Depp vs. Heard Hundreds in Line for Wristbands We Wanna See Johnny!!!

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It's the final stretch for the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial -- and it seems people are well aware of that ... flocking to get in line for a front-row seat, and doing so by the hundreds.

Check out this insane footage we shot Tuesday morning outside of the courthouse in Fairfax, VA -- where scores of bodies are lined up outside the front entrance in hopes of scoring a wristband to gain entry ... one of the most coveted items in and around that area right now.

As you can see ... most of the folks here look to be Johnny Depp fans -- as has been the case day in and day out as this trial has gone on -- and a fair amount of them weren't shy about showing off their allegiance at the gate. And yes, a majority of 'em are young'uns.

It's just another snapshot of the public sentiment thus far -- namely, there seems to be a heck of a lot more Depp defenders than those backing Amber ... who, by and large, has been vilified, or at least on social media anyway.

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Johnny meanwhile, continues to enjoy the warm reception with each passing court date ... and he's shown just as much love to his supporters as they're giving him from the street.

This thing is gonna go until Friday when closing arguments get underway ... so we suppose we oughta say -- step right up, come and get your fill, folks! Time's running out here.

Warner's DC Chief Amber in 'Aquaman 2' Not Affected by Depp Chatter

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no johnny drama in dc

Amber Heard's participation in 'Aquaman 2' -- however minimal it may end up being -- had absolutely nothing to do with Johnny Depp ... so says the guy who heads up DC Films.

Walter Hamada -- WarnerMedia's head honcho for all things DC movies these days -- sat for a deposition that was played in court by Johnny's team Tuesday ... this as a rebuttal witness after AH's squad rested their case, and as closing arguments approach on Friday.

Check out his testimony ... he tells JD's attorney, Ben Chew, that whatever was going on in the outside world between Amber and Johnny these past few years had no bearing on Warner's decision to downplay her role as Mera -- nor did it affect how much they paid her.

As you know ... there's been much speculation and rumors that AH is seriously sidelined in the 'Aquqman' sequel, this after significant screen time in both the OG and 'Justice League.'

Amber's attorneys have trotted out witnesses who've suggested Amber lost not just a big part in the movie, but big money that should've come with it ... in the form of a renegotiation upon the success of its predecessor, which they say is SOP in the movie biz.


WH addressed that head-on -- saying that under his watch, Warner made clear they wanted to reign in all these pay raises -- which can be costly -- and hold people to option agreements in contracts they originally signed with them ... and AH got a taste of that, he says.

She made a mil for the first movie, and since WM exercised her option for the sequel without rejiggering the deal ... they only gave her $2 mil -- something Amber's attorneys have called a blatant sign her career's been damaged by this whole saga.

But, Hamada says ... not so. In fact, he even gives a little insight into what 'Aquaman 2' is going to look like -- and who's been propped up as the co-lead opposite Jason Momoa. Spoiler alert ... it ain't Amber, but WH says that was always the plan from the jump.

Scott Disick Hits NYC Strip Club While Kourtney Says 'I Do'


Scott Disick sure knows how to distract himself ... while his ex, Kourtney Kardashian, and Travis Barker were celebrating their marriage in Italy, Scott was hitting a packed NYC strip club.

Sources inside Sapphire New York tell us Disick rolled in with a group around 2:30 AM Monday, and headed straight to the VIP section. We're told he was low-key, only chatting with his immediate crew ... he didn't even interact with any dancers.

Our sources say Scott's group included an almost equal split of men and women, but there was one woman who he spoke with most of the night.

In all, we're told Disick was only at the club for about an hour before taking off.


Scott wasn't the only celeb at Sapphire Sunday into Monday -- Pusha T performed to promote his latest album, but our sources don't believe Lord Disick caught that show, as it ended shortly before Scott arrived.

