'SNL' Mocks Depp vs. Heard ... Hilarious Testimony Over Bed Poop

Johnny Depp vs. Amber Heard is a tragic story about the crumbling of a marriage and horrendous allegations ... but there's another layer to this trial that 'SNL' dared to say out loud ... it's fun to watch and ridiculously entertaining.

As the anchor who threw to the courtroom said, there are all sorts of problems in the world ... Ukraine, supply shortages, but ... "I know it’s not the most pertinent story ... but with all the problems in the world, isn’t nice to have a news story we can all collectively watch and say: 'Ooh. Glad it ain’t me'?"

Kyle Mooney played an excellent Johnny, and his lawyer zeroed in on one of the more lurid parts of the case ... allegations that Amber or one of her friends crapped on Johnny's side of the bed out of revenge.

There were objections by Amber's counsel, but they were overruled because the judge delivered the following ruling ... "It does sound fun, and this trial is for fun.”

There's a hilarious video that was played in the courtroom, where the property manager -- Kenan Thompson -- discovers the poop. The housekeeper joins in the room and there's a discussion of who cleans up the dookie.

It's hilarious for sure, but the poop in the bed is actually relevant to the case. As we reported, Amber was allegedly enraged when Johnny was late for her birthday party, showed up for a few minutes and then left. Johnny says he got a call from the housekeeper the next day saying she found poop on his side of the bed that was covered up by sheets.

Johnny says that's when he decided to end the marriage. Amber has said the culprit is one of her dogs, but the poop is almost as big as the pooch.

Amber Heard 'Bloody Lip' Pic After Alleged Attack .... Depp's Team Says Photo is a Fraud

Amber Heard detailed an alleged attack at the hands of Johnny Depp which she claims left her with a bloody lip -- an injury her lawyers tried to prove with a photo -- but were shot down by the judge because it wasn't submitted in time for trial ... but TMZ has the photo ... a photo Depp's press team says doesn't line up with the timing of her allegations.

Heard claimed in her testimony ... Johnny struck her in the mouth during an argument, saying, "I was in one of these fights, I believe it's this one, in his downtown ECB, we call it, loft, and we're in the kitchen living room area and he backhands me."

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She continued, "And, you know, it was, you know, he wears a lot of rings. I remember kind of just feeling like my lip went into my teeth, and it got a little blood on the wall. Just that simple, a little bit of blood on the wall."

We've obtained the photo Heard says she took after the alleged incident, showing what looks like a cut on her lip, along with a note that reads, "I shall return xxx" ... a note she says Depp left behind.

It's the same photo Heard's legal team wanted to show the jury, but Depp's team objected ... saying Amber's lawyers never submitted the photo during the discovery phase of the case. The judge agreed with Depp's attorneys, so the photo was never introduced into evidence.

Now Depp's team tells TMZ ... the photo is from 2012 -- TMZ has seen the metadata and we've confirmed that -- yet in the UK defamation case, Amber's witness statement said the first violent incident was in 2013 ... a year after the alleged bloody lip photo was taken.

A source close to Amber says she messed up her dates in the UK case, and once she got her therapist records, it showed the alleged abuse from Johnny stemmed back to early 2012 ... so they say the timing of the photo makes sense.

Of course, the photo and alleged incident are just one example of countless physical violence claims both Heard and Depp have leveled against each other through the trial.


Remember, Johnny's team claimed Amber's allegations have evolved with "new and convenient details" over the years -- and that she had been "preparing to give the performance of her life in this trial."

To that, Amber's team says, "The panicked Depp's team is fighting tooth and nail to prevent compelling evidence and photos such as this from being introduced. They continue their losing strategy: distract the jury and demonize the defendant."

The case is in recess until May 16, when Amber is expected to be back on the stand.

Amber Heard IMDb Page Reads 'Amber Turd' ... Change Reflected in Google


5:22 PM PT -- Amber's name is back to normal on the Google search results for IMDb ... it's fixed!

Amber Heard is pooped amid the Johnny Depp trial, and if not that -- her name certainly is ... at least according to a Google search and the International Movie Database itself.

