KING CHARLES III Diagnosed With Cancer Will & Harry Looped In


10:43 AM PT -- King Charles III has notified both of his sons -- Prince William and Prince Harry -- about his diagnosis ... and both of them are rushing to be by his side. Will is said to be in regular contact with his dad, and is obviously nearby to see him in person too.

As for Harry ... he's reported to be flying into the UK in the coming days to see his father.

Major health update out of Buckingham Palace ... King Charles III is fighting cancer.

Buckingham Palace – the United Kingdom's royal residence – released an official statement Monday saying ... "During The King’s recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted. Subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer."

The Palace adds ... "His Majesty has today commenced a schedule of regular treatments, during which time he has been advised by doctors to postpone public-facing duties."

Charles, the Palace says, will continue with his state business and official paperwork despite the diagnosis.

As we reported, Charles was admitted to a London hospital last month for a "corrective procedure" for an enlarged prostate. Kate Middleton was in the same hospital at the same time for stomach surgery.

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The Palace says Charles "remains wholly positive about his treatment and looks forward to returning to full public duty as soon as possible."

The Royal family says it's announcing Charles' diagnosis "to prevent speculation and in the hope it may assist public understanding for all those around the world who are affected by cancer."

It's interesting ... Charles' cancer announcement comes on the heels of World Cancer Day.

The King's wife, Queen Camilla, last week opened a new cancer support center at Royal Free Hospital in the UK.

Originally Published -- 10:08 AM PT

Killer Mike Son Getting Kidney Transplant ... After Mike's Grammys Arrest

Killer Mike's officially putting his arrest at the Grammys on the back burner, because after a long wait, his oldest son is finally getting a kidney transplant ... TMZ Hip Hop has learned.

Sources connected to the Grammy-winning rapper tell us Mike is with his son Mikael "Pony Boy" Render Monday as he undergoes the transplant surgery. The 21-year-old has been waiting for a kidney match for 3 years.

Back in November, Mikael got bumped up on the transplant waitlist, and his proud dad talked about it during an interview with Graham Bensinger.

Mike has said Mikael -- who's a musician and rapper, just like Dad -- never had a chance to fully experience his teenage years, because of his battle with kidney disease.

The fact Pony Boy's number got called for the transplant today, of all days, seems like a strange twist of fate ... considering his dad's weekend of some major ups and downs.

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TMZ broke the story ... Killer Mike was awarded 3 Grammys Sunday at L.A.'s Arena -- but he also got arrested.

He was booked for misdemeanor battery after allegedly knocking over a security guard at the venue, but was quickly released on his own recognizance. After getting released ... Mike was in relatively good spirits, even though he'd gone through a fairly dramatic situation.

I Feel Great

Paps tried talking to him about it in the aftermath -- but he wasn't really trying to talk much about it ... keeping his attention on the music. In light of this news about his son ... his mind was clearly elsewhere, as he had more important matters to attend to.

Mike won Grammys for Best Rap Album, Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance -- but today his focus is purely on Mikael's surgery.

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Here's hoping all goes well on that front.

Kim Kardashian y Kanye West Expertos en sicología opinan sobre la crianza de sus hijos

Viene con ello
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Los arrebatos de Kanye West han llevado a algunas personas a cuestionar su aptitud como padre, incluso algunos se han preguntado si Kim Kardashian debería poner límites en las interacciones de su exmarido con sus 4 hijos, aunque otros dicen que sería indignante restringirle los encuentros con ellos.

Como saben, Ye ha soltado numerosos comentarios antisemitas, ha dicho que se identifica con Adolf Hitler y que teme el "adoctrinamiento" judío de sus hijos. Se opone también a que los niños vayan a una "escuela judía".

Ahora en un nuevo TMZ Investiga, que se emitirá el lunes en FOX a las 9/8 central, diversos expertos en psicología y amigos de Kanye compartirán sus pensamientos sobre cómo la pareja está cuidando de sus hijos.

Uno de ellos es el Dr. Kevin Cokley, profesor de Psicología en la Universidad de Michigan, quien piensa que Kim necesita sentar a sus hijos y tratar de hacerles entender que pueden amar a su padre sin aprobar todo lo que dice.

Otros, entre ellos The Game, dicen que es absurdo preocuparse por Kanye y sus hijos. Game dice que Kanye los ama más de lo que se ama a sí mismo.

Aunque algunos pueden querer que Kim le prohíba a Kanye ver a sus dos hijos y dos hijas, sobre todo porque lucha con un trastorno de bipolaridad, el psiquiatra Dr. Kyle Smith dice que una persona no puede proteger a sus hijos de todo.

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Smith dice que siempre y cuando Ye no está poniendo en peligro a los niños no es diferente de otros padres que tienen prejuicios, y eso es un grupo grande.

