Joanna en "Love Actually" ¿La recuerdas?

La actriz y cantante estadounidense Olivia Olson era solo una preadolescente cuando sacó su Mariah Carey interior, interpretando a Joanna -el interés amoroso de Sam, un niño de 11 años- en el clásico de las vacaciones y película romántica "Love Actually" en 2003.

Olivia compartió la gran pantalla con Hugh Grant en el papel del primer ministro que se enamora de David, miembro de su equipo, Thomas Brodie-Sangster como Sam, el niño que tiene los ojos puestos en Joanna, y Liam Neeson como el viudo reciente que se alegra de estrechar lazos con su hijastro, Daniel.

Olson pasó a actuar como actriz de doblaje para Cartoon Network.

"¡Todo lo que quiero por Navidad eres tú!"

Adivina qué aspecto tiene ahora.

Hollywood Getting Into the Holiday Spirit ... To Ring in Xmas 2023!!!

It's Christmas, and Hollywood was most certainly ready to celebrate ... getting together with their loved ones, and more often than not -- wearing matching getups for the holiday.

Stars far and wide threw up photos of themselves with their family members Monday to ring in Xmas ... and from the looks of it, just about everyone was down to get comfy and rock matching onesie PJs ... or something very similar.

Celebs who got into the swing of things included ... Sydney Sweeney, David Beckham, Conor McGregor, Gene Simmons, Kurt Angle, Chris Appleton, Mick Jagger, Tom Brady, Ariana Grande, Romeo Miller, Bret Michaels, Mariah Carey, Nick Cannon, Matt Sorum, Nicky Hilton, Kelly Osbourne, Kaley Cuoco, and Kyle Richards ... just to name a few.

Almost of all of them were posing in front of their Christmas trees and presents, and good amount highlighted their children's joy ... the holiday really is for them at the end day.

It's been a pretty hectic and chaotic year in the world, but it's cool to see folks coming together and settling down for at least one weekend ... especially the rich and famous.

Nothing quite like the holidays ... and now, we get ready to ring in the new year!

Kyle Richards Awkward Day On Slopes w/ Mauricio Ended In a Family Dinner

Kyle Richards and Mauricio Umansky are playing nice and eating nice -- especially in the presence of their kids ... which is exactly how they ended their day in Aspen.

The estranged couple broke bread together with their daughters Saturday out there in Colorado, where the family of 6 sat down at a table inside Matsuhisa and chowed down on sushi after a day of skiing up and down the snowy mountains.

In photos obtained by TMZ, you can see mom and dad were actually right next to each other during the meal -- and eyewitnesses tell us they looked cordial too ... no apparent animosity.

In fact, we're told they even spoke to one another a few times throughout their time there ... this while the kids were distracted on their phones. So, on its face -- a chill evening.

122223-mauricio-umansky-tmz-kal-v2 December 2023

Pretty interesting, especially when you account for Mauricio's wild time 2 days before Kyle's arrival ... when he was partying shirtless and hanging with bona fide hotties on the slopes.


Truth be told, it's hard to gauge where things stand between him and KR ... but they certainly don't seem to be romantically involved. Perhaps they're just coparenting through the separation and trying to maintain normalcy in household as best they can.

In any case, it's good to see them keeping it together enough for the holidays ... that's about all you can ask for at this time of the year.

Un sacerdote llama "judío palestino" a Jesús durante una entrevista navideña en la CNN

¿qué dijo?

Un sacerdote católico acudió a la CNN en Navidad para decir que Jesús era un palestino perseguido y que la historia de su nacimiento tiene paralelismos con lo que está ocurriendo en Oriente Próximo.

El padre Edward Beck -un colaborador habitual- se unió a los presentadores de la mañana del lunes para discutir el tema de cómo mantener viva la fe en estas fiestas con todo lo que está pasando en el mundo... esto haciendo referencia a la guerra entre Israel y Hamás con los palestinos atrapados en el medio.

Dijo que la historia de Navidad era en realidad la de un "judío palestino", señalando lo extraordinario que es escuchar esas dos palabras juntas. El Padre Beck continuó diciendo que Jesús nació en un país ocupado y que su madre y su padre (María/José) fueron forzados a huir a Egipto como refugiados, lo cual es técnicamente correcto, en lo que a la Biblia se refiere.

Beck continuó diciendo que el mismo tipo de cosas están sucediendo ahora en 2023 y mientras que él no vino abiertamente como alguien pro-Palestina, así es como sus comentarios fueron percibidos.

