'Yellowstone' Star Forrie J. Smith I Was Kicked Off Plane ... Didn't Want To Sit Next to Masked Passenger

I Got The Boot!

Forrie J. Smith claims he got booted off a plane for being drunk ... but he says it's really because the passenger sitting next to him was wearing a mask.

The "Yellowstone" star shared a video to Instagram where he says he's just been removed from a plane after telling someone -- unclear exactly who, but presumably flight attendants or others in positions of authority on the craft -- he didn't want to sit next to someone wearing a mask.

Smith -- who has to be reminded what airport he's at -- says they kicked him off the aircraft claiming he was drunk, but he asserts he's only had a few drinks and absolutely isn't drunk.

Actress Gina Bellman No 'Courage' to Admit Cancer ... Until Princess Kate Did

Kate Middleton's shocking announcement ended with a message of support for all those affected by cancer ... and seemingly inspired one such person to speak out.

Actress Gina Bellman -- best known for her role as Sophie Devereaux on the series "Leverage" -- posted a message of support to X for the Princess of Wales a little over an hour after Kate's video shocked the world.

And, minutes after her first tweet applauding KM's bravery ... Bellman told her followers about her own cancer diagnosis.

FORRIE J. SMITH "ME ECHARON DE UN AVIÓN" Expulsado por desorden


Forrie J. Smith afirma que fue expulsado de un avión por estar borracho, pero dice que en realidad es porque el pasajero sentado a su lado llevaba una máscarilla.

La estrella de "Yellowstone" compartió un video en Instagram donde dice que acababa de ser expulsado de un avión después de decirle a alguien -no está claro exactamente quién, pero presumiblemente asistentes de vuelo u otras personas en posiciones de autoridad en la nave- que no quería sentarse junto a alguien que llevaba una máscara.

Smith -a quien hay que recordarle en qué aeropuerto está- dice que lo echaron del avión alegando que estaba borracho, pero él asegura que solo había tomado unas copas y que no estaba borracho.

Forrie comenzó de hacer un escándalo, llamando abusivos a todos los que le obligan a usar una mascarilla, y reitera que la máscara en la cara del otro pasajero le hizo sentir incómodo.

Forrie -más conocido por interpretar a Lloyd Pierce en 45 episodios de la exitosa serie "Yellowstone"- subtituló el video: "Tienes que escuchar esta historia". No hace falta decir que está generando molestias en línea.

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Gimenez Instrumental In Getting Daisy de la Hoya Into Treatment

Daisy de la Hoya received a helping hand from some fellow Hollywood stars who are also sober and familiar with what she experienced during a mental health breakdown.

Jennifer Gimenez, formerly of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" fame and her husband, Tim Ryan from A&E's "Dope Man" tell TMZ ...  they teamed up with actor Corey Feldman and his manager, Dave Altman to help get Daisy into a mental health treatment center.

Jennifer and Tim tell us Daisy's seeing a therapist daily and is going through the 12-step program. This, of course, comes after Daisy was accused of stalking "90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks ... which she denies.


Jennifer and Tim say Daisy is journaling a lot, working on music, and has already acknowledged she had a problem -- which Jennifer and Tim say is a huge step in the right direction, and one that takes a whole lot to admit.

Corey's manager is currently caring for her dog.

Jennifer and Tim -- both recovering addicts who care for people in long-term recovery -- say Daisy was fragile when she entered treatment, but they're already seeing her turn the corner.

It's great to hear she's doing much better now ... all thanks to some great celeb friends!

If you need Jennifer or Tim's help visit dopetohope.com or call 844-611-HOPE (4673).

Corey Feldman, Jennifer Giménez Ayudan a Daisy de la Hoya a recibir tratamiento

Daisy de la Hoya recibió el apoyo de algunas estrellas de Hollywood que también están sobrias y familiarizadas con lo que experimentó durante una crisis emocional.

