Jonathan Majors Assault Trial Enters Day 3 Jabbari's Cross-Examination Begins


2:26 PM PT -- Grace Jabbari's cross-examination continued this afternoon, and attorney Priya Chaudhry continued to question Jabbari's alcohol consumption -- including during the day/night in question. Chaudhry also asked why some injuries didn't appear as prominent when she finally got with cops ... and Jabbari said she'd cleaned herself up a bit after arriving at his place that night.

One highlight during cross ... Chaudhry attempted to ask Jabbari about the suicide of an ex-boyfriend of hers, and that made Jabbari burst into tears and require a break. Chaudhry went on to ask her questions about her visa status ... and also asked if she'd seen the security videos/photos of her partying that night -- to which Jabbari accused Chaudhry of "posting."

It appears today's court session is wrapping, and Jabbari's cross should continue tomorrow.

10:50 AM PT -- Grace Jabbari's cross-examination got underway this afternoon -- and right out the gate, Jonathan Majors' defense attorney Priya Chaudhry tried to paint the alleged victim as someone who was constantly feuding with her ex, and who had problems with alcohol to boot.

Chaudhry is reported to have asked a series of questions about her knowledge of Majors' background -- professional or otherwise -- and whether she once had a photo album of Majors' pics ... although it's unclear how Jabbari responded to these. Chaudhry also apparently spent a fair amount of time asking Jabbari about her trial prep with prosecutors, and whether she'd been instructed on pre-determined answers ... which Jabbari denied.

Chaudhry is also reported to have asked quite a bit about Jabbari's past drinking habits -- including whether she was downing a lot of booze during the night in question ... not to mention other times Jabbari might've resorted to alcohol throughout her relationship with JM.

Chaudhry appears to have gotten Jabbari to acknowledge she would, at times, resort to drinking during arguments with Majors. She hasn't gotten to the night in question yet, but Chaudhry is working her way there. They're on a lunch break now, and her cross-examination will continue later this afternoon.

Jonathan Majors' assault trial is heading into its third day and his accuser, Grace Jabbari, will be back on the stand -- but this time his attorney will have a chance to grill her about the alleged attack.

The actor's ex-girlfriend -- who is the prosecution's star witness in the case -- is all set for cross-examination from the defense Wednesday ... this after testifying Tuesday about her POV of the incident that's landed them in court.

Most notably, Jabbari backed prosecutors' assertion she was victimized that fateful night in March -- when Majors was arrested and ultimately charged with assault and harassment.

Early Wednesday, she testified she'd taken 2 over-the-counter sleeping tablets on the evening of the alleged assault. She says that's why she ended up asleep, and half-naked on the bathroom floor at Jonathan's apartment -- and when she woke up, police were standing over her and she could hear Jonathan in the adjacent room.

He's pled not guilty, and this entire time ... he and his attorneys have insisted he was the one who was attacked that night -- not the other way around. Prosecutors, however, told a different story in their opening statement ... insisting Jabbari had been in an abusive relationship with the guy, which boiled over in brutality in a private car they were in.

Jabbari reiterated that while on the stand, telling her side of the story by explaining she caught JM texting another woman and confronted him about it -- snatching his phone away, and then claiming he roughed her up in an attempt to get it back. She also testified that when she tried to flee the car, he grabbed her and threw her inside again ... something that was reportedly depicted in surveillance video that the prosecution played for jurors in court.

After their squabble ... Jabbari says she went to a party with strangers she'd just met in an attempt to take her mind off things -- and while she's appeared uninjured in photos and videos showing her at the club, GB testified she was actually hurt and licking her wounds.

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There were other bombshell moments during her 1st day on the stand, including a recording she'd once taken of Majors during an argument -- in which he apparently called upon her to be more like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama, while shouting "I'm a great man!"

Jabbari also claimed Majors had been aggressive with her in the past, including one alleged time when she says he lost it on her after she brought up her ex-boyfriend's doggo.

Majors remained stone-faced during Jabbari's testimony, which will now pivot to her being questioned by his defense attorneys -- who will undoubtedly try to pick apart her story.

At some point, prosecutors will presumably call other witnesses -- including the driver of their private car that night ... who would be the only material, and presumably unbiased, witness to Majors and Jabbari's conflict.

Originally Published -- 8:59 AM PT


Jonathan Majors' ex-girlfriend, Grace Jabbari, says she decided to attend a stranger's birthday bash instead of returning home to the apartment she shared with him ... after he allegedly struck her in a cab in March.

