Tom Brady Re-Runs 40-Yard Dash ... Faster At 46 Than At 22!!!

Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger

Father Time is still clearly losing his battle with Tom Brady ... 'cause the NFL legend just revealed he's actually faster now at 46 years old than when he was at 22!!

The former quarterback decided to re-run a 40-yard dash following a shoot with his new "NoBull" company recently ... just to see if after all these years, he could move a bit quicker than when he was trying to get noticed by NFL teams at the 2000 Combine.

Brady wasn't sure if he could beat his now-infamous mark of 5.28 seconds ... saying prior to the run to his buds, "Let's see if we can level up."

Turns out, though, he does, indeed, have better wheels these days!

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Check out the footage of the sprint ... the two who timed Brady's jaunt had him at 5.18 seconds and 5.12 -- both clear improvements from when he was a little-known signal-caller who had just wrapped up his Michigan career.

Brady's "NoBull" business partner, Mike Repole, could hardly believe the times ... joking with TB12, "If you do that 25 years ago, you get drafted in the third round!"

Of course, being better with age is nothing new for Brady. Four of his seven Super Bowl wins came AFTER he turned 37 years old -- with his final title coming following his 43rd birthday.

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Seems Brady's got his eyes on being even better in 2025 -- saying, "Next year, it's going to be faster!"

Tim Wakefield Widow Dies Months After MLB Pitcher ... Following Cancer Battle

Stacy Wakefield -- the widow of former Red Sox great Tim Wakefield -- has tragically passed away after a battle with pancreatic cancer, the team announced Wednesday.

She was surrounded by her family, friends, caretakers and nurses at her home in Massachusetts.

The news comes less than five months after the longtime MLB pitcher died from brain cancer at 57 years old ... a loss that rocked the sports world.

The family released a statement on Stacy's passing ... saying, "Our hearts are beyond broken."

"We will remember Stacy as a strong, loving, thoughtful and kind person, who was as down-to-earth as they come. We feel so lucky to have had her in our lives, and we take comfort in the fact that she will be reunited with Tim, the love of her life."

The Wakefields also shined a light on those who took care of Stacy -- doctors, nurses and caretakers -- who were by her side since her diagnosis.

"We are eternally grateful for your unmatched care and support. And to all of you who have sent well wishes over these last several months, we truly appreciate your kindness."

Tim -- a two-time World Series champion and Red Sox Hall of Famer -- and Stacy got married in November 2002.

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Stacy and Tim are survived by two children, Trevor and Brianna.

Tim Wakefield Muere su viuda meses después del lanzador de la MLB

Stacy Wakefield, la viuda del ex jugador de los Red Sox, Tim Wakefield, falleció trágicamente tras una batalla contra el cáncer de páncreas, anunció el equipo el miércoles.

Stacy estaba rodeada de su familia, amigos, cuidadores y enfermeras en su casa de Massachusetts.

La noticia llega menos de cinco meses después de que el lanzador de la MLB de larga data falleciera de cáncer cerebral a los 57 años, una pérdida que sacudió al mundo del deporte.

La familia emitió un comunicado sobre el fallecimiento de Stacy, que dice: "Nuestros corazones están más que rotos".

"Recordaremos a Stacy como una persona fuerte, cariñosa, atenta y amable, con los pies bien en la tierra. Nos sentimos muy afortunados de haberla tenido en nuestras vidas y nos consuela el hecho de que se reunirá con Tim, el amor de su vida".

Los Wakefield también arrojaron luz sobre aquellos que cuidaron de Stacy: médicos, enfermeras y cuidadores, que estuvieron a su lado desde su diagnóstico.

"Estamos eternamente agradecidos por su inigualable cuidado y apoyo. Y a todos los que han enviado buenos deseos durante estos últimos meses, apreciamos de verdad su amabilidad".

Tim, dos veces campeón de la Serie Mundial y miembro del Salón de la Fama de los Red Sox, y Stacy se casaron en noviembre de 2002.

