Emma Heming publica un emotivo post de San Valentín

La esposa de Bruce Willis -Emma Heming- hizo un conmovedor homenaje de San Valentín, haciéndole saber al actor que siempre la tendrá a su lado.

"El amor es algo hermoso ❤️ les deseo a todos un Feliz Día de San Valentín 🫶🏽", escribió Emma en un post de Insta el miércoles, que muestra la cara del actor de 68 años de "Duro De Matar" apretada contra ella mientras posaba en las cataratas del Niágara.

Ella reveló en los comentarios que se trataba de una vieja foto escolar de marzo de 2010, es decir, dos años después de que hicieran público su romance.

El amor de Emma por Bruce es claramente muy fuerte, demostrando que nunca se separará de su lado, especialmente en medio de su agotadora batalla contra la demencia. Su familia anunció su diagnóstico de afasia hace dos años y su retiro de la actuación.

La condición de Bruce empeoró hace exactamente un año, cuando se le diagnosticó demencia frontotemporal.

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Emma ha hablado con franqueza de su salud, diciendo en "Today" que es "difícil saber" lo consciente que es y que había perdido la capacidad de tomar decisiones por sí mismo  ahora es ella quien tomó las riendas de su cuidado.

Por supuesto, Bruce tiene una gran familia, y el resto de sus seres más cercanos y queridos, incluyendo a su ex -Demi Moore- y todos sus hijos adultos han intervenido para ayudar.

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La familia siempre sabe salir adelante, sobre todo cuando los tiempos se ponen difíciles.

Kansas City Chiefs Eleven SB Parade Victims Aged 6 To 15 ... Officials Say

Eleven kids between the ages of 6 years old and 15 years old suffered wounds during Wednesday afternoon's shooting at the Chiefs' Super Bowl parade, officials say.

Lisa Augustine, a spokesperson for Children’s Mercy Kansas City, said in a statement to TMZ Sports the hospital treated 12 patients after at least one gunman opened fire at Union Station following the championship festivities in K.C. -- and of those dozen, 11 were children.

Augustine added that nine of the 12 sustained gunshot wounds.

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Thankfully, the hospital rep said, "All are expected to recover."

So far, law enforcement says 22 people in total were struck by gunfire just minutes after Patrick Mahomes and Travis Kelce had addressed the massive crowd that had gathered to celebrate their recent victory over the San Francisco 49ers.

At least one person, authorities said, died in the shooting.

Cops say three people have been detained in connection with the attack ... although no motive has been revealed. An investigation remains ongoing.

The Chiefs said in a statement they're "truly saddened by the senseless act of violence that occurred outside of Union Station at the conclusion of today's parade and rally."

"Our hearts go out to the victims, their families, and all of Kansas City," they added.

Mahomes and Kelce, meanwhile, also sent out prayers to the victims on their X pages following the tragedy.

Un carro se estrella contra una sala de urgencias Y el conductor muere

el terrible momento

Un carro chocó contra una sala de urgencias en Austin, Texas, esta semana y el video de las consecuencias es absolutamente horrible.

Este accidente ocurrió el martes por la noche en St. Davis's North Austin Medical Center, donde un vehículo literalmente embistió contra la entrada de la sala de emergencias, donde terminó hiriendo a un puñado de personas, entre ellas algunos niños.

Las imágenes que se ven aquí comenzó a rodar momentos después de que el coche vino volando a través de la parte delantera del edificio ... y como se puede oír, los neumáticos seguía chirriando - lo que sugiere que alguien tenía el pie en el pedal del acelerador, incluso después de hacer contacto.

La gente estaba luchando en medio del caos y algunos incluso tuvieron que ser levantados y cargados en brazos mientras las enfermeras y médicos salieron tratando de darle sentido a lo que había sucedido.

No está claro qué es exactamente lo que causó esto, pero lo que sí sabemos con certeza es que el conductor terminó muriendo justo después de recibir primeros auxilios. A primera vista, parece que pudo haber sufrido una emergencia médica y perdió el control del carro.