During sworn testimony before a jury in an NYC courtroom Tuesday, Jabbari claimed she made her escape from an SUV taking them over the Manhattan Bridge ... seeking refuge at a bar with strangers who came to her aid after the alleged physical altercation with the actor.

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"I didn't want to be alone at that point," she told jurors ... elaborating, "I was just trying to suppress the sadness. I felt sad so deeply in my heart. But, I was also really grateful for these three people who had saved me."

She said she bought her 3 new friends a bottle of champagne as a thank you, and also danced.

She said she had "some shots of tequila" as well. She said she began icing her finger at the bar because she knew she'd wake up in considerable pain the next morning.

Video footage of the alleged cab incident was presented in the courtroom ... where Majors was observed getting out of the car and pushing Jabbari back in ... before she got out and chased him down the street.

According to Jabbari, the fight broke out after she saw a text from a woman named "Cleopatra" in the cab.

She claims that when she tried to take the phone, she experienced a "heavy thud" as he tried to take it back ... resulting in her finger and arm being twisted.

"He was trying to hurt me," she alleged. "Then I felt a hard blow across my head."

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However, Majors' attorney, Priya Chaudhry, contends the injuries were actually sustained by the "Creed" actor ... who was scared of Jabbari as he attempted to flee her as she chased him through the streets of Manhattan.


This comes after Jabbari detailed how she first met Majors, how they got involved, and at what point he allegedly began showing aggression around her.

So far, she's shared a recording of the actor allegedly blowing up at her during another incident when she came home tipsy -- and has also claimed he lost his cool after she brought up her ex's pooch.

Meanwhile, Majors' current GF, Meagan Good, has been throwing her full support behind him ... ensuring to be by his side while arriving at court.

Jonathan Majors Denunciante dice que huyó a una fiesta tras la pelea ... No quería estar sola

La exnovia de Jonathan Majors, Grace Jabbari, dice que decidió ir a la fiesta de cumpleaños de un extraño en lugar de volver al departamento que compartía con él. Todo esto, después de que supuestamente este la golpeara en un taxi en marzo.

Durante el testimonio bajo juramento ante un jurado en un tribunal de Nueva York el martes, Jabbari afirmó que se escapó de un SUV que los llevaba por el puente de Manhattan para buscar refugio en un bar con conocidos que fueron a ayudarla después del supuesto altercado físico con el actor.

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De fiesta toda la noche

"No quería estar sola en ese momento", le dijo a los miembros del jurado. "Yo solo estaba tratando de suprimir la tristeza. Me sentía muy triste en el fondo de mi corazón. Pero también estaba muy agradecida por estas tres personas que me salvaron".

Dijo que los invitó a una botella de champán en señal de agradecimiento y también bailó.

También se tomó "algunos chupitos de tequila". Dijo que empezó a ponerse hielo en el dedo en el bar porque sabía que se despertaría con un dolor considerable a la mañana siguiente.

Las imágenes de video del supuesto incidente del taxi se presentaron en la sala del tribunal. En ellas se ve a Majors saliendo del carro e instando a Jabbari a que entre de nuevo, luego ella sale y comienza a perseguirlo por la calle.

Según Jabbari, la pelea estalló después de que vio un mensaje de texto de una mujer llamada "Cleopatra" en el taxi.

Ella dice que cuando trató de tomar el teléfono, experimentó un "fuerte golpe" mientras él intentaba recuperarlo, lo que provocó una torcedura en su brazo y en su dedo.

"Él estaba tratando de hacerme daño", alegó. "Entonces sentí un fuerte golpe en la cabeza"

Sin embargo, la abogada de Majors, Priya Chaudhry, sostiene que el actor de "Creed" fue quien sufrió las lesiones. Asegura que el actor se asustó y por eso intentó huir mientras ella lo perseguía por las calles de Manhattan.

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Todo esto ocurre después de que Jabbari detallara cómo conoció a Majors y en qué momento él supuestamente comenzó a mostrarse agresivo.

Hasta ahora, Jabbari ha compartido una grabación del actor donde aparentemente se lo ve explotando de rabia una vez que ella llegó borracha a casa. También ha afirmado que Majors perdió la calma cuando le mencionó algo sobre el perro de su ex.

Mientras tanto, la actual novia de Majors, Meagan Good, ha estado expresando todo su apoyo al actor, asegurándose de estar a su lado cuando llegan a la corte.

Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes celebran un nuevo capítulo con un paseo marítimo

Amy Robach y T.J. Holmes están escribiendo un nuevo capítulo en sus vidas, pasando algún tiempo de la mano luego del lanzamiento de su podcast y la impactante noticia de que sus ex están saliendo.

Hemos conseguido estas fotos de los ex presentadores de "GMA" paseando por Santa Mónica y dirigiéndose hacia el famoso muelle el viernes. La pareja se tomó de la mano todo el tiempo. Esto ocurre justo unos días antes del muy revelador primer episodio de su podcast.

Como informamos, Amy detalló que el día en que temió que T.J. se había suicidado, ya que estaban recibiendo el despido de sus puestos de trabajo en ABC debido a su romance secreto.

una tarde terrorífica
Amy & T.J. Podcast

Ella recordó correr hacia su apartamento luego de que él le envió textos alarmantes —todos escritos en tiempo pasado— y luego lo encontró inconsciente luego de haber tomado vodka y comestibles de hierba.

Claramente decidieron dejar todo ese drama en el pasado para disfrutaban de un día soleado.

¿Sabían o no que sus respectivos ex se estaban viendo?

Al parecer, Marilee Fiebig y Andrew Shue están saliendo, y lo llevan haciendo desde hace unos 6 meses. Al parecer, buscaron consuelo el uno en el otro por sus divorcios de los presentadores de televisión.

Así que, ¿final feliz para todos? Ciertamente parece que de esa manera para T.J. y Amy, que también estaban uno encima del otro el pasado fin de semana, ya que asistieron a un evento Jingle Ball.

Todo el mundo sigue adelante.

AMY ROBACH & T.J. HOLMES Romantic Seaside Stroll ... Here's to Our New Gig!!!

Amy Robach and T.J. Holmes are making the most of a new chapter in their lives ... spending some downtime hand-in-hand ahead of their podcast launch, and the shocking news their exes are dating.

We got these shots of the former 'GMA' anchors strollin' around Santa Monica and heading toward the famous pier on Friday. The couple held hands the whole time during their casual excursion ... which came a few days before the very revealing first episode of their podcast.

As we reported, Amy detailed the day she feared T.J. had killed himself as they were getting the boot from their ABC jobs over their secret romance.

Amy & T.J. Podcast

She recalled racing over to his pad after he began sending her alarming texts -- all written in the past tense -- and finding him in an unconscious state ... after he'd pounded vodka and weed edibles.

They were clearly putting all that drama in their rearview as they enjoyed a sunny SoCal day.

What's interesting, though, is whether or not they knew, at that point, their respective exes were hooking up.

Marilee Fiebig and Andrew Shue are reportedly dating, and have been for about 6 months. They reportedly sought solace in each other over their divorces from the TV hosts.

Sooo ... happy endings all around? It certainly seems that way for T.J. and Amy, who were also all over each other last weekend as they attended a Jingle Ball event.


Everybody moves on.

La mujer que acusa a Jonathan Majors dice que enloqueció por el perro de su ex

Jonathan Majors perdió la calma cuando su acusadora Grace Jabbari mencionó el perro de su ex novio, al menos según su testimonio en el juicio por agresión de Majors.

Jabbari  —que voló desde Londres para subir al estrado en un tribunal de Nueva York— habló ante el jurado bajo juramento el martes y describió cómo lo conoció, cómo se involucraron, y en qué momento supuestamente comenzó a mostrar agresividad a su alrededor.

Recuerdemos que los fiscales le dijeron a los miembros del jurado el lunes durante las declaraciones de apertura, que lo que supuestamente sucedió entre ellos en marzo fue en realidad solo el punto de ebullición de lo que afirman se había convertido en una relación controladora y abusiva, algo que Jabbari testificó en el estrado.

Jabbari dijo que conoció a Majors en el set de "Ant-Man y la Avispa: Quantumania", donde fue contratada como entrenadora de movimiento y explicó que su relación se volvió seria rápidamente. Sin embargo, en un momento dado en diciembre de 2021, ella testificó que vio los primeros destellos de ira de él cuando ella afirma que él perdió el control luego de que ella mencionó al perro de su ex.

