Lance Bass y Joey Fatone cantan canciones de *NSYNC y lanzan muñecos de "Trolls" en una fiesta en Nueva York

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Lance Bass y Joey Fatone están trayendo un poco de estilo *NSYNC a la ciudad de Nueva York, donde actuaron en una fiesta de vacaciones, y probablemente alimentaron esperanzas y sueños de reunión cantando algunos de los éxitos del grupo.

Los cantantes se presentaron en la Bilt Rewards Winter Holiday House Party el martes por la noche en Maxwell Social en Tribeca. Había más de 350 invitados, entre ellos el fundador y CEO de Bilt Rewards Ankur Jain fueron entretenidos por el dúo sorpresa, que se puso al micrófono para cantar temas como "Bye Bye Bye" y "Tearin 'Up My Heart".

Joey y Lance también se tomaron un tiempo para cantar el éxito navideño del grupo, "Feliz Navidad, Felices Fiestas".

También lanzaron algunos muñecos de peluche de "Trolls" a la gente en la audiencia una punta del sombrero a la reciente reunión de la banda de chicos para una canción en la película de Justin Timberlake, "Trolls Band Together".

Los chicos se toparon con algunas estrellas de "RHONY" a lo largo de la noche, incluyendo la condesa Luann de Lesseps y la novata Erin Lichy y su marido Abraham, así como Dorinda Medley, que además se unió a Lance y Joey en el escenario para "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!"'

Las estrellas de RHONJ, Dolores Catania y Margaret Josephs, uno de los miembros de la Million Dollar Listing de Nueva York, Ryan Serhant, y la integrante de RHONY, Carole Radziwill, también estaban en la fiesta.

No hay rastro de Justin, JC Chasez, y Chris Kirkpatrick en la fiesta... seamos honestos, conseguir todo el grupo habría sido MUCHO mejor.

Aunque la canción "Trolls" creó esperanzas de que los chicos harían un álbum completo o incluso una gira, la palabra de la gente en el saber es que todavía no está sucediendo.

Lance Bass & Joey Fatone Singin' *NSYNC Hits At Holiday Party ... Chucking 'Trolls' Dolls to Crowd!

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Lance Bass and Joey Fatone are bringing some *NSYNC flair to New York City, where they performed at a holiday party, and probably fueled reunion hopes and dreams by singing some of the group's hits.

The singers showed up at the Bilt Rewards Winter Holiday House Party Tuesday night at Maxwell Social in Tribeca -- and over 350 guests including Bilt Rewards Founder & CEO Ankur Jain were entertained by the surprise duo, who jumped on the mic to sing tracks like "Bye Bye Bye" and "Tearin' Up My Heart."

And, since 'tis the season ... Joey and Lance also took some time to sing the group's holiday hit, "Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays."

They were also chucking some stuffed 'Trolls' dolls out to folks in the audience -- a tip of the hat to the boy band's recent reunion for a song in Justin Timberlake's flick, "Trolls Band Together."

The guys bumped into a few "RHONY" stars throughout the night ... including Countess Luann de Lesseps and newbie Erin Lichy and her husband Abraham, as well as Dorinda Medley -- who actually joined Lance and Joey onstage for "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer!"'

RHONJ stars Dolores Catania and Margaret Josephs, Million Dollar Listing New York's Ryan Serhant, and RHONY alum Carole Radziwill were also at the party.

No sign of Justin, JC Chasez, and Chris Kirkpatrick at the holiday shindig -- let's be honest, getting the whole group would've been a MUCH higher price tag.

Although the 'Trolls' song built up hopes the guys would do a full album or even tour ... the word from folks in the know is it still isn't happening.

Taylor Swift Pre-Birthday Party with Travis in K.C. ... Donna K. & the Mahomeses, Too!!!

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Taylor Swift might not have Travis Kelce by her side to kick off her 34th birthday, but turns out the couple got in a pre-celebration with his mom, Donna Kelce, and his QB, Patrick Mahomes ... and we've got video of their night out.

The gang painted Kansas City red -- for Taylor and the Chiefs -- Sunday night at the Miracle on Main Street Christmas bar ... and despite the fact Trav and co. had lost to the Bills that day, everyone still seemed to have a great time.

