Kim Kardashian Kanye West Gave Up Life Of Luxury For Stripped Down Apartment

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Kim Kardashian says her ex Kanye West has traded in his luxury crib for an apartment with no lavish amenities, but their daughter, North, is totally down with it, encouraging her famous mom to live the same way.

The SKIMS CEO made the shocking claim as she sat on a couch with sis Kourtney in the latest episode of "The Kardashians," which aired Wednesday on Hulu.

Kim revealed North visits Kanye at his humble abode and their 10-year-old thinks her dad's just the best and has it "all figured out."

She quoted North saying ... "He doesn't have a nanny. He doesn't have a chef. He doesn't have security. He lives in an apartment."

Kim then told Kourt ... North started crying and asked, "Why don't you have an apartment? I can't believe we don't have an apartment."

As everyone knows, Kim lived in deep luxury with Kanye for years while they were married -- and she still does.

Kanye, on the other hand, has been living like a nomad, traveling planet Earth with his new wife, Bianca Censori, after his divorce from Kim was finalized last year.


So, where is Kanye's mysterious apartment? No one exactly knows. But, in May, there were rumors Kanye and Bianca moved into a $20K a month flat in West Hollywood. The building was supposedly tricked out with a heated pool, rooftop café and private cinema.


We'll keep you posted.

Emily Hampshire Apologizes For Johnny Depp Costume ... After Backlash Online

"Schitt's Creek" star Emily Hampshire is saying sorry for this year's Halloween costume, for which she's catching a lot of flak -- she dressed as Johnny Depp and her friend was Amber Heard.

ICYMI, Emily and her pal mimicked the infamous exes, pairing their outfits with a bottle of wine and even a fake poop -- referencing a low point in Johnny and Amber's trial, when they testified about feces being left in their bed.

The post has been scrubbed from Emily's Instagram and was replaced with a full-throated apology -- "I want to address what is one of the most thoughtless, insensitive, and ignorant things I've ever done" ...  referring to her costume.

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She said she's "ashamed for putting something that awful out in the universe," and also condemned domestic abuse and promised she'll "do better" in the future.

Emily was met with some heat online after posting the costume, and some are now thanking her for her apology ... while others are claiming it just wasn't as offensive as she, and her critics, are making out to be.

People disagree. Shocking.

Marcus Jordan I Want Michael To Be My Best Man ... When I Marry Larsa Pippen

Pablo Torre Finds Out

Marcus Jordan is hoping his basketball G.O.A.T. father comes around to accept his relationship with Larsa Pippen ... revealing he wants Michael to be his best man when he gets married.

The Hall of Famer's son opened up about his future plans to get hitched to Scottie Pippen's ex-wife on the "Pablo Torre Finds Out" podcast this week ... saying while it's still early on in the process, he knows who he wants by his side at the alter.

"Look, I was the best man at [Michael's] wedding and the best man at my brother's wedding, and so obviously we'll keep that tradition going," Marcus said. "It's my thoughts on it."

It's an interesting choice ... considering MJ famously said earlier this year he was not a fan of the coupling, but Marcus later insisted the Chicago Bulls legend was only joking -- claiming his father does, in fact, approve.

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Regardless, Larsa said she was "traumatized" and "embarrassed" by MJ's comments ... saying she didn't find it funny at all.

Of course, the elephant in the room is the fact Marcus' pops and Larsa's ex don't see eye-to-eye anymore ... as Scottie has been public about feeling slighted and glossed over in Jordan's "Last Dance" documentary.

He hasn't shied away from dissing his former teammate ever since ... even stating LeBron James is the greatest NBA player of all time -- not MJ.

Worth noting -- it's unclear if Larcus are even engaged yet ... as the 32-year-old reiterated that their marriage plans are "in the works," but admitted they've had discussions about whether the nuptials will be televised.

