Shawn Mendes está pasando de Camila Cabello con una misteriosa "Señorita", con quien se puso cariñoso durante una cena.

La estrella de "Stitches" se reunió con una morena no identificada en el E.P. & L.P. Rooftop & Restaurant en West Hollywood el martes y una fuente nos comentó que la pareja fue muy cariñosa al entrar al restaurante.

Échale un vistazo a la instantánea por ti mismo, su compañera tiene su brazo alrededor de él, un posible intento de ahuyentar a las admiradoras.

Marcando su territorio o no, nos dicen que el dúo estaba sonriendo, canoodling, y charlando toda la noche - básicamente haciendo todo menos cerrar los labios ... por lo que los nuevos amantes potenciales pueden estar tomando las cosas con calma.

Una hora y media más tarde, Shawn y su más uno dejó el lugar juntos, se añadió a TMZ.

Este es el primer romance de Shawn desde que se separó de su ex compañera Camila en junio.

Comenzaron a salir en 2019, incluso pasaron la cuarentena juntos durante la pandemia antes de terminar en noviembre de 2021.

A principios de este año, le dieron a su romance otra puñalada, disfrutando de un beso en Coachella y algunos paseos de la mano en la Gran Manzana.

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besos en COACHELLA

Pero Shawn y Camila 2.0 no estaban destinados el uno para otro y probablemente no habrá una tercera vez con una nueva morena bonita.

JEEZY & NIA LONG Escarban en el engaño y divorcio de Jeannie Mai... Fans quieren más detalles

Jeezy se sentó con Nia Long para conversar una hora sobre diferentes temas de peso, incluyendo su divorcio de Jeannie Mai, aunque muchos espectadores piensan que él todavía está hablando en clave sobre la separación.

Según Jeezy, él y Jeannie probaron sesiones de asesoramiento para arreglar lo que él consideraba estaba roto en el matrimonio, pero en última instancia, le dijo a Nia que el daño ya estaba hecho y que el mejor curso de acción era ser responsable consigo mismo.

También expresó lo triste que estaba por la situación, pero en realidad nunca explicó exactamente por qué le pidió el divorcio a Jeannie.

Seamos realistas, eso es lo que los fans realmente quieren saber, sobre todo después de sentarse una ver una hora de conversación.

Claramente, Jeezy no está listo para soltar esas pepitas todavía, lo cual tiene sentido si tenemos en cuenta que su divorcio no se ha resuelto todavía.

Como informamos la semana pasada, Jeezy acaba de lanzar su doble álbum de 29 canciones, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget", en el que destaca la canción "Don't Cheat", un tema que repitió a lo largo de la entrevista.

Por otro lado, tanto Jeezy como Nia hablaron mucho de su traumática educación y de sus fallidas relaciones. Actualmente, Nia está luchando por la custodia de su hijo con su ex, Ime Udoka, después del escándalo de engaño a principios de este año.

Nia también admitió haber salido únicamente con traficantes de drogas en el instituto, lo que le dio una perspectiva diferente sobre los hombres.

En el inter tanto, varios fans comentaron que Nia y Jeezy hacen una gran pareja en pantalla, aunque el sentimiento predominante era, más detalles, por favor. Lo siento, amigos... hoy no.

Jeezy & Nia Long Dish On Cheating, Jeannie Mai Divorce ... Fans Want More Deets

Jeezy sat down with Nia Long for an hour-long conversation about several weighty topics -- including his divorce from Jeannie Mai -- but many viewers think he's still speaking in code about the split.

According to Jeezy, he and Jeannie attempted counseling sessions to fix what he deemed was broken in the marriage ... but ultimately he told Nia the damage had been done and being "responsible for himself" was the best course of action.

Jeezy expressed how he was saddened over the situation, but never actually explained exactly why he filed for divorce from Jeannie.

Let's keep it real, that's what fans really wanted to know -- especially after sitting through the entire hour-long chat.

Clearly, Jeezy's not ready to give up those nuggets just yet, which makes sense when you consider the divorce isn't settled yet.

