Kim Zolciak I'm Back To Biermann Again On Instagram ... What Divorce???

Kim Zolciak has restored her married name to her Instagram bio, serving as yet another piece of evidence her hot-and-cold marriage to Kroy Biermann is back on track amid their divorce. Yeah, we get it ... super confusing.

The former 'Real Housewives of Atlanta' star replaced her IG handle @kimzolciak with @kimzbiermann, which was the one she used before her latest breakup with Kroy back in August.

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here's to 12 years!!!

What's more, Kim and Kroy were seen out on a dinner date over the weekend to celebrate their 12th wedding anniversary.

The two looked like a happy couple, chowing down on lasagna, chicken parm and chocolate desserts at an Italian restaurant in Georgia.

By looking at the IG video they posted of their special night together, you would never guess Kim and Kroy are in the middle of their 2nd divorce, but they are!!!

Here's how bad it got. The divorce judge literally divided their home in half so they didn't have to interact. Kroy got the primary bedroom and Kim was relegated to the basement. The police were regulars at the house to settle various marital disputes.

Yet, there seems to be mounting evidence that they're gonna once again call off their divorce and try to live happily ever after -- even with all of their constant blowout fights and financial troubles.

Whether that will happen is anyone's guess. But keep in mind, Kim and Kroy have already been down this road once before -- and both agreed to dismiss their first divorce petition in July.


Will the second time be a charm? Stay tuned.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Apryl Jones Omarion's Not 'Unbothered' If He's Still Mentioning Me ... It's Been 9 Years, Let It Go!!!


Omarion's getting praise for being cool about his child's mother Apryl Jones' relationship with his ex-bandmate, but she doesn't see it that way -- instead, Apryl says the "Touch" singer dished all sorts of subliminal shade!!!

TMZ Hip Hop linked up with Apryl in Studio City, CA, where "The Comeback" actress vented about Omarion's 2-hour sit-down with "Hollywood Unlocked" host Jason Lee.

Apryl tells us she and O have been broken up for nearly a decade, so the notion of him "forgiving her" for previously dating former B2K member Lil' Fizz is lost on her!!!

While she admits her Fizz relationship might have hurt fans raised on "Scream" tours ... Apryl has zero bad things to say about him. She points out they hooked up 5 years after she and Omarion split, and still credits Fizz for helping her through postpartum depression.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

As for her relationship with Omarion ... Apryl says she's woman enough to co-parent peacefully with him, but wishes he'd push forward with his career without using her in his storylines!!!

She's got her own movie -- with real-life BF Taye Diggs playing her love interest -- so, she doesn't want any unnecessary drama, IRL!!!



9:10 AM PT -- Una fuente cercana a Keke Palmer nos dice que Darius Jackson fue a su casa el domingo y comenzó a maldecir a Keke mientras ella estaba en el teléfono con Sharon. Nos dicen que Sharon hizo la amenaza de la bala porque temía por la seguridad de su hija y no podía estar allí en persona para proteger a Keke.

El ex de Keke Palmer, Darius Jackson, está negando las acusaciones de abuso contra su ex. Además, está lanzando sus propias reclamaciones contra la madre de Keke, debido a que la mujer lo habría amenazado con poner una bala en su cabeza.

Fuentes cercanas a Darius le dicen a TMZ que el último problema entre la pareja deriva de una discusión sobre la custodia de su hijo, Leo. Por nuestras fuentes, sabemos que Darius le habría enviado mensajes de texto a Keke sobre ir a recoger a su hijo para ir a ver el fútbol el domingo pasado, pero cuando llegó a la casa de Keke, Leo no estaba allí.

A partir de ahí, se produjo una discusión entre Darius y Keke y en algún momento, Keke puso a su madre, Sharon, al teléfono y la puso en el altavoz. Nos dicen que Sharon estaba gritando e insultando a Darius. Fue en ese momento cuando Sharon supuestamente le dijo a Darius que le metería una bala en la cabeza, lo que llevó las cosas a otro nivel.

Darius intentó arrebatarle el teléfono a Keke de forma violenta. Según nuestras fuentes, una de las pruebas que Keke usó en su orden de alejamiento la semana pasada, incluía imágenes de ambos forcejeando en el sofá.