Marcus did emphatically state the marriage will happen ... even saying there might be multiple weddings to satisfy the privacy and public interest in their relationship.

BRADLEY COOPER & IRINA SHAYK WEAR MATCHING Costumes ... Take Daughter Trick-or-Treating

Bradley Cooper and his ex-fiancée Irina Shayk can't show a more united front than this -- rocking his and hers costumes for their Halloween night candy run ... with their daughter Lea, of course.

Despite ending their romance 4 years earlier, the actor and supermodel have always come together to co-parent, and they took that up a notch Tuesday night in Manhattan as they both dressed as Rocket Raccoon ... Bradley's "Guardians of the Galaxy" character!

However, little Lea branched out on her own from mom and dad ... making the swift decision to transform into pop star Taylor Swift from her "22" era.

Just like T-Swift did in the video for her 2012 hit, the young Swiftie wore a black fedora, red lipstick, and a white tee with the lyrics, "Who's Taylor Swift anyway? Ew".

The family made their way through their upscale NYC neighborhood while each parent held Lea's hand as she collected goodies.

As we revealed last month, Irina is no longer dating Tom Brady ... with their brief relationship "fizzling out." The writing had been on the wall for a while as the attractive duo had been in separate cities for a while.

On the other hand, things still seem to be going well for Bradley and model Gigi Hadid ... with the pair being seen together on numerous low-key outings in the last month.

So, a romantic reconciliation doesn't seem to be in the cards for Bradley and Irina right now ... but still nice to see them happily together as a family.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

BRADLEY COOPER & IRINA SHAYK Llevan disfraces de Halloween a juego Para pedir dulces con su hija

Bradley Cooper y su ex-prometida Irina Shayk no pueden mostrar un frente más unido que este. Ayer, ambos estuvieron luciendo disfraces a juego para acompañar a su hija Lea en su carrera por conseguir la mayor cantidad de dulces en la noche de Halloween.

A pesar de que terminaron su romance hace 4 años, el actor y la supermodelo siempre se han unido para su rol de padres. Este martes por la noche en Manhattan, ambos se vistieron como Rocket Raccoon, el personaje de Bradley en "Guardianes de la Galaxia".

Sin embargo, la pequeña Lea decidió apartarse de mamá y papá, y prefirió transformarse en la estrella del pop Taylor Swift de su era "22".

Al igual que T-Swift en el video de su hit de 2012, la joven Swiftie llevaba un sombrero de fieltro negro, labial rojo y una camiseta blanca con la frase "Who's Taylor Swift anyway? Ew".

La familia anduvo paseando por su lujoso barrio en Nueva York, con cada uno de los padres tomando de la mano de Lea mientras ella recogía golosinas.

Como revelamos el mes pasado, Irina ya no está saliendo con Tom Brady. Su brevísima relación "se esfumó". El destino estaba escrito en piedra desde hace algún tiempo, ya que ambos habían estado viviendo en ciudades separadas.

Por otro lado, las cosas todavía parecen ir bien para Bradley y la modelo Gigi Hadid. La pareja ha sido vista en numerosas salidas de bajo perfil en el último mes.

Por lo tanto, una reconciliación romántica no parece estar en las posibilidades para Bradley e Irina en este momento, pero aún así es agradable verlos felizmente juntos como una familia.

A$AP Rocky Q&A-On-the-Go 🏃🏾‍♂️💨


A$AP Rocky was more than willing to chat it up with TMZ Hip Hop during his daily workout, and although his workout is jogging at a swift pace ... he invited us to come along -- and, umm, we did our best!!! 😂

The superstar rapper ran our photog straight outta her shoes as he was jogging Monday afternoon in WeHo .... and belted out a hearty laugh when we asked him about Rihanna's desire to have a couple more kids.

Rocky and Rihanna just welcomed their 2nd child, Riot Rose, this past August and have their hands full ... juggling parenthood and their long-delayed projects!!!

