Kendall Jenner y Bad Bunny Se reencuentran semanas después de su ruptura... Hacen un viaje con amigos

Kendall Jenner y Bad Bunny pueden haber puesto fin a su relación antes de que terminara el 2023, pero empezaron el 2024 juntos y con un grupo de amigos cercanos, según ha averiguado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que los dos siguen siendo cercanos -a pesar de su reciente ruptura- y tienen un grupo de amigos en común. El equipo -que incluye a Justin y Hailey Bieber- se fue de vacaciones juntos cerca de Barbados, para celebrar las festividades de Año Nuevo.

¿Juntos de nuevo?

De hecho, en un clip de Año Nuevo, con fuegos artificiales, publicado por uno de los amigos de Kendall, se escucha a Bad Bunny de fondo desear a todos: "¡Feliz Año Nuevo!"

Aunque el reciente encuentro puede levantar sospechas en algunos, nos dicen que los dos no están oficialmente juntos de nuevo, o no todavía por lo menos. Nos dicen que el viaje ocurrió debido a estos amigos en común y que no hay nada romántico.

bad bunny fixed 2/19/23
¿Cena de Parejas?

Fue un romance relámpago el de Kendall con la superestrella de la música, que se remonta a febrero, cuando salieron en una cita doble con Justin y Hailey. Las cosas se calentaron un mes más tarde, cuando fueron vistos compartiendo un beso y un abrazo después de comer sushi con Kylie Jenner.

En abril, TMZ obtuvo fotos de los dos andando a caballo en solitario, lo que indicaba que las cosas se habían puesto muy serias entre los dos.

A mediados de año, eran oficialmente oficial. Los vimos acurrucados juntos en un show de Drake, sentados en primera fila en el show de Gucci, haciendo una campaña de Gucci juntos y participando en la afterparty SNL después de la actuación de BB en el show.

Sin embargo, a finales de octubre, los fans empezaron a notar que no habían sido vistos juntos en un tiempo y se preguntaron si las cosas habían terminado.

A principios de este mes se supo que la pareja se había separado.

La buena noticia es que parece que todo ha vuelto a la normalidad, y quién sabe lo que nos deparará el 2024.

TRAVIS KELCE Dropping L-Bomb on Taylor on NYE?!? Fans Reading His Lips

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Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift are really feeling the love now -- this video of them kissing to ring in the New Year also shows him saying "I love you" to her ... in the view of Swifties, that is.

Fans are certainly convinced he dropped the L-word just as they smooched at midnight. Watch and decide for yourself -- the speculation is it happens in the first few seconds of the clip.

However, we've checked with a few professional lip readers -- some who've testified in high-profile court cases -- and they tell TMZ ... the video is far too blurry to confirm the public declaration of love.

So, we'll never know precisely what sweet nothings the NFL star whispered to the singer while packing on the PDA -- unless they reveal it -- but, it wouldn't be all that weird if they did exchange 'I love yous" ... they've been dating at least 6 months now.

It's also not clear where they rang in the New Year -- but a fellow partygoer shared the clip ... and it looks like others at the bash respectfully left the two to get on with their smoochin'.

The couple was partying somewhere in the Kansas City area Sunday night ... after Travis and the Chiefs played the Bengals.

As we reported, TS arrived at Arrowhead Stadium solo Sunday afternoon to cheer on her beau ... which she's been doing since they went public a few months ago.

Diehard football fans have become increasingly vexed over the attention Taylor commands at games -- but it looks like she's not going anywhere in 2024.

So, there will be plenty of chances for fans to witness an 'I love you" between them in the future ... hopefully with a clearer video!

Travis Kelce ¿Pronuncia la palabra que empieza con A en Año Nuevo? Los fans leen sus labios...

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¿Se lo dijo?

Travis Kelce y Taylor Swift realmente están sintiendo las mariposas en este momento. Este video de ellos besándose para darle la bienvenida al Año Nuevo también demuestra que Travis le dijo "Te amo" a ella, al menos a los ojos de los Swifties.

Los fans están convencidos de que le dijo la palabra que empieza con A justo cuando se estaban besando a medianoche. Mira el video y decide por ti mismo, la especulación en disputa transcurre en los primeros segundos del clip.

Sin embargo, hemos comprobado con algunos lectores de labios profesionales -algunos de ellos han testificado en casos judiciales de alto perfil- y le dicen a TMZ que el video es demasiado borroso como para confirmar la declaración pública de amor.