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A Stacy y Tim les sobreviven sus dos hijos, Trevor y Brianna.

Andy Cohen y Bravo Demandados por Leah McSweeney ... Ex de "Real Housewives of New York"

Andy Cohen ha sido golpeado con una demanda por una ex integrante de "Real Housewives of New York", la estrella Leah McSweeney, quien está alegando el mismo tipo de cosas que Brandi Glanville.

De acuerdo con documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ y presentados el martes, Leah, que también protagonizó el "Housewives' spinoff 'Ultimate Girls Trip", afirma que los productores junto con Bravo, NBC Universal Media y otros crearon un ambiente tóxico de trabajo en donde se explotaron su salud mental y su consumo del alcohol para "vender el drama".

Ella continúa alegando que Andy y otros la presionaban para consumir alcohol durante su tiempo en el programa, a pesar de que sabían de su lucha contra la adicción. Como ejemplo, Leah señala un mensaje de texto que recibió de su compañera de "RHUGT", Marysol Patton diciendo: "Me gustaría que todavía estuvieras bebiendo", algo que Leah tomó como una clara referencia a su recién descubierta sobriedad.

La ex estrella de la telerrealidad también afirma que el anfitrión de "Watch What Happens Live" consumía cocaína con otras esposas y estrellas de Bravo y supuestamente premiaba a las que participaban consumiendo drogas con buenas ediciones en televisión.

Un representante de Andy Cohen le dice a TMZ: "Las afirmaciones en contra de Andy son completamente falsas".

Fuentes con conocimiento directo también le dicen a TMZ que muchas de estas afirmaciones han sido expresadas por Leah anteriormente y, según su conocimiento, las acusaciones fueron encontradas inexactas. Las fuentes también nos recuerdan que Andy no ha sido un ejecutivo en Bravo desde 2013, por lo que técnicamente no es ni siquiera su jefe ni tiene la última palabra o más influencia que cualquier otro productor que trabaja en la franquicia.

Aun así, como la red ha dicho antes, todas las acusaciones se investigan sin importar qué.

Leah está demandando por daños y perjuicios no especificados. Alega que la producción la discriminó sobre la base de su conocido problema con el alcohol y otros asuntos y no hizo ningún tipo de acomodamiento durante su tiempo en los programas.

La demanda se produce en medio de otro drama de "Real Housewives" para Andy, quien fue acusado de acoso sexual por Brandi Glanville, integrante de "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" y "Housewives' spinoff 'Ultimate Girls Trip".

Por si se lo perdieron, la semana pasada los abogados de Brandi enviaron una carta a NBC Universal amenazando con una demanda. El mandamás de Bravo fue acusado de invitar a Brandi a presenciar un encuentro sexual con otra personalidad de Bravo por FaceTime.

Andy respondió rápidamente a las afirmaciones de Brandi escribiendo en X que todo el asunto había sido una broma que se fue de las manos. Sin embargo, reconoció que la situación era inapropiada.

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Brandi dejó claro que no se estaba riendo y criticó a Andy por disculparse con su base de fans en lugar de con ella.

Andy Cohen, Bravo Sued by 'RHONY' Alum Leah McSweeney ... You Took Advantage of My Alcohol Abuse

Andy Cohen has been hit with a lawsuit by former 'RHONY' star Leah McSweeney ... and she's alleging the same sorts of things as Brandi Glanville.

According to legal docs filed Tuesday, obtained by TMZ, Leah -- who also starred on the 'Housewives' spinoff 'Ultimate Girls Trip' -- claims the producers ... along with Bravo, NBC Universal Media and others created a toxic work environment where her mental health and alcohol use disorder were exploited all in the "name of selling drama."

She goes on to allege Andy and others were pressuring her to consume alcohol during her time on the show -- despite knowing of her addiction struggles. As one example, Leah points to a text message she says she got from 'RHUGT' costar Marysol Patton saying, "I wish you were still drinking" -- which Leah took as a clear reference to her newfound sobriety.