Rocky tells us he's currently working on his next album, "Don't Be Dumb," in real-time and fans will be on the edge of their seats wondering if he'll respond to Drake's shots from his "For All the Dogs" album.

Champagne Papi referred to his sexy time with RiRi as "average," and made it clear he didn't envy Rocky's current situation.

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He didn't have much to add to that topic, but did recommend the perfect running shoes for our photog. Watch the clip ... we should definitely take the suggestion. 😉

"Don't Be Dumb" is still expected to drop this year, and we're having lunch on Rocky when it does!!!

A$AP ROCKY entrevista express 🏃🏾‍♂️💨

corriendo con rocky

A$AP Rocky estaba más que dispuesto a charlar con TMZ Hip Hop durante su entrenamiento diario, y aunque este consiste en trotar a paso rápido, nos invitó a acompañarlo y... mmm, ¡hicimos lo que pudimos! 😂

El rapero superestrella estaba trotando tranquilamente cuando lo encontramos y se echó a reír a carcajadas cuando le preguntamos sobre el deseo de Rihanna de tener un par de hijos más.

Rocky y Rihanna acaban de dar la bienvenida a su segundo hijo, Riot Rose, el pasado mes de agosto y están muy ocupados ¡haciendo malabares con la paternidad y sus proyectos largamente retrasados!

Rocky nos dice que actualmente está trabajando en su próximo álbum, "Don't Be Dumb", en tiempo real y los fans estarán en el borde de sus asientos preguntándose si va a responder a los disparos de Drake de su álbum "For All the Dogs".

Champagne Papi se refirió a su momento sexy con RiRi como "promedio", y dejó claro que no envidiaba la situación actual de Rocky.

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No tenía mucho que añadir a ese tema, pero sí recomendó las zapatillas de correr perfectas para nuestro fotógrafo. Mira el clip, definitivamente deberíamos tomar la sugerencia 😉.

Se espera que "Don't Be Dumb" salga a la venta este año, ¡y vamos a celebrar cuando lo haga!

Matthew Perry Ex prometida reacciona a su muerte... Alivio de que estés en paz

La ex-prometida de Matthew Perry está honrándolo con buenos recuerdos, pero también con algunas duras verdades solo unos días después de su repentino fallecimiento.

Molly Hurwitz, una agente literaria que estuvo con Matthew Perry entre 2018 y 2021, y brevemente comprometida durante ese último año, publicó una foto silueteada de él y agregó estar reflexionando sobre su relación "complicada".

Hurwitz escribe: "A él le encantaría que el mundo esté hablando de lo talentoso que era. Y, realmente tenía mucho talento". Continúa diciendo que vería "Friends" con Matthew y que él estaría orgulloso de su trabajo, señalando ciertas escenas y dándose elogios.

Añade: "Pero obviamente, yo también conocí a ese hombre de una manera muy diferente. Aunque lo quería más de lo que podía comprender, era complicado y me causó un dolor como nunca había conocido. Nadie en mi vida adulta ha tenido un impacto más profundo en mí que Matthew Langford Perry. Tengo una enorme gratitud por eso, por todo lo que aprendí de nuestra relación".

Termina su post mencionando a Alcohólicos Anónimos como un recurso invaluable para las personas que luchan contra la adicción y dice: "Matty, siento alivio de que estés en paz".

Como dijimos, Molly y Matthew iban a casarse en 2021, pero su compromiso se esfumó después de poco más de 6 meses. En ese momento, Perry fue citado diciendo: "A veces las cosas simplemente no funcionan y esta es una de ellas. Le deseo lo mejor a Molly".

Molly es una de las pocas mujeres con las que se lo había relacionado públicamente. Antes había tenido relaciones con Lizzy Caplan, Julia Roberts y Gwyneth Paltrow. Nunca se casó.