We're told Donna was the first to dip out, leaving around 10:45 PM with some other folks in a Mercedes van. Patrick and his wife Brittany stuck around until about 1 AM when they jumped in their own party bus.

Taylor and Travis, however, enjoyed their time together until around 2 AM -- gotta get in every possible minute when you're in a long-distance relationship! As we reported, Taylor planted a big smooch on Travis inside the holiday-themed bar that night.


They eventually left together in a white SUV with security in tow, and interestingly ... Travis' had driven his Rolls-Royce to the bar, but must've had a few drinks -- he opted to leave his luxury car on the street, and ride with Taylor instead.

Taylor's showing no signs of stopping when it comes to cheering on Travis from the sidelines ... win or lose. They've lost the last 2 she attended, but hey ... they're still 4-2 with her, and still 1st in their division!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Taylor Swift Pre celebración de cumpleaños con Travis en Kansas Con Donna y los Mahomes

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La pandilla está reunida

Taylor Swift podrá no tener a Travis Kelce a su lado para celebrar sus 34 años, pero resulta que la pareja organizó una pre-celebración con su madre Donna Kelce y su compañero de equipo Patrick Mahomes, y tenemos un video de su noche de fiesta.

La pandilla se fue de juerga en Kansas City el domingo por la noche, particularmente al bar Miracle en Main Street, y a pesar de que Travis y compañía habían perdido contra los Bills ese día, todo el mundo parecía estar muy contento.

Nos han dicho que Donna fue la primera en salir, alrededor de las 22:45, con otras personas en una furgoneta Mercedes. Patrick y su esposa Brittany se quedaron hasta alrededor de la 1 AM cuando se subieron a su propio carro.

Taylor y Travis, sin embargo, disfrutaron de su tiempo juntos hasta alrededor de las 2 AM. ¡Hay que aprovechar cada minuto cuando estás en una relación a larga distancia! Como informamos, Taylor le plantó un beso a Travis en el bar esa noche.

Finalmente, se fueron juntos en un SUV blanco. Curiosamente, Travis había conducido su Rolls-Royce hasta el bar, pero debe haber tomado un par de copas, por lo que quizás optó por dejar su carro de lujo en la calle y pasear con Taylor en su lugar.

Taylor no parece rendirse cuando se trata de animar a Travis desde la tribuna, gane o pierda. Los Chiefs han perdido los dos últimos partidos a los que asistió, pero bueno ... ¡Todavía están 4-2 con ella y en la 1ª división!

Jennifer Lopez Muestra la renovación festiva de su mansión ... Brilla en dorado!!!

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Todo lo que brilla es oro, o al menos según Jennifer López, quien mostró sus lujosas decoraciones navideñas en un post.

En una serie de mensajes compartidos en su Instagram el martes, J Lo llevó a sus fans dentro de su mega-mansión de $60M, que comparte con su marido Ben Affleck, mostrando su opulento árbol de Navidad con una gran variedad de adornos de oro.

Jennifer claramente estaba con el espíritu navideño mientras posaba delante del árbol con una elegante blusa y una falda larga de brocado de oro con glamorosos adornos de perlas.

No es solo el interior el que está adornado, el exterior de la morada también está en modo festivo, con decoraciones en el porche que recuerdan a "Mi pobre angelito".

JLo es solo una de las muchas celebridades que han adornado a lo grande sus mansiones este año, con cientos de luces parpadeantes que seguramente se verán desde el espacio.


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All that glitters is gold ... well, that's according to Jennifer Lopez, who showed off her lavish Christmas decorations.

In posts shared to her IG Tuesday, J Lo took fans inside her $60M mega-mansion she shares with her husband, Ben Affleck .... showing off her opulent Christmas tree with an array of gold ornaments.

Jennifer was clearly in the festive spirit as she posed in front of the tree in a chic white shirt tucked into a long gold brocade skirt with glamorous pearl embellishments.

It's not just the interior that has Jennifer feeling Christmassy ... it's the outside of the abode, too ... giving off cozy "Home Alone" vibes with wraparound wreath porch decorations.

She's just one of many A-listers going big adorning their mansions this year ... with hundreds of thousands of twinkling lights surely being seen from outer space.