Jabbari dice que en realidad estaba conociendo a los perros de Majors en ese momento, y él le estaba dando instrucciones sobre cómo comportarse con ellos a lo que ella respondió que ya estaba familiarizada con los perros a causa de su ex novio, que tenía uno. Fue entonces cuando, según ella, Jonathan perdió la calma y empezó a levantar la voz, aparentemente enfadado porque ella había sacado el tema.

En el tribunal, ella es citada diciendo: "¿Cómo me atrevo a mencionarlo?" y "Es vergonzoso que haya salido con él. Su perro es patético. Ese tipo de cosas". Ella también dijo que esta fue la primera vez que tuvo miedo de él y testificó que las cosas solo empeoraron a partir de ahí.

Jabbari pasó a describir otros supuestos casos en los que Majors perdió los estribos, testificando que una vez lanzó una vela en su dirección y abolló su pared y que supuestamente una vez golpeó sus auriculares, entre otros supuestos momentos violentos.

¡feliz navidad!

Ella también se detuvo y lloró mucho durante su testimonio. En este punto, no suena como que ella estuviera describiendo el presunto asalto, aunque los fiscales ya hablaron por ella el lunes, cuando alegaron que la tiró alrededor como una muñeca de trapo en el carro después de que ella vio un texto que ella pensaba provenía de una mujer, algo que él ha negado.

Meagan Good estaba de vuelta en la corte mirando como Majors se sentó en la mesa del acusado durante el testimonio de Jabbari. Según los informes, no miró a Jabbari mientras ella estaba en el estrado.

Jonathan Majors Accuser Grace Jabbari Testifies He Flipped Out Over Ex's Dog


1:35 PM PT -- Grace Jabbari also shared a recording allegedly of Jonathan Majors blowing up at her during another incident when she came home tipsy after going out with friends.

In the recording, jurors heard Majors yelling at Jabbari, telling her she needed to be more like Coretta Scott King and Michelle Obama -- and that she had moved away from "the plan." In the recording, Majors exclaimed, "I'm a great man. A great man! There needs to be a great woman who makes sacrifices."

Jonathan Majors once lost his cool when his accuser Grace Jabbari mentioned her ex-boyfriend's dog -- at least according to her testimony in Majors' assault trial.

Jabbari -- who flew in from London to take the stand in an NYC courtroom -- spoke to the jury under oath Tuesday, and described how she first met him, how they got involved, and at what point he allegedly started to show aggression around her.

Remember, prosecutors told jurors Monday during opening statements that what allegedly happened between them in March was actually just the boiling point of what they claim had become a controlling and abusive relationship ... something Jabbari testified to on the stand.

Jabbari said she met Majors on the set of 'Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania' -- where she was hired as a movement coach -- and explained that their relationship got serious quickly. However, at one point in December 2021 ... she testified she saw the first flashes of anger from him when she claims he flipped his lid after she brought up her ex's pooch.

Jabbari says she was actually meeting Majors' own dogs at the time, and he was giving her instructions on how to behave around them -- to which she replied that she was already familiar with dogs on account of her ex-boyfriend, who had one. That's when she alleges JM lost his cool and started to raise his voice at her ... apparently angry she'd brought it up.

In court, she's quoted as saying ... "How dare I mention him" and "It's embarrassing to him that I dated him. His dog is pathetic. That kind of stuff." She also said this was the first time she ever became afraid of him ... and she testified things only got worse from there.

Jabbari went on to describe other alleged instances where Majors lost his temper -- testifying he once threw a candle in her direction and dented her wall ... and that he allegedly once knocked her headphones off her head, among other alleged moments of berating.


She also stopped and cried a lot during her testimony. At this point, it doesn't sound like she's gotten around to describing the alleged assault in question -- although prosecutors already alluded to it Monday, when they alleged he threw her around like a rag doll in the car after she saw a text from what she thought was a woman ... something he's denied.

Meagan Good was back in court looking on as Majors sat at the defendant's table during Jabbari's testimony. He reportedly did not look at Jabbari while she was on the stand.

Originally Published -- 10:04 AM PT

David Lynch Su esposa solicita el divorcio

David Lynch, el hombre detrás de "Twin Peaks", "Mulholland Drive" y "Blue Velvet", acaba de recibir una petición de divorcio.

La esposa de David, Emily, ha presentado una demanda para poner fin a sus 14 años de matrimonio y no parece ser muy amistosa.

La esposa de la leyenda del cine, de 77 años, está pidiendo la custodia exclusiva, legal y física de su hija de 11 años. Emily quiere que David tenga derechos de visita, pero solo eso.

