Target Roasted for Black Friday Signage ... What Kinda Deal is This?!?

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11/27/23 -- A Target rep is addressing the viral "call-out" from TikTokers, telling TMZ ... "A recent TikTok video showed a guest questioning if there was a sale on three Samsung TVs that had both a Black Friday sale sign, as well as a sale sign behind it indicating the same price."

They add, "In fact, the TVs were on sale before Black Friday as part of our early Black Friday sales. We continued to offer those items at the same discount during Black Friday, but updated the signage to reflect the extended timing. "

The rep continues, "In both instances, guests would have saved the same amount, between $20-$80 depending on which TV they purchased. Those discounted prices compared to the regular prices are clearly shown in both sale signs in the video.

And finally, "We know our guests are looking for flexibility when they shop holiday deals, which is why we began Black Friday deals in late October and will continue offering great discounts throughout the holiday season. We also offer a Price Match Guarantee, and will match the price of any item purchased by a guest that is offered at a lower price later in the season."

TikTokers are hitting Target to prove the big box store's Black Friday deals may not be what they seem -- showing off some sticker prices as being equal ... regardless of the day.

There's a viral trend on the app right now -- namely, Gen Z'ers going to their local bullseye center and wading through the Black Friday sales that were going on yesterday. Based on what they're capturing though ... they seem to be suggesting clever marketing is afoot.

Check out the video and you'll see what we mean ... in at least three instances, people are removing the "Black Friday Deals" signage -- which features one price -- and revealing the price tag that's covered up in the background. In the examples seen here, they're the same.

One girl hit a pallet with TVs, and the Black Friday mark-down has it pegged at $429. But when she removes the holiday price card, the regular card behind it has a matching number. In other words, she's suggesting there is no real deal at play here ... just new cardstock.

Another dude does something similar, but over in the clothes section ... where he peels back a sticker price for a pair of pants -- which then shows it's been upped in price from $25 to $30 ... so, the guy's implying Target's price-gouged to make it seem like folks are saving.

While most people are wise to this sorta thing -- companies tweaking prices and signage to capitalize on a holiday -- these young'ns apparently think they've uncovered Watergate! 😅

We've reached out to Target for comment on this -- but there isn't much to say besides ... welcome to capitalism, everyone. Now then, go buy more new stuff and be happy, dammit!

Originally Published -- 11/25/23 4:56 PM PT

Will y Jada Posan juntos para foto de Acción de Gracias

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Will Smith y Jada Pinkett Smith estuvieron juntos de nuevo y sonriendo a la cámara para este Día de Acción de Gracias, aunque el modo en que lo compartieron difiere en una manera que puede ser significativa.

La pareja, que ha dejado claro recientemente que no tienen una relación o matrimonio tradicional, reunió a toda la familia, incluyendo sus hijos y sus padres, todos bajo un mismo techo para una sesión de fotos profesional.

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Will y Jada subieron diferentes fotos en sus respectivas cuentas de Instagram, pero parece que Will expresó mucho más que Jada, particularmente por unas fotos bastante cariñosas entre ellos.

Como pueden ver, la foto en donde salen solos posando, él aparece dándole un beso en la cabeza a Jada. La versión de Jada de esa foto es un poco diferente... Ella publicó una imagen le acaricia su cabeza, pero la lanzó como parte de un collage más grande.

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Obviamente, esto es leer entre líneas, pero bueno, teniendo en cuenta todo lo que ha circulado sobre estos dos en los últimos años, vale la pena analizar estas cosas.

A primera vista, parece que Will quiso presentar más a una pareja feliz y unida en sus fotos. Jada, en cambio, se centró más en la familia, lo que coincide con la forma en que ha hablado de Will, sobre todo últimamente.

¿El nombre de tu esposa?

Recordemos que Jada reveló hace algunas semanas que llevaban viviendo vidas separadas con Will hace años y que ya no estaban involucrados románticamente. También dijo que se sorprendió cuando Will se refirió a ella como su "esposa", tras abofetear a Chris Rock en los Oscar.

Las revelaciones de su libro de memorias ponen un nuevo foco en su dinámica, que ya había estado bajo el microscopio mucho antes de su libro y que se multiplicó más en los últimos días con la última afirmación.

A pesar de todo el drama, e independiente de si están en la misma página en las fotos que subieron de su familia, los Smith parecen estar disfrutando juntos estas vacaciones.

Eso es todo lo que realmente se puede esperar en esta época del año.

