Kate Middleton Reportedly Spotted Visiting Farm Shop No Photo Evidence or Proof

Kate Middleton supposedly surfaced in public this weekend near her home -- but the weird thing is ... there's no photo evidence to back it up, just a report citing alleged eyewitnesses.

The Sun floated this story Sunday, claiming the Princess of Wales was out and about Saturday at a local business called the Windsor Farm Shop -- which is about a mile from her family's Adelaide Cottage home.

The shop in question sells a variety of products -- including plants and flowers, baked goods, meats, wines and spirits and more ... basically, it's a little grocery store, only more quaint.

According to the outlet -- which cited anonymous onlookers -- claims these people saw looking "happy, relaxed and healthy" as she was apparently joined by Prince William. The Sun goes on to claim they spent the morning watching their kids playing sports ... noting the three little ones weren't with them as they hit the market.

One alleged eyewitness says they were stunned to see Kate there, on account of the whirlwind of rumors surrounding her health and whereabouts ... but also pointed out the fact that she was walking around proved she was well enough to get out of the house.

Of course, the one problem with this whole story is ... there's no evidence to prove it -- and at a time like this, when misinformation is all over, ya gotta take it with a grain of salt.

Aside from 2 pics that purport to show Kate in the past few weeks -- one of her in the car with her mother and another of her and PW in a car, both of which have come under scrutiny amid the Mother's Day photo fail -- there's no other evidence of Kate out in public.

So, with this in mind, it's hard to believe nobody snapped a photo of her and Kate for this outing ... assuming they actually took it. With all the fervor and speculation -- photograph of KM looking "healthy" is worth its weight in gold right now, and everyone knows it.

Kate isn't expected to resume her Royal duties until at least after Easter -- but no hard date has been set, and no engagement of hers has been announced either.

Remember, Kate underwent abdominal surgery in January and has been sidelined every since. The longer she's been out of the public eye -- the more gossip has kicked up ... and Kensington Palace has been nothing but mum over just about all of it.

Anything short of a video of Kate hopping on camera and addressing the public probably won't tamp down all the rumors about what might be going on. In the meantime, everyone is just left to guess.

Greg Vaughan La estrella de las telenovelas está hospitalizado Líquido en los pulmones

Greg Vaughan se está recuperando después de que una aterradora dolencia lo enviara al hospital y, resulta que todo se debe a que se expuso a demasiada, demasiada altura.

La estrella de las telenovelas, mejor conocido por interpretar a Eric Brady en casi 1.000 episodios de "Days of Our Lives" y Lucky Spencer en más de 600 episodios de "General Hospital", publicó un par de fotos donde aparece conectado a una máquina de oxígeno.

Vaughan le aseguró a los fans que estaba mucho mejor, pero que tuvo que correr a urgencias después de ser golpeado gravemente con el mal de alturas.

El actor dice que llevó a sus hijos a Breckenridge, Colorado para esquiar y hacer snowboard, pero comenzó a sentirse cansado, congestionado y sin aliento, en un día que suponía debía ser divertido y relajado.

Greg dice que hizo estallar algunos NyQuil y bebió una tonelada de Pedialyte, pero eso no solucionó el problema y terminó bajando de la montaña para buscar atención médica.

Aunque pensó que el problema no iba a ser nada grave, Vaughan tiene suerte de no haber intentado resistirse a la enfermedad, porque dice que el nivel de oxígeno en su sangre era de un mísero 54% y que el líquido estaba llenando sus pulmones.

Vaughan dice que le conectaron a un par de vías intravenosas y le dijeron que probablemente era mejor que se dirigiera a una altitud más baja.

En última instancia, Greg está utilizando su experiencia para enseñar y decirle a la gente que las montañas no son una broma, así que tengan cuidado la próxima vez  que vayan a hacer esquí.

De "General Hospital" a hospitalizado, ¡nos alegramos de que te encuentres mejor, Greg!

Greg Vaughan Soap Opera Star Hospitalized ... Fluid in Lungs From Altitude Sickness

Greg Vaughan's recovering after a scary illness sent him to the hospital ... and, it turns out it's all because he got too high, too fast.

The soap opera star -- best known for playing Eric Brady on nearly 1,000 episodes of "Days of Our Lives" and Lucky Spencer on over 600 episodes of "General Hospital" -- posted a couple photos from earlier this week of him hooked up to an oxygen machine.

Vaughan assured fans he was doing just fine before but had to rush to an urgent care after getting hit with a really bad case of altitude sickness.

