asuntos de familia

DJ Boof, durante mucho tiempo disc jockey de "The Wendy Williams Show", dice que la gente en el estudio no entendía el alcance de la enfermedad de Wendy y él piensa que sus familiares son los únicos que pueden ayudarla.

El ex colega de televisión de Wendy se unió a nosotros el lunes en "TMZ Live" y nos dijo que ha sido triste ver a su amiga ir por el camino del deterioro cognitivo.

DJ Boof dice que la gente en "Wendy" sabía que algo estaba pasando con ella, pero no se dieron cuenta de lo realmente enferma que estaba. Tenía problemas con el abuso del alcohol y finalmente fue diagnosticada con afasia y demencia como Bruce Willis.

atrapada en el vodka

Un nuevo documental de Lifetime, "¿Dónde está Wendy Williams?", pone de relieve sus luchas con el consumo excesivo de alcohol y algunos de sus arrebatos contra la gente en el programa y DJ Boof nos dice que sabía que Wendy necesitaba ayuda mucho antes de que el programa saliera al aire.

Hay algunas dudas acerca de quién está mejor equipado para ayudar a Wendy, si su familia, su círculo íntimo o la mujer que es la tutora legal de Wendy, y ahora hay un acalorado conflicto entre esas partes.

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Boof dice que se ha mantenido en contacto con Wendy desde que su programa fue cancelado en 2022, y ella desapareció del ojo público, diciéndonos que la última vez que la vio en Miami parecía estar muy bien.

La familia de Wendy está en Florida, incluyendo a su hermana y su hijo, y DJ Boof nos dice por qué cree que es el mejor lugar para ella en el futuro.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de pódcast.

Wendy Williams Show's DJ Boof Staff Didn't Realize How Sick She Was ... She Needs 24/7 Family Care


DJ Boof, longtime disc jockey for "The Wendy Williams Show," says folks in the studio didn't understand the extent of Wendy's illness... and he thinks her family members are the only ones who can help her.

Wendy's former TV colleague joined us Monday on "TMZ Live," and he told us it's been sad to see his friend going down the road of cognitive decline.

DJ Boof says people on 'Wendy' knew something was going on with her, but they didn't realize just how sick she truly was ... namely, issues with alcohol abuse, and eventually, being diagnosed with aphasia and dementia like Bruce Willis.


A new Lifetime documentary, "Where is Wendy Williams?" highlights her struggles with excessive drinking and some of her outbursts against people on the show ... and DJ Boof tells us he knew Wendy needed help long before the program aired.

There's some question about who is best equipped to help Wendy ... her family, her inner circle or the woman who's Wendy's legal guardian -- and there's now a heated conflict between those factions.

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Boof says he's kept in touch with Wendy since her show was canceled in 2022, and she vanished from the public eye ... telling us when he last saw her in Miami she seemed to be doing great.

Wendy's family is down in Florida, including her sister and her son ... and DJ Boof tells us why he thinks that's the best place for her moving forward.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

TRISTAN THOMPSON Granted Guardianship Over Little Brother

Tristan Thompson is officially taking over as caregiver for his younger brother... because a court signed off on him becoming Amari Thompson's guardian.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ, the ruling came in Monday, about 5 months after Tristan first filed a petition to become his little bro's guardian.

Remember ... Tristan and Amari lost their mother, Andrea, about a year ago when she died suddenly in Toronto. Tristan's been looking after Amari ever since ... and now he's officially been appointed his brother's legal guardian.

As we reported ... in his original petition, Tristan claimed their father, Trevor, has been absent from Amari's life ... leaving Tristan as the closest family member available to step up and provide the care Amari needs.

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Tristan's got a lot of responsibility here ... Amari is unable to care for himself because he's been diagnosed with epilepsy.

Amari's also getting $103,475 in inheritance from his mother's estate ... and Tristan said in his earlier petition that he would protect the money from loss and provide for Amari's care.

Good on Tristan.


Arnold Schwarzenegger dice que ha tenido problemas de rodilla toda su vida por levantar pesas, esquiar, correr y escalar, y ahora está compartiendo consejos y trucos para controlar el dolor.

Arnold se ha asociado con su novia fisioterapeuta, Heather Milligan, para un divertido e informativo video que acaba de salir, y tocan una pregunta que le hacen a menudo al querido Arnie: "¿Qué haces con tus rodillas?".

