Britney Spears 'Everytime' Lyrics Not About Unborn Baby With Justin Timberlake ... Writer Denies Fan Theory

Britney Spears is NOT singing about her pregnancy with Justin Timberlake or her abortion in the hit song "Everytime" ... so says the woman who wrote the song with Britney.

Songwriter Annet Artani tells TMZ … she worked with Britney on the song back in the day, and while Britney contributed, it was about their respective breakups ... and mostly Annet's.

Annet says when she was writing the lyrics she was coming off a fresh split from Britney's musical director ... and the song is mostly about Annet's relationship ... not Britney's unborn child, as some fans now suspect in the wake of Britney's recent bombshell.

Britney had been broken up with Justin for about 9 months at the time, and the song came out after he released "Cry Me a River" ... but Annet says Britney never mentioned a baby or an abortion during the writing process, and neither topic served as inspiration for the track.

Annet tells us she and Britney would sit at the piano together working on the song ... they were friends and were sharing pain, and they were both sad and would play piano together.

As we reported ... the famous lyric that has fans thinking Britney was secretly referencing her abortion is "I guess I need you, baby."

But, Annet says the tagline was just something she wrote about her own experiences with her relationship. To be even clearer, she says it's NOT a reference to an unborn baby.

As for the song's chorus ... "And every time I see you in my dreams I see your face, you're haunting me. I guess I need you, baby" ... Annet says Britney came up with "haunting," though she says they were simply trying to find words with rhymes.

Annet's kind of leaving the door open to the new Britney fan theory though ... she says she was not involved in the music video or the imagery of a woman giving birth, and that was all Britney, so it's possible that visual correlates to the decision she and Justin made to terminate her pregnancy.


Stay tuned ... more conspiracy theories are sure to come.

BRITNEY SPEARS "EVERYTIME" El escritor niega la teoría de los fans

Britney Spears NO está cantando sobre su embarazo con Justin Timberlake o su aborto en la exitosa canción "Everytime", así lo dice la mujer que escribió la canción con Britney.

La compositora Annet Artani le dice a TMZ que trabajó con Britney en la canción y nos puede afirmar que se trataba de sus respectivas rupturas... sobre todo la de Annet.

Annet dice que cuando estaba escribiendo la letra que estaba terminando una relación con el director musical de Britney, y la canción es acerca de la relación de Annet y no sobre el hijo por nacer de Britney, como algunos fans sospechaban a raíz de la reciente polémica de Britney.

Britney había roto con Justin por cerca de nueve meses en ese momento, y la canción salió después de que él lanzó "Cry Me a River", pero Annet dice que Britney nunca mencionó un bebé o un aborto durante el proceso de escritura y ninguno de los temas sirvió de inspiración para la pista.

Annet nos dice que ella y Britney se sentaban al piano juntas a trabajar en la canción. Eran amigas y estaban compartiendo el mismo tipo de dolor. Estaban tristes y tocaban el piano juntas.

Como informamos, la famosa letra que tiene a los fans pensando que Britney se refería en secreto a su aborto es "I guess I need you, baby".

Annet dice que el lema era algo que escribió sobre sus propias experiencias con su relación. Para ser aún más clara, dice que NO es una referencia a un bebé no nacido.

En cuanto al estribillo de la canción: "Y cada vez que te veo en mis sueños veo tu cara, me persigues. I guess I need you, baby"... Annet dice que a Britney se le ocurrió "haunting", aunque ella dice que simplemente estaban tratando de encontrar palabras que rimaran.

Annet es una especie de dejar la puerta abierta a la nueva teoría fan de Britney sin embargo ella dice que no estaba involucrado en el video musical o las imágenes de una mujer dando a luz, y que era todo Britney, por lo que es posible que visual se correlaciona con la decisión que ella y Justin hizo para interrumpir su embarazo.

contestando los rumores

Manténgase en sintonía, hay más teorías conspirativas por venir.

Lupita Nyong'o Announces Split with Boyfriend On Heels of Night Out with Joshua Jackson

Lupita Nyong'o and her boyfriend are no more, the actress just announced her split with Selema Masekela -- saying he's totally lost her trust -- and sharing the news on the heels of a night out with recently divorced Joshua Jackson and friends.

