Taylor Swift acude al partido de los Chiefs de Travis Kelce para despedir el año

Taylor Swift está terminando el año viendo a su novio, Travis Kelce, jugar al fútbol, cerrando un año lleno de emociones tanto en el escenario como en el campo de juego.

La estrella del pop estuvo una vez más en el estadio Arrowhead el domingo para ver a los Chiefs de Travis jugar un último partido en casa contra los Bengalíes de Cincinnati y como ya es tradición, se pudo ver a la cantante en el palco vip.

Parece que estaba sola esta vez, mientras que la semana pasada estuvo acompañada por su madre y su hermano, quien se unió a ella para el gran juego de Navidad en la ciudad.

Swift se veía muy elegante para el partido. Vestía de negro y lucía una chaqueta blanca Chiefs letterman mientras se dirigía a las gradas. Es evidente que va a pasar el Año Nuevo allí en Kansas City.

Como dijimos, Taylor asistiendo a los juegos se ha convertido en algo común este año, desde que ella y Travis hicieron pública su relación hacia el comienzo de la temporada, ha ido en persona a verlo varias veces e incluso en ciudades totalmente diferentes.

Taylor ha sido vista gritando por su hombre, ya sea maldiciendo por una mala decisión o celebrando con apretones de manos.

Mientras que ella y Travis se separaron brevemente durante el Día de Acción de Gracias -cuando ella viajó a Brasil para algunos shows como parte de su gira "Eras"- han pasado la mayor parte de las vacaciones juntos. Por lo que parece podría tratarse de una relación seria.

Por el lado de la NFL, podemos decir que la liga los ha amado como pareja, especialmente cuando Taylor aparece en persona, ¡ya que las audiencias se han disparado en la mayoría de sus juegos!

Algunos fans acérrimos de fútbol se han mostrado algo molestos con la atención Taylor comandos - pero bueno, es entretenimiento al final del día ... y aquí es donde los mundos chocan por grandes $$$.

De todos modos, es bastante seguro decir que ella probablemente ha tenido el año más grande de cualquier persona en el mundo del espectáculo.

Desde un nuevo novio a una gira totalmene vendida, Taylor deja el 2024 en la cima del mundo. Nos preguntamos cual será su siguiente paso... ¡ya veremos!

Taylor Swift Hits Up One Last Chiefs Game in 2023 Spending NYE w/ Travis!!!

Taylor Swift is ending the year watching her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, play football -- capping off what's been a whirlwind romance full of memories ... not to mention NFL appearances.

The pop star was once again in the building at Arrowhead Stadium Sunday to catch the K.C. Chiefs play one last home game against the Cincinnati Bengals ... and just like she usually does, she rolled up in a golf cart down below and made her way to her luxury box suite.

Looks like she was cruising solo this time around, whereas last week ... she had some company in her mom and brother, who joined her for the big Christmas game there in town.

T-Swift was looking pretty stylish here for the NYE matchup ... dressed in all black, aside from a sweet white Chiefs letterman jacket she was rocking as she made her way up to the stands. If it wasn't obvious by now, she'll be spending New Year's there in Kansas City.

Like we said, Taylor attending games has become a bit of a pastime this year -- ever since she and TK went public with their relationship toward the start of the season ... she's gone in person to watch him several different times, and sometimes in totally different cities too.

At each stop, Taylor has been seen rooting and screaming her heart out for her man ... oftentimes memorably, whether it's cursing at a bad call or celebrating with handshakes.

While she and Travis were apart for a bit during Thanksgiving -- when she jetted on down to Brazil for a few shows as part of her 'Eras' tour -- they've spent the majority of the holidays together ... and their bond is going strong. From the looks of it, this could be the real deal.

From the NFL side ... you best believe the league has loved them as a couple, especially when Taylor shows up in person. The ratings have ballooned at most of her games ... as she seems to have drawn in a whole new audience who might've otherwise not watched.

Some diehard football fans have become annoyed with the attention Taylor commands -- but hey, it's entertainment at the end of the day ... and this is where worlds collide for big $$$.

Anyway, it's pretty safe to say she's probably had the biggest year out of anyone in showbiz.

From a new boyfriend to a record-setting tour/concert film ... Taylor's going into 2024 on top of the world. Gotta wonder what might be next for her down the road ... guess we'll see!

NYC NYE Countdown Is On!!! Ball Prep Finishing Touches

It's the biggest spectacle in the United States on New Year's Eve ... and event organizers are putting the finishing touches on the massive ball drop in the heart of NYC.

Check out the pics, crews worked into Saturday to make sure everything on the sphere was in order to make sure it performs as expected when the clock strikes midnight.

This year's ball to bring in 2024 is especially impressive -- it's 12 feet in diameter, weighs a whopping 11,875 pounds -- and comes filled with crystals and lights.