The reality TV alum also claims that the "Watch What Happens Live" host uses cocaine with other Housewives and Bravo stars -- and allegedly rewards those who participate in the drug use with good TV edits.

A rep for Andy Cohen tells TMZ … "The claims against Andy are completely false."

Leah is suing for unspecified damages, claiming the production discriminated against her based on her known alcohol problem and other issues and failed to make any accommodations during her time on the shows.

This lawsuit comes amid other 'Housewives' drama for Andy -- who has been accused of sexually harassing "Real Housewives of Beverly Hills" and 'RHUGT' alum Brandi Glanville.

ICYMI ... last week, Brandi's lawyers sent a letter to NBC Universal threatening a lawsuit -- in which the Bravo honcho was accused of inviting Brandi to watch him hook up with another Bravo personality over FaceTime.

Andy quickly responded to Brandi's claims ... writing on X that the whole thing was a joke that has been blown out of proportion. However ... he did acknowledge that the situation was inappropriate.

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Brandi made it clear she wasn't laughing -- as she called out Andy for apologizing to his fans instead of her.

Dan Dakich On Court-Storming Here's How I'd Fix It ... More Cops & Bigger Fines!!!


Dan Dakich says college basketball fans advocating for the end of court-stormings need to relax ... telling TMZ Sports the solution to the problem is super simple.

According to the former Hoosiers star ... all schools need to do in order to avoid issues with the end-of-game fan rush is beef up police presence on nights where it's likely to happen.

"The biggest deterrent is you get the cops -- the police -- big bright jackets," Dakich, host of Outkick's Don't @ Me said, "you surround the [losing] team, and no one's coming."

Dakich explained the protection from cops would still allow students to celebrate their universities' biggest in-season achievements while keeping the most vulnerable safe. And, if schools fail to properly prepare for the potential outcome and things do get out of hand, he thinks hefty fines would make sure they stay on top of things.

"You've got to make it hurt," Dakich said of the penalties. "You've got to make it a million."

Of course, many in and out of the sport have called for an end to the longstanding tradition after Kyle Filipowski was injured by Wake Forest supporters after they rushed the floor following an 83-79 win on Saturday.

In fact, Jay Bilas -- an ESPN analyst and a former Duke player -- suggested citations or even arrests should be imposed in order to stop the madness.

But, Dakich -- who actually had one of his players sustain a serious injury in a court-storming situation during his time as Bowling Green head coach -- made it clear ... he's entirely opposed to all of that.

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"There's like a 10 court-stormings a month," Dakich said. "One time a Dukie a tweaks an ankle, and we're out of our minds!!"

Adele I'm Too Sick, Gotta Pause Vegas Gigs!!! Next 5 Weekends on Hold

Adele's putting her iconic voice on ice due to illness, and that means ticketholders for any of her next 5 weekends -- the last for this leg of her Las Vegas run -- will have to change their travel plans.

The singer announced Tuesday afternoon she's officially pausing her Vegas residency at the Colosseum at Caesars Palace at the behest of her doctors. She says, "I was sick at the end of the last leg and all the way through my break. I hadn't quite gotten the chance to get back to full health before shows resumed and now I'm sick again, and unfortunately it's all taken a toll on my voice."

It's clear she's been battling health issues ... last Thursday she was out in rainy Beverly Hills wearing a facemask -- and while she still managed to perform this past weekend in Vegas, she told the audience she was struggling to hit her "head notes properly" because her "chest is on fire."

Adele's full run at Caesars was scheduled to end the weekend of June 14 -- but it's unclear what the postponement will mean for fans. She's supposed to start a series of shows in Germany after Vegas.

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As of now the postponed Vegas dates are all 5 weekends in March, and she says ticketholders will be sent info on rescheduling ASAP.

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As they say, the show must go on -- but for Adele, that won't happen until April, at the earliest.


