Justin Timberlake Nixes London Show ... I Caught A Nasty Bug


Justin Timberlake has caught the flu ... forcing him to back out of his concert in England.

In a video posted on X, the singer/actor delivered the bad news from what appeared to be a hotel room while sounding as if he had a frog in his throat.

JT started off by saying it was "unfortunate" he had to send out this video before telling fans he was canceling Friday's performance at The Roadhouse in London. He said he was gutted by the decision to nix the show because he had been in town all week prepping for it.

But, as JT explained, he's been battling a bug and, while he felt better at one point, he then took a turn for the worse.

As you know, JT has been on tour promoting his upcoming record, "Everything I Thought I Was," recently announcing shows in the UK and throughout Europe.


He also just released a new song, "Drown," which was a follow-up to the first track off his forthcoming album, "Selfish."\


Last month, TMZ obtained footage of JT dazzling a packed crowd for 90 minutes at the Orpheum Theater in Memphis, Tennessee. He sure gave everyone in his home state a real treat that night.

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After JT gets rid of that nasty illness, he'll be right back onstage cranking out his tunes. Feel better, JT!!!

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

ataque de pitbull PROPIETARIO MUTILADO NO TENÍA por QUé MORIR La tragedia deja señales de alarma...

El hombre trágicamente asesinado por pit bulls en Compton podría haber sido capaz de evitar la muerte si hubiera seguido algunas técnicas útiles, esto de acuerdo a un gran criador local.

El hombre que fue mutilado hasta la muerte por sus propios pitbulls en Compton -California- el pasado jueves, fue encontrado muerto el viernes.

Big Gemini Kennels -un criador de pit popular con un gran seguimiento en la comunidad canina de Los Ángeles- le dice a TMZ que la víctima de este horrible incidente parece haber tratado de manejar a demasiados perros al mismo tiempo. Esa es la opinión del experto al menos.

Big Gemini nos dice que tratar de manejar a 13 perros -incluso con algunos de ellos siendo cachorros- es demasiado. No solo eso, los informes del Condado dicen que este hombre estaba alimentando a todos los perros cuando murió, y esto destaca como otra bandera roja.

el terrible ataque
Fox 11 Los Angeles

Al momento de comer, los perros entran en un frenesí.

Cabe señalar que Big Gemini no tiene toda la información que tienen los investigadores y basa sus conclusiones en informes de prensa y otra información disponible al público. Dicho esto, la compañía está bastante segura de que había unos cuantos perros de más aquí.

BGK nos dice que la alimentación de tantos perros a la vez puede conducir a una mayor agresión y teorizan que dos perros adultos probablemente estaban luchando por algo de comida cuando el criador trató de separarlos (es algo muy común). En ese momento, sospechan que todos los perros podrían haberse vuelto contra él.

En lugar de alojar a todos los perros en un solo lugar en su patio trasero - entre una variedad de perreras - Big Gemini perreras dice que este hombre debería haber considerado la división de los cachorros ... la alimentación de solo dos o tres a la vez en lugar de todos los 13.

Los perros desde entonces han sido sometidos a eutanasia, un movimiento que Big Gemini dice que es necesario porque podrían haber ido a atacar a sus futuras familias. BGK nos dice que creen que los cachorros podrían haber sido rehabilitados, pero también señalan que podría no haber valido la pena el riesgo de que estos perros lastimen a otra persona. Así es como el Condado de Los Ángeles se sentía al respecto.

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Big Gemini continúa diciéndonos que la gente ha estado preguntando sobre los riesgos de que los pit bulls ataquen a las personas a raíz de esta nueva historia viral ... pero hacen hincapié en que las personas deben temer a las personas más que a los propios perros - como señalan, todo se trata de cómo se crían los perros.

Big Gemini Kennels quiere dejar claro que la pérdida de vidas es trágica y esperan sinceramente que nada como esto vuelva a suceder.

Pit Bull Breeding Co. Mauled Owner Didn't Have to Die ... Sees Red Flags in Tragedy

The man tragically killed by pit bulls in Compton might've been able to avoid death if he'd followed some helpful techniques ... this according to a big-time local breeder, that is.

ICYMI ... a dog owner was mauled to death by his own pit bulls in Compton, California, last Thursday, though his body wasn't discovered -- bloody and lying in his backyard -- until Friday.