In a lengthy statement posted Thursday, Lupita starts out by sending her thoughts to those suffering around the world before diving into the breakup. She states, "At this moment, it is necessary for me to share a personal truth and publicly dissociate myself from someone I can no longer trust…"

She continues, "I find myself in a season of heartbreak because of a love suddenly and devastatingly extinguished by deception. I am tempted to run into the shadows and hide, only to return to the light when I have regained my strength enough for me to say, "Whatever, my life is better this way." But I am reminded that the magnitude of the pain I am feeling is equal to the measure of my capacity for love."

Lupita adds she's sharing the news to keep things open and honest with her social media followers, saying, "And so, I am choosing to face the pain, cultivating the courage to meet my life exactly as it is, and trusting that this too shall pass."

Lupita ends her message by saying she hopes it'll help someone else "experiencing the grip of heartbreak who is poised to try and escape from the pain and miss out on the wisdom that comes from it."

Fans became skeptical after photos surfaced of Lupita out with Joshua Jackson at a Janelle Monáe concert in Los Angeles Wednesday, wondering if she had moved on from Masekela.

Sources with direct knowledge told us Lupita and Jackson are just friends and attended the show with a group. However, it was soon noticed she'd also deleted all her photos with Masekela from her Instagram page ... raising more questions as to what happened.

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Lupita and Selema are linked back all the way to 2016 ... he has not yet commented on the split.

LUPITA NYONG'O Anuncia la ruptura con su novio Luego de la noche de fiesta con Joshua Jackson

Lupita Nyong'o y su novio ya no están juntos. La actriz acaba de anunciar su ruptura con Selema Masekela, diciendo que él ha perdido totalmente su confianza, apenas unas horas después de salir de fiesta con el recientemente divorciado Joshua Jackson y otros amigos.

En un extenso comunicado publicado el jueves, Lupita comienza enviando sus pensamientos a los que sufren en todo el mundo antes de entrar de lleno en la ruptura. Afirma: "En este momento, es necesario para mí compartir una verdad personal y desvincularme públicamente de alguien en quien ya no puedo confiar..."

Luego continúa: "Me encuentro en una temporada de tristeza a causa de un amor devastadoramente extinguido por el engaño. Tengo la tentación de correr hacia las sombras y esconderme, solo para volver a la luz cuando haya recuperado las fuerzas suficientes para decir: 'Da igual, mi vida es mejor así'. Pero me recuerdo a mí misma que la magnitud del dolor que siento es igual a mi capacidad de amar."

Lupita añade que está compartiendo la noticia para mantener las cosas abiertas y honestas con sus seguidores en redes sociales, diciendo: "Y así estoy eligiendo enfrentar el dolor, cultivando el coraje para enfrentar mi vida exactamente como es y confiando en que esto también pasará".

Lupita termina diciendo que espera que su mensaje ayude a alguien más que esté experimentando "las garras del desamor y que esté preparado para intentar escapar del dolor y no perderse la sabiduría que viene de él".

Los fans se mostraron escépticos después de que salieran a la luz unas fotos de Lupita con Joshua Jackson en un concierto de Janelle Monáe en Los Ángeles el miércoles, preguntándose si había pasado la página con Masekela.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dijeron que Lupita y Jackson son solo amigos y asistieron al espectáculo con un grupo de personas. Sin embargo, pronto se notó que ella también había borrado todas sus fotos con Masekela de su página de Instagram, planteando más preguntas sobre lo sucedido.

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ES oficial

Lupita y Selema están vinculados desde 2016. Él aún no ha comentado sobre la separación.

Jeezy Breaks Silence On Jeannie Divorce ... 'Love & Respect Remains'

Jeezy is finally breaking his silence on his divorce from Jeannie Mai ... saying the call to pull the plug wasn't an easy one, but his love for his estranged boo isn't lost.

In a statement given to TMZ, Jeezy says, "The decision to end this chapter in my life was not made impulsively and comes with a heavy heart. Despite this, my love and respect for Jeannie remains and the time we spent together holds a cherished place in my heart."

He continues, "Our beautiful daughter is the best gift from our relationship and I am committed to assuring she feels the love and stability she deserves."

As we reported, Jeezy filed for divorce last month in Georgia, saying in the docs there was no hope for reconciliation. The 2 share their 1-year-old daughter, Monaco, together ... and we we're told there was a prenup set in place.

You'll recall, Jeannie was being accused of cheating on Jeezy with "Access Hollywood" host, Mario Lopez -- but a source close to her said that was in no way true.