Jennifer Gimenez, ex participante de "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew" y su marido, Tim Ryan, anfitrión de A&E le dicen a TMZ que se asociaron con el actor Corey Feldman y su manager Dave Altman para ayudar a conseguir un centro de salud mental donde Daisy pueda recibir tratamiento.

Jennifer y Tim nos dicen que Daisy está viendo a un terapeuta diariamente y pasando por el programa de 12 pasos. Esto, por supuesto, viene después de que Daisy fuera acusada de acosar a las estrellas de "90 Day Fiancé", Mariah Fineman y Tom Brooks, algo que ella niega.

Invitación a comer

Jennifer y Tim dicen que Daisy está escribiendo mucho, trabajando en la música y que ya es consciente de que tenía un problema, algo que Jennifer y Tim consideran un gran paso en la dirección correcta, pues significa mucho hacerlo.

El manager de Corey está actualmente cuidando de su perro. Nos dicen que la Fundación MusiCares está pagando por el tratamiento de Daisy.

Jennifer y Tim, que en el pasado tuvieron problemas de adicción y ahora ayudan a personas en recuperación, dicen que Daisy estaba muy frágil cuando comenzó el tratamiento, pero que ya la ven mucho mejor.

Es bueno saber que ahora está mucho mejor, ¡y todo gracias a algunos grandes amigos famosos!

Royal Family Biographer Deletes Kate Middleton 'Countdown' ... Wanted To Highlight Announcement

A controversial royal family biographer is in some hot water for a tweet he posted minutes before Kate Middleton announced her cancer diagnosis.

Omid Scobie -- who wrote a controversial book on the royal family last year -- shared a tweet of him setting an alarm for 6 PM on Friday ... the time in England when Kate Middleton shocked the world by revealing she has cancer.

And, right after the Princess of Wales revealed the info, two things happened -- Scobie took the tweet down, and social media raked him over the coals.

Comments calling the tweet tasteless and attacking Omid's character ran rampant across X ... and the journalist ultimately had to address the online controversy after several media outlets picked up the news.

In another tweet posted Friday, Scobie explains he didn't know what the announcement was about, and only wanted to alert his followers to the news -- deleting his post shortly after watching Middleton's video.

Scobie expresses his frustration with the outlets who reported the story, saying they ran with the post as if it were a sick "countdown" to the news ... which he says was never his intention.


It's not totally shocking some people may think Omid was making light of the news ... 'cause he's quite the controversial figure in the royal realm. Remember, Scobie wrote the book "Endgame" which made some serious claims about the royal family.

Among them, two senior royals were alleged to have made racist comments about Meghan and Harry's children. Though they were supposed to go unnamed, a Dutch translation of the book listed them ... as King Charles and Princess Kate.

Scobie's said the two were erroneously identified ... but, the book left a sour taste in many people's mouths -- and it appears Scobie's no longer getting the benefit of the doubt, especially when it comes to the Princess of Wales.

Seems like this is a simple miscommunication ... but, tensions are obviously high -- with so many X users ready to jump to Kate's defense.

Kate Middleton Love From Diana's Brother ... Praises Her 'Strength'

Kate Middleton's feelin' the love from every corner of the globe ... including from a prominent member of her own family who had a close connection to Princess Diana.

Charles Spencer -- the late Diana's brother -- posted a message of support to Kate Saturday following her bombshell cancer video announcement Friday.

The 9th Earl Spencer shared a screengrab of Kate's appearance and kept the caption short and sweet, writing, "Incredible poise and strength."

It's a pretty simple message from Princess Di's bro ... but, meaningful nonetheless. Remember, Diana was always applauded for her own poise as she went through her messy divorce from King Charles in the early 1990s.

And, Spencer even publicly compared the media scrutiny around Kate's stepping away from the spotlight to media attention around Diana before her death earlier this week -- making a more direct comparison between the two women.

Of course, Spencer isn't the only family member to send their messages of support out wide for Kate ... with the king and his wife Queen Camilla also making a public statement lauding Middleton's courage while Prince Harry & Meghan Markle even tried to reach out privately to the Princess of Wales.