Travis Kourtney Wedding
Instagram / @kimkardashian

As we reported, things across the Atlantic at Kourtney's wedding were over the top. She and Travis exchanged vows at the Dolce and Gabbana Estate in Portofino before heading to Castello Brown for the reception, which featured an Andrea Bocelli performance.

Hey, Kourt and Travis enjoyed their form of art, world-class singing ... and we're sure Scott enjoyed his too!

Disick wasn't invited to the Italian celebration, so he probably welcomed the night out to draw his attention elsewhere.

Johnny Depp What's Up with That Guy's Face?!? Reacts to Bizarre Witness on the Stand


Johnny Depp's face in this clip is pretty much everyone's ... 'cause he had a perfectly perplexed reaction to an expert witness Amber Heard's team called to the stand.

Psychologist Dr. David Spiegel testified Monday, claiming to have evaluated Johnny's cognitive abilities based on watching his interviews. That premise alone seems kinda weird, but it really got bizarre when Johnny's attorney, Wayne Dennison, asked the good doc if he'd watched "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" as part of his evaluation.

Spiegel not only hemmed and hawed, but also smacked his lips and opened and closed his mouth searching for a response ... before finally asking the judge if he needs to respond.

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While Johnny's mostly remained stoic throughout the trial, he couldn't hold back this time -- looking totally confused by what was happening with Spiegel's face.

Hell, even the judge sounded confused, telling Spiegel ... "You have to answer questions. Yes, sir."

There's seriously never a dull moment in this trial. Never.

Nick Cannon I'm Not Built for Marriage!!! It'll Take a Lot to Try Again


Nick Cannon's done enough trial and error in relationships to know marriage just isn't for him -- but he's not completely closing the door on it happening again.

The "Wild 'N Out" creator and host sat down with the host of the "It's Tricky with Raquel Harper" podcast, and gave her some insight into why his ex, Mariah Carey, will most likely be the only wife he ever has.

Nick says he's onto a new journey in life, one that doesn't include marrying any romantic partners. As he put it, he'd have to be "presented with something that I've never seen before" if he were to even consider another marriage.

So, technically, he's saying there's a chance -- but watch the clip, sounds like a pretty slim one. While Nick did tell Raq he loves all of his 8 children, he also said he's had enough experience to know tying the knot just isn't his thing.

As we've reported, Nick had a gender reveal, back in January, with Johnny Manziel's ex-wife, Bre Tiesi ... for his 8th child. While they appeared to be very much together, romantically, that's clearly not the case now.

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Just a month prior, Nick shared the tragic news his 5-month-old son Zen, with model Alyssa Scott, died after a battle with cancer.

Zen was Nick's 7th-born child.

Four of Nick's kids were born within an 18-month span, so he's been busy.

Of course, Nick's only marital experience came in 2008 with Mariah, and they had twins before getting divorced in 2016.

Depp vs. Heard Jason Momoa Wanted Amber in 'Aquaman 2' ... Testimony Continues

While Amber Heard may be at war with one Hollywood heavyweight, another had her back, at least professionally ... because according to testimony, Jason Momoa allegedly fought to keep her in "Aquaman 2"

Neither Johnny nor Amber took the stand Monday, but entertainment consultant Kathryn Arnold was called to talk about Heard's mark in the industry. At one point, Amber's attorney began asking about her role in "Aquaman 2."


As you may know, it was reported Amber's role was significantly cut in the film, but Arnold says there was some question as to whether or not she'd even be in the film at all.

Arnold says both Momoa and the film's director, James Wan, were both "adamant" she be included in the movie. She testified back in February 2021, there were conversations that Amber may not be hired for the movie at all ... but the two showed their support for her.

Another interesting tidbit about Momoa ... Arnold says he re-negotiated his contract from making about $3-4M for the first "Aquaman" to about $15M for the second installment.

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It was reported Amber's side may call Johnny back onto the stand this week, but there's been conflicting info ... and it may not happen at all. Per usual, it was pandemonium outside the Virginia courthouse when things wrapped, both sides will be back at it Tuesday.