"TMZ Investiga Kanye West: Unhinged But Unstoppable" se emite el lunes 9/8 Central.

Kim Kardashian & Kanye West Psychology Experts Weigh In on Kim & Ye's Child-Rearing

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Kanye West's outbursts have led some people to question his fitness as a parent ... even wondering if Kim Kardashian should put guardrails on her ex-husband's interactions with their 4 kids, while others say it would be outrageous to curtail Ye's interactions with his children.

As you know ... Ye's spouted off numerous antisemitic comments -- saying he identifies with Adolf Hitler, fears Jewish "indoctrination" of his children, and is opposed to the kids going to a "Jewish school."

Now, in a new TMZ Investigates on FOX Monday night at 9/8 central ... experts in psychology, Kanye's friends, and others share their thoughts on how the couple is raising their kids.

One such expert is Dr. Kevin Cokley -- a Professor of Psychology at the University of Michigan -- who thinks Kim needs to sit their kids down and try to get them to understand they can love their father without approving of everything he says.

Others, including The Game, say it's absurd to worry about Kanye and his kids ... Game says Kanye loves them more than he loves himself.

Though some may want Kim to stop Kanye from seeing their two sons and two daughters -- especially as he struggles with bipolar disorder ... psychiatrist Dr. Kyle Smith says a person can't shield their kids from everything.

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Smith says as long as Ye's not endangering the children ... Kanye is no different than other parents who have prejudices ... and that's a big group.

"TMZ Investigates: Kanye West: Unhinged But Unstoppable" airs Monday 9/8 Central.

DR. DREW LSD May Have Led Mohn to Behead Dad Dr. Oz Warns of Drug's Dangers

Ex-classmates of Justin Mohn -- the man accused of beheading his dad -- claim he changed for the worse after using LSD ... something Dr. Drew and Dr. Oz view as a very real possibility.

Dr. Drew tells TMZ that if it's true that Mohn was a regular LSD user -- as has been suggested by former associates of his from his youth -- then he's not surprised by the gruesome act that followed. If anything, it only confirms what Drew already knows.


As he explains to us -- LSD and other hallucinogens can be incredibly dangerous over a long period of time ... something he has first-hand experience having worked in facilities that deal with patients going through exactly these sorts of problems.

Dr. Drew says LSD can alter a person's makeup and identity ... including extreme personality changes, mood disturbances, and inability to take care of themselves, among other issues. Drew goes on to explain it can also lead to major psychiatric problems, like personality disorders.

While he doesn't know for certain whether that applies to Mohn -- the crime in and of itself certainly seems to point to that being the case ... and he says it jibes with other instances he's come across in his long career in medicine.

Drew tells us LSD is also responsible for a series of other problems, including chronic psychosis -- which he says Mohn could've been suffering from -- adding at 32, he was at an age where schizophrenia can develop and LSD only exacerbates the condition.

That's why Dr. Drew is adamantly against people using LSD ... he issues a warning that should be followed by any recreational drug users -- namely, stay away!

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Drew says for people who get consumed by LSD and end up committing crimes as a result --- as some suspect is the case with Mohn -- the legal system has a way to deal with them.


While Dr. Drew encourages people to give up LSD completely ... Dr. Mehmet Oz, Global Advisor of iHerb, is a little more open to its use, but only if administered and taken properly ... as he, too, warns it can seriously screw up a person if they're just doing it willy-nilly.

As we've reported, Justin was arrested Tuesday night for the murder of his dad, Michael, and for possessing an instrument of crime in the Middletown Township home they shared.

He was arraigned Wednesday, and he's being held without bond. His next hearing is Feb 8.


Demi Lovato sang a song of hers that certainly might've seemed inappropriate at an event all about heart health -- but as it turns out ... that's not how it was received in the room.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Demi singing her track "Heart Attack" earlier this week at the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women Red Dress Collection concert might be getting roasted online ... but it was the exact opposite from folks there in the moment.

We're told the AHA fully backed Demi's decision to belt out this tune -- in fact, they encouraged her to sing the song -- which you can see in the clip making the rounds.

As for why our Demi sources feel like it wasn't offensive or out of touch -- as many on X have suggested -- we're told it's because Demi has reclaimed this song and its meaning ... especially in light of her own health scare following an overdose in 2018.

In the wake of that, Demi has sung this song with new significance behind it ... and it's that same sentiment that was carried over in her performance Wednesday -- one that our sources tell us got rave reviews in the moment from those in the room.

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We're told Demi also acknowledged her connection to the song ahead of the performance ... telling the audience: "[T]his song has many parallels for me, my journey and a reminder for all of us in the room just how strong the mind-heart-body connection truly is."

Anyhoo, this should hopefully clarify any confusion from those who were scratching their head about the song choice ... not only was it the right song, but her heart was in the right place.

Haters never skip a beat to jump on the hate bandwagon ... but they can get off here.

