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La cantante anunció el domingo que lanzará un nuevo single en solitario -el primero en casi 3 años- el próximo viernes y ha vuelto a usar comas en los títulos de sus canciones. El tema se llama "Yes, And?"

Ari está publicando una tonelada de anuncios en sus historias de Insta, incluyendo un montón de enlaces para que los fans ordenen el single por anticipado. También parece estar usando su cuenta oficial de "Sweetener" para promocionarlo.

Por supuesto, su base leal está más que entusiasmada con la noticia, ya que muchos sienten que ella estuvo seriamente fuera del radar por demasiado tiempo desde que nos entregó el álbum "Positions" allá por el otoño de 2020. Después de eso, ella ha sido bastante discreta tanto en la música como en la vida pública.

Todo eso cambió el año pasado cuando se divorció de su ahora ex marido Dalton Gómez y comenzó a salir con su coprotagonista en "Wicked" Ethan Slater (el chico de "Bob Esponja"). El cambio en su vida amorosa causó muchos titulares al igual que su separación profesional del mega manager Scooter Braun.

Mientras que mucha gente siente que Ariana ha decaído últimamente, la verdad del asunto es que ella ha estado ocupada rodando este musical en el Reino Unido y obviamente haciéndole frente a muchas cosas en su círculo íntimo.

Sí, ella no ha sacado música original hace un tiempo, pero ha vuelto a los escenarios durante las vacaciones y fue un gran éxito.

Veremos qué tiene que decir sobre todo lo que ha pasado en su vida últimamente. Estamos impacientes.

Ariana Grande You've Been MIA, Love ... 'Yes, And?'

Ariana Grande has been out of the music scene for a good long while now -- but that's all coming to an end later this week ... so says the Princess of Pop herself.

The singer announced Sunday that she'd be dropping a brand new solo single -- her first in nearly 3 years -- this upcoming Friday ... and she's back to using commas in her song titles. The track is called 'Yes, And?' and AG teased with a blurry close-up shot of her mug.

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Ari's posting a ton of promo in her IG Story too ... including lots of links for fans to pre-order the single. She also seems to be using her official "Sweetener" account to hype it up as well.

Of course, her loyal base is beyond excited about the news ... as many feel like she seriously fell off the radar for a bit too long since dropping her "Positions" album way back in the Fall 2020. After that, she's been a pretty MIA ... both in music and in public life.

That all changed last year when she divorced her now ex-husband Dalton Gomez and started dating her "Wicked" costar Ethan Slater (the 'SpongeBob' guy). The swap in her love life caused a lot of headlines ... as did her professional split from mega manager Scooter Braun.

While a lot of folks feel like Ariana fell off lately, the truth of the matter is ... she's been busy shooting this musical out in the UK, and obviously dealing with a lot in her inner circle.

Yes, she hasn't put out original music of her own in a bit -- but she has recently dipped her toe back into performing onstage in front of a crowd ... and for the holidays, it was a big hit.

Now, she's back ... we'll see what she has to say about all that's gone with her. Can't wait!

Boxer Ryan Garcia Guys, I Had a Baby!!! Also, I'm Getting Divorced?!?

Ryan Garcia had a little good news/bad news sitch on his hands this week -- first, he's a father to a new baby ... plus, he's apparently leaving his wife who just delivered said baby.

The lightweight boxing phenom made shocking back-to-back announcements Friday evening, almost instantaneously ... namely, breaking happy news that he and his partner, Andrea Celina, had recently welcomed a boy into the world ... whom they named Henry Leo.

Within the hour of posting pics of his new kid -- which is actually his second with AC -- RG threw up a downer of a post ... in which he declared he and Andrea were getting divorced.

Ryan's birth post was jubilant, reading ... "Honored To announce my Beautiful First Born SON PRAISE THE LORD. I am so thankful, I love him so much already. He is so fast already haha. Took him just 8 min to arrive You know where he got that speed from lol. GOD DID! And GOD WILL ... THANK YOU LORD I LOVE YOU."

In a since-deleted IG post that went up almost immediately after the baby announcement, Ryan said he and Andrea were ending their marriage ... which was eye-popping for a couple different reasons. For starters, no one seemed to know they were already hitched.

Of course the bigger reason is ... it was literally the very next thing he posted.. Ryan wrote in part, "As I step into a new chapter in my life, it's with a heavy heart to share that Drea and I have decided to divorce." He goes on to say that they remain committed to co-parenting their two children, etc. Now, it's a bit unclear if he and Andrea are on the same page here.

Andrea herself did not post the divorce statement, and Ryan's now scrubbed it from his page -- even though it was publicly up for well over 12 hours. Andrea has since posted some cryptic messages of her own on her IG Story ... perhaps suggesting she's mad at him.