También está pidiendo la manutención del cónyuge y el pago de honorarios del abogado.

No hay evidencia sobre un acuerdo prenupcial, pero David ha sido una fuerza creativa importante en Hollywood durante décadas. También ha dirigido "El hombre elefante", "Corazón salvaje", "Carretera perdida" e "Inland Empire".

Este es su cuarto matrimonio.

David Lynch 'Twin Peaks' Wife Files for Divorce

David Lynch, the man behind "Twin Peaks," "Mulholland Drive" and "Blue Velvet," is on the receiving end of a divorce petition.

David's wife, Emily, has filed to end their 14-year marriage, and it doesn't seem all that amicable.

The 77-year-old directing legend's wife is asking for sole legal and physical custody of their 11-year-old daughter. Emily wants David to have visitation rights, but that's it.

Emily is also asking for spousal support and attorney's fees.

There's no evidence of a prenup, but David has been a major force in Hollywood for decades. He's also directed "The Elephant Man," "Wild at Heart," "Lost Highway," and "Inland Empire."

This is David's fourth marriage.

Jeannie Mai Fires Back at Jeezy's Divorce Claims ... Insinuates He's a Cheater and Prenup Says It'll Cost Him!!!

Jeannie Mai has responded to Jeezy's divorce petition, and she is more than insinuating he cheated on her and claims that will have a HUGE effect on their prenup and division of assets.

According to legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Jeannie more than insinuates her estranged husband is guilty of infidelity. Her lawyer writes, "Wife reserves the right to amend this counterclaim to add other grounds for divorce, but which Wife does not wish to specify herein at this time in the hope this matter can be resolved without having to disclose such conduct publicly."

But, it gets even more pointed ... "Wife further shows that the Court should enforce Paragraph 8 of the Prenuptial Agreement regarding infidelity which provides, in pertinent part, that in the event that either party engages in sexual relations, an emotional relationship, or is emotionally or sexually suggestive in communication with a third party via all forms of electronic communications, including but not limited to texting, sexting, Facetiming, social media and/or Direct Messages, shall result in a significant financial penalty upon the adulterous party ..."


In other words, she's accusing Jeezy of being unfaithful and claiming he's gotta cough up a bunch of dough as a result. The docs do not say who exactly Jeezy was allegedly banging, talking to, or seeing.

Jeannie coming out with cheating allegations is super interesting ... as we first told you, Jeannie was being accused of cheating on Jeezy with "Access Hollywood" host Mario Lopez, but a source close to her told us it was BS.

Jeezy, who filed for divorce in August down in Georgia, also released a 29-track double album, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," in the wake of the split ... and it's highlighted by the song "Don't Cheat."

Cheating was also a theme Jeezy kept referencing during his recent interview with Nia Long.

Now, Jeannie is turning the tables ... and calling out Jeezy for allegedly being unfaithful.

Jeannie Mai Responde a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy... ¡¡Es un infiel y le va a costar!!

Jeannie Mai respondió a la petición de divorcio de Jeezy, y está más que insinuando que este la engañó, lo que según afirma, tendrá un efecto enorme en su acuerdo prenupcial y la división de los activos.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Jeannie más que sugiere que su marido es culpable de infidelidad. Su abogado escribe: "La esposa se reserva el derecho de modificar esta demanda reconvencional para añadir otros motivos de divorcio, los cuales la esposa no desea especificar en este momento con la esperanza de que este asunto pueda resolverse sin tener que revelarse públicamente tal conducta".

Pero se pone aún más puntiagudo: "La esposa muestra además que el Tribunal debe hacer cumplir el párrafo 8 del Acuerdo Prenupcial con respecto a la infidelidad que establece, en la parte pertinente, que en el caso de que cualquiera de las partes participe en relaciones sexuales, una relación emocional, o emocional o sexualmente sugerente en la comunicación con un tercero a través de todas las formas de comunicación electrónica, incluyendo, pero no limitado a los mensajes de texto, sexting, Facetiming, medios de comunicación social y/o mensajes directos, dará lugar a una sanción económica significativa sobre la parte adúltera".

En otras palabras, ella está acusando a Jeezy de serle infiel y está reclamando que tiene que soltar un montón de dinero como consecuencia de ello. Los documentos no dicen qué fue lo que Jeezy supuestamente hizo, vio o con quién habló.

