Amber Heard Has Less Than 10 Min. of Screen Time ... In 'Aquaman 2': Report

Amber Heard's career may already be suffering because of Johnny Depp's trial -- she reportedly has a significantly smaller role in 'Aquaman 2' ... amounting to mere minutes.

According to film journalist Grace Randolph -- who's known to get solid comic book movie scoops like this -- Amber will, apparently, be featured in less than 10 minutes of screen time in "Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom."

No other context was offered, which is actually crucial to understanding this -- namely, whether Amber's supposed reduced presence is a recent development, or if it'd been written that way since the beginning. In any case ... it's interesting this news is surfacing now.

The film wrapped in January, with director James Wan posting a congratulatory IG with Jason Momoa and Patrick Wilson (a new character) ... but strangely, not mentioning Amber at all. She was a huge part of the first film -- Jason's love interest -- and yet ... crickets.

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Jason himself doesn't appear to have been tagging, posting with or mentioning Amber either on his social media these past several months -- so that, too, is kinda telling. He has been doing some promotional stuff for 'Aquaman' here and there ... but always solo, or with Pat.

BTW, Amber herself also doesn't seem to have been doing much, if any, promo for 'Aquaman 2.' Most of her IG activity centers around her personal life ... except for a snap in October, when she posted a photo of herself in signature Mera red hair, simply writing ... "Red-dy."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Of course, the film itself has also been bumped schedule-wise -- it was originally supposed to be released around the holidays this year ... but Warner Bros. pushed it back to March, citing COVID-related production delays.

The 'Aquaman' sequel has been in the works for a long time -- and Amber was announced as reprising her role from the get-go. The question ... is the trial actually affecting things??? Fact is ... us normies will never know for sure, unless someone higher up spills the beans.

These films are living, breathing entities subject to change until they're actually released. Assuming this report is true, WB could easily attribute sidelining Amber for story reasons as opposed to hanging it on the court revelations that have surfaced these past few weeks.

With that said, fans of Johnny -- of which there are many amid this trial -- are probably giddy to hear this rumor. As you might know, there's an unofficial petition going around calling for her to be recast in 'Aquaman 2,' and it's already got 2 mil-plus signatures. 😬

Amber Heard Has Donated Way Less Than $3.5 Mil Pledge, So Far ... ACLU Says In Depp Trial

Amber Heard is getting called out in court for allegedly failing to follow through on a huge donation to charity -- the ACLU says she gave them less than half of her $3.5 million pledge -- though she's still got a few years left to fulfill that promise.

Here's the deal ... when Amber reached a divorce settlement with Johnny Depp back in 2016, she announced she would donate her entire $7 million payout to charity, splitting it between the Children's Hospital of Los Angeles and the ACLU ... to be paid within 10 years.

Amber's pledge was revisited Thursday in Depp's defamation trial against Heard ... with ACLU honcho Terence Dougherty saying the non-profit received 4 donations in Amber's name, totaling only $1.3 million.


What's more, Dougherty says Amber only gave the ACLU $350k directly, while Depp wrote them a check for $100k. The ACLU says the other payments included $500k from a donor-advised fund at Vanguard and $350k from a donor-advised fund at Fidelity.

And, get this ... Dougherty says the ACLU believes the $500k payment was actually from a fund set up by Elon Musk, whom Amber dated after her split from Depp.

Dougherty said Elon emailed the ACLU's executive director, Anthony Romero, back in 2016 indicating Amber would donate the $3.5 million over 10 years, but he says 2019 was the last year the ACLU got a donation from Heard.

They also say she held back from released her op-ed until the release of "Aquaman" to capitalize on publicity for the film.

It's just another juicy nugget in a trial full of 'em ... like this bizarre testimony Wednesday from Johnny and Amber's former doorman, Alejandro Romero.


In a pre-recorded deposition played in court, Romero smoked from a vape pen while driving and recalled the time Amber thought someone was breaking into their home, when it turned out to just be a dog scratching at the door.

The jury laughed as the video played in court, and it even got a reaction from the judge ... who called it a first in her time on the bench.