Nos dicen que Darius niega haber golpeado de Keke y nuestras fuentes nos dicen que los policías fueron y no encontraron ninguna razón para arrestarlo por violencia doméstica. Ni siquiera presentaron un informe. Nos informan que ni siquiera presentaron una denuncia, lo que respalda la versión de Darius.

Nos dicen que la madre de Darius se enteró de la amenaza de bala en la cabeza y le envió un mensaje de texto a Sharon.

Debemos señalar que Keke también incluyó capturas de pantalla de un altercado entre ella y Darius en las escaleras en 2022 en su solicitud de orden de restricción. No sabemos mucho acerca de ese incidente.

En cualquier caso, nuestras fuentes nos dicen que Darius se aferra a su historia y que niega las recientes acusaciones de abuso, sin embargo, el juez sintió que una orden de restricción temporal estaba justificada.

A Keke se le concedió su TRO (orden de alejamiento temporal) por no hablar de la custodia exclusiva temporal del niño. Una audiencia sobre el asunto está prevista para el 5 de diciembre - donde Darius será capaz de defender su caso.

Como informamos, Keke fue vista en público el sábado trabajando en lo que parecía ser un rodaje y tenía al pequeño Leo con ella. También recibió un ramo de rosas de algún desconocido.

Publicado originalmente -- 8:42 AM PT

Keke Palmer's Ex Darius Jackson Denies Abuse Claims ... After Restraining Order


9:10 AM PT -- A source close to Keke Palmer tells us Darius Jackson made his way into her home that Sunday and began to cuss Keke out as she was on the phone with Sharon. We're told Sharon made the threat about the bullet because she feared for her daughter's safety and couldn't be there in person to protect Keke.

We've also obtained Sharon's response to the text message from Darius' mother.

Keke Palmer's ex, Darius Jackson, is denying her bombshell abuse allegations -- and is levying his own claims against her mother ... whom he insists threatened to put a bullet in his head.

Sources close to Darius tell TMZ the latest issue between the couple stems from an argument over the custody of their infant son, Leo. Per our sources ... Darius had texted Keke about going to pick up his son to watch football last Sunday -- but when he arrived to Keke's place, Leo wasn't there.

From there, an argument between Darius and Keke ensued, and at some point, Keke got her mom, Sharon, on the phone and put her on speaker -- and we're told Sharon was screaming/cussing Darius out. It was during that time when Sharon allegedly told Darius she'd put a bullet in his head ... which brought things to another level.

Darius then attempted to wrestle Keke's phone away from her -- which our sources say is what's depicted in one of KP's exhibits from her restraining order filing last week ... which shows them tussling and struggling on the couch.

We're told Darius absolutely denies abusing Keke ... and our sources say cops even came over and didn't find any probable cause to arrest him for DV. They didn't even file a report, we're told ... which our sources say backs up DJ's account.

We're told Darius' mother, Yhinyer, caught wind of the bullet to the head threat, and texted Sharon over it.

We should note, Keke also included screenshots from an altercation between her and Darius on the stairs from Feb. 2022 in her restraining order filing -- we don't know what led to that incident.


In any case, our sources say Darius is sticking to his story ... and that denies the recent allegations of abuse. A judge, of course, felt a temporary restraining order was warranted.

Keke was granted her TRO ... not to mention temporary sole custody of the child. A hearing on the matter is scheduled for Dec. 5 -- where Darius will be able to plead his case.

As we reported ... Keke was spotted out in public Saturday working on what appeared to be a shoot, and she had young Leo with her. She also received a rose bouquet from someone.

Originally Published -- 8:42 AM PT

Ben Affleck & Jennifer Garner Laughing It Up at Son's B-ball Game ... Exes Are Still Good Pals

Ben Affleck and his ex-wife, Jennifer Garner, haven't always been on the best terms after divorcing, but lately -- including this weekend -- they're 2 peas in a co-parenting pod.

The 2 exes -- who share 3 children together -- were hanging out Sunday in Santa Monica, where their son Samuel had a basketball game ... and while they were waiting for their kid so they could all leave, BA and JG were laughing something fierce in the lobby.

Take a look ... mom and dad chatted each other up and smiled ear to ear as they talked. Eventually, Sam wrapped up the game and they all left together ... in real good moods.

