Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas She Gets The Kids For Holidays ... He Might See Them, Too

Sophie Turner is back on mommy duty just in time for the holidays ... it's her turn to look after her two children as part of her child custody arrangement with Joe Jonas ... but a family reunion may be in the cards.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Sophie's got the kids through Jan. 7 ... which means she'll probably be celebrating Christmas and New Year's with Willa and Delphine over in London.

But, get this ... Joe is in England too -- he was recently spotted at London hot spot Chiltern Firehouse -- so it appears there's at least a decent chance Joe will get to see the kiddos on Xmas too.

Of course, the big question then becomes ... will Sophie and Joe spend time together with their daughters for the holidays, which are traditionally a family affair?

The girls have been with Sophie since Dec. 16 ... and they're allowed to travel with her in the United States and the United Kingdom ... but the kids have to be dropped back off to Joe in NYC on Jan. 7.

Remember ... Joe had the kids for Halloween and Thanksgiving, so the parents are splitting holiday duties under their temporary child custody agreement as they work through a divorce.

Meanwhile, Sophie was spotted making out with British aristocrat Peregrine Pearson earlier this month in London ... before she had the kids.

The best thing about divorce ... two Christmases!!!

Sophie Turner y Joe Jonas Ella tiene a las niñas para las fiestas Él podría estar con ellas también...

Sophie Turner está de vuelta en su deber de mamá justo a tiempo para las vacaciones y es su turno de estar con sus dos hijas como parte de su acuerdo de custodia con Joe Jonas, pero una reunión familiar puede estar en la mira.

Según los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Sophie tiene a los niños hasta el 7 de enero, lo que significa que probablemente va a celebrar la Navidad y el Año Nuevo con Willa y Delphine en Londres.

Pero escuchen esto, Joe está en Inglaterra también y fue visto recientemente en Londres en Chiltern Firehouse, por lo que parece que hay al menos una posibilidad de que Joe vea a las niñas en Navidad también.

Por supuesto, la gran pregunta es, ¿pasarán Sophie y Joe tiempo juntos con sus hijas para las fiestas, que son tradicionalmente un asunto de familia?

Las niñas han estado con Sophie desde el 17 de diciembre y tienen permitido viajar con ella a Estados Unidos y el Reino Unido, pero tienen que estar de vuelta con Joe el 7 de enero en Nueva York.

Recuerden, Joe tuvo a las niñas para Halloween y Acción de Gracias, por lo que los padres están dividiendo los deberes de vacaciones en virtud de su acuerdo temporal de custodia. Todo, en medio de su proceso de divorcio.

Mientras tanto, Sophie fue vista besándose con el aristócrata británico Peregrine Pearson a principios de este mes en Londres, antes de tener a las niñas.

Lo mejor del divorcio, ¡¡¡dos Navidades!!!

Tom Brady & Gisele Bündchen Mourn Death of Family Dog Lua ... We Love & Miss You❤️

Tom Brady and Gisele Bündchen's family dog died, and they're both post remembrances of the pooch -- who their kids seemed to absolutely adore.

The exes posted respective tributes to their pit bull mix, Lua, on Saturday ... announcing their longtime pet had passed on. Tom threw up a photo of his two children with Gisele -- Benjamin and Vivian -- hovering over their doggy, which had its eyes closed.

He wrote, "We love you Lua RIP." He posted another photo of Lulu, and added ... "Forever in our hearts." In yet another IG Story slide, he uploaded a boomerang of his daughter playing with Lulu.

Gisele, likewise, threw up a bunch of shots of the canine in a sprawling IG post ... and she had a sweet shout-out to Lulu that touched on just how much she meant to the family.

She wrote, "Our little Lulu, our guardian angel is gone to heaven. She will forever live in our hearts. We already miss her sooooo much! #unconditionallove RIPLua." Her caption was also translated to Portuguese ... and she included a ton of awesome photos of their doggo.

Unclear when exactly they got Lua, but we know they adopted the pit bull at some point in their marriage ... and that their kids grew up with it too. They have another dog too, Fluffy.

All dogs go to heaven.


Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky Reunidos... y se siente tan incómodo En Aspen con la familia

Kyle Richards se ha unido al resto de su familia en Aspen justo a tiempo para pasar las fiestas, pero ella y Mauricio Umansky están manteniendo la distancia, a pesar de estar técnicamente juntos.

La pareja, que actualmente está separada, se reunió el sábado en la lujosa ciudad de esquí de Colorado, en donde Mauricio ha andado por su cuenta en los últimos dos días, yendo de fiesta y pasándolo bomba.

Tiempo en familia

Por supuesto, Kyle ha estado en México últimamente, pero puede que haya aterrizado anoche. Ahora, ella, Mauricio Umansky y sus hijos están de paseo como una familia, con lo que parece ser un instructor privado y un guía que los lleva arriba y abajo de las montañas.

Como hemos dicho, Kyle y Mauricio parecían estar alejados el uno del otro mientras paseaban. Aunque ambos se sonrieron respectivamente, en un momento, se encontraron cara a cara y parecía cualquier cosa menos agradable.

Recuerden, la pareja había estado actuando como una familia a principios de este año, sobre todo el verano. Kyle incluso apareció para apoyar a Mauricio durante su participación en 'DWTS', pero a medida que fueron pasando los meses, se hizo evidente que su relación era tensa.

Aunque han evitado el término "divorcio", a veces incluso sugiriendo que están trabajando en su matrimonio, estos últimos días han sido reveladores, especialmente para Mauricio.

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Desatado en Aspen

El tipo ha parecido un soltero, con ningún otro objetivo que disfrutar.

Kyle, mientras tanto, ha estado preocupada con su documentalista Morgan Wade y otras empresas, incluyendo lo que está pasando en Bravo. Es de suponer que todo este drama se emitió en la nueva temporada de 'Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills', incluyendo, tal vez, una respuesta en cuanto a lo que está por venir.

Por el momento, parece que van por caminos diferentes y que solo los niños los logran mantener reunidos, si es qué.

Kyle Richards & Mauricio Umansky Reunited, And It Feels So Awkward ... Aspen Skiing w/ Family

Kyle Richards has joined the rest of her fam in Aspen just in time for the holidays -- but she and Mauricio Umansky are keeping their distance ... despite technically rolling together.

The estranged couple -- who are currently separated -- came together Saturday in the ritzy Colorado ski town ... where Mauricio's been by himself over the past couple days, partying his face off and having a blast.


Of course, Kyle herself has been in Mexico of late ... but it looks like she might've just touched down last night. Now, she and MU and their kids are mobbing around as a unit -- with what looks like a private instructor/guide leading them up and down the mountains.

Like we said, Kyle and Mauricio appeared to be staying away from each other as they made their way around the resort -- and while each of them flashed smiles, respectively ... at one point they did, in fact, cross paths to face each other and that looked anything but pleasant.

Remember, they were doing the whole together-as-a-family thing earlier this year -- especially the summer -- and Kyle even showed up to support Mauricio during his time on 'DWTS' ... but as the months have gone on, it's now evident their relationship is strained.

While they've steered clear of the term "divorce" -- and, at times, even suggesting they're working on their marriage -- these last few days have been telling ... especially for Mauricio.

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The guy's looked like a bachelor on a mission ... with the objective being, enjoy himself.


Kyle, meanwhile, has been preoccupied with her Morgan Wade doc ... and other ventures -- including what she's got going on at Bravo. All this drama will presumably be aired out on the new season of 'RHOBH' -- including, perhaps, an answer as to what's to come.

At the moment, it looks like they're headed down different paths ... with just the kids keeping them within arm's reach, if that.

Tori Spelling Having A 'Single Mom Christmas' ... Amid Dean McDermott Split

Tori Spelling says she's taken on a challenging task this holiday season, as the time for buying gifts is runnin' thin ... something she calls "single mom Christmas."

The actress posted on social media Friday, saying she's got 5 Xmas lists to knock out, with only 3 days left until the big day -- pointing out a nightmare for some gift-givers ... "Missed the Amazon Prime cutoff."

She says she now has no choice but to "brave the mall alone" ... adding, "Crushing this single mom Christmas."

As we reported, her ex-husband, Dean McDermott, posted about their breakup back in June ... saying they both decided to split and "start a new journey of our own." He took the post down but was still moving forward with the divorce.