Rob Kardashian 'I Didn't Love Chyna When We Got Engaged' ... She Held Gun to My Head Several Times


4:26 PM PT -- Rob got heated on the stand, Chyna's attorney continued to point out the fact Rob didn't have any marks on his face after she allegedly attacked him with a metal rod. Rob shouted, "Stop trying to make it sound like it didn't happen ... There were no marks on my face or neck. That doesn't mean it didn't happen."


He also touched on loving photos Chyna had posted when the two were together, making it seem like they were in a happy relationship -- saying they were mostly Chyna's idea for social media clout. In photos, Rob said, "I don't like to leave the house, it upsets me. I'm insecure about my body. I've gained some weight. I don't like going out."

Rob Kardashian says his relationship with Blac Chyna started when he was going through the worst part of his life, and says he didn't even love her when they got engaged ... all during bombshell testimony.

Rob took the stand Wednesday in the case between Chyna and his family. He said things in his relationship with Chyna happened fast ... and thought she was right for him because she accepted him when he was going through his "lowest point."

He testified things went south quickly, and when he asked her to marry him, he didn't even love her ... "It wasn't real love. I had a baby with this girl."

Rob testified Chyna beat him at least 5 times over the course of their relationship. He continued, "I had a gun held to my head several times by this woman. That's not love."

Rob also detailed the night when Chyna allegedly strangled him with a phone cord, saying she'd been doing cocaine and drinking all night. He says the incident caused him to hire full time security out of fear for his life and for his daughter, Dream.

As we've reported, all of Rob's sisters, except Kendall and Kourtney, have taken the stand over the last couple of weeks. During Khloe's testimony, emails she had allegedly sent E! execs were read in which she expressed concerns Rob and Chyna's turbulent relationship could hurt the family brand ... she also suggested she might leave 'KUWTK' if the volatile behavior continued.

In other testimony, Kris Jenner and Corey Gamble say they believed Chyna had posed a very real threat to Rob's life ... Gamble says he intervened one night during a nasty fight between the couple -- where Chyna allegedly threatened to kill Rob.

Chyna's suing the family for $100 million ... alleging they torpedoed her "Rob & Chyna" show and in turn, caused her to lose out on a ton of money.

Originally Published -- 3:29 PM PT

Olivia Wilde Served Custody Papers by Sudeikis at CinemaCon


5:00 PM PT -- A source close to Jason tells TMZ ... "Papers were drawn up to establish  jurisdiction relating to the children of Ms. Wilde and Mr. Sudeikis."


The source adds ... "Mr. Sudeikis had no prior knowledge of the time or place that the envelope would have been delivered as this would solely be up to the process service company involved and he would never condone her being served in such an inappropriate manner."

Olivia Wilde endured a bit of embarrassment at CinemaCon this week -- while she was in the middle of screening the trailer of her new movie -- her ex served her legal docs.

The awkward moment was seen by multiple people who were in the room Tuesday when OW was on hand in Vegas to screen a never-before-seen trailer for her erotic thriller flick "Don't Worry Darling" -- which stars her beau Harry Styles and Florence Pugh.

The word is ... while Olivia was talking on stage, somebody came up and placed a manila envelope right down next to her at her feet -- which was marked 'Personal and Confidential.'

Olivia was photographed picking it up, taking a peek inside ... and then carrying on like nothing had really happened. But something certainly had -- according to Deadline, there were court papers in there courtesy of Jason Sudeikis ... with whom she shares two children.

The outlet says, citing sources, the docs involve child custody. As you know, they publicly split about a year and some change ago ... and since then, she's been in a whirlwind romance with Harry -- whom she also cast in her highly-anticipated film.

It appears that Jason and Olivia were getting along okay in the wake of their split -- but this clearly suggests otherwise. You gotta figure Jason wouldn't just do this to embarrass her if he didn't have to ... so, presumably, he hadn't been able to get these to her in a normal setting.

In any case, it definitely isn't pretty -- and lends to the idea that ... maybe they're not so copacetic as they put on. Also, this could potentially mean a custody battle is brewing. 😬

Originally Published -- 3:45 PM PT

Corey Gamble Chyna Threatened To Kill Rob ... I Broke Up Their Fight

Corey Gamble says he heard Blac Chyna threaten to kill Rob Kardashian multiple times during the night of their blowout fight ... once over the phone and again in person.

