Kate Middleton New Video Shows Her Happy, Healthy With William

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TMZ / The Sun

The Kate Middleton sighting that got reported on this week is real after all -- 'cause a new video of her during this outing has surfaced ... and TMZ's got a first look.

TMZ has obtained a clip that was taken of Kate Saturday while she and Prince William were visiting a business about a mile from their home in Windsor -- known as the Windsor Farm Shop -- where The Sun reported eyewitnesses saw them out and about this past weekend.

Onlookers felt she looked "happy, relaxed and healthy" as she strolled in the store -- a supermarket of sorts -- and the couple didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Their three kids weren't with them ... but The Sun also claimed they spent the first part of their Saturday watching the children play sports. At first, there was no real evidence to back up the report ... but now, the first actual visual of her here has surfaced, and it's 100% her.

As you see in this footage, obtained by TMZ, Kate looks relaxed in casual athletic wear ... rocking an all-black look with some pink trimming. Her gait is strong -- a good sign given her purported abdominal surgery. PW is right by her side as they walk out of the Farm Shop with bags in hand.

Nobody around looks to be bothering them ... and Kate, sure enough, does indeed look pretty cheerful here -- smiling wide and even carrying on a conversation with her husband.

One of the eyewitnesses who saw them, Nelson Silva, says ... "I noticed a couple choosing loaves of bread and the woman turned her face and I felt like I had seen the face before. It was familiar. I knew it from somewhere."

He adds, "I went to my car and as they came out of the shop I just filmed them. I think they walked out through a gate out of the grounds. They just vanished and I didn't see a car. I just wanted to share with my family footage and show just how normal they were."

Silva finishes ... "Kate looked happy and relaxed. They look happy just to be able to go to a shop and mingle. Kate looked relieved like it was a success going to a shop. It felt natural."

The couple was walking at a relatively brisk pace ... and Kate, on its face, seems to be okay. Frankly, it's as if nothing was ever wrong with her ... although, of course, we know she was in the hospital for a while for a serious procedure that took her out of commission.

The exact nature of her ailment was never made clear by Kensington Palace officials.

BTW, for all the skeptics who might not believe this was taken as it's been relayed to us -- we've delved into the metadata ... and there's no doubt, this was filmed on Saturday right near the Prince and Princess of Wales' home in Windsor. So yes, it's a legitimate video.

Like we said, this is the first time we've seen Kate out in public -- outside of a car, that is -- since December -- and now that we're seeing her in the wild, on her own two feet, ya gotta wonder if this will satisfy conspiracy theorists who have taken over TikTok.

Remember, the Palace says she underwent abdominal surgery in January -- and was scheduled to be sidelined until at least Easter. Despite this timeline ... that hasn't stopped people from floating jokes/conspiracy theories, which got gravely serious on Mother's Day.

Of course, we're referring to the Photoshop fail seen 'round-the-world ... which showed that Kate (or someone at Kensington Palace) tried to pull a fast one on the public. There were 16 alterations made to the photo ... and it's been debunked as a fake many times over.

Kate ended up copping to it herself ... albeit, in nothing but a social media statement. Lots of people felt she was falling on the sword and that the Palace was behind the edits.

After that botched job ... everyone thought something very serious was going on -- but now, we're seeing Kate out and about and seemingly fine.

Are you believing your lying eyes?

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Jake Gyllenhaal I Sliced Hand In Fight W/ Conor ... Got Staph Infection

Jake Gyllenhaal says he suffered a nasty injury while shooting the new "Road House" movie with Conor McGregor ... revealing he cut his hand right open during an intense fight scene -- and ended up with a staph infection.

Much More Realistic
Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

The Academy Award nominee and UFC superstar opened up on working together on set during a recent episode of "Armchair Expert" with Dax Shepard ... and while they both praised each other's professionalism, there was a bit of bad blood involved.