Amber Heard's Attorney Elaine Bredehoft Gets Sympathy ... Tough Case, Alleged Tumult

Amber Heard might not be getting much of a shoulder to cry on from the public amid her trial with Johnny Depp -- but her legal team certainly is ... specifically, Elaine Bredehoft.

It's been a strained week for Team Heard ... at least that seems to be the general consensus online, with many noticing what appears to be obvious -- namely, that Ms. Bredehoft had a tough go during redirect after Camille Vasquez's laser-focused cross-examination of AH.

i'm trying, amber ...

If you watched that on Tuesday (Amber's last day on the stand), you certainly saw the frustration as Vasquez constantly objected to questions Bredehoft asked ... and the judge sustaining a fair amount of them, almost to the point EB could barely get a word out.

In fact, Bredehoft seemed to acknowledge the difficulty in the moment ... apparently looking up into her thoughts/figuring out a way to ask something without objection. She literally said, "I'm trying, I'm trying" ... and in the end, didn't have too successful of a redirect.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

After Bredehoft wrapped redirect, Amber left the courtroom in a hurry ... this after the judge told her she could step down and rejoin her attorneys. Frankly, Amber seemed pissed.

There've also been rumors -- unconfirmed ones, mind you -- that AH and her team have gotten into squabbles and shouting matches in court when the camera wasn't rolling. No way of telling if that's true, but it would seem to lend to most people's belief that AH and co. are getting out lawyered throughout this trial ... and that it may be taking hold internally.

That leads us to the sympathy Elaine seems to have garnered by some ... folks on TikTok and elsewhere say she and the other Heard attorneys look down and out a lot of the times -- and a handful of apparent Depp supporters even say they feel for EB, suggesting she's got an uphill battle as well as a not-so-easy-to-defend client -- at least that's their read.

Of course, we're certain Elaine herself would fiercely disagree with that characterization -- and, more importantly ... it's up to the jury on who's got a leg up right now and who'll win.

While a good amount of folks might think Amber's testimony was so-so in firming up her defense -- others say the witnesses her team put on thereafter were way more effective in backing up her claim that Johnny was allegedly abusive/controlling amid their relationship.

JD's ex, Ellen Barkin, testified he once threw a wine bottle toward her and was jealous. Plus, other AH witnesses testified to seeing alleged injuries and/or actual beatdowns of Amber by Johnny first-hand ... and if the jury believes he struck her on even one occasion, he loses.

In other words, it's anyone's ball game at the moment ... despite Tuesday's outcome.

Depp vs. Heard Johnny Gets Support from Domestic Abuse Org

Johnny Depp is getting support from what some might think is an unlikely group, but maybe not -- an org protecting abused women and children.

The group, Mission NGO, is Italian-based, and fronted by former Miss Italy Valeria Altobelli. She expressed "compassion" for Johnny in the wake of his trial with ex-wife Amber Heard.

Altobelli said, "In deep respect of the victims of domestic abuses that we have to affirm for intellectual honesty are, generally, WOMEN, we feel to express, as women, as mothers, as free thinkers, our compassion for Johnny Depp in this bad page of his personal history."

NGO is not alone ... public sentiment seems to be clearly on Johnny's side, which by clearly means lots of people -- maybe most -- don't believe Amber's claims of abuse at the hands of Johnny.

As we reported, the only uncontested incident of abuse was at the hands of Amber -- she admitted it on an audiotape that the jury heard.

Testimony is expected to wrap next week, and it's likely the jury will start deliberating right after Memorial Day.

Chris Brown Congrats, Rihanna!!! Posts About New Baby

Chris Brown wants Rihanna and A$AP Rocky to know he wishes them nothing but the best in welcoming their baby boy to the world.

Just about an hour after TMZ broke the story RiRi and A$AP were proud new parents, Brown took to IG to write "Congratulations" with prayer hands, a heart and a pregnant woman emoji. While he didn't name Rihanna specifically, it's pretty obvious to tell who he was referring to.