Heather es una experta en el campo. Además de ser la novia de Arnold, ha tratado a un gran número de atletas profesionales, tales como jugadores de fútbol, jugadores de baloncesto, luchadores de UFC, boxeadores y atletas, y Arnold la respalda.

Échale un vistazo al video, la pareja lleva a la gente a través de una serie de ejercicios y estiramientos para fortalecer las rodillas y las articulaciones y hay consejos útiles para las personas que van al gimnasio o simplemente tienen problema en las rodillas. ¡En serio, dan muy buenos consejos!

Arnold y Heather han estado juntos durante más de una década -se conocieron por primera vez en 2012 cuando ella lo ayudó a rehabilitar una lesión en el hombro antes de filmar "Escape Plan" con Sylvester Stallone- y se puede ver que son una pareja muy linda y cariñosa en el video.

Hay algunas partes divertidas también, como cuando Arnold se sube los pantalones cortos para mostrar sus músculos de las piernas mientras muestra un ejercicio de sentarse en la pared, diseñado para ayudar a los cuádriceps, isquiotibiales, glúteos y rodillas. Como dice Heather, "Ohhh, mostrándonos tus piernas... eso es impresionante" 😆.

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El video de Arnold parece que será un nuevo clásico, y este fin de semana en Columbus está garantizado que habrá algunas rodillas doloridas en la famosa competición de culturismo. Echa un vistazo para más consejos en el Pump Club de Arnold.

¡Tomen nota, amigos!

Arnold Schwarzenegger Here's How I Manage Knee Pain ... My Girlfriend's An Expert!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger says he's been having knee problems all his life from weightlifting, skiing, running and climbing ... and now he's sharing tips and tricks for managing the pain.

Arnold's teaming up with his physical therapist girlfriend, Heather Milligan, for a fun and informative video that just recently dropped -- and it's all about a topic he's often asked about in his Arnold's Pump Club daily newsletter ... namely, "What do I do about my knees?"

Heather's an expert in the field ... in addition to being Arnold's PT and GF, she's treated a number of pro athletes -- football players, basketball players, UFC fighters, boxers, track & field peeps and all sorts of Average Joes ... and Arnold gives her a ringing endorsement.

Check out the video ... the couple takes folks through a range of exercises and stretches to strengthen knees and joints ... and there's helpful stuff in here for people who hit the gym, slopes or just have bad knees from walking. Seriously ... really good insights here!

Arnold and Heather have been together for over a decade -- they first met in 2012 when she helped him rehab a shoulder injury before filming "Escape Plan" with Sylvester Stallone -- and they come off as a super cute and loving couple in the video.

There's some funny parts too ... like when Arnold hikes up his shorts to show off his leg muscles as he demonstrates a wall sitting exercise designed to help quads, hamstrings, glutes and knees. As Heather says, "Ohhh, showing us your legs ... that's impressive." 😆

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Arnold's video advances his upcoming Arnold Classic this weekend in Columbus, Ohio ... where there's guaranteed to be some sore knees at the famous bodybuilding competition. Check out more tips on Arnold's Pump Club.

Take notes, folks!!!

The TMZ Podcast: 'Where Is Wendy Williams?' Highlights Erratic Behavior, Substance Abuse & Cam Newton Gets Into Huge Brawl 😳

On this episode of The TMZ podcast ...

Former NFL quarterback Cam Newton got into a huge brawl with a group of guys at an Atlanta school during an event for his foundation, C1N.

Busta Rhymes got into a physical altercation with rapper Nizzle Man at French Montana's album release party in NYC on Friday.


The new Lifetime documentary 'Where Is Wendy Williams?' released over the weekend and highlighted her personal struggles and excessive drinking.

Britney Spears' penned a heartfelt message to Janet Jackson in a now-deleted Instagram post amid her feud with Justin Timberlake.

Plus, former UFC champion Chuck Liddell took a big fall off his boat over the weekend in San Diego.

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Accidental Plunge

Subscribe to The TMZ Podcast wherever you get your podcasts!

Hosts: Charlie Cotton & Wyld Young


Un hombre se prendió fuego frente a la embajada israelí en Washington D.C., al parecer, en protesta por el conflicto en Oriente Medio.

Imágenes del manifestante han estado circulando en línea en medio de su acto de auto-inmolación, y se informó que fue llevado de urgencia al hospital con lesiones que amenazan la vida.

Funcionarios de bomberos de D.C. habrían dicho a The Independent que el hombre se prendió fuego por la tarde y fue extinguido por el Servicio Secreto de los Estados Unidos.