Matthew Perry Ex-Fiancée Reacts to Death ... 'Relief You Are at Peace'

Matthew Perry's ex-fiancée is honoring him with fond memories -- but also, some hard truths ... this just days after his sudden passing.

Molly Hurwitz -- a literary manager who was with MP from 2018 to 2021, and briefly engaged during that last year -- posted a tribute to Matt by throwing up a silhouetted photo of him and adding a long caption ... reflecting on their "complicated" relationship.

She writes, "He would love that the world is talking about how talented he was. And, he really was very talented." Molly goes on to say she would watch "Friends" with Matthew and that he'd be proud of the work he did, pointing out certain scenes and giving himself kudos.

MH adds, "But, I obviously knew that man in a very different way, too. While I loved him deeper than I could comprehend, he was complicated, and he caused pain like I’d never known. No one in my adult life has had a more profound impact on me than Matthew Langford Perry. I have tremendous gratitude for that, for everything I learned from our relationship."

She finishes her post by mentioning Alcoholics Anonymous as an invaluable resource for people struggling with addiction, and finally says ... "Matty, I feel relief that you are at peace."

Like we said ... Molly and Matthew were set to be married in '21, but their engagement fizzled out after just over 6 months. At the time, Perry was quoted as saying -- "Sometimes things just don't work out and this is one of them. I wish Molly the best."

Molly was one of just a handful of women he'd been linked to publicly ... before her, he'd been in relationships with Lizzy Caplan, Julia Roberts and Gwyneth Paltrow. He never married.

Lance Bass No odien a Justin... ¡¡¡Britney lo perdonó!!!

Lance Bass
"Todos tienen su propia opinión"

Lance Bass dice que el odio a Justin Timberlake tiene que parar... porque si Britney Spears pudo perdonarlo, todo el mundo puede hacerlo.

Nos encontramos con el miembro de *NSYNC el jueves en LAX y nos dijo que se estaba preparando para leer las nuevas memorias de Britney, que está repleto de historias sobre su exnovio, Justin Timberlake.

Lance dice que la gente que va detrás de Justin por su rol en el aborto de Britney, las acusaciones de engaño y su eventual ruptura debería parar y ser más compasiva.

Aunque Lance cree que todo el mundo tiene derecho a tener su propia opinión sobre el cantante, piensa que las personas deberían tomar nota de la actitud de Britney y ser un poco más tolerante.

El libro de Britney ha sido un gran éxito, y Lance se alegra de que ella haya sido capaz de contar su versión de las cosas, bromeando que debería copiarle y conseguir que Michelle Williams realice la versión de audio de su propio libro de memorias, si alguna vez escribe uno.

Fiel a nuestro chico

Por su parte, Justin ha estado bastante callado sobre Britney, pero Lance está de su lado.

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Los chicos están de vuelta

También le preguntamos sobre lo último con *NSYNC después de la gran reunión para los MTV VMAs y su nueva canción, pero no parece que esté en los planes el hacer una gira o un álbum, al menos por ahora.

Lance Bass Don't Hate On Justin ... Britney Forgives Him!!!

Lance Bass

Lance Bass says the Justin Timberlake hate needs to stop ... because if Britney Spears can forgive him, so can everyone else.

We got the *NSYNC member Thursday at LAX and he told us he was getting set to read Britney's new memoir, which is chocked full of stories about her ex-boyfriend, JT.

Lance says folks coming after Justin for his role in Britney's abortion, the cheating allegations and their eventual breakup should back off and practice a little forgiveness.

While Lance says everyone is entitled to their own opinion about Justin, he says people should take a note from Britney and just cut the guy some slack.

Britney's book has been a smash hit ... and Lance is glad she's been able to tell her side of things, joking about copying her and getting Michelle Williams to do the audio version should he ever write a memoir.


For his part, Justin's been pretty mum on Britney's tell-all ... but Lance has his back.

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We also asked Lance about the latest with *NSYNC after the boy band's big reunion at the MTV VMAs and their new song ... but it doesn't sound like a tour or an album are in the works, at least not yet.

