The TMZ Podcast: Kate Middleton Resurfaces, Taylor's Cough Concerns Fans & Man Stung by Scorpion in the Testicles While Sleeping! 😭

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Amidst Joe Jonas' new blossoming romance with Stormi Bree, Sophie Turner and her new boyfriend Peregrine Pearson flaunted the PDA in Paris during Fashion Week.

Kate Middleton was seen out for the first time since December, after being hospitalized following emergency abdominal surgery.


Taylor Swift's fans are concerned after the singer coughed during her performance onstage in Singapore.

Plus, a hotel guest was stung in the testicles in a Las Vegas hotel! 😭

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Nikki Hendry

SINBAD SUFRE UN DERRAME CEREBRAL... La familia dice que se está recuperando

"creo en los milagros"

Sinbad está hablando públicamente por primera vez en mucho tiempo, y se ve bastante bien. Esto es importante si tenemos en cuenta que sufrió un accidente cerebrovascular hace 4 años, y lo que es aún más impresionante, es que está bromeando con un regreso.

El comediante publicó un nuevo video en Insta en el que hizo varias revelaciones, no sabíamos de él desde que sufrió su episodio médico en 2020. Esto también marca su primer post desde 2022, cuando dio otra gran actualización.

Sinbad le dijo a los fans que apreciaba sus amables palabras y oraciones durante estos últimos años, señalando que las demostraciones de afecto significaban mucho para él mientras se recuperaba.

También dijo que la gente podía esperar ver más de él pronto, una señal alentadora.

Sinbad volvió a ser el centro de atención a finales de febrero para acompañar a sus compañeros de "Un mundo diferente" en su primera parada de una gira por 10 ciudades. Aunque Sinbad participó en Zoom, fue recibido con un apasionado aplauso de la multitud.

En este último clip, dice que se sorprendió de que los universitarios incluso sabían quién era.

Tal vez el cómico está subestimando su legado, que incluye papeles protagonistas en "Jingle All the Way", "The Sinbad Show", "Coneheads", y seis temporadas en "The Cosby Show" spinoff.

En cualquier caso, Sinbad se aseguró de agradecer a sus fans por su continuo amor y apoyo, informándoles de que vio y leyó todo lo que se envió durante su recuperación.

Como informamos, sufrió un derrame cerebral en octubre de 2020. Su familia dijo más tarde fue causado por un coágulo de sangre que viajó desde el corazón hasta el cerebro. En ese momento, sus seres queridos dijeron que estaban agradecidos por la efusión de amor de los fans.

Bienvenido de nuevo Simbad, ¡nos alegramos de verte bien!

Sinbad Gives Health Update After Stroke ... Expect to See More of Me!!!

Miracles Happen

Sinbad is speaking out publicly for the first time in a long time, and he's showing face too -- which is major following his stroke 4 years ago ... and crazier yet, he's teasing a comeback.

The comedian posted a new video to IG that revealed a lot -- including giving fans an update on his health ... which many have been asking for ever since he suffered his medical episode in 2020. This also marks his first post since 2022, when he gave another big update.

In the new upload, Sinbad told fans that he appreciated their kind words and prayers to him over these past few years ... noting the kind words meant a lot to him as he recovered.

He also said folks could expect to see more of him soon ... an encouraging sign.

Sinbad actually stepped back into the spotlight a bit at the end of February to accompany his costars "A Different World" for their initial stop on a 10-city tour of HBCUs. While Sinbad only participated over Zoom -- he was met with a passionate round of applause from the crowd.

In this latest clip ... he says he was surprised that the college kids even knew who he was.

Perhaps the comic is underestimating his legacy -- which includes starring roles in "Jingle All the Way," "The Sinbad Show," "Coneheads," and six seasons on "The Cosby Show" spinoff.

In any case, Sinbad made sure to thank his fans for their continued love and support ... informing them that he saw and read everything that was sent in during his recovery.

As we reported ... Sinbad suffered from a stroke in October 2020 -- which his family later said was caused by a blood clot that traveled from the heart to the brain. At the time ... his loved ones said they were grateful for fans' outpouring of love.