BTW, it's just the 2 of them here -- no J Lo or the other kids in sight -- so it seems this was just a day for the father-mother-son trio, which is a cool thing to see.

We already know Ben and Jen (and Jen) have a blended family these days ... and they're always in and out of each other's lives, especially for big events and holidays. The fact Ben and Jennifer can meet up like this without any issues is sort of a rarity in Hollywood.

That's not to say these two haven't had their issues post-divorce.

We've seen them argue in public before, including one instance from 2019 where they got testy on the street. With that said, they're on the same page more often than not ... and seem to care a great deal about each other in the years since their marriage ended.

In fact, it was Garner here who took Ben to rehab in 2018 ... so she's certainly there for her ex when he needs it.

She also appears to get along with BA's new wife and her own children ... JG has been seen taking the whole kid troupe out and about in public, and vice-versa obviously.

In other words ... they're a healthy former couple, and ya love to see it.


Ben Affleck y su ex esposa, Jennifer Garner, no siempre han estado en los mejores términos después de divorciarse, pero últimamente se les ha visto bastante alegres a decir verdad.

Los divorciados comparten tres hijos juntos y pasaron el domingo en Santa Mónica, donde su hijo Samuel tenía un partido de baloncesto. Mientras esperaban a su hijo para que todos pudieran salir, Ben y Jennifer se reían a viva voz en el vestíbulo.

Echa un vistazo; mamá y papá charlaban y sonreían de oreja a oreja mientras hablaban. Al final, Sam terminó el juego y se fueron todos juntos y de muy buen humor.

A propósito, sólo había dos de ellos aquí, ninguno de J Lo o algún otro niños a la vista, por lo que parece que esto era un día exclusivamente para el trío padre/madre/hijo, lo que es una novedad.

Ya sabemos que Ben y Jen (y Jen) tienen una familia mixta estos días y siempre están entrando y saliendo de la vida del otro, especialmente para los grandes eventos y días festivos. El hecho de que Ben y Jennifer pueden reunirse de esta manera sin ningún tipo de problemas es una especie de rareza en Hollywood.

Eso no quiere decir que estos dos no hayan tenido sus problemas después del divorcio.

Los hemos visto discutir en público antes; recordemos esa vez en 2019 cuando se pusieron irritables en la calle. Dicho esto, últimamente parecen estar en la misma página más a menudo que no y parecen preocuparse mucho el uno por el otro en los años desde que terminó su matrimonio.

De hecho, fue Garner aquí quien llevó a Ben a rehabilitación en 2018 por lo que ciertamente está allí para su ex cuando lo necesita.

Ella también parece llevarse bien con la nueva esposa del actor y sus propios hijos, Jennifer ha sido vista llevando a toda la tropa de niños en público y viceversa, obviamente.

En otras palabras, son una ex pareja sana y es bueno verlo.

Keke Palmer Holds Son Post-TRO Against Baby Daddy Flower Bouquet Sent Over

Keke Palmer is holding on tight to her son after getting temporary sole custody of him amid her legal fight with her baby daddy -- this, of course, after accusing him of DV.

The actress appeared to be on set Saturday afternoon in West Hollywood, where two notable things happened -- one, she was photographed carrying her nearly 9-month-old, Leo, while in costume ... and was smiling from ear to ear, while even firing off a selfie of the 2 of them.

There was a woman nearby, whom Keke eventually handed Leo over to -- presumably a nanny of some sort -- while she went back to work. Like we said, KP is beaming here.

The other standout moment from this time on the job ... she received an intricate bouquet of flowers from somebody, courtesy of a local business called La Fleu Eclose ... and this particular arrangement is one of their pricier items for sale -- it's called "My Queen."

The bouquet comes with a crap ton of roses -- between 50 to 100 -- and a nice little crown ornament on top to boot. There was a card attached that Keke was seen reading ... and she looked to be a bit emotional as she went through it. No word on who it was from.

This is the first time we're seeing Keke out in public since her bomb allegations this past week -- namely, claiming Darius Jackson had abused her on and off for well over a year ... including an alleged incident she says happened as recently as last weekend.

Keke also uploaded a bunch of still images taken from in-home security footage that she claims shows Darius roughing her up on a handful of occasions, dating back to 02/2022.

She said she feared for her safety, and as a result was granted a temporary restraining order against Darius. Keke was also granted temporary sole custody of their kid ... a separate filing that came shortly before her TRO hit the court system.

