Prince William Keeps Plugging Along with Duties Amid Kate's Photo Scandal

As Kate Middleton continues to deal with the fallout from her photo scandal -- Prince William is just ... well, being a Royal and doing Royal things.

The Prince of Wales was out and about Monday at Frameless London -- a multi-sensory experience tourist attraction with a bunch of cool art exhibitions -- where he was hobnobbing with folks for something called Earthshot Prize Launchpad ... a climate change initiative.

PW spoke during the event ... and he was seen chopping it up with environmentalists. Photos of his outing here were posted to his and Kate's official Royal social media account too.

The problem ... everybody around the world is only focused on one thing as it pertains to William and Kate -- and that would be this edited photo they posted over the weekend, which has now been revealed to be altered ... something Kate herself took the blame for.

There's a fresh round of conspiracy theories all over social media ... and despite this frenzy over her whereabouts and condition, Bill's out here just carrying on like nothing's happening.

Even before his climate event, William showed up for a Commonwealth service alongside Queen Camilla -- and there, too, he looked like nothing was amiss ... just business as usual.

As William was arriving at the latter event ... he and Kate were actually snapped in the car heading on over from Windsor, but Kate was turned to the side -- looking out a window.


Of course, with her admitting that she edited her Mother's Day photo ... there's more speculation and intrigue than ever before ... this after she's been out of the public eye for months now, with mounting concern over her well-being.

Kensington Palace has refused to comment further on what exactly Kate altered in the picture, and how -- but a lot of people have taken educated guesses on what she did.

Meanwhile, Prince William seems to have his head in the sand ... and looking the other way.

Darryl Strawberry Suffers Heart Attack ... Recovering At Hospital

Darryl Strawberry says he sustained a heart attack on Monday evening -- but, thankfully, medics were able to save his life ... and he's now recovering at a hospital.

The three-time World Series champion explained in a social media post the health scare happened in the St. Louis area.

He didn't go into too much detail about the emergency ... although he did say docs had to bring him "through a stent-procedure" to fix his ticker.

Fortunately, he added the process "brought my heart to total restoration!!!"

"Your prayers are so absolutely appreciated as I continue to recover," he wrote on his Instagram page, "in Jesus Name! #savedbyHisgrace❤️❤️."

Several celebs commented on the post, including Alex Rodriguez, Matt Barnes and Cecil Fielder, showing the ex-baseball star love and gratitude that he's now doing OK.

Straw's got a big few weeks coming up ... Tuesday is actually his 62nd birthday -- and on June 1, he's slated to have his No. 18 retired by the New York Mets.

Get well soon!!!

'OPPENHEIMER' A-Bomb Test Victim Says ... NO ILL FEELINGS Over Oscars Success

"Oppenheimer" making nearly $1 billion, and now winning Best Picture, doesn't mean it's immune to criticism, especially from the real-life people harmed by the atomic testing -- but in the wake of the Oscars, some are willing to forgive ... though, not forget.

Maybe the only bad thing uttered about the Christopher Nolan-directed flick has been that it glosses over the long-lasting radiation exposure and cancer cases generations of New Mexico locals have endured following the July 1945 nuclear bomb test.

Despite the omission, one of those victims, Wesley Burris, tells TMZ he doesn't have any ill will about the film being cemented as "the best" of the year. He says it's unlikely the cast or filmmakers were aware of the victims' backstories ... let alone that there were victims at all, starting nearly 80 years ago.

Remember, the explosive test took place amid thunderstorms over White Sands Missile Range, resulting in toxic debris falling back to Earth in the ensuing rain. It contaminated the landscape, water supplies, the food chain and exposed NM residents to harmful radiation.

Wesley reflected on the event that changed his life when he was just 5 years old. He described the detonation as being so bright, it was like looking at the sun, and the force blew him outta bed.

The medical fallout for his whole family's been devastating -- Wesley got skin cancer, his brother had radiation cancer, his sister had breast cancer and her daughter was born with leukemia. He also had friends who died from cancer they attributed to the atomic test.

Wesley acknowledges the government might not have known what the outcome would be, but failing to inform residents about it ahead of time was messed up.

In fact, he says they were all in the dark about what went down for a while, only to be told years later it was a nuclear test.