Gyllenhaal -- who plays former MMA fighter Elwood Dalton in the flick -- explained he was shooting an intense showdown with Conor's character, Knox ... and the scene involved a ton of breakaway glass.

As it turns out, it didn't matter if it was real or fake ... 'cause when Gyllenhaal put his hand down on the bar in the middle of the take, a piece went right through his mitt.

But, there was no quit in the lead actor -- he said he trucked through the shot and finished the scene because they had already run through it several times and he knew this take was a good one.

Once the director called "cut" -- shoutout irony -- Gyllenhaal said he looked down at his hand and noticed his whole arm had swelled up ... and he later found out it was a staph infection.

Of course, staph can be a real pain in the ass ... but it can also be deadly in some cases if it goes untreated.

Luckily, Jakey G is still kickin' ... and he said that was really the only injury he had while filming the Prime Video flick.

Conor ain't the only big-name non-actor in the project -- Post Malone also showed off his acting chops ... and based on BTS pics, the musician got pretty bloody, too.

The movie hits the streaming platform on Thursday ... so those queasy better be ready for some violence!!


Jake Gyllenhaal dice que sufrió una lesión desagradable durante el rodaje de la nueva película "Road House" con Conor McGregor, revelando que se cortó la mano durante una intensa escena de lucha, y terminó con una infección por estafilococos.

Armchair Expert with Dax Shepard

El nominado al Oscar y la superestrella de la UFC se abrieron sobre el trabajo en el set durante un reciente episodio de "Armchair Expert" con Dax Shepard, y mientras que ambos elogiaron el profesionalismo del otro, hubo un poco de mala sangre involucrada.

Gyllenhaal -que interpreta al ex luchador de MMA Elwood Dalton en la película- explicó que estaba filmando un intenso enfrentamiento con el personaje de Conor -Knox- en el cual había vidrios rotos involucrados.

Resulta que no importaba si era real o falso... porque cuando Gyllenhaal puso la mano en la barra en medio de la toma, un trozo atravesó su guante.

El actor principal no se dio por vencido, y siguió adelante con la toma. Finalmente terminó la escena luego de haberla hecho varias veces.

Una vez que el director dijo "corten", Gyllenhaal dijo que miró hacia abajo y se dio cuenta de que tenía el brazo hinchado... más tarde se enteró de que estaba infectado con estafilococos.

Por supuesto, el estafilococo puede ser un verdadero dolor de cabeza, pero también puede ser mortal en algunos casos si no se trata.

Por suerte, Jakey sigue pateando, y dijo que era realmente la única lesión que tuvo durante el rodaje de la película de Prime Video.

Conor no es el único no-actor de renombre en el proyecto. Post Malone también mostró sus habilidades de actuación, y basándonos en las fotos, al músico también le tocaron escenas sangrientas.

La película llega a la plataforma de streaming el jueves, ¡así que prepárense para un poco de violencia!

'Sister Wives' Star Garrison Brown Sibling Says ... Social Media Hurt His Self-Esteem

Instagram / @madison_rose11

Garrison Brown was negatively affected by social media before his death -- and it impacted his own sense of self-worth ... this according to one of his siblings.

The "Sister Wives" star's actual sister, Madison Brown Brush, hopped online to post an emotional video reflecting on her brother's untimely passing -- and she spoke a lot about his mental health struggles, while also acknowledging pointing to mental health convos at large.

Maddie explains her brother was battling issues internally -- and even says he felt he wasn't doing enough with his life ... using social media as a comparison point.

She also says something pretty poignant ... namely, social media isn't real.

Maddie goes on to explain how she and the rest of the family have been dealing with Garrison's suicide -- describing how difficult it's been finding a new sense of normal.

She urged her followers to remember that social media is just a snapshot into someone's life -- it doesn't show everything. Remember, Garrison's loved ones say he seemed perfectly happy online ... having just adopted a new cat days before he died by suicide.