El video capturado desde el exterior de la embajada parece mostrar las secuelas de la protesta, y se puede ver a los investigadores buscando en la zona.

El escuadrón de bombas del Departamento de Policía de Metrolitan también fue llamado para comprobar un vehículo sospechoso en la zona, pero en última instancia, dijo que no contenía material peligroso.

El New York Times informó de que el hombre se identificó como un soldado en servicio activo de la Fuerza Aérea, mientras que otros medios de comunicación afirman que dijo: "No seré más cómplice del genocidio" antes de iniciar el fuego.

Todo esto parece una enorme protesta contra el conflicto entre Israel y Hamás que actualmente asola Oriente Medio. Todo empeoró cuando agentes de Hamás atacaron un festival de música matando a cientos de inocentes y tomando rehenes el 7 de octubre de 2023.

Israel respondió lanzando una guerra total contra Hamás en Gaza y las tensiones entre ambos bandos -y sus partidarios- se han disparado desde entonces.

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Nos hemos puesto en contacto con la Fuerza Aérea, la embajada y la policía local para hacer comentarios, pero hasta ahora no hay respuesta.

Israel Protester Sets Self on Fire Outside Embassy ... Rushed to Hospital w/ Life-Threatening Injuries

A man set himself on fire outside of the Israeli embassy in Washington D.C. ... apparently protesting the conflict in the Middle East.

Pictures of the protester have been circulating online in the middle of his act of self-immolation, and he was reportedly rushed to the hospital with life-threatening injuries.

D.C. fire officials reportedly told The Independent ... the man lit himself ablaze in the afternoon and was extinguished by United States Secret Service.

Video from outside of the embassy seems to show the aftermath of the protest ... with investigators searching the area.

The Metrolitan Police Department's bomb squad was also reportedly called to check out a suspicious vehicle in the area, but ultimately said it did not contain hazardous material.

The New York Times reported the man self-identified as an active duty Air Force soldier while other outlets claim he said, "I will be no longer complicit in genocide" before starting the fire.

This all seems like one huge protest against the conflict between Israel and Hamas currently raging in the Middle East, kicked off when Hamas agents attacked a music festival -- killing hundreds and taking more hostage on October 7, 2023.

Israel responded by launching an all out war against Hamas in Gaza, and tensions between the two sides -- and their supporters -- has been high in the aftermath.

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We've reached out to the Air Force, the embassy and local police for comment ... so far no word back.

'Once Upon A Time' Actor Chris Gauthier Dead at 48

Chris Gauthier -- known for shows like "Once Upon A Time" and "Smallville" -- has died ... his agency confirmed in a statement.

The actor reportedly passed away suddenly Friday after recently falling ill with TriStar Appearances/Event Horizon Talent lamenting his loss to TVLine.

Tristar's Chad Colvin wrote in a Facebook post that Gauthier was the very definition of a character actor ... not an actor with a name one might know, but one whose sheer presence in a show or movie could pique the interest of any audience.

Gauthier appeared in a number of popular projects over the years including "A Series of Unfortunate Events," "iZombie," "Psych," "Supernatural," "Smallville," "Watchmen," "Agent Cody Banks," "Little Man," "Freddy vs. Jason" -- and a whole lot more.

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He was perhaps best known for his role in the TV show science-fiction show "Eureka" where he played gourmet chef Vincent in 67 episodes, and later as Mr. Smee -- Captain Hook's first mate in the ABC drama "Once Upon A Time."

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In fact, his 'OUAT' costar Colin O'Donoghue, who played Captain Hook in the series, also posted a touching tribute to Chris ... saying he was the real captain all along.

Chris is survived by his wife Erin and their two children.

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He was 48.


Chuck Liddell UFC Champ Overboard!!! ... Falls Off Lambo Yacht

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Accidental Plunge

Chuck Liddell went for a swim in San Diego over the weekend ... though he didn't do it voluntarily, instead slipping off a boat into the bay!

TMZ has obtained video of Chuck hanging around on a Lamborghini yacht, talking expressively with a couple dudes and seemingly leaning forward to show them a move with his fist balled.

Unfortunately, seems like CL didn't quite have his sea legs underneath him 'cause he started to fall backward -- and Chuck's companions weren't looking toward him, so they weren't able to stop his descent.

Liddell made a big splash into the water, and the alarm bells sounded with the whole crew kicking into rescue mode to drag Chuck back on board.