As for the movie, he says he paid money to go and watch it and thought it was good. But, he still thinks people should know what really happened in the aftermath, and realize people are still dying from it.

Tina Cordova, co-founder of the Tularosa Basin Downwinders Consortium, joined us last week on "TMZ Live" ... to share how the nuclear testing is still affecting NM families -- including her own who lived 15 miles from the blast.

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Tina's less forgiving than Wesley ... as she believes the literal and figurative fallout was intentionally left out of the film -- just as NM residents were left out of 1990's Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, which provided compensation to residents living near nuclear testing sites. But, only those in Arizona, Utah and Nevada.

So, as "Oppenheimer" is celebrated for its acting, directing and storytelling ... Wesley and Tina agree on one thing -- like thousands of others in New Mexico -- they're waiting on the U.S. government to recognize their struggle.

MISSOURI TEEN Arrested After Slamming Girl's Head on Ground Could be Tried as Adult

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A teenage girl has been arrested after video surfaced showing her pounding another girl's head into the ground during a fight, and we've learned prosecutors may try her as an adult.

The footage is shocking ... you can see 2 teens in the midst of a nasty brawl Friday near Hazelwood High School in Missouri -- with one of the girls gaining ground over the other, grabbing her head and slamming it into the sidewalk repeatedly once she's on top of her.

The girl getting pummeled appears to go unconscious almost instantly ... and other students around continue to scuffle. It looks like the girl on the ground starts to have a seizure too.

The girl whose head was slammed into the ground is reportedly in the hospital in critical condition. And now we're told cops have arrested the girl they believe did it to her on a first-degree felony charge ... and her case is being handled by the St. Louis County court system.

The D.A.'s Office has said the case isn't on their radar just yet ... because the perpetrator is a minor, and her case, for now, is being dealt with in the juvenile court system.

However, a rep for the St. Louis County Courts' 21st Judicial Circuit tells TMZ -- the minor in custody at the moment has a hearing in a couple weeks ... which will decide if she can be tried as an adult. We're told this could all happen by later this month.

We're told there's a lot of moving parts that would go into that decision -- including what ultimately happens to the girl in the hospital -- but if things take a turn for the worse ... this could be a much bigger deal than the charges she's currently facing.

In the meantime, the Hazelwood School District says that bullying and fighting are key community issues that need to be addressed for the sake of local children.

They add, "The Hazelwood School District offers our sincerest condolences to everyone involved, and will offer additional emotional support from our support and crisis team to those in need." No update on how exactly the girl in the hospital is doing.

Rip Micheals Heart Transplant Ready These Jokes Are Keeping Me Alive!!!

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Comedian Rip Micheals is already back on the scene after suffering a life-threatening heart attack a few months ago -- because his condition hasn't affected his funny bone.

We recently linked up with the "Wild 'N Out" vet in NYC coming out of the gym working on his fitness, and confirmed he's currently waiting on a heart transplant as his heart is functioning at 15% ... but Rip assures us he's recovering just nicely!!! 💪🏾

Rip shocked fans last November when he posted alarming photos of himself in the hospital ICU and credits Mayo Clinic for bringing him back to life like "Thriller."

He's not out of the woods yet ... he survived another heart attack in February following his comeback concert at the Apollo Theater and continues to monitor his vitals closely.

Contrary to popular belief, Rip says he suffers from congestive heart failure -- meaning his heart attack was caused by genetics and even had some jokes for his parents for not maximizing their biological options.

His famous comic pals figured laughter was the best medicine also -- Nick Cannon advised Rip to get like him and push out multiple kids -- before things get any worse.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

All jokes aside, Rip is marching on for a good cause. He donated half the proceeds of his last comedy special to the American Heart Association and has even more shows booked for 2024 -- with no shortage of morbid jokes, we're sure.

KATE MIDDLETON Mother's Day Pic ... Photoshop Fail More Likely Than AI

Kate Middleton's Mother's Day photo appears to be littered with Photoshop edits -- and upon closer inspection ... we think we've pinpointed all the major ones, and they're noticeable.

The Princess of Wales has already copped to altering the picture seen round-the-world -- but neither she nor Kensington Palace have clarified what exactly was doctored and how. According to Sky News ... metadata for the original photo -- which they seem to have obtained -- shows the picture was taken at their Adelaide Cottage home in Windsor.