Remember, there was speculation that Tori and her kids moved into an RV after they were spotted outside of a mobile home when she and Dean parted ways ... and they also briefly stayed in a motel after her place had a bunch of mold.


She's also ended up in the hospital, so it seemed to be a bit of a rough patch for her ... but Tori claimed in July that she's actually better on her own.

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We also talked to Tori's mom, Candy, after the split, and she said she'd be there for her daughter in these tough times ... but it appears Christmas shopping still falls on Tori.

Mauricio Umansky I'm 25 Again, Shirtless and Spraying Champagne While Kyle's Far Away in Mexico

Mauricio Umansky and Kyle Richards are not just separated in theory ... they seem to be leading separate lives these days ... with Mo looking like a college student on Spring break and Kyle lounging in a bikini a thousand miles away.

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Mauricio and singer Anitta hit up Cloud Nine Alpine Bistro Thursday night, and it looked like an ASU rager ... MU shirtless dancing and spraying champagne on the crowd as Anitta was showing off some pretty serious moves.

The Bistro is a hot spot for skiers and snowboarders ... mostly in their 20's and maybe 30's.

Meanwhile, Kyle's in Punta de Mita, Mexico soaking in the sun with pal Faye Resnick. Kyle's been spending a lot of time these days with her inseparable pal, Morgan Wade.

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53-year-old Mauricio is in the city where the family had their annual XMAS pilgrimage. The other day he was skiing with Anitta and YouTuber Lele Pons who shed their clothes for towels as they traversed down the slopes.

Mauricio and Kyle have said they are not even talking about divorce after their 27-year marriage, although it's an option that's on the table. But given their very different paths these days, it seems that option is moving toward the center.


Mauricio Umansky Tiene 25 otra vez, anda sin polera y chorrea champaña Mientras Kyle está lejos en México...

Mauricio Umansky y Kyle Richards no solo están separados en teoría, también parecen estar llevando vidas separadas por estos días: mientras Mo parece un estudiante universitario durante su spring break, Kyle está descansando en bikini a miles de kilómetros de distancia.

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Perdiendo el control en Aspen

Mauricio y la cantante Anitta fueron hasta el Cloud Nine Alpine Bistro el jueves por la noche, que parecía una fiesta universitaria con MU sin camisa bailando y rociando champán a la multitud mientras Anitta mostraba algunos movimientos bastante sugerentes.

El Bistro es un lugar muy popular para los esquiadores y snowboarders, en su mayoría en sus 20 y tal vez 30.

Mientras tanto, Kyle está en Punta de Mita, México tomando sol con su amiga Faye Resnick. Kyle ha estado pasando mucho tiempo estos días con su inseparable amiga Morgan Wade.

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Pendientes simples

Mauricio, de 53 años, se encuentra en la ciudad donde la familia celebra su peregrinación anual de Navidad. El otro día estuvo esquiando con Anitta y la YouTuber Lele Pons, quienes se despojaron de su ropa de esquí y se pusieron toallas mientras recorrían las pistas.

Mauricio y Kyle han dicho que ni siquiera están hablando de divorcio después de sus 27 años de matrimonio, aunque es una opción que está sobre la mesa. Pero teniendo en cuenta sus muy diferentes caminos por estos días, parece que esa opción se está moviendo hacia el centro.

Sam Asghari No Ozempic Needed to Drop 40 lbs.


Sam Asghari dropped several dozen pounds following his split from Britney Spears ... and while lots of folks in Hollywood are using meds to shed weight, Sam's not hopping on that trend.

We got Britney's ex leaving Equinox gym, and our photog asked him about his dramatic weight loss and his secret to losing 35 to 40 pounds.

Sam says his body transformation is NOT the result of Ozempic ... a prescription diabetes medication that's becoming widely popular among celebs and average folks as a diet drug.

Even Oprah recently admitted she's using meds to lose and maintain weight, and she refuses to be shamed about it.

But, Sam says he's been putting in work at the gym and watching what he eats -- telling us fitness often comes down to diet.

Sam's Workout Plan

Sam's always been fit, but now he looks more toned and cut than ever and he says being in shape's always been a priority for him ... which is evident to anyone with eyes.