The yacht's owner, Ace Rogers, jumps off the back and swims toward Chuck helping him back up. He's got guys pulling on his arms while another supports his back as a little dog looks on.

It takes a while for his buddies to pull him back up onto the deck -- Chuck's a pretty big dude -- but ultimately they dragged him up out of the water.

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Nice And Dry

Acting like the champ he is ... Chuck -- who was a special guest for the Digital Mastery Mastermind event over the weekend -- just kept on vibing into the evening, eyewitnesses say he had food delivered to the Lambo yacht.

He also waved hello to a collection of fans -- though he didn't leave the boat for the rest of the night.

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So it seems like Chuck's alright after his fall ... but, we've reached out to him to check in. So far no word back.


demasiado vodka

Wendy Williams lo ha pasado realmente mal, y es más que evidente en el nuevo docu de Lifetime que acaba de estrenarse.

La ex presentadora de 59 años ha sido diagnosticada con afasia y demencia, el mismo diagnóstico que Bruce Willis. En el docu está claro que Wendy tiene problemas con el alcohol, donde se le puede ver tomando una botella entera de vodka.

El programa pone de relieve los efectos de la enfermedad, mostrando un comportamiento errático y frecuentes arrebatos a su personal.

Una de las partes más desgarradoras es cuando Wendy se muestra consciente de que está tratando con una enfermedad que está más allá de su control... se siente una terrible desesperanza.

La bebida fue un tema importante en el programa, con su manager expresando su preocupación al no saber cómo sacarla de la botella.

En el documental queda claro que Wendy está muy avanzada en su deterioro cognitivo.

El programa narra la progresión de la enfermedad. Su chofer da testimonios de lo que cómo Wendy comenzó a perder su capacidad para funcionar.

El programa fue filmado desde agosto de 2022 hasta abril de 2023.

Un juez ha creado una tutela sobre las finanzas de Wendy, aunque los documentos están sellados, por lo que no hay detalles.

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La segunda parte del programa de Lifetime se emite el domingo.

Wendy Williams Lifetime Show Highlights Struggles, Excessive Drinking


Wendy Williams has really gone through it, and it's more than apparent in the new Lifetime doc that just aired.

The 59-year-old former talk show host has been diagnosed with aphasia and dementia ... the same diagnosis as Bruce Willis. In the doc, it's clear Wendy has alcohol issues, downing an entire bottle of vodka.

The show highlights the effects of the disease, showing erratic behavior and frequent outbursts at her staff.

One of the most heartbreaking parts of the doc ... there were moments where Wendy is aware she is dealing with an illness that is beyond her control, and it all feels hopeless.

The drinking was a big issue in the show, with her manager expressing concern that he doesn't know how to get her off the bottle.

It's clear from the doc Wendy is well down the road of cognitive decline.

The show chronicles the progression of the disease, with her driver talking about what he saw as Wendy lost her ability to function.

The show was filmed from August, 2022 to April, 2023.

A judge has created a guardianship over Wendy's finances, although the documents are sealed, so no details.

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Part 2 of the Lifetime show airs Sunday.

Taylor Swift Fan Hmmm ... Should I Go To Her Concert ... Or Get My Kidney Transplant?

Some Taylor Swift fans are so fanatical they'll put their health on the line just to go see her live on stage.

Take Tamara Gray who says she thought about skipping her kidney transplant to attend Taylor's show Friday at Accor Stadium in Sydney, Australia. Seriously.

In an interview with 9 News, Gray said she was heading to the arena when she received a phone call from hospital staff telling her they finally found her a kidney.

Gray had been one of the many people registered for kidney transplants in Australia – never thinking she would receive a donor.

But she was wrong. In fact, the 35-year-old Queensland mother said she was at the Gold Coast Airport waiting to board a plane for Sydney when she got the call around 8:30 AM.

Gray said, "I won't lie, there was a split second that I considered saying no [to the kidney], but, you know, I'm not crazy." Yes, a different decision would make her certifiable.

Meanwhile, Taylor just said her goodbyes to her hunky beau, Travis Kelce, who flew to Sydney to support the singer at her concert and spend quality time with her at the zoo.

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Travis boarded a flight last night, jetting out to Las Vegas to party with Patrick Mahomes and their Kansas City Chiefs teammates. The team still has a lot to celebrate after their big win against the San Francisco 49ers in the 2024 Super Bowl.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Fan de Taylor Swift Mmm... ¿debería ir a su concierto? ... ¿O recibir mi transplante de riñón?