Kourtney Kardashian y su marca de suplementos de salud Lemme, experimentaron un robo muy extraño la semana pasada. Alguien lo robó, ¡y dejó una nota de rescate!

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que un camión que Kourtney usa para enviar productos de su marca Lemme, fue robado de las instalaciones este fin de semana pasado en el Valle de San Fernando.

Nos dicen que esto sucedió en las instalaciones logísticas que Kourtney y su equipo utilizan para los productos Lemme, y este camión contenía más de $4 millones de dólares en Lemme Burn, uno de sus productos más vendidos en la línea Lemme.

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que un individuo (o individuos) parecen haber hackeado el sistema de la instalación y se abrió camino en la propiedad con documentación e identificación falsa y nos dicen que, literalmente, condujo fuera del lote impune.

Aquí está la parte más loca, nuestras fuentes dicen que una nota de rescate fue enviada digitalmente por este grupo y exigió un pago a cambio de la mercancía de Kourtney.

Nos dicen que un gran informe de robo con la aplicación de la ley se presentó sobre esto y la policía está investigando.

Un representante Lemme nos dice: "Nuestro equipo está trabajando en estrecha colaboración con las fuerzas del orden para investigar el robo. Mientras tanto, estamos implementando planes de contingencia para minimizar cualquier impacto a nuestros clientes y socios minoristas".

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Si suena como algo sacado de una película, bienvenido a Los Ángeles.

Kourtney Kardashian Lemme Truck Stolen at Facility ... Ransom Note Left Behind!!!

Kourtney Kardashian and her partners at her buzzy health supplement brand Lemme experienced a crazy heist last week -- 'cause someone jacked their s*** ... and left a ransom note!

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... a truck stationed at a facility that Kourtney and co. are using to ship out product for her Lemme brand was stolen from the premises of the warehouse it was at this past weekend, out in the San Fernando Valley here in SoCal.

We're told this happened at the logistics facility Kourtney and her team use for Lemme products -- and this truck that was taken contained upwards of $4 million worth of Lemme Burn ... one of her top-selling products in the Lemme lineup.

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In terms of how exactly this happened ... our sources tell us an individual (or individuals) appear to have hacked the facility's system and made their way onto the property with false paperwork and identification ... and we're told they literally drove off the lot scot-free.

Here's the craziest part ... our sources say a ransom note was digitally sent by this group, and it demanded payment to get all these pricey capsules back in Kourtney's possession.

We're told a grand theft report with law enforcement was filed over this ... and cops are now investigating.

A Lemme rep tells us ... "Our team is working closely with law enforcement agencies to investigate the theft. In the meantime, we are implementing contingency plans to minimize any impact to our customers and retail partners."

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If it sounds like something straight out of a movie ... welp, welcome to Los Angeles.

Gary Sinise Su hijo Mac muere a los 33 años ... Luego de una batalla contra el cáncer

Gary Sinise está llorando la pérdida de su hijo después de una batalla contra una rara forma de cáncer y el homenaje que ha compartido de su hijo es más que conmovedor.

La estrella de "Forrest Gump", que interpretó al teniente Dan, publicó un mensaje para su hijo Mac, que murió el 5 de enero pasado tras luchar contra un cordoma, un tipo de cáncer que afecta a la columna vertebral.

Gary dice que Mac fue diagnosticado con este cáncer en 2018, el mismo año en que su esposa Moira fue diagnosticada con cáncer de mama en etapa 3. Afortunadamente, ella se ha recuperado desde entonces y está en remisión.

Gary publicó fotos junto a su hijo, incluyendo una toma en la que aparece en una silla de ruedas. También señala que Mac estaba muy involucrado en su fundación y tenía un gran amor por la música, tanto que incluso ayudó a crear un álbum con composiciones originales.

Gary escribió: "Compartiendo nuestra historia, esperamos encender un poco de luz en lo que ha sido un momento difícil para nosotros, Mac fue realmente una luz para todos nosotros".

