Drake RIhanna & Rocky Jab On New Album???

Drake dissed a particular "gyal" from his past on "For All The Dogs" ... and fans think he's firing at his former flame Rihanna -- A$AP Rocky's feelings be damned!

The possible Rihanna disses pop up at the opening of "Fear of Heights," where Drake raps, "Why they make it sound like I'm still hung up on you?/That could never be/Gyal can't ruin me ... better him than me."

If that wasn't indication enough, Drake repeatedly screams how he's "anti" -- the title of Rihanna's last released album, a project he's even featured on, before going on the claim the sex wasn't so amazing like the song goes ... he remembers it as average. 😱

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He goes on to claim he's been with women whose beauty is superior and her new man is stuck like Chuck in their current situation.

As you know, Rihanna and Rocky just welcomed their 2nd child together in August ... months after performing pregnant at the Super Bowl -- they haven't given Drake much thought.

They just may now ... A$AP's new album "Don't Be Dumb" is due out this year.

Michael. B Jordan Solo amor para Steve Harvey Todo bien después de la ruptura con Lori

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Abrazos de buena onda

Michael B. Jordan y Steve Harvey están mostrando señales de que todo está bien entre ellos, a pesar de la ruptura del actor con la hija de Steve, Lori Harvey.

Michael y Steve estaban muy contentos en los juegos de la NBA Abu Dhabi el jueves, abrazándose y dándose la mano en la cancha. Michael tenía una enorme sonrisa y le dio un buen apretón, mientras un grupo de amigos a su alrededor no pudo evitar sonreír también.

Parece que no hay resentimientos entre ellos. Como informamos, Michael y Lori, terminaron su relación en junio pasado, alrededor de un año después de que empezaran a verse. Ella también borró de sus redes sociales cualquier indicio del actor.

Nunca hubo información oficial sobre los motivos que llevaron a la ruptura, pero Lori habló de banderas rojas en la relación un par de meses después de que todo se acabara, diciendo que estar demasiado cerca de una ex pareja era uno de los principales.

También se habló de que Michael, de 35 años, estaba listo para sentar cabeza y casarse, mientras que Lori, de 26, no lo estaba.

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Resolviendo las cosas
The Steve Harvey Morning Show

Por cierto, Steve bromeó acerca de la separación de su hija solo un par de días después de que terminara, burlándose de su propio y costoso divorcio con su ex esposa, Mary.

Michael. B Jordan Nothing But Love With Steve Harvey Good Vibes After Lori Split

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Michael B. Jordan & Steve Harvey are showing signs all is well despite the actor's split with Steve's daughter, Lori Harvey.

MBJ and SH were all smiles at the NBA Abu Dhabi Games Thursday ... dappin' each other up courtside. Michael had a huge grin on his face, going in for the tight squeeze -- as a group of pals couldn't help but smile around them, too.

Seems like there are no hard feelings between them ... as we reported, Michael and Lori, called it quits last June -- about a year after they started seeing each other. She also scrubbed her socials from any mention of him.

There was never an official word about what led to the split ... but Lori talked about red flags in relationships a couple of months after the plug was pulled -- saying being too close with an ex was a major one.

There was also talk that 35-year-old Michael was ready to settle down and get married, but 26-year-old Lori wasn't.

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The Steve Harvey Morning Show

BTW, Steve joked around about his daughter's split just a couple of days after they called things off ... poking fun at the expense of his own costly divorce from his ex-wife, Mary.

Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner Deep in Mediation to Settle Divorce

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner have been embroiled in a bitter, child custody dispute, but they have been spending hours together over the last 2 days trying to hammer out a divorce settlement ... multiple sources tell TMZ.

As TMZ reported, Joe and Sophie have a prenup, and one of the provisions is that they go to mediation to settle all outstanding issues related to their divorce ... this according to multiple Joe/Sophie sources.

Joe and Sophie spent a full day Wednesday hashing out divorce issues, and we're told they are dealing with a property settlement guided by the prenup, as well as child custody.

As you know, there's a jurisdictional dogfight going on over which judge will handle the case -- a Miami judge, which is what Joe wants, or a UK judge, which is Sophie's choice.