GV says he took his kids to Breckenridge, Colorado for a skiing and snowboarding trip, but started feeling tired, congested, and short of breath just a day into what was supposed to be a fun, relaxing vacay.

Greg says he popped some NyQuil and drank a ton of Pedialyte ... but that didn't fix the problem, and he ended up heading down the mountain to seek some medical attention.

While he thought the issue wasn't going to be anything too serious ... Vaughan's lucky he didn't try and tough through this illness -- 'cause he says the oxygen level in his blood was at a paltry 54% and fluid was filling his lungs.

Vaughan says they hooked him up to a couple IVs and told him it was probably best he head for some lower altitude.

Greg's ultimately using his experience as a teaching moment ... telling people the Rockies are no joke -- so be careful on your next ski trip.

From "General Hospital" to generally hospitalized ... glad you're feeling better, Greg!

Celine Dion Looks Terrific In New Family Pic ... Amid Health Disorder

Celine Dion is bouncing back from her debilitating health issues, posting a photo on Instagram that shows her looking strong with her three sons by her side.

On Friday night, the iconic singer uploaded the happy pic to her IG account, which captured Celine with a beaming smile, while standing with her arms around two of her sons as the third sat before them.

The siblings, Rene-Charles and twins Nelson and Eddy -- were also grinning ear to ear, seemingly indicating their mom is feeling better.

In the caption, Celine provided an update on the prognosis for her disorder, Stiff-Person Syndrome, after first recognizing that it was SPS Awareness Day.

Celine wrote that she was diagnosed with SPS in 2022 and has been trying to overcome the autoimmune disorder ever since, highlighting that it's one of the hardest experiences of her life.

But she gave hope to her millions of fans, saying that she is determined to one day return to the stage to perform and to "live as normal of a life as possible."

She also expressed deep gratitude for the love and support she has received from family members and other supporters. She ended with words of love and encouragement for anyone impacted by SPS, vowing to beat the disease together.

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Instagram / @celinedion

You may recall ... Celine was forced to pull the plug on her tour after she made a video announcement that she was suffering from SMS at the end of 2022. Her condition has prevented her from being able to perform.

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Roaring Applause

However, she was met with a standing ovation last month at the Grammys when presenting Album of the Year -- an award that went to Taylor Swift.

Per Johns Hopkins Medicine ... SMS is defined as a rare autoimmune neurological disorder that most commonly causes muscle stiffness and painful spasms that come and go and can worsen over time.

Celine Dion Luce estupenda en una foto familiar... En medio de sus problemas de salud

Celine Dion se está recuperando de sus debilitantes problemas de salud, publicando una foto en Instagram en la que se ve fuerte con sus tres hijos.

El viernes por la noche, la cantante subió la foto a su cuenta de IG, donde aparece con una radiante sonrisa, mientras está de pie con los brazos abiertos alrededor de dos de sus hijos, mientras el tercero estaba sentado delante de ellos.

Los hermanos Rene-Charles y los gemelos Nelson y Eddy, también aparecen sonrientes, lo que parece indicar que su madre se encuentra mejor.

En el pie de foto, Celine proporcionó una actualización sobre el pronóstico de su trastorno, después de reconocer que era el Día de la Concienciación del Síndrome de Persona Rígida.

Celine escribió que fue diagnosticada con SPS en 2022 y ha estado tratando de superar este trastorno autoinmune desde entonces, destacando que ha sido una de las experiencias más duras de su vida.

Pero dio esperanza a sus millones de fans, diciendo que está decidida a volver algún día a los escenarios para actuar y "vivir una vida lo más normal posible".

También expresó su profunda gratitud por el amor y el apoyo que ha recibido de sus familiares y otros seguidores. Terminó con palabras de amor y aliento para cualquier persona afectada por el SPS, prometiendo vencer la enfermedad juntos.

celine dion sad DECEMBER 2022
Ha sido muy difícil
Instagram / @celinedion

Se pueden recordar que Celine se vio obligada a desistir de su gira después de que anunciara que padecía este trastorno a través de un video a finales de 2022. Su condición le ha impedido ser capaz de actuar nuevamente.

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¡¿Celine cuánto?!

Sin embargo, fue recibida con una gran ovación el mes pasado en los Grammys al presentar el Álbum del Año, un premio que fue para Taylor Swift.

Según Johns Hopkins Medicine, el SMS se define como un trastorno neurológico autoinmune poco frecuente que suele causar rigidez muscular y espasmos dolorosos que aparecen y desaparecen y pueden empeorar con el tiempo.