They also report that the metadata shows it was taken with a DSLR camera ... and more importantly, it was apparently saved twice in Photoshop on an Apple MacBook -- once on Friday night and again on Saturday morning before it was released to the public by the Palace.

Remember, when it first went up on social media -- Prince William was credited as the photog -- and they said this snap was taken last week sometime ahead of Mother's Day.

Now, though, in light of the photo being reported to be manipulated -- and Kate falling on the sword as the one to blame -- everyone is picking this photo apart and analyzing it to see exactly how it may have been tweaked ... and we actually have some ideas of our own.

Take a look at what graphic designers in our own building say are apparent Photoshop edits ... or more accurately, Photoshop fails. The big red flag everyone has been pointing out is Princess Charlotte's hand overlapping with Kate's left hand ... where you see a blur.

Our own experts say this seems to be a bad use of the stamp tool in Photoshop ... that, or a possible flub in duplicating layers of two different images and not lining them up correctly.

In terms of Kate missing her wedding ring -- we know magazines are notorious for editing stuff like that, including copying/pasting body parts ... and our team here says that may well have been what happened with Kate's hand here. Basically, that whole section looks edited.

There's also the issue of Prince Louie's sweater pattern not lining up -- something our team noticed -- and Kate's jacket zipper seemingly disappearing and reappearing in the shot.

Even Kate and Charlotte's awkwardly overlapping appears to be a Photoshop mistake ... that's our own team's take anyway. It's just a handful of apparent mistakes we honed in on -- but there are certainly more others have picked up on ... and the conspiracies are flying.

Some are suggesting that Kate's face here is actually cropped from a Vogue cover -- but according to our graphic designers ... that doesn't seem likely since the lighting is all off.

The Palace isn't explaining itself here ... at least not fully. We've reached out to them for further explanation on what exactly was changed here -- but haven't heard back yet.

There's more intrigue ... with a new photo of Kate riding with Prince William as they drove to a private appointment -- and here, too, she's heavily obscured ... shying away from cameras.

It's the latest shot paps have gotten of her outside of Windsor ... but it's hard to really see her.


At this point ... people are calling for Kate to just come out and address the public -- because anything short of that won't appease everyone's curiosity or suspicions. With the fake photo being put out ... it's quite clear that Kensington Palace was okay with trying to pull a fast one -- or at the very least, wanted to make her seem like she's doing better than she is.

One last thing ... a lot of people have suggested AI is afoot in this Mother's Day pic -- but we talked to AI expert Paul Dawes -- CEO of More.Ai -- and he tells TMZ ... this photo appears to be more Photoshopped than AI-generated ... although it's possible it could be.

Dawes says an AI tool may have been used to edit real photos -- but this image does appear to be thrown together with actual photographs of real people ... that's his take.

Ditto for AI expert Mike Gioia of Pickaxe, who says this picture is likely more Photoshopped than tinkered with AI. He tells us the teeth, hands and eyes all seem fairly normal (or human) ... and he would know, as those are telltale signs of whether AI created it, or if it's the real McCoy. In this case, he says he thinks these features look more authentic than not.

Gioia does say this might've been created with the help of something in Photoshop these days called Generative Fill ... which uses AI to pop in generic images. It's just hard to tell.

Bottom line ... this is a bad Photoshop job -- but the question remains ... WHY??? Kensington Palace has been tight-lipped ... and they're letting Kate herself take the heat.

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Kate Middleton Admits to Editing Mother's Day Photo

Kate Middleton is falling on the sword over a photo Kensington Palace released that supposedly shows her with her kids post-surgery ... and even now, folks ain't buying it.

A message on behalf of the Princess of Wales was posted to X Monday morning, which explicitly places the blame over the photoshopped pic at her feet. It reads, "Like many amateur photographers, I do occasionally experiment with editing. I wanted to express my apologies for any confusion the family photograph we shared yesterday caused."

She adds, "I hope everyone celebrating had a very happy Mother’s Day. C" That final "C," BTW is meant to stand for Catherine ... so this is her taking responsibility, officially.