Indeed ... it appears somebody has changed AH's official name to "Amber Turd" within IMDb's CMS somewhere, so that it shows up that way when you Google her. As of Saturday afternoon, this is what popped up when you got to her IMDb page in the search results.

But when you click into her actual profile on the site, her name is spelled correctly. BTW, the 'Turd' misspelling appears on both desktop and mobile -- so it's not just a fluke. It seems this was a deliberate change that's been made ... but it's unclear who the blame lies with.

Like we said, our best guess is that this an IMDb problem rather than a Google one -- and we've reached out to the company (which is owned and operated by Amazon) for comment. Reel 360 News first reported the IMDb flub.

In any case ... this stunt/prank obviously stems from the infamous "delivery" that was apparently left behind after one of Johnny and Amber's fights during her birthday in 2016. Johnny says he left, and when he returned ... he found a huge piece of crap in his bed.

Amber has long denied responsibility, insisting it was one of their small dogs that did it ... but JD has called BS, as did one of his security guards/drivers -- who testified that Amber told him it was a "horrible practical joke gone wrong" on the way to Coachella the next day.


Johnny testified about this on the stand a couple weeks back ... calling it absurd and grotesque, but apparently finding some humor in the bizarre memory.

As silly as the poop story seems -- which the internet has latched onto -- it could actually prove pivotal when Amber is under cross-examination. Fact is ... this all comes down to credibility and believability -- and if she doubles down on her dog claim again, it could ding her with the jury ... nobody really buys that doo-doo came from anything but a human.

The longer this trial goes, the more it seems like a he-said-she-said ... and any sense of fabricating could be detrimental. But on this issue of feces, the people have spoken. 💩

Originally Published -- 5:07 PM PT

Amber Heard Testimony On-The-Stand 'Pose' Seems Real ... 'Ripley,' 'Coke' Moments BS


Amber Heard's testimony has been accused of being contrived, lifted and, strangely, drug-laced -- but it seems only 1 of these might be close to true ... and the proof's in the video.

Here's the deal ... AH was on the stand for two days this week, detailing the alleged abuse she claims she suffered at the hands of Johnny Depp. Each day of testimony ran for several hours -- but rabid JD fans picked apart three specific moments that they say are damning.

First, a moment from Thursday's testimony where Amber is describing a time when Johnny was detoxing ... during which, she holds a tissue to her face for an extended period of time -- apparently aware she's being photographed right then and there -- and seemingly poses.

the sniffles

The clip going around on social media felt sorta doctored, but we found it in the raw feed -- and, indeed, Amber does look to hold this pose for what sounds like a camera flash.

People have criticized her for this -- perhaps rightly so -- but even more Twitter warriors have made what we would consider wildly outlandish claims that are far more sinister ... namely, that Amber was allegedly doing bumps of "cocaine" on the witness stand Thursday.

You've probably seen this clip making the rounds too -- it shows Amber blowing/wiping her nose with a handkerchief ... and people believe they see something more nefarious.

We'll be honest ... this claim is absurd on its face, and nothing more than people reaching to connect dots that simply aren't there. Depending on what side you're on in this case, you'll probably see what you want to see ... but there's no smoking gun here whatsoever.

Finally, there's the 'Talented Mr. Ripley' claim ... which boils down to folks alleging that Amber lifted a part of her testimony Wednesday straight from the movie, and straight from Gwyneth Paltrow's character, Marge. As it turns out, that claim was also total BS.

A now-viral side-by-side quote was being circulated that suggested Amber had literally repeated lines from the movie, word for word, but after someone tracked down the actual video ... her real testimony was far from what GP said on film. Once again ... reaching.

It would seem people's hatred for Amber Heard -- which is very much a real thing -- is blurring their objectivity, and in some cases ... spreading fake news. To that, we say ... stop.

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard Trial Court Making Sure They're Kept Apart ... Staggered Entrances, Exits

Johnny Depp and Amber Heard won't be bumping into each other on their way in and out of court ... measures are in place to keep the exes separated as the defamation trial unfolds.