Los policías señalaron que el accidente no parecía ser intencional... vale la pena aclararlo porque algunos pensaban que podría ser incluso un ataque terrorista. Por suerte, no fue el caso.

Afortunadamente, nadie en el hospital murió, pero hubo muchos heridos. Cinco víctimas fueron trasladadas a otros hospitales con diversos grados de lesiones, incluyendo un niño que fue catalogado como en estado crítico.

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Se informa que el pequeño sufrió lesiones que tienen su vida en riersgo, y las lesiones de un adulto nos informan que son potencialmente mortales.

Austin, TX Car Slams Into Emergency Room Driver Dies, Not Intentional


A car rammed into an emergency room in Austin, TX, this week -- and the video of the immediate aftermath is absolutely horrifying.

This accident happened on Tuesday night at St. David's North Austin Medical Center -- where a vehicle literally rammed into the entrance of the ER there ... which ended up injuring a handful of people, including some kids.

The footage you see here starts just moments after the car came flying through the front of the building ... and as you can hear, the tires were still screeching -- suggesting someone had their foot on the gas pedal even after the impact.

People were scrambling in the chaos ... and some even had to be lifted and carried away as nurses and doctors poured out trying to make sense of what had happened.

At this point, it's unclear what exactly caused this, but what we do know for sure is that the driver died ... this after requiring CPR on the scene.

Cops noted the crash did not appear to be intentional, which some thought might've been the case ... there were immediate concerns it was some sort of terror attack. Luckily, this wasn't that.

Thankfully, no one in the hospital was killed, but there were serious injuries. Five victims were taken to other hospitals for treatment ...and one of them is a child listed in critical condition.

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The kid's injuries are reportedly life-threatening, while one adult suffered potentially life-threatening injury.

Dwayne Johnson Responds to 'False Clickbait Garbage' ... Blasts Claim Fans Booed For Broken Maui Promise

Dwayne Johnson popped off over accusations he was booed for not following through on aid to Maui ... calling the claim "false clickbait garbage" in a furious response on X.

Here's the deal ... Nick Sortor -- an internet personality who has appeared on networks like Fox News and Newsmax -- posted a video to Twitter showing people at a WWE event raining jeers down on The Rock.

Sortor claimed these people were berating Johnson for not following through on his promise to aid the island of Maui following the devastating wildfires last summer.

He even pointed to some fans' chanting in the vid ... claiming they were saying "Maui" over and over -- and if you listen to the clip, it does sound like that's exactly what they're yelling.

But, DJ wasn't having this interpretation of events -- instead hopping on X to slam Sortor's analysis and insisting he was being booed for playing "the heel" in a WWE press conference -- professional wrestling-ese for "the villain."

Johnson said he tries to stay above the social media fray generally, but decided to correct Nick because he used "Hawaii's tragic events to draw attention" to himself before explaining his own role of villain at the presser Thursday.


He went on to claim The People's Fund of Maui -- kicked off by himself and Oprah Winfrey in August with a $10 million donation -- has delivered more than $50 million to thousands of survivors who were affected by the fires.

He praised the resilience of those people whose lives were uprooted by the fires and wrote directly to Sortor "instead of posting bulls*** like this that you know is false - I encourage you to post something positive for Hawaii, for our Polynesian American people. Or actually take positive action and come to Hawaii to help out in an uplifting way."

He encouraged Nick to use his platform to lift up the people of Hawaii instead of trying to tear him down ... and apologized to "all our Poly/Hawaiian ohana of Maui, for shining light on this toxicity as you struggle through tough times."

BTW ... Sortor isn't backing down -- responding on X by saying he's also based in Hawaii and Dwayne has his contact info, so he's happy to meet Johnson whenever he wants.

FWIW ... a community note has been added to Sortor's tweet explaining the context of the booing video -- and the crowd may have been shouting "Maui" but that's also The Rock's character's name from the highly popular Disney movie "Moana," so it could've been yelled in a totally different context.