Algunos fans de Taylor Swift son tan fanáticos que pondrían su salud en juego con tal de ir a verla actuar sobre el escenario.

Tamara Gray, por ejemplo, dice que pensó en saltarse su trasplante de riñón para asistir a su concierto el viernes en el Accor Stadium de Sidney, Australia. En serio.

En una entrevista con 9 News, Gray dijo que iba camino a la arena cuando recibió una llamada del hospital diciéndole que finalmente habían encontrado un riñón para ella.

Gray había sido una de las muchas personas que se había inscrito en el registro de trasplantes de riñón de Australia, pero nunca pensó que recibiría un donante.

Pero se equivocaba. De hecho, la madre de 35 años de Queensland dijo que estaba en el aeropuerto de Gold Coast esperando para abordar un avión a Sydney cuando recibió la llamada alrededor de las 8:30 AM.

Gray dijo: "No voy a mentir, hubo una fracción de segundo en que consideré decir que no [al riñón], pero, bueno, no estoy loca".

Mientras tanto, Taylor acababa de despedirse de su galán, Travis Kelce, quien voló a Sydney para apoyar a la cantante en su concierto y pasar tiempo con ella en el zoológico.

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Travis embarcó en un vuelo ayer por la noche en dirección a Las Vegas para irse de fiesta con Patrick Mahomes y sus compañeros de equipo en los Kansas City Chiefs.

El equipo todavía tiene mucho que celebrar después de su gran victoria contra los San Francisco 49ers en el Super Bowl 2024.

Wendy Williams Breaks Silence on Diagnoses ... Appreciate the Love!!!

Wendy Williams is speaking out on her recent health diagnoses -- and while she's grateful for the love and support she's been getting ... she isn't addressing the elephant in the room.

The former talk show host -- who's been out of the spotlight for a couple years now as she's dealt with private issues -- issued a statement Friday that touched on the fact that her team says she's now afflicted with aphasia and frontotemporal dementia.

Wendy says, "I want to say I have immense gratitude for the love and kind words I have received after sharing my diagnosis of Aphasia and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD). Let me say, wow!  Your response has been overwhelming."

She adds, "The messages shared with me have touched me, reminding me of the power of unity and the need for compassion. I hope that others with FTD may benefit from my story. I want to also thank the Association for Frontotemporal Degeneration for their kind words of support and their extraordinary efforts to raise awareness of FTD."

Wendy finally finishes with this ... "I continue to need personal space and peace to thrive.  Please just know that your positivity and encouragement are deeply appreciated."

It's good to hear from Wendy directly, of course ... but the one thing people really wanna know about her right now is -- where exactly is she, and how is she holding up???

The documentary from Lifetime that's coming out this weekend makes it seem like Wendy is going through a really hard time ... and there appears to be drama brewing between the team handling her affairs right now and her own family. Basically, it's messy and complicated.

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A woman claiming to be Wendy's guardian just ran to court to try and block the doc from coming out -- but they were unsuccessful for the time being and it's dropping tomorrow.

Justin Timberlake Cancela su concierto en Londres ... Se agarra un resfrío

Me resfrié

Justin Timberlake se agarró un resfrío que lo ha obligado a cancelar su show en Inglaterra.

En un video publicado en X, el cantante y actor dio la mala noticia en lo que parecía ser una pieza de hotel mientras hablaba como si tuviera una rana en la garganta.

Justin empezó diciendo que era "desafortunado" tener que compartir este video antes de decirle a sus fans que debía cancelar su actuación del viernes en The Roadhouse de Londres. Dijo que estaba destrozado con la decisión de cancelar el show porque había estado toda la semana en la ciudad preparándose para ello.

Justin Timberlake explicó que había estado luchando contra un resfriado, y aunque pareció sentirse mejor en un momento dado, luego empeoró.

Como saben, Justin ha estado de gira promocionando su próximo disco, "Everything I Thought I Was", y recientemente anunció actuaciones en el Reino Unido y en toda Europa.


También acaba de lanzar una nueva canción, "Drown", que sigue al primer single de su próximo álbum "Selfish".

El mes pasado, TMZ obtuvo imágenes de Justin Timberlake deslumbrando a la multitud del Orpheum Theater de Memphis, Tennessee por 90 minutos. Seguro que hizo vibrar a todos esa noche en su estado natal.

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Después de que Justin se deshaga de esa desagradable enfermedad, estará de vuelta en el escenario. ¡¡Que te mejores, JT!!

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