Sources familiar with the situation tell TMZ ... Johnny and Amber's entrances and exits are arranged by court deputies, who work with their security teams to stagger timing to make sure they don't see each other.

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When court breaks for lunch, we're told Johnny and Amber are taken to opposite ends of the courthouse ... with deputies escorting them to their own secure areas away from the public.

The separation is taken super seriously ... in this clip from Amber's testimony Thursday, you see deputies stand between Johnny and Amber to make sure they don't get close to one another as they are shuffled off for a lunch break.

While there's been rampant speculation Johnny and Amber made eye contact in that moment, sources close to Amber tell us they didn't lock eyes.

As you know ... the trial is now on a break until May 16, when Amber will be back on the stand for more questioning from her attorney, Elaine Bredehoft, and then cross-examination.

During the weeklong break, Amber is not allowed to consult with any of her attorneys -- per the judge -- because she's still in the middle of her testimony ... we're told she'll use the break to get some rest, while also spending time with her family, including her sister, who's been staying with Amber during the trial.

The reason for the break ... the judge is going to a legal conference. Johnny and Amber knew about it going in and the trial was scheduled around the judge's prior obligation. Closing arguments will take place May 27 and then the jury will begin deliberations.

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There's been plenty of explosive testimony from both Johnny and Amber. During her time on the stand, cameras showed Johnny eating gummies, doodling on paper and even appearing to snicker at her testimony. People close to Amber tell us they find Johnny's courtroom behavior rude and insensitive to Amber and the court.

On Thursday, a spokesperson for Amber said, "Mr. Depp's behavior in this trial has been as pitiful as it was in their marriage."

Meanwhile, Johnny's team has bashed Amber's testimony as the "performance of her life."

We reached out to the Sheriff's department in charge of security at the courthouse, but they had no comment.

Johnny Depp Bashes Amber Heard's Testimony 'Performance Of Her Life'


11:37 AM PT -- A source close to Amber tells TMZ ... "Beneath all his smirks/smiles, there is the serious matter of abuse. Behind all his laughter, there is the serious matter of violence against women. Beyond all his lawyer's misdirecting and misleading, there is only one pivotal question: Does Amber Heard ... or any woman who speaks out ... have the right of Freedom of Speech as enshrined in the First Amendment?"

Johnny Depp's team is trying to tear apart Amber Heard's testimony ... claiming it's nothing more than performance art.

Johnny's spokesperson tells TMZ ... their prediction during opening statements has now come to fruition ... that Amber has been "preparing to give the performance of her life in this trial." They now say their prediction was dead-on accurate.

They claim her stories of abuse have evolved with "new and convenient details" as time goes on. By contrast, they say Johnny's "recollections have remained exactly the same throughout the 6 painful years since her first allegations were made."

They also say the upcoming cross-examination from Johnny's team will be telling, as Depp's attorneys zero in on alleged inconsistencies in her stories. As you know, Amber wrapped up day 2 of her testimony ... where she told the jury he called her a "nagging bitch" and a "c***."

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Amber also claimed Johnny once penetrated her with a glass bottle during one of his alleged violent outbursts.

She also said he threatened to kill her multiple times ... once over Christmas on his island in the Bahamas. She alleges he said he'd end her life if she ever embarrassed him in front of his kids again.

Amber Heard Claims Johnny Sexually Assaulted Her with Bottle

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2:50 PM PT -- Amber's day-long testimony continued with her telling the jury about another time Johnny threatened to kill her. She says it happened over Christmas on his island in the Bahamas, with Johnny telling her he would kill her if she ever embarrassed him in front of his kids again.


Court wrapped and the trial is on break until May 16, when Amber will be back on the stand.


2:31 PM PT -- Amber says Johnny threatened to kill her during another violent episode. She says it happened in December 2015, when they got into a fight one night and Johnny got physical with her.

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She told the jury Johnny grabbed the back of her head, and they got into a shoving match where he sent her toppling over some furniture, causing her to hit her head on a brick wall.