Maddie goes on to say that she's going to continue putting a spotlight on mental health ... and sends a message to people who might be battling demons -- telling them that if they're not feeling fulfilled with how they're spending their time, they gotta change that ASAP.

We broke the story ... Garrison was found deceased in his Flagstaff, Arizona home earlier in March. Flagstaff PD told us that no foul play is suspected, as Garrison appeared to have suffered from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

He was only 25.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

Rey Carlos Aparece dejando el castillo de Windsor... En medio de rumores de su muerte en Rusia

El rey Carlos está vivo y coleando, a pesar de lo que dicen algunos medios rusos, lo que quedó demostrado luego de que su majestad fuera fotografiado alrededor del palacio.

El rey fue visto haciendo sus deberes martes el martes en Londres, lo que incluyó una reunión como anfitrión con los veteranos de la guerra de Corea en el Palacio de Buckingham. Más tarde en el día, fue visto saliendo del Castillo de Windsor.

Como se puede ver en las fotos, Chuck se ve muy entero y la razón por la que es significativo es porque varios medios y blogs de Rusia han circulado que este supuestamente falleció durante el fin de semana, algo que claramente no es cierto.

Los informes eran tan inescrupulosos que incluso atribuyeron una falsa declaración del Palacio de Buckingham que parecía anunciar su repentino fallecimiento y que se hizo viral.

La causa de muerte según estos sitios falsos se habría debido a una supuesta complicación del cáncer, y se salió tanto de control que la embajada británica en Moscú tuvo que emitir una aclaración oficial en el expediente señalando que el Rey no estaba muerto, y que muy por el contrario, estaba dedicado a sus asuntos.

El rey Carlos es solo el último miembro de la realeza que se enfrenta a teorías conspirativas. Recuerden que Kate Middleton ha estado en el punto de mira desde hace varias semanas por su repentina desaparición hasta que ella misma apareció en carne y hueso durante el fin de semana en lo que es un avistamiento obvio y claro.

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Vistos en público por los Farmers Markets
TMZ / The Sun

La Princesa de Gales estuvo paseando el sábado, sobre sus propios pies y luciendo relativamente bien de salud, después de haber sido marginada por unos meses después de que se sometiera a una cirugía abdominal en enero. No está claro para qué fue exactamente.

En cualquier caso, ha sido sometida a un aluvión de bromas y chismes, al igual que su suegro en las últimas 48 horas.

Tiempos difíciles para la realeza, sin duda.

King Charles Surfaces Leaving Windsor Castle ... Amid Russian Death Hoax

King Charles is alive and well despite what some Russian propaganda might have some believing this week -- proven by the fact the guy was photographed out and about.

HRH was seen doing his duties Tuesday in and around the London area -- including meeting with Korean War vets at Buckingham Palace ... where he hosted and chatted with the heroes, and later in the day, swinging by Windsor Castle ... where he was spotted exiting.

As you can see by the pics ... Chuck is very much so still with us, and the reason that's significant is because several Russian media sites and blogs floated a wild story about him supposedly kicking the bucket all through the weekend -- something that clearly isn't true.

These false reports were so rampant, in fact, that a BS statement being attributed to Buckingham Palace made the rounds -- which appeared to announce his sudden passing.

The cause these fake Russian sites were referencing was cancer complication -- and it got so out of control, the British embassy in Moscow had to issue an official clarification on the record ... noting that the King was not 6 feet deep, and instead going about his business.

He's just the latest senior Royal to face wild conspiracy theories -- remember, Kate Middleton has been in the crosshairs of tinfoil hat types for several weeks now ... that is, until she surfaced herself in the flesh over the weekend in what's an obvious and clear sighting.

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TMZ / The Sun

The Princess of Wales was out and about Saturday, walking on her own two feet and looking relatively health -- this after being sidelined for a few months following a surgery she had in January, which involved a procedure in her abdomen area. Unclear what exactly it was for.