Gary añade: "Una increíble inspiración para quienes lo conocían y lo querían, afrontó su batalla con gracia, valentía y amor. Incluso con un revés tras otro, nunca dejó de vivir y aprender, crear, dar y amar. Amaba a toda nuestra familia".

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Termina su post diciendo: "Gracias, Mac. Lo hiciste. Resurrection & Revival vivirán. Y tú también. En nuestros corazones para siempre. Tuvimos la bendición de tenerte en nuestras vidas como hijo, hermano y amigo y te echaremos de menos y te querremos por toda la eternidad".

Mac solo tenía 33 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Tyreek Hill Sued By Model ... You Broke My Leg During Football Drill!!!

A social media influencer with two million followers on Instagram is claiming Tyreek Hill broke her leg in a fit of rage in his backyard during a football drill last summer ... and now, she wants him to fork over some serious cash for it all.

Sophie Hall made the allegations in a lawsuit filed in Broward County, Fla. last week ... alleging the incident went down a short time after she had booked a ticket for her son to attend one of the NFL star's football camps in South Florida.

She claimed that after her purchase went through, she received some flirtatious messages from Hill on IG. One of the texts, she said, included a line from the Dolphins wide receiver that read, "I've been know to be a good stepdad."

Hall says during their chat on the social media app, Hill also invited her to "come a day early so me and mom can hang" -- before he gave her his personal cell phone.

In her suit, Hall says she went on to attend the camp with her son on June 17 -- and while there, Hill asked her to come back and visit him at his Southwest Ranches mansion.

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Hall says days later, Hill purchased a flight and travel arrangements for her to reconnect with him on June 28.

Hall claims after she made her way to Hill's home, he asked her to participate in some football drills during a training session he was having in his backyard. Hill allegedly asked her to rush against him in a defensive line vs. offensive line, 1-on-1 style workout. According to Hall, she shoved the Super Bowl champion backward, which caused him to be embarrassed.

"Mr. Hill's attitude changed and he became angry," Hall said in her suit.

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Hall alleges Hill then flipped the drill around so he could rush against her. And, after a couple reps, she said Hill "charged into her violently and with great force" ... 'causing her to suffer a right leg injury.

Hall says she complained that she was hurt ... but claims Hill has downplayed the severity of her injury, telling her to just rest on a bed and ice the leg.

In her suit, Hall says when she eventually got back home on July 1, 2023, an orthopedist diagnosed her with a leg fracture ... that required metal hardware implantation to fix.

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Hall says she's continuing to suffer from persistent pain and weakness ... and now she wants Hill to pay her big damages for her injuries.

Gary Sinise Son Mac Dead at 33 ... After Cancer Battle

Gary Sinise is mourning the loss of his son after a battle with a rare form of cancer -- and his obituary for his boy is beyond moving.

The "Forrest Gump" star -- who played Lieutenant Dan -- posted a tribute Tuesday to his son, Mac, who he revealed died last month. Gary says Mac passed away on Jan. 5 and was laid to rest on Jan. 23 ... this after he succumbed to chordoma, which affects the spine.

Gary says Mac was diagnosed with this cancer in 2018 ... the same year his wife, Moira, was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer. Luckily, she's recovered since and is in remission.

Gary posted photos of himself and Mac together -- including a shot that features his son in a wheelchair. He also notes Mac was heavily involved in his foundation, and had a love for music -- noting he even helped create an album with original compositions.

He writes of his son, "In sharing our story, we hope to shine a little bit of light on what has been a difficult time for us as Mac was truly a light for all of us."

Gary adds, "An incredible inspiration to those who knew and loved him, he faced his battle with grace, courage, and love. Even with one setback after another, he never stopped living and learning, creating, and giving, and loving. He loved all our family."

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He ends his tribute post with this ... "Thank you, Mac. You did it. Resurrection & Revival will live on. And so will you. In our hearts forever. We were blessed to have you in our lives as son, brother, and friend...and we will miss you and love you for eternity."