In fact, the ball this year has 2,688 crystal triangles, varying in size and illuminated with 32,256 LED lights in colors of red, blue, white and green. Of course, there's gonna be tens of thousands of people packed into Times Square for Sunday night's big event ... so to make sure everyone can see, the ball is perched super high.

In all, it drops 75 feet during the countdown but starts at a height of 438 feet in the air.

Happy New Year to all!!!

Mariah Carey cierra Gucci Aspen la vida de soltera le sienta bien

Mariah Carey tiene la prueba de que es la reina de las fiestas de Navidad... ¡cerró Gucci!

Carey estaba en Aspen -como ya sabemos- se paseó por las tiendas de lujo de la calle principal en su furgoneta Sprinter.

Mariah dio algunas vueltas y luego entró a la tienda, y para hacer su experiencia más cómoda, los empleados de Gucci cerraron las puertas para que pudiera comprar sin distracciónes.

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Gucci puede haber tenido una buena razón para hacer esto, un grupo de curiosos se asomó a través de las ventanas para echarle un vistazo a la cantante.

Algunos clientes ya estaban dentro de la tienda cuando Mariah llegó con su vestido largo, gafas de sol, orejeras y, en particular, sin su novio de toda la vida, Bryan Tanaka, que recientemente rompió su silencio sobre la separación de la pareja.

Los testigos nos dicen que Mariah estaba relajada mientras miraba casualmente los artículos expuestos con sus cuidadores a su alrededor, incluyendo un guardaespaldas. No está claro si compró algo.

¡Qué escena! Mariah sabe cómo atraer a una multitud y atraer la atención, incluso en una ciudad que ahora está llena de celebridades.

¡Feliz Año Nuevo, Mariah!

Mariah Carey Single Shopping Trip In Aspen ... Gucci Shuts Down for Royal Treatment

Mariah Carey now has a golden receipt to prove she's the Queen of the XMAS holidays ... she shut down Gucci!!!

MC was in Aspen -- solo as you know -- as she rolled past the fancy stores on the main drag in her Sprinter van.

Her entourage at the ready, Mariah hopped out and entered the store, but to make her experience more comfortable, the Gucci honchos locked the doors so she could shop without distraction.


Gucci may have had good reason to batten down the hatches ... a gaggle of gawkers peered through the windows to get a look at the singer.

Some customers were already inside the store when Mariah arrived in her long dress, sunglasses earmuffs ... and notably, without her longtime boyfriend, Bryan Tanaka, who recently broke his silence on the couple's split.

Witnesses tell us Mariah was chill as she casually checked out the items on display with her handlers all around her, including a bodyguard. It's unclear if she bought anything.

What a scene! Mariah knows how to draw a crowd and steal the show ... even in a city that's now packed to the gills with celebs.

Happy New Year, Mariah!!!

Stars Locking Lips Kiss 2023 Goodbye!

These A-listers have been dishing out some sweet smooches over the past year ... so take a look back at these stars locking lips as you kiss 2023 goodbye!

Power couples Justin & Hailey Bieber, David & Victoria Beckham, and Shaun White & Nina Dobrev are just a few of the pairs of lovebirds who have shared snaps of themselves smooching up a storm for the camera.

Gymnast Simone Biles did the same with her boo, Jonathan Owens ...  as did 'Bachelor' star Wells Adams and his "Modern Family" wife Sarah Hyland -- lookin' like a couple of lovers in paradise!

Singer Hayley Kiyoko couldn't keep her lips off "Bachelor" star Becca Tilley ... taking time out of their snowy retreat to show each other some love!

2024's right around the corner ... so if you haven't already, ya better find someone to kiss before the year ends!

Parejas famosas ¡Despídete del 2023 con un beso!

Las estrellas más famosas se han estado besando durante el último año, ¡así que echa un vistazo a estas celebridades mientras te despides del 2023!

Las parejas Justin y Hailey Bieber, David y Victoria Beckham y Shaun White y Nina Dobrev son solo algunas de las parejas de tortolitos que han compartido fotos de sí mismos dándose besos frente a la cámara.

La gimnasta Simone Biles hizo lo mismo con su novio, Jonathan Owens, al igual que la estrella de "Bachelor", Wells Adams, y su esposa de "Modern Family", Sarah Hyland, ¡parecen una pareja de amantes en el paraíso!

La cantante Hayley Kiyoko no pudo mantener sus labios alejados de la estrella de "Bachelor", Becca Tilley, ¡dejando tiempo de su retiro nevado para demostrarse su amor!

2024 está a la vuelta de la esquina, así que si aún no lo has hecho, ¡más vale que encuentres a alguien a quien besar antes de que acabe el año!

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!

Underneath this spectacular snowflake is someone who's been singing and acting since the early 2000s. His holiday season started off with a bang as he received his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame!