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The Maui fires reportedly killed 100 people, leaving many more injured and homeless -- it's a sensitive topic ... one that clearly set Johnson off.

Dwayne Johnson responde a los abucheos Por no ayudar a las víctimas de los incendios

Dwayne Johnson estalló sobre las acusaciones de que fue abucheado por no seguir adelante con la ayuda a Maui, llamando a la afirmación "falsa basura clickbait" en una respuesta furiosa en X.

Nick Sortor -una personalidad de Internet que ha aparecido en redes como Fox News y Newsmax- publicó un video en Tuiter que muestra a la gente en un evento de la WWE abucheando a The Rock.

Sortor afirmó que estas personas estaban reprendiendo a Johnson por no cumplir su promesa de ayudar a la isla de Maui tras los devastadores incendios forestales del verano pasado.

Incluso se refirió a los cánticos de algunos fans en el video, afirmando que estaban diciendo "Maui" una y otra vez, y si escuchas el clip, parece que eso es exactamente lo que están gritando.

Pero Dwayne no tenía esta interpretación de los hechos, y apareció en X para criticar el análisis de Sortor e insistiendo en que estaba siendo abucheado por jugar "al villano" en una conferencia de prensa de la WWE.

Johnson dijo que trata de mantenerse por encima de la refriega de los medios de comunicación social en general, pero decidió corregir a Nick porque utilizó "los trágicos acontecimientos de Hawai para llamar la atención sobre sí mismo antes de explicar su propio papel de villano en la rueda de prensa del jueves".

ayudando a maui

Dwayne Johnson afirmó que el People's Fund de Maui, creado por él mismo y Oprah Winfrey en agosto con una donación de 10 millones de dólares, ha entregado más de 50 millones de dólares a miles de supervivientes afectados por los incendios.

Alabó la resistencia de las personas cuyas vidas fueron arrancadas de raíz por los incendios y escribió directamente a Sortor: "En lugar de publicar chorradas como esta, que sabes que son falsas, te animo a que publiques algo positivo para Hawái, para nuestro pueblo polinesio-americano. O realmente tomar una acción positiva y venir a Hawai para ayudar de una manera edificante".

Alentó a Nick a usar su plataforma para levantar a la gente de Hawai en lugar de tratar de derribarla y se disculpó con "todos nuestros Poly/Hawaiian ohana de Maui, por arrojar luz sobre esta toxicidad mientras luchas a través de tiempos difíciles".

A propósito, Sortor no da marcha atrás, respondiendo en X diciendo que tiene el contacto de Dwayne, por lo que está feliz de reunirse con él cuando quiera.

Otra cosa.... una nota de la comunidad se ha añadido al tuit de Sortor, explicando el contexto del video de abucheos, y la multitud puede haber estado gritando "Maui", pero ese es también el nombre del personaje de The Rock de la popular película de Disney "Moana", por lo que podría haber sido gritado en un contexto totalmente diferente.

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Los incendios de Maui supuestamente mataron a 100 personas, dejando a muchos más heridos y sin hogar, ciertamente es un tema delicado.

Cheryl Hines Elmo Fight Not On Larry David ... Why Put Them Together???

Cheryl Hines isn't blaming Larry David for beating up Elmo ... saying producers should've known better than to put the two of them on the same set.

The actress -- who starred alongside Larry in 101 episodes of "Curb Your Enthusiasm" -- defended her television ex-husband during Wednesday's episode of "Literally with Rob Lowe," saying the people behind the show should've known something was bound to go down.

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Are We Surprised?

CH said quite frankly, "He doesn't care. He doesn't care about a puppet! He doesn't care about human beings" ... maybe a bit harsh, but Larry has cultivated a sourpuss persona over the years.

CH continued by saying Larry's made a career out of telling people he doesn't care about their feelings ... so obviously a puppet preaching mental health lessons was bound to set him off.