Sophie has filed legal docs in federal court trying to get the case removed to the UK. Although there's an active legal dispute over jurisdiction, our sources say they are trying to reach an agreement on both which judge handles the case and what the custody arrangement should look like.

It appears Sophie wants to live in the UK with the kids and Joe wants them to stay put in the U.S., but they are trying to reach some sort of custody agreement that would make jurisdiction essentially irrelevant.

We're told they're both down with joint custody, and if they can agree on a structure -- for example, the kids stay with one parent during the school year and the other parent during the summer with both parents getting visitation -- they would probably just ask the Florida judge to ratify it.

The good news ... since they're in mediation, which continues on Thursday, it appears neither Joe nor Sophie are challenging the prenup.

It's possible they could pull a Kevin Costner and settle the latest, contentious divorce.

Joe Jonas, Sophie Turner A fondo en una mediación para resolver su divorcio

Joe Jonas y Sophie Turner han estado envueltos en una amarga disputa por la custodia de sus hijas, pero han estado pasando horas juntos en los últimos dos días para tratar de llegar a un acuerdo de divorcio, según cuentan múltiples fuentes a TMZ.

Como TMZ informó, Joe y Sophie tienen un acuerdo prenupcial y una de las disposiciones es que deben ir a mediación para resolver todos los asuntos pendientes relacionados con su divorcio, esto de acuerdo a múltiples fuentes de Joe y Sophie.

Joe y Sophie estuvieron todo el día miércoles resolviendo cuestiones de divorcio y nos dicen que están lidiando con un acuerdo de propiedad, guiada por el acuerdo prenupcial, así como con la custodia de sus hijas.

Como ustedes saben, hay una pelea de perros sobre qué juez debiese encargarse del caso, si uno de Miami, como quiere Joe, o uno del Reino Unido, como quiere Sophie.

Sophie presentó documentos legales en el tribunal federal par tratar de conseguir que el caso sea trasladado al Reino Unido. Aunque hay una disputa legal activa sobre la jurisdicción, nuestras fuentes dicen que están tratando de llegar a un acuerdo al respecto así cómo debiese ser la resolución de la custodia.

Al parecer, Sophie quiere vivir en el Reino Unido con las niñas y Joe quiere que se queden en Estados Unidos, pero están tratando de llegar a algún tipo de acuerdo de custodia que haría esencialmente irrelevante dónde sea la jurisdicción.

Nos dicen que ambos quieren la custodia compartida y si pueden ponerse de acuerdo sobre una estructura, por ejemplo, que las niñas se queden con uno de los padres durante el año escolar y el otro padre durante el verano, con ambos padres teniendo la posibilidad de visitarlas, probablemente solo le pedirían al juez de Florida que ratifique el acuerdo.

La buena noticia es que como ya están en mediación, la que continúa el jueves, parece que ni Joe ni Sophie están desafiando el acuerdo prenupcial.

Es posible que hagan lo mismo que Kevin Costner y logren resolverlo todo.


siendo honesta

Khloé Kardashian le ha dejado claro a Tristan Thompson dos cosas: ella lo quiere fuera de su casa, pero todavía en su vida. Procedemos a explicar.

Khloe y Tristan aparecieron en el episodio del jueves de "The Kardashians", y esta escena no parecía escenificada en lo absoluto, al menos en lo que a sentimientos se refiere. Tristan ha estado reparando su casa desde que las inundaciones de SoCal golpearon allá por enero y Khloe lo ha dejado quedarse con ella hasta que esté todo arreglado, pero está claro que su paciencia se está agotando.

Khloe le insiste a Tristan que le diga cuándo terminarán las reparaciones y él responde que no puede esperar a que ella vea el lugar cuando esté terminado. Khloe entonces juega su mano, diciendo que ella tampoco puede esperar... TRADUCCIÓN: ¡Ella lo quiere fuera!

Khloe no es dura en absoluto. De hecho, ella es todo lo contrario, reconociendo que ella y Tristan estarán unidos por el resto de sus vidas, ya que comparten dos niños juntos.