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Kate, of course, never got to meet Diana because the late princess was killed in a car crash several years before she started dating William.

But, she's clearly loved by the Spencer fam -- who are sending their love during this challenging time.

Kim Kardashian Stays Quiet On Kate Middleton ... Amid IG Controversy

Kim Kardashian stayed mum about Kate Middleton's shocking cancer revelation Friday ... this after the reality star created controversy over her recent flippant comments about the princess.


Kim and her son, Saint, tried to make a fast getaway as they were leaving his basketball game in Thousand Oaks, CA -- but they couldn't escape the lenses of the paparazzi.

As they dashed inside their waiting SUV, one of the shutterbugs hurled a question at Kim, asking her for a comment about Kate. Kim didn't even acknowledge the photog before disappearing inside the vehicle with Saint and being driven away.

As you may recall ... Last Sunday, Kim got herself in some hot water when she posted an Instagram image, showing her standing next to her ride while making a small wisecrack about Kate. In the caption, Kim lightly joked that she was on her way to find the Princes of Wales.

This all happened after Kate vanished from the public eye amid her then-secret cancer crisis.

But it didn't matter ... Kim caught heat from commenters, accusing her of trolling Kate for flying under the radar. Now Kim is getting really roasted after Kate's big cancer reveal Friday. The reason? Kim hasn't taken down her Kate post from IG.

Nicole Eggert Sympathy for Kate's Cancer Journey ... Oncologist Weighs In Too


Nicole Eggert -- who's battling cancer herself -- says she can sympathize with what Kate Middleton is now going through herself ... telling us there's a lot to juggle on this journey.

We talked to the actress Friday and she weighed in on Kate's announcement -- where she revealed she'd been diagnosed with cancer and was receiving preventative chemotherapy. Nicole, who has breast cancer, tells us there's a lot she can relate to with her own diagnosis.

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For starters, NE says there's a lot of pressure having to weather this storm for public figures -- and perhaps even doubly so for someone like Kate ... who's a senior Royal.

Nicole says the public should lend her some grace during this time and not scrutinize as much as they have been ... because Kate will undoubtedly go through some changes in the near future, some of which she might not want to share with everyone despite the curiosity.


There's another element to this as well, and that includes how to deal with parenting her three young children as she and William navigate these choppy waters ... something Nicole tells us will be no easy task.

Take a listen to how she describes this -- NE says Kate not only has to process her diagnosis and manage how her body feels throughout this ... but she'll have her children to worry about as well, which is why a solid foundation at home and help will go a long way.

Kate Middleton Lessons for Palace PR to Learn From Diagnosis Says Reporter Taylor Lorenz

Kate Middleton's cancer announcement came too little, too late and was completely mismanaged by Kensington Palace -- so says a reporter who knows all about social media.

We talked to Taylor Lorenz Friday on "TMZ Live," where she analyzed the effect Kate's health news might have online -- where all the conspiracy theories and speculation about her condition and whereabouts have been running rampant for weeks now.


Taylor says a reckoning of sorts is happening on social media after Kate came out and told the world about her cancer -- with a lot of people deleting their tweets and posts that were mocking the whole saga. Her coming out has certainly tamped down the speculation.

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With that said, TL tells us there are still people that'll have their doubts about all this -- even in the wake of the health update -- and the reason, she says, is because the Palace has botched the rollout of this news ... something she says they should've just started with.

The fact that Kensington Palace appears to have tried to keep this secret and under wraps for as long as they did -- with missteps along the way, including the Mother's Day photo -- has only given skeptics more reason to lean into the theories and gossip about Kate.

Príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle Le desean lo mejor a Kate tras noticias de su cáncer Rezan por su recuperación

Meghan Markle y el Príncipe Harry acaban de enviarle sus mejores deseos a Kate Middleton tras anunciar que fue diagnosticada con cáncer, y están especialmente esperando que el público los deje lidiar con todo esto en paz.