De hecho, hay mucha polémica en Internet sobre la sugerencia de que Jesús era palestino y que podría haberse identificado más con la difícil situación actual de los palestinos que con la de los israelíes. Como muchos han señalado en Internet, Palestina ni siquiera existía entonces.

Por otro lado, tampoco existía el Estado de Israel tal y como lo conocemos actualmente, pero lo único que es innegable es que Jesús era judío, valga lo que valga en este encarnizado debate.

El Padre Beck ha defendido en línea lo que dijo en algunos debates. Una vez más, algunos tomaron sus palabras aquí para dar a entender que Jesús era más palestino/árabe que judío, pero Beck dice que sus palabras están siendo tergiversadas y su mensaje iba enfocado a la paz y unidad.

También ha publicado artículos que hacen referencia al uso histórico de la palabra "palestino" y a cómo, al parecer, se ha empleado para identificar a musulmanes, judíos y otras personas que han vivido en esa región durante milenios. En otras palabras, el Padre Beck está reafirmando la noción de que Jesús era palestino y que el hecho de que también fuera judío no lo contradice necesariamente.

Sin duda es una conversación muy interesante y parece que ha encendido la furia de ambas partes. Como el propio Jesús podría haber dicho en términos más elocuentes, ¿no podemos llevarnos bien, chicos?

Catholic Priest JC Was Persecuted 'Palestinian Jew'!!! Sparks Big Debate on Xmas


A Catholic priest came on CNN on Christmas to say Jesus was a persecuted Palestinian -- and that the story of his birth contains parallels to what's going on in the Middle East.

Father Edward Beck -- a regular contributor -- joined Monday morning's anchors to discuss the topic of how to keep faith alive this holiday season with everything going on in the world ... namely, the war between Israel and Hamas, with Palestinians caught in the middle.

He said the story of Xmas was actually one of a "Palestinian Jew" -- noting how extraordinary it is to hear those 2 words put together. Father Beck went on to say JC was born into an occupied country, and that his mother and father (Mary/Joseph) were forced to flee into Egypt as refugees ... which is technically correct, as far as the Bible's concerned.

Beck went on to say the same sort of thing is going on right now in 2023 -- and while he didn't outright come out as explicitly pro-Palestine ... that's how his remarks were perceived.

In fact, there's a lot of handwringing happening online over the suggestion that Jesus was Palestinian ... and that he might've identified more so with the current Palestinian plight over that of Israelis. As many have pointed out online, Palestine didn't even exist back then.

On the flip side, neither did the state of Israel as we currently know it ... but the one thing that's undeniable is that JC was Jewish, for whatever's that worth in this raging debate.

Father Beck has defended what he said in some back-and-forths online. Again, some took his words here to imply that Jesus was more so Palestinian/Arab than he was Jewish -- but Beck says his words are being twisted, and his larger message of peace/unity overshadowed.

He's also posted articles that reference the use of the word "Palestinian" historically -- and how it's apparently been employed to identify Muslims, Jews and others who've lived in that region dating back millennia. In other words, Father Beck's doubling down on the notion Jesus was Palestinian ... and that him also being Jewish doesn't necessarily contradict that.

It's a doozy of a conversation, for sure ... and it's ignited a fury on both sides, it seems. As Jesus himself might've said in more eloquent terms -- can't we all just get along, guys???

Bezos & Sanchez Nature-Filled Xmas Eve Stroll ... Back in Town After Vacay

Jeff Bezos and Lauren Sanchez touched down in Miami just in time for Christmas -- but their "Winter Wonderland" looks like a regular summer day ... just peep their walking attire.

The couple went for a stroll with their family members Sunday at a park near their Indian Creek Island property -- which is now Bezos' home base after leaving Seattle behind earlier this year. Looks like they're enjoying it out there ... 'cause they had some pep to their step.


Plus, they were dressed like it was June rather than December ... which we suppose comes with the territory in Florida -- it's pretty warm all year round, so they can get away with this.

Lauren was rocking a top that exposed her toned arms and shoulders ... whereas JB was showing off his legs in shorts. Of course, they were sporting shades too ... the whole fam was in fact. Talk about a power family -- that's the kind of vibe they give off as a unit.

Remember, Jeff and Lauren were just in the Caribbean last week enjoying a little holiday getaway together ... but it seems they wanted to be back stateside for Xmas Eve/Xmas.