As we reported last week, Jeezy just dropped his 29-track double album, "I Might Forgive ... But I Don't Forget," highlighted by the song "Don't Cheat" ... a theme he kept reiterating throughout the interview.

On the flip side, both Jeezy and Nia unpacked a lot about their traumatic upbringings and failed relationships. Nia's currently battling for custody with her ex, Ime Udoka, after his NBA cheating scandal earlier this year.

Nia also admitted to solely dating drug dealers in high school, which gave her a different perspective on men.

While several fans commented Nia and Jeezy make a great pair, on-screen, the overriding sentiment was more deets, please. Sorry, folks ... not today.

Lori Harvey Rompe su relación con Damson Idris... Amor y respeto mutuo

Lori Harvey y el actor Damson Idris están poniendo fin a su relación de un año, y en buenos términos, pues ambos declaran que sienten "amor y respeto" el uno por el otro.

La pareja anunció su separación en una declaración conjunta que en parte dice: "Estamos en un punto de nuestras vidas en donde nuestros caminos individuales requieren nuestra plena atención y dedicación".

El anuncio lo hicieron en The Hollywood Reporter y sigue: "Nos separamos siendo amigos con nada más que amor y respeto por el otro y el tiempo que compartimos juntos".

La modelo y la estrella de "Snowfall" desataron los rumores de noviazgo el pasado mes de diciembre cuando cenaron juntos en West Hollywood. Luego confirmaron su relación al mes siguiente, cuando salieron de la mano de la fiesta de cumpleaños de Lori en enero.

Recientemente, ella le deseó un feliz cumpleaños a Damson en septiembre, escribiendo en su historia de Instagram: "I love youuuu".

Ahora Damson se une a la lista de Lori de exnovios de alto perfil, que incluyen a Future, Diddy, Trey Songz, el jugador de fútbol holandés, Memphis Depay, y Michael B. Jordan. Muy buena compañía, si creen en los premios de consuelo.

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En buenos términos

Por cierto, Lori y MBJ terminaron en junio de 2022, pero el actor fue visto recibiendo un gran abrazo del padre de Lori, Steve Harvey, el mes pasado, por lo que, tal vez Damson reciba el mismo saludo si alguna vez se cruza con el anfitrión de "Family Feud".

Lori Harvey Breaks Up With Damson Idris ... 'Love and Respect for Each Other'

Lori Harvey and actor Damson Idris are pulling the plug on their year-long relationship ... but they're still on good terms, saying they've got "love and respect" for one another.

They announced their separation in a joint statement that reads, in part, "We are at a point in our lives where our individual paths require our full attention and dedication."

Their announcement, through The Hollywood Reporter, added ... "We part ways remaining friends with nothing but love and respect for each other and the time we shared together.”

The model and the "Snowfall" star first set off dating rumors last December when they dined together in West Hollywood ... and they confirmed their relationship the following month, as they left her January birthday bash hand in hand.

She recently wished Damson a happy birthday back in September ... writing on her IG story, "I love youuuu."

Damson now joins Lori's list of high-profile exes, which includes Future, Diddy, Trey Songz, Dutch soccer player Memphis Depay, and Michael B. Jordan. Pretty good company, if ya believe in consolation prizes.

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BTW, Lori and MBJ called it quits in June 2022, but the actor was spotted gettin' a big hug from Lori's pops, Steve Harvey, last month -- so, maybe Damson will get the same greeting if he ever crosses paths with the "Family Feud" host.

Nick Cannon Bre Banged Mikey B., Huh? Well, 'Twas a Long, Long Time Ago!!!


Nick Cannon's baby mama, Bre Tiesi, says she once got in the sack with the great Michael B. Jordan -- and if you think the father of her child is trippin' ... you'll be quite surprised.

The multi-hyphenate host and entertainer was darting through LAX Monday, when a photog tracked him down and asked him the million-dollar question that's been on everyone's mind since last week ... namely, whatcha think of Bre confessing to doing the deed with MBJ???