Por lo tanto, nunca sabremos con exactitud lo que la estrella de la NFL le susurró a la cantante mientras se estaban abrazando, a menos que ellos lo revelen, pero no sería tan extraño que se hayan dicho "Te amo", ya que han estado saliendo por lo menos 6 meses.

Tampoco está claro donde pasaron el Año Nuevo, pero un compañero de fiesta compartió el clip y como otros en la fiesta parece que dejaron que se siguieran besando tranquilos.

La pareja estuvo de fiesta en algún lugar de la zona de Kansas City el domingo por la noche, después de que Travis y los Chiefs se enfrentaran a los Bengals.

Como informamos, Taylor Swift llegó sola al estadio Arrowhead el domingo en la tarde para animar a su novio, algo que ha estado haciendo desde que hicieron pública su relación hace unos meses.

Los fanáticos acérrimos del fútbol americano están cada vez más molestos por la atención que recibe Taylor en los partidos, pero parece que no se irá a ninguna parte en 2024.

Por lo tanto, habrá un montón de oportunidades para que los fans sean testigos de un "Te amo" entre ellos en el futuro, ¡esperemos que con un video más claro!

Nicki Minaj se niega a cantar "Starships" "¡no me gusta!"

ya no canto esa canción

Hace tiempo que el barco zarpó con "Starships" para Nicki Minaj, y no volverá a interpretar esa canción ¡ni siquiera en la víspera de Año Nuevo!

En este clip de TikTok se puede apreciar como apenas unos segundos después de comenzar la icónica melodía de 2012 —mientras actuaba en E11EVEN en Miami— la rapera abruptamente hace señas a la pista de acompañamiento para que se detenga, dejando a los fans indignados mientras ella se niega a continuar.

"Espera. Psych, psych, psych, psych. Ya no voy a tocar esa canción", le dice la rapera al público. Mientras la gente se queja fuerte y claro Nicki explica: "No me gusta... ¿qué quieren que haga? Estúpida canción".

Afortunadamente, fue solo un breve momento de decepción para sus fans, porque rápidamente continuó con "Super Bass".

Esta no es la primera vez que Nicki ha dado a conocer su disgusto por "Starships", diciendole a Pollstar Live en 2020 que la odiaba, y cuestionó por qué se le ocurrió esa canción en el primer lugar.

Pero no te sientas mal por "Starships", ella también detesta "Your Love" y "Anaconda", por lo que está en buena compañía.

Con el reciente lanzamiento de su álbum "Pink Friday 2", esperemos que le guste interpretar su catálogo de éxitos los próximos años.



The ship has long sailed on "Starships" for Nicki Minaj ... and she's not letting it fly again for anyone, not even on New Year's Eve!!!

Watch in this TikTok clip ... just seconds after starting the iconic 2012 tune while performing at E11EVEN in Miami, the rapper abruptly signals the backing track to stop -- leaving fans outraged as she refuses to continue, but she couldn't care less.

"Hold on. Psych, psych, psych, psych. I don't perform that song no more, y'all," the rapper tells the crowd. With their cries of frustration heard loud and clear, Nicki explains: "I don't like it ... what y'all want me to do? Stupid song."

Thankfully, it was only a brief moment of disappointment for her fans ... Nicki quickly launched into another party pleaser, "Super Bass."

This isn't the first time Nicki's made her distaste for "Starships" known ... telling Pollstar Live in 2020 she hated it, and questioned why she even came up with that song in the first place.

But don't feel bad for "Starships" -- she also loathes "Your Love" and "Anaconda" -- so, it's in good company.


With the recent release of her album "Pink Friday 2" ... we're hoping she'll be passionate about performing her fresh catalog of hits in years to come.

Cardi B celebra el año nuevo con Offset y niega haber vuelto con él

Cardi B y Offset comenzaron el año nuevo juntos, pero ella dice que eso no significa necesariamente que hayan vuelto como pareja.

La pareja distanciada apareció en 2024 en un club de striptease en Miami, arrojando dinero y bailando y todo está en video.

Cardi dice que la reunión de NYE no significa que se hayan besado, hecho las paces ni mucho menos.

De hecho, Cardi tiene un mensaje para la gente que piensa que ella está de vuelta con Offset: "no estamos juntos... estamos juntos cuando yo lo digo, no cuando tú lo PIENSAS".