Amber says Johnny also head-butted her in the nose and started pummeling her before dragging her over to a bed where he kneeled on her back, holding her down and punching her. She says he repeatedly told her he hated her, his voice getting louder, as he pounded the back of her head with his fist and told her he was going to kill her.


2:24 PM PT -- Amber just told the court about the time she punched Johnny to protect her sister. She says she was arguing with Johnny on the mezzanine of a staircase in one of his penthouses and her sister Whitney got between them.


Amber says she feared Johnny would push her sister down the stairs, referencing the time Depp allegedly did the same to model Kate Moss, and that's when she swung and landed a punch. She says it was the first time she ever punched Johnny and he responded with laughter before his security broke up the fight.


2:17 PM PT -- A bunch of images were just shown in court, and Amber says they show the destruction Johnny inflicted on the home in Australia after the bottle incident where he hurt his finger.


Amber says the images show blood on the couch next to the kitchen, blood on multiple beds, plus holes in the wall where Johnny smashed a bottle. She says he also scribbled words and phrases on the bathroom mirror and a lampshade.


She also told the jury about a night when Johnny passed out with his iPad open, and she discovered he was texting another woman. Amber says the messages showed Johnny slept with the woman right after their wedding.


1:13 PM PT -- Then there's this ... Amber claims during one of Depp's alleged violent outbursts, he penetrated her with a glass bottle. She says he continued to threaten he would "f*****g kill me" over and over again while doing so ... she says she was bleeding from her privates.


12:19 PM PT -- Amber just detailed more alleged violent outbursts from Johnny ... telling the jury about the time Depp started chucking glass bottles at her during an argument.


She says the incident started with an argument about his drinking and she says he cornered her in the bar area of a home and started throwing bottles at her, with glass breaking all around.


Amber got emotional as she recalled the ordeal, sobbing on the stand, and saying Johnny ripped her nightgown off her chest and had her breast in his hand as he told her he hated her and blamed her for ruining his life.


She told the jury Johnny had her by the throat when he suddenly shifted his anger to a nearby phone mounted on a wall, punching the wall before slamming the phone and screaming at her, "f****** hate you, you ruined my f****** life."


She also described more violence from Johnny in Australia, like the time she says he bashed her against the wall next to the fridge.


11:46 AM PT -- Amber just described her wedding with Depp, saying it all started in L.A. with a ceremony at his mom's house followed by a flight to The Bahamas for celebrating with friends and family. She says that was a happy time in their relationship, but things turned south shortly after.


Heard says following the wedding, she flew to London to work on "The Danish Girl" and Depp went to Australia to film 'Pirates.' She says while they were apart, she got the sense Johnny believed she was having an affair with the director and actor Eddie Redmayne.


8:41 AM PT -- Amber just described the first time they went together to the Met Gala in 2014, saying it got physical. At some point during the ball, Amber says Johnny started accusing her of flirting with a woman and when they got back to their hotel she says he roughed her up.


She told the jury Johnny shoved her and threw a bottle at her, which missed and smashed into a chandelier. Amber says she shoved back and their struggle moved to the living room, where he shoved her down on a sofa and whacked her in the face, resulting in what she thought was a broken nose.


Amber also detailed arguments she had with Johnny over James Franco while she was filming a movie with James, arguments she says eventually got physical.


She told the jury about a verbal and psychical altercation with Johnny in 2014 onboard a plane, claiming Johnny started questioning her about James, asking if Franco used his tongue during a kissing scene.


Amber says Johnny reeked of weed and booze, and he got very vulgar ... calling her a "slut" in front of his assistants and security and embarrassing her.

Amber Heard is testifying for the second day, telling the jury Johnny Depp called her a "nagging bitch" and a "c***."

Amber told jurors ... a year into their relationship, it was apparent to her Johnny had an extreme substance abuse problem ... passing out, getting sick and losing control.

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She described an incident where she says Johnny tried to burn a painting, and how he accused her of having an affair with a musician. She says during that time, Johnny was strung out on cocaine, and not eating or sleeping.