Remember, this is something BT proudly spilled on the Season 7 premiere of "Selling Sunset" ... when she and the other ladies were sitting around fantasizing about Hollywood's hunks.

Somebody threw out Mike's name pretty quickly, but Bre was immediately unimpressed ... 'cause she revealed that she'd already been there and "done that" with the guy.

Her pals were all shocked ... but Bre kept it even more real, saying she's slept with all her favorites -- which obviously ended up including Nick too. Speaking of him ... he's on camera here reacting to the news, and whodathunkit -- the dude's not really sweating this!


Check out his response yourself ... as he wisely points out, we all have a past -- and whatever Bre did with Mike was waaaay before him, so he doesn't give it a 2nd thought.

Of course, he and Bre share a child together -- so you'd figure he might be a little bent out of shape on this ... but he's really not. Happy-go-lucky Nick ... what else is new???


LARSA PIPPEN ¿Cardi se burla de mi vida sexual? ELLA NO ESTABA EN LA CAMA CON NOSOTROS, ¿OK?

Cardi B hizo comentarios sobre la sexualidad de Larsa Pippen meses atrás, y ahora, más de medio año después, finalmente ha respondido.

Larsa abordó el asunto este fin de semana en BravoCon durante un panel de "Real Housewives of Miami", donde el moderador sacó a relucir lo que Cardi dijo sobre ella en abril. Es una noticia bastante vieja, pero el tipo sacó el tema de todos modos y Larsa respondió.

Por si no lo sabías, Larsa fue al show de Andy Cohen y dijo que ella y su ex, Scottie Pippen, solían tener relaciones cuatro veces al día, pero señaló que incluso eso no fue suficiente para salvar su matrimonio.

Reaccionando a eso, Cardi hizo un live de Insta alrededor de un mes más tarde y criticó a Larsa, diciendo que todo esos son solo cuentos y que de todas formas, hacerlo tantas veces en un día significa que algo está muy mal con el hombre o la mujer.

Por supuesto, también hizo algunos comentarios vulgares, como que Larsa necesitaba "coser su v***"de una vez".

Ahora, todo este tiempo después, Larsa respondió: "No sé cómo puede alguien comentar sobre cuántas veces tengo sexo", dijo, dirigiéndose a la audiencia en el evento en Las Vegas. "Ella no estaba en la cama con nosotros, así que no lo sé. Creo que fue cómico".

Así que, ahí lo tienen, Larsa dice que sucedió y que Cardi puede tragárselo. Cardi no ha dicho nada sobre Larsa últimamente... veamos si este intercambio continúa.

Larsa Pippen Cardi Hatin' on My Sex Life? Look, She Wasn't in Bed with Us, Ok?!?

Cardi B called BS on Larsa Pippen's lofty sex life claims months ago -- and now, more than half a year later, she's finally weighing in ... and sticking to her bedroom story.

Larsa addressed the skirmish this weekend at BravoCon during a 'Real Housewives of Miami' panel ... where the moderator brought up what Cardi said about her waaaaay back in April. It's super old news, but the dude brought it up anyway ... and LP actually responded.

ICYMI ... Larsa went on Andy Cohen's 'WWHL' and said she and her ex, Scottie Pippen, used to bang 4 times a day -- but noted even that wasn't enough to save their marriage.

Reacting to that ... Cardi went on IG live about a month later and called Larsa out for what she considered clout-chasing, not to mention tall tales of love-making. She said doing it that many times in a day means something's seriously wrong with either the man or woman.

Of course, she also took some vulgar shots ... saying Larsa needed to "stitch your p***y up."

Now, all this time later ... Larsa said this, "I don't know how can someone else comment on how many times I have sex, you guys?" she said, addressing the audience at the event in Las Vegas. "She wasn't in bed with us, so I don't know. I kind of feel like that was comical."

So, there you have it ... Larsa says it happened, and that Cardi can zip it. FWIW, Cardi hasn't brought Larsa up much since then -- so her point is moot. Carry on, folks!