Welcome back, Sinbad ... good to see you're doing well!


Kate Middleton ha aparecido por primera vez desde su hospitalización a principios de este año. Ella está manteniendo un perfil bajo... o al menos eso intenta.

La Princesa de Gales fue vista como pasajera el lunes en un vehículo que era conducido por su madre, Carole, cerca del Castillo de Windsor en el Reino Unido y como hemos dicho, este avistamiento es importante si tenemos en cuenta que no la hemos visto en absoluto desde diciembre.

Kate llevaba gafas de sol y parecía mostrar una sonrisa. No parecía haber ningún otro pariente o seguridad acompañándola.

Internet ha estado lleno de especulaciones en este último par de semanas sobre su paradero y ha habido un montón de bromas a costa suya.

El punto es que la gente se ha estado preguntando dónde diablos estaba, sobre todo porque la condición con la que ha estado tratando se ha mantenido en secreto. Los funcionarios reales se limitan a decir que se sometió a una cirugía abdominal y nada más.

El Palacio de Buckingham solo dijo en ese momento que ella permanecería hospitalizada durante aproximadamente dos semanas, y después de eso, ella no sería capaz de reanudar sus funciones hasta alrededor de Pascua.

También le aseguraron al público que ella estaba progresando en su recuperación, algo que reiteraron la semana pasada cuando finalmente respondieron a todas las conjeturas virales en curso.

Sabemos que el príncipe William ha estado a su lado todo el tiempo. Fue visto yendo al hospital mientras ella estaba allí, pero desde entonces ha continuado con su trabajo en solitario.

Su suegro, el rey Carlos, también ha estado lidiando con problemas de salud debido a su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer, pero ha sido capaz de seguir adelante muy bien y ya se ve fuera de casa.

Me alegro de ver a Kate aquí, ¡ahora todos sabemos que está viva y bien!

Kate Middleton Spotted in Public for First Time ... Since Hospitalization

Kate Middleton has surfaced for the first time since her hospitalization earlier this year that sidelined her for a good while -- and she's maintaining a low profile ... or trying to anyway.

The Princess of Wales was seen riding passenger Monday in a vehicle that was being driven by her mother, Carole, near Windsor Castle in the UK ... and like we said, this sighting is a big deal considering we haven't seen her whatsoever since December.

Kate was wearing shades, and appeared to be rocking somewhat of a smile here -- there didn't appear to be any other relatives with them for this outing ... and ditto for security.

It's interesting that she's popping up like this right now ... frankly, the internet has been rife with speculation these past couple weeks over her whereabouts -- and there's been a lot of jokes made at her expense.

Point is though ... people have been wondering where the heck she was and how she was doing -- especially since the condition she's been dealing with has been kept under tight wraps ... with Royal officials only saying she underwent abdominal surgery and nothing else.

Buckingham Palace only said at the time that she would remain hospitalized for about 2 weeks -- and after that, she wouldn't be able to resume her duties until about Easter time.

They also reassured the public that she was making progress in her recovery -- something they reiterated last week when they finally responded to all the viral conjecture going on.


We know Prince William has been coming to her side throughout all this -- he was seen going to the hospital while she was in there ... but since then, he's continued on with his work solo.

Her father-in-law, King Charles, has also been dealing with health issues -- due to his recent cancer diagnosis -- but he's been able to carry on just fine ... already being seen out and about.

Good to see Kate here ... now we all know, she's alive and well!

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Kate Winslet Ozempic suena terrible!!! Habla de la manía por el peso

Kate Winslet acaba de enterarse de Ozempic y digamos que no estaba saltando de alegría exactamente cuando dio a conocer sus pensamientos mientras comía un pastel.

La actriz tropezó con todo el asunto de Ozempic mientras hablaba con The New York Times Magazine, donde explicó que había oído rumores sobre "una píldora que la gente está tomando o algo así", pero ella no sabía exactamente lo que era.

Algo a tener en cuenta es que Ozempic es originalmente un medicamento para tratar la diabetes tipo 2, que se usa fuera de indicación en Gran Bretaña, de donde es nativa Kate, pero no es tan popular como lo es aquí en los Estados Unidos.