Bill Maher People, You're Not all Clinically Depressed Rails on Bogus Mental Health Diagnoses


Bill Maher has had it up to HERE with lots of people who have self-diagnosed themselves with mental health issues when they actually have none.

The 'Real Time' host says lots of people have confused depression and other mental health issues with the game of life.

BM is quick to say there are indeed folks with real clinical depression and other mental issues, but it's almost become trendy to glom on to these diagnoses without ever getting evaluated by a medical professional. In fact, he says 75% of American adults who are on antidepressants have never been diagnosed.

He cites Elmo -- yes, Elmo -- who recently asked on social, "How's everybody doing?" The responses were unreal -- as Bill says, it became a suicide hotline.

Maher's not saying some of these cries for help are not real ... just that some/many are way overblown.

Check out the vid and judge for yourself.

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat 988lifeline.org.

AEW's Darby Allin Breaks Foot In Wrestling Match ... Week Before Everest

AEW star Darby Allin's Mt. Everest trip has been postponed ... 'cause the wrestler broke three bones in his foot right before he was slated to make the climb.

TMZ Sports has learned ... Allin suffered the injury less than two minutes into his match against "Switchblade" Jay White at AEW Dynamite on Wednesday ... when he attempted a front flip off the top rope.


It goes without saying his landing didn't play out like it was supposed to ... and he made awkward contact with the floor, which caused his dog to snap.

Allin was clearly bothered ... and briefly held his foot before limping back up.

Instead of calling it a night, the badass highflyer proceeded to wrestle in his first-ever match against White for 10 more minutes ... continuing to jump off the top rope and going about his business.

Ultimately he was pinned after running into a Blade Runner from White.

The ironic part -- during the match, Allin had his ankle "broken" at the hands of Bullet Club Gold so he could have enough time away from the squared-circle to tackle Everest.

Of course, Allin was already pretty beat up -- he shredded his back after flipping off a ladder and falling through glass in his retirement match with Sting.

Daring Darby

Allin previously told us how stoked he was to make the Mt. Everest climb -- despite not having a ton of experience (he only trained six months), he was given the green light to do it.

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Now he'll be sidelined for a bit ... but is making the most of it -- he tells us Tony Hawk is planning to do a trick off his cast next week for charity!!

You got lucky, Everest ... 'cause Darby is coming for that ass next year.

United Airlines Another Boeing Issue ... Plane Loses Panel Mid-Flight

Another day, another Boeing problem -- this time a United Airlines flight had a huge chunk of the plane ripped off in the air ... and, yikes.

The flight took off from San Francisco Friday afternoon and ultimately landed safely at its final destination in Oregon ... but once the aircraft arrived, it was discovered a panel near the bottom of the plane got torn off mid-flight, exposing the underbelly of the aircraft.

The photo of the damage -- taken after the 737 plane successfully landed -- is startling ... you can see the guts of the plane inside ... with a bunch of plane parts fully exposed.

You can also see where the panel itself broke off ... there's a clear tear in the material -- which, again, is alarming, to say the least ... especially with everything that's been going on with Boeing lately, and there's been a lot.

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Cali Planes

While reports say all passengers in this incident were safe -- it, unfortunately, marks the latest Boeing mishap to occur in a relatively short window. Remember, Boeing planes -- some of which have been on UA flights -- seem to be falling apart all over the world.

One plane lost a wheel last week, and another Boeing plane had flames shooting out of one of the turbine engines while up in the sky ... and had to make an emergency landing.

Of course, there's also the LATAM Boeing flight in Australia that briefly started to fall out of the air ... although, now, they seem to be suggesting that was user error.

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That doesn't make things much better though ... especially after a door blew off earlier this year on yet another Boeing plane. And let's not forget ... there's still this whole whistleblower saga going on.

Remember, John Barnett died this past week while in the middle of a retaliation lawsuit against Boeing -- this after he alleged they'd been cutting corners on safety measures for years. Cops say it appears he took his own life ... but his attorneys have been calling BS.

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Bottom line ... it's choppy waters for Boeing these days.

As for today, UA says ... "We’ll conduct a thorough examination of the plane and perform all the needed repairs before it returns to service. We’ll also conduct an investigation to better understand how this damage occurred." The FAA says it'll investigate too.

Boeing referred us to United, while also pointing out that the aircraft in question -- the 737-824 -- is a little over 25 years old.

Oprah Esta es la razón por la que dejé WeightWatchers ... No era apropiado!!!