Barbra Streisand Didn't Wanna Write About Exes ... But Had To in New Memoir

a long, happy love life

Barbra Streisand has a had a long, healthy love life -- and while she says she didn't really wanna talk about it in her new book ... the powers that be told her, spill it sister!

The iconic pop star -- whose memoir, 'My Name is Barbra,' hits shelves everywhere Tuesday -- sat down with CBS Sunday Morning this weekend for a chat with Gayle King ... who chopped it up with her about her storied career, but also -- about the men in her life.

Watch ... Gayle points out that BS has quite the resume under her belt -- rattling off some names like Don Johnson, Ryan O'Neal, Andre Agassi and even ex-PM Pierre Trudeau ... just to name a few.

You can tell it embarrassed Barb, but she tells GK straight up ... if it was up to her, none of those fellas would've been name-dropped in her memoir, but she was pushed into it.

Unfortunately for her (and luckily for us) ... she says her editor told her she had to spill the dirty deets and "leave blood on the page" in order to move copies -- and it sounds like that's exactly what she did. BTW, she's currently married to Josh Brolin's dad, James.

There are some excerpts already out, but it sounds like the juiciest nuggets are still to come.

Kyle Richards Breaks Down in Tears at BravoCon ... Talking Mauricio Split

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Kyle Richards' separation from her estranged husband, Mauricio Umansky, is clearly weighing on her -- 'cause she was reduced to tears talking about it at BravoCon.

The "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" star was onstage Sunday in Vegas, where she was doing a Q&A ... and where she was eventually asked point blank, where do things stand between her and Mauricio right now?

The question got her quite emotional. As reported by our sister site, TooFab, Kyle first said she and Mauricio were trying to navigate this as best they could -- explaining ... "We love each other very much and we are family no matter what happens. My three girls still live at home, only Farrah has her own place. [Mauricio] was busy doing 'Dancing with the Stars,' so he wasn't around as much. We’re trying to figure it out. We know we love each other."

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KR then started to choke up, saying she hears everyone telling her to just "fix" the problem -- but as she clearly states here, it's not nearly as simple as it sounds.

Of course, this comes on the heels of Kyle's other interview last night at BravoCon -- where she referred to their separation as an outright divorce ... a slip of the tongue, it seems.

From what we can gather ... things are rocky between the couple at the moment, and while it sounds like she and Mauricio might want to reconcile -- there are obstacles that stand in their way ... even as they continue to live under the same roof and film for 'RHOBH.'


That's something Kyle addressed Sunday too ... saying she didn't want her fights with Mauricio caught on camera, and that Bravo producers noticed something was off.

Adding an extra layer of complexity is the fact that Mauricio continues to get cozy with his 'DWTS' partner, Emma Slater, with whom he was again spotted at dinner this weekend.

Remember, this follows a pretty public outing the two of them shared a couple weeks ago -- where they were seen holding hands -- but people in his world tried explaining it away as merely platonic ... even though Kyle isn't buying it, and found the whole thing disrespectful.

Bottom line ... it's complicated, and Kyle's doing the best she can in uncharted waters.

ARIANA GRANDE'S EX Hot And Heavy with Maika Monroe ... Big Time Concert PDA

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Here's Ariana Grande's ex-husband Dalton Gomez packing on the PDA with actress Maika Monroe ... locked in a hot and heavy kissing sesh during a concert.

TMZ obtained video of Dalton and the "It Follows" star sucking face Thursday night during the Fred Again show at the Shrine Auditorium in L.A. -- a pretty good sign they're a couple now.

Folks who were there say Dalton and Maika were kissing throughout the opening act, and were very touchy with one another ... and that's backed up by what we're seeing in this footage.

Remember, Dalton and Maika were spotted making out last month at Jumbo's Clown Room, a "bikini bar" in Los Angeles, on the heels of officially finalizing his divorce from Ariana.

Seems this isn't a one-time thing ... and there is clearly a spark between them.

Ariana's already moved on too, as you know ... she's dating her "Wicked" costar, Ethan Slater.

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We've seen Ariana and Ethan on a date night at Disney World recently, but Dalton and Maika are on a whole different level ... PDA-wise, at least.