El duque y la duquesa de Sussex le dicen a TMZ: "Deseamos salud y recuperación para Kate y su familia, y esperamos que puedan hacerlo en privado y en paz".

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Reveladoras noticias
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Como informamos, Meg y Harry estuvieron en Los Ángeles el jueves en la noche en una exposición de arte y no había ninguna señal de que supieran sobre la noticia de Kate. No está claro si eran conscientes de su diagnóstico o no, pero en cualquier caso están enviándole su cariño.

Por supuesto, Harry viajó a Londres el mes pasado para ver a su padre cuando supo que había sido diagnosticado de cáncer, pero de nuevo, no tenemos ni idea de lo que el rey Carlos sabía sobre la situación de Kate y lo que podría haberle transmitido a Harry, si es que lo hizo, en su momento. Su viaje fue muy rápido.

No hace falta decir que la relación de Harry y Will se ha fracturado en los últimos años, especialmente después de que Harry y Meghan dejaran a la familia real para empezar una nueva vida aquí en California.

Sin embargo, este tipo de noticias supera todo eso y se refleja en su declaración.

Kate también pidió privacidad en su anuncio, diciendo que ella y William están navegando este viaje tan delicado como pueden, especialmente pensando en sus hijos.

La Princesa de Gales no reveló con qué tipo de cáncer está luchando, pero dice que está cada día más fuerte, lo que era evidente en el video obtenido por TMZ de su salida.

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DE compras con William
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Las dos parejas han tenido sus problemas en el pasado, pero parece que los Royals se están uniendo en este momento para ayudar a Kate y compañía en este difícil momento, incluso estando desde el otro lado del charco.

KATE MIDDLETON's Diagnosis OPENING FOR HARRY & WILL TO MAKE UP ... Says Royal Correspondent

Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis may be the one thing that can bring Prince Harry and Prince William back together after years of growing apart ... so says a Royal correspondent.

Chance To Reconcile

Sean Mandell -- creator of the "Spilling Royal Tea" podcast -- shared his insights on "TMZ Live" shortly after Kate's health revelation Friday ... saying the silver lining in the devastating news may lie in the small window of opportunity for the two to finally patch things up.

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Mandell reminds us Harry actually used to be quite close with Kate -- in fact, he practically third-wheeled loads of her public engagements with William ... this before Meghan Markle came along, which created an undeniable divide between the trio.

However, SM tells us that something of this magnitude has the potential to melt any icy feelings between Harry and William -- and he suspects there may be a reconciliation.

As we reported ... Harry and Meg sent their well-wishes to Kate Friday, not long after she revealed she was battling cancer. Unclear if any future visits across the pond are planned.

While Mandell believes Harry will reach out to Kate personally -- which may lead to some fence-mending between him and his sibling -- it's hard to tell if the 'Fab 4' will get back together the way they used to be pre-Megxit ... there's been a lot of bad blood since.

In any case ... Sean says the Royals will pull together one way or another -- especially on the issue of Royal duties. Lots of other Royals are stepping in, and he thinks even Harry might get back into the mix now that both his father and sister-in-law have fallen ill.

Time will tell, we suppose ... as Mandell says here, some things are bigger than old beef.

Prince Harry & Meghan Markle Wish Kate Well After Cancer News Praying For Healing, Privacy

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle just wished Kate Middleton all the best amid her cancer diagnosis -- and they're especially hoping the public lets her deal with this in peace.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex tell TMZ ... "We wish health and healing for Kate and the family, and hope they are able to do so privately and in peace."

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As we reported ... Meg and Harry were out and about in L.A. Thursday night at an art exhibition -- and there was no indication that the Kate news was on their radar. Unclear if they were aware of her diagnosis or not, but in any case ... they're sending their love.

Of course, Harry jetted on over to London last month to see his father amid his own cancer diagnosis -- but again, we have no idea what King Charles knew about Kate's situation ... and what, if anything, may have been relayed to Harry at the time. His trip was very quick.