Big Gemini Kennels -- a popular pit breeder with a huge following in the Los Angeles dog community and no association to the mauling -- tells TMZ ... the victim of this horrible incident appears to have perhaps taken on more than he could handle by trying to herd so many dogs together. That's BGK's view here, anyway.

Big Gemini tells us they feel like trying to manage 13 dogs -- even with some of them being puppies -- is just far too many. Not just that, but reports from the County that this man appeared to be feeding all the dogs when he died stands out as another red flag to BGK.

Fox 11 Los Angeles

We're told that giving them food like all at once may have exacerbated the issue ... and maybe even sent the dogs into a frenzy.

It should be noted ... Big Gemini doesn't have all the info investigators do and is basing their findings on news reports and other publicly available info. With that said, the company's pretty sure there were a few dogs too many here with all of them running around the property when the body was found.

BGK tells us feeding so many dogs at once can lead to heightened food aggression ... and they theorize two adult dogs were probably fighting over some chow when the breeder tried to break things up. At that point ... they suspect all the dogs might've turned on him.

Instead of housing all the dogs in one location in his backyard --- among a variety of kennels -- Big Gemini Kennels says this man should have considered splitting the pups up ... feeding just two or three at a time instead of all 13.

The dogs have since been euthanized ... a move Big Gemini says is necessary because they could have gone on to attack their future families. FWIW ... BGK tells us they believe the puppies could have been rehabilitated ... but they also note, it might've not been worth the risk of these dogs hurting another person. That's how L.A. County felt about it.

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Big Gemini goes on to tell us people have been asking about the risks of pit bulls attacking people in the aftermath of this viral new story ... but they emphasize people should fear people more than the dogs themselves -- as they note, it's all about how the dogs are raised.

Big Gemini Kennels wants to make it clear ... the loss of life is tragic, and they sincerely hope nothing like this happens again.

Wendy Williams Es diagnosticada de afasia y demencia ... Igual que Bruce Willis

Wendy Williams ha sido diagnosticada con afasia y demencia, el mismo trastorno que tiene Bruce Willis, y la información se ha dado a conocer justo antes del lanzamiento de un nuevo documental sobre sus recientes problemas.

La noticia llegó el miércoles de parte de su equipo de cuidado, quienes lanzaron el comunicado de prensa que calificaron como una actualización muy personal en un esfuerzo por acabar con los rumores y especulaciones sobre su salud.

Su equipo dice que ya todos saben que Wendy está lidiando con la enfermedad de Graves y linfedema, pero dicen que otros comenzaron a preguntarse por qué perdía el hilo de sus pensamientos y actuaba de forma errática. Ahora dicen que se debe a esta condición.

Escriben: "En 2023, después de someterse a una serie de pruebas médicas, Wendy fue diagnosticada oficialmente con afasia progresiva primaria y demencia frontotemporal (FTD)."

Su equipo también dice esto: "Wendy no habría recibido la confirmación de estos diagnósticos si no fuera por la diligencia de su equipo de atención actual, que ella eligió y el extraordinario trabajo de los especialistas de Weill Cornell Medicine".

Añaden: "Recibir un diagnóstico ha permitido que Wendy reciba la atención médica que requiere".

El equipo de Wendy continúa diciendo que están revelando esta información con la esperanza de generar mayor conciencia sobre las condiciones con las que ha estado lidiando. También para protegerla de los rumores que, están seguros, se pondrán en marcha de nuevo este fin de semana cuando se lance el nuevo documental de Lifetime.

El equipo termina con esta actualización: "Wendy sigue siendo capaz de hacer muchas cosas por sí misma. Lo más importante es que mantiene su característico sentido del humor y está recibiendo los cuidados que necesita para asegurarse de estar protegida y de que sus necesidades están bien atendidas. Ella está agradecida por los muchos pensamientos amables y buenos deseos que le están enviando".

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A primera vista, parece que el equipo de Wendy podría estar en desacuerdo con algunos de los miembros de su familia, quienes han estado apareciendo en los medios para hablar de su situación. Recientemente, han expresado su preocupación por la gente en su círculo íntimo.