Dalton doesn't seem too down in the dumps over the divorce ... after all, Ariana cut him a check for $1,250,000 as part of the settlement -- and he's also getting half the proceeds from the sale of their L.A. mansion.

Ex de Ariana Grande Muy apasionado con Maika Monroe... Gran demostración de afecto en público!!!

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Dando vuelta la página

Aquí tenemos al exmarido de Ariana Grande, Dalton Gómez, expresando su afecto por la actriz Maika Monroe a lo grande, besándose en un concierto como si no existiera mañana.

TMZ obtuvo un video de Dalton y la estrella de "It Follows", en donde se besan muy apasionadamente el jueves por la noche durante el show de Fred Again en el Shrine Auditorium de Los Ángeles, y es otra señal de que son pareja.

Las personas que estaban allí dicen que Dalton y Maika se besaron durante todo el acto de apertura, que estuvieron muy cariñosos entre sí, y todo está respaldado por lo que vemos en este material de archivo.

Recuerden, Dalton y Maika fueron vistos besándose el mes pasado en Jumbo's Clown Room, un "bar de bikinis" en Los Angeles, muy poco después de que Dalton y Ariana oficialmente dieran término a su divorcio.

Parece que esto no fue algo de una sola vez, pues definitivamente hay una chispa entre Dalton y Maika.

Ariana también ha dado vuelta a la página, como ustedes saben, ella está saliendo con el  coprotagonista de "Wicked", Ethan Slater.

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Cita en Disney

Vimos a Ariana e Ethan teniendo una cita en Disney World recientemente, pero Dalton y Maika están en un ambiente totalmente diferente.

El hombre no parece demasiado deprimido por el divorcio, después de todo, Ariana le dio un cheque por $1,250,000 como parte del acuerdo de manutención conyugal al que llegaron, y también está recibiendo la mitad de los ingresos de la venta de sus bienes en L.A.

Zac Brown Ties Knot With Model Kelly Yazdi

Zac Brown is giving marriage another shot -- he got hitched for a second time ... TMZ has learned.

The Zac Brown Band lead singer tied the knot with Kelly Yazdi, a model and actress, back on Aug. 31 in Coweta County, Georgia ... according to the couple's marriage certificate.

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The marriage comes a little over a year after Kelly was spotted with a giant engagement ring on her finger.

Zac reportedly popped the question when they were in Hawaii, but it looks like they didn't opt for a destination wedding ... the docs say the event went down in his home state.

ZB and KY have been pretty private about their relationship -- they haven't made a big fuss about the wedding, at least not publicly. There was speculation they got hitched after she added "Brown" to her social media handle, and now we know that's the case.

It's the second marriage for Zac, who has 5 kids with his ex-wife, Shelly, from a 12-year marriage that ended in 2018.

As for Zac's new wife, she describes herself as "a born adventurer, events producer, SAG-AFTRA actress, stuntwoman, and professional model." Her TV credits include "Hawaii Five-O" and "Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge."

Mazel Tov!!!


Zac Brown le está dando otra oportunidad al matrimonio, ya que se ha enganchado por segunda vez, según ha indagado TMZ.

El cantante Zac Brown Band ató el nudo con Kelly Yazdi, una modelo y actriz, el 31 de agosto en el condado de Coweta, Georgia, de acuerdo con el certificado de matrimonio de la pareja.

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Luciendo el anillo

El matrimonio ocurre poco más de un año después de que Kelly fuera vista con un anillo de compromiso gigante en su dedo.

Zac supuestamente le propuso matrimonio a Kelly cuando estaban en Hawai, pero parece que no optaron por una boda fuera de casa. Los documentos dicen que el evento se llevó a cabo en su estado natal.

Zac y Kelly han sido bastante privados acerca de su relación. Al menos públicamente, no han hecho un gran alboroto sobre su boda. Se especulaba que se habían casado después de que ella añadiera "Brown" a su nombre en las redes sociales, y ahora sabemos que es así.