It caps off a wild past few weeks for them, where they've been sailing the open seas and ringing in birthdays with friends in style ... with flash and cash to spare. Seeing them in a more low-key environment here seems to be them finally coming down off a year-long high.

They certainly look grounded and in lockstep unison ... telegraphing their marriage to come. It must be nice to be these two going into the new year -- they got a whole world to conquer.

Happy (hiking) trails, y'all.

Taylor Swift con su madre en el partido de Navidad de Travis Kelce


12:04 PM PT -- Taylor fue vista animando a Travis y compañía desde su palco de lujo y parece que Santa estuvo a su lado todo el tiempo. Además está su hermano, Austin, así que podemos decir que es un asunto de familia.

No hay señales de la madre de Travis, Donna, pero dicen que su padre está presente. También parece que los fans sacaron sus mejores carteles.

Taylor Swift está de vuelta para ver a Travis Kelce, solo que esta vez un par de cosas son diferentes, es Navidad y su mamá está allí por primera vez.

Gran día para Kansas City, porque Taylor podría ser visto en el Arrowhead Stadium antes de que el juego comience como ella normalmente lo hace, pero el lunes por la mañana, Andrea Swift estaba justo a su lado a caballo en el asiento del pasajero delantero de un carrito de golf privado conducirlos alrededor.

Taylor estaba en él también, pero en la parte de atrás y ambos saludaron a la gente como si estuvieran en un desfile, ya que pasaron espectadores alegres. Ah, ¡y Papá Noel también estuvo ahí!

Como hemos dicho, Andrea nunca ha estado en uno de los partidos de Travis con Taylor (por lo que sabemos claro) y honestamente no hemos visto mucho de ella durante el romance de T-Swift con el tight end de los Chiefs. Hemos visto a su padre, Scott, un puñado de veces, pero no a Mamá Osa hasta ahora.

Por si no lo sabías, los padres de Taylor están divorciados, así que es por eso que Andrea no suele estar al lado de Scott en este tipo de salidas.

Hoy, sin embargo, parece que van a ser una familia unida delante de las cámaras, porque dicen que Scotty también está por ahí... estamos seguros de verlos muy pronto aquí en la suite.

Este será el octavo partido de Travis al que Taylor ha asistido, ella lo ha convertido en algo regular esta temporada y sus apariciones son siempre memorables. Sobre todo cuando está realmente concentrada en el juego.

Recordemos que ella está en medio de un descanso en este momento y no tiene que subir al escenario de nuevo hasta febrero, cuando volará a Tokio para más espectáculos "Eras". Mientras tanto, ha estado pasando mucho tiempo con Travis, incluidas las vacaciones, menos Acción de Gracias.

¡Se perfila a ser todo un año para ella!

Taylor Swift Mom Andrea Joins at TK's Xmas Game ... Merry Swiftmas!!!


12:04 PM PT -- Taylor was seen cheering on Travis and co. from her luxury box, and it looks like Santa was by her side the entire time. Word is, that's her broski, Austin ... so it's a whole family affair.

No sign of Travis' mom, Donna, here ... but they're saying his dad Ed is in attendance. It also looks like the fans brought out their best Swiftmas posters for the game as well, per usual.

Taylor Swift is back in the building to watch Travis Kelce -- only this time, a couple things are different ... it's Christmas, and her mama is there too for the very first time.

Big day in Kansas City ... 'cause Taylor could be seen cruising through Arrowhead Stadium ahead of kickoff like she normally does -- but on Monday morning, Andrea Swift was right next to her -- riding in the front passenger seat of a private golf cart driving them around.

Taylor was in it too, but she was in the back ... and both of them waved at people like they were in a parade as they passed cheerful onlookers. Oh, and Santa was there too!

Like we said, Andrea's never been to one of Travis' games with Taylor (that we're aware of anyway) and we honestly haven't seen much of her during T-Swift's romance with the Chiefs tight end. We have seen her dad, Scott, a handful of times ... but no Mama Bear 'til now.

Unclear why that might be the case, but in case it wasn't clear already -- Taylor's parents are divorced ... so that's why Andrea isn't usually right by Scott's side at these sorta outings.

Today, however, it looks like they'll be a united family in front of cameras -- 'cause Scott is said to be there as well ... and we're sure to see them soon enough here in the suite.

This will be the 8th game of Travis' that Taylor's attended ... she's made it a regular thing this season, and her appearances are always memorable -- especially as she gets more into it.