No hay conflicto de interés

Oprah Winfrey dice que renunció al directorio de WeightWatchers después de casi una década "porque no era apropiado" y no quería parecer poco ética.

La leyenda del talk show explicó su decisión a Jimmy Kimmel el jueves, donde dijo que su próximo especial sobre medicamentos para bajar de peso jugó un papel importante en su decisión de abandonar la empresa en la que estuvo años como embajadora oficial.

De acuerdo a Oprah, este especial de televisión sobre la pérdida de peso en el que ha estado trabajando era muy importante para ella, por lo que quería deshacerse de cualquier señal que pudiera ser considerada inapropiada.

Específicamente, O dice que no quería que la gente pensara que estaba promoviendo un especial sobre medicamentos para perder peso y asumiera que estaba haciendo dinero por estar vinculada a WeightWatchers, que ahora está en el negocio de prescribir los mismos medicamentos como Ozempic.

La salida de Oprah de WeightWatchers se supo hace dos semanas, cuando anunció que iba a donar todas sus acciones de la compañía al National Museum of African American History and Culture. Por supuesto, también admitió recientemente que ella misma toma medicamentos para perder peso.

Ahora que ha dado un paso al costado, le dijo a Kimmel que nadie podrá acusarla de estar haciendo esto con fines de lucro, porque no hay nada que ganar en este momento. También dice que para el equipo de WeightWatchers fue muy dura la noticia de su despedida.

En otra parte de la entrevista, Oprah compartió por qué abrazó estos milagrosos medicamentos, diciendo que un doctor le dijo que sus luchas por perder peso estaban vinculadas a su genética y que "la obesidad es una enfermedad." Dice que con los fármacos ha perdido 12 kilos.

El especial de Oprah "Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution" se emite el lunes.

Oprah Here's Why I Left WeightWatchers ... It Was a Bad Look!!!

No Conflict Of Interest

Oprah Winfrey says she stepped down from the WeightWatchers board after nearly a decade 'cause it was a super bad look ... and she didn't want to come off as unethical.

The talk show legend explained her decision to Jimmy Kimmel Thursday ... sharing that her upcoming special about prescription weight loss drugs played a major factor in her decision to leave the company she's been with for years as an official ambassador.

As Oprah put it ... this weight loss medication TV special she's working on was very important to her -- so she wanted to shed any appearance of impropriety by being involved.

Specifically ... O says she didn't want people to think she was just promoting a special about weight loss meds and assume she was making money off of it by being attached to WW -- which is now in the business of prescribing those same medications, like Ozempic.

News of Oprah's WW exit dropped two weeks ago -- when she announced that she was donating all her shares in the company to the National Museum of African American History and Culture. Of course, she's also recently admitted she's on weight loss drugs herself.


Now that she's taken the step of leaving WW behind, she told Kimmel nobody could accuse her of doing all this for profit ... 'cause there's no money to be made at this point. She also says the WeightWatchers crew took the news of her bowing out pretty hard.

In a separate portion of this interview, Oprah shares why she embraced the miracle drugs -- saying her weight struggles over the years were tied to her genetics by a doc, and she went so far as to say that "obesity is a disease." She says she's lost 40 lbs. on the drugs.

Oprah's special 'Shame, Blame and the Weight Loss Revolution' airs Monday.

Meghan King Defends Olivia Rodrigo's Plan B Handouts ... Good For Her!!!


Meghan King isn't losing sleep after taking her daughter to an Olivia Rodrigo concert where condoms and Plan B were being handed out ... instead, she's applauding the young pop star.

The "Real Housewives of Orange County" alum says she took her 7-year-old daughter Aspen to the St. Louis stop of the "GUTS" world tour, and saw firsthand how Olivia's doling out contraception to her fans.

As Meghan puts it ... the free condoms and Plan B weren't even very noticeable during the event. In fact, she says she only noticed the contraception table because "vote" stickers were being handed out there, too.

Since Aspen is still more than 10 years from being able to vote, Meghan says they walked away without taking a closer look.

However, she realized after the concert more than just stickers were being offered up, but it could've easily flown under the radar for most folks -- Meghan says the Plan B was being handed out under the codename "Julie."


She admits the situation was a little "jarring" for her, mostly because her daughter is so young ... but she also doesn't think parents should be angry over the free contraception.

Meghan even goes as far as calling Olivia's critics ignorant and hypocritical.

She defends that if Justin Bieber was doing something similar with condoms, the singer wouldn't likely face the same backlash -- hinting misogyny might be fueling the pushback against Olivia.