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Heidi Klum, Sofia Vergara, Bennifer and more are giving a whole new meaning to "may your days be merry and bright" ... illuminating their mega-mansions with thousands, if not millions, of lights for Christmas.

As you can see from these aerial snaps, supermodel Heidi, AKA, the queen of decorating, injects a pop of purple into her attic windows ... while her palm trees and balconies glisten with strings of yellow lights.

J Lo and Ben don't disappoint with wraparound porch wreaths ... giving off cozy "Home Alone" vibes.

Ben's ex, Jennifer Garner, dots loads of warm fairy lights outside her property ... with "Modern Family" star Sofia and former Take That singer Robbie Williams opting for a similar merry makeover.

The Osbourne's home wows with its festive red lights display -- while Kate Hudson provides some holiday cheer with "Peace, Joy, Love & Hope" lit up in large red letters outside her sprawling abode.

Of course, Kardashian Kristmas is also in full swing .. with Kim showing off the insane lights display at her $60M home -- complete with hundreds of thousands of lights lining her driveway.

Though, probably the most extravagant of decorations belong to Jamie Foxx ... with his Agoura Hills property looking like something out of a Christmas movie.

It really is a wonderful light this time o' year!!!

Los famosos iluminan sus mansiones con extravagantes adornos

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Heidi Klum, Sofía Vergara, Bennifer —entre otros— le han dado un nuevo significado a "que tus días sean felices y brillantes", iluminando sus mega-mansiones con miles de luces justo a tiempo para Navidad.

Como se puede ver en estas fotos aéreas, la supermodelo Heidi, mejor conocida como "la reina de la decoración", inyecta de color púrpura en sus ventanas del ático, mientras que sus palmeras y balcones brillan con metros de luces amarillas.

JLo y Ben no defraudan con guirnaldas envolventes del porche, dando vibraciones acogedoras tipo "Mi Pobre Angelito".

La ex de Ben, Jennifer Garner, pone un montón de cálidas luces de hadas fuera de su propiedad, con la estrella de "Modern Family" Sofía y el ex cantante de Take That Robbie Williams optando por un cambio de imagen alegre similar.

La casa de los Osbourne brilla con su festivo despliegue de luces rojas, mientras que Kate Hudson proporciona un poco de alegría navideña con el mensaje "Paz, Alegría, Amor y Esperanza", iluminado en grandes letras rojas fuera de su extensa morada.

Las Kardashian también están dando que hablar, con Kim mostrando un extravagante despliegue de luces en su casa de $60M, con cientos de miles de luces que cubriendo la entrada.

Aunque, probablemente, la más extravagante de las decoraciones es la Jamie Foxx... su propiedad de Agoura Hills parece algo sacado de una película de Navidad.

¡Las estrellas están encendidas esta temporada!

Taylor Swift Le planta un cariñoso beso a Travis Kelce... Soy su fan en los Chief!!!

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¡¡¡¡Travis Kelce puede haber perdido ante los Buffalo Bills el domingo, pero sigue siendo un gran ganador para su novia superestrella, Taylor Swift, quien le plantó un apasionado beso en la mejilla después del juego!!!!

Echa un vistazo a esta foto, Taylor aparece cerrando los ojos mientras sujeta la cabeza de Travis con sus manos y le da un cariñoso beso mientras él sonríe. ¡¡¡Travis es un tipo con suerte, de hecho!!!

La feliz pareja fue fotografiada en un bar para una fiesta posterior al partido de los K.C. Chiefs contra los Bills en el Arrowhead Stadium el domingo.

El estilista de famosos Patrick Regan subió la instantánea a su página de Instagram el lunes, junto con un montón de otras fotos de la victoria de los Bills 20-17 sobre los Chiefs.

Como saben, Taylor volvió a aparecer por el estadio para animar a Travis, y el fornido jugador consiguió 6 recepciones para 83 yardas. ¡No está nada mal!

De hecho, fue la sexta vez que la estrella del pop aparece para un partido de Travis - y, para aquellos que llevan la cuenta, los Chiefs tienen un récord de 4-2 victorias con Taylor observando desde las tribunas.

Algunos dirán que es un amuleto de la buena suerte.

Taylor Swift Plants Loving Kiss On Travis Kelce ... I'm His Supporter in Chief!!!