Yes, he's got great hair, but one might say he uses "hairspray" to maintain his look. And if you're in the market for a "New Year's Eve Date," this handsome fella is avail! Perhaps the only dude giving his rockin' bod a run for its money is his younger bro! Keep watch for this bae!

"You are the music in me!"

Can you guess who he is?

Ben Affleck Quick, Jenny ... to the Bart-Mobile!!! Drivin' Mrs. Lopez on Vacay

Ben Affleck is playing chauffeur for the missus on their tropical end-of-year vacay -- driving Jennifer Lopez around in a teeny tiny vehicle that he definitely looks too big to be in.

Hubby was behind the wheel Friday in a Mini Moke -- which is basically a toy Jeep for adults -- while cruising around St. Barts with his wife riding passenger ... and like we said, BA seems to be a bit crammed in there, even though Jen's enjoying the ride.

They were out enjoying the day in the capital of Gustavia ... where we're told they hit up Arawak Cafe for a bite, and later did some shopping at Jacques Zolty (a perfume store) and Bulgari (a jewelry shop) while perusing the town.

Of course, they were shoulder to shoulder for their stroll -- with Ben wrapping Jen up tight.

Earlier in the week, J Lo was spotted out on the beach in a bikini -- where her toned body was on display. No sign of Ben there -- but the dude was front and center in the streets.

Their kids don't look to be with 'em for this little getaway ... so, a little alone time, it seems.

Ben Affleck Rápido, Jenny... Pasea a Mrs. Lopez durante sus vacaciones

Ben Affleck está haciendo de chófer para su mujer en sus tropicales vacaciones de fin de año, llevando a Jennifer López en un diminuto vehículo en el que definitivamente se ve demasiado grande en comparación al auto.

El marido estaba al volante de un Mini Moke el viernes, que es básicamente un Jeep de juguete para adultos, mientras paseaba por St. Barts con su esposa como pasajera, y como dijimos, Ben Affleck parece estar un poco apretado allí, a pesar de que Jen está disfrutando del paseo.

La pareja disfrutó el día en la capital de Gustavia, donde nos dicen que pararon a comer un bocado en Arawak Cafe y más tarde hicieron algunas compras en Jacques Zolty (una perfumería) y Bulgari (una joyería) mientras recorrían la ciudad.

Por supuesto, estaban hombro con hombro durante su paseo, con Ben envolviendo fuertemente a Jen.

A principios de semana, J Lo fue vista en la playa en bikini, en donde pudimos apreciar su tonificado cuerpo. No había rastros de Ben allí, pero el tipo estaba al frente y al centro en las calles.

Sus hijos no parecen estar con ellos en esta pequeña escapada, por lo que parece que tienen un poco de tiempo para ellos dos.

Dak Prescott Gets Custom Air Forces From GF ... Merry Christmas To QB!!!

Dak Prescott's shoe closet got a major upgrade on Christmas thanks to his girlfriend -- 'cause she gifted him a custom pair of Air Force 1s ... that paid homage to their love for each other!!

TMZ Sports has learned ... Sarah Jane -- who's pregnant with the Dallas Cowboys superstar's baby -- reached out to Chesler Customs at the beginning of December to get the one-of-a-kind Nike kicks made for her man for the December holiday.

She asked for them to feature their favorite flower -- a rose -- and she wanted a matching pair for herself too.

The footwear artist was able to get it all done by the 25th -- and as you can see, they came out awesome.

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Prescott's pair features a rose in black paint, while Sarah's shoes are adorned in pink ... and Chesler says it all took him about 10 hours to put together.

"It’s an unbelievable feeling for sure," Chesler said of making custom kicks for NFL's potential MVP. "I dreamed of moments like this when I first started customizing shoes. It’s definitely a dream come true!"

The 2x Pro Bowl signal-caller and Sarah -- who's worked in the hospitality industry -- have kept their relationship mostly under wraps ... but recently, they've started opening up about their love for each other on social media.

In fact, the two announced on Thanksgiving weekend that they're expecting their first child together very soon!!

Madonna Boston Shows Not Postponed ... Despite Ticketmaster Claiming Otherwise

Madonna is NOT pushing pause on her big tour again, despite a huge ticket provider claiming she's postponing upcoming shows.

Here's the deal ... a message popping up on Ticketmaster is claiming Madonna's upcoming shows in Boston are postponed, and now her fans are freaking out.

However, a rep for Madonna tells TMZ ... the shows are not postponed or canceled and she'll be in Boston Jan. 8-9 for her two scheduled shows at TD Garden.

It's unclear why Ticketmaster is giving a pop-up notice that reads, "The Event Organizer has had to postpone your event." We reached out to Ticketmaster ... so far no word back.

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YouTube/Thomas Lambert

As we reported, Madonna announced "The Celebration Tour" back in January 2023 ... it covers her long discography -- spanning over 4 decades.