What's weird, of course, is that in the original upload ... Kensington Palace credited her husband, Prince William, with taking the photo -- and yet, Kate herself says this is on her.

Of course ... with all the twists and turns in this "Where Is Kate?" saga -- which has been dragging on for weeks now -- hardly anybody is believing this is actually Kate Middleton owning up to it. Most everyone assumes it's just Kensington Palace publishing some statement on her behalf. Can't blame them, considering this was truly misleading.

As we reported ... the Mother's Day photo in question was yanked by news agencies all over the world -- with these reputable outlets saying the image appeared to be manipulated.


A closer look at the photo shows some strange features, including what appear to be photoshopped elements near Princess Charlotte's left hand, and even Prince Louie's fingers appear to have a warped appearance. As it turns out -- the picture was in fact doctored.

This all follows weeks of nonstop speculation about Kate's whereabouts/condition -- as she's been out of the public eye for several weeks now following a mysterious abdominal surgery. Even when she surfaced for the first time a couple weeks ago, people still didn't think it was really her.

Most of the innuendo is joke-y in nature, and yet ... every time the Palace has tried to put out the fire ... it's backfired in their faces, and this latest move is a complete blunder.

The only thing that'll calm everyone's nerves now is a straight-up video where we see her.

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Kate Middleton Mother's Day Photo Yanked ... Agencies Say It May Be Fake

A photo of Kate Middleton and her kids sent around by Kensington Palace Sunday to celebrate Mother's Day in the U.K. is now being accused of possibly being fake.

Multiple photo and new agencies -- like the Associated Press, Getty Images, etc. -- have yanked the picture in question, and AP even handed down a kill notification to journos worldwide ... letting them know they have reason to believe this photo may be manipulated.

Part of that message read ... "At closer inspection, it appears that the source has manipulated the image. No replacement image will be sent. Please remove it from all platforms, including social, where it may still be visible."

The hesitation follows a wave of skeptics online and elsewhere, who suggested the pic looked sorta AI-generated ... and did not at all seem authentic -- this despite the fact palace officials insisted it had been taken by Prince William himself at their cottage in Windsor.

On paper, this has been presented as the real McCoy -- but reputable news outlets are now distancing themselves and refusing to circulate it ... casting serious doubt on its legitimacy.


As of now, Royal officials have yet to comment on this, even to reporters across the pond ... and the photo is still on the Prince and Princess of Wales' official social media accounts.

If true, obviously it's scandalous ... and will only add fuel to the fire over Kate's condition as she continues to recover from abdominal surgery earlier this year ... which has sidelined her for a while. Photos of her that surfaced last week were also called into question.

Kensington Palace has attempted to tamp down rumors and speculation about all this -- but the Internet has been having a field day with memes, jokes and gossip regardless. This latest apparent Snafu ain't gonna help ... if anything, it'll kickstart a fresh wave of inuendo.

If Kate isn't, in fact, ready to surface just yet ... ya gotta wonder, why wouldn't the Palace just come out and say so? Strange stuff, indeed.

Kate Middleton Look, I'm Doing Fine, Promise!!! Full-Body Recovery Shot

If Kate Middleton is a princess in pain, she's desperately trying to hide it by releasing a pic of herself smiling -- or grinning and bearing it -- surrounded by her 3 children.

The Princess of Wales posted the family pic Sunday in honor of Mother's Day in the UK. It's just the 2nd time we've seen Kate since her mysterious abdominal surgery in January ... and the first full-body shot since speculation about the procedure, her recovery, and her whereabouts have run rampant on the Internet.

In her caption, Kate writes, "Thank you for your kind wishes and continued support over the last two months. Wishing everyone a Happy Mother’s Day."

As we reported, the princess was photographed last week while out for a drive near Windsor Castle ... with her mother behind the wheel, and Kate wearing shades while in the passenger seat.

Of course, the fact we couldn't see her full body only fueled the outlandish social media rumor mill about her health.


Naturally, royal watchers are picking apart the new, more revealing pic, too. For instance, Kate is not wearing her wedding ring as she has her hands around her 2 younger children ... 8-year-old Princess Charlotte and 5-year-old Prince Louis.

The last time she attended a public event was on Christmas day, and yes, she was wearing it then. That fact won't help to quell one of the running theories, which involves speculation she and Prince William are on the rocks.