Joe Jonas Es el turno de papá con las niñas Mientras Sophie vuelve al Reino Unido

Joe Jonas ha regresado a sus deberes de padres, ya que ahora le toca cuidar de sus dos hijas mientras el acuerdo de custodia con Sophie Turner sigue adelante.

El cantante de Jo Bros estuvo haciendo algunos trámites este viernes en Nueva York con sus hijas Delphine de 1 año y Willa de 3. En las fotos lo vemos llevando a una de ellas en brazos y colocándola en su asiento en el carro.

Joe tiene a las niñas hasta el 2 de noviembre en virtud de los términos del acuerdo temporal de custodia que negociaron con Sophie a principios de este mes.

TMZ dio la noticia, Joe y Sophie están cerca de firmar un acuerdo de divorcio y la custodia de las niñas era el mayor punto de fricción.

Mientras Joe tiene literalmente las manos ocupadas con las niñas, Sophie está de vuelta en Londres, filmando las escenas finales de su programa de televisión, "Joan".

Sophie le entregó las niñas a Joe el pasado fin de semana, luego de tenerlas desde el 9 de octubre hasta el 21 de octubre antes de pasar la posta a papá.

Cuando termine el tiempo de Joe, la próxima semana, Sophie se quedará con las niñas hasta el 22 de noviembre y el calendario parece alinearse para que Joe pase Acción de Gracias con sus hijas.

Tiene sentido, es una fecha importante en América y no en el Reino Unido, de donde es Sophie.

Recuerden, Joe y Sophie resolvieron los detalles de la custodia de sus hijas a principios de este mes durante una mediación, y parece que el plan está funcionando hasta ahora.

Joe va a tener a las niñas para Halloween y será interesante ver lo se le ocurre a papá para los disfraces.

Joe Jonas Daddy's Turn With Kiddos ... While Sophie's Back in U.K.

Joe Jonas is back on daddy duty ... it's his turn to look after his two kids as his child custody agreement with Sophie Turner moves forward.

The Jo Bros singer spent part of his Friday running errands in NYC with their daughters -- 1-year-old Delphine and 3-year-old Willa -- carrying one kiddo in his arms and getting her squared away in her car seat.

Joe's got the kids through November 2 under the terms of the temporary child custody agreement he and his estranged wife hammered out earlier this month.

TMZ broke the story ... Joe and Sophie are close to signing a settlement in their divorce, and child custody has been the biggest sticking point.

While Joe literally has his hands full with the girls, Sophie is back in London ... filming the final scenes for her TV show, "Joan."

Sophie handed the kids off to Joe last weekend -- she had them from Oct. 9 through Oct. 21  before passing the baton off to Dad.

Once Joe's time ends next week, Sophie gets the girls until Nov. 22 ... and the calendar seems to line up for Joe to spend Thanksgiving with his kids.

Makes sense, Turkey Day's big in America, and not in Sophie's native United Kingdom.

Remember ... Joe and Sophie hashed out child custody issues earlier this month during mediation, and it looks like the plan is working so far.

Joe's gonna have the girls for Halloween ... and it will be interesting to see what Dad comes up with for costumes.

Taylor Swift New Vault Track All About Harry Styles ... Fans Speculate He's the 'Lying Traitor'

Harry Styles is the latest of Taylor Swift's exes to get shaded in a new vault track ... this according to fans who are convinced he's the "lying traitor" she's singing about.

On "1989 (Taylor's Version)," which dropped Friday, there's a new song -- "Is It Over Now?" -- and Swifties are convinced it's about her brief relationship with the former One Direction star.

Taylor and Harry dated from 2012 to 2013, and the original "1989" album came out in 2014, so the timeline's already telling ... but the lyrics are even a bigger clue, according to fans -- talking about a time her ex "lost control," resulting in "red blood" and "white snow."