Corey was called to the stand Tuesday for the first time in Chyna's trial, giving his account of the fight the Kardashians say was very violent.

CG, who told the jury Kris Jenner is his partner in life, testified he was awoken that night from an incoming call from Rob to Kris ... and when Kris put the call on speaker, he heard Chyna screaming in the background over Rob.

Corey says he heard Chyna say to Rob ... "F*** you, I'm a kill you fat mother f*****."

Seeing it as a volatile situation, Corey says he knew he needed to help Rob, so he jumped out of bed, got dressed in a hurry and rushed over to Kylie Jenner's house only a few blocks away, where Rob and Chyna were staying.

Corey says he parked behind Rob's car and headed to the front door, which was unlocked. While he went alone, Corey says Kris wanted to go too, but he told her to stay put because he feared the situation could be dangerous.

At the front door, Corey says he heard Chyna shouting at Rob in anger, telling him she hated him and threatening that she "would kill him."

Once inside, Corey says he saw Chyna about 7 feet away from Rob, and she was holding a large rod of some sort in her hand, which she dropped when she saw Corey.

Chyna then ran towards Rob and picked up a long phone charging cord, Corey testified, whipping Rob and hitting him on his shoulder.

Corey says he jumped between them to break them apart and was hit in the process. He told the jury he told Rob to "get the hell outta here" because he thought the situation was dangerous, also testifying Chyna reeked of booze.

CG says Chyna took off after Rob as he tried to leave, telling the jury she was furious and wanted to keep attacking, but Corey says he stopped her from chasing after Rob and even tried to hide her keys.

Realizing he had blocked in Rob's car with his own, Corey says he went outside to move his whip ... but when he did, Chyna jumped back on Rob and continued hitting him, striking blows to Rob's head.

Corey says Chyna then took a nearby patio chair and threw it at Rob's car, hitting the front, and then tried to grab a small table and throw it as well ... but Corey says he stopped Chyna from doing so.

In earlier testimony, Chyna denied throwing anything at Rob's car and says she didn't threaten to kill him or hit him.

Khloe Kardashian Thought Rob & Chyna's Toxic Behavior Would Hurt Family's Brand

Khloe Kardashian just had her time on the stand, revealing she thought Blac Chyna's potentially dangerous behavior could damage the family's brand ... and even made her reconsider continuing to film "Keeping Up with The Kardashians."

Both Khloe and Kim Kardashian testified Tuesday in L.A. During Khloe's testimony, she said wanted to protect her brother from the “outrageous/chaotic/violent behavior" stemming from his relationship with Chyna, adding ... "we were all considering not being a part of such toxicity."

Alleged emails Khloe had sent were also presented, one read, “We are even considering not moving forward with our show if theirs continues, that’s how strongly we feel this is damaging to our family" another email to E!, Khloe mentioned the Rob and Chyna's relationship was potentially hurting the family brand.

BTW, Khloe didn't deny sending the emails, but insisted she was referring to Rob and Chyna's relationship and NOT their show.

Kim's testimony wasn't as exciting, as she said she couldn't remember a lot of the details that were brought up ... but one alleged message she had sent read, "Chyna can never be on her show." Kim clarified that message on the stand, saying her texts are often voice-dictated, and she meant to say "OUR show" ... meaning 'KUWTK.'

Rob has still not taken the stand ... but it's expected he'll testify before all is said and done.

Kylie Jenner Testifies in Court Chyna Attacked Tyga with a Knife


5:07 PM PT -- The hearing has wrapped for the day, but one other thing of interest was when Kylie was asked whether or not she thought Chyna’s love for Rob was real or fake. Kylie responded, "I just felt maybe me dating the father of her child had something to do with it." Kylie was then asked if she thought Chyna was dating Rob out of spite to which she replied, "Maybe."

Kylie Jenner says she expressed her concerns to her brother when he got into a relationship with Blac Chyna ... because Kylie's own ex, Tyga, had warned Chyna was violent.

Kylie took the stand Monday in the Chyna v. Kardashian trial ... and Chyna's lawyer asked her about her relationship with Chyna. Kylie says she wouldn't have ever considered Chyna a close friend, but says Tyga -- who has a kid with Chyna -- once showed her a 6-inch long scar on his arm, claiming it was a knife wound at the hands of Chyna.