It goes without saying ... Harry and Will's relationship has been fractured in recent years -- especially after PH and MM left the Royal family to pursue their life here in California.

Still, this type of development trumps all that ... and that's reflected in H&M's statement.

Kate also asked for privacy during her announcement -- saying she and William are navigating this journey as delicately as they can ... especially with their children in mind.

The Princess of Wales did not disclose what type of cancer she's battling, but she says she's getting stronger each day -- which was evident in the video TMZ obtained of her out.

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The two couples have had their issues in the past, but it seems the Royals are coming together right now to help Kate and co. weather the storm -- even from across the pond.

Psychiatrist Dr. Charles Sophy Kate Should Be Honest with Kids ... Over Cancer Diagnosis

Kate Middleton should be open and honest with her kids about her cancer diagnosis -- 'cause that'll be the best way for them to deal with it ... per a prominent expert in the field.

We spoke with Dr. Charles Sophy on "TMZ Live" Friday just minutes after the Princess of Wales revealed to the world she's dealing with cancer -- and he weighed in on how she and Prince William's children might be processing this heavy news about their mom.


Sophy -- a renowned child and family psychiatrist -- says lots of communication with the children, even about adult matters, is the best route to help them understand what's going on  ... and so is listening, as kids will ask the questions they want and need answers to.

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Dr. Sophy says the Royal Couple needs to be transparent with their children -- 10-year-old George, 8-year-old Charlotte, and 5-year-old Louis -- and address the physical changes Kate may go through early on so the little ones aren't taken aback by things that may come.

On the issue of talking about really hard questions regarding the serious nature of the disease and how Kate's feeling throughout ... Sophy advises William and Kate to leave answers open-ended -- not promising a miraculous recovery, while also trying not to alarm the kids at the same time. He says it's a fine line ... one Will and Kate will have to walk together.

Since the young Royals are of different ages, some may question whether giving them varying levels of information is the right way to go ... but Sophy says no. He thinks William and Kate should give them all the same general information and let them process it how they need to.

Of course, Prince William will also be dealing with his own emotions following his wife's diagnosis ... and Sophy thinks it may bring up old emotions and trauma regarding the death of another famous Royal -- his mother, Princess Diana. Sophy says Will has to find the balance to weather his family through this storm.

Kate says she and her husband have already filled their children in on what's going on -- and that she's needed time out of the spotlight to do so correctly and with care.

Unclear how those convos have gone, but Sophy's advice is clear ... lead with the truth.

Kate Middleton Announces Cancer Diagnosis

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breaking the news
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1:56 PM PT -- A rep for the Teenage Cancer Trust -- an org that Kate has worked with in the past, before her cancer diagnosis -- tells TMZ ... "Our thoughts are with Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and we wish her all the best for her treatment."

They add, "If you think you have cancer yourself, it’s important to get checked out as soon as you can."

12:11 PM PT -- King Charles is extending his well-wishes to Kate Middleton during her cancer battle, with Buckingham Palace saying, "His Majesty is so proud of Catherine for her courage in speaking as she did."

They go on to say that after Kate's hospitalization, Charles has "remained in the closest contact with his beloved daughter-in-law throughout the past weeks." BP continues, noting Their Majesties "will continue to offer their love and support to the whole family through this difficult time."

Kate Middleton just announced she has cancer -- breaking her silence on months of speculation over her health ... and it sounds serious.

The Princess of Wales showed face Friday in a video that Kensington Palace posted -- and in it, Kate addresses the public ... revealing she was diagnosed with cancer, something that was discovered after her abdominal surgery in January.

Kate says, "In January, I underwent major abdominal surgery in London and at the time, it was thought that my condition was non-cancerous. The surgery was successful. However, tests after the operation found cancer had been present. My medical team therefore advised that I should undergo a course of preventative chemotherapy and I am now in the early stages of that treatment." She didn't address the specific type of cancer she's battling.