Fans have started to connect the dots ... saying Taylor claimed in 2014 she got into a snowmobile accident with an ex. At the time, Harry was spotted with a bandage on his chin.

She sang about the accident in the track "Out of the Woods," also from 2014 -- “Remember when you hit the brakes too soon/Twenty stitches in a hospital room/When you started crying, baby, I did too.”


That's not all ... the new song talks about Taylor wearing a "blue dress on a boat," and a pic from 2013 showed her wearing exactly that while taking a boat ride away from the Virgin Islands, where she was vacationing with Harry.

She ends up calling her ex a "lying traitor" in the song ... who moved on to "every model's bed for something greater." Gotta admit, the writing's on the wall here. 👀

Taylor Swift Fans creen que nueva canción de "1989" es sobre Harry Styles

Harry Styles es el último de los ex de Taylor Swift que está siendo despreciado, esto, de acuerdo con los fans, quienes están convencidos de que él es el "traidor mentiroso" al que hace referencia la nueva pista de su álbum remasterizado

En la nueva versión de "1989 (Taylor's Version)", que salió el viernes, hay una nueva canción "Is It Over Now?", y los Swifties están convencidos de que se trata sobre su breve relación con la ex estrella de One Direction.

Taylor y Harry salieron de 2012 a 2013, y el álbum original "1989" salió en 2014, por lo que la línea de tiempo ya es reveladora. Pero la letra de esta nueva canción da aún más pistas, según los fans. En ella se refiere a un momento en que su ex "perdió el control", lo que terminó en "sangre roja" y "nieve blanca".

Los fans han comenzado a conectar los puntos, diciendo que Taylor afirmó en 2014 que se metió en un accidente de moto de nieve con un ex. En ese momento, Harry fue visto con un vendaje en la barbilla.

Ella cantó sobre el accidente en la pista "Out of the Woods", también de 2014. La letra dice: "Recuerda cuando pisaste los frenos demasiado pronto/Veinte puntos de sutura en una habitación de hospital/Cuando empezaste a llorar, baby, yo también lo hice".

Eso no es todo, la nueva canción habla de Taylor usando un "vestido azul en un barco", y una foto de 2013 la mostró usando exactamente el mismo atuendo mientras daba un paseo en barco lejos de las Islas Vírgenes, donde estaba de vacaciones con Harry.

Ella termina llamando a su ex un "traidor mentiroso", que se trasladó a "la cama de cada modelo por algo más grande". Tengo que admitir, las señales son más que claras aquí 👀

SAM ASGHARI Que Britney me llamara regalo de Dios me hizo sonreír Estoy muy orgulloso de ella

"Estoy orgulloso de ella"

Sam Asghari sigue mostrando apoyo a su ex, Britney Spears. Esta vez, diciendo que sus amables palabras sobre él en su nuevo libro lo pusieron muy contento.

Sam habló sobre las memorias de Britney, "The Woman in Me", el miércoles en Los Ángeles. Como ustedes bien saben, la cantante elogió a Sam en su libro, a pesar de haber tenido la oportunidad de cambiar de opinión después de que terminaran las cosas.

Britney lo llamó un "regalo de Dios", entre otros grandes elogios y Sam claramente valoró mucho sus cariñosas palabras, disparando algunos elogios de vuelta.

Dijo que está "tremendamente orgulloso" de Britney por haber puesto su libro en los primeros lugares de lectoría, añadiendo: "Espero que ella se apodere del mundo."

Como informamos, Sam parecía ser el único de los ex de Brit que no estaba bajo fuego en el libro de memorias. La cantante dejó fuera los detalles de su intensa ruptura, una señal de que pueden haber llegado a un acuerdo en su divorcio.

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Primero en la fila

No se olviden, hablamos con Sam antes de que el libro saliera a la luz y nos dijo que lo había leído y que le había ENCANTADO.

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