Chyna's attorney continued questioning, and Kylie revealed Tyga told her Chyna abused drugs and alcohol -- and they were to blame for the violent knife attack.

Kylie says she brought her concerns about Chyna's behavior to Rob Kardashian, but says Rob told her he was going to continue to date Chyna. Kylie said in court, "I felt it was my duty to express my concerns, but ultimately it was up to him."

This is the second week of testimony in the case ... we've heard from Kris, Chyna and now Kylie. Kim was not in court Monday ... as we reported, she's in D.C. with Pete Davidson.


Last week we also saw Chyna's mom, Tokyo Toni, get banned from the courtroom for bashing the Kardashian family and then she seemingly threatened the judge ... though she later told our camera the threat was aimed at Kris Jenner.

Originally Published -- 12:33 PM PT

Johnny Depp Amber Accuses Him of Putting Cig Out on Her ... In Courtroom Audio


1:21 PM PT -- "I'm gonna die! You're causing me so much stress" -- those were Amber's words during yet another of her heated arguments with Johnny. Her legal team played an audio recording of the face-off in court, while Depp was on the stand.


She was begging him to stop fighting with her, and, instead, have a "normal argument." He agreed they needed some time apart, and asked a driver to take her back to their home in downtown Los Angeles. Johnny said she didn't seem "in any shape to drive."


On the recording, Depp also says, "This isn't love. This is not happiness."

In what is just another chapter in the toxic relationship that was Johnny Depp and Amber Heard -- new audio accuses Johnny of using Amber as his personal ashtray.

The audio was played Monday in court -- day 4 of Depp's testimony. You hear Amber say, "Put your f--king cigarettes out on someone else ... you f***** have consequences for your actions."

While there is no visual evidence in this instance, Amber Heard's lawyer pointed out the fact that Johnny doesn't deny burning her with a cig. In the audio, he simply responds, "shut up, fat*ss".

During the cross-examination Depp denied ever throwing a cig at Heard or using her to put one out ... He said, "I think that was a grossly exaggerated moment by Ms. Heard".


This is the latest damning claim to come from the ongoing trial. Amber's lawyer played another audio clip, where Amber says ... "After you beat the sh*t out of me then a week later you show up at my doorstep."

As you know, Depp is suing his ex-wife for $50 million, claiming she lied when she accused him of physically abusing her ... Amber is countersuing for $100 mil for defamation, claiming he coordinated a smear campaign against her.

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Last week, JD kicked off his testimony by saying he'd never hit Amber -- despite her claims  -- and that he was there in court seeking the truth, no matter what.

It has been a complete showdown in court ... with both making explosive accusations against the other, and it looks like it will only continue.

Amber Heard Atty.'s Makeup Claim Refuted by Brand ... Product Didn't Exist Then


8:30 AM PT -- 4/25 -- A friend of Amber's tells us, "Ms. Heard’s lawyer was using an example of the kind of makeup that she used, but it’s a sad day when a makeup company uses that as an opportunity to make light of what victims of domestic violence have to do to hide the results of the abuse they endure.”

Amber Heard's attorney claimed her client would cover up alleged bruising with a makeup kit during her relationship with Johnny Depp -- but the brand itself is saying ... not so fast.

One of the actress's lawyers, Elaine Bredehoft, said during opening statements last week that Amber would often resort to applying makeup during her time with Depp ... to allegedly hide marks she claims were left behind by her boyfriend-turned-husband.

made-up makeup???

Bredehoft told the jury that they'd be hearing testimony and seeing evidence proving Amber would use different makeup products to achieve this -- and actually held up one of the items Heard apparently used back then, including a very specific Milani correcting kit.

The problem ... the kit wasn't actually in circulation during the time period that Bredehoft was describing -- roughly between 2012 and 2016, pre-divorce -- according to Milani itself.

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The company posted a TikTok video from their page that refutes what Heard's attorney was selling ... writing, "You asked us… let the record show that our Correcting Kit launched in 2017!" adding a hyper-cut video digging up the deets on this kit's launch -- Dec. 2017.

In short, there's no way Amber was carrying this kit around in her purse like her lawyer claimed. To be fair -- Bredehoft didn't specifically cite Milani when demonstrating for the jury, so it's plausible she was simply showing off general makeup to make her point.