It's a strange turn of events ... especially considering they've been together since 2019. Now that Ryan's taken down his divorce announcement -- we're not quite sure where things stand.

We've reached out to Ryan's team for clarification and comment. So far, no word back.

Boxeador Ryan García Ey, tuve un bebé!!! ¿Y también me estoy divorciando?

Ryan García tenía algunas buenas y malas noticias que compartir esta semana. Primero, que es padre de un nuevo bebé, y además, que aparentemente va a dejar a su esposa que acaba de dar a luz a dicho bebé.

El fenómeno del boxeo de peso ligero hizo estos sorprendentes anuncios, casi al mismo tiempo el viernes por la noche, a saber, la feliz noticia de que él y su pareja, Andrea Celina, habían dado la bienvenida recientemente a un niño que llamaron Henry Leo.

A la hora de haber publicado las fotos de su nuevo hijo, que en realidad es su segundo con Andrea, Ryan García compartió un deprimente post en el que declaraba que él y Andrea se estaban divorciando.

El post del nacimiento de Ryan era jubiloso, decía: "Estoy honrado de anunciar a mi hermoso primer hijo, alabado sea el Señor. Estoy tan agradecido, lo amo tanto ya. Él es tan rápido ya jaja. Le tomó solo 8 minutos llegar ¿Sabes de dónde sacó esa velocidad lol. ¡DIOS LO HIZO! Y DIOS LO HARÁ ... GRACIAS SEÑOR TE AMO".

En un post de IG ahora borrado, que subió casi inmediatamente después del anuncio del bebé, Ryan dijo que él y Andrea estaban poniendo fin a su matrimonio, lo que era llamativo por un par de razones. Para empezar, nadie parecía saber que ya estaban casados.

Por supuesto, la razón más importante fue, literalmente, lo siguiente que publicó. Ryan escribió, en parte: "Al entrar en un nuevo capítulo en mi vida, es con el corazón pesado que comparto que Drea y yo hemos decidido divorciarnos". Continuó diciendo que siguen comprometidos con la crianza de sus dos hijos, etc. Ahora, no queda claro si él y Andrea están en la misma página aquí.

Andrea no publicó nada sobre el divorcio y Ryan lo ha borrado de su página, a pesar de que estuvo publicado durante más de 12 horas. Andrea desde entonces ha publicado algunos mensajes crípticos en sus propias historias de IG, lo que sugiere que tal vez está enojada con él.

Es un extraño giro de los acontecimientos, especialmente teniendo en cuenta que han estado juntos desde 2019. Ahora que Ryan ha quitado el anuncio del divorcio, no estamos muy seguros dónde están las cosas.

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el equipo de Ryan para aclarar las cosas y tener comentarios. Hasta ahora, no hemos tenido respuesta.

'RHOBH' Star Kyle Richards Lunch Date With Morgan Wade ... Twin Cowboy Hats, Italian Food

Kyle Richards was together again with country singer Morgan Wade, going out for a leisurely Friday lunch in L.A. amid constant rumors of them dating.

The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star was photographed with Morgan standing arm and arm on a sidewalk, looking all caszh and stylish in their sunglasses, jeans and twin cowboy hats.

Kathy Hilton also made a cameo, walking across the street with the two besties to chow down on some Italian delicacies at La Scala Beverly Hills restaurant.


We caught up with Kyle and Morgan after their meal ... and our cam asked Kyle about being open to dating other women. Check out the clip ... at first, Kyle kind of deflects the question, but then she says, "things can change." Interesting language for sure.

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The outing comes at an interesting time for Kyle, who confirmed she would date a woman in a newly released trailer for upcoming "RHOBH" episodes.

In the video clip, Kyle is seated around a table having drinks with castmates Dorit Kemsley and Crystal Kung Minkoff.

Out of the blue, Kyle brings up the prospect of dating a woman, causing Dorit to almost spit her wine back into her glass.

Crystal asks Kyle point blank if she would date someone of the same sex. Kyle thinks about it for a moment before giving a blunt, one-word response, "Yup."

Complicating matters even more, Kyle is still married, yet separated from Mauricio Unmasky, while living under the same roof with their children.

There seems to be no end in sight for this drama, but it's certainly making for some good TV!!!


Magnolia Network stars Gray and Mike Benko have been separated since April 2023 ... spending time apart to work through their marital difficulties ... TMZ has learned.

We've obtained the court docs ... Mike vacated their marital home on the date listed as their separation, and Gray is requesting an Order of Separate Support & Maintenance -- when one spouse receives court-ordered support from the other spouse, without a divorce.