We've also learned they have still been living together since he filed, but they don't do a whole lot of interaction apart from crossing paths as they come and go from the house.


Jeezy finalmente rompió el silencio sobre su divorcio con Jeannie Mai, diciendo que terminar no fue fácil, y que su amor por ella aún existe

Jeezy nos dice: "La decisión de poner fin a este capítulo de mi vida no se hizo impulsivamente y viene con el corazón encogido. A pesar de ello, mi amor y respeto por Jeannie permanecen y el tiempo que pasamos juntos ocupa un lugar preciado en mi corazón".

Y continúa: "Nuestra preciosa hija es el mejor regalo de nuestra relación y me comprometo a asegurarme de que sienta el amor y la estabilidad que se merece".

Como informamos, Jeezy solicitó el divorcio el mes pasado en Georgia, diciendo en los documentos que no había esperanza de reconciliación. Los 2 comparten a su hija de 1 año de edad, Mónaco, y nos dicen que había un acuerdo prenupcial establecido en su lugar.

Usted recordará que Jeannie fue acusada de engañar a Jeezy con el anfitrión de "Access Hollywood" Mario López, pero una fuente cercana a ella dijo que eso no era cierto en absoluto.

También hemos aprendido que todavía han estado viviendo juntos desde que se presentó, pero no hacen un montón de interacción, aparte de cruzar caminos, ya que van y vienen de la casa.


Britney Spears asumió la mayor parte de la culpa durante años luego de que ella y Justin Timberlake se separaran debido a la especulación de que ella le engañó, pero ella lo acusa de hacer lo mismo con otra celebridad. Una de las muchas revelaciones en su nuevo libro de memorias.

Britney's "Woman in Me", no sale hasta la próxima semana, pero la afirmación es solo otro capítulo en lo que respecta a su relación con la estrella de *NSYNC. Fuimos los primeros en informar que Britney también dice que Timberlake la dejó embarazada y la empujó a abortar.

Nos informan que Britney no nombra a la persona con la que Justin supuestamente la ha engañado, diciendo que la mujer ahora tiene una familia. Britney no quiere avergonzar a nadie así que deja que los fans intenten conectar los puntos por su cuenta.

Por supuesto, Justin dejó caer su éxito masivo "Cry Me a River" en 2002, admitiendo que lo escribió después de una discusión desagradable con Spears, con muchos creyendo que ella lo había engañado.

Britney nunca negó las afirmaciones y lanzó su canción "Everytime" al año siguiente, una canción que su compañero de escritura dice que fue una respuesta directa a "Cry Me a River". La letra de Britney dice: "Puede que haya hecho llover. Por favor, perdóname. Mi debilidad te causó dolor. Y esta canción es mi perdón".

Sin embargo, desde que dimos a conocer la historia del aborto, algunos fans han especulado que "Everytime" es en realidad sobre el embarazo y el aborto; sobre todo porque el video musical cuenta con una mujer dando a luz al final.

Britney y Justin se conocieron mientras trabajaban juntos en "The Mickey Mouse Club" en 1992 y luego salieron juntos desde 1999 a 2002.

Lo que no está claro, es quien supuestamente engañó a quién primero... el libro saldrá el 24 de octubre.

Britney Spears Claims Justin Timberlake Cheated In 'Woman in Me' Memoir

Britney Spears took most of the blame for years after she and Justin Timberlake split due to speculation she cheated -- but she's accusing him of doing the same with another celebrity -- one of many revelations in her new memoir.

Britney's "Woman in Me" doesn't drop until next week, but the cheating claim is just another chapter when it comes to her relationship with the *NSYNC star.

Remember, we were first to report Britney also says she and Justin got pregnant when they were 19, and she claims he pushed for the abortion she eventually had.

In the book, we're told Britney doesn't name the person with whom Justin allegedly stepped out, saying the woman now has a family Brit doesn't want to embarrass ... which means fans will, inevitably, start trying to connect dots on their own.

Of course, Justin dropped his massive hit "Cry Me a River" in 2002 -- admitting he wrote it after a nasty argument with Spears -- with many believing she had cheated on him.

Britney never denied the claims, and released her song "Everytime" the following year -- a song her writing partner says was a direct response to "Cry Me a River." Britney's lyrics in the song include, "I may have made it rain. Please, forgive me. My weakness caused you pain. And this song's my sorry."