Remember, she's on a break from work at the moment ... and doesn't have to hit the stage again until February when she'll fly to Tokyo for more 'Eras' shows. In the meantime, she's been spending a lot of time with Travis ... including the holidays, minus Thanksgiving.

It's shaped up to be quite a year for her, to say the least. Here's to a couple more games to finish 2023!

Originally Published -- 10:12 AM PT

Kroy Biermann Excludes Kim in Xmas Post ... It's Just Me & the Kiddos!!!

Kroy Biermann is highlighting his holiday by snubbing his estranged wife, Kim Zolciak ... and her exclusion is jarring.

The retired NFL'er threw up a snap of him and his 4 kids with KZ -- Kroy Jr., Kash, Kaia and Kane -- with Papa Bear standing proudly behind them and grinning from ear to ear. His caption was also pretty telling on how he's feeling about his marriage/divorce right now.

He wrote, "Merry Christmas from the Biermann’s!!🎄 (-2 😢) I didn’t get a picture of the family enjoying @arianabiermann ‘s church service and I had this taken after @briellebiermann and Billy had departed in the direction of their car as we were almost outside from our service."

KB added, "I couldn’t be a more proud father of you 2 and the littles! ❤️ Got to do better at remembering to capture more pictures." Interesting ... he noted Brielle and Ariana here -- who are actually Kim's biological daughters -- but not their mother.

BTW, no posts from Kim herself ... she hasn't thrown anything up since mid-December.

This marks just the latest up-and-down moment for them ... for now, it seems like Kim and Kroy are on the outs -- this after sending signals of reconciliation just a month ago. Of course, they also had a huge blowout fight that required the cops to called over.

It's proven to be a difficult year, for sure ... and it seems Kroy wants to turn the page.

El obispo se emociona al hablar de sus presuntos vínculos con Diddy

Un predicador de Texas dio un emotivo sermón abordando escandalosos rumores de TikTok relacionados con Diddy durante su servicio de Navidad del sábado.

T.D. Jakes, que ha sido tendencia esta semana luego de  que corrieran los rumores de una asociación con el asediado productor musical Diddy.

El predicador de 66 años comenzó diciendo que algunas personas entraron únicamente para escuchar lo que tenía que decir sobre los rumores y rápidamente dejó claro que no lo haría.

"Todos ustedes que están esperando que diga mentiras... olvídenlo", dijo Jakes con voz desafiante.

Y continuó: "No voy a utilizar este día sagrado y este púlpito sagrado para hablar de una mentira cuando tengo la oportunidad de predicar una verdad. Me mantendré erguido, con la cabeza erguida, la espalda recta y predicaré la palabra infalible y no adulterada de Dios".

Esta semana, el nombre de Jakes se ha visto envuelto en una maraña de rumores en Internet, con usuarios de las redes sociales afirmando que el predicador asistía a fiestas sexuales organizadas por Diddy y cuestionando su sexualidad.

Él ya había negado la afirmación a través de un representante de relaciones públicas, que calificó los rumores de "inequívocamente falsos y sin fundamento".

Por supuesto, una asociación con Diddy no siempre fue tabú, pero a raíz de múltiples demandas por agresión sexual, incluyendo una que resolvió con su ex, Cassie, las relaciones con él han atraído el escrutinio.

Sin embargo, todo parece como de costumbre para Jakes... predicando su verdad el día de Navidad.

Bishop T.D. Jakes Emotional Response to Diddy Connection ... Lies, Lies, Lies!!!

A Texas preacher gave an emotional sermon ... addressing scandalous Diddy-related TikTok rumors about himself during his Christmas service Saturday.

T.D. Jakes, who has been trending this week after rumors of an association with embattled music producer Diddy took hold online, denounced the rumors.

The 66-year-old preacher began by saying some people came in solely to hear what he had to say about the buzz ... and quickly made it clear he wouldn't.

"All of you who expect me to address a lie, you can log off," Jakes said in a defiant voice.

He continued, "I will not use this sacred day and this sacred pulpit to address a lie when I have chance to preach a truth. I will stand straight up, head up, back straight and preach the unadulterated, infallible word of God."

Jakes' name has swirled on the internet rumor mill this week with social media users claiming the preacher attended sex parties hosted by Diddy and questioning his sexuality.

He'd already denied the claim through a PR rep, who called the rumors "unequivocally false and baseless."

Of course, an association with Diddy wasn't always taboo, but in the wake of multiple sexual assault lawsuits, including one he settled with ex Cassie, relationships with him have drawn scrutiny.