In any case ... she's been subjected to a barrage of jokes and gossip, just as her father-in-law has in the past 48 hours.

Tough times for the Royals, no doubt.

Tennis Player Arthur Cazaux Faints Mid-Match In Miami Live On Camera

French tennis player Arthur Cazaux suffered a terrifying health scare during his match Monday -- collapsing on the court as medics rushed to his aid.

Cazaux was waiting to return serve from Harold Mayot in the third set of their game at the Miami Open when he suddenly crumpled to the ground while the TV cameras were rolling.

Check out the video ... Cazaux was laid out on his back with his body twitching and his stiff arms pointing to the sky before they went limp.

Paramedics and the chair umpire dashed over to help Cazaux, while Mayot also came by to check on his opponent. Cazaux was eventually rolled off the court in a wheelchair.

Cazaux, who is ranked No. 74 in the world, retired from the match as he led 2-1 in the third set. Mayot and Cazaux split the first two sets, 6-4 and 7-5, respectively.

The umpire announced that Cazaux was throwing in the towel due to an illness without offering specifics.

According to weather reports, the temperatures reached the upper 80s to low 90s in Miami yesterday so that may have played a factor.

We don't know Cazaux's current condition ... but we'll update you once we find something out.

Daisy de la Hoya Getting Treatment After Mental Health Episode ... Denies Stalking Claims!!!

Daisy de la Hoya is breaking her silence after "90 Day Fiancé" stars Mariah Fineman and Tom Brooks accused her of stalking ... denying that she even cares about the couple.

Daisy tells TMZ ... the allegations made by Mariah and Tom are inaccurate -- as she claims that none of what they stated in their police report happened, at least not the way they described it anyway.


DDLH says she's unfamiliar with Mariah and Tom ... and so she definitely didn't declare her love for Tom, as they claimed.

However, she does say she did believe -- amid a mental health episode, as she describes it -- that they worked for her celebrity crush, Tom Cruise. She states that she didn't even know Tom shared the same first name as the A-lister. So, when Daisy was declaring her love for "Tom," it was about the action star ... not the reality TV personality.

We broke the story ... Mariah and Tom hit Daisy with stalking allegations in a recent police report -- in which they stated the fellow reality star had been harassing them since January.

Now, Daisy does admit she climbed into Tom and Mariah's car -- explaining that incident occurred during her episode ... which she is now getting help for at a treatment center.  While Daisy says she feels badly ... she's hurt that her mental health struggles were filmed.

Oh, and for fans wondering what has become of her dog while she's in treatment ... she tells us that the pup is currently staying with a friend.

Kate Middleton No se ve tan delgada después de la cirugía ... Dice Jillian Michaels

Kate Middleton se veía un poco delgada para algunos en el nuevo video de ella del fin de semana pasado, pero una gurú del fitness está de su lado y esa es Jillian Michaels.

Una de las primeras conclusiones que muchos sacaron al ver el clip de Kate y el príncipe William en el Windsor Farm Shop -a una milla de su casa- es que ella se veía un poco delgada, o más bien, más delgada de lo habitual. Kate Middleton ya es una mujer muy delgada, pero aquí podría verse aún más flaca.

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Paseando con William
TMZ / The Sun

Respecto a eso, Jillian le dice a TMZ que desde su perspectiva Kate se ve muy bien, tanto en términos de peso como de salud en general, sobre todo si se tiene en cuenta que pasó por el quirófano hace solo 2 meses.

En los ojos de Jillian, Kate está en su peso justo para una mujer de su tamaño y también señala que alguien que suele ser más delgado, puede perder algunos kilos al someterse a un procedimiento como el de ella y para Jillian, Kate se ve normal.

En cuanto a las especulaciones sobre su salud, su peso o cualquier otra cosa, Jillian dice que la gente tiene que calmarse y dejarla en paz porque no es de su incumbencia.