As we told you first ... the couple's baby boy was born in Los Angeles on May 13, we don't yet know the baby's name.

Of course, Chris and Rihanna dated from 2007 to 2009 until things got violent. During an argument in February of '09, Brown attacked Rihanna, leaving her face bloodied and bruised to the point she had to be hospitalized.

Brown turned himself in to the police shortly after the incident and months later pled guilty to a felony assault charge. He accepted a plea deal that included community labor, 5 years probation and domestic violence counseling. There was also a 5-year restraining order put in place.

Rihanna spoke to Oprah about her relationship with Chris in 2012, saying they were working on their friendship ... and the two briefly got back together from 2012 to 2013. We haven't really seen them together in any sort of friendly capacity since.

Russell Wilson Wishes Future Zahir Happy Bday ... 'Greatest Blessing Ever'

Baby Future is not a baby anymore -- and Russell Wilson just sent his stepson a heartfelt message on his 8th birthday ... calling him the "greatest blessing in the world."

Russ was spreading love to the lil' man bright and early on Thursday -- posting a side-by-side pic of the two on social media ... expressing what Ciara's child with rapper Future means to him.

"Happy Bday Future!" Russ said on Twitter. "8yrs old! You are the greatest blessing in the world to me!"

"So full of the fruit of the Spirit of Jesus! Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, & Faithfulness! Galatians 5:22."

He added ... "Mommy, Daddy, Sienna, & Win love you to Heaven & back!"

Of course, Russ' relationship with the rapper's son has sparked drama in the past -- Future previously called the Super Bowl champ out for being seen out in public with his son ... saying, "At the end of the day, I'm not for the publicity stunts. Leave my son out of the publicity stunts. Just leave him out of your relationship."

No word on Russ and Future's status now ... but as we previously reported, the Wilsons booked it after the "I Never Liked You" spitter popped up at a Super Bowl party earlier this year.

Russ also shared a pic of Future Zahir rocking a baseball jersey and holding a trophy ... so the kid is definitely following in his stepdad's footsteps.

While Wilson was a two-sport athlete -- he was drafted by the Rockies in 2010 -- he seems fully supportive of Future's future on the diamond, once calling him "The next Griffey Jr."

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Happy birthday, kiddo!!

Depp vs. Heard Huge Crowds Desperate for a Seat ... Screaming Matches, Scalpers, Overnight Lines

The hottest ticket in Hollywood is 2,500 miles away ... in Fairfax County, Virginia. It's bigger than the Oscars. Bigger than the Grammys. Bigger than the Emmys. It's Depp vs. Heard.

It's been a madhouse at the courthouse ... when the trial first started, fans started to line up around 5 AM outside the building -- but it's now off the rails with Amber on the stand.

Fans started lining up at 10 PM Sunday for Monday's 9 AM start ... just to get a glimpse of Amber ... causing the Sheriff to post a sign the following day that read, "Effective Immediately the Line for the Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Case Spectators are Not Permitted to Loiter or Camp Out on The Judicial Complex Before 1 AM."

As for the process to score a seat, we're told court officials have about 100 wristbands to dole out -- on a first come first serve basis -- for the main courtroom and an additional 100-150 wristbands for the overflow room ... and still dozens of fans are turned away.

Our sources say there have been screaming matches when people cut the line. And get this ... there's even a black market with folks offering cash for wristbands.


The crowd is almost entirely supporters of Depp ... he's gotten a hero's welcome almost every day he's arrived. Safe to say, even if the trial doesn't go his way -- he'll still have plenty of fans to show their support.

Amber Heard Johnny Can't Look at Me 'Cause He's Guilty!!!

look at me!!!

2:26 PM PT -- A source close to Amber tells TMZ ... "Depp’s lawyers’ only defense is a dishonest offense. His lawyers might be entitled to their own opinion, but they’re not entitled to their own facts. This case is not a matter of he said/she said. It is a case of what he did/she did."