The request also allows her to live apart from Mike without further interference from him.

The docs say she's hopeful the parties will be able to negotiate a settlement agreement to resolve all the issues of their marriage and separation ... though by the looks of it, divorce appears to be imminent.

She believes the court should review the agreement, approve it, and make the terms a part of the court's final order in this action.

The estranged pair, who share 2 children, were compared to Chip & Joanna Gaines, aka the gurus of home makeovers ... following the release of their successful show, "Happy to Be Home With the Benkos" last year.

It'll be interesting to see how they'll rebrand themselves separately.

Ariana Madix Sue You, Sandoval ... Let's Just Sell Our House, Already!!!

New legal fallout from 'Scandoval' -- Ariana Madix is suing Tom Sandoval over the Los Angeles house they co-own, and still live in together.

The "Vanderpump Rules" star filed suit against her ex-bf in L.A. Superior Court ... and the docs make it clear they are at loggerheads over how to split up the house.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Ariana says she wants a "partition by sale" ... which means she wants a judge to order them to sell the house, and divide the proceeds.

What she doesn't want is a "division in kind." That would allow each of them to retain their ownership interest in the property ... and one of them could, theoretically, sell to a third party.

Translation: She just wants to sell the place, and have them both move on with their lives.

Back in better times, Tom and Ariana bought the San Fernando Valley home in 2019 for about $2 million.

Despite their relationship blowing up very publicly last year when she found out Tom was having an affair with Rachel Leviss ... they've both continued to live in the home together.

That's about to end ... if Ariana gets her way.

Kelly Clarkson Su ex supuestamente dijo... No eres lo suficientemente sexy para 'Voice'

Kelly Clarkson afirma que su exmarido y ex manager le dijo que no era lo suficientemente sexy para aparecer como jueza en "The Voice", a pesar de que finalmente lo consiguió.

La ex participante de 'Idol' al parecer hizo la alegación sobre Brandon Blackstock -con quien se divorció en 2022- a un comisionado de trabajo de California en 2023 al tratar de determinar cómo había manejado Brandon sus finanzas durante su relación, según un documento judicial obtenido por el Post.

Según el medio, Clarkson dio testimonio en el que alegó que Blackstock le había dicho que no pasaría como entrenadora de 'The Voice' porque no tenía el atractivo para ello.

Según los informes, Blackstock le dijo que la NBC estaba "buscando a alguien más del tipo símbolo sexual". Luego, supuestamente invocó el nombre de Rihanna como una comparación para señalar que Kelly no se parecía a ella, y citó que esta era una razón para no perseguir el trabajo de coaching que quería.

Kelly al parecer le había transmitido a Blackstock que quería unirse al panel de jueces por un tiempo, pero este la habría rechazado, argumentando que no solo no era lo suficientemente guapa para la televisión, sino que la cadena estaba interesada en contratar a una estrella negra.

Al parecer, Blackstock dijo que Kelly y el entonces juez Blake Shelton eran "demasiado parecidos". Por supuesto, Kelly finalmente se unió a "The Voice" en 2018 y se quedó durante varias temporadas. Blackstock testificó que le consiguió el trabajo a Kelly en 2017 después de conversar con un ejecutivo de NBC y amenazarla con que volvería a 'Idol' si no la contrataban, y cuando le preguntó qué necesitaban para engancharla en NBC, según los informes, dijo que iba a costarles el "dinero de Blake."

La acusación se produce en medio de un reciente hallazgo por el mismo comisionado de trabajo de California de que Blackstock habría cobrado de más a Kelly durante su relación profesional, que coincidió con su matrimonio. TMZ fue el primero en dar a conocer la noticia, ahora él le debe $2,6 millones por los honorarios que cobró.

Ese dinero en efectivo también tiene que ver con este drama de "The Voice". La comisión de trabajo descubrió que este habría cobrado alrededor de $1,98 millones de más en coordinar y apuntar su participación. Blackstock ha prometido que va a apelar.

Kelly Clarkson Ex Allegedly Said ... Ya Ain't Sexy Enough for 'Voice'

Kelly Clarkson claims her ex-husband/former manager told her she wasn't hot enough to appear as a judge on "The Voice" ... even though she eventually got the gig.

The 'Idol' alum reportedly made the allegation about Brandon Blackstock -- who she divorced in 2022 -- to a California labor commissioner in '23 while trying to determine how BB had handled her finances during their relationship, per a court doc obtained by the Post.

According to the outlet, Clarkson gave testimony in which she alleged Blackstock had told her she wouldn't pass as a 'Voice' coach 'cause she didn't have the sex appeal for it.