Ella lo deja claro... hay una línea clara entre tener una relación romántica con él de nuevo y mantenerlo en su vida como una fuerte presencia para sus hijos.

Es realmente conmovedor como Khloe reconoce el daño que Tristan le ha causado, pero entierra eso por el bien de sus hijos.

Muy maduro de su parte. Una paternidad ejemplar sin duda.

Khloe and Tristan Living Under the Same Roof ... But She's Clear, Romance is Over


Khloé Kardashian has made clear to Tristan Thompson 2 things ... she wants him out of her house, but still in her life. Let us explain.

Khloe and Tristan are featured on Thursday's episode of "The Kardashians," and this scene does not seem staged at all, at least when it comes to feelings. Tristan's been repairing his home since the SoCal floods hit way back in January, and Khloe's let him stay with her until it's all fixed up, but it's clear her patience is running thin.

Khloe is prodding Tristan for a timeline on when the repairs will be completed, and he responds by saying he can't wait for her to see it when it's completed. Khloe then plays her hand, saying she as well can't wait. TRANSLATION: She wants him out.

KK is not harsh at all. In fact, she's the opposite, acknowledging she and Tristan will be joined at the hip for the rest of their lives because they share 2 kids together.


She makes it clear ... there's a bright line between having a romantic relationship with him again and keeping him in her life as a strong presence for their kids.

It's really a moving convo ... Khloe acknowledges the hurt Tristan has caused but is burying that for the sake of their kids.

Super mature, and exemplary parenting, for sure.

'Love & Hip Hop's' Vonshae Gunplay Caused Our Daughter's Heart Defect With His Undercover Drug Use!!! 🤧

"Love & Hip Hop" star Vonshae Taylor-Morales is further distancing herself from her ruptured marriage with Gunplay ... blaming him for causing their infant daughter's medical condition as of result of his alleged drug use.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The baby girl, Osanna Ohana, was born in March with a heart defect and on Wednesday, Vonshae accused her estranged husband of abusing cocaine and ketamine behind her back during a vicious dragging on IG Live.

Before the baby was born, Vonshae says she told Gunplay he needed to be drug-free, but she says he began using, and covering up his "sniffing" by saying he had allergies.

Vonshae says she was dumb to believe the rapper, and their fights got bad when she confronted him. Eventually, Gunplay was arrested in August for allegedly pulling out a gun on Vonshae and their daughter, who was put into harm's way during the altercation.

As we reported at the time, Gunplay was slapped with several charges ... aggravated battery with a deadly weapon, false imprisonment, and child abuse. Vonshae also claims he relapsed in her presence.

Fans are currently calling Vonshae crazy for getting herself entangled with Gunplay to begin with -- to which she is telling them, "you live and you learn!!!"

KIM ZOLCIAK & KROY BIERMANN Publican falso aviso de venta de su mansión...

Kim Zolciak y Kroy Biermann sin duda tienen algunos problemas de dinero, pero no están poniendo en venta su casa, como señala un aparente anuncio de bienes raíces que se publicó la semana pasada.

La gente se dio cuenta de que la finca de Georgia, que ha estado en el centro del divorcio entre Kim y Kroy, apareció en sitios como Zillow y Trulia el miércoles por la suma de $3.2 millones, solo un poco por encima de su valor estimado de alrededor de $2.9 millones

La cosa es que nuestras fuentes dicen que Kim y Kroy nunca pusieron un anuncio para vender su casa, así que quien lo hizo creó una página falsa para molestar a la pareja.

Dejando de lado el aviso, Kim y Kroy aún enfrentan a graves problemas económicos. Kroy ha estado rogando a un juez que le permita dejar de pagar la propiedad hasta que sea comprada, para hacerse cargo de sus deudas. También ha dicho en repetidas oportunidades que todavía hay equidad en el hogar y que la venta resolvería gran parte de sus problemas de dinero. Además, les permitiría encontrar nuevos lugares para vivir.

Sin embargo, el juez aún no ha tomado una decisión sobre si debe o no permitir la venta, más pruebas de que el aviso actual no es real.

