'Reacher' Actor Alan Ritchson I Tried To Hang Myself ... Vision Of Sons Saved Him

Alan Ritchson is opening up about his dark past, admitting that he once attempted suicide after being repeatedly sexually assaulted -- but his sons saved him.

The "Reacher" actor recently sat down with the Hollywood Reporter and gave a wide-ranging interview that included his shocking confession that he tried to hang himself.

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Ritchson told the outlet that, in 2019, he went to the attic of his California home and climbed up to the top of a loft, tossing one end of an extension cord over the rafters and securing it.

Anna Paquin Looks Stunning At NYC Movie Premiere with Walking Cane

Anna Paquin made her return to the red carpet Wednesday night after a long absence from the public eye due to a mysterious health crisis – and she was using a walking cane.

Still, the Oscar-winning actress looked like a million bucks in her all-black, form-fitting dress -- while propped up by her cane at the Crosby Street Hotel in Manhattan.

Anna posed for photos next to hubby Stephen Moyer -- also decked out in all-black  -- at the opening of their new film, "A Bit Of Light." Moyer directed the movie starring Anna who plays Ella -- an alcoholic trying to stay sober.

Vernon Davis On Vontae Davis' Death ... I Believe He Passed Following Sauna Session

Ex-NFL star Vernon Davis says it's still a mystery as to how exactly his brother, Vontae Davis, died earlier this week ... although he said Monday he believes the former Colts cornerback passed away following a session in a sauna.

The ex-San Francisco 49ers tight end broke his silence on his little bro's death during an interview with The Daily Mail on Wednesday ... just two days after Vontae was found deceased inside a gym at his Southwest Ranches, Fla. home.

Vernon says he believes his brother either collapsed or slipped after spending time soaking in steam -- but outside of that, he really is unsure of how the former NFLer passed at just 35 years old.

Mark Coleman Gifted Tix To UFC 300 ... After Saving Parents From House Fire

what a time to be alive

Ex-MMA star Mark Coleman is getting the royal treatment after heroically saving his parents from a house fire last month ... with Dana White's organization hooking him up with tickets to UFC 300!!

The former heavyweight champion shared the exciting news on Tuesday ... saying he and his daughters will be present when the big event goes down in Las Vegas next weekend.

Coleman was clearly pumped over the gesture ... showing off some punches as he exercised during his video announcement.

59-year-old Coleman even joked he would be a backup fighter on the card ... adding he can't wait to check out Max Holloway and Justin Gaethje duke it out for the "BMF" belt, as well as the main event fights between Alex Pereira and Jamahal Hill and Zhang Weili and Yan Xiaonan.

Holloway spoke out in support of Coleman on Monday ... saying the UFC legend should present the belt after the fight, as he's the REAL BMF for risking everything for his loved ones.

As we previously reported, Coleman has been on the road to recovery following the life-threatening tragedy ... but has shown great signs of improvement, even returning to the gym just days later.

Enjoy the fights, champ!!

Shannen Doherty Dice que se está preparando para su muerte... Regala objetos personales

Shannen Doherty
Se vende, se vende, se vende
Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty cree firmemente que la ciencia puede ayudarla a vencer el cáncer, pero por el bien de su madre, se está preparando de todos modos para su muerte, deshaciéndose de sus posesiones materiales.

La actriz de "Beverly Hills, 90210" compartió la revelación en el episodio del lunes de su podcast "Let's Be Clear", donde detalló la limpieza que está haciendo después de darse cuenta de que sus objetos personales eran una carga para sus seres queridos.

Dijo que está dándole prioridad a las necesidades de su madre Rosa durante este periodo, y quiere dejar pocas cosas en caso de que pierda su lucha contra el cáncer en etapa 4.

Shannen Doherty Says She's Preparing for Death ... Giving Away Personal Items

Shannen Doherty
Let’s Be Clear with Shannen Doherty

Shannen Doherty firmly believes science can help her defeat cancer, but for her mother's sake ... she's still preparing for death by getting rid of her material possessions.

The "Beverly Hills, 90210" actress shared the revelation on Monday's episode of her 'Let's Be Clear' podcast ... where she detailed cleaning out her storage unit after realizing her personal items were a burden to her loved ones.

As SD put it ... she is prioritizing her mother Rosa's needs during this time -- wanting to leave little behind for her to deal with in the event she loses her fight with stage 4 cancer.

Mavis Leno Struggling with Her Memory ... Doesn't Recognize Jay

Jay Leno's wife Mavis is seriously struggling with her memory amid her ongoing battle with dementia ... TMZ has learned.

In new court documents obtained by TMZ ... Mavis' lawyer, who was court-appointed after Jay filed a conservatorship petition, says her memory is in such decline, Mavis struggles to recognize her husband and recall her own birth date.

The 77-year-old philanthropist's memory issues are confirmed by a neurologist overseeing her care, which started after a 2018 car accident.


Machine Gun Kelly nos está mostrando como fue llegar a tener su torso entero ennegrecido por un tatuaje... y parece que duele como el infierno.

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El cantante publicó imágenes que muestran el proceso detrás de escenas, y como se puede ver, hay un montón de cicatrices, sangrado e hinchazón a través de 7 sesiones intensas en el transcurso de 2 semanas.

Desde las axilas hasta el ombligo e incluso alrededor del pezón, MGK se ha tatuado todo. Sin duda debe ser un dolor insoportable.

MACHINE GUN KELLY Posts VID Showing BLACKOUT TATTOO Process ... Bleeding, Scarring, Swelling

Machine Gun Kelly's giving us a peek into what it was like to get his entire torso blacked out in a near-full-body tattoo ... and it looks like it hurt like hell.