Mac was only 33.


Wendy Williams Doc Producers We Didn't Know About Dementia ... We Wouldn't Have Filmed!!!

The producers behind the new Wendy Williams documentary are making it clear they would not have filmed the controversial project if they had known the full extent of her health crisis.

As you know, Wendy's dementia diagnosis was made public mere days before her Lifetime doc premiered on Saturday ... highlighting the 59-year-old's intimate struggles with alcohol abuse and a myriad of other health issues.


In the doc, the full extent of Wendy's struggles were revealed ... specifically, that she's dealing with frontotemporal dementia -- which may sound familiar as A-list actor Bruce Willis is also currently suffering from the same disease.

In the wake of the doc airing, there's been backlash against Lifetime/the production company that proceeded with the project -- but now the creative team is defending themselves.

Producer Mark Ford told The Hollywood Reporter ... the original plan was to follow Wendy between August 2022 and April 2023 while she sobered up and launched a new podcast.

Once it became clear, however, that this wasn't the story that was going to be told -- he says they just went with it and saw what they could capture ... but he insists they were never privy to an official medical diagnosis like the one that came down from her team last week.

MF adds, [I]f we had known that Wendy had dementia going into it, no one would’ve rolled a camera."

The original narrative, he says, was scrapped as Wendy's health deteriorated ... prompting concern from the filmmakers. Wendy's son Kevin Hunter Jr. later claimed to the cameras that his mother had "alcohol-induced" dementia -- different than what had been announced ... and well after they were in the thick of production.

And, while Mark is defending that they never would've picked up the cameras if they had known about the TV personality's diagnosis ... he's ultimately pleased that Wendy's temporary guardian Sabrina Morrissey was unsuccessful in blocking the doc's premiere.

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Obviously, they're happy with the end result ... and while some think they might've crossed a line, the producers seem to be saying they only proceeded with what they knew at the time.

Documental de Wendy Williams No sabíamos sobre el diagnóstico de demencia... Dicen los productores

Los productores detrás del nuevo documental de Wendy Williams están dejando claro que no habrían filmado el proyecto si hubieran sabido el alcance de sus problemas de salud.

Como bien saben, pocos días antes de que se estrenara el documental de Lifetime el sábado se dio a conocer que Wendy había sido diagnosticada con demencia. En el documental, justamente se destacan las luchas personales de la celebridad de 59 años, así como sus problemas de abuso con el alcohol y una veintena de otros asuntos de salud.

Atrapada tomando vodka

En el documental, se revelan todas las luchas de Wendy, en concreto, que está lidiando con una demencia frontotemporal, al igual que Bruce Willis, quien tiene la misma enfermedad.

Luego de su emisión este sábado, ha habido reacciones en contra de Lifetime y la productora que procedió con el proyecto, pero ahora el equipo creativo se defiende.

El productor Mark Ford le dijo a The Hollywood Reporter que el plan original era seguir a Wendy entre agosto de 2022 y abril de 2023, mientras ella estaba sobria y había lanzado un nuevo podcast.

Una vez que quedó claro que esta no sería la historia que iban a contar, dice que vieron lo que podían capturar, pero insiste en que ningún momento supieron de un diagnóstico médico oficial como el que dio a conocer su equipo la semana pasada.

Mark Ford añade: [S]i hubiéramos sabido que Wendy tenía demencia, nadie habría filmado".

Dice que la narrativa inicial fue desechada cuando la salud de Wendy empezó a deteriorarse, lo que causó preocupación entre los cineastas. El hijo de Wendy, Kevin Hunter Jr. más tarde dijo frente a las cámaras que su madre tenía demencia "inducida por el alcohol", algo distinto de lo que se ha anunciado y mucho después del momento grueso de la producción.