Que Jeannie salga con acusaciones de engaño es súper interesante, como les contamos por primera vez, Jeannie estaba siendo acusada de engañar a Jeezy con el anfitrión de "Access Hollywood", Mario López, pero una fuente cercana a ella nos dijo que era mentira.

Jeezy, que pidió el divorcio en agosto en Georgia, también lanzó un álbum doble de 29 canciones, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," a raíz de la separación y se destaca por la canción "Don't Cheat".

El engaño también fue un tema al que Jeezy siguió haciendo referencia durante su reciente entrevista con Nia Long.

Ahora, Jeannie está dando vuelta a la tortilla y llamando a Jeezy infiel, supuestamente.

Taylor Swift Publicist Slams Marriage To Joe Alwyn Rumors ... It's All "Fabricated Lies"!!!

Taylor Swift's publicist came out swinging against a celebrity gossip site, blasting rumors the pop superstar had secretly married her ex Joe Alwyn years ago.

Tree Paine, Taylor's longtime rep, posted a message on X Thursday night, slamming the shadowy Deuxmoi Instagram page, which often publishes unconfirmed reports about Hollywood's elite.

Paine wrote, "Enough is enough with these fabricated lies about Taylor from Deuxmoi. There was NEVER a marriage or ceremony of ANY kind."

She continued, "This is an insane thing to post. It’s time for you to be held accountable for the pain and trauma you cause with posts like these."

In a lengthy IG post, Deuxmoi claimed Taylor and Joe tied the knot in the UK in 2020 or 2021, but the marriage "was never made legal," citing multiple anonymous sources.

Deuxmoi rambled on, trying to convince readers the story was true while insisting, "I have no reason to lie."

As you know, Taylor called it quits with Joe in April after six years of dating. During their relationship, Joe was repeatedly asked if he was engaged to Taylor -- and the actor always sidestepped the question.

He once told WSJ magazine, "If I had a pound for every time I think I've been told I've been engaged, then I'd have a lot of pound coins."

Getting engaged could be on the horizon for Taylor. As anyone with a pulse knows, Taylor has been romantically linked to Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce -- and the two seem to be in love.

Will Travis put a ring on Taylor's finger? Stay tuned.

Taylor Swift Publicista desmiente rumores de matrimonio con Joe Alwyn... Son todas mentiras fabricadas!!!

El publicista de Taylor Swift salió al paso de un sitio de chismes de celebridades, desmintiendo los rumores de que la superestrella del pop se habría casado en secreto con su ex Joe Alwyn hace años.

Tree Paine, representante de Taylor por largo tiempo, publicó un mensaje en X el jueves por la noche, en donde critica a la enigmática página de Instagram Deuxmoi, que a menudo publica artículos no confirmados sobre la élite de Hollywood.

Paine escribió: "Ya es suficiente con estas mentiras inventadas sobre Taylor de Deuxmoi. NUNCA hubo un matrimonio o ceremonia de NINGÚN tipo".

Ella continuó: "Es una locura publicar esto. Es hora de que sean responsable por el dolor y el trauma que causan con posts como estos".

En un largo post de Instagram, Deuxmoi afirmó que Taylor y Joe ataron el nudo en el Reino Unido en 2020 o 2021, aunque el matrimonio "nunca se hizo legal". Citan múltiples fuentes anónimas en su reporte.

Deuxmoi divagó, tratando de convencer a los lectores de que la historia era cierta mientras insistía: "No tengo ninguna razón para mentir".

Como saben, Taylor puso fin a su relación con Joe en abril después de seis años de noviazgo. Durante su relación, Joe fue consultado en repetidas ocasiones si estaba comprometido con Taylor y el actor siempre eludió la pregunta.

Una vez dijo a la revista WSJ: "Si tuviera una libra por cada vez que creo que me han dicho que he estado comprometido, entonces tendría un montón de monedas".

Comprometerse podría estar en el horizonte de Taylor. Como cualquier persona a estas alturas sabe, Taylor ha sido vinculada románticamente con el jugador de los Kansas City Chiefs, Travis Kelce, y los dos parecen estar enamorados.

¿Pondrá Travis un anillo en el dedo de Taylor? Estén atentos.

Jeremy Allen White Smoke Break w/ Rosalía in L.A. ... Still Going Strong, Eh???

Jeremy Allen White and Rosalía aren't putting dating rumors to rest -- in fact, they're adding fuel to the fire and lighting a match ... to spark up cigs, and more rumors, no doubt.