Darius has remained mostly mum through all this ... not having officially acknowledged her claims, other than to say he loves his son and that he'll "see you soon." A hearing to sort all this out is scheduled for early December ... where he'll presumably get a chance to respond.

Keke and Darius had Leo in February ... and had been a couple for a good while before that. He's not famous at all -- but has drawn attention to himself and their relationship.

Infamously, he criticized her outfit choice during an Usher concert ... which got a lot of blowback -- even, seemingly, from Keke herself. Since then, though -- they appear to have made up and gotten back together ... until now, that is. Safe to say, they're on the outs.


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una cena romántica

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann tuvieron un buen fin de semana. Estuvieron comiendo y pasando un buen momento durante su aniversario número 12, a pesar de que se están divorciando.

La ex estrella de "RHOA" documentó todo en Insta, incluyendo una parada rápida para asistir a un show de Morgan Wallen en Atlanta. Luego tuvieron una cena a solas en un conjunto italiano que era de lo más romántico.

Échale un vistazo por ti mismo, tenían un mini buffet de comida en frente de ellos y una buena cantidad de bebidas también. Celebraron con el equipo del restaurant y todo fue filmado.

Ella no mencionó sus problemas personales, amorosos, financieros o de otro tipo, y en su lugar, comentó lo buena que estaba la comida. Kroy definitivamente estaba disfrutando el momento.

Una imagen vale más que mil palabras, hay un montón de fotogramas reveladores en estos clips. A primera vista, parece que están en buenos términos, a pesar de los tumultuosos últimos meses de divorcio y problemas de dinero que están vinculados.

Como decíamos, estaban celebrando el aniversario de su fecha de boda allá por 2011. Y a pesar de que parecen estar dirigiéndose hacia Splitsville ... sintieron que valía la pena honrar.

No se sabe si esto significa que están haciendo las paces (de nuevo), pero es bueno verlos felices.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Anniversary Dinner Amid Divorce ... Hit Pause on Life Drama

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here's to 12 years!!!

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann had a good weekend -- they were chowing down and looking awfully cozy during their 12-year anniversary ... even though they're getting divorced.

The ex-'RHOA' star was documenting all the festivities on IG, including a pit stop to one of Morgan Wallen's shows in Atlanta ... and a one-on-one dinner she shared with her estranged hubby at an Italian joint in nearby Smyrna, GA -- which was romantic as hell.

Take a look for yourself ... they had a mini buffet of food in front of them, and a fair amount of drinks too, which they partook in with the restaurant staff -- all of which KZ filmed.

She made no mention of their personal problems here -- relationship, financial or otherwise -- and instead commented on how good the grub was. She also didn't acknowledge Kroy's presence explicitly ... but the dude was definitely enjoying himself/the moment.

If a picture's worth a thousand words ... there are a lot of telling frames in these clips -- at first glance, it would appear they're on good terms at the moment ... despite a tumultuous past few months as they navigate their divorce and money problems, which are linked.


Like we said, they were celebrating the anniversary of their wedding date back in 2011. And even though they seem to be heading toward Splitsville ... they felt it was worth honoring.

No word on whether this means they're making up (again), but it's nice to see 'em happy.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Shannon Sharpe Ixnay On The Kim K ... I'm Too Busy!!!


Kim Kardashian's getting left on read if she ever texts Shannon Sharpe ... 'cause the Hall of Famer tells TMZ Sports he's just too busy and too private to date the business mogul.

This might sound random as hell if you haven't heard Shay Shay's recent "Nightcap" podcast episode with Chad Johnson ... so let us explain.

Last month, Ochocinco decided to try and play matchmaker for Shannon ... pitching the idea of setting him up with Kim K, as they're both single, goal-oriented and focused on their businesses.

"Y'all could be like Power Rangers, or a power couple, whatever they call it," the former Bengals star said ... adding Sharpe could have the same blowup Travis Kelce got from dating Taylor Swift.

Despite Ochocinco's best efforts, Sharpe isn't into the idea ... 'cause when we chopped it up with him at LAX this week, he shot it down.

"Kim has enough going on," Sharpe told us. "She's an outstanding businesswoman and what she's been able to do. That family is amazing but I got too much on my plate. She has too much on her plate and plus I'm too private of a guy. I don't want to live a public life."