It all seems like business as usual for T.D. though ... preaching his truth for Christmas Day.

Entourage star Kevin Connolly's L.A. Home Hit By XMAS Eve Burglar

Kevin Connolly had a visitor on XMAS Eve, and it wasn't Santa ... the "Entourage" star’s L.A.-area home was burglarized just before midnight ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... a burglar forced open a backdoor and entered Kevin's home. The actor was not there. The thief stole an antique gun and some other minor items before beating it.

Kevin was notified of the break-in and met the cops at his home, where they took a report.

Cops reviewed surveillance footage from the area and determined the suspect appeared to be a homeless man and not a member of the burglary rings that have been targeting high-dollar homes around L.A. in recent months.

TMZ broke the story ... thieves smashed a window at Keanu Reeves' home this month and stole his Glock.

A dollar amount will be determined after Kevin goes through the home to see what else if anything is missing. There have been no arrests and LAPD is investigating.

Beyoncé Childhood Home Goes Up in Flames on XMAS Day

Beyoncé's childhood home went up in flames on Christmas Day.


Officials say at around 2 AM, they responded to reports of a fire at the home, located in the city's Third Ward.

The two-story house was in flames, but first responders put out the fire in roughly 10 minutes.

Thankfully the family -- a couple with two young kids -- were able to evacuate the house. No one was injured.

As we previously reported ... Beyoncé's family bought the house way back in 1981 for $64k, but they moved out just a few years later, before Solange was born in 1986.

The house went up for sale in 2019. It has three bedrooms, three bathrooms, with a spiral staircase leading to a third-floor office space.

A buyer bought the 8,640-square-foot-lot lot next to the home in 2022 for $310,000.

Mariah Carey All I want for XMAS is to Break Spotify Record ... And I Did!!!

Mariah Carey broke the all-time record for most Spotify streams in a single day on Christmas Eve!!!

"All I Want For Christmas Is You" was streamed 23,701,697 times. Mariah shattered the record, which she set on Christmas Eve last year when the song was streamed 21,273,357 times.

It's nothing new to Mariah. She breaks this record every year. We previously reported that she set a new mark way back in 2020 when the song was streamed just over 17.2 million times on Christmas Eve that year, and then she broke that record the following year.

Mariah's been in a "Queen of Christmas" battle with Brenda Lee this year, and for the first time since Mariah's reign began, Brenda snagged the number 1 spot on Billboard's Hot 100 for one week during the lead-up to XMAS.

She was a good sport about it, sending Brenda some flowers and a congratulatory note.

Mariah recaptured the top spot the following week.

YouTube / Acairoe Fourth

Congrats, Mariah ... and Merry XMAS!!!


For a lil nightmare for Christmas, head down to Zak Bagan's Haunted Museum in Sin City ... where he's just unveiled an exhibit for a Santa costume once worn by an infamous serial killer.

The "Ghost Adventures" star tells TMZ ... the costume worn by John Edward Robinson -- a convicted serial killer, con man, embezzler, kidnapper, and forger - will be on display through the holidays at his museum.

The Santa outfit was the one worn by Robinson to children's parties, scouting events and other similar functions. Zak bought the costume a few years ago and came from John's estate.

But, even Zak's creeped out by his new possession ... displaying his serial killer costume inside his museum's "Jail Room" -- built from actual bars dissembled from an Iowa prison. He says anything belonging to these evil monsters should be behind bars where they belong.

Robinson was indeed pure evil ... having been found guilty in 2003 of 3 murders in Kansas City and receiving the death sentence for 2 of them. He also admitted responsibility for 5 additional homicides ... with investigators fearing there might be other undiscovered victims.

His crimes were particularly spine-chilling as he made contact with most of his victims through online BDSM-themed chat rooms, ... often going by the name "Slavemaster."

He was given the label of "the Internet's first serial killer."

Adivina en quiénes ¡se han convertido estas festivas hermanas!

Antes de que estas tres hermanas aparecieran en sus televisores, ya estaban preparándose para las fiestas mientras vivían sus mejores días en Beverly Hills, iban al instituto en Bel Air y salían con sus amigos famosos.

Estas tres lujosas damas no son madres comunes y corrientes... son conocidas por su sentido de la moda. Y, con tantas marcas y empresas a sus espaldas... si fueran las dueñas de la Navidad, ¡se llamaría Kristmas!

¿Adivinas quiénes son?