Will & Jada Pose Together for T'Giving Shoot ... Slightly Different Uploads

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Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith were back together and smiling for the camera this Thanksgiving -- although their public evidence differs in what may be a significant way.

The couple -- who've recently made clear they don't have a traditional relationship/marriage -- got the whole fam together for the holiday ... which included themselves, their kids and their parents, with everyone coming together under one roof for a neat pro photo shoot.

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WS and JPS uploaded different shots on their respective Instagram pages, but it appears Will threw up way more than Jada did ... notably, some pretty loving shots between him and her.

As you can see, the pic where it's just him and Jada posing together features him planting a kiss on her head. Her version of that photo is a tad bit different, though ... she posted one where he's nuzzling/cradling her head and threw it up as part of a larger collage.

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Obviously, this is reading into the tea leaves a bit ... but hey, considering everything that's been circulating about these two over the years -- it's worth analyzing this stuff.

On its face, it would appear Will wanted to present more of a happy couple/united front vibe with his photos, and Jada seemed content with keeping her IG upload focused more on the family at large ... which kinda jibes with how she's spoken about Will, especially lately.


Remember, Jada revealed last month that she and Will had been living separate lives for years and weren't romantically involved anymore -- while also going on to say she was shocked when Will referred to her as his "wife" when he slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars.

Her memoir revelations put renewed focus on their dynamic, which had already been under a microscope well before her book -- and that was multiplied with the latest salacious claim.

Despite all that drama -- and regardless of whether they're on the same page with their family photo uploads or not -- the Smiths appear to be enjoying each other for the holidays.

That's all you can really hope for this time of the year.

What's The Big Frigin' Difference?!


Mariah Carey may not want a lot for Christmas, but she IS down to deck your halls and stump you with these discreet changes. Come get holly 'n jolly with the Christmas Queen, and see if you can put your finger on the differences!

The "Butterfly" singer is making the rounds for her "Merry Christmas One And All" tour and recently took the stage in Highland, California. She was totally buttoned up in a festive corset, but can you unbutton her onstage mishaps?

"All I Want For Christmas Is You!"

**HINT: There are THREE differences in the above Mariah Carey photos!**

¡¿Cuál es la gran maldita diferencia?!


Puede que Mariah Carey no tenga demasiados deseos para Navidad, pero SÍ quiere decorar tus salones y dejarte perplejo con estos discretos cambios. Ven a divertirte con la reina de la Navidad y a ver si eres capaz de encontrar las diferencias.

La cantante de "Butterfly" está de gira con su "Merry Christmas One And All" y hace poco se subió al escenario en Highland, California. Iba totalmente abrochada con un corsé festivo, pero ¿puedes desabrochar sus percances sobre el escenario?

"¡Todo lo que quiero para esta Navidad eres tú!"

**PISTA: ¡Hay TRES diferencias en las fotos de Mariah Carey!

Quavo Alimenta a 300 familias... Acción de Gracias en Huncho Farms!!!

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Recolectando alimentos

¡Quavo está dando de vuelta y asegurándose de que tenga un impacto profundo! El rapero puso en marcha la iniciativa Huncho Farms para el Día de Acción de Gracias para que las familias pudieran acceder a todo un jardín y un huerto.

La buena gente de Atlanta recibió un curso intensivo de buena mesa cuando la organización de Quavo Cares, rapero de Migos, se asoció con Urban Recipe, un banco de alimentos sin fines de lucro con sede en la ciudad.

Junto con Chef Brown Catering, Quavo y Urban Recipe sirvieron a más de 300 familias de todos los rincones de Atlanta y también crearon un libro de cocina derivado de recetas del Banco de Alimentos de Atlanta.

Las recetas van desde platos completos como el pavo en salmuera y pollo troceado hasta un crujiente de manzana casero, pero todos los ingredientes provienen de Huncho Farms, cuyo objetivo es aumentar el valor nutricional en la dieta de la familia todos los días.

HandsOn Atlanta y Team Huncho Basketball también desempeñaron un papel importante en la campaña de Acción de Gracias. El ex campeón de la NBA y nativo de Georgia Josh Smith estuvo allí cargando alimentos frescos en bolsas de regalo.

Quavo se ha centrado en hacer frente a los problemas sociales. Él y su familia se aventuraron hasta Washington D.C. para conversar con los legisladores sobre una posible reforma a las armas en memoria del fallecido Takeoff.

¡¡¡Y todo el mundo va a obtener su combustible de Huncho Farms en el futuro!!!

Quavo Feeding 300 Families ... Thanksgiving on Huncho Farms!!!