He's also got some tips for anyone looking to lose a few pounds -- in his eyes you don't have to resort to meds as long as you keep your hands out of the cookie jar.

Sage advice.

Darius Jackson, ex de Keke Palmer Necesito protección contra ella... ... Es abusiva!!!

El ex novio de Keke Palmer presentó su propia orden de restricción contra la actriz y cantante, en medio de su desagradable ruptura, alegando que ella fue física y verbalmente abusiva con él durante su relación.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Darius Jackson se dirigió a la corte el martes para solicitar una orden de restricción temporal por violencia doméstica contra Keke.

En los documentos, Darius afirma que Keke se exaltaba y era agresiva con él mientras estaban juntos, por lo general después de beber alcohol y que abusó de él durante años.

Darius dice que Keke, que es la madre de su hijo, le dio un puñetazo en la cara en un cumpleaños en 2021 después de haber estado bebiendo. Él dice que su amiga, Lenoria Addison, intentó detenerla y unos mensajes de texto de Keke disculpándose lo prueban.

En los documentos, Darius afirma que Keke también le dio un puñetazo y lo golpeó durante su celebración de cumpleaños en enero de 2022 en Cancún, el que presuntamente le dejó moretones en su cuerpo.

Darius dice que en febrero de 2022 Keke lo atacó de nuevo, supuestamente asfixiándolo y golpeándolo dentro de su casa después de beber alcohol.

Más recientemente, en marzo de 2023, Darius dice que Keke se enfadó con él por una ducha que rebosaba. Lo culpó del problema y lo llamó "zorro, gamberro y perdedor".

Darius dice que Keke a menudo le enviaba un aluvión de correos electrónicos después de los supuestos incidentes de violencia doméstica, por lo general arremetiendo o disculpándose.

Como hemos informado, Darius y Keke están pasando por una conflictiva separación. Ella lo ha acusado de abuso -Darius lo ha negado- y consiguió una orden de restricción temporal contra él, además de la custodia temporal de su hijo.

Ahora, Darius está buscando su propia protección. Quiere que un juez maneje su petición al mismo tiempo que la audiencia sobre las acusaciones de ella y está pidiéndole al juez una orden que la obligue a permanecer a 100 metros de distancia de él.

Keke Palmer's Ex Darius Jackson I Need Protection From Her ... She's Abusive!!!

Keke Palmer's ex-boyfriend has now filed his own restraining order docs in their nasty split ... claiming she was physically and verbally abusive toward him during their relationship.

According to the new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Darius Jackson beelined it to court Tuesday to request a domestic violence temporary restraining order against Keke.

In the docs, Darius claims Keke frequently became agitated and aggressive during their relationship, usually after drinking alcohol, and abused him for years.

Darius claims Keke, who is the mother of his child, punched him in the face at a birthday party back in 2021 after she had been drinking. He says her friend, Lenoria Addison, tried to stop Keke from attacking him and says he has text messages from Keke apologizing for hitting him.

In the docs, Darius claims Keke also punched and hit him during his January 2022 birthday celebration in Cancún ... with the alleged attack leaving bruises on his body.

Darius says in February 2022 Keke attacked him again -- allegedly choking and hitting him inside her home after drinking booze.

Most recently, Darius claims Keke got mad at him in March 2023 about an overflowing shower, blamed him for the problem and called him a "bitch, a punk ass, and a loser."

Darius says Keke would often send him a barrage of emails after the alleged domestic violence incidents ... usually lashing out or apologizing.

As we've reported ... Darius and Keke are going through a contentious split, she's accused him of abuse -- he denied it -- and she got a temporary restraining order against him, plus temporary sole custody of their kid.

Now, Darius is seeking his own protection ... he wants a judge to handle his petition at the same time as the hearing about her allegations and is asking the judge for an order requiring her to stay 100 yards away from him.

Mariah Carey Rompe con Bryan Tanaka ... Dice un reporte

Mariah Carey está de vuelta en el mercado, ya que supuestamente ella y su novio Bryan Tanaka habrían puesto fin a su relación.

La cantante de "All I Want For Christmas Is You" llevaba saliendo con el bailarín de su equipo desde 2016, pero todo se ha venido abajo tras 7 años de relación.