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Travis Kelce may have lost to the Buffalo Bills Sunday ... but he's still a big winner in the eyes of his superstar girlfriend, Taylor Swift, who planted a passionate kiss on his cheek at the game!!!

Check out this photo ... Taylor closes her eyes as she holds Travis' head with both hands and delivers some major lip service to the side of his grinning face. Travis is one lucky guy, indeed!!!

The happy couple was snapped at a festive Christmas-themed bar for a postgame party after the K.C. Chiefs battled the Bills at Arrowhead Stadium Sunday.

Celeb stylist Patrick Regan uploaded the snap to his Instagram page Monday, along with a bunch of other pics from the Bills 20-17 victory over the Chiefs.

As you know, Taylor showed up again to the stadium to cheer on Travis as the hunky tight end recorded 6 catches for 83 yards. Not too shabby!

In fact, it was the sixth time the pop star popped up on gameday for Travis -- and, for those who are keeping count, the Chiefs have a 4-2 winning record with Taylor watching from the crowd.

Some might say she's a good luck charm.

Chilli y Matthew Lawrence siguen juntos de vacaciones

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Chilli de TLC y el actor Matthew Lawrence no son tan públicos acerca de su romance como solían ser, pero no dejes que el silencio te engañe, su relación sigue en pie y se están preparando para algunas fiestas compartidas.

Fuentes cercanas a la pareja le dicen a TMZ que Chilli y Matthew recientemente pasaron su segundo Día de Acción de Gracias juntos, con la cantante cocinando algo de comida para ellos. Matthew aparentemente quedó impresionado por la habilidad culinaria de la artista.

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todos juntos

Ellos han estado juntos a larga distancia por un tiempo. Ella está en Georgia y él en Los Ángeles, pero han encontrado el tiempo para verse tanto como pueden.

Chilli y Matthew estuvieron juntos el jueves por la noche para el show de TLC en Las Vegas, y ambos fueron a un partido de los Atlanta Falcons juntos el mes pasado.

Échale un vistazo al video del partido, se puede ver a Chilli y Matthew bailando "Crank That" de Soulja Boy, ¡con el nieto de Big Boi!

Las cosas parecen ir muy bien para la pareja. Nos dicen que van a pasar la Navidad juntos este año, otra señal de que esto será una relación larga.

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¿habrá boda?

Como hemos informado, Chilli se ha mostrado abierta acerca de sus sentimientos por la estrella de "Boy Meets World", ¡incluso nos dijo en marzo que ella espera que se casen!

Chilli & Matthew Lawrence Relationship Still Thrivin'!!! Spending Holidays Together

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TLC's Chilli and actor Matthew Lawrence aren't as public about their romance as they used to be, but don't let the quiet fool you -- their relationship is still booming, and they're gearing up for some shared holiday cheer.

Sources close to the couple tell TMZ ... Chilli and Matthew recently spent their second Thanksgiving together, with the singer cooking up some grub for them, and Matthew was apparently blown away by the meal.

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They've been doing the long-distance thing for a bit -- she's in Georgia, he's in L.A. -- but have still made time to see each other as much as they can.

Chilli and Matthew were together Thursday night for TLC's show in Vegas, and they both went to an Atlanta Falcons game together last month.

Check out the vid from the game, BTW -- that's Chilli and Matthew groovin' to Soulja Boy's "Crank That" ... with Big Boi's grandson!

Obviously, things appear to be going great for the couple ... and we're told they're gonna spend Christmas together this year, too -- another sign they're in this for the long haul.

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As we reported, Chilli has been open about her feelings for the "Boy Meets World" star ... she even told us back in March that she's hoping they'll tie the knot!

Tiffany Haddish Performs Cabaret-Style Song ... At MacFarlane's Xmas Party

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Tiffany Haddish recently said she was ready for the next chapter of her life post-DUI, and seemed to signal what that looks like this weekend at Seth MacFarlane's holiday shindig.

The actress/comedian was on hand for SMF's annual Christmas party Saturday night at the Pacific Design Center in West Hollywood, where the man of the hour shared the stage with TH at one point to let her do her thing ... namely, an original cabaret-style song.


Check it out ... in video, obtained by TMZ, you can see Tiff belting out an old school sultry ditty that she said would make Sexyy Red and Lil Kim blush -- AKA, this one's naughty.