Cheryl made it clear Elmo didn't do anything wrong -- saying he didn't "ask for this" -- and instead pinning the blame on showrunners.

It's all clearly in good fun for Cheryl ... though others in the television industry didn't take the attack as well as she did.

As we previously reported ... Wil Wheaton completely torched David online after video of his appearance on 'Today' went viral. The 'Star Trek' actor blasted LD, saying his attack triggered traumatic memories of his own abuse at the hands of his father.

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Elmo Accepts Your Apology

Larry's yet to respond to Wil's condemnation ... but if Cheryl or his on-camera "apologies" are to be believed, it's unlikely WW's getting a genuine "sorry" anytime soon.

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Bottom line ... Cheryl's got her pal's back -- even if he keeps on fighting puppets!!!

Taylor Swift Presunto acosador no es apto para ser juzgado

El presunto acosador de Taylor Swift no se enfrentará a un juicio penal después de haber sido arrestado varias veces fuera de su casa porque los fiscales dicen que simplemente no es apto para ello, legalmente.

Según la Oficina del Fiscal del Distrito de Manhattan, David Crowe, el hombre que los fiscales dicen que ha estado al alrededor de la casa de Taylor en Nueva York, ha sido considerado no apto para el juicio sobre la base de los resultados de su examen psicológico.

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Reaparece el acosador de Taylor

Nos dicen que el caso criminal contra Crowe ha sido desestimado y que será confiado a la custodia de la Oficina de Salud Mental, donde recibirá el tratamiento necesario.

Como ya informamos, David fue procesado el mes pasado por cargos de acoso y hostigamiento, pero luego fue puesto en libertad. Dos horas después fue detenido nuevamente tras regresar al barrio de Taylor.

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Crowe en el tribunal
John M. Mantel for Fox News Digital

Los abogados de Crowe pidieron un examen psicológico antes de enfrentar un posible juicio, y el juez accedió. Ahora los resultados están disponibles y él está siendo enviado a un centro de salud mental en vez de enfrentar un proceso penal.

Taylor estaba en la Gran Manzana durante las detenciones de Crowe, pero ahora está al otro lado del mundo en Japón y pronto estará en Las Vegas para el Super Bowl.

Teniendo en cuenta que ahora el hombre va a ser confinado en un centro de salud mental, se pueden imaginar que la estrella del pop estará más tranquila cuando regrese a su casa en Nueva York. Aunque este tipo era solo una de las múltiples personas que han estado obsesionadas con ella y que ha llegado a su casa sin invitación.

Además, los aviones de Taylor han sido rastreados en los últimos meses. Otro dolor de cabeza para ella y una gran preocupación para su equipo, quien dijo que el seguimiento equivalía a llevar una hoja de ruta de su paradero, información que, obviamente, puede conducir al peligro cuando está en las manos equivocadas.

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En este frente, sin embargo, no hay que preocuparse más de Crowe, que se va por un largo tiempo.


Taylor Swift's alleged stalker will not be facing a criminal trial after being arrested multiple times outside her pad ... because prosecutors say he's just not up for it, legally.

According to the Manhattan District Attorney's Office ... David Crowe -- the man who prosecutors say has been lurking around Taylor's NYC home for a while now -- has been deemed unfit for trial based on the results of his psychological exam.

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We're told the criminal case against Crowe has been dismissed and he will be committed to the custody of the Office of Mental Health, where he will receive necessary treatment.

As we reported ... David was arraigned last month on stalking and harassment charges but was then set free, only to be arrested again 2 hours later after going back to Taylor's block.

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Crowe's lawyers asked for a psych exam before a potential trial, and a judge agreed ... and now the results are in and he's being sent off to a mental health facility instead of facing criminal prosecution.

Taylor was in the Big Apple during Crowe's multiple arrests ... but now she's a world away on tour in Japan -- and soon, she'll be in Vegas for the Super Bowl ... distanced from this.