Jillian recuerda que los temas de salud son muy personales, y que dado todo el escrutinio al que ha estado sometida Kate últimamente, Jillian dice que todos necesitan perspectiva.

Sabio consejo de Jillian, pero algo nos dice que el público seguirá escudriñando cada pequeño detalle. Recuerden, antes del video que publicamos el lunes, no la habíamos visto desde diciembre, lo que es bastante tiempo.

Por supuesto, ella se sometió a una cirugía abdominal por una condición que no se ha hecho pública y el Palacio de Kensington dijo que no reanudaría sus funciones hasta por lo menos después de Pascua.

Lo que levantó las sospechas de todo el mundo respecto a su paradero y su estado de salud fue la foto que publicó para el Día de la Madre la semana pasada, la que se comprobó que había sido manipulada.

El tiempo dirá si este último avistamiento apaga todo el fervor y la especulación en torno a su vida. Jillian ciertamente espera que sí, porque parece bastante harta del ruido.

Kate Middleton Not Looking Too Thin Post-Surgery ... So Says Jillian Michaels

Kate Middleton came across as somewhat thin to some who saw our new video of her from this past weekend -- but she's got one fitness guru in her corner ... one Jillian Michaels.

One of the first takeaways many had upon viewing the clip of Kate and Prince William at the Windsor Farm Shop -- about a mile from her home -- was that she looked sorta skinny ... or rather, skinnier than usual. KM is already a slender woman ... but here, perhaps more so.

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TMZ / The Sun

To that, Jillian tells TMZ ... Kate looks just fine in her eyes -- both in terms of weight and overall health ... especially when you consider she went under the knife only 2 months ago.

In JM's eyes, Kate is right where she oughta be for a woman of her general size -- even noting to us that someone who's usually a bit thinner might lose some pounds while recovering after a procedure like the one she underwent ... and to Jillian, Kate looks normal.

On the subject of speculating on Kate -- be it her health, her weight or anything else -- Jillian tells us folks need to piss off and leave her alone ... 'cause it's not their business.

She reminds us someone's health journey is very personal -- and considering the type of microscope Kate's been under lately ... Jillian says everyone needs perspective.

Sage advice from Jillian -- but something tells us the public will continue picking apart every little detail. Remember, prior to the video TMZ published Monday ... we hadn't seen her on her own two feet since December, which is quite a long time.

Of course, she underwent abdominal surgery -- for a condition that hasn't been made public -- and Kensington Palace said she wouldn't be resuming her duties until at least after Easter.

What made everyone even more suspicious of her whereabouts and well-being had a lot to do with a photo she released on Mother's Day last week ... which was proven to be doctored.

Time will tell if this latest sighting tamps down all fervor and speculation surrounding her life and condition. Jillian's certainly hoping it does -- 'cause she seems pretty sick of the noise.

Richard Simmons Not Really Dying ... Despite Concerning Announcement

Richard Simmons is setting the record straight after sparking concern for his well-being earlier on Monday.

The fitness guru clarified on X that he was doing just fine ... mere hours after he told his followers that he was dying. The 75-year-old star apologized to his followers for upsetting them with his shocking declaration.

He explained the concerning update was not meant to be an announcement about his health ... but rather a message about appreciating every day. He apologized again for any confusion the upload may've caused.

ICYMI ... earlier in the day, Richard took to Facebook and shared that he had sad news to announce. He wrote ... "I am ….dying. Oh I can see your faces now. The truth is we all are dying.  Every day we live we are getting closer to our death. Why am I telling you this?  Because I want you to enjoy your life to the fullest every single day. Get up in the morning and look at the sky… count your blessings and enjoy."

Richard went on to encourage his fans to eat healthy, move every day and watch his workout videos on YouTube for inspiration. He signed off his note by encouraging his followers to listen to Tim McGraw's song "Live Like You Were Dying."

In the hours it took him to clarify his social media activity, countless fans took to his post to send him love and healing thoughts.