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Meghan understands OR's mission ... calling out how kids are growing up faster than ever and emphasizing the need for sex education.


She does have one recommendation for the singer -- handing out items promoting reproductive health might be more useful for her younger fans.

Still, overall, Meghan applauds Olivia for supporting women's reproductive rights -- and suggests if anyone has a problem with it, they can simply skip the "GUTS" tour.

Meghan King Defiende a Olivia Rodrigo por repartir sus Plan B ... Bien por ella!!!

Los anticonceptivos no eran tan obvios

A Meghan King no le quita el sueño que Olivia Rodrigo haya repartido condones y cajitas de Plan B en un concierto al que llevó a su hija, en cambio, la personalidad televisiva está aplaudiendo a la joven estrella del pop.

La ex participante de "Real Housewives of Orange County" dice que llevó a su hija Aspen, de 7 años, al concierto de Rodrigo en St. Louis, una de las paradas de su gira mundial "GUTS", y vio de primera mano cómo Olivia estaba repartiendo anticonceptivos a sus fans.

Como dice Meghan, los condones gratis y las cajas Plan B ni siquiera se notaron mucho durante el evento. De hecho, dice que solo se dio cuenta de la mesa de anticonceptivos porque se estaban entregando pegatinas de "votar" allí también.

Como a Aspen le faltan más de 10 años para votar, Meghan dice que se alejaron sin mirar.

Sin embargo, después del concierto se dio cuenta de que estaban ofreciendo algo más que pegatinas, pero dice que podría haber pasado fácilmente desapercibido para la mayoría de la gente. Meghan añade que el Plan B estaba siendo repartido bajo el nombre "Julie".

Hay mucho doble estándar

Ella admite que la situación fue un poco "discordante" para ella, sobre todo porque su hija es tan pequeña, pero no cree que los padres deban molestarse por estos anticonceptivos gratuitos.

Meghan incluso llama a los críticos de Olivia como ignorantes e hipócritas.

Dice que si Justin Bieber estuviera haciendo algo parecido con los preservativos, probablemente el cantante no estaría causando las mismas reacciones, insinuando que la misoginia podría estar alimentando la reacción en contra de Olivia.

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Apoyando los derechos reproductivos

Meghan entiende la misión de la superestrella del pop, que solo pone de manifiesto lo rápido que están creciendo los niños ahora y la necesidad de que reciban educación sexual.

Y tiene una recomendación para la cantante, que la entrega de artículos para promover la salud menstrual podría ser más útil para sus fans más jóvenes.

Sin embargo, en general, Meghan aplaude a Olivia por apoyar los derechos reproductivos de las mujeres y sugiere que si alguien tiene un problema con ello, simplemente puede saltarse la gira "GUTS".

Wendy Williams Guardian Lawsuit Against A&E Doc Unsealed ... Insight Into Her Condition


6:35 PM PT -- A rep for A+E tells TMZ ... "We look forward to the unsealing of our papers as well, as they tell a very different story."

Wendy Williams' guardian sued unsuccessfully to block the release of the new documentary following her struggles ... and now the lawsuit's unsealed -- and it gives an inside look at Williams' day-to-day.

Here's the deal ... the former talk show host's temporary guardian Sabrina Morrissey sued back in February to stop the “Where is Wendy Williams?" doc from coming out -- an attempt that ultimately failed, as we now know.


Those legal docs were originally sealed ... but now, they are available for anyone to peruse -- and they provide a look into both Morrissey's argument and her description of Williams' recent condition.

In the paperwork, obtained by TMZ, Morrissey argued Williams was incapable of handling her own business affairs when she signed the documentary contract. Same goes for her executive producer role -- Morrissey says Williams wasn't able to handle such a job effectively ... including not being able to properly shape how she was portrayed.

SM said WW's ability to care for herself has deteriorated since beginning the guardianship too ... and she says now Wendy needs constant daily supervision to "ensure her safety, well-being, and comfort, and to preserve her dignity."

Morrissey claimed she was originally told the doc would present Williams' comeback story, ultimately showing Wendy in a positive light -- and Morrissey said she was under the impression she would get to see the finished product before it was released.

Sabrina added she was totally blindsided when the trailer came out ... because she said she never saw a final cut of the doc.

Of course ... days before the doc came out, Wendy's team revealed she was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia and aphasia last year, and she entered a treatment center to deal with her health issues as well.