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The singer posted footage that shows the behind-the-scenes process of him getting blasted from the waist up ... and as you can see, there's a lot of scarring, bleeding, and swelling as he takes us through 7 intense sessions over the course of 2 weeks.

From the armpits to the belly button and even around the nipple -- MGK tatted it all, which looks particularly excruciating -- with the needling journey hitting every nook and cranny.

Justin Zanik Jazz's GM Reveals Kidney Failure ... In First Physical In 8 Years

Utah Jazz general manager Justin Zanik revealed he's been dealing with a serious health condition .... admitting he was in kidney failure after he was diagnosed with a disease that left only 14% of the organ's function.

The 49-year-old went into detail about the discovery on Monday ... explaining his wife, Gina, was concerned that he looked thinner and tired -- so she begged him to get a physical after missing the last eight annual exams.

Zanik -- who became the NBA team's GM in 2019 -- set up an appointment with the Jazz physician David Petron in September 2023 ... and was told he was in kidney failure.

The diagnosis is Polycystic Kidney Disease -- an inherited disorder where cysts develop on the kidneys causing them to work less -- and Dr. Petron said Zanik only had 14% of the kidney's use left.

Zanik will have to get a transplant -- something his father did 21 years ago ... and he found a match with his wife's best friend's husband. The procedure will happen on Tuesday.

"I'm a fixer by nature. My job with the Jazz, my role with my family -- I mean, I was a [player] agent for 15 years. I fixed a lot of s***. I'm the one who's supposed to help," Zanik said.

"I'm the one who's supposed to take care of everything. I really didn't know how to ask for help, but I had to get over it. I knew I had to get over it."

Zanik's children were also diagnosed with advanced forms of PKD ... and were told that Ava, Oskar, and Lucy would need transplants before they were 30 years old.

"We're going to do this together," Zanik said. "We're stronger together."

Zanik will stay at the University of Utah's hospital after the surgery to monitor the kidney and recover at home for the rest of the month.


La estrella de "Boardwalk Empire" -Michael Stuhlbarg- fue atacado por un vagabundo con una roca, según ha confirmado TMZ.

Fuentes policiales nos dicen que el actor estaba haciendo footing en Manhattan el domingo alrededor de las 7:45 PM cuando de repente sintió un golpe en la parte posterior de su cabeza.

Nos dicen que cuando miró hacia abajo, se dio cuenta de que una roca yacía a su lado. A pesar del shock, nuestras fuentes dicen que Michael no perdió el tiempo persiguiendo al agresor, es decir, hasta que las autoridades llegaron a la escena y fueron capaces de manejar el resto.


"Boardwalk Empire" star Michael Stuhlbarg was attacked by a homeless man with a rock, TMZ has confirmed.

Law enforcement sources tell us the actor was out jogging in Manhattan on Sunday around 7:45 PM when he suddenly felt something strike the back of his head.

We're told when he looked down, he noticed a rock lying beside him. Despite the shock, our sources say Michael wasted no time chasing the perpetrator down the street ... that is, until authorities arrived at the scene and were able to handle the rest.

Kate Beckinsale Posts From Hospital Bed on Easter ... Amid Mystery Illness

Kate Beckinsale continues to leave people alarmed about her as she posted an update from her hospital bed on Easter ... this as her mystery illness drags on.

The actress took to Instagram on Sunday to share a holiday-themed message with her fans ... as she uploaded a pic of just her legs as she wore black PJs with white bow designs and bunny socks.

The pic appeared to be taken from the hospital, prompting several fans and famous friends to ask about KB's health. In fact, Gwen Stefani even wrote in the comments ... "What’s wrong!!!"

REY CHARLES III asiste a la misa de Pascua En plena lucha contra el cáncer

El rey Charles III puede estar enfermo, pero tuvo una gran aparición pública el domingo, asistiendo a los servicios de Pascua en el Castillo de Windsor.

Carlos y Camilla llegaron a la Capilla de San Jorge, donde fueron recibidos con  una gran fanfarria. El clero se reunió con ellos fuera y Charles saludó a los espectadores.

Hubo diferencias este año debido al tratamiento médico de Charles -está recibiendo quimioterapia para el cáncer- lo que compromete su sistema inmunológico, por lo que él y Camilla estaban sentados aparte del resto de la realeza. Tampoco asistió a la recepción posterior a la ceremonia.

King Charles III Grand Entrance for Easter Sunday Church Services

King Charles III may be ill, but he bounced back for a big public appearance Sunday ... attending Easter services at Windsor Castle.

KC and Camilla rolled up to St. George's Chapel and there was fanfare waiting for them. The clergy met them outside as Charles waved to onlookers.

There were differences this year because of Charles' medical treatment ... he's undergoing chemo for cancer, which compromises his immune system, so he and Camilla were seated apart from the rest of the royals. He also skipped the reception after the service.

Bill Maher COVID Overreaction Proves ... Americans Stuck on Stupid!!!

Stuck on Stupid

Bill Maher unloaded on the media and others who shamed anyone who dared question COVID restrictions, because he says lots of people who broke from conventional wisdom were right.

The 'Real Time' host says he's sick of people and media excusing their mistakes during the pandemic by saying, "Well, we just didn't know." BM isn't so much challenging them ... he's saying people who questioned some of the restrictions were shamed as "wackos."

For example, Bill says the party line -- that schools should be closed -- turned out to be wrong, because the damage done to kids by keeping them at home may be far worse than the virus itself. Yet anyone who questioned that was dismissed as a right-wing nut.

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