Considering this man is now going to be confined to a facility going forward ... ya gotta imagine she'll be breathing easier when she's at home in NYC -- although, this guy was just the latest person who's been obsessed with her and who came to her home uninvited.

Also ... Taylor's jets have been getting tracked in recent months -- another headache for her, and a major concern for her team -- who said the tracking amounted to a roadmap to her whereabouts, information that can obviously lead to danger when in the wrong hands.

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On this front, though ... no more worries about Crowe -- he's going away for a long time.

We'll be talking all things Taylor on the new "TMZ Swift-Tea Podcast" -- available on all podcast platforms.

Wolf Blitzer Appears To Choke Back Vomit On-Air ... During Interview On Trump


Wolf Blitzer looked like he was about to puke during a CNN segment on Donald Trump ... seemingly choking back vomit before the network suddenly cut to commercial.

The 'Situation Room' host looked to be in distress Thursday during an interview with Rep. Jamie Raskin, making a series of pained facial expressions as Raskin talked about Trump and the Colorado ballot controversy.

Check out the video ... Wolf seems to be on the verge of vomiting and he struggles to choke something down and keep his mouth closed.

CNN finally catches on and cuts Wolf's feed, leaving Raskin on the screen ... and seconds later vomit-like sounds are heard off camera as CNN pulls the plug and goes to commercial in the middle of a Raskin sentence.

Wolf did not come back on camera after the break, instead being replaced by CNN chief legal affairs correspondent Paula Reid, who announced "Wolf had to step away" and would "be back."

However, Wolf never came back before his show ended and CNN told the Washington Post, "Wolf wasn’t feeling 100% while anchoring Thursday night. He looks forward to being back in the Situation Room and appreciates the well wishes."

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For his part, Wolf gave a health update Thursday night, saying ... "I'm fine! Thanks for the well wishes. I’ll see you back in the Situation Room soon."

The internet's having a field day here ... with folks joking the mere thought of Trump on the ballot was enough to make Wolf sick.

O.J. Simpson Reportedly Has Prostate Cancer ... Undergoing Chemotherapy

O.J. Simpson is reportedly battling cancer -- but the man himself is somewhat pushing back that he's in poor health ... although, not necessarily denying the notion that he's been diagnosed.

The notorious ex-con -- who was famously acquitted in his double murder trial in the '90s, and who has maintained his innocence -- was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer ... according to Local 10 News.

The publication cites sources for their reporting ... and they go on to say O.J. has been receiving chemotherapy in the area. Unclear when exactly he was given the bad news.

One other bizarre element about this report is that Local 10 News says they're hearing O.J. has been going around and telling friends there are rumors about him going into hospice ... something he's apparently been denying to his closest pals.

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Welp, O.J. doubled down on that denial Friday on the heels of this report coming out -- and while he is denying any notion of him being in hospice ... nobody seems to be claiming that.

Again, O.J.'s not saying he doesn't have cancer ... but he is trying to make it seem like everything is just fine and dandy in his world -- and that his focus is on the Super Bowl.

Here's the weird thing about all this ... O.J. appears to have already acknowledged that he has cancer and that he had done chemo. A video he posted in May 2023 -- where he rambles -- briefly touches on the fact that he "caught cancer," without specifying what type -- but in the clip, he also suggested he'd beaten it and that he was doing just fine now.

The ex-RB talked about dropping weight during chemo and how weed helped him get his appetite back -- but this video seems to have completely flown under the radar at the time.

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O.J. doesn't have a clear history of health issues -- aside from arthritis and flare-ups of old injuries -- but he has appeared to look somewhat frail in recent years as he goes around town.

Prince Harry Presents Award at NFL Honors ... Steelers Star Cameron Heyward Awestruck


Prince Harry flew back to the U.S. and made a surprise appearance at the 2024 NFL Honors -- after a short visit with his cancer-stricken father King Charles III in England.