She says in 2013, during a junket in Tokyo for "The Lone Ranger," Amber called him out on drinking in front of his kids, and she says he became upset that she was judging him. She says he screamed at her in the hotel room and called her a "nagging bitch" and a "c***."

Heard has experienced a range of emotions on the stand since her testimony began Wednesday ... from sadness and happiness to anger. She detailed claims of Depp searching her for drugs, times he allegedly got physical with her and even how they first met ... including their first kiss on the set of "The Rum Diary."

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Depp arrived at court Thursday in rockstar fashion -- with fans greeting him and holding flowers and posters to show their support. Depp waved, touched his heart and thanked them as he went inside.

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It's unclear exactly how long Heard will be on the stand ... but her time will almost certainly include more explosive testimony and allegations.

We'll be carrying the whole thing live.

Originally Published -- 7:03 AM PT

'General Hospital' Steve Burton My Wife's Having A Baby ... Thing Is, It's Not Mine

"General Hospital" star Steve Burton says his wife is having a baby, but he's not jumping for joy ... revealing the baby-to-be isn't his.

In a scenario that could happen on the soap itself ... Steve revealed his wife, Sheree Gustin, was pregnant -- but he "wanted to clear something up." Steve goes on to say, "The child is not mine. We are still co-parenting our three beautiful kids."

While it may come as a surprise to Steve's fans, he says he and Sheree are separated.

Steve and Sheree have been married for more than 20 years, and have kids Makena, Jack, and Brooklyn together. We've not yet seen any divorce docs filed.

Up until 2021, Steve had been on "General Hospital" for almost 30 years ... he left the show after refusing to comply with the COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Amber Heard Here's the 1st Time Johnny Hit Me ... Says He Slapped Her 3x


2:21 PM PT -- Amber says once on a flight to Russia, she and Johnny decided to take MDMA and Johnny convinced a female flight attendant to do the same. Amber says the flight attendant became comfortable with her, touching her, which pissed Johnny off.


Amber claims Johnny then slammed the attendant's wrist on a table, telling her not to touch Amber. Amber says the whole thing triggered memories from her own experiences with Depp.


1:36 PM PT -- Amber just detailed the time Johnny allegedly searched her entire body for drugs ... and it got emotional.

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She described the incident as a cavity search, saying Johnny poked around the inside of her vagina looking for cocaine he believed she was hiding from him. Amber said she would never hide cocaine in her body, because she didn't like drugs.


Amber told the jury the alleged incident went down on a group getaway to Hicksville Trailer Palace in Joshua Tree, CA ... and she says Johnny did the alleged cavity search in one of the trailers, even ripping one of her favorite dresses in the process.


She says she just stood there staring at a light in the trailer and didn't tell him to stop.


Also during her testimony, Amber recalled an incident where Johnny allegedly grabbed a teacup Yorkie while they were driving and held the pooch out the window of the moving car and started howling.


12:16 PM PT -- Amber just described the first time Johnny Depp allegedly hit her ... and it was tearful testimony. Unclear what year this supposedly happened, but she says they were on a couch and that he was drinking -- on top of that, she says she also believed he'd been using coke ... based on a jar of the stuff she claims was on the table nearby.


She goes on to explain that she asked him about a tattoo on his arm, and he said it read "Wino," which Amber says made her laugh because she thought he was joking. Suddenly, she claims he slapped her across the face -- which left her stunned. She testifies that he slapped her a second and third time as well, allegedly saying ... "You think you're a funny bitch?" Amber says she hoped and prayed he was gonna say "kidding" at some point.


When that didn't happen and she realized he was dead serious, she says she started to leave -- which made him start to bawl and apologize. She says he was on his knees asking for forgiveness, explaining that he thought he'd "put the f***er away," referencing a "monster."


She says she left the house, but that they spoke privately later ... where he vowed he'd never hit her again -- so she stayed with him. From there, she says things became violent between them regularly ... claiming Johnny would often drop in on her and accuse her of infidelity ... and often strike her during fights, despite her denying his accusations.