Richard -- who took a step back from the limelight the last few years -- has been somewhat vocal on social media in recent months. He notably sounded off on Pauly Shore's plan to play him in a biopic ... noting that he had not given his permission for the flick.


FWIW, we're just glad to hear Richard is doing alright.

Boxing Star Keith Thurman Suffers Bicep Injury ... Out Tim Tszyu Fight

The Keith Thurman comeback has been put on hold -- the boxing star suffered a bicep injury that is forcing him to back out of his upcoming fight against Tim Tszyu.

The Boxing Voice broke the news of the ailment on Monday ... saying the 30-1 welterweight fighter was getting an MRI for a possible arm injury that could put his March 30 bout against Tszyu in jeopardy.

The fight is still a go ... but without Thurman -- ESPN Ringside's Mike Coppinger reported Tszyu will now defend his WBO junior middleweight title against Sebastian Fundora (20-1) instead.

This is unfortunate news for Thurman, who would've stepped in the ring for the first time in over two years ... and he previously said it was a chance to prove he's not washed.

"I believe boxing needs Keith Thurman. I really deliver some of the greatest entertainment on that world-class scene every time they put me in the ring," Thurman told us earlier this month.

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I'mma keep pushing

"My haters are my real motivators!" So keep hatin' baby, and I'ma keep pushing."

Thurman also told us he was gunnin' for a knockout ... and his win against Tszyu would've been an opportunity to get closer to a match with Terence Crawford.

Thurman hasn't spoken about what this means for his career ... but like he told us -- he believes boxing needs him, so chances are he'll be back.

TALLULAH WILLIS REVELA QUE TIENE AUTISMO La diagnosticaron siendo adulta

Tallulah Willis dice que tiene autismo, y no se enteró hace mucho.

La hija de Bruce Willis compartió la noticia con sus más de 400K seguidores de Instagram el viernes, cuando escribió junto a un video de ella y su padre: "Dime que eres autista sin decirme que eres autista".

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

En las imágenes reaparecidas, se puede ver a Tallulah frotando la cabeza calva de su padre una y otra vez mientras daba una entrevista en la alfombra roja. La hermana mayor de Tallulah, Scout, respondió al video diciendo que la actriz está "stimming" en el clip.

Para aquellos que no lo saben, "stimming" se define como la realización repetitiva de un determinado movimiento físico, y es un comportamiento común entre las personas con autismo.

Esta es la primera vez que Tallulah habla sobre tener autismo, y explicó que se enteró durante el verano... y asegura que la noticia le cambió la vida.

Esta revelación se produce un mes después de que Tallulah diera una actualización sincera con respecto a su recuperación de un trastorno alimentario. Tallulah se abrió por primera vez sobre sus luchas con la anorexia en mayo de 2023.

Nueve meses después, la hija de Bruce con su exmujer Demi Moore confesó que estaba "idealizando tiempos poco saludables" y quiso compartir la actualización para sentirse menos sola. Se animó a sí misma y a sus seguidores a recordar que está bien no tenerlo todo resuelto.

Además del viaje de salud de Tallulah, la familia Willis se ha unido en torno a Bruce después de su diagnóstico de demencia frontotemporal. La esposa de Bruce -con quien comparte a sus hijas Mabel y Evelyn- dijo en septiembre que no está claro lo que el actor sabe sobre su enfermedad.

La familia Willis tiene una manera de unirse en tiempos difíciles... eso es seguro.

Lieghton Vander Esch I'm Retiring ... Due To Neck Injury

Leighton Vander Esch is retiring at just 28 years old -- the Dallas Cowboys linebacker announced he is unable to return to the football field after his latest neck injury.

The team shared the news on Monday ... days after the former first round pick was released with a failed physical designation.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The All-Pro and Pro Bowler dropped a statement on the news ... saying, "I love the game of football so much, and my body won't cooperate any longer."