The 35-city megatour was set to begin in July, but had been postponed for several months in June after Madonna fell ill with a terrible bacterial infection ... something she later revealed put her in a coma for 2 days.

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Madonna's been touring since October ... and there have already been a few highlights... like when she gave Santa Claus a holiday lap dance at last week's show in D.C. -- and the man with the bag, aka Jerry Wise, took a rough tumble while on stage. Saint Nick let us know he's doing just fine after the spill.

Bottom line ... the Boston show postponement claim is just a false alarm.

Joe Giudice Holiday Fam Reunion ... With Teresa & Kids in Bahamas

Joe Giudice is enjoying some quality time with his family this holiday season, because his ex-wife, Teresa, and their daughters flew to the Bahamas to celebrate New Year's together.

Joe shared the family pics Friday, showing him posing in front of a Christmas tree with his 4 daughters Gia, Gabriella, Milania, and Audriana ... as well as a pic of the kids with him and Teresa.

As you know, Joe was deported to his native Italy in 2019 after serving 3 years in prison for fraud ... so the ladies had no choice but to travel internationally to see him in the islands.

Teresa's new hubby, Luis Ruelas, also took the trip with the ladies ... with everyone cheesin' together in one of the pics.

Joe's daughters spent Christmas 2021 with him in Italy, but before you assume Teresa making the trek to see her ex is an awkward situation ... remember, they've kept things very copacetic.

The 2 still seem to have a great relationship, despite their divorce being finalized in 2020 -- Teresa told E! News last month that the family's plan was for everyone to spend the holidays with Joe ... and aying the kids were "so excited."

She mentioned they were all gonna meet Joe's new girlfriend, although it's unclear how that went ... but based on the fam's smilin' photos, safe to assume all is well in the Giudice clan.

Kourtney & Travis Warming Up Their Winter ... Passionate Kisses, Hand Holding, Etc.

Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are still in the Christmas spirit – showing off some new holiday snaps – and the two look more in love than ever!!!

The famous couple posted a bunch of photos on Instagram Thursday, portraying themselves in the hottest light despite the snowy backdrop at her family's annual Christmas Eve family soiree.

The images depict the lovebirds standing in a passionate kiss, holding hands as they take a stroll and riding together on a snow tube down a hill.

The happy mom wrote in the caption ... "Mom and Dad got snuggly in the snow on Christmas Eve."

Indeed, Kourt and Trav have been on a roll lately with their IG posts ... just a few days ago, Kourt uploaded images of herself in a sexy fur coat similar to the one she's wearing in her latest batch of photos.

She also wrote a message, offering advice to all pregnant women ... "When not much in the closet fits yet and the boobs are filled with milk, throw on a cozy coat."

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Before that, Kourt and Trav posted images of their newborn son, Rocky, who came into this world just last month.

The couple could not be in a better place right now.

Happy Holidays!!!

Kourtney y Travis Calentando su invierno... Con besos apasionados, tomados de la mano, etc.

Kourtney Kardashian y Travis Barker siguen con el espíritu navideño, compartiendo nuevas imágenes de las fiestas, ¡¡¡y los dos parecen más enamorados que nunca!!!

La famosa pareja publicó un montón de fotos en Instagram el jueves, retratándose bajo la luz con la nieve a su alrededor en la velada anual de Nochebuena de su familia.

En las imágenes aparecen los tortolitos dándose un apasionado beso, cogidos de la mano mientras dan un paseo y montan juntos un tubo de nieve colina abajo.

La feliz mamá escribió en el pie de foto: "Mamá y papá se acurrucaron en la nieve en la víspera de Navidad".

De hecho, Kourt y Trav han estado en racha últimamente con sus publicaciones en Instagram. Hace apenas unos días, Kourt subió unas imágenes suyas con un sexy abrigo de piel similar al que lleva en su última tanda de fotos.

También escribió un mensaje, ofreciendo consejos a todas las mujeres embarazadas: "Cuando no hay mucho que te quede en el armario y las tetas están llenas de leche, ponte un abrigo acogedor encima".

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Antes de eso, Kourt y Trav publicaron imágenes de su hijo recién nacido, Rocky, que llegó a este mundo apenas el mes pasado.

La pareja no podría estar en un mejor momento.

¡¡¡Felices fiestas!!!

Guess Who This Snowy Kid Turned Into!

Before this happy kid in her winterwear was showin' off her beauty and grace on the catwalk, she was just hittin' the snow with her sisters in St. Louis, cheering at her high school football games and heading off to New York University.

Getting her kick-start in the modeling world at just 13 years old, she's been showcasing her powerful walk around the world ever since. She also hosted the reality competition show "Project Runway," but when she's not on the clock ... she's a devoted momma to her two young kiddos.

Can you guess who she is?