They add, "The central issue on Day One of this trial is the same as it is today. What Depp did, while appalling, is beside the point. What Amber did is the point. Did she have the right of Freedom of Speech as exercised in her Washington Post Op-Ed --- an Op-Ed the paper found fit to print and an Op-Ed in which Amber never once mentioned Depp’s name."


Court is wrapped for the day ... there's one more live witness that'll be called tomorrow, and other previously recorded depositions that'll be played in the weeks ahead.


2:00 PM PT -- Amber Heard's close friend, iO Tillett Wright, just testified about the poop left behind in Johnny's bed -- while also addressing the couple's last alleged blowup fight.


Wright gave his recounting of what he remembers about Johnny and Amber's relationship -- as he was around during much of it -- but one standout moment from his testimony once again focused on the doo-doo Johnny believes Amber and/or him put on his sheets.


Wright testified that he was made aware of this theory during a phone convo with Amber -- with her and Johnny on other end -- and he found it laughable ... saying he wasn't there and had nothing to do with it. Suddenly, things took a turn, he claims, when he says he heard Johnny and Amber arguing on the phone, and JD allegedly say something about pulling her hair back. That's when he says he started frantically calling friends to come to AH's rescue.

No s***

Wright also testified that after Johnny and Amber got hitched, he heard Johnny say something to the effect of ... good, now I can punch her in the face and no one can do anything about it. With that said, he noted -- he'd never personally seen either person physically hit the other.

Johnny Depp's attorney insisted her client hadn't looked at Amber Heard once in this trial to uphold a promise he made -- but his ex is calling BS ... offering a very different explanation.

Johnny's lawyer, Camille Vasquez, kicked off her cross-examination Monday with a simple question ... Johnny hadn't shot a glance her way amid the trial, had he? Amber said she didn't believe so, and Camille suggested she knew exactly why ... because he vowed she'd never see his eyes again.

She then played an audio recording where Johnny and Amber were arguing -- this after she'd gotten a TRO against him -- and in it you hear him say something to that effect.

Amber hadn't refuted it much during cross, but on redirect -- when her attorney, Elaine Bredehoft, reopened the door on the eyes thing -- Amber pounced to refute Johnny's supposed reasoning ... arguing, instead, that he couldn't look at her because of guilt.

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promise me this ...

It made for a dramatic moment ... Amber got emotional, saying she'd survived him -- adding that she believes he wouldn't look at her since he knows he's in the wrong for this case.

She also claimed he had, in fact, looked her in the eye a few times after that meeting in July 2016 -- when they tried reconciling post-TRO -- and Amber even says Johnny had shown her kindness thereafter ... allegedly slipping her his new phone number.

We'll say this ... Johnny has been dedicated in not staring up at Amber once while she's been under oath -- which is kinda awkward, because she's certainly shot him a look or two throughout. In any case, it seems she and her attorneys think the eyes narrative is nonsense.

Anyway, Amber ended up getting the last word with her attorney leading the way -- she's done now with her testimony. Unclear if another witness is going to be called to the stand, including Johnny himself, but the court is currently on another break.

Originally Published -- 12:28 PM PT

Amber Heard Grilled by Depp's Team ... Night With James Franco Addressed


11:42 AM PT -- Amber was just asked about a deposition she sat for years ago -- one which has been the subject of much speculation since it became public -- where AH appears to be smirking and rolling her eyes sarcastically as she listens back to audio of Johnny describing being hit.


Vasquez played the audio in question -- in which Johnny is telling Amber he believes she slammed a door into his head, and her refuting that -- both in real time Tuesday and via Amber's old deposition, and on the latter ... you see Amber smile (and eat) throughout.


Vasquez asked Amber if she found the idea of hitting her husband funny, and Amber explained ... she wasn't smiling because of the audio itself, but because of what was happening around her at the time in the room where her deposition was taking place.