Then again, it could simply be the ring is off because she's experienced inflammation since her surgery.

One more note about the shot ... Kate is seated, as 10-year-old Prince George stands behind his mother. So, for those of you who have BBL on your "What's up with Kate" bingo cards ... we can't rule it out. Just sayin' ...

Ummm ... Happy UK Mother's Day!!!

Andre Ward Aconseja a Ryan García... Aléjate de las redes sociales!!!

Es realmente duro

El ex campeón de boxeo Andre Ward le dice a TMZ Sports que tiene una solución simple para los aparentes problemas de Ryan García: mantenerse alejado de las redes sociales y empezar a tomarse más en serio su próxima pelea con Devin Haney.

García tiene a un montón de fans preocupados, y también a Ward, por su salud mental después de publicar cosas extrañas en sus cuentas de X e Instagram durante el mes pasado.

Algunos de los mensajes incluían promesas de exponer numerosos secretos de la sociedad así como un video diciendo que algo malo le había pasado.

Ward nos dijo en Nueva York esta semana que se ha dado cuenta de todo, y está preocupado, pero cree que el boxeador de 25 años puede volver a la pista si simplemente deja de estar tan pendiente de su teléfono.

"Creo que lo primero que tiene que hacer es dejar las redes sociales", dijo Ward. "Creo que alguien a su alrededor tiene que decirle: 'Tenemos que lidiar con esto, pero no lo vamos a hacer públicamente'".

"Ya es bastante estar lidiando con ello y luchando tal y como es", continuó, "pero luego vas a dejar que todo el mundo se entere. No siempre es lo más sensato".

Al parecer, las cosas se han vuelto tan preocupantes que algunos de sus mayores partidarios lo han instado a que renuncie a su pelea del 20 de abril con Haney, pero Ward cree que se las arreglará si su entrenamiento va en sintonía.

"No es tiempo para el autocuidado, no es tiempo para el asesoramiento, es tiempo de prepararse para la guerra", dijo el hombre de 40 años.

"Estoy rezando por él y no le deseo nada más que lo mejor".

De vuelta al ring

García, por su parte, reconoció en un video que ha subido algunas "cosas bastante intensas" en sus redes sociales, pero que ahora se está concentrando únicamente, al menos públicamente, en "el boxeo, los deportes y su pelea".

Andre Ward Message To Ryan Garcia ... Stay Off Social Media!!!


Former boxing champ Andre Ward tells TMZ Sports he's got a simple solution for Ryan Garcia's apparent woes ... stay off social media -- and start taking his upcoming fight with Devin Haney more seriously.

Garcia has a bunch of his fans -- and Ward, too -- concerned about his mental health ... after he spent a few days this past month posting some bizarre things on his X and Instagram pages.

Some of the posts included vows to expose numerous secrets about society ... as well as a video claiming something bad had happened to him.

Ward told us out in NYC this week he's noticed it all, and he's worried -- but he thinks the 25-year-old can get back on track if he simply stops hitting the send button online.

"I think the first thing is, he's got to get off social media," Ward said. "I think somebody around him gotta tell him, 'We gotta deal with this, but we not going to deal with it in the public side.'"

"It's enough to be dealing with it and struggling with it as is," he continued, "but then you gon' let the whole world in on your struggle. It's not always a wise thing to do."

Things have seemed to turn so troubling with Garcia that some of his biggest supporters have urged him to opt out of his April 20 bout with Haney ... but Ward believes he'll manage -- if his training camp goes accordingly.

"That ain't time for self-care, that's not time for counseling, that's time to get ready for war," the 40-year-old said.

"I'm praying for him and I wish him nothing but the best."


For his part, Garcia acknowledged in a video earlier this week there have been some "pretty intense things" on his social media pages ... but he's now focusing solely -- at least publicly -- on "boxing, sports and my fight."

Vegan Bakery Investigation Doh-Nuts, We Got Dunkin'd!!! State Launches Probe

The owners of a vegan bakery in Long Island say they've become gluten'd for punishment -- instead of getting dairy and gluten-free treats, they fear a vendor sent them ... Dunkin' Donuts!!!