The Duke of Sussex strolled out onstage at the Resorts World Theatre in Las Vegas Thursday evening to present the Walter Payton Man of the Year award to Pittsburgh Steelers defensive tackle Cameron Heyward.

Heyward seemed totally awestruck by Harry as the NFL star accepted his statue and stepped up to the mic to make a speech.

Check out the vid ... Heyward addressed the audience while motioning with his arm to Harry, saying, "That's freakin' Harry. Oh my god, I'm in shock. That's Prince Harry."

Harry smiled, taking it all in stride while shaking hands with Heyward on the stage and posing for photos with him after the event.

As you know ... Harry hopped a Tuesday flight to London from L.A. to visit King Charles after his recent cancer diagnosis. When he arrived in the UK capital, Harry went straight to the royal residence, where he reportedly stayed with Charles for about 45 minutes before taking off.

While his exit appeared abrupt, it's no secret Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, have been estranged from Charles and the rest of the Royal Family for quite some time. And the world has had a front-row seat to all their drama.

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Hopefully, Harry and the others can work out their differences and become one big happy royal family again. We'll just have to see.

Príncipe Harry Presenta un premio a la estrella de la NFL Cameron Heyward...


El príncipe Harry voló de regreso a los Estados Unidos e hizo una aparición sorpresa en el NFL Honors 2024, después de hacer una breve visita a su padre, el rey Carlos III en Inglaterra luego de que este fuera diagnosticado de cáncer.

El duque de Sussex se paseó por el escenario del Teatro Resorts World en Las Vegas el jueves por la noche para presentar el premio Walter Payton al Hombre del Año, que fue otorgado al jugador defensivo de los Pittsburgh Steelers Cameron Heyward.

Heyward parecía totalmente impresionado por la presencia de Harry mientras aceptaba su estatua de la NFL y se acercaba al micrófono para hacer su discurso.

Mira el video: Heyward se dirigió al público mientras señalaba a Harry con el brazo, diciendo: "Ese es el maldito Harry. Dios mío, estoy en shock. Ese es el Príncipe Harry".

Harry sonrió y se tomó todo con mucha calma mientras estrechaba su mano con Heyward en el escenario y posaba para las fotos después del evento.

Como ustedes saben, Harry viajó a Londres desde Los Ángeles el martes para visitar al rey Carlos después de que fuera diagnosticado recientemente de cáncer. Cuando llegó a la capital del Reino Unido, Harry fue directamente a la residencia real, donde al parecer se quedó con Charles durante unos 45 minutos antes de despegar.

Aunque su salida pareció abrupta, no es ningún secreto que Harry y su esposa Meghan Markle llevan bastante tiempo distanciados de Carlos y del resto de la Familia Real. Y el mundo ha podido presenciar todo su drama desde la primera fila.

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Esperemos que Harry y los demás puedan resolver sus diferencias y volver a ser una gran familia real feliz. Ya veremos.

Biden on Special Counsel Report My Memory Is So Bad I Let You Speak ... Feisty With WH Reporters


President Biden is showing serious signs of life and energy ... getting testy with reporters who tried grilling him on his memory loss and a damning special counsel report.

The highlight ... Biden telling Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy, "My memory is so bad I let you speak."

Biden's zinger came as POTUS took the podium in the White House press room Thursday for some rare remarks, fielding questions from journalists in the wake of a special prosecutor calling out his "faulty memory."

Biden had the old noodle working on this occasion, firing off zingers aimed at the media ... and verbally sparring with reporters from multiple outlets.

When Doocy started asking questions about the special counsel report, Biden got testy ... and, if we're being honest, channeled a bit of Donald Trump.

Biden mocked the special counsel, who in his report said JB won't be charged for his handling of classified information while out of office because 46 is a "well-meaning elderly man with a poor memory."

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The Prez jokingly agreed, adding ... "I know what the hell I'm doing. I'm President and I put this country back on it's feet."

Asked directly how bad his memory is and if he can continue as President, Biden shot back at Doocy with his "memory so bad I let you speak" one-liner ... which has some serious meme potential.