Rain Drop, Food Drop

Quavo's giving back and making sure it has a deep impact -- he's launched his Huncho Farms initiative this Thanksgiving to give families access to a whole garden and orchard!

The good people of Atlanta got a crash course in good taste this week when the Migos rapper's Quavo Cares org teamed up with Urban Recipe ... a nonprofit food bank based in the city.

Together with Chef Brown Catering, Quavo, his mom and Urban Recipe served more than 300 families from all corners of the ATL, and also created a cookbook derived from recipes used by the Atlanta Food Bank.

The recipes range from full-blown entrees such as brined turkey and chicken to nimble bites like homemade apple crisp. All the ingredients were sourced from Huncho Farms, which aims to boost the nutritional value of the everyday family's diet.

HandsOn Atlanta and Team Huncho Basketball also played a significant role in the Thanksgiving drive ... former NBA Slam Dunk champ and GA native Josh Smith was there loading up fresh food in gift bags.

Quavo's been focused on making a dent in societal issues ... he and the fam ventured to Washington D.C. and politicked with lawmakers about potential gun reform in memory of the late Takeoff.

And, everyone will be getting their rocket fuel from Huncho Farms going forward!!!

Noviembre 2023 Las fotos más calientes del mes ... Agradecidos y bendecidos

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Espero que hayas hecho algo de espacio en tu plato de sobras, porque las estrellas han estado preparando sus mejores recetas durante todo el mes, y llegan justo a tiempo para atiborrarte con algunas golosinas navideñas ... ¡Prepárate para reventar!

Emily Ratajkowski lució sus curvas en un bikini de tirantes, mientras que Bebe Rhexa presumió de muslos y nalgas... y LL Cool J mostró sus músculos en las redes sociales.

Hazte un favor y disfruta de nuestra galería de las celebrities más sexys de noviembre.

November 2023 Hot Shots Thankful And Blessed!


Hope you've made some room on your leftovers plate, because the stars have been preppin' the gravy train all month along, and are arriving just in the knick of time to stuff you with some holiday goodies ... be prepared for your buttons to pop!

In a teeny stringy bikini, Emily Ratajkowski was all about the curves and cASSarole, while Bebe Rhexa brought quite the impressive spread, showin' off her hot buns n' thighs ... and a shredded LL Cool J served up his meaty muscles on the 'gram!

Do yourself a favor and savor our gallery of November's hottest celebs!



Hold on to your turkey leg ... because Chrisean Rock and Blueface are dishing each other a hefty serving of gratitude -- for now.

After months of trading disses, the notoriously tumultuous pair carved out their differences to spend Thanksgiving together ... munchin' away on all the festive favorites.

Her sister documented the reunion on IG ... showing Chrisean at Blueface's crib past 10 PM ... kicking back on his sofa gamin' as she FaceTimed her sis.

Chrisean -- who welcomed a son with BF in Sept. -- added that they called it a truce in honor of Thanksgiving ... writing on X: "I'm a nice Bm."

In tandem over on his X, BF claimed the "nice guy" title ... cueing collective eye-rolls and "here we go again" comments.

But they're just playing friendly exes for now ... with the rapper taking a break from his new fiancée Jaidyn Alexis' questionable culinary efforts to -- hopefully -- savor some real home cookin' with his baby mama.

As we've heavily reported ... the exes have been at war ... with Chrisean's parenting skills recently blasted by BF after their son's birth in Sep -- even accusing her of neglecting Jr.'s need for hernia surgery.

But don't believe everything you read about her ... as Chrisean told TMZ Hip Hop last week their little one's hernia surgery was a success and she's thriving in motherhood.

Paris Hilton I Have a New Baby Girl!!! Big Fans of Paris and London

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Paris Hilton had a solid reason to give thanks Thursday ... she announced a new addition to her fam.

Paris and hubby Carter Reum have a new little girl!


Based on pics of Paris over the last few months, it's pretty clear the baby was born via surrogate, just like their other child, Phoenix.

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The baby's name -- London. We're guessing that's the name because Paris posted a pic of a pink getup with that name emblazoned on the garment.

London and Phoenix are contemporaries ... he was born less than a year ago.

Paris is already asking her son if he's ready to be a big brother. Hopefully, that doesn't mean she's angling to put him on the reality show!

Paris was all over social media, asking her niece and nephew, "You guys excited for your new cousin?" Caspian, her nephew, asked, "You have two babies?" She replied in the affirmative.