Cardi y Offset estuvieron trabajando en Miami, cada uno tenía conciertos en el Fontainebleau Miami Beach, haciendo este encuentro bastante fácil.

navidad con los niños

Cardi y Offset pasaron tiempo juntos en medio de su ruptura y luego ella negó que estuvieran envueltos en un romance, sin embargo, las reuniones se están convirtiendo en algo habitual... sucedió durante la Navidad y una vez más después de que fueron vistos en Nueva York.

señales divididas

Cardi también dijo que dejará la energía tóxica en 2023 y está claro que Offset no entra en esa categoría.


Será interesante ver si Cardi y Offset de hecho arreglan las cosas de nuevo ... manténgase en sintonía.

Blake Shelton Ripped Over NYE TV Gig ... Hey, This Isn't 'Live'

Blake Shelton is being dragged online for his prerecorded New Year's Eve performance ... and some are saying it's an embarrassment to country music.

Here's the deal ... Blake was featured on CBS's "New Year's Eve Live: Nashville's Big Bash" in what was billed as a live show, but folks figured out it was prerecorded and then trashed him.


Blake and Trace Adkins reunited for the CBS show, singing some of their oldies like "Hillbilly Bone" and "Hell Right."

Thing is ... Blake's performance aired only a few minutes before he took the stage in real life at a casino in Oklahoma.

Fans quickly caught on and ripped the network and Blake for double-booking ... firing off some angry tweets.

One user said Blake was "an embarrassment to country music" ... while another said Blake and Trace's duet was "one of the dumbest songs."

Blake's legit live gig went down at Oklahoma's WinStar Casino ... where he performed his hits to much better reviews.

Meanwhile, Blake's wife Gwen Stefani was working too ... she had a gig over in Las Vegas ... and it was live.

Can't please everyone!!!

Cardi B Celebrates NYE With Offset ... Denies They're Back Together


2:51 PM PT -- Cardi B says she and Offset banged on NYE ... but again denies they are back together.

In a social media post, Cardi reveals she had sex with her estranged husband but says they are still working on their issues, going to therapy and aren't officially ending their split.

Cardi B and Offset started off the new year together ... but she says that doesn't necessarily mean they are together again.

The estranged couple rang in 2024 at a strip club in Miami, throwing money around and dancing ... and it's all on video.

But Cardi says the NYE hangout -- which was a group hang -- isn't a sign they've kissed and made up ... far from it.

In fact, Cardi has a message for folks thinking she's back with Offset ... "we not together.. we together when I say so not when you THINK so."

Thing is ... Cardi and Offset were both in Miami for work ... they each had NYE gigs at the Fontainebleau Miami Beach - Offset performed at LIV and Cardi poolside - making this rendezvous pretty easy.


Cardi and Offset spending time together amid their split and then her denying they're back together is quickly becoming a thing ... it happened during Christmas and once again after they were spotted in NYC.


CB also said she's leaving toxic energy in 2023 ... and it's clear Offset doesn't fall in that category.


It will be interesting to see if Cardi and Offset do in fact patch things up again ... stay tuned.

Originally Published -- 1:00 PM PT

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Tastes Like Freedom ... NYE Kiss With Hubby!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard rang in the new year with a kiss and some confetti ... and TMZ has it all on video.

Gypsy and her husband, Ryan, shot off confetti and smooched as the clock struck midnight ... embracing before sharing the moment with family.

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Family sources tell TMZ … Gypsy had a last-minute NYE bash in Louisiana, making the most of it with a small party at her and Ryan's home.

Gypsy's dad, Rod Blanchard, and her stepmom, Kristy, were also in the house ... with Kristy helping Gypsy get ready, curling her hair.

GRB even had press on nails ... and we're told Ryan bought her NYE dress and shoes.

Our sources say Gypsy's dad and husband grilled steak together ... and the tender family moment warmed her heart ... after all, this is the family she's always wanted.

Our sources say Gypsy's enjoying a low-key New Year's Day ... the first thing she did was fold clothes and put things away in her home ... but we're told it's these simple tasks that make her feel grateful for her new life post-prison.


As for Gypsy's resolutions for 2024 ... we're told she wants to enjoy being in the moment, believe in herself, be more confident and not worry about what others say or think about her.

Remember ... Gypsy and Ryan were planning to go to the Kansas City Chiefs game Sunday for a chance to meet Taylor Swift, but her parole officers wanted her out of Missouri and she went back home to Louisiana.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Next up for Gypsy is her upcoming Lifetime docuseries ... "The Prison Confessions of Gypsy Rose Blanchard" ... a three-night event Jan. 5-7 airing at 8 PM ET on Lifetime.