Las cosas no están funcionando porque Bryan, de 40 años, quiere tener una familia y eso simplemente no es lo que quiere Mariah, a sus 54 años, según Page Six.

Mariah tiene hijos con Nick Cannon, pero Bryan nunca ha sido padre.

Mariah empezó a ser perseguida recientemente por los rumores de que ella y Bryan ya no estaban juntos, y la cantante más o menos lo confirmó como tal a principios de esta semana cuando se fue de compras en solitario a Aspen.

Bryan ha estado a su lado en otros viajes navideños a Colorado, así que cuando se supo que andaba desaparecido fue una gran señal de problemas en el paraíso.

Mariah también ha estado de gira y Bryan ha estado notablemente ausente. Ahora sabemos con certeza que han terminado.

Recuerden, Mariah y Bryan empezaron a verse allá por 2016 después de que ella cancelara su compromiso con James Packer.

Mariah conoce a Bryan desde 2006. Él ha sido su bailarín de respaldo durante mucho tiempo. Rompieron brevemente en 2017, antes de volver a estar juntos.

Pero parece que esta vez han terminado para siempre.

Un representante de Mariah declinó hacer comentarios.

Mariah Carey Splits with Bryan Tanaka ... Report

Mariah Carey is back on the market ... because she and boyfriend Bryan Tanaka have reportedly called it quits on their relationship.

The "All I Want For Christmas Is You" singer had been dating her backup dancer since 2016, but 7 years into their relationship it's all fallen apart.

Things aren't working out because 40-year-old Bryan wants to have a family ... and that's just not where 54-year-old Mariah is in her life ... according to Page Six.

Mariah has kids with Nick Cannon, but Bryan has never been a father.

Mariah's been followed by rumors recently that she and Bryan were no longer an item ... and she pretty much confirmed as such earlier this week when she went shopping alone in Aspen.

Bryan's been by her side in Aspen on previous Christmas trips to Colorado ... so when he was MIA it was a big sign of trouble in paradise.

Mariah's also been on tour and Bryan's been noticeably absent ... and now we know for sure they are done.

Remember ... Mariah and Bryan started seeing each other way back in 2016 after she called off her engagement to James Packer.

Mariah has known Bryan since 2006 ... he's been a longtime backup dancer for her. They briefly broke up in 2017, before getting back together.

But it sounds like they are done for good this time.


A rep for Mariah declined comment.

Randall Emmett revende su casa de Los Ángeles por 5 millones de dólares

La estrella de "Vanderpump Rules" Randall Emmett ha vuelto a poner a la venta su preciosa casa de Los Ángeles por otro precio muy alto. Es el mismo lugar al que él y Lala Kent solían llamar hogar.

La espaciosa casa de Randall en el icónico Mulholland Drive, se ha enumerado una vez más por $4.995 millones. La propiedad de 4.276 pies cuadrados viene con una larga piscina, una cancha de pickleball y enormes ventanales que ofrecen una gran vista de los alrededores.

TMZ publicó la historia, Randall publicó el lugar por primera vez en mayo del año pasado, pidiendo $6.295M, desde entonces, ha pasado por numerosos cambios de precios, cayendo a $5.7M y luego tan bajo como $5 mil.

También ha suspendido temporalmente la venta de la propiedad y la ha puesto en alquiler durante un tiempo. Al parecer nadie ha aceptado la oferta porque la venta sigue adelante.

Usted recordará, el listado OG se produjo después de Randall y Lala canceló su compromiso de 3 años, lo que resultó en su mudanza. Una fuente nos dijo que Randall estaba buscando una casa más grande para su familia después de la separación.

David T. Kessler de Coldwell Banker Realty es el propietario.

'Vanderpump Rules' Randall Emmett Relists L.A. Home ... $5 Million Price Tag

"Vanderpump Rules" star Randall Emmett has put his beautiful L.A. pad back on the market, a place he and Lala Kent used to call home is now discounted ... relatively speaking, anyway.

Randall's spacious house, on the iconic Mulholland Drive, has been listed once again for $4.995 million -- yes, nearly $5 mil can be a deal in L.A.'s crazy market.

The 4,276-square-foot property comes with a long swimming pool, a pickleball court and huge windows offering a great view of the surrounding area.