The creative team behind the documentary said they never would've made it had they known about the diagnosis ... though it seems hard to believe they had no indication of her health struggles given the kind of care Morrissey detailed in her suit.

Bottom line ... the story behind "Where is Wendy Williams?" just got a whole lot murkier.

Originally Published -- 4:53 PM PT


buenas noticias

La leyenda de la UFC Mark Coleman está respirando por sí mismo y hablando con su familia, pocos días después de que fue trasladado a un hospital con lesiones potencialmente mortales sufridas mientras rescataba a sus padres de un incendio en su casa.

La hija de Coleman, Kenzie, compartió un emotivo clip en el Instagram de Mark, solo dos días y medio después de que el luchador inhalara humo mientras salvaba a sus padres de un terrible incendio.

"Tuve que tomar una decisión", dijo Coleman, sobre el incendio de la casa desde su cama de hospital. "¡Fue horrible! No podía respirar".

"Soy el hombre más feliz del mundo. ¡Juro por Dios que soy tan afortunado! No puedo creer que mis padres estén vivos".

Por desgracia, su perro, Hammer, falleció, y Coleman -que se retiró de las MMA en 2013- está completamente devastado.

"¡No podía encontrar a Hammer!", dijo Coleman mientras lloraba con su familia.

Se creó un GoFundMe para los seres queridos de Coleman, ya que sus hijas tomarán tiempo libre del trabajo para ayudarlo durante su recuperación. Hasta el jueves, se habían recaudado más de 68.000 dólares.

¡Mejórate, Mark!

Regina King Se abre sobre la muerte de su hijo Ian... y se emociona

El duelo es un viaje

Regina King finalmente se está abriendo sobre el suicidio de su hijo Ian, diciendo entre lágrimas que respeta su decisión y también compartiendo su propia experiencia con el dolor.

La actriz y directora se sentó a conversar con "Good Morning America", donde profundizó sobre la trágica muerte de Ian en 2022, y tocó el difícil viaje que ha vivido desde entonces.

Regina King piensa que el dolor es como el amor que no encuentra un lugar hacia donde ir, y que está tratando de celebrar a su hijo por todo lo que es. Ella incluso utiliza el tiempo presente para referirse a él, pues dice que Ian está siempre con ella. King añade que realmente no ha tenido tiempo de meditar sobre la decisión de Ian, la que dice que entiende, porque es claro para ella que él ya no quería estar aquí.

Regina dice que lo que más le gustaba de sí misma era ser la mamá de Ian, y que al final, simplemente tiene que respetar el proceso a pesar de que también se pregunta sobre lo que posiblemente podría haber hecho mejor como madre.

Como informamos, Ian Alexander Jr., el único hijo de King y su ex marido Ian Alexander Sr., se quitó la vida en enero de 2022 en su cumpleaños número 26.

En ese momento, Regina dijo: "Nuestra familia está devastada en lo más profundo por la pérdida de Ian. Él es una luz tan brillante que se preocupaba profundamente por la felicidad de los demás. Nuestra familia pide consideración y respeto durante este momento privado. Gracias".

Ian era un invitado habitual de Regina en la alfombra roja e incluso la llamó "Super mamá" en la alfombra roja de los Globos de Oro en 2019 y publicó un sentido homenaje para ella cuando cumplió 50 años en 2021.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Parece que Regina está dando el siguiente gran paso en su viaje, aunque claramente Ian nunca está lejos de su mente.

Si usted o alguien que usted conoce está luchando o en crisis, la ayuda está disponible. Llame o texto 988 o chat 988lifeline.org.

UFC's Mark Coleman Conscious, Responsive ... After Saving Parents From House Fire


UFC legend Mark Coleman is breathing on his own and talking to his family ... just days after he was airlifted to a hospital with life-threatening injuries sustained while rescuing his parents from a house fire.

Coleman's daughter, Kenzie, shared an emotional clip on Mark's Instagram ... just 2.5 days after the MMA great suffered smoke inhalation while saving his mom and dad from a giant blaze.

"I had to make a decision," Coleman said about the house fire from his hospital bed, "It was already horrible! I couldn't breathe!"

"I'm the happiest man in the world. I swear to God I'm so lucky! I can't believe my parents are alive!"

Unfortunately, his dog, Hammer, passed away ... and Coleman -- who retired from MMA in 2013 -- is completely devastated.

"I couldn't find Hammer!" Coleman said as he cried with his family.

A GoFundMe was set up for Coleman's loved ones as his daughters will take time off work to help him during his recovery. As of Thursday, over $68K was raised.

Get well, Mark!

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