"I cherished every moment of my NFL career, and it has been such a blessing to play the game for as long as I have played."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Vander Esch was solid for the Cowboys D on the field ... but his six-year career was unfortunately riddled with injuries, including the neck ailment he suffered back in October that ended his 2023 season.

Jerry Jones spoke highly of LVE ... saying, "Seldom do you come across a player like Leighton, who grew up playing eight-man football only to first play the 11-man game at the major collegiate level and excel."

"His passion and love for the game was contagious, and from the moment he arrived, he has been a difference maker. His grit, toughness, motivation, determination and football IQ will be sorely missed. Leighton also embodied the strong character and personal qualities that make him much more than an accomplished player."

LVE finishes his career with 557 tackles ... including 176 in his first season alone, a franchise record for a rookie.

Jones continued ... "He was a leader and the kind of teammate that impacted those around him in the best ways. Leighton's playing career may have come to an end, but his future is very bright. On behalf of the entire Dallas Cowboys organization, we're proud that he wore the star on his helmet, we thank him and we wish all the best to Leighton, his wife, Madalynn, and their young daughter."

Tallulah Willis Reveals She Has Autism ... Diagnosed As an Adult

Tallulah Willis reveals she was diagnosed with autism -- something she says she came to learn fairly recently.

Bruce Willis' daughter shared the news with her over 400K Instagram followers on Friday ... as she wrote alongside a throwback video of herself and her A-list father, “Tell me you're autistic without telling me you're autistic."

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

In the resurfaced footage, Tallulah can be seen rubbing her dad's bald head over and over again as he gave a red-carpet interview. Tallulah's older sister Scout responded to the video by saying the actress is "stimming" in the clip.

For those who may not know ... stimming is defined as the repetitive performance of a certain physical movement -- and is a common behavior in autistic individuals.

This is the first time Tallulah has discussed her diagnosis, which she explained she found out about over the summer ... something she says changed her life.

This revelation comes a month after Tallulah gave a candid update regarding her recovery from an eating disorder. Tallulah first opened up about her struggles with anorexia back in May 2023.

Nine months later, Bruce's daughter with ex-wife Demi Moore confessed she was "romanticizing unhealthy times" and wanted to share the update in order to feel less alone. She encouraged herself and her followers to remember that it is ok to not have everything figured out.

In addition to Tallulah's health journey, the Willis family has been rallying around Bruce after his frontotemporal dementia diagnosis. Bruce's wife -- with whom he shares daughters Mabel and Evelyn -- said in September that it's unclear what the actor knows about his condition.

The Willis family has a way of coming together amid tough times ... that much is certain.

UFC Legend Mark Coleman 'Healing Up' ... Discharged From Hospital After Saving Parents

Instagram / @markcolemanufc

Mark Coleman has been released from the hospital after nearly dying in a huge house fire last week ... the UFC legend provided an update to his many fans just days after saving his mom and dad.

"God is great 👊❤️🙏," the 59-year-old retired fighter said on Monday via IG video caption, writing, "I am healing up very well."

"My lungs are sore. My eyes are burnt but I’m very much alive and well. I feel so blessed it’s in my higher power's hands. He wants me to move forward today and I am."

Coleman -- who was hospitalized with smoke inhalation after saving his parents from a house fire in Toledo, Ohio, early Tuesday morning -- thanked all his fans for their prayers, especially for his late dog, Hammer, who sadly perished in the blaze.

Mark also said he hopes the incident encourages people to make the most of life ... before it's too late.

"I'm one of the luckiest men in the world," the UFC Hall of Famer said.

"I can't thank you enough. I'm just grateful. I'll continue to motivate people to move forward and be a better version of themselves. You never know when you're gonna need it, so let's go. Let's start today. Tomorrow's not promised. Get moving!"

BTW, his loyal fans stepped up in a big way, including financially, making over 2,600 donations to a GoFundMe to help with medical expenses ... raising over $121k!

Speedy recovery, Mark!

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