However, since we broke the story of the abortion, some fans have speculated "Everytime" is actually about the pregnancy and abortion ... especially because the music video features a woman giving birth at the end.

Britney and Justin first met while working together on "The Mickey Mouse Club" in 1992 and then dated from 1999 to 2002.

What's not clear -- who allegedly cheated on whom first, but Britney's at least airing out her side and more in the memoir ... set to drop October 24.

Kanye West I'm Not Bipolar ... Car Crash Gave Me 'Signs of Autism'

Kanye West wants the public to know -- he's not bipolar, as he's previously claimed -- instead, he says, he has "signs of autism" caused from his car crash in 2002.

In a bizarre text-rant to Elon Musk, Kanye states, "When are we going to speak. You owe me nothing. You never have to speak to me again. But if we do speak. The nature of the relationship has to change. I’m not bi polar. I have signs of autism from my car accident."

He continues, "You can’t watch Kim keep my kids from me. And not say anything publicly then call yourself my friend so I can bring my audience to your struggling platform."

The texts were posted by Ian Connor, a guy who has run in Kanye's circle for years, you can see Kanye instructed him to get the message out ... as Kanye's lost access to almost all of his social media accounts.

Elon suspended Kanye's Twitter account in December for antisemitic remarks the rapper made, including stating he was going to go, "Go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE." The account was reinstated again in July, but Kanye hasn't been active on the platform.

Unclear if Kanye and Elon have had private discussions on bringing him back onto Twitter with some other type of opportunity or what spurred his texts to the Tesla founder.

What's clear from the messages, Kanye's still at war with Kim Kardashian, claiming she's keeping the kids from him. Interestingly enough, we've seen Kanye in Italy for months with his wife, Bianca Censori, and only with his kids a couple of those times -- including a visit from Saint only a few weeks ago.

As for the car crash he's referring to which caused his alleged "signs of autism" ... Kanye was driving home from a recording studio around 3 AM in October 2002 when he allegedly fell asleep behind the wheel of a rented Lexus -- crashing into an oncoming car.


Kanye completely shattered his jaw in the accident, and the other driver broke both legs. Kanye had to have his jaw wired shut during the healing process -- the inspo behind his hit "Through the Wire."

Sophia Bush's Ex-Husband Breaks Silence On New Relationship ... 'Wants the Best' For Her

Sophia Bush's ex-husband is opening up about her finding a new love, and sounds like he's still very much in her corner after it was revealed the "One Tree Hill" actress is dating U.S. Women's soccer star Ashlyn Harris.

A rep for Sophia's ex, Grant Hughes, tells TMZ ... "Grant will always want the best for Sophia, and is supportive of all that makes her happy and fulfilled."

As we reported, sources connected to Sophia and Ashlyn told us they recently became official, but the timing's a bit odd -- it comes not long after they both filed to divorce their exes.

Ashlyn filed docs less than a month ago to end her marriage to fellow USWNT star Ali Krieger after 4 years together, and Sophia filed in August to divorce Grant ... they'd been married for a little over a year.


Still, it sounds like Grant has no beef with Sophia -- in fact, it sounds like the exact opposite. Very adult ... and rare.

Britney Spears Gets Pro-Life, Pro-Choice Support ... After Abortion Memoir Story

Britney Spears' bombshell abortion revelation has rallied both pro-life and pro-choice groups to come to her defense -- but for completely different reasons ... TMZ has learned.

We talked to a number of major orgs that land on each side of this issue ... and all are expressing support and solidarity for Britney after she shared a personal story about once getting pregnant by then-BF Justin Timberlake -- only to decide not to have the kid.

For starters -- the National Right to Life Committee, says they're actually willing to lend Brit a hand ... on account of the trauma she might be experiencing by having to relive this.

An NRLC rep tells us there are a lot of folks in their world who are just like Britney -- namely, women who've had abortions, only to regret it later ... which is certainly how Brit sounds. They say they have services and resources available they'd love to extend to her.

One of those is peer counseling and therapy ... which NRTLC says they have in abundance at any of their many pregnancy centers across the country -- all of which is confidential and judgment-free. The Committee adds ... they're there if Brit wants to reach out.

On the opposite end of the coin is a pro-choice organization -- the Center of Reproductive Rights -- which is also coming out to praise Britney ... but their POV's distinct.