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11:49 AM PT -- Amber's describing how Johnny came on strong when they filmed 'The Rum Diary,' saying he was the one who kissed her first. Once they circled back a couple years later for the press tour -- she says they embarked on a whirlwind romance that was hot and heavy ... and for which she says she was head over heels at first in the early stages of their relationship.


She references a "bubble" in which they dated -- apparently they were together in secret at the time -- and Amber says she was overwhelmed with the lavish gifts and worldwide destinations he invited her to see with him. Basically, things were great in the beginning.


11:23 AM PT -- Amber's first words under oath were emotional ones -- her lead attorney asked what she made about the fact that she was here in court over this matter ... and AH held back tears as she described how horrifying and painful it was for her to relive this chapter of her life.


Sounds like she's upset about the fact that some people she knew back then have spoken ill of her ... getting into the details of a private life she shared with then-husband, Johnny. Amber also briefly spoke about the U.K. trial a bit -- noting she was the star witness there ... and hates that she's having to go through this all over again on the biggest of stages.


So far, she's going through her early life and explaining how she landed in L.A. ... going through the same sorts of beats and motions that Johnny did, at first, when he testified. Amber is also recounting how she first encountered Johnny during "The Rum Diary."

Amber Heard has started testifying in Johnny Depp's defamation case -- the first opportunity she's had to tell her side of the story during the trial ... and it will be interesting to see if she can turn things around.

Johnny's ex-wife is on the stand, with her attorneys asking her questions first. They'll presumably guide her through a completely different narrative than the one JD's legal team has laid out thus far with their witnesses and even their own client.


As you know ... Johnny's side has presented him as the real victim of domestic violence -- as opposed to the other way around -- with the actor claiming Amber would often pick fights and even resort to violence when things escalated. He's insisted he never struck her.

Johnny's witnesses have also backed his story ... with friends and workers who were around in those days saying they, too, never saw any marks on Amber during the period she claims she was being hit. Three LAPD officers have testified to the same ... which was major.


Now, it's Amber's turn ... and she's got a lot of ground to make up -- not just for the jury, we're sure, but in the court of public opinion ... which seems to be firmly on Johnny's side.

It'll be interesting to see how she responds to the most damning pieces of evidence that have been introduced thus far -- including the mystery of poop in Johnny's bed, the makeup mix-up that kicked this whole thing off ... and her admitting on tape to hitting her then-hubby.


Of course, people also wanna hear how she explains the fact Johnny got his finger cut off. He says it was injured when she threw a vodka bottle at him -- and we know she's denied that before ... but here, we'll probably get to hear the gory details from her POV all over again.

If Amber can come off as believable and compelling on the stand, it could have a big impact on the jury ... because as we said, she has not been painted in the greatest of lights at this point.

Originally Published -- 11:05 AM PT

Johnny Depp Rockstar Welcome As He Arrives to Court, Amber Expected to Testify


Johnny Depp's supporters are out in full force -- showing the actor a ton of love as he arrives for court -- on the day Amber Heard is expected to take the stand.

Depp just got to the courthouse in Fairfax, Virginia where close to 50 fans, mostly women, greeted him with everything from posters with positive messages to flowers. Johnny clearly took notice, waving to and thanking everyone with a big smile on his face.


Of course, things inside the courtroom aren't as peachy -- with more shocking testimony that happened Tuesday -- including accusations Depp did a "cavity search" on Amber once when checking if she had any cocaine.

The entire trial has been full of wild claims, and Johnny's team rested its case earlier this week ... it's expected Amber will finally take the stand Wednesday.

Amber's legal team tried to get the whole thing dismissed after Johnny's team rested ... but the judge wasn't having it. A rep for Johnny told us on the decision, "Numerous witnesses have testified that Ms. Heard engaged in psychological, verbal and physical abuse towards Mr. Depp and we are pleased at Chief Judge Azcarate’s ruling to continue with the trial after Mr. Rottenborn failed to convince the court that there was reason to dismiss the case."