She reportedly said Blackstock told her NBC was "looking for a more sex symbol type" ... and then allegedly invoked Rihanna's name as a comparison to point out who Kelly did not look like, and which he cited as a reason for not pursuing the coaching gig she wanted.

Kelly had apparently relayed to Blackstock she wanted to join the panel of judges for a while -- but went on to claim Blackstock rebuffed her, arguing back that not only was she not good looking enough for 'TV,' but claiming the network was interested in signing a Black star.

Blackstock reportedly said Kelly and then-judge Blake Shelton were just "too similar." Of course, Kelly did eventually join "The Voice" in 2018 ... and stayed on for several seasons. Blackstock testified that he got Kelly the job in 2017 after going to an NBC exec and threatening that she'd go back to 'Idol' if they didn't sign her ... and when asked what it would take to snag her at NBC, he reportedly said it was going to cost "Blake money."

The allegation comes amid a recent finding by the same CA labor commissioner that Blackstock had overcharged Kelly during their professional relationship -- which coincided with their marriage. TMZ broke the story ... he now owes her $2.6 mil for fees he collected.


That cash also touched on this 'Voice' drama ... where the labor commission found he'd overcharged her about $1.98 million in booking the gig. Blackstock has vowed to appeal.

BRITNEY'S SON JAYDEN Hits Hawaiian Beach with GF & K-Fed ... As Singer Pines Over Brood

Britney Spears' kids are on her mind as the calendar turns to 2024 -- but one of her sons, Jayden, is focused on making the most of his first holiday living in Hawaii.

The 17-year-old was joined by his GF as he hit the beach Monday in Hawaii ... after moving there last year with his older bro, Sean Preston, and their dad, Kevin Federline -- who was also snapped at the sandy outing.

Jayden looked happy and relaxed with his girlfriend ... the pair frolicked in the water, built sand castles and topped up their tans on lounge chairs.

The GF fit in seamlessly with the rest of his family ... as K-Fed was joined by his wife, Victoria Prince, and their other kids.

From a distance, it seemed like a picture-perfect family outing ... though Jayden's mom, Britney, was, of course, absent ... as they've been estranged for at least 2 years now.

The time apart was clearly making the singer nostalgic as she welcomed the new year by posting a couple of throwback snaps of her sons ... who previously made it clear they don't want a relationship with her, for now, at least.

Things between them went from bad to worse when Brit blasted the teens, calling them ungrateful freeloaders.


However, her new post seems like she's ready to extend an olive branch for a reunion.

We know Britney loves vacationing in Hawaii, and her youngest son is obviously taking a liking to life in paradise.


Forest Whitaker's ex-wife, Keisha Nash Whitaker, died from alcoholic liver disease ... TMZ has learned.

We obtained Keisha's certificate of death -- issued by L.A. County -- and the document says Keisha suffered from the disease for years before it ultimately killed her.

The certificate also says acute renal failure -- a symptom of anorexia -- was another significant factor contributing to her death.

TMZ broke the story ... Keisha died last month, and the death certificate shows she was at Northridge Hospital Medical Center in L.A. County when she passed.

Keisha was married to Forest for more than 20 years before he filed for divorce in 2018 ... and they had 3 daughters together.

She worked in Hollywood as a model, and her death certificate makes note of her career ... saying she worked 15 years in the modeling industry.

Keisha met Forest on the set of the 1994 film, "Blown Away," and the couple tied the knot years later ... in 1996.

She was only 51 at the time of her death.


Forest Whitaker Se revela la causa de muerte de su ex mujer

La exesposa de Forest Whitaker, Keisha Nash Whitaker, murió de una enfermedad hepática alcohólica ... TMZ ha averiguado.

Obtuvimos el certificado de defunción de Keisha, emitido por el Condado de Los Ángeles, y el documento dice que Keisha sufrió de la enfermedad durante años antes de morir.

El certificado también dice que la insuficiencia renal aguda, un síntoma de la anorexia, fue otro factor importante que contribuyó a su muerte.

TMZ dio a la noticia, Keisha murió el mes pasado y el certificado de defunción muestra que estaba en Northridge Hospital Medical Center en el condado de Los Ángeles cuando falleció.

Keisha estuvo casada con Forest durante más de 20 años antes de que él solicitara el divorcio en 2018. Tuvieron 3 hijas juntos.

Trabajó en Hollywood como modelo y su certificado de defunción toma nota de su carrera, diciendo que trabajó 15 años en la industria del modelaje.

Keisha conoció a Forest en el rodaje de la película de 1994 "Blown Away" y la pareja se casó años más tarde en 1996.

Solo tenía 51 años cuando falleció.

Que en paz descanse.

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