Another reporter followed up by asking Biden if his memory has gotten worse ... with POTUS saying his memory is "fine" before listing off his legislative accomplishments.

The commander-in-chief also wasn't happy with the special counsel saying Biden couldn't remember when his son Beau died.

Biden's response ... "How in the hell dare he raise that. Frankly, when I was asked the question I thought to myself it wasn't any of their damn business."

Biden groused further ... "I don't need anyone to remind me when he passed away."

The special counsel says there's evidence Biden mishandled classified docs, but the prosecutor decided against charging Biden because he wasn't confident in a guilty verdict due to Biden's faulty memory and ability to make jurors sympathetic.

Seems he woke something up in JB.

Según una demanda un robot quirúrgico le causó un agujero mortal A una mujer de Florida

Un robot quirúrgico hizo un agujero en el intestino delgado de una mujer de Florida durante la cirugía, hiriéndola, y finalmente causándole la muerte. Esto según una nueva demanda presentada por su marido.

Según los documentos legales obtenidos por TMZ, Sandra Sultzer, nativa de Boca Ratón, falleció a la edad de 78 años en 2022 después de un procedimiento para tratar su cáncer de colon, el cual se realizó utilizando un robot "da Vinci", una máquina de 4 brazos activada por un médico que opera una cámara y un cirujano que dirige los brazos del robot utilizando un joystick y pedales.

El marido de Sultzer afirma que el robot está diseñado para cortar incisiones tan pequeñas como el tamaño de una moneda de diez centavos. Se supone que estos movimientos precisos minimizan la pérdida de sangre y el trauma del cuerpo en comparación a los cortes más grandes realizados durante los procedimientos quirúrgicos tradicionales.

La demanda alega algunas de las mangas de goma alrededor de los brazos tenían grietas que generaban corrientes eléctricas y la energía perdida esencialmente quemó tejidos del cuerpo de Sandra durante su procedimiento de septiembre de 2021.

Su esposo afirma que la quema de sus órganos internos ocurrió sin que el equipo quirúrgico siquiera supiera completamente lo que estaba sucediendo en ese momento.

La demanda alega que Intuitive Surgical Inc -la compañía que fabrica el robot da Vinci- no advirtió adecuadamente de estos riesgos, alegando que debería haber sabido de los riesgos de "miles de informes de lesiones y defectos" sobre el dispositivo".

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También afirma que el producto no fue diseñado de una manera segura, ni tampoco se sometió a las pruebas necesarias para evitar los riesgos de quemaduras.

El marido de Sultzer reclama daños y perjuicios no especificados.


A surgical robot burned a hole in a Florida woman's small intestine during surgery, injuring her and eventually causing her death -- this according new lawsuit filed by her husband.

According to the legal docs, obtained by TMZ, Boca Raton native Sandra Sultzer passed away at the age of 78 in 2022 following a procedure to treat her colon cancer ... which was performed using a 'da Vinci' robot -- a 4-armed machine activated by a doctor operating a camera and a surgeon steering the robot's arms using a joystick and foot pedals.

Sultzer's husband claims the robot is designed to cut incisions as small as the size of a dime ... and the precise movements are supposed to minimize blood loss and trauma to the body from larger cuts made during traditional surgical procedures.

The suit alleges some of the rubber sleeves around the arms had cracks which allowed electrical currents to escape ... and the stray energy essentially burned Sandra's body tissues during her September 2021 procedure.

Her husband claims the burning of her internal organs happened without the surgical team even fully knowing what was happening at the time.

The lawsuit alleges that Intuitive Surgical Inc. -- the company that makes the da Vinci robot -- failed to adequately warn of these risks ... claiming it should have known of the risks from "thousands of injury and defect reports" about the device.

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He also claims the product was not designed in a safe way or tested enough to avoid the burn risks.

Sultzer's husband is seeking unspecified damages, including punitives.

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