JD fans have long latched onto this video as apparent proof (in their eyes) that Amber is twisted and diabolical toward Johnny's pain -- but she insists that is not what her body language was communicating, despite some people's interpretation of the viral clip.


9:55 AM PT -- A source close to Amber tells TMZ ... "Depp's legal team did a great disservice to all women this morning. They showed women exactly what could happen to them in court if they speak up about abuse at home." The court is on recess for their lunch break, but will be back later.


9:28 AM PT -- Amber Heard was just asked about James Franco on cross-examination, and it seems the whole point of bringing it up was to hint at the idea ... she might've been fooling around behind Johnny's back -- at least that's the impression JD's attorney has left.


Camille Vasquez played surveillance footage from Johnny's DTLA building a few days before AH took out her TRO -- this after an alleged explosive fight in their apartment -- and you see Franco slink in covered up in a hat and jacket, while wearing a backpack. Amber is there to greet him, and they both go up to her floor, where they exit together -- at around 11 PM.


CV was suggestive -- asking if Amber was aware of how late it was, and whether she was aware Johnny was out of town at the time. Amber said she can't recall remembering Johnny's schedule or not at the time ... she wasn't explicitly asked if she'd been intimate with JF.


Camille has moved on, and is now focusing on the WaPo op-ed, trying to get Amber to admit that the piece was obviously about Johnny -- but Amber's insisting it was not about him.


7:38 AM PT -- Vasquez is bringing up journal entries Amber and Johnny entered following the Australia incident in March -- when they were on a "honeymoon phase" -- and it appears Amber admitted in writing to "her part" in whatever might've happened Down Under.


The entries being presented are mostly from the summer of 2015, and in some of the writings ... Amber seems head-over-heels in love with JD, while acknowledging the ups and downs of their relationship.


Vasquez is also asking about them going to the Bahamas in 2015 -- where Amber claims Johnny sexually assaulted her in a bathroom, and that she was trying to get away from him -- but Vasquez points out the manager of Johnny's island, Tara Roberts, has testified to seeing Amber come after Johnny (not the other way around).

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tense back-and-forth

Amber Heard's story about the Australia incident that claimed Johnny Depp's finger is getting diced up and tossed in the fire on cross-examination ... she's knee-deep in a grilling.

The actress is enduring rapid-fire questioning by JD's attorney, Camille Vasquez, who is getting into the weeds on just about every one of Amber's allegations of physical assault -- as well as the notorious lost digit tale that's up on the chopping block Tuesday morning.

Vasquez is asking about the exact sequence of events -- insisting Amber has testified to specific actions happening in specific order -- but AH says she can't recall what happened first/next, etc. ... while also claiming she's never said she did remember the chronology.

It's interesting -- what's being dissected here is the claim Johnny sexually assaulted Amber with a liquor bottle of some sort -- the same day JD lost his finger, BTW -- which Vasquez is attempting to pick apart by going through the alleged assault in slow-motion, frame by frame ... constantly bringing up her previous testimony, either in this trial or in older depositions.

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Here's another thing that Johnny's team is latching onto consistently ... the fact that there seems to be little to no medical records documenting horrific injuries Amber claims she suffered -- including the ones in Australia -- but now, Amber seems to be saying that her perception of some of the injuries at the time might've been worse than the reality.

In any case ... Amber has acknowledged she didn't seek medical treatment for a lot of the alleged injuries, but maintains they did in fact happen -- and that Johnny was responsible.

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Vasquez is constantly trying to keep Amber on track and focused on exactly the questions she's being asked -- and while the questioning is tenacious, Amber seems to be holding up pretty well. CV's clearly going to be diving in on just about everything Amber's testified to -- which has been a lot thus far.

The cross-examination is just getting started, and it's bound to get even juicier.

Originally Published -- 7:17 AM PT

'RHOC' Dr. Jen Armstrong Ending it with Hubby ... Files for Legal Separation

It's splitsville for 'Real Housewives' star Dr. Jen Armstrong and her husband, she's pulled the trigger for legal separation.