We'll see what Amber has to say.

Tom Cruise Daughter Bella Approves of Dad's Collab with Gaga

Tom Cruise's new friend/collaborator, Lady Gaga, has gotten the seal of approval from one very special fan ... Tom's daughter, Bella, who -- SHOCKINGLY -- is 29 years old!!!

Gaga posted a photo on Instagram Tuesday, kissing Tom on the cheek, thanking him for coming to the show .. and Bella was quick to like the pic.

Bella has kept a low profile over the years. She's been estranged from her mom, Nicole Kidman, but apparently has maintained a relationship with T.C.

Nicole and Tom adopted Bella and her brother, Connor, back in 1995 while they were married. As you know, that marriage disintegrated in 2001.

Tom and Nicole shared custody for a while, but the relationship between Bella and Nicole was strained ... reportedly over Scientology.

Maybe there's been a shift, because Bella has been liking some of Nicole's Instagram photos lately.

Time heals all ... or at least lots of stuff.

Johnny Depp Did 'Cavity Search' for Coke on Amber ... Psychologist Claims

Johnny Depp searched Amber Heard for cocaine once -- an inspection that apparently went in and around her body, including private areas ... at least according to a forensic psychologist, who claims Amber made the allegations during her evaluation of the actress.

Dr. Dawn Hughes was Amber's witness who took the stand Tuesday to combat what Dr. Curry -- JD's witness -- alleged about her last week ... namely, that Amber suffered from a couple different personality disorders and that she was making up symptoms of PTSD.


Hughes testified to the exact opposite ... telling the jury her evaluation of Amber -- which consisted of about 29 hours total -- made her believe she was, in fact, a victim of domestic abuse.

There were some disturbing things Dr. Hughes claims Amber told her ... including allegations of Johnny kicking her in the back, pushing her, slapping her and alleged instances of sexual violence, much of which she says occurred when JD was under the influence.

One other bombshell claim from Dr. Hughes, based on what she says Amber told her ... Johnny, at one point, allegedly subjected Amber to a "cavity search," poking around on the inside of her vagina to see if he could find cocaine he believed she was hiding from him.


Another disturbing alleged tale ... Dr. Hughes claims Amber told her that Johnny penetrated her with a bottle once, and that the whole time she was worried it might be broken and cut her up inside.

She relayed even more of Amber's claims ... including that Johnny was incredibly jealous, allegedly contacting male costars of hers to say he had eyes on the set ... which Hughes says made Amber incredibly anxious that he'd show up on set at any given moment.

James Franco and Billy Bob Thornton were name-dropped as some of the guys Johnny was supposedly angry about ... anger he allegedly took out on her in the privacy of their home.

Amber Heard Fails to Get JD's Suit Tossed ... Her Turn to Make a Case

Amber Heard made a last-ditch effort to get Johnny Depp's defamation claims tossed after his side rested their case -- but a judge said hell no ... and now, it's time to tell her side of the story in court.

The actress's legal team filed a motion Tuesday asking the judge to dismiss several of Depp's claims -- which was to be expected and is apparently fairly standard in these types of cases.

Ben Rottenborn argued that Depp and co. couldn't win the case because they had not proven that Amber acted with actual malice with her op-ed piece ... claiming that she didn't even come up with the headline, and that the ACLU actually penned the first draft for her.

For their part, Amber's team is standing firm that her underlying claims of DV are true -- insisting Depp, through his testimony and other evidence, essentially showed how he'd abused her in some capacity ... even if it was more so verbal/emotional than physical.

Johnny's attorneys offered their rebuttal in fierce terms -- Ben Chew came out swinging from the outset as he tried to bat down Amber's attorney's framing ... yelling in the courtroom that Amber, herself, was the abuser in this case.

In the end ... it would appear the judge here mostly sided with Johnny because she refused to strike his claims -- save for one issue about the WaPo headline, which she tabled for later since that evidence hasn't been introduced yet.