The crowd sure seemed to love it ... and why wouldn't they? Fact is, Tiffany absolutely killed it. Now, naturally, Seth himself sang some songs as well, and yes -- he rocked the house with his old Sinatra-style crooning too ... just like he always does.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

It's interesting that Tiffany's keeping this cabaret thing going -- she rolled something else out just like this a couple weeks ago during her birthday celebration, and seems to be signaling she's all in on this type of performance. We know for a fact she's focusing on music lately.

Anyway, great to see her focusing her efforts on something positive after the arrest. Sounds like she's ready to put that in her rearview.

Mariah Carey My XMAS Present to MSG ... A Wicked Dreamgirl!!!

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YouTube / Acairoe Fourth

Mariah Carey gave an early Christmas gift to the crowd at Madison Square Garden Saturday night ... bringing out Ariana Grande and Jennifer Hudson to perform "Oh Santa!" with her.

Mariah took the New York audience by surprise when she announced she had an "unexpected, yet amazing" treat. First, Mariah called Ariana and Jennifer "Christmas angels" and then asked them to come help her sing the Xmas tune.

As Ariana and Jennifer were ushered on stage, Mariah greeted them with excitement, saying, "You wouldn’t believe it, but here we have JHud with Ari!"

All three singers looked amazing in stylish outfits ... and Mariah confirmed it by giving the other women a once over and expressing her satisfaction in a word, "Gorgeous."

The trio then launched into the holiday song to the delight of the concertgoers, giving a knockout performance. But it was actually more of a reunion given that Mariah recorded a version of "Oh Santa!" with Ariana and Jennifer back in 2020.

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At another point in the show, the pop legend shared the stage with her 12-year-old daughter, Monroe, singing a duet of Mariah's 1994 holiday track, "Jesus Born On This Day."

Israel/Hamas War Pro-Palestinian Plants Flag on Menorah

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Instagram / @jake_the_lawyer_


12/11 4:02 PM PT -- Yale President, Peter Salovey, has released a statement on the incident ... claiming it's still unknown if the perpetrator was an actual student at Yale, and correcting information floating around stating the incident happened on campus.

Salovey's statement reads, "Yale condemns in the strongest possible terms the desecration of a menorah on the New Haven Green during the religious holiday of Chanukah. The placement of a Palestinian flag on the menorah conveys a deeply antisemitic message to Jewish residents of New Haven, including members of the Yale community."

He continues, "Yale’s regulations reach conduct occurring on or off campus that imperils the integrity and values of the University community, and if such conduct is committed by a member of the Yale community, we take action. Yale has asked the New Haven police to investigate this incident and Yale may conduct its own investigation. Desecration of property such as a religious object is a crime under Connecticut law."

Salovey says the school does not yet have any info on whether or not the suspect is a member of the Yale community.

A pro-Palestinian student at Yale tried to co-opt the symbol of the current Jewish holiday by planting a Palestinian flag on a menorah.

The student climbed the oversized menorah, the symbol of Hanukkah, as others screamed, "Get the f**k down!," and "It looks bad for us" ... as seen in viral video posted by attorney Jake Dressler.

One student is seen climbing the menorah to 86 the flag. The flag has now been removed.

It's the latest skirmish on college campuses around the country -- especially elite colleges and universities. As you know, the President of the University of Pennsylvania resigned Saturday after a torrent of criticism over her testimony in Congress Monday, where she would not squarely say calling for the genocide of Jews was bullying or harassment.

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We had a free speech advocate on "TMZ Live" Friday, who agreed with the President of Univ. of Penn., but seemed to have a different opinion if the protesters were members of the KKK with a similar message against Black people.

Celebrity Scramble Guess Who!


This photo may not appear "picture perfect", but your "intention" here is to polish off the ornament-shaped celeb! This holiday stud once performed a Christmas classic for Barack and Michelle Obama, but that's not the only holiday song he's covered over the years ...

He's mostly seen lookin' cool, calm and collected in baggy pants and a beanie, and even if he's in a hurry and trying to scurry around the paparazzi, you can always count on his slippers to flash you a smile!

Once you dust off this hot holiday accessory, go ahead and meet him "Under The Mistletoe" 😜 !