Wendy Williams Diagnosed with Aphasia & Dementia ... Same Disorder as Willis

Wendy Williams has been diagnosed with aphasia and dementia -- the same disorder Bruce Willis has -- and the news comes ahead of a new doc chronicling her recent troubles.

The news came down Wednesday from her care team, who blasted out a press release with what they characterized as a very personal update ... which they say is an effort to bat down rumors and speculation about her health.

Her team says everyone already knows she struggles with Graves' Disease and Lymphedema -- but they say others started to wonder what was going on in moments when Wendy would lose her train of thought or act erratically ... and now, they say it's because of this condition.

They write, "In 2023, after undergoing a battery of medical tests, Wendy was officially diagnosed with primary progressive aphasia and frontotemporal dementia (FTD)."

Her team here also says this ... "Wendy would not have received confirmation of these diagnoses were it not for the diligence of her current care team, who she chose, and the extraordinary work of the specialists at Weill Cornell Medicine."

They add, "Receiving a diagnosis has enabled Wendy to receive the medical care she requires."

Wendy's team goes on to say that they're revealing this about Wendy in hopes of raising awareness of these conditions she's been afflicted with -- but to also protect her from fervent gossip that's sure to kick up anew this weekend with the release of this new Lifetime doc.


The team finishes with this update on WW herself ... "Wendy is still able to do many things for herself. Most importantly she maintains her trademark sense of humor and is receiving the care she requires to make sure she is protected and that her needs are addressed. She is appreciative of the many kind thoughts and good wishes being sent her way."

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On its face, it sounds like Wendy's team might be at odds with some of her family members -- who've been making the rounds with the media, speaking on what they perceive is happening. They've recently expressed concern about people in Wendy's inner circle.

Johnny Manziel I Lost 40 Lbs After Leaving Browns ... 'Strict Diet Of Blow'

A Slippery Slope
Club Shay Shay

Johnny Manziel says he withered from 210 pounds all the way down to 170 just months after his NFL career ended ... explaining his body morphed due to "a strict diet of blow."

The former Heisman Trophy winner opened up about his struggles following his Cleveland playing days during a recent, two-hour interview with Shannon Sharpe.

In the chat on the "Club Shay Shay" podcast ... Manziel admitted he was at nearly rock bottom once he had failed the Browns in 2015 at 23 years old -- so he turned to the Las Vegas party scene to pick him up.

Apparently, his trip to Sin City included a lot of cocaine ... something he says changed his figure into an unrecognizable one.

"At that point in time, man," Manziel said, "I would look in a mirror and I didn't see myself any different than when I was in Cleveland. Until I stepped on a scale at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas, I didn't realize I had lost 40 pounds at all."

"I remember these pictures came out," he continued. "I was like, 'Damn. What am I doing? Ah, whatever, we'll figure that out later. Let's go again.'"

Manziel said in addition to coke, he was also using OxyContin and Percocets.

Even My Hero Couldn't Help
Club Shay Shay

Johnny Football went on to lament other parts of his life in his talk with Sharpe -- including his strained relationship with LeBron James.

After Cleveland had drafted the Texas A&M QB, LeBron signed him to his agency ... and throughout his time with the Browns, Manziel said the NBA superstar tried to take him under his wing. But, while battling poor play and subsequent depression, he said he pushed the hooper away.

"LeBron would text me every week to come over to the house and watch a game or play poker with the boys and just tried to be there," Manziel said. "And I was so depressed for the first time in my life that even my biggest role model and inspiration in my life couldn't get me out of bed to come and hang out with him."

Manziel added that he still feels to this day he let the future basketball Hall of Famer down.

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Fortunately for the 31-year-old, he told Sharpe he's done a lot of growing over the last decade ... and is now, "the happiest I've ever been in my life."

Perro de Biden Mordió en 24 ocasiones a agentes del Servicio Secreto

Ha salido a la luz más información sobre el perro del presidente Biden, Commander: el pastor alemán mordió en al menos 24 ocasiones a agentes del Servicio Secreto.

Commander ya no vive con los Biden en la Casa Blanca, pero cuando estaba allí, el Servicio Secreto tuvo que cambiar sus tácticas como resultado de todos los incidentes con él.

La asombrosa cifra se revela en nuevos documentos internos del Servicio Secreto obtenidos por CNN y esta ni siquiera incluye las veces en que Commander mordisqueó a miembros del personal de la Casa Blanca. Aquí solo se documentan los incidentes con el Servicio Secreto.