The plastic surgeon and 'RHOC' cast member filed docs last week in Southern California against her husband of nearly 8 years, Ryne Holliday. The pair has 3 kids together, a set of 10-year-old twins and an 9-year-old son.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Dr. Jen lists "irreconcilable differences" as the reason for the split ... and is asking for legal and physical custody of the kids, giving Holliday visitation.

Armstrong is the newest member of the 'RHOC' family ... appearing in just one season so far. She had recently revealed she and Ryne split last year, but had gotten back together and were working things out. Obviously, things have now changed.

The couple listed their home back in March before taking it off the market and renting it out for $20K per month.

Amber Heard Testifies About Poop in Bed ... Depp's Dog Ate Some Weed

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1:46 PM PT -- Johnny's lawyers are grilling Amber about what they claim is a lack of evidence from her abuse allegations against Depp, including what they say is a lack of injury photos.


Amber faced questions about her testimony regarding an alleged incident with Johnny in Tokyo before a movie premiere, where she claimed Depp kneeled on her back and told the jury she was checking for bruises in the car because she wore a backless dress.

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Depp's lawyers showed pictures of Amber and Johnny at the movie premiere in Tokyo and she agreed there were no bruises or visible marks in the photos.


Johnny's legal team also asked Amber why she didn't take any photos of her alleged injuries in Australia and why she didn't seek medical treatment after Depp allegedly broke her nose and put a liquor bottle in her vagina, as she told the jury in her prior testimony.


11:54 AM PT -- Amber was just questioned about her promised payments to the ACLU and the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles as part of her $7 million divorce settlement ... saying she had to stop donating after Johnny filed the $50 million lawsuit against her.


8:23 AM PT -- Amber just testified about a fight she and Depp had around her 30th bday. Saying Depp grabbed her by her pubic bone, and asked, "You wanna be tough like a man?" She says things got so bad, she had to use the couple's safe word, "Couch" to get him to stop."

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Amber Heard says she isn't to blame for the poop found in Johnny Depp's bed ... instead blaming the actor's dog, who Heard claims was experiencing some serious bowel issues after eating weed.

Amber's back on the stand Monday, after a week-long break, and her defense team just brought up the infamous incident. Heard says the dog, Boo, who was a puppy at the time had gotten into Johnny's marijuana stash.

Heard says before she and her girlfriends left for Coachella, the dogs were up on the bed, and that's when Boo crapped in the bed.

Of course, Johnny had a much different explanation of what he believed had happened -- saying the doo-doo was too big for his tiny dog to produce. He says it looked like it was from a human, and it was, "so outside, so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh."

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Starling Jenkins, who worked as a driver for Depp around the time of Coachella, claimed Heard had told him she was involved in a prank gone wrong ... but Amber just testified saying that's just not possible, because she wasn't in a pranking mood, she was in the process of leaving her husband.

Originally Published -- 7:55 AM PT

Amber Heard Team Claims Johnny is Victim Shamer

Amber Heard's team is lashing out at Johnny Depp as she braces for cross-examination, saying she expects Johnny's lawyer to do classic victim shaming.

Heard is finishing up her direct testimony, but before Johnny's lawyers have their chance, her team tells TMZ, "Today, we expect Depp's attorneys will instead pound away on the victim. We fear it will be equal parts shameful and desperate. And, the overwhelming evidence -- the truth -- is not on Depp's side."

They continued ... "The one thing we suspect Depp's attorneys will avoid is the central issue of this trial: does Amber or any woman have the First Amendment Right of freedom of speech."

The freedom of speech argument is a little off, because this is a defamation case, and the law is clear ... if someone lies bout someone else and that lie causes damage to a person's reputation, it's not protected speech. That's the issue before the jury.

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The case was put on ice for a week ... unusual since it was in the middle of Amber's testimony.

The public sentiment seems to be on Johnny's side, but the key to the case is the people sitting in the jury box.