Still, if she was pointing to the Milani kit, specifically, then yeah ... it doesn't appear her claim holds water based on what Milani itself is saying. It'll be interesting to see if Depp latches on to this point and presses it ... or if it'll go unnoticed.

Depp's team has trotted out witnesses claiming they never saw marks on Amber, even when she "wasn't wearing makeup" -- but her team argues they had no way of knowing whether she had makeup on or not, and that their testimony doesn't prove it one way or another.

We're heading into week 3, and at the moment ... Depp is still being subjected to cross-examination -- much of which thus far has focused on nasty texts he sent about Amber.

There was even a video played that shows JD losing his temper while being recorded in the kitchen -- but he's insisted he never laid a hand on her. His team, meanwhile, played a recording that appears to show Heard admitting to hitting Depp and picking a fight.

She has yet to take the stand to explain her side of things, but will get her chance soon.

Originally Published -- 4/23 2:47 PM PT

Kevin Federline Lawyer Says Britney's Claims Re: Pregnancy Visits Are False ... Makes Threat if She Persists


Kevin Federline is not too pleased about Britney Spears' latest salvo -- that he wouldn't see her when she was pregnant -- and his lawyer has delivered a not-so-veiled threat, saying her account is false.

Attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan, was leaving Craig's Thursday night, when a photog asked about Brit's most recent post, where she says, "... geez my ex-husband wouldn't see me when I flew to New York with a baby inside me and Las Vegas when he was shooting a video!!!"

Kaplan called her out, saying her account "is completely the opposite of what's true, she knows that," adding this warning ... "She should be very careful about pursuing a dialogue that's based on revisionist history."

In case that threat was too oblique, Kaplan got more specific ... "That story about Kevin in Las Vegas and Britney is completely erroneous, and he's not going to stand by and let that story besmirch what he did and his support of her back in the day."

Kaplan says this has nothing to do with jealousy, adding Kevin believes Britney has every right to pursue her relationship with Sam Asghari, but then adds, "But when she starts talking about the way things were when Jayden and Preston were infants that's completely fabricated. Kevin is not going to let that stand by and let that be the portrayal of fact."

Blac Chyna Trial Chyna Threatened to Kill Kylie ... Kris Jenner Says Kylie Told Her That

Blac Chyna threatened to kill Kylie Jenner ... so claims Kris Jenner in shocking testimony.

Kris took the stand Thursday in Chyna's trial, claiming both Kylie and Tyga once told her Chyna threatened to off the youngest Jenner.

Kris hurled the allegation right out of the box when she began testifying. When Chyna's lawyer initially asked the question -- whether Chyna ever threatened to kill Kylie -- Kris said she did not recall. The lawyer then pointed to Kris' deposition to refresh her memory, and during that depo Kris indeed did make the allegation.

When further pressed, Kris told the lawyer she would have to ask Kylie and Tyga because they're the ones with first-hand information. She did back peddle a bit, saying, "I probably thought it was just some drama, which I'm used to."

And this is crazy ... Kris told the jury after hearing about the alleged threat she still supported Rob's engagement to Blac Chyna. She said, "I love second chances, and I wanted them to win. I wanted my son to be happy." She added she had to rely on the assumption Chyna wasn't serious.

As you know, Chyna is suing Kris, Kylie, Kim and Khloe, claiming they torpedoed her reality show with Rob.

Rob Kardashian M.I.A. from Court ... Making Sure All's Good with Dream

Blac Chyna and the Kardashians continue to duke it out at trial, but one face has been notably absent ... Rob Kardashian, who's been doing daddy duty at home with his daughter.

Sources close to Rob and Chyna tell TMZ ... he's been home with Dream over the last few weeks trying to keep everything as routine for her as possible ... all while her family members and mom are at war.

We're told Rob has no problem appearing in court if he's called as a witness, but until that happens, 5-year-old Dream is his top priority.

Rob is Dream's main caretaker -- he's got her 6 days out of the week -- so he feels it's important to be around her during the family drama.

Chyna revealed Thursday on the stand she didn't have a personal bank account and hasn't filed a personal tax return in several years ... so this may not be her only court case, and all of this becomes relevant in child custody cases.