Of course, Kim hasn't dated publicly since her breakup with Pete Davidson in 2022 ... but there were rumblings she was getting to know Baltimore Ravens star Odell Beckham Jr. earlier this year.

We're told they're just friends at this point ... and it's clear Ochocinco wanted Shannon to swoop in.

The pairing would have made sense -- they're both super attractive, successful and Kim has dated athletes in the past ... but this relationship sank before it ever left port.

Keke Palmer Footage Shows Alleged Abuse By Ex-BF Inside Home


8:44 AM PT -- Keke Palmer's request has been granted temporarily until a hearing on December 5.

Keke Palmer has submitted security camera footage as part of her request for a restraining order against her ex, Darius Jackson ... which allegedly shows him physically assaulting her in her home.

As we reported, Keke went to court Wednesday seeking sole custody of her 8-month-old son, Leodis Andrellton Jackson ... but gave no details as to the grounds.

However, she also filed for a restraining order against Darius, alleging she faced "many instances of physical violence" with him -- including one as recent as Sunday.

According to new docs obtained by TMZ, Keke's now presenting footage she claims was recorded in February 2022 of Darius "chok[ing] me and body slamm[ing] me onto the stairs" after he got "violently jealous and irrationally angry over a bikini picture."

Keke claims Darius got "enraged" after showing him the bikini pic of her, despite allegedly not showing it to anyone else but him -- adding, "I simply showed it to him on my phone as I was proud of what I had accomplished."

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The actress says Darius abused her over 2 days after that, with the security footage only capturing some of what she says happened -- showing Darius allegedly grabbing her around the neck and slamming her on the stairs.


Don't forget, Darius publicly shamed Keke's outfit choice at an Usher concert back in July -- over a year after this alleged altercation over a photo of her in a bikini.


Keke's mom, Sharon, has since spoken out against Darius and his brother, Sarunas ... who she claims knew Darius was abusive, but didn't do a thing about it.

Originally Published -- 7:24 AM PT

KYLE RICHARDS & MAURICIO UMANSKY Not in Couples Therapy It's About Giving Each Other Space

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky have said they're separating, and we've learned they're doing pretty much everything separately, including therapy.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... the estranged couple is not in marriage counseling or couple's therapy. We're told they're both in individual therapy, but nothing together at the same time.

It seems strange on the surface ... that they're not working on the issues that have driven them to separate, but we're told they are not. Multiple sources tell us ... they just want space -- to explore individually.

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Our sources also tell us there are still no talks whatsoever of divorcing ... even though Kyle recently referenced their separation as a straight-up divorce, which was an apparent slip of the tongue.


One source in the know tells TMZ ... "Look, they may get back together, but they may not. They just don't know right now. They will decide at some point whether they stay married, but not now."

As we reported, ... there's no prenup in place ... so, with Mauricio's $100M real estate net worth and Kyle's 'Real Housewives' earnings, the division of their assets would really put some accountants and lawyers to work.

Keke Palmer Imágenes muestran presuntos abusos de su ex novio


8:44 AM PT -- La petición de Keke Palmer ha sido concedida temporalmente hasta una audiencia el 5 de diciembre.

Keke Palmer ha presentado imágenes de la cámara de seguridad como parte de su solicitud para obtener una orden de alejamiento en contra de su ex, Darius Jackson, y estas muestran supuestas agresiones físicas al interior de su casa.

Como informamos, Keke fue a los tribunales el miércoles para tener custodia exclusiva de su hijo de 8 meses, Leodis Andrellton Jackson, pero no dio detalles sobre los motivos.

Sin embargo, también pidió una orden de restricción contra Darius, alegando que se enfrentó a "muchos casos de violencia física" con él, siendo el más reciente este domingo.

De acuerdo con los nuevos documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Keke está presentando imágenes que fueron grabadas en febrero de 2022, según ella, y muestran a Darius "asfixiándola y golpeando su cuerpo en las escaleras". Todo esto, después de que él se pusiera "violentamente celoso" e irracional por una foto en bikini de ella.

Keke afirma que Darius se "enfureció" después de que le mostró la foto, a pesar de que supuestamente no la compartió con nadie más. Añadió: "Simplemente se la mostré en mi teléfono, ya que estaba orgullosa de lo que había logrado".