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It might sound funny, but New York state officials are now investigating what went down inside CindySnacks in Huntington, NY. The store is a vegan joint, but it's accusing one of its vendors of supplying non-vegan baked goods ... possibly purchased from Dunkin'.

The offending item was a donut, which CindySnacks posted on its Instagram earlier this week -- a strawberry frosted donut covered with purple and orange colored Ds -- which CindySnacks pointed out, looks very much like a Dunkin' menu item.

CindySnacks co-owner Jonathan Stengel wrote in the post, “I immediately became concerned as to why this one donut was decorated differently than all the others and in such a strikingly similar way to a recognizable chain.” He says he pulled all items they'd received from the vendor, The Savory Fig, until he could figure out what was happening.

Stengel says he contacted The Savory Fig owner, informing them ... "If these are Dunkin’ Donuts the ingredients could kill somebody as we have so many ppl with severe dairy allergies that shop here."

Although the vendor insisted the donut was not a Dunkin' design, Stengel and his partner decided to check on their own with a home-testing kit for gluten ... and he says it came back positive.

For now, CindySnacks has cut ties with that vendor, and New York State's Dept. of Agriculture and Markets told Newsday it would be probing the incident. Meanwhile, the owner of The Savory Fig told the outlet CindySnacks' account of events is "untrue," and denied the donut in question came from her facility.

Amanda Bynes Wigs Out With New Blue, Blonde 'Do ... Amid Drake Bell Nick Claims

Amanda Bynes surfaced for the first time in public following Drake Bell's child molestation claims against a former professional mentor ... and she's got quite the new look.

The ex-Nickelodeon child star emerged Friday for the first time since her former 'Amanda Show' costar set the stage to level some serious allegations against Brian Peck, in a new documentary that'll air his story for the first time ever.

People have wondered whether Amanda herself would be part of this doc -- "Quiet on Set" -- since it touches on a lot of former child stars during Nickelodeon's heyday ... which is why this sighting of her out and about in L.A. is so interesting.

As you can see ... Amanda's sporting a colorful hairdo here -- namely, blonde on top with blue extensions. It's certainly a unique style -- and kinda in line with how she's rockin' lately.

Amanda has obviously been out of the spotlight for years now -- although these days, she's shown signs of putting herself out there again ... through podcasts and other ventures. Of course, with this Nickelodeon doc coming out ... many have wondered if she'd come forward to make allegations of her own, but so far -- there's no indication she's set to speak out.

Drake, on the other hand, is prepared to break his silence ... which is huge in itself.

Remember, he starred on "The Amanda Show" from 1999 to 2002 before getting his own Nickelodeon show in 2004 ... and he's among the former child stars who are going to speak out in the doc.

The network says Drake will make claims against Peck, who worked on "The Amanda Show" and "Drake & Josh" as a dialogue coach.

Peck pled no contest in 2004 to performing a lewd act with a 14- or 15-year-old and to oral copulation with a minor under 16 ... and when the doc comes out later this month, Drake is expected to allege he was one of Peck's victims from that case.

Drake remained anonymous for decades ... but now he, and others, are speaking out about the bad things that allegedly happened during their Nickelodeon days.

Peck's worked on countless children's shows through the years -- including Amanda's, BTW -- and recently, some "Boy Meets World" stars said in hindsight they regret their affiliation with him back in the day. Yes, he was hobnobbing with kid actors in those days too.

Amanda's been mum on the whole subject thus far ... and it's unclear what message she's trying to send with this fashion statement, if any.

From the outside looking in, she seems to be telegraphing ... don't mind me, I'm sitting this one out.

Fat Joe Politickin' w/ Joe at White House ... U.S. People Need Healthcare Transparency!!!

Fat Joe's push in D.C. to gut America's cryptic healthcare system last night peaked with an encounter with the man in charge himself -- President Joe Biden!!!

The Bronx-bred rapper came face to face with the Prez following his SOTU address that took shots at Donald Trump -- a personal invite from his good friend, House Rep. Nanette D. Barragán.

Sources close to the encounter tell TMZ Hip Hop they exchanged pleasantries inside the Capitol Building ... Joe's skills as an MC have cemented his life's legacy and even he was impressed with Biden's delivery!!!