Kim ha sido ambivalente respecto a la venta de la casa, a veces sugiere que ambos están en la misma página, pero otras parece que quiere retrasar el proceso en tribunales.

En cuanto a la casa en sí, esta posee 7 dormitorios y 9 baños, por no hablar de los 9.500 pies cuadrados.


Por supuesto, también cuenta con todos los lujos del sur. Tiene su propia bodega, una piscina, un ascensor interior para dos personas, un garaje para seis carros, además de la tranquilidad de estar dentro de una comunidad de lujo cerca de un campo de golf y un lago.

Sin duda, un bien deseado cuando salga al mercado, pero ese momento aún no ha llegado.


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¡vas muy bien!

Britney Spears tiene una relación tormentosa con su hermana, Jamie Lynn, pero el exmarido de Britney está totalmente del lado de Jamie mientras compite en "Dancing With the Stars".

Kevin Federline dice que su familia, incluyendo a sus dos hijos con Britney, han estado viendo a Jamie Lynn en el programa de concurso de baile de ABC y ella tiene su voto.

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un buen comienzo

K-Fed, Jayden James y Sean Preston se mudaron recientemente a Hawai junto con la esposa de Kevin, Victoria, por lo que la diferencia horaria hace que sea difícil ver a Jamie Lynn en vivo en "Dancing With the Stars", pero le dijo a un fotógrafo en Oahu que la familia vio a Jamie Lynn después en una repetición.

Britney y Jamie Lynn han tenido sus idas y vueltas los últimos años, pero como informamos  la primera vez, cuando Britney supo que su hermana iba a participar en el programa la apoyó tal como K-Fed y los chicos lo hacen ahora.

Han pasado cerca de dos meses desde que Kevin trasladó a los chicos a Hawai, donde están viviendo en una nueva casa de alquiler, y K-Fed dice que no tiene ninguna queja acerca de su nuevo entorno.

Kevin y Victoria estaban en su camino a The Lei Stand, un salón de cócteles en Honolulu, con otra pareja el lunes por la noche cuando habló con un fotógrafo ... y ya está dando vibraciones de la isla.

Mientras que Kevin está feliz de hablar de Jamie Lynn ... tienes que ver su reacción a una pregunta directa sobre Britney.

Kim Zolciak & Kroy Biermann Mansion Falls Victim to Fake Real Estate Listing Amid Ongoing $$$ Woes

Kim Zolciak and Kroy Biermann certainly have some serious money issues, but they're not listing their home for sale ... despite an apparent real estate listing that went live last week.

Folks noticed the Georgia estate -- which has been at the center of Kim and Kroy's ongoing divorce -- appeared on sites like Zillow and Trulia Wednesday for $3.2 million ... just a smidge above its estimated online value of about $2.9 mil.

Thing is ...  our sources say Kim and Kroy never listed the home, so whoever posted the sale created a fake page to seemingly mess with the estranged couple.

Fake listing aside -- Kim and Kroy are still facing serious money problems -- and Kroy's been begging a judge to let him unload this property so that they can take care of mounting debts. He's repeatedly said there's still equity in the home, and that selling it would take care of a lot of their money problems -- and it'd also let them get their own spots.

However, a judge has not yet made a decision on whether or not to allow the sale ... more evidence the current listing isn't real.

Kim has appeared ambivalent about the sale of the home ... at times suggesting they were on the same page in selling it but also seemingly holding up the process in court.

As for the home itself -- its 7 bedrooms and 9 baths, not to mention the 9,500 sq. feet.


Of course, it also features all the bells and whistles of Southern luxury -- the home has its own wine cellar, a pool, an indoor 2-person elevator, a 6-car garage ... plus, all the peace and comfort of being inside a ritzy gated community near a golf course and a lake.

Certainly a hot ticket item if and when it hits the market ... but that time just hasn't come yet.

Kevin Federline My Fam's Rooting For Jamie Lynn ... Hope She Wins 'DWTS'

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Britney Spears has a rollercoaster relationship with her sister, Jamie Lynn ... but Britney's ex-husband is fully on Team Jamie Lynn as she competes on "Dancing With the Stars."