Commander no solo hundió sus dientes en los agentes en 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, sino que también los atacó en dos casas de la familia Biden en Delaware, además de en otros viajes a Nantucket y Camp David.

El perro de Biden mordió a miembros del equipo de protección del presidente, además de otros agentes uniformados del Servicio Secreto, y en al menos 10 casos, el agente del Servicio Secreto que fue mordido requirió tratamiento médico.

Commander mordió a agentes en sus brazos, manos, piernas e incluso sus cinturas.

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Biden tiene a un mordedor

Como hemos informado, el perro del Presidente fue sacado de la Casa Blanca en octubre como resultado de estos incidentes. En ese momento, el Servicio Secreto solo reconoció que había registrado 11 incidentes de este tipo.

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En los meses previos a la expulsión de Commander, el Servicio Secreto emitió esta advertencia en un memorando interno: "Las recientes mordeduras del perro nos han desafiado a ajustar nuestras tácticas operativas cuando Commander está presente".

La advertencia también dijo que los agentes del Servicio Secreto "deben ser creativos para garantizar su propia seguridad personal".

Se dice que Commander está viviendo con amigos de la familia Biden en Delaware y según los informes, los Biden se sienten "destrozados" por el comportamiento de su perro.

President Biden's Dog Commander 24 Biting Incidents With Secret Service

More insight on the biting problems with President Biden's family dog Commander ... the German Shepherd bit Secret Service agents on at least two dozen occasions.

Commander is no longer living with the Bidens at the White House ... but when he was, the Secret Service had to change their tactics as a result of all the biting incidents.

The staggering figure is revealed in new internal Secret Service documents obtained by CNN ... and the 24 biting incidents don't even include the times Commander chomped on members of the White House staff ... only incidents with the SS are documented here.

Commander not only sunk his teeth into agents at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he also attacked them at two Biden family homes in Delaware ... plus trips to Nantucket and Camp David.

Biden's dog bit members of the Prez's protective detail, plus other uniformed Secret Service agents ... and in at least 10 instances, the Secret Service agent who was bit required medical treatment.

Commander bit agents on their arms, hands, legs and even their waists.

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As we reported ... Commander was kicked out of the White House back in October as a result of his human-biting ways. At the time, the Secret Service only acknowledged 11 biting incidents.

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In the months leading up to Commander's ouster, the Secret Service issued this warning in an internal memo ... "The recent dog bites have challenged us to adjust our operational tactics when Commander is present – please give lots of room."

The warning also said Secret Service agents "must be creative to ensure our own personal safety."

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Commander is said to be living with Biden family friends in Delaware ... and the Bidens reportedly feel "awful" and "heartbroken" over Commander's behavior.

'MIGHTY DUCKS' Star Shaun Weiss Video Sparks Relapse Concern Among Fans ... But He Says He's Clean

Instagram / @shaunweiss

Shaun Weiss has some fans thinking he relapsed on drugs ... but he says folks are reading way too far into a video he posted online.

The "Mighty Ducks" star shared a video Wednesday on Instagram, talking about how blessed he is to be paid to travel around and interact with fans ... but his physical appearance seemed to throw people off.

Shaun, who recently celebrated 4 years of sobriety, is looking kinda thin and he has a red substance smudged between his eyes ... leading some to wonder if he busted his head open, even though his caption says it's "consecrated ash from Sadhguru."

Shaun tells TMZ ... he's still 100% clean and has not relapsed.

Josh Rivera

He says he's doing great and has never been better, adding ... "If I ever need help I promise I will reach out to people. No going backward."

As for what's on his forehead, Shaun tells us it's from his "spiritual practice." He says it's supposed to "activate my third eye."

Shaun says he's getting into the inner engineering teachings of Sadhguru, a famous Yogi ... telling us, "It has been a game changer in terms of my overall balance and levels of joy."

The video that first sparked relapse concern among fans was on Shaun's page for about 5 hours until we talked to him ... and he's since uploaded a new video where he wipes off the red substance from his face and says he's fine and there's nothing to worry about.

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Bottom line ... Shaun says he's okay and no need for concern.

World's Tallest, Shortest Reunite For Wild Photo Shoot ... New Doc In The Works?!?