Como resultado, Kate estaba aparentemente horrorizada cuando se enteró para qué se ha estado utilizando. Dijo que sonaba "terrible" y en su lugar animó a la gente a comer más.

El disgusto de Kate con esta estrategia para perder peso a escondidas tiene sentido total si tenemos en cuenta el escrutinio público al que se ha enfrentado por su propio cuerpo, especialmente desde sus días en Titanic, por allá en el 97.

Ella le dijo al medio que los comentarios sobre su peso llegaron a tal punto que comenzó a luchar contra un trastorno de la alimentación, que se lo guardó para sí misma en ese entonces.

Desgarradoramente, Kate compartió que cuando perdió peso, la gente comentaba lo bien que se veía, reforzando esta idea de que verse bien estaba directamente relacionado con cuánto pesaba.

Hoy en día, cuando la gente trata de hacer comentarios sobre el peso de Kate, ya no engancha para nada y se apresura en llamarles la atención al instante. Es seguro decir, que Kate ha tenido malas experiencias con el tema, por lo que sus sentimientos sobre Ozempic no son tan sorprendentes.

Por cierto, hay que decir que está en minoría en este punto. Más famosos están con Ozempic por estos días que no.


Kate Winslet's just found out about Ozempic, and let's just say she's not exactly jumping for joy about it -- making her thoughts known while munchin' on a pastry.

The actress stumbled upon the whole Ozempic thing while speaking to The New York Times Magazine ... where she explained she's heard murmurings about "some pill that people are taking or something like that" ... but she didn't exactly know what it was.

Something to note here ... Ozempic, originally a type 2 diabetes drug, is used off-label in KW's native Britain, but it's not exactly all the rage there like it is here in the States.

As a result, Kate was apparently horrified when she found out what it's actually been used for ... with the star adding it sounded "terrible," and encouraging people to just eat more food instead.

Kate's disgust at the whole sneaky weight loss method makes total sense when you consider the public scrutiny she's faced about her body ... especially since her Titanic days back in '97.

She told the publication the historical comments about her weight got to the point where she began battling an eating disorder ... but she kept it to herself at the time.

Heartbreakingly, Kate shared that when she did lose weight, people would comment on how good she looked, reinforcing this idea that looking good was directly tied to how much she weighed.


Nowadays, when people try to comment on Kate's weight, she's not having any of it ... quick to call them out on it right then and there. Safe to say, Kate's been through the wringer on this issue ... so her feelings on Ozempic aren't all that surprising.

She's in the minority here, BTW ... more stars are for Ozempic these days than not.

Taylor Swift Los fans se preocupan por su tos... Necesita descansar!!!

Ataque de tos

Los fans de Taylor Swift están aparentemente preocupados por su salud tras verla toser en el escenario, y aunque es dulce, también habla de lo hiper-enfocados que están en ella.

Un video que capta uno de los recientes espectáculos de Taylor en Singapur está circulando por todo Internet y, a primera vista, no hay realmente nada de que preocuparse, al menos para una persona promedio. Pero los Swifties, sin embargo, se apresuraron a notar que tosió brevemente para aclarar su garganta mientras cantaba.

Literalmente fue un segundo y luego ella continuó como si nada hubiera pasado.

Y, sin embargo, la gente en línea está repletando las redes con pensamientos y oraciones para Tay Tay, con muchos diciendo que no se encuentra bien y que podría necesitar descanso. En otras palabras, desconocidos jugando a ser médicos.

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Se le acaba el aire

Como hemos dicho, ella no parece frágil o enferma aquí -aparte de la tos- pero por alguna razón sus fans parecen creer que saben más sobre su salud, lo que está provocando extrañamente una gran preocupación por la estrella del pop. De todas maneras, Taylor ha terminado casi todos sus shows.

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No está de más decir que ella es una artista profesional y ha hecho esto por muchos años, por lo que si T-Swift estuviera realmente mal, no lo haría. Por lo tanto, estamos seguros de que va a agradecer la preocupación, pero es innecesaria.