TMZ got these photos of "The Bear" actor and the Spanish singer hanging out Wednesday in WeHo ... where they were chopping it up in a parking lot, and enjoying a smoke break in each other's company.

It's kinda funny ... you could argue this scene here is life imitating art a bit -- namely, on Jeremy's end. His character from the TV show is constantly stepping out to inhale a cigarette amid the restaurant chaos ... and while this moment isn't nearly as dramatic, it does feel familiar.

Anyway, JAW and Rosalía ended up talking a bit more -- sans cancer sticks -- and ultimately departed with a nice big hug ... but no kiss, something we know Jeremy ain't shy to do when he's into a new boo.

Still, it's interesting to see them continue to hang amid last month's public farmer's market outing -- where Jeremy was walking around with a huge bouquet of flowers ... which may or may not have been for his new would-be significant other.

Folks thought there was something going on between them then ... and they're sure to keep on believing that after this latest rendezvous.

What adds an extra layer of intrigue here is the fact that Jeremy is still navigating a divorce from his wife, Addison Timlin ... with whom he shares 2 children.

The exes seem to be on good terms, 'cause they're constantly stepping out as a family ... so it would appear they're going about their uncoupling amicably.

Anyway, Jeremy certainly isn't scared to put his personal life on the front street, and with his growing success in the biz, he's only going to get more and more attention the bigger he gets.

The dude's IDGAF vibes are pretty palpable ... he's as down-to-earth as they come.

Teyana Taylor Ab-Solutely Taking Divorce In Stride ... I'm Still Making The Rounds

Teyana Taylor is still making public appearances despite all her divorce drama with Iman Shumpert ... and she's looking fine as usual.

The singer just showed up to do an interview on Jimmy Kimmel's talk show ... so it's clear she's unbothered by the nasty split.

Teyana's body is scorching hot here ... she's showing off her super toned abs, with nothing covering skin from her waist to her chest.

Normally, we would call this post-breakup hotness ... but, let's face it, Teyana has always looked like this ... so eat your heart out, Iman!!!

TMZ broke the story ... Teyana accused Iman of being a jealous spouse aggravated and annoyed by her Hollywood career, among other nasty claims.

Teyana was quietly divorcing him, but Iman revealed their full names in a recent court filing, exposing their split. As a result, she's disappointed and frustrated with him.

Despite the bad blood, Teyana's promoting her projects ... and it will be interesting to see if Jimmy asks her about the split.

Teyana’s got plenty in the works, with her new movie “The Book of Clarence” coming out in January. She’s also up for some awards for her work in the indie drama “A Thousand and One” … so there’s PLENTY to talk about with Jimmy.

Teyana Taylor Frustrated Iman Made Divorce Public ... Living Separately as Battle Gets Nasty

Teyana Taylor and Iman Shumpert are no longer living under the same roof as their bitter divorce now plays out publicly ... something she blames squarely on her estranged husband.

Sources close to the exes tell TMZ, Teyana is incredibly disappointed and frustrated with Iman -- her husband of 7 years -- for deciding to make their identities public in a recent court filing in their divorce case.

Teyana had sought to not only protect their kids from this mess, but Iman as well ... which is why she initially filed divorce docs, back in January, using just their initials. The divorce was proceeding in private, but after his latest legal move, that privacy's completely out the window.

Teyana's attorney, Tanya Mitchell, echoed this sentiment, writing in a legal doc, "We were able to keep this divorce matter private as Ms. Taylor requested for eleven (11) months in this case prior to Mr. Shumpert's MOTION revealing the parties' legal names and making the private matter public."

She continued, "This matter would very likely still be private if Mr. Shumpert's MOTION TO SUBSTITUTE TRUE LEGAL NAMES AS REAL PARTIES IN INTEREST was not filed ..."

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Our sources say Teyana and Iman are NOT living under the same roof -- though Teyana made it seem like they were on good terms in September, when she announced their separation.

In fact, we're told communication between Teyana and Iman is minimal ... and they only chat if it has to do with their 2 children. Basically, things ain't so rosy at the moment.

TMZ broke the story ... Teyana accused Iman of being a jealous spouse, with him allegedly being annoyed and aggravated with her burgeoning career, including on the acting front -- among lots of other messy allegations.

Speaking of her acting, Teyana actually attended the Gotham Awards Monday night in NYC, where she was up for Outstanding Lead Performance for her indie drama, "A Thousand and One."

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