TMZ broke the story, Randall first listed the spot in May of last year, asking $6.295M for the pad ... since then, it's gone through numerous price changes -- dropping to $5.7M, then a flat $5 mil and now even lower!.

He's also temporarily pulled the plug on selling the property, and ended up listing it for rent for a while. It's unclear if anyone ever took him up on the rental offer, but now the sale goes on.

You'll recall, the OG listing came after Randall and Lala called off their 3-year engagement, which resulted in her moving out. A source told us Randall was looking for a bigger home for his family after the split.

David T. Kessler of Coldwell Banker Realty holds the listing.

Jonathan Majors Found Guilty In NYC Criminal Trial


1:30 PM PT -- Jonathan Majors' attorney, Priya Chaudhry, tells us, "It is clear that the jury did not believe Grace Jabbari's story of what happened in the SUV because they found that Mr. Majors did not intentionally cause any injuries to her. We are grateful for that."

Chaudhry continues, "We are disappointed, however, that despite not believing Ms. Jabbari, the jury nevertheless found that Mr. Majors was somehow reckless while she was attacking him. Mr. Majors is grateful to God, his family, his friends, and his fans for their love and support during these harrowing eight months. Mr. Majors still has faith in the process and looks forward to fully clearing his name."

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12:42 PM PT -- Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg tells TMZ, “At the Manhattan D.A.’s Office, we are committed to centering survivors in all of our work. The evidence presented throughout this trial illustrated a cycle of psychological and emotional abuse, and escalating patterns of coercion far too common across the many intimate partner violence cases we see each and every day."

Bragg continues, "Today, a jury determined that pattern of abuse and coercion culminated with Mr. Majors assaulting and harassing his girlfriend. We thank the jury for its service and the survivor for bravely telling her story despite having to relive her trauma on the stand."

Jonathan Majors was just found guilty in his criminal trial -- after a jury decided the actor's fate following 3 days of deliberations.

The verdict came down Monday in NYC, and the actor was found guilty on one count of reckless assault in the third degree and guilty of harassment. Remember, he'd initially been slapped with 8 separate charges -- all pertaining to alleged assault and harassment -- but before things kicked off ... the D.A.'s office agreed to drop four of them in an effort to consolidate their complaint.

He was acquitted of two other charges ... one count of intentional assault and one count of aggravated harassment. Now, he faces a maximum sentence of up to a year behind bars.

The trial, which lasted about two weeks, had some standout moments right from the jump in opening statements -- when prosecutors alleged Majors had a history of violence in his relationships, and that the March incident in question was simply the latest example.

Prosecutors claim Majors and his accuser, Grace Jabbari, had gotten into an argument that night after she discovered some texts from another woman ... but asserted Majors was the one who escalated things by allegedly twisting her arm behind her back, and her finger as well. They also claimed he threw her back into the car they were in after she attempted to exit. In other words, they alleged he roughed her up ... and the 6-person jury agreed.

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One critical piece of evidence presented in court involved surveillance video of the night in question ... showing a scuffle between Majors and Jabbari, plus a foot chase shortly thereafter ... with Majors bolting away from Jabbari, who runs after him for a few blocks.

Jabbari herself also took the stand as the key witness, and she backed the prosecution's case ... namely, that Majors had gotten physical with her that night, and it followed a pattern of controlling/manipulative behavior that, at times, teetered on violence.

She described other alleged instances of Majors losing his temper ... and delivered emotional testimony. On cross, though, Majors' defense team attempted to pick apart her story ... including asking her whether she was actually injured that night, despite security footage that showed her partying after the fact and looking seemingly unharmed/unbothered.

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Major's 911 call the day he was arrested was also released ... he called after finding Jabbari passed out in his penthouse apartment and feared she may have attempted suicide.


Throughout the trial, Majors appeared alongside his current girlfriend, Meagan Good, who stood by him during the saga -- whose presence some thought would buy him goodwill.

The bigger question now, of course, is what happens to his career ... it was on the ropes even before the trial -- and now, it feels like he might start to be dropped en masse. It's a big blow ... Majors had already started playing Marvel's next big bad, and he was a rising star in Hollywood with Oscar aspirations too.

He'll be sentenced February 6.


Originally Published -- 12:04 PM PT

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