At this point, Amber and her team are going to have to present their side -- thus far, it's been all Johnny. Amber is expected to testify on her behalf this week ... so it'll be interesting to see how she refutes Depp's current characterization.

On the issue of Johnny prevailing in keeping this case alive, a rep for the actor said, "Numerous witnesses have testified that Ms. Heard engaged in psychological, verbal and physical abuse towards Mr. Depp and we are pleased at Chief Judge Azcarate’s ruling to continue with the trial after Mr. Rottenborn failed to convince the court that there was reason to dismiss the case."

The rep adds, "We stand confident in the future of the case and for the truth to be continued to be shared."

D.L. Hughley Pete's Antagonizing Kanye With Kim & Kids Tattoo


D.L. Hughley thinks Pete Davidson is out of line for getting the initials of Kim and Kanye's 4 kids inked on his neck.

We got the comedian at LAX and asked him about Pete's new tat, which seems to read "KNSCP" ... a collection of letters many believe stand for Kim, North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm. BTW ... the initials of their kids are in order of descending age.

It's still unclear whether or not Kim co-signed on the new ink ... or had any idea Pete was doing it at all.

D.L. says it's a troubling decision from the 'SNL' star, given all the hostility between Kanye and his estranged wife's new boyfriend, and he's taking it as a shot across the bow from Pete.

D.L. says it's not fair to Kanye ... in fact, he says it's downright disrespectful.

D.L. has his kids' names tattooed on his body ... another reason why he would be really pissed off if he were in Kanye's shoes, and would have plenty to say about it ... which is interesting, because Kanye has so far remained mum.

Bottom line for D.L ... the ink is on Pete's body and he's dating Kim, but those are still Kanye's kids.

Olivia Wilde Sudeikis Serve Caught on Video

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Olivia Wilde kept her composure after being served legal documents on behalf of her ex, Jason Sudeikis ... which you can now see on video.

The footage from the awkward moment, which went down on Tuesday at CinemaCon, has finally surfaced ... and lo and behold, Olivia's handling of it all was as professional as everyone described it.

Check it out ... OW was right in the middle of hyping her new movie, "Don't Worry Darling," and about a minute or so into her speech -- somebody comes up to the stage and drops a manila envelope at her feet. She pauses, asks if that's for her ... and then picks it up.

She openly wondered if it was a script, and playfully joked that she was going to open it right then and there to unpack the mystery -- which she did. As soon as she saw the contents, Olivia simply said, "Oh okay, got it" ... and carried on like nothing had happened.

Olivia held on to the envelope -- marked "personal and confidential" -- for a good while as she finished her monologue, and eventually ... tucked it behind her.

As you know, it was later revealed the papers were custody docs from Sudeikis -- but he denied knowing they'd be served in the manner and time that they were, putting the blame on the process server company. The issue the docs addressed was in relation to jurisdiction.

Jason and Olivia share two young children together ... they split in late 2020.

Christina Haack To Ant Anstead I'm Not a Bad Mom, I'm a Soccer Mom!!!

Christina Haack is going all out to prove she's not the crappy mom that ex-husband Ant Anstead wants folks to believe ... sitting on the sidelines for her kids' soccer games.

Christina was in full-on soccer mom mode Saturday, plopping down in her portable chair next to daughter Taylor to watch son Brayden on the field. For Christina, it's her first public appearance since Ant filed for custody of their son Hudson and ripped her mommy skills.

Christina was not only there with her children from her first marriage to Tarek El Moussa, but with his parents, they made a day of it ... watching Taylor compete in a separate game.

It doesn't appear Hudson was there ... so he must've been with dad.

TMZ broke the story ... Ant went OFF on Christina in legal docs filed Thursday, accusing her of being an absent mother, putting Hudson at risk and using the kid as a social media pawn.

Christina fired back in legal docs of her own Friday, seeking to poke holes in Ant's allegations. She told the court there's no need for an emergency order to grant Anstead full custody of 2-year-old Hudson, and so far, the judge agrees.

No word on the score in her kids' soccer games, but Christina's definitely looking to score parenting points.