Kevin Federline says his family -- including his two sons with Britney -- have been watching Jamie Lynn on the ABC dancing competition show and she's got their vote.

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K-Fed, Jayden James and Sean Preston recently moved to Hawaii ... along with Kevin's wife, Victoria ... so the time difference makes it hard to watch Jamie Lynn live on 'DWTS' ... but he told a photog on Oahu the fam watched Jamie Lynn after the fact.

Britney and Jamie Lynn have had their share of beef over the years ... but as we first reported, Britney got a heads up her little sister was going to be on 'DWTS' and Britney was fully supportive and, apparently, even excited for JLS ... and now we know K-Fed and the boys feel the same way.

It's been about two months since Kevin moved the boys to Hawaii, where they're living in a new rental home, and K-Fed says he's got no complaints about their new surroundings.

Kevin and Victoria were on their way to The Lei Stand, a cocktail lounge in Honolulu, with another couple Monday night when he talked to a photog ... and he's already giving off island vibes.

While Kevin's happy to talk about Jamie Lynn ... ya gotta see his reaction to a direct question about Britney.

Travis Kelce's Ex Kayla Nicole Not Following Brittany Mahomes ... Amid Taylor Swift Friendship

Brittany Mahomes hitting it off with Taylor Swift has seemingly rubbed Travis Kelce's ex-girlfriend the wrong way -- Kayla Nicole no longer follows her bestie on Instagram amid the tight end's budding relationship with the singer.

Patrick Mahomes' wife has been spending a lot of time with T-Swift over the past two weeks -- as we previously reported, the two initially connected at Kelce's party after the Chiefs' win over the Bears last week ... and grabbed dinner with Blake Lively and Sophie Turner in NYC days later.

Brittany and Taylor appeared to be thick as thieves as they enjoyed the Chiefs' close win over the Jets from a VIP suite alongside Lively, Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman and more Sunday night ... a clear indication that Mahomes approves of Kelce's new love interest.

Kayla -- who remained tight with Brittany long after her relationship with Travis ended in 2022 -- apparently doesn't like the idea of her friend cozying up with Swift ... 'cause the model and influencer recently unfollowed Mahomes on social media.

Of course, Kayla was super close with the Mahomeses for years -- she was even a bridesmaid for their wedding in March 2022.

Now, she's no longer keeping tabs on both Brittany AND Patrick on the platform ... and previous posts have been "un-liked" by Kayla's account.

It's unclear if it's a direct result of the potential "girl code" violation, but it sure seems like that's what caused it.

Mauricio Umansky Kyle and Morgan Aren't Having Sex Not Romantic Relationship

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Mauricio Umansky says he's positive ... Kyle Richards has not cheated on him and she and Morgan Wade are not having sex. In fact, he says their relationship is all friendship and business, and that's it.

We got Mauricio on his way into "Dancing with the Stars" rehearsal Friday and our photog asked him about the rumored relationship between Kyle and Morgan.

As you know, Kyle and Morgan have been hanging out a ton during Kyle's separation from Mauricio ... with the women filming lots of things together, like documentaries, reality TV segments and music videos.

But, Mauricio says that's where Kyle and Morgan's relationship ends.


Sounds like Mauricio would know, because he's still communicating with Kyle during their time apart. He says she actually texted him Friday so he could clear up some recent comments he made about their relationship timeline.

Mauricio raised eyebrows this week in his appearance on The Agency's 'Red Mic' podcast when he said, "We were dealing with our own things, kind of, super quietly and internally, just our own issues, I mean, certainly, we're not separated. We're not divorced at this point. We are not any of that stuff."

Kyle and Mauricio have been separated for months now ... but he says the answer was in response to a question about whether he and Kyle planted the initial story of their separation back in July to boost TV ratings, which he denies.

Mauricio tells us People, which was first to report their separation, actually got the story wrong, at least technically ... insisting he was NOT separated from Kyle at the time the story broke. Of course, they separated shortly after.

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Mauricio is super pissed at whoever was the source behind the People story ... he says he tried to get the outlet to give him a name, telling us if he finds out the source is someone who works for him they're getting fired ... and if it's a member of their inner circle, the person is getting booted.