Aunque Mark se está defendiendo diciendo que nunca habría filmado si hubiera sabido sobre el diagnóstico de Wendy, dice que está satisfecho con que la tutora temporal de Wendy, Sabrina Morrissey, no tuviera éxito intentando bloquear el estreno del documental.

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Obviamente, están contentos con el resultado final y aunque algunos piensan que podrían haberse pasado de la raya, los productores parecen estar diciendo que solo procedieron con lo que sabían en ese momento.

Madonna Scraps Vandross From AIDS Tribute ... At Request of Estate

Madonna is nixing a photo of Luther Vandross from the AIDS tribute she puts on during her "Celebration" tour .... because, as his estate has clarified, he shouldn't be there at all.

The Material Girl has made a point to pay tribute to her late friends and famous peers -- including Herb Ritts, Freddie Mercury, and Keith Haring, all of whom died from AIDS-related complications -- with a photo montage amid her performance of "Live to Tell."

During Saturday night's tribute at Madge's Sacramento concert, a photo of the late soul singer was included -- despite the R&B singer's 2005 death previously being attributed to complications from a prior stroke.

In fact ... Luther was actually defensive about this rumor about him while he was alive ... once even going after a British magazine back that tried to pin his weight loss in the mid-80s to the virus. So yeah, it's a sensitive topic.

While Luther's camp acknowledged Madonna's effort to honor those who've lost their lives to AIDS ... they emphasized to Page Six that the late soul singer was never diagnosed with AIDS or the HIV Virus, and it sounds like Luther's estate kindly asked her to exclude him.

Madonna has since scrapped the photo from the tribute ... after Luther's estate reached out to her management team, so all's well that ends well. Seems like an innocent mistake.

For those wondering ... Luther's sexuality has long been speculated on -- but he never came out as anything other than heterosexual ... although, close friends of his have commented on this in the years since and suggested he may have been part of the LGBTQ+ community.

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In any case, his team clearly doesn't want the AIDS narrative to be attached to him, and Madonna has respected their wishes.

MADONNA DESCARTA A VANDROSS DE SU HOMENAJE A petición de sus representantes

Madonna ha eliminado una foto de Luther Vandross del homenaje que tenía que ver con el sida durante su gira "Celebration", porque, según han aclarado sus representantes, él no debería estar allí.

La diva ha querido rendirle homenaje a sus difuntos amigos y compañeros famosos -incluyendo a Herb Ritts, Freddie Mercury y Keith Haring, todos ellos fallecidos por complicaciones relacionadas con el sida- con un montaje fotográfico en medio de su actuación de "Live to Tell".

Durante el homenaje del sábado por la noche en el concierto en Sacramento, se incluyó una foto del fallecido cantante de soul a pesar de que la muerte del cantante de R & B en 2005 se le atribuyó previamente a complicaciones de un derrame cerebral previo.

De hecho, Luther estaba a la defensiva sobre este rumor, sobre mientras estaba vivo. Una vez incluso se quejó con una revista británica que trató de relacionar su pérdida de peso a mediados de los años 80 al virus. Así que sí, es un tema delicado.

Mientras que el campamento de Luther reconoció el esfuerzo de Madonna para honrar a aquellos que han perdido sus vidas a causa del sida, hicieron hincapié en Page Six que el fallecido cantante de soul nunca fue diagnosticado con el virus y parece que los representantes de Luther amablemente pidieron que lo excluyeran.

Madonna ha eliminado desde entonces la foto del homenaje, después de que la gente de Luther se pusiera en contacto con su equipo de gestión, así que todo terminó bien. Parece que solo fue un error inocente.

Para aquellos que se lo están preguntando... La sexualidad de Luther ha sido durante mucho tiempo motivo de especulación, pero siempre se mostró heterosexual, aunque amigos cercanos han emitido comentarios que podrían vincularlo con la comunidad LGBTQ +.

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En cualquier caso, está claro que su equipo no quiere que se le relacione con el sida y Madonna ha respetado sus deseos.

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