The tallest and shortest people in the world have something brewing ... reuniting after 6 years to catch up over breakfast ... and it sounds like a film project is involved.

Sultan Kosen and Jyoti Amge traveled across the world to meet Monday in California ... making for a wild pairing and an even crazier set of photos.

Sultan, a 41-year-old from Turkey, holds the Guinness World Record for the tallest living man at 8 feet, 2 inches tall ... he towers over most people, and his shoe is almost the same size as Jyoti, who is just over 2 feet tall.

Jyoti, a 30-year-old from India, looks like a doll compared to Sultan ... especially when they're both sitting cross-legged on the floor.

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Turkey's Anadolu news agency released the images from Monday's breakfast meeting in Irvine ... claiming the duo was invited to California by an unnamed American producer, who planned to film their meeting.

In one photo, Sultan is sitting in a chair and Jyoti is standing on a chair next to him ... and she barely reaches his shoulder. Check out the gallery ... it's pretty surreal.

It's the second time in six years Sultan and Jyoti have gotten together for some jarring photos ... the last meeting went down in 2018 in Egypt, where they posed in front of the Great Sphinx of Giza.

Sultan's held the title of the world's tallest man since 2009 ... his height is the result of a tumor in his pituitary gland, which creates an excess amount of growth hormone.

Jyoti's been the world's shortest woman since 2011 ... she was also the shortest teen and became the world's shortest actress in 2014 after landing a role in "American Horry Story."

Jyoti lives with achondroplasia, a rare form of dwarfism.

EL hombre MÁS ALTO Y LA mujer MÁS BAJA DEL MUNDO SE REUNEN EN HOLLYWOOD Para una sesión de fotos...

El hombre más alto y la mujer más baja del mundo se han reunido después de 6 años para desayunar, y parece que se trata de un proyecto cinematográfico.

Sultan Kosen y Jyoti Amge viajaron a través del mundo para reunirse el lunes en California. Fue una reunión muy especial y dejó fotografías para la historia.

Sultan, un turco de 41 años que ostenta el Récord Guinness del hombre vivo más alto con sus 2.5 metros de altura, se eleva por encima de la mayoría de la gente, y su zapato es casi del mismo tamaño que el de Jyoti, que mide poco más de 60 centímetros.

Jyoti, una mujer de 30 años proveniente de la India, parece una muñeca en comparación con Sultán, especialmente cuando ambos están sentados con las piernas cruzadas en el suelo.

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La agencia de noticias Anadolu de Turquía publicó las imágenes del desayuno de trabajo del lunes en Irvine, afirmando que el dúo fue invitado a California por un productor estadounidense no identificado que planeaba filmar su reunión.

En una foto, Sultan está sentado en una silla y Jyoti está de pie en una silla a su lado y ella apenas llega a su hombro. Échale un vistazo a la galería, es bastante surrealista.

Es la segunda vez en seis años que Sultán y Jyoti se juntan para unas fotos rocambolescas, el último encuentro fue en 2018 en Egipto, donde posaron frente a la Gran Esfinge de Guiza.

Sultan ha ostentado el título del hombre más alto del mundo desde 2009, su altura es el resultado de un tumor en su glándula pituitaria que crea una cantidad excesiva de hormona del crecimiento.

Jyoti ha sido la mujer más baja del mundo desde 2011, también fue la adolescente más baja y se convirtió en la actriz más baja del mundo en 2014 después de conseguir un papel en "American Horry Story".

Jyoti vive con acondroplasia, una forma rara de enanismo.

PLAYA DE FLORIDA Niña de 5 años muere... Sepultada por la arena

CBS News Miami

Una excursión familiar en la playa se convirtió en una trágica pesadilla esta semana después de que una niña pequeña fuera enterrada viva por la arena en una playa en el sur de Florida, que terminó con su vida.

CBS News Miami informa que Pompano Fire Rescue respondió a una llamada el martes justo antes de las 4 PM, acerca de un niño de 7 años de edad y una niña de 5 años de edad, que estaban atrapados bajo una montaña de arena luego de cavar un profundo agujero de cerca de 6 pies de profundidad.


Las impactantes imágenes de un teléfono móvil, emitidas por NBC6, parecen haber captado las secuelas de la horrible experiencia, con los bañistas saltando en ayuda de los niños e intentando sacarlos.