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Tropezando en las escaleras

Por cierto, esta no es la primera vez que la base de fans de Taylor se preocupa abiertamente por ella. Ha habido otros casos que han provocado la angustia entre los Swifties, ya sea por una vez en que perdió la marca sobre el escenario, cuando tropezó en las escaleras o intentó recuperar el aliento debido al calor.

Por suerte, nada salió de eso, pero suponemos que es la intención lo que cuenta.

Que te mejores, Taylor, ¡suponiendo que estés enferma!

Taylor Swift Fans Concerned Over Cough ... She Needs to Rest!!!


Taylor Swift fans are apparently worried about her health because she happened to cough onstage -- which, while sweet, speaks to how hyper-focused these loyalists really are.

A video capturing one of Taylor's recent Singapore shows is making the rounds -- and at first glance, there's really nothing to fret about ... at least to the average person. Of course, though, Swifties were quick to notice that she briefly cleared her throat while singing.

It literally happens in a second ... and she carried on afterward like nothing had happened.

And yet ... people online are pouring in with thoughts and prayers for Tay Tay, with many saying she's not well and that she might need rest. In other words, randoms playing doctor.

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Like we said, she doesn't appear outwardly frail or sick here -- aside from the one cough -- but for some reason ... her fans seem to think they know all about her health, and it's weirdly leading to a lot of concern for the pop star. FWIW, Taylor's finished nearly all her shows.

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It should also go without saying ... but she's a professional performer, and has been doing this for years now -- so if T-Swift was truly under the weather and unable to go on, she wouldn't. So, we're sure she might appreciate the sentiment here -- but it's unnecessary.

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trippin' taylor

BTW ... this isn't the first time Taylor's fan base has openly worried about her. There've been other instances where she's caused angst among the Swifties -- whether it was over a missed mark onstage, almost tripping down some stairs or struggling to breathe due to the heat.


Luckily, nothing ever came from any of that ... but we suppose it's the thought that counts.

Feel better, Taylor ... assuming, you're sick, that is!

We're covering all things Taylor on the new Swift-Tea Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

'Mob Wives' Renee Graziano Describes Near-Fatal Fentanyl OD Had to Learn to Walk Again

Dumb Blonde Podcast

Renee Graziano says she nearly lost her life when she overdosed last year on a bad batch of drugs -- which she calls her come-to-Jesus moment ... and which finally got her clean.

The "Mob Wives" star is the latest guest for Bunnie XO's "Dumb Blonde" podcast ... and in a sneak peek clip from their chat -- set to air in full on Wednesday -- you can hear Renee get into the details of an OD she suffered in 2023 ... which ultimately sent her to Odom Recovery Group.

The story is harrowing, to say the least -- RG describes what drug it was that ended up being laced with fentanyl, unbeknownst to her ... and she says it landed her in the hospital.

Take a listen for yourself ... Renee says she had no clue she was dabbling in bad drugs -- but before she knew it, she'd lost memory over the course of 3 days ... and was bedridden for a total of 9, a period in which she says her family never came to see or visit her.

preview of the pod
Dumb Blonde Podcast

Renee goes on to say she had to learn to walk again from this horrific episode -- and it ended up being what made her realize she had to kick her drug habit ... which she has.

As we reported ... Renee entered into treatment back in November -- a couple months after this overdose -- and it sounds like she's been on the straight and narrow ever since.

Good to hear she's doing well ... and it sounds like a lot more will be discussed on the pod.

Can't wait to hear it!

Cops: Drew Eubanks Suffered Bloody Gums, Loose Teeth ... In Fight W/ Isaiah Stewart

Sounds like Isaiah Stewart's got a mean right hand ... at least according to Drew Eubanks, who told cops his Valentine's Day fight with the Detroit player left him with bloody gums and loose teeth.

According to a Phoenix Police Department incident report, obtained by TMZ Sports, Eubanks made the complaint roughly five hours after he and Stewart were involved in an altercation at the Footprint Center just prior to the Pistons vs. Suns Feb. 14 matchup.

Eubanks, cops wrote in the report, said Stewart confronted him while he was entering the arena due to interactions the two had previously had while playing in a game three months prior.