Este es el segundo matrimonio de Zac, quien tiene 5 hijos con su exesposa, Shelly, de un matrimonio de 12 años que terminó en 2018.

En cuanto a la nueva esposa de Zac, se describe a sí misma como "una aventurera nata, productora de eventos, actriz de SAG-AFTRA, doble de acción y modelo profesional." Sus créditos televisivos incluyen "Hawaii Five-O" y "Steve Austin's Broken Skull Challenge".

¡¡¡Mazel Tov!!!

Teri Copley Fully Explains Her Side of Stamos Tale Here's How It Happened!!!

John Stamos' ex-girlfriend has already denied his cheating story about Tony Danza -- but now, she's shedding even more light on what she says actually went down.

Teri Copley is spilling the whole story now ... at least her side of it, anyway. She posted a lengthy video on YouTube detailing the whole thing -- including what she says led to them breaking up before Stamos came over to her house to find Danza staying over with TC.

YouTube / Teri Copley

According to Teri, things were going fine with JS -- that is, until she says his mom called her one day to warn her that he had no plans of marrying her ... and to be careful.

Shortly after that, Teri says she dumped John -- insisting she made it clear to him that they shouldn't see each other anymore ... after which, she claims the whole Danza confrontation happened. However, it didn't happen the way Stamos described in his book ... so says Teri.

Long story short ... Teri says that after she broke up with John, she read a magazine interview that Danza had given -- in which he said he would've married Teri (apparently, they'd had a connection before all this) ... and that led to her inviting him over.

She says the night John came over, all he did was knock on her front door ... which she says she answered fully-clothed, and asked him what the heck he was doing there.

John, according to her, simply shook his head and walked away -- which Teri says she didn't understand, 'cause they were dunzo. She goes on to say that, years later, she became friendly with John again and told him about what his mom had once told her.

She says John wasn't aware his mom had told her that once upon a time -- and insisted he would've married her ... 'cause he was madly in love with her, which he echoed in his book.

Now, however, after John aired out their dirty laundry -- and in an inauthentic way, as Teri sees it -- she's a little pissed at him ... saying she feels "sideswiped" by this whole saga.

Teri adds, "That's not the John I knew," while going on to say she actually forgives him. 😬

Ariana Madix Disgusted By Tom/James Push-Up Contest ... BravoCon Drama Heats Up

Tom Sandoval and James Kennedy got really competitive at BravoCon, hitting the floor to see who could do more push-ups ... but there was one person totally turned off by their macho man contest -- Ariana Madix.

TikTok / @bravotv, @katrinacm1

The "Vanderpump Rules" stars took to the stage at the Las Vegas event Friday when host Andy Cohen asked Tom and James how they got into such great shape over the past few months.

Tom credited his incredible physique to his new and improved lifestyle, working out all the time while staying away from booze and cigarettes.

James said he's been pumping iron at the gym and ripped off his t-shirt to show everyone his muscled abs, before challenging Tom to a push-up contest.

After Tom accepted as he wore a kilt, the two dropped to the floor and launched into their competition.

Enter Tom's ex Ariana, who was sitting there the entire time with a look of utter dissatisfaction. Before she turned away from Tom and James, Ariana said, “Jump scare…I needed a trigger warning.”

The push-up contest continued as Ariana fixed her stare on the screen in back of her, trying not to look back at her co-stars.

As James sailed to victory, Ariana asked the hosts if she could take some questions from fans.

Cringy moment indeed, but we understand why it happened. It's no secret -- unless you live under a rock -- that Tom cheated on Ariana with Rachel Leviss during the last season of "Vanderpump Rules." Leviss was not invited to BravoCon and is no longer with the show.

Also on Friday, several “Real Housewives of New Jersey” husbands ran out on stage to do half a striptease in front of the audience.

TikTok / @abbzbon

Frank Catania, Joe Benigno and Joe Gorga stood behind the "Magic Mike" cast and put on their slightly racy performance, tearing off their T-shirts, but keeping on their skinny jeans.

Check it out ... it's all in good fun.