La gente se arrodilló para sacar la arena de los niños mientras otros intentaban sostener las paredes para que no quedaran más enterrados. Una gran multitud de espectadores miraban con incredulidad... Se utilizaron tablas de apoyo en el esfuerzo de rescate.

Según los informes, el niño fue enterrado hasta el pecho, mientras que la niña estaba totalmente sumergida bajo la arena y CBS informa que el niño fue llevado de la playa de Lauderdale-by-the-Sea a un hospital donde se recupera en condición estable, pero la niña murió antes de llegar allí.

No está claro cuánto tiempo estuvieron enterrados, pero parece que tomó un tiempo para sacarlos.

Medios locales dicen que los funcionarios están investigando si los niños son de la zona o fuera de la ciudad, así como la relación de los niños.

Puede sonar como una cosa rara, pero estos entierros en la arena en realidad ocurren con bastante frecuencia. Los informes dicen que la niña había dejado de respirar en el momento en que los socorristas fueron finalmente capaces de llegar a ella.

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No es común que estas situaciones terminen de esta manera, pero claramente hay que tener precaución. Una investigación sobre este incidente está en curso.

Florida Beach 5-Year-Old Girl Dies ... Buried By Sand in Collapsed Hole

The Scene of the Tragic Accident
CBS News Miami

A family outing at the beach turned into a tragic nightmare this week -- this after a little girl was buried alive by a collapsed hole dug on a beach in South Florida, which killed her.

CBS News Miami reports Pompano Fire Rescue responded to a call Tuesday just before 4 PM about a 7-year-old boy and a 5-year-old girl who were trapped under a mountain of sand after a deep hole they were digging -- about 6 feet deep -- caved in on them.


Shocking cell phone footage -- aired on NBC6 -- seemingly caught the aftermath of the horrifying ordeal ... with beachgoers jumping to the kids' aid and attempting to dig them out.

People got down on their hands and knees to scoop the sand off the children while others tried to hold up the walls so the children didn't become further buried. A huge crowd of onlookers stared on in disbelief ... and support boards were used in the rescue effort.

The boy was reportedly buried up to his chest while the girl was totally submerged under the sand ... and CBS reports the boy was taken from the Lauderdale-by-the-Sea Beach to a hospital where he's recovering in stable condition, but the girl died before getting there.

It's unclear how long they were buried ... but it sounds like it took a while to get them out.

Local outlets say officials are investigating if the children are from the area or out of town as well as the children's relationship.

It might sound like a freak thing ... but these sand burials actually happen fairly often. Reports say the girl had stopped breathing by the time first responders were finally able to reach her.

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They don't usually end with death, but clearly ... they're dangerous and can take people's lives. An investigation into this incident is ongoing.

LAS VEGAS Creepy Crawlers Discovered at Vegas Hotels ... Don't Let the Bed bugs Bite!!!

Las Vegas' most popular tourist resorts need to strip those sheets STAT ... 'cause a massive outbreak of bed bugs has been discovered over the last few months.

The creepy crawly pests have been found at Encore, the Venetian, the Mirage and the Excalibur Hotel and Casino ... after Southern Nevada Health District (SNHD) inspectors were called in to check things out -- this according to health records cited by 8 News Now. So, you may wanna reconsider plans if you've got a stay booked at any one of those hotels.

The last bed bug discovery was in December when one of Encore's specifically trained bed bug-sniffing dogs discovered a live bed bug in a room when a guest filed a complaint. Thankfully, the room was taken out of service pronto.

Before that, the teeny-weeny parasites were discovered in rooms at the other three resorts up and down the Strip in September and October.

According to the Nevada Resort Association, the outbreak affected only four rooms across the four hotels, and they described the incidents as "extremely rare and isolated occurrences." They add members are taking swift action in accordance with health and safety requirements.

It's unclear how the blood-sucking bed bugs made their way to the resorts and if there's a link between them all -- but they all lie within a 4-mile stretch of one another ... and one thing about bed bugs is they do love to hitchhike through luggage and clothing, so the spread could've been facilitated that way.

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This ain't the first time Vegas has been under siege by bed bugs ... they were previously discovered at seven other popular hotels between 2022 and 2023. The spots they hit up at the time were Caesars Palace, Planet Hollywood, Circus Circus, Palazzo, Tropicana, MGM Grand, and Sahara.