Britney Spears I Get Sentimental on NYE Over My Sons

Britney Spears decided imagery was more powerful than words ... so she posted a couple of pics of her 2 sons without saying anything.

Sean Preston and Jayden James were front and center on Britney's last Insta posts of the year. The pics go back to happier times ... Britney and her kids holding some pups and looking super happy.  And then 2 pics just showing them goofing around.

It's going on at least 2 years since Britney's even seen her sons. They made it clear a while ago, they did not want to see their mom while she was acting out on social media, because they found it embarrassing.

Britney went after them after they suggested she needed mental health treatment ... she essentially called them ungrateful freeloaders.

The kids left for Hawaii several months ago with their dad, Kevin Federline ... a move to which Britney did not object. We're told the kids now text her occasionally, but there has been no face-to-face contact for 2 years ... maybe longer.

Britney seems ready to repair at least a few of her relationships ... Lynne Spears has visited Britney a few times recently, and Brit's in contact with Jamie Lynn.

As for her dad, Jamie, Britney posted a throwback pic of him with the kids the day TMZ broke the story Jamie had one of his legs amputated because of a terrible infection, but our sources say she has not reached out to him.

New year, new beginnings?

John Mayer to Anderson Cooper, Andy Cohen Cat Got Your Tongue???

John Mayer destroyed Anderson Cooper and Andy Cohen on CNN's New Year's Eve show ... turning them into laughing hyenas as cat butts populated his side of the screen!

John joined the 2 best friends on the broadcast from a cat cafe in Tokyo. JM never made clear why alcohol mixes with felines, but even if he did it would not have made a difference.

Anderson couldn't hold it together, as John used his deadpan humor at the Cats in the Box Cafe to render the 2 hosts unable to carry on a convo.

Maybe part of the reason is that CNN seems to have changed its "no drinking" policy because the 2 ACs were taking some pretty serious shots every hour.

A good time was had by all.

Pigeon Lady In 'Home Alone 2' 'Memba Her?!

Irish actress Brenda Fricker was 47 years old when she was cast to play the unhoused pigeon lady who lives in New York City's Central Park and protects Kevin with her flock of pigeons -- in the holiday classic film "Home Alone 2: Lost in New York" back in 1992.

Brenda shared the big screen with Macaulay Culkin who finds himself alone ... in peculiar adult-like situations in the Big Apple, as Kevin's parents, Catherine O'Hara and John Heard, go on vacay for the holidays, leaving him behind for the 2nd year in a row.

Daniel Stern and Joe Pesci reprised their roles from the first "Home Alone." And, Tim Curry, Rob Schneider and Dana Ivey were also key players in the film!

Guess what she looks like now!

La mujer paloma de "Mi pobre Angelito 2": ¿La recuerdas"?

La actriz irlandesa Brenda Fricker tenía 47 años cuando fue elegida para interpretar a la mujer sin techo que vive en Central Park en Nueva York y protege a Kevin con su bandada de palomas en la película clásica "Mi Pobre Angelito 2": Perdido en Nueva York" de 1992.

Brenda compartió la gran pantalla con Macaulay Culkin, que se encuentra solo y pasa por peculiares situaciones propias de adultos en la Gran Manzana ya que los padres de Kevin, Catherine O'Hara y John Heard, se van de vacaciones por las fiestas, dejándolo solo por segundo año consecutivo.

Daniel Stern y Joe Pesci vuelven en sus papeles de la primera "Mi Pobre Angelito". Tim Curry, Rob Schneider y Dana Ivey ¡también fueron actores clave en la película!

¡Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora!

Taylor Swift acude al partido de los Chiefs de Travis Kelce para despedir el año

Taylor Swift está terminando el año viendo a su novio, Travis Kelce, jugar al fútbol, cerrando un año lleno de emociones tanto en el escenario como en el campo de juego.

La estrella del pop estuvo una vez más en el estadio Arrowhead el domingo para ver a los Chiefs de Travis jugar un último partido en casa contra los Bengalíes de Cincinnati y como ya es tradición, se pudo ver a la cantante en el palco vip.

Parece que estaba sola esta vez, mientras que la semana pasada estuvo acompañada por su madre y su hermano, quien se unió a ella para el gran juego de Navidad en la ciudad.