"He got off the bus and he started, um, just talking s***," Eubanks told cops. "He said something along the lines of, 'You wanna run it back? We're right here. We can do it right now.'"

Cops say Eubanks told them he tried to walk away from the situation, but Stewart kept advancing toward him ... until they were face-to-face inside of a tunnel in the arena.

Eubanks told cops, according to the report, Isaiah then said, "We can do this s*** right now" ... before he threw "a sucker punch."

Eubanks stated the blow landed in the center of his mouth, causing his gums to bleed. He added, the report states, "My teeth definitely are like looser and they hurt."

When pressed more about why he believed Stewart was so upset, Eubanks stated nothing out of the ordinary happened between the two in their previous matchup.

"Just basketball stuff," the Phoenix center said. "It was, you know, lowering your shoulder. Trying to hit, hit somebody for a box out. Being physical. Talking on the court. That's all it was."

At the time, Eubanks told cops he wished to prosecute ... and Stewart was issued a citation.

However, the report states that on Feb. 17 -- three days after the encounter -- Eubanks called cops and said he no longer wished to press charges.

On Feb. 19, cops say Eubanks told them "he had been thinking about the incident for a couple days and at the time, he was upset, but had time to think about it."

X / @KoryEWoods

Stewart was still suspended by the NBA for three games. After serving the ban, he apologized to his team during a meeting with media members.

Eubanks, meanwhile, has played between six and 25 minutes per game since the fight.

Jamie Foxx Promises to Spill on Health Scare ... During AAFCA Speech

Jamie Foxx says he's going to finally address what exactly happened to him that landed him in the hospital last year -- but it sounds like it'll be a televised special of some sort.

The comedian/actor was accepting a Producers Award Sunday night in L.A. at the African American Film Critics Association Awards -- where he delivered a touching speech and discussed how his whole view on life has changed for the better after what he went through.

Of course, he's referring to the health scare that sidelined him for most of 2023 -- a mystery ailment that never quite got cleared up ... but which he says has given him new perspective.

He was cracking jokes while addressing this, but at one point -- he made a revelation ... namely, that he was going to discuss the details of his hospitalization in due time. The only caveat, he says, is that he's going to do it his way ... meaning, with humor and comedy.

The way he talks about it here ... it seems like Jamie wants to do this in a stand-up setting.

No timeline was offered on when this might be coming to fruition -- but it's the first time we've heard Jamie promise to tackle the issue head on ... as there's been lots of rumors and speculation, which he's well aware of. We're talking al the clone conspiracy chatter here.

One other highlight from Jamie's time at the event ... he posed with Jonathan Majors and Meagan Good -- both of whom attended the AAFCA, and who looked like a happy couple.

Jonathan's fresh off a criminal conviction ... but he's carrying on with his life regardless.

As for Jamie ... he's obviously still hilarious -- that much was clear from this event, as he's back to his old self. It'll be interesting to see if/when he spills the tea on what went down.

Terrell Owens Alleged Attacker Charged With Two Felonies

The man who allegedly hit Terrell Owens with his car following a dispute at a basketball game last year has been hit with two criminal charges, TMZ Sports has learned.

Court records show Wonzur Ratcliff is now facing two counts of felony assault with a deadly weapon ... after authorities say he was the man who rammed his vehicle into Owens' knee on Oct. 16, 2023.

Cops claimed the incident all went down because Ratcliff and Owens had gotten into an argument while shooting hoops on a court in the Calabasas, Calif. area.

Owens, cops said, did not require medical attention.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

T.O. never formally commented on the matter ... although he did allude to it in an Instagram post two days after it happened. The Hall of Famer shared what appeared to be highlights of him playing in the game that led to the incident ... writing in the caption, "ABOUT LAST NIGHT…"

"BUT I DO HAVE A RIGHT TO PROTECT MYSELF. *hope the car is ok!!!"

A court date for Ratcliff, meanwhile, has not yet been set.

PORN STAR EMILY WILLIS Needs Help Paying Medical Bills ... Following Apparent OD

Emily Willis' family is crowdfunding to help pay the adult film star's mounting medical bills after she was hospitalized following an apparent overdose.