The courtroom testimony has been intense ... Chyna broke down in tears Thursday recounting the time when Rob leaked her nudes. She also has her version of Rob's accusations that she held a gun to his head and choked him with a phone charging cord ... saying it was all done in jest.

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We've yet to hear from the Kardashians during the trial, but they've been in attendance since jury selection. The same can't be said about Chyna's mom, Tokyo Toni, who got the boot from the courtroom after her rant about the family on social media.

Blac Chyna I Haven't Paid Taxes In Years!!! ... Has No Bank Account

Blac Chyna's long overdue for a good accountant ... after testifying in court that she hasn't paid her taxes in years, and doesn't even have a bank account.

BC was questioned about her finances by the Kardashians' defense lawyer, Michael Rhodes, on Thursday on Day 2 of her testimony in her civil case ... and she admitted she hadn't filed her taxes since 2018 or 2019.

She says the last filing was for her businesses -- Lashed LLC, 88 Fin, and Blac Chyna Inc. ... she tells Rhodes the last time she personally filed was back in 2015. She also said she doesn't have any personal bank accounts.

Chyna also revealed she'd made about $2 million in 2020, 2019 and 2018 ... and makes money through celebrity appearances -- like $25k for an upcoming celebrity boxing match. However, her main moneymaker seems to be OnlyFans, on which she claims she's made $1 million.

She says she posts bikini and feet pics on OnlyFans ... and when asked, admitted to posting some nudity on there as well.

As we reported, Thursday's testimony had BC in tears as she talked about her ex, Rob Kardashian, posting nude pictures of her online. As you'll recall, the pics were removed from IG after going up, but Rob reposted them.

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When asked if her filing for a restraining order after the nudes were posted was a publicity stunt, she replied, while crying, "It was the only way I could stop him from posting pictures of me on the Internet."

She also said she wasn't looking for headlines by going on "Good Morning America" the day after the filing ... telling the jury she just wanted everyone to hear her side of the story.

JOHNNY DEPP Kitchen Rampage Shown In Court ... 'You Wanna See Crazy?!?'


Johnny Depp's infamous kitchen rampage against Amber Heard was just played in court ... and the video shows him slamming cabinets, pouring wine and going "crazy" in his words.

The actor's testimony rolled on Thursday for the third day, with footage Amber secretly recorded in their kitchen shown to the jury.

You hear Johnny swearing as he slams and kicks kitchen cabinets and drawers, then grabs a wine glass as Amber asks questions over what has him so upset ... "Did something happen to you this morning? I don't think so. You wanna see crazy? I'll give you crazy. Here's your crazy. All your crazy."

Depp smashes a glass in the middle of his rant and caps it off by pouring a big glass of wine before noticing the device recording him ... leading to an apparent scuffle.

Johnny was asked about the video in court and said, "Being illegally recorded by your chosen other is quite fitting with the rest of the photographs" ... seemingly referencing the other exhibits presented in court.

Depp admitted to assaulting "a couple of cabinets" but said he did not hit Amber during the incident.

Johnny was also asked about pouring himself a "mega pint" of red wine ... but he said it was just a "large" glass.

TMZ first obtained the video back in 2016, when our sources told us it was shot a few months before the May 21 incident where Amber claimed Johnny struck her. At the time, a source close to Depp told us the video was "heavily edited."

Blac Chyna Breaks Down in Court ... Over Rob Leaking Nudes


12:53 PM PT -- More evidence of the toxicity between Rob and Chyna ... she testified about their arguments and said, "When he calls me a slut and a whore, yes I did retaliate against him and call him fat."

Blac Chyna shed tears on the witness stand while testifying in court about her ex Rob Kardashian posting nude photos of her on social media.

BC was back Thursday for the second day of testimony in her civil case against the Kardashians, and the Kardashian's defense lawyer, Michael Rhodes, brought up the infamous naked pics.

The Kardashian's lawyer introduced BC's restraining order filing to the jury, which attached the Chyna nudes Rob posted on the web, and asked her if the filing was a publicity stunt.

BC started crying as she replied ... "It was the only way I could stop him from posting pictures of me on the internet." Chyna also testified she wasn't looking for headlines when she went on "Good Morning America" the day after filing the restraining order.