Paris Hilton ¡¡¡Tiene una nueva niña!!! Fans de Paris y London

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Paris Hilton tenía una razón muy sólida para dar gracias este jueves y es que anunció una nueva adición a su familia.

¡Paris y su marido Carter Reum tienen una nueva niña!

Hermano mayor Phoenix

Si miramos las fotos de París de los últimos meses, es bastante claro que el bebé nació a través de un vientre de alquiler, al igual que su otro hijo, Phoenix.

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El nombre del bebé es London. Suponemos que ese es el nombre porque Paris publicó una foto de un atuendo rosa con ese nombre estampado en la prenda.

London y Phoenix son contemporáneos. Él nació hace menos de un año.

Paris ya le está preguntando a su hijo si está preparado para ser hermano mayor. ¡Esperemos que eso no signifique que esté tratando de ponerlo en el reality show!

Paris estuvo también por todas las redes sociales preguntando a sus sobrinos: "¿Están emocionados por su nuevo primo?". Caspian, su sobrino, preguntó: "¿Tienes dos bebés?". Ella respondió afirmativamente.


Dolly Parton Sorprende con uniforme de cowboy En show de medio tiempo

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Dolly Parton arrasó en Acción de Gracias, cantando "We Are the Champions" durante el show de medio tiempo de los Washington Commanders-Dallas Cowboys, y Freddie Mercury estaría orgulloso.

La cantante de 77 años, que desafía a la edad, iba vestida de animadora, con un atuendo blanco y azul, y lucía increíble.

El público del AT&T Stadium de Arlington, Texas, enloqueció y con justa razón.

Dolly Parton también deleitó a la multitud con "Jolene" y "9 to 5". Y se quitó el sombrero ante Queen por segunda vez con "We Will Rock You".

Las animadoras de los Dallas Cowboys bailaron en el campo.

Fíjate en el comentarista deportivo de la CBS Tony Romo, que no podía más de emoción con Dolly. Está disculpado porque todos los espectadores tuvieron reacciones similares.

El copresentador Jim Nantz intentó cambiar de tema, pero Romo persistió.

¡Más pruebas de que ciertas cantantes femeninas son más grandes que el fútbol!

Dolly Parton Stuns In Cowboys Cheerleader Uniform During Halftime Performance

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Dolly Parton killed it on Thanksgiving, belting out "We Are the Champions" during the Washington Commanders-Dallas Cowboys Halftime Show ... and Freddie would be proud.

The 77-year-old singer, who defies age, was gussied up in a skimpy red, white and blue cheerleader fit, and looked incredible.

The crowd at AT&T Stadium in Arlington, TX went wild ... and they had every reason.

She also treated the crowd to "Jolene" and "9 to 5." And she tipped her hat to Queen a second time with "We Will Rock You."

The Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders got in the act during the show, dancing on the field.

Check out CBS sportscaster Tony Romo, who couldn't get over Dolly. He's excused because everyone watching had similar reactions.

Co-anchor Jim Nantz tried changing the subject, but Romo persisted.

More evidence certain female singers are bigger than football!

Estrellas en bikinis negros Hollywood Flash Sale ¡Mira estas sexys selfies!


¡Atención compradores! Puede que sea momento de comprar, pero por favor procedan con cautela, ¡porque ustedes (y sus mandíbulas) se pueden quedar boquiabiertas al echar un vistazo a estas deliciosas señoritas que lucen sus diminutos bikinis negros! Usa el código: ¡Bikini Babes, y salta a la parte delantera de la línea 😜 !

¡La gimnasta Livvy Dunne vende descaro mientras muestra su flexibilidad en su bañador deportivo! Y, guapetonas como Emily Ratajkowski, Genie Bouchard y Kali Uchis están promoviendo ofertas peligrosas en sus trajes itsby bitsy.

Echa un vistazo a nuestra galería con las mejores estrellas de Hollywood vendiendo bikinis negros. ¡Nos vemos en la caja registradora!

Stars In Black Bikinis ... Hollywood Flash Sale On Sexy Selfies!


Attention shoppers, it may be shop o'clock, but proceed with caution, because you (and your jaws) may drop as you browse through these luscious ladies serving looks in their teeny tiny black bikinis! Use code: Bikini Babes, and skip to the front of the line 😜 !

Gymnast Livvy Dunne is selling sass while showing off her flexibility in her sporty swimsuit! And, bodacious babes like Emily Ratajkowski, Genie Bouchard and Kali Uchis are promoting dangerous deals in their itsby bitsy suits.

Scan through our gallery of Hollywood's finest selling sex in black bikinis ... See y'all at the register!