Obviously, there's a lot of drama around Mauricio and Kyle right now ... and it's been a rough year for them both, which he says is a factor in their separation ... but he says 'DWTS' has been a great outlet to relieve stress.

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Kyle would seem to agree ... showing up to support Mauricio in his big 'DWTS' debut.

Mauricio has a lot to say here ... and he tells us why he's not ready to give up on his marriage.

Mauricio Umansky Kyle y Morgan no tienen sexo Ni una relación romántica

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Dejando las cosas claras

Mauricio Umansky dice que está seguro de que Kyle Richards no lo ha engañado y, que ella y Morgan Wade no tienen relaciones sexuales. De hecho, dice que su relación es solo amistad y negocios. Eso es todo.

Encontramos a Mauricio de camino a su ensayo en "Dancing with the Stars" este viernes y nuestro fotógrafo le preguntó acerca de la rumoreada relación entre Kyle y Morgan.

Como ustedes saben, Kyle y Morgan han estado saliendo un montón durante la separación de Kyle y Mauricio. Han estado filmando diferentes cosas juntas, como documentales, segmentos de reality shows y videos musicales.

Pero Mauricio dice que ahí es donde termina la relación entre ambas.

La estrella del show

Suena como si Mauricio supiera, ya qué aún se comunica mucho con Kyle durante su tiempo separados. Él dice que en realidad le envió un mensaje de texto el viernes para que pudiera aclarar algunos comentarios recientes que hizo sobre la línea de tiempo de la relación.

Mauricio levantó cejas esta semana en el podcast 'Red Mic' de The Agency cuando dijo: "Estábamos lidiando con nuestras propias cosas, un poco en silencio e internamente, solo nuestros propios problemas, quiero decir, ciertamente, no estamos separados. No estamos divorciados en este momento. No somos ninguna de esas cosas".

Kyle y Mauricio han estado separados desde hace meses, pero dice que su respuesta fue en réplica a una pregunta acerca de si él y Kyle situaban la historia inicial de su separación en julio para aumentar los ratings de televisión, algo que él niega.

People fue el primero en informar sobre su separación, aunque en realidad se equivocó en la historia, al menos técnicamente, e insistió en que no estaba separado de Kyle en el momento en que esta salió a la luz. Por supuesto, se separaron poco después.

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¿Se percibe el amor?

Mauricio está supercabreado con quienquiera que fuera la fuente detrás de la historia de People. Dice que trató de conseguir la historia para hacerse un nombre, y nos dice que si se entera de que la fuente es alguien que trabaja para él, será despedido. Y si se trata de un miembro de su círculo íntimo, la persona será expulsada.

Obviamente, hay un montón de drama en torno a Mauricio y Kyle en este momento y ha sido un año difícil para los dos, lo cual se dice es un factor en su separación. Pero 'DWTS' ha sido una gran oportunidad para aliviar el estrés.

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Una fan en el público

Kyle parece estar de acuerdo, ya que estuvo presente para apoyar a Mauricio en su gran debut en 'DWTS'

Mauricio tiene mucho que decir aquí y nos dice por qué no está listo para renunciar a su matrimonio.

Ne-Yo You Are The Father! Declared Legal Dad To His Youngest Kids

Ne-Yo has been declared the legal father of his 2 youngest kids he's got with his new girlfriend ... this coming months after asking the court to establish him as their pops.

According to new docs, obtained by TMZ, a judge has found it in the best interest of the kids that Ne-Yo be declared the natural and biological daddy of Braiden, born in 2021, and Brixton, born last February ... giving them all rights and privileges under the law.

The docs also provide the 2 will also have their last name changed from Bagnerise to Smith -- Ne-Yo's legal last name.

TMZ broke the story, the singer asked for the court to establish parentage for Braiden and Braxton back in May. He was also looking to have them be able to inherit from him as if they were born in wedlock.

Don't forget, Ne-Yo's wife Crystal filed for divorce last year in Georgia, citing he had a kid with Sade while they were still married. In Crystal's case, she was looking to get child support for the 3 kids they share together -- Roman, Isabella, and Shaffer.

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