Chyna continued crying as she told the jury ... "I was already public. I'm supposed to just not say anything and take it? I wanted everyone to hear my side of the story. He posted nudes of my entire body."

Remember ... Rob posted photos of a naked Blac Chyna on his Instagram back in July 2017, even reposting them after they were removed from IG. The saga was during a tumultuous time in their relationship.

Chyna eventually composed herself on the witness stand and answered questions about the dates of their breakup, and a dispute about when the relationship really ended.

The nudes were included in a binder set in front of Chyna and were not shown to the jury, but after looking at the photos BC became upset again and asked for a short break.

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It's the most emotion we have seen out of Blac Chyna during the trial ... when we got her leaving court Wednesday, she was tight-lipped.

Johnny Depp Drug Abuse Pics, Private Texts Shown in Court ... Says He'd Have Sex with Amber's Dead Body


12:41 PM PT -- Johnny Depp's drug abuse was put on full display in court, as Heard's attorney entered several photo exhibits, including images of cocaine on a table and Johnny passed out cold.


One pic showed 4 lines of coke cut on a table, along with a glass of whisky and a Keith Richards CD. Heard's attorney Benjamin Rottenborn told the jury the photo was taken when Depp was filming a documentary about Keith, and he and Amber had gotten into a fight because Johnny thought she was cheating.


The pic of Depp passed out was taken while he was working long hours shooting the film "Black Mass" ... and he'd taken opioids to "stay normal." Another photo showed huge bags of marijuana, which Rottenborn says was shot in a recording studio.


Depp has made no secret of the fact he's battled addiction. In fact, during testimony he admitted he'd been hooked on Roxicodone. A source close to Depp tells us he'd made multiple attempts to get clean before successfully kicking the addiction.


10:23 AM PT -- A source close to Depp tells us, "Johnny Depp is a victim of abuse. He has been since Ms. Heard made her very first false allegation in 2016, and has continued to be subject to abuse ever since, as outlined in his testimony. Today's cross-examination by Ms. Heard's attorney has proven to be no exception."


They continue, "Mr. Rottenborn's aggressive and, coincidentally, “jack-hammer” approach toward a man who has suffered extensively over the last six years proves that the mistreatment of Johnny goes well beyond Ms. Heard's grievous behavior. Colorful texts, which Johnny has already apologized for, do not equate to physical actions and Mr. Rottenborn still has not been able to connect the two, nor will he ever be able to.”


Depp was asked about a fight he and Heard had on a plane in 2014. He said the argument stemmed from a scene she had to do with James Franco in an upcoming project. He said he believed Franco and Heard were having an affair.

Johnny Depp is getting grilled on the stand, with Amber Heard's lawyer showing the court text messages from Depp that say he'd do unspeakable things to Heard's corpse just to prove she was dead.

The actor's testimony continued on for the third day, and a string of texts between him and "WandaVision" actor Paul Bettany were presented during cross-examination ... talking about burning Heard's body, and what Depp would do to her after she died.

At one point in the texts, Depp says they should drown her before burning her body. Then, he writes, "I will f*** her burnt corpse afterwards to make sure she is dead."

A source close to JD tells us the drowning line was in reference to the "She's a witch" scene from "Monty Python" -- one of Depp's favorite movies. However, it still doesn't explain the whole having sex with a corpse thing.

As the texts continue, Depp talks about being mentally messed up, talking about drinking bottles of alcohol and taking pills. Bettany is also expected to testify in this trial.

Depp has remained calm, cool and collected throughout the hearing -- with his legal team painting the picture of a peaceful man -- so you can imagine Heard's team brought up the texts to try and prove the opposite.

The lawyer read more texts from Depp, referring to Heard, from 2013 ... calling her a "workless hooker" and saying things like “I‘ll smack the ugly C**t around before I let her in don’t worry."

Johnny also talked about his drug use, using with Marilyn Manson, and being introduced to drugs at an early age.


As we reported, day 2 of Depp's testimony partially focused on the alleged human fecal matter found in their bed ... saying he found it "so outside, so bizarre and so grotesque that I could only laugh."

Later, he says Amber blamed it on their dogs, but Johnny noted their animals were tiny, and couldn't produce what had been left behind.

Originally Published -- 8:25 AM PT