So yeah, basically, what happens in Vegas doesn't always stay in Vegas if bed bugs have anything to do with it!!

President Biden Almost Trips Boarding AF1 'Small Stair' Report Confirmed


President Biden nearly fell boarding Air Force One this week -- a bit surprising since he took a shorter flight of stairs ... confirming a report that that's what his staff has him doing now.

Joe was getting on the famed aircraft Tuesday as he was getting ready to leave D.C. for California -- where he'll be in town for a few days as he fundraises for his reelection campaign ... but as we've seen before, he had somewhat of a hard time climbing aboard.

Check it out ... you can see JB make his way up a shorter staircase into a different part of the plane -- which is much lower to the ground than the usual entrance he might take -- but even here, the Prez struggles a bit ... jolting forward a couple times as he catches himself.

Luckily, he didn't fall here -- as he has in the past -- but it was a little jarring. Even more surprising is the fact that a Secret Service agent was stationed at the bottom of the stairs ... keeping a watchful eye on his boss. We've been seeing this more lately with Joe.

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It's interesting ... the agent at the bottom of the (shorter) stairs is something the NYT reported on earlier this month -- part of a new strategy in managing/shielding Biden.

Worth noting ... Donald Trump would also use the shorter stairs at times during bad weather, but now -- it seems Joe taking the shorter stairs with someone monitoring him from behind is the new norm. Even here though -- it seems like a potential fall is still in the mix.

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It goes without saying ... these concerns have been mounting -- namely, ones about his age/fitness for office. It's something he's swatted away time and again ... but folks are talkin'.

Also worth noting ... this ain't the first time Joe has fallen during his presidency. He's taken some nasty tumbles before -- including while boarding Air Force One.

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He avoided it this time -- but he might wanna go up a little slower going forward. Safety first!

'90 Day Fiance' Stars Colon Cancer Fundraiser Nixed ... As Doubts Arise from Fans

A "90 Day Fiance" couple pissed people off by backtracking on a cancer announcement and seemingly trying to fundraise off it -- something the platform they used shut down quickly.

Here's the deal ... Brandan and Mary Denuccio -- who got hitched after appearing on '90DF: The Other Way' last year -- told their followers over the weekend that Mary had colon cancer ... something they came out with pretty definitively at first, without any doubt.

As part of the announcement -- in which they said flat out that Mary had been diagnosed with colon cancer after experiencing symptoms for years -- they also asked for donations for a fundraiser they started ... which they said would go toward surgery she'd need to remove it.

Soon ... the doubters started coming out of the woodwork and questioning their claim online, which resulted in Brandan and Mary slightly changing the wording of the cancer diagnosis -- making it seem like she hadn't actually gotten any official word from a doctor just yet.

Before long their entire fundraising campaign was halted -- and the whole thing came down.

At the time, the only message that was up on the page read ... "GoGetFunding has been requested or required to stop this campaign." Now, though, we have a bit more clarity.

At first, it was unclear if the campaign -- which, by all accounts, had only raised about $1,300 or so before it was nixed -- was halted by Brandan and Mary themselves ... or the company, but a rep for GoGetFunding tells TMZ ... they're the ones who actually pulled the plug.

We're told the company was quickly flagged by users about the fact it was suspicious -- and after doing some digging on it ... GGF felt enough evidence existed to yank it all down.

Now, in terms of what happened to people's money -- as far as those who donated -- GoGetFunding says the donations were received via PayPal for this campaign ... and no funds passed through their site, so there's no way for them to refund anyone specifically.

GGF goes on to say that they advised anyone who donated and who contacted them afterward for help to dispute any charges/withdrawals with their banks -- and to report any suspicious activity to the police if they felt it rose that level. Unclear if anyone did.

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As far as what Brandan and Mary have to say about it all now ... they actually tell us they were the ones who stopped the GoGetFunding campaign because people were inundating them with hate. Mary adds, "I know i announced i have colon cancer. It’s just im so scared that time because i was in pain and i got all the symptoms. But we are still going back and forth to the hospital and have do all the laboratory requested by the doctors."

Mary tells us she's not going to post anymore about this, as she's very stressed right now.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

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