As far as they're concerned ... CORR believes Britney simply sharing her experience, in and of itself, dissolves the stigma surrounding abortion -- which they see as a major win for their cause.

A rep adds, "These conversations are especially necessary right now given that millions of people across the U.S. no longer have this right."

There's one last take on all this ... and it comes courtesy of a pro-life org that's tackling the blame element here -- namely, Britney pointing the finger at JT for being the driving force behind her abortion. We broke the story ... she claims he felt they were too young.

Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America says, "Our hearts go out to Britney and every woman who has endured an unwanted abortion ... We hope Britney’s bravery to share her deeply personal wound will give other women the courage to voice their stories of abortion coercion. We should all agree that no woman should endure a painful abortion that she truly does not want." A hodgepodge of reactions, no doubt -- and yet ... they all stand with BS.


Kanye West quiere que el público sepa que no es bipolar, como ha afirmado anteriormente, sino que tiene "signos de autismo" causados por su accidente de carro en 2002.

En un extraño mensaje de texto dirigido a Elon Musk, Kanye afirma: "¿Cuándo vamos a hablar? No me debes nada. No tienes que volver a hablarme. Pero si hablamos. La naturaleza de la relación tiene que cambiar. No soy bipolar. Tengo signos de autismo por mi accidente de coche".

Y continúa: "No puedes ver cómo Kim oculta a mis hijos de mi. No decir nada públicamente y luego llamarte mi amigo para que pueda llevar a mi audiencia a tu plataforma en apuros".

Los textos fueron publicados por Ian Connor, un tipo que ha estado en el círculo de Kanye durante años, se puede ver que Kanye le dio instrucciones para transmitir el mensaje, debido a que ha perdido el acceso a casi todas sus cuentas de redes sociales.

Elon suspendió la cuenta de Tuiter de Kanye en diciembre por los comentarios antisemitas que el rapero hizo, como por ejemplo: "Go death con 3 on JEWISH PEOPLE". La cuenta fue restablecida de nuevo en julio, pero Kanye no ha estado activo en la plataforma.

No está claro si Kanye y Elon han tenido discusiones privadas sobre traerlo de vuelta a Tuiter, o cuál es el motivo de los textos para fundador de Tesla.

Lo que queda claro en los mensajes es que Kanye sigue en guerra con Kim Kardashian, alegando que le está ocultando a los niños. Curiosamente, hemos visto a Kanye en Europa durante meses con su mujer, Bianca Censori, y solo con sus hijos un par de esas veces.

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En cuanto al accidente de coche al que se refiere y que causó sus supuestos "signos de autismo", Kanye volvía a casa de un estudio de grabación pasadas las tres de la madrugada en octubre de 2002, cuando supuestamente se quedó dormido al volante de un Lexus alquilado, chocando contra un coche que circulaba en sentido contrario.

Kanye se destrozó completamente la mandíbula en el accidente, y el otro conductor se rompió las dos piernas. Kanye tuvo que llevar la mandíbula alambrada durante el proceso de curación, lo que inspiró su éxito "Through the Wire".

BRITNEY SPEARS Teoría de los fans de 'Everytime' ¿es Para honrar al bebé?

Los fans de Britney Spears están como locos buscando pistas después de que TMZ publicó la historia revelando que ella y Justin Timberlake estaban embarazados y decidieron abortar. Las teorías dicen que uno de los videos musicales más famosos de Britney es un homenaje al bebé.

Los fans de Britney están bscando pistas en su video musical "Everytime" y buceando en los significados potenciales detrás de la letra de la canción.

Como informamos por primera vez, Britney afirma en su nuevo libro de memorias "The Woman In Me" que Justin la dejó embarazada cuando salían entre 1999 a 2002 y tuvieron algunas discusiones desgarradoras en las que acordaron que ella abortaría.

Ahora los fans se centran en el video musical "Everytime" donde Britney canta el coro mientras una mujer da a luz en el fondo y hay algunos primeros planos de una mujer y su bebé. Los fans piensan que es un guiño sutil al bebé que podría haber tenido con Justin.

También está el estribillo de la canción ... "Y cada vez que te veo en mis sueños veo tu cara, me persigues. Supongo que te necesito, nena".