Kate also appears to allude to her lengthy absence, as she says she and Will have needed time to address this health issue with their three children -- all of whom are fairly young -- as she's wanted to assure them that she's going to be okay.

We broke the story, Kensington Palace was geared up to provide a major update on Kate's health -- something they've now done, and it's left many heartbroken as Kate battles this.

In her video, Kate asks for privacy during this difficult time as she undergoes chemotherapy.

The announcement ends months of speculation over Kate's whereabouts and health -- which kicked off in mid-January when the Princess of Wales was hospitalized for abdominal surgery ... a hospitalization that came out of nowhere, and which was supposed to end in 2 weeks.

Obviously, Kate was out of the public eye for way longer than that ... and the longer it went on, the more they pedaled conspiracy theories and fueled a never-ending rumor mill.

At first, all the talk and gossip about Kate started as relatively light -- namely, through a bunch of memes and jokes online ... where people poked fun about the situation -- but which only grew in seriousness the more that the Palace attempted to address all the conjecture.

At first, the Palace just issued a statement -- saying Kate was still recovering and doing well ... and then, not long after, we saw Kate surface in public for the first time ... showing up in a car being driven by her mother, where Kate was wearing shades and maintaining a low profile.

People didn't buy that was Kate, and the memes and jokes only continued -- with the conspiracy theories kicking into overdrive. After that, the Mother's Day photo fiasco occurred.

Remember -- Kensington Palace posted a picture that they said had been taken by Prince William .... showing Kate with her kids. However, it quickly became clear that the image had been doctored in Photoshop -- with several apparent alterations having occurred in editing.

Kate put out a statement in the aftermath of that ... copping to the fact she edited it.

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Fast-forward to last weekend, when Kate and William surfaced at a farm shop about a mile from their home -- which became the first true sighting of Kate out and about on her own two feet. While she looked happy and fairly healthy ... many noticed her weight loss.

The cancer news now clarifies why Kate appeared so thin in our video -- she's in treatment for it ... and this is one of the known side effects, and it can take a heavy toll on the body.

This update is clearly devastating for her family and loved ones -- but also, for all of the UK as well ... of which she serves as a key Royal figure, and which she's served dutifully.

It also goes without saying ... Kate is now the second senior Royal to be battling cancer. Her father-in-law, King Charles, was also recently diagnosed with cancer -- although it's unclear what form he has, or at what stage it is. With that said, Charles has been carrying on with his duties of late.

Tough times for Kate and the Royal Family at large ... best wishes to her and all of them.

Originally Published -- 11:02 AM PT

White House Press Secretary Wishing Kate Full Recovery ... Won't Say If Biden Called

sending well-wishes
The White House

Kate Middleton's cancer diagnosis is on President Biden's radar ... as the White House Press Secretary addressed the news minutes after it broke.

Karine Jean-Pierre kicked off her daily briefing Friday by acknowledging the White House heard the news out of Kensington Palace, and said their thoughts were with the Duchess of Cambridge, along with Prince William and the rest of the Royal Family

KJP wished Kate a full recovery, and then said she and the rest of the administration want to respect her privacy, and wouldn't comment further on the matter.

Jean-Pierre added that she wouldn't answer questions about whether the prez had spoken with any member of the Royal Family -- wisely anticipating what was coming next from the press corps -- and then moved on to other business.

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It seems the news caught the White House about as off-guard as the rest of the world ... the Royal Family made no indication of Kate's health until she posted the video this morning at 11 AM PT telling the world about her diagnosis.

As we reported, Kate had abdominal surgery back in January, and she says tests run after the surgery showed cancer had been present. She started a round of preventative chemotherapy and only recently resurfaced in public.

President Biden has a close relationship with King Charles -- discussing climate change last summer on JB's first visit to the UK after Charles was crowned King, and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden actually met Kate while attending Charles' Coronation in May 2023.

So ya gotta imagine, if he hasn't already called, he will soon ... to offer well wishes.

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