Demi Lovato Canta "Heart Attack" en un evento de AHA Y fue motivado por la organización!!!

Demi Lovato cantó una canción suya que sin duda podría haber parecido inapropiado en un evento sobre la salud del corazón, pero no fue recibido de esa forma en la sala.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que Demi cantando su canción "Heart Attack" a principios de esta semana en el concierto Go Red for Women Red Dress Collection de la American Heart Association, puede estar recibiendo críticas en línea, pero no fue lo que pasó en ese momento.

Nos dicen que AHA apoyó plenamente la decisión de Demi de cantar esa canción, de hecho, la animó a cantarla, lo que se puede ver en el clip que está circulando.

En cuanto a por qué la apoyaron, nuestras fuentes dicen que no sentían que la canción fuera ofensiva, como muchos han sugerido en X. Demi ha reclamado esta canción y su significado, especialmente a la luz de su propio susto de salud tras una sobredosis en 2018.

A raíz de eso, Demi ha cantado esta canción con un nuevo significado y es ese mismo sentimiento el que se trasladó a su actuación el miércoles, la que recibió críticas muy favorables de parte de los presentes, de acuerdo a nuestras fuentes.

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Nos dicen que Demi también reconoció su conexión con la canción antes de la actuación, diciéndole a la audiencia: "[T] esta canción tiene muchos paralelismos para mí, mi viaje y un recordatorio para todos nosotros de lo fuerte que es la conexión entre la mente-corazón-cuerpo".

De todos modos, esto debería aclarar cualquier confusión para aquellos que estaban rascándose la cabeza sobre la elección de esta canción. No solo era la canción correcta, sino que su corazón estaba en el lugar correcto también.

Los haters nunca pierdan oportunidad de subirse al carro del odio, pero aquí pueden bajarse.

LeBron James Slams Joel Embiid Critics After Injury ... Where's Your Apology?!?

LeBron James is fuming over the Joel Embiid knee injury news -- slamming all the talking heads who criticized the Sixers star for missing games ... and calling on them to admit they were wrong.

The reigning MVP suffered a lateral meniscus injury in his left knee during Philly's game against the Golden State Warriors on Tuesday ... and it was later announced he'd be sidelined at least through the weekend as the team figures out how to treat the ailment.

29-year-old Embiid had missed multiple games due to soreness in that same knee ... and at the time, several analysts ripped him and questioned the legitimacy behind his reason for sitting.

Now that Embiid is out an undisclosed amount of time and at risk of missing out on MVP contention due to the league's requirements for award eligibility ... LeBron is shining a light on the folks who had it completely wrong.

King James went to social media to voice his frustrations ... saying, "Where are all the media outlets, tv media personalities, hot takes that talked so much 💩 about Joel Embiid about missing those games when he knew what he was dealing with."

"Now he’s out with an injury because of it. Not 1 person has went back on tv or their dumbass podcast and apologized to that MAN!! No accountability 🗑️🗑️🗑️"

Embiid has played in 34 games so far this season ... and if he misses four more contests, he will lose his shot at top league honors -- despite averaging 35 points, 11 rebounds and nearly six assists.

James clearly wants Embiid to get more respect ... but he may not want to hold his breath if he thinks anyone's gonna backtrack on their takes.

Tyson Fury Out Of Usyk Fight ... After Suffering Gnarly Cut In Training

February's highly anticipated heavyweight clash between champions Tyson Fury and Oleksandr Usyk is OFF ... after The Gypsy King suffered a deep cut above his eye, forcing him to pull out of the fight.

"I am absolutely devastated after preparing for this fight for so long and being in such superb condition. I feel bad for everyone involved in this huge event and I will work diligently towards the rescheduled date once the eye has healed," Fury said.

Tyson continued, even saying sorry to Oleksandr and his people.

"I can only apologize to everyone affected including my own team, Team Usyk, the undercard fighters, partners, and fans as well as our hosts and my friends in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia."

It's especially a bummer for Fury 'cause he'd been training so hard for the fight ... and had his body looking better than it has in years. In fact, he's noticeably leaner now than when he fought Francis Ngannou in October 2023.

If you're a boxing fan, there's a good chance you were pumped for the upcoming bout, originally scheduled to go down on February 17 in Saudi Arabia ... until this morning's sparring sesh.

The deep cut is very close to where Fury was split open while fighting Otto Wallin in 2019 ... nearly forcing that fight to be stopped. It's unclear if that played a part in today's cut ... as scar tissue can make a fighter more apt to sustaining cuts.

A rep for Fury said the eye required immediate medical attention, including stitches, to close up the wound.

It's unclear how long Tyson will need to heal up ... but several reports indicate Usyk may not want to wait, and will instead seek out another opponent to step in on short notice.

Here's hoping the two champions fight sometime, somewhere ... even if we now have to wait just a bit longer.