"Everytime" salió en 2003, un año después de Justin dejó caer su éxito masivo "Cry Me a River" en 2002 que él dice que escribió como resultado de una discusión desagradable con Britney.

las polémicas de britney

Otras letras que llaman la atención de los fans incluyen: "Hago creer que estás aquí. Es la única manera que veo claro. ¿Qué he hecho?" La siguiente línea es, "Parece que sigues adelante con facilidad", y los fans piensan que ella se refiere a la respuesta de Justin al supuesto aborto.

Por su parte, Justin no ha dicho nada sobre las afirmaciones de Britney.

Hablamos del libro de Britney en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Britney Spears Memoir Justin Timberlake Got Me Pregnant ... Both Agreed to Have an Abortion

Britney Spears has what insiders have described as a "bombshell" in her upcoming memoir, and multiple sources tell TMZ ... that bombshell is that Justin Timberlake got her pregnant and after some heart-wrenching discussions they agreed she would get an abortion.

Multiple sources with direct knowledge of the book tell TMZ ... Britney felt Justin was the love of her life when they were together, and around late 2000 she learned she was pregnant.

She says in the book she was raised not to get an abortion ... part of it was religious and part was just what she learned from her family.

In the book, Britney writes, "I loved Justin so much. I always expected us to have a family together one day. This would just be much earlier than I'd anticipated." But, she says Justin felt they weren't ready, because they were too young -- both were around 19 at the time.

According to the book, Britney says she was "conflicted," but after some difficult, emotional discussions, they both agreed getting an abortion was the right decision.

Justin and Britney dated between 1999 and 2002. Two sources tell TMZ it was so serious, Britney wanted to marry Justin, but that obviously did not work out.

The decision to have an abortion haunted Britney for years ... something she spoke about in private.


Britney ended up having her first child -- Sean Preston -- with husband Kevin Federline in 2005 and she had Jayden James in 2006.

We reached out to Justin's reps ... so far, no word back.

Britney's memoir -- "The Woman in Me" -- comes out October 24.

Blueface Megan Thee Stallion? Been There, Done That You Want Me to Lie??? 🤷🏾‍♂️

Blueface pulled the ol' George Washington cherry tree defense when confronted about his mom wanting to set him up with Megan Thee Stallion -- and, in the process, seemingly let it slip they once were a thing.

Blue and Jaidyn Alexis were the latest guests on "The Jason Lee Show" when the Meg topic came up -- to which the "Thotiana" rapper blurted out he had "been there, done that."


Now, he wouldn't say if they slept together, but suggested they engaged in some thot s**t, and there were some oral sexual favors.

Blueface claims the Stallion tryst went down about 5 years ago when he and Meg were 2019 XXL Freshman together, and he seemed to be in disbelief Jason considered their alleged hookup a scoop.

Meanwhile, Jaidyn stared at her watch, uncomfortably ... as she had to sit through more than just the Megan convo.

Coi Leray's name also came up, and BF's response was the same ... been there, done that.

BF denied being a chatty Patty, and claimed he was just answering every question, even ancient ones, truthfully.

So much for gentlemen not kissing and telling. If nothing else, Megan will have plenty to rap about on her next project ... which she just announced will be done independently.

Britney Spears 'Everytime' Fan Theory ... Justin Timberlake Baby Honored???

Britney Spears fans are digging for clues after TMZ broke the story revealing she and  Justin Timberlake were pregnant and decided to get an abortion ... believing one of Britney's most famous music videos is a tribute to the baby.

Britney sleuths are training their eyes on her "Everytime" music video and diving into the potential meanings behind the song's lyrics.

As we first reported, Britney claims in her new memoir "The Woman In Me" that Justin got her pregnant when they were dating from 1999 to 2002 and they had some heart-wrenching discussions where they agreed she would get an abortion.

Now fans are honing in on the "Everytime" music video where Britney sings the chorus while a woman gives birth in the background ... and there's a few close-up shots of a woman and her baby ... with fans thinking it's a subtle nod to the baby she could have had with Justin.

There's also the song's chorus ... "And every time I see you in my dreams I see your face, you're haunting me. I guess I need you, baby."

"Everytime" came out in 2003, a year after Justin dropped his massive hit "Cry Me a River" in 2002 ... which he says he wrote as a result of a nasty argument with Britney.


Other lyrics catching fans' attention include ... "I make-believe that you are here. It's the only way I see clear. What have I done?" The next line is, "You seem to move on easy," and fans think she's referencing Justin's response to the alleged abortion.

For his part, Justin hasn't said anything about Britney's claims.

We discussed Britney's book on latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.