Emily's family has set up a GoFundMe to raise money to pay for her hospital stay and recovery ... with folks pitching in $13,305 towards a $60,000 goal.

TMZ broke the story ... Emily was transported to a medical facility in Thousand Oaks, CA last month following a call for service reporting a possible OD.

Emily, who is just 25 years old, was at a well-known celeb rehab location in Malibu when the incident occurred ... so it seems she was being treated for addiction when she was rushed to a hospital and placed in a critical care unit.

Her father says Emily is fighting "an incredibly tough and unforeseen battle" with a long road to recovery ahead, requiring lots of care.

Emily's dad says donations will go towards her medical bills, plus travel and accommodations for her family so they can be with her in the hospital.

The family says Emily needs their support, and they have to be away from work to be by her side for her recovery.

Heather Gay Body Positivity's a 'Big Lie' ... Ozempic the Way to Go!!!


One of the 'Real Housewives' is saying the quiet part out loud ... Heather Gay is calling BS on all the talk about body positivity -- flat out saying, "It is better not to be overweight."

The "Real Housewives of Salt Lake City" cast member went off about weight issues during a sit down with "20/20" co-anchor and ABC senior national affairs correspondent, Deborah Roberts.

In the Friday night "Impact x Nightline" segment, Heather fired back at critics of Ozempic and other weight loss meds. She said, "I’ve sold out, I’ve given up the banner of you know, accept yourself. And it’s disappointing and sad to know that body positivity was all a big lie. It is better not to be overweight.”

She also admitted, "I didn’t want to show up at another party and see all of my friends 20 pounds thinner and just be resentful."

Once she started shedding pounds, Heather says she noticed treating her differently -- "For the first time, I was being valued by my castmates, by the public, in a way that I had never been valued before. And that felt to me … sad.”

Her overall message here is ... people give a lot of lip service to the idea of body positivity, but the reality is society loves you more when you're in better shape.

Fact is, even the supremely accomplished Oprah Winfrey has said how much better she feels having dropped at least 40 lbs while using medication.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George and several other celebs are publicly embracing the use of weight loss meds -- and, for her part, Heather's saying why the hell wouldn't you??

It's a totally relevant point that the National Institutes of Health says obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death in America, only behind tobacco.


Una de las "Real Housewives" está dándo de que hablar. Heather Gay está llamando una "mentira" todo lo que tiene que ver con la positividad del cuerpo, diciendo: "Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

La "Real Housewives de Salt Lake City" miembro del elenco, se refirió a cuestiones de peso con Deborah Roberts de ABC News.

En el segmento del viernes por la noche de "Impact x Nightline", Heather respondió a las críticas sobre Ozempic y otros medicamentos para perder peso. Dijo: "Me he vendido, he renunciado a la bandera de, ya sabes, acéptate a ti misma. Y es decepcionante y triste saber que la positividad corporal era una gran mentira. Es mejor no tener sobrepeso".

También admitió: "No quería aparecer en otra fiesta y ver a todas mis amigas nueve kilos más delgadas y estar resentida".

Una vez que empezó a perder kilos, Heather dice que se dio cuenta de que la trataban de manera diferente, "Por primera vez estaba siendo valorada por mis compañeros de reparto y por el público de una manera que nunca había sido valorada antes. Y eso me pareció... triste".

Su mensaje general es que la gente habla mucho sobre la idea de la positividad corporal, pero la realidad es que la sociedad te quiere más cuando estás en mejor forma.

El hecho es que incluso Oprah Winfrey ha dicho lo mucho mejor que se siente después de haber bajado al menos 40 libras mientras usaba la famosa medicina.

Sharon Osbourne, Sheryl Underwood, Boy George y varias otras celebridades están abrazando públicamente el uso de medicamentos para perder peso, y por su parte, Heather dice ¿por qué diablos no lo harías?

tmz investiga
TMZ Studios

Es un punto totalmente relevante que los Institutos Nacionales de Salud digan que la obesidad es la segunda causa de muerte prevenible en Estados Unidos, solo por detrás del tabaco.

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