Larry David "golpea" a Elmo en el programa "Today" Y se disculpa inmediatamente después

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¿nos sorprende?

Larry David le quiso dar a Elmo una lección, dándole a la famosa marioneta una buena paliza en televisión.

La estrella de "Curb Your Enthusiasm" y Elmo fueron invitados al programa "Today" el jueves, cuando Larry se puso violento con la marioneta de "Plaza Sésamo". Todo fue en broma, por supuesto, pero el pobre títere rojo sufrió bastante.

Elmo estaba terminando un segmento sobre su salud mental cuando Larry se acercó y puso ambas manos sobre él, golpeando su cara y amenazado incluso al padre de Elmo, Louie.

Hoda Kotb, Savannah Guthrie y Craig Melvin estaban tratando de lanzarlo a Al Roker para un informe del tiempo, pero Larry tenía otros planes.

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elmo acepta tus disculpas

Los presentadores rápidamente tomaron partido por Elmo, con Savannah diciendo que Larry había ido demasiado lejos y Al diciendo que no estaba sorprendido por las acciones de Larry.

¿La respuesta de Larry?... "¡Alguien tenía que hacerlo!"

Sin inmutarse, Elmo le dijo a Larry que volviera y hablara de cómo se siente, con Louie convirtiéndolo todo en un momento de enseñanza. Larry se disculpó antes de su segmento en la próxima temporada de "Curb", pidiendo perdón al más puro estilo LD.

Savannah le pidió a Larry que hablara desde el corazón, a lo que él respondió: "¿Cómo? ¿De qué órgano estás hablando?"

La disculpa parecía sacada directamente de un episodio de "Curb" y Elmo la aceptó. Hay quedecir que Larry está haciendo un trabajo magistral promocionando la temporada final. Él es mucho en el personaje en la vida real.

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¡No te metas con Elmo!

Larry David 'Beats Up' Elmo ... 'Somebody Had To Do It!!!'

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Are We Surprised?

Larry David is letting Elmo know just how he's doing ... giving the famous puppet a good curb stomping on morning television.

The "Curb Your Enthusiasm" star and Elmo were guests on the "Today" show Thursday when Larry got physical with the "Sesame Street" puppet. It was all in good fun, of course, but yeah -- he kinda got handsy with the red muppet.

Elmo was just wrapping up a segment about his viral mental health pop-in when Larry walked over and put both hands on Elmo ... smashing his face in, and taking a swipe at Elmo's dad, Louie.

Hoda Kotb, Savannah Guthrie and Craig Melvin were trying to throw it over to Al Roker for a weather report ... but Larry had other plans.

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Elmo Accepts Your Apology

The anchors quickly took sides with Elmo ... with Savannah telling Larry he'd gone too far and Al saying he wasn't surprised by Larry's actions.

Larry's response ... "Somebody had to do it!!!"

Unfazed, Elmo told Larry to come back and talk about how he feels ... with Louie making it a teaching moment. Larry apologized before his segment on the upcoming 'Curb' season ... saying sorry in true LD fashion.

Savannah asked Larry to speak from the heart, with Larry hilariously responding ... "From where? What organ are you talking about?"

The agonizing apology felt straight out of a 'Curb' episode ... and Elmo accepted. We gotta say ... Larry's doing a masterful job promoting the final season. He's very much in character in real life.

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Take it easy on Elmo!

G Herbo I'm the 'Best Rapper Alive' ... Next Project Will Prove It!!!


G Herbo is feeling on top of his game -- he's got a new set of pearly whites in his mouth, which he plans to use to stunt on his rap peers with a ballsy new album title that's bound to get challenged!!!

The Chicago-born rapper was all smiles when we caught up with him Wednesday at LAX ... thanks, in part, to recently fitted veneers, which prompted a shoutout to "Da Smile Boss" -- his dentist back in Chi-town.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Herbo says the dental work's given him newfound confidence and mental toughness -- and advises anyone feeling self-conscious about their mouth to invest in themselves and get the work done.

Herbo had another big, non-dental, revelation for TMZ Hip Hop ... he's standing on business, and naming his upcoming project "Best Rapper Alive."

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A bold proclamation, for sure, and one that could build anticipation for the project -- and maybe that's the point.

Hopefully it's dropping soon ... we can't wait to see what Lil Wayne thinks about it!!!

Ex-Boeing Quality Manager Warns of 737s Being Back in the Air ... Too Soon, Might Not Be Safe

Boeing's 737 planes are being given the green light to get back up into the sky -- but a guy who used to do quality assurance for them says ... it might be too soon, not safe enough.

We talked to former Boeing quality manager John Barnett -- who came on "TMZ Live" Wednesday to discuss the fact that his old company has said their 737 Max 9 aircrafts are ready to hit the runway again ... this just a few weeks after the Alaska Airlines incident.

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The speed