La actriz dice que Darius abusó de ella más de dos días después del incidente. Las imágenes de seguridad capturan solo una parte de lo que sucedió, en las que se ve a Darius supuestamente agarrándola del cuello y golpeándola en las escaleras.

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Dulce serenata

No hay que olvidar que Darius avergonzó públicamente a Keke por su atuendo en un concierto de Usher en julio. Esto, más de un año después de este supuesto altercado.

Poniendo a Darius en la mira

Desde entonces, la madre de Keke Sharon ha hablado en contra de Darius y su hermano Sarunas, el que según ella sabía que Darius era abusivo, pero no hizo nada al respecto.


Kyle Richards y Mauricio Umansky han dicho que se están separando, y hemos comprobado que están haciendo prácticamente todo por separado, incluso la terapia.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que la pareja no está en consejería matrimonial o terapia de pareja. También nos informan que ambos están en terapia individual, pero nada juntos.

Parece extraño a primera vista que no estén trabajando en los problemas que les han llevado a separarse, pero nos dicen que no es así. Múltiples fuentes nos dicen que solo quieren espacio para explorar individualmente.

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Diciendo la palabra con d

Nuestras fuentes también nos dicen que todavía no hay conversaciones en absoluto de divorciarse, a pesar de que Kyle recientemente se refirió a su separación como un divorcio permanente... al parecer fue solo un lapsus.

Una fuente le dice a TMZ: "Mira, pueden volver a estar juntos, pero puede que no. Simplemente no lo saben en este momento. En algún momento decidirán si siguen casados, pero no ahora".

Pero como informamos a principios de esta semana, no hay acuerdo prenupcial, por lo que, el patrimonio neto de bienes raíces $100M de Mauricio y las ganancias de Kyle por "Real Housewives", la división de sus vienes realmente va a poner a algunos contadores y abogados a para trabajar.

KEKE PALMER FILES FOR FULL CUSTODY OF SON ... After Split From Outfit-Shaming Ex Darius


6:48 PM PT -- To add another complicated layer to this custody filing, Keke has also reportedly filed for a temporary restraining order against Darius, according to Us Weekly.

In the docs, Keke alleges there have been "many instances of physical violence" with Jackson, including one on November 5 Keke says she has on video.

Keke Palmer is gunning for full legal and physical custody of her 8-month-old child … another development in the apparent relationship breakdown with Darius Jackson.

According to docs, obtained by TMZ, the actress is asking a judge to give her full custody of her baby son Leodis Andrellton Jackson. Keke does not get into details as to why she's decided to file.

The petition states that Keke is willing to pay the reasonable expenses of pregnancy and birth -- but she's also asking the court order Darius to assist with attorney fees and expert fees.

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As we reported, the fallout between the couple seemingly started when Darius publicly insinuated Keke's choice of attire at an Usher concert in Vegas was inappropriate for a mom.

Keke doubled down on her sexy wardrobe selection with a recap on IG ... and Usher also seemed to have her back ... so Darius stood little chance of having people see things from his POV.


Originally Published -- 4:34 PM PT


Shawn Mendes is moving on from Camila Cabello with a mystery "Señorita," ... who he got cozy with during a dinner date.

The "Stitches" singer was joined by an unidentified brunette at the E.P. & L.P. Rooftop & Restaurant in West Hollywood Tuesday -- with the source telling TMZ the pair were instantly touchy-feely upon entering the eatery.

Check out the snap for yourself ... his companion has her arm tightly slung around him -- a possible attempt to ward off other admirers?

Marking her territory or not, we're told the duo was smiling, canoodling, and chatting the night away -- basically doing everything but locking lips ... so the potential new lovers may be taking things slow.

An hour and a half later, Shawn and his plus one left the venue together, it was added to TMZ.

This is Shawn's first romantic link since splitting with ex-Harmonizer Camila in June.

They initially began dating in 2019 ... even quarantining together during the pandemic before calling it a day in November 2021.

Earlier this year, they gave their romance another stab ... enjoying a steamy snog at Coachella and some hand-in-hand strolls in the Big Apple.

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But Shawn and Camila 2.0 just weren't meant to be ... and there probs won't be a third time lucky with a pretty new brunette now in the picture.