Joe wasn't only representing Barragán, he's been in D.C. all week on behalf of the Power to the Patients org that combats hidden hospital fees and we're told Joe's stance is 100% bipartisan ... he even had Democrats and Republicans flocking to him for selfies after he dapped up Biden.

Transparency In Health Care

Chuck D's also fighting the power for the patients, an issue, he recently stressed to TMZ, that needs to be corrected sooner rather than later as the American people are often left in the dark about how the systems work.

They're definitely running in the right circles to push a bill.

Porn Star Emily Willis In a Coma Amid Hospitalization Fam Preparing for the Worst

Emily Willis, the famous adult film actress, is still in critical condition following her hospitalization last month -- in fact, we've learned she hasn't regained consciousness.

Michael Willis -- Emily's father -- tells TMZ his daughter is currently in a coma and unresponsive at a hospital, but has stabilized a bit in comparison to the state she was in when first admitted in early February.

While she isn't as bad as she was when she went in, we're told the family is bracing for the worst -- as Emily is now on a ventilator to assist with her breathing.

Michael confirms to us that Emily was in rehab for eight days before she suffered a cardiac arrest while in treatment. While law enforcement sources previously told us that the 25-year-old was brought in for an apparent overdose ... Michael says doctors told the family that her early toxicology screen came back negative. Translation -- nothing was in her system.

FWIW ... Michael says they're all still waiting on a physical copy of the report to confirm this.

Michael -- who is actually her stepfather, but raised her as his own --- recalls Emily eating very little before entering rehab ... telling us that she weighed only 80 pounds when she checked herself in. However, it's unclear if that played a role in her health crisis.

Still, according to Michael, Emily was determined to get healthy and was very open about seeking help for her substance abuse problem.

Emily's loved ones are doing everything they can to help the stricken starlet -- her brother, also named Michael, has launched a GoFundMe to help cover her medical bills and other expenses. Her father tells us they needed to do this as they're unable to access Emily's funds ... which are currently locked and do not list her family as beneficiaries.

She's received an outpouring of love and support from friends and fans alike.

Estrella porno Emily Willis En coma en medio de su hospitalización Preparados para lo peor...

Emily Willis, la famosa actriz de cine para adultos, sigue en estado crítico tras su hospitalización el mes pasado. De hecho, hemos sabido que no ha recuperado la conciencia.

Michael Willis, el padre de Emily, le dice a TMZ que su hija se encuentra actualmente en coma y sin respuesta en un hospital, pero se ha estabilizado un poco en comparación con el estado en que se encontraba cuando fue admitida por primera vez a principios de febrero.

Aunque no está tan mal como cuando ingresó, nos dicen que la familia se está preparando para lo peor mientras Emily se encuentra conectada a un ventilador para ayudarla a respirar.

Michael nos confirma que Emily estuvo en rehabilitación durante ocho días antes de sufrir un paro cardíaco durante el tratamiento. Fuentes policiales nos dijeron previamente que la joven de 25 años fue llevada por una aparente sobredosis. Michael dice que los médicos le dijeron a la familia que su análisis toxicológico dio negativo. En otras palabras, no había nada en su sistema.

PARA SU INFORMACIÓN, Michael dice que todavía están esperando una copia física del informe para confirmar esto.

Michael, que es en realidad su padrastro, pero la crio como si fuera suya, recuerda que Emily estaba comiendo muy poco antes de entrar a rehabilitación. Nos dicen que pesaba solo 80 libras cuando fue ingresada. Sin embargo, no está claro si eso jugó un papel en su crisis de salud.

Sin embargo, de acuerdo con Michael, Emily estaba decidida a recuperar su salud y fue muy abierta sobre el deseo de buscar ayuda para tratar su problema con el abuso de sustancias.

Los seres queridos de Emily están haciendo todo lo posible para ayudar a la estrella. Su hermano, también llamado Michael, ha puesto en marcha un GoFundMe para ayudar a cubrir con sus gastos médicos y otros gastos. Su padre nos dice que necesitaban hacer esto, ya que son incapaces de acceder a los fondos de Emily, que actualmente están bloqueados y la familia no figura dentro de los beneficiarios.

Ella ha recibido una avalancha de cariño y apoyo de amigos y fans por igual.

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