Swift se veía muy elegante para el partido. Vestía de negro y lucía una chaqueta blanca Chiefs letterman mientras se dirigía a las gradas. Es evidente que va a pasar el Año Nuevo allí en Kansas City.

Como dijimos, Taylor asistiendo a los juegos se ha convertido en algo común este año, desde que ella y Travis hicieron pública su relación hacia el comienzo de la temporada, ha ido en persona a verlo varias veces e incluso en ciudades totalmente diferentes.

Taylor ha sido vista gritando por su hombre, ya sea maldiciendo por una mala decisión o celebrando con apretones de manos.

Mientras que ella y Travis se separaron brevemente durante el Día de Acción de Gracias -cuando ella viajó a Brasil para algunos shows como parte de su gira "Eras"- han pasado la mayor parte de las vacaciones juntos. Por lo que parece podría tratarse de una relación seria.

Por el lado de la NFL, podemos decir que la liga los ha amado como pareja, especialmente cuando Taylor aparece en persona, ¡ya que las audiencias se han disparado en la mayoría de sus juegos!

Algunos fans acérrimos de fútbol se han mostrado algo molestos con la atención Taylor comandos - pero bueno, es entretenimiento al final del día ... y aquí es donde los mundos chocan por grandes $$$.

De todos modos, es bastante seguro decir que ella probablemente ha tenido el año más grande de cualquier persona en el mundo del espectáculo.

Desde un nuevo novio a una gira totalmene vendida, Taylor deja el 2024 en la cima del mundo. Nos preguntamos cual será su siguiente paso... ¡ya veremos!

Taylor Swift Hits Up One Last Chiefs Game in 2023 Spending NYE w/ Travis!!!

Taylor Swift is ending the year watching her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, play football -- capping off what's been a whirlwind romance full of memories ... not to mention NFL appearances.

The pop star was once again in the building at Arrowhead Stadium Sunday to catch the K.C. Chiefs play one last home game against the Cincinnati Bengals ... and just like she usually does, she rolled up in a golf cart down below and made her way to her luxury box suite.

Looks like she was cruising solo this time around, whereas last week ... she had some company in her mom and brother, who joined her for the big Christmas game there in town.

T-Swift was looking pretty stylish here for the NYE matchup ... dressed in all black, aside from a sweet white Chiefs letterman jacket she was rocking as she made her way up to the stands. If it wasn't obvious by now, she'll be spending New Year's there in Kansas City.

Like we said, Taylor attending games has become a bit of a pastime this year -- ever since she and TK went public with their relationship toward the start of the season ... she's gone in person to watch him several different times, and sometimes in totally different cities too.

At each stop, Taylor has been seen rooting and screaming her heart out for her man ... oftentimes memorably, whether it's cursing at a bad call or celebrating with handshakes.

While she and Travis were apart for a bit during Thanksgiving -- when she jetted on down to Brazil for a few shows as part of her 'Eras' tour -- they've spent the majority of the holidays together ... and their bond is going strong. From the looks of it, this could be the real deal.

From the NFL side ... you best believe the league has loved them as a couple, especially when Taylor shows up in person. The ratings have ballooned at most of her games ... as she seems to have drawn in a whole new audience who might've otherwise not watched.

Some diehard football fans have become annoyed with the attention Taylor commands -- but hey, it's entertainment at the end of the day ... and this is where worlds collide for big $$$.

Anyway, it's pretty safe to say she's probably had the biggest year out of anyone in showbiz.

From a new boyfriend to a record-setting tour/concert film ... Taylor's going into 2024 on top of the world. Gotta wonder what might be next for her down the road ... guess we'll see!

NYC NYE Countdown Is On!!! Ball Prep Finishing Touches

It's the biggest spectacle in the United States on New Year's Eve ... and event organizers are putting the finishing touches on the massive ball drop in the heart of NYC.

Check out the pics, crews worked into Saturday to make sure everything on the sphere was in order to make sure it performs as expected when the clock strikes midnight.

This year's ball to bring in 2024 is especially impressive -- it's 12 feet in diameter, weighs a whopping 11,875 pounds -- and comes filled with crystals and lights.

In fact, the ball this year has 2,688 crystal triangles, varying in size and illuminated with 32,256 LED lights in colors of red, blue, white and green. Of course, there's gonna be tens of thousands of people packed into Times Square for Sunday night's big event ... so to make sure everyone can see, the ball is perched super high.

In all, it drops 75 feet during the countdown but starts at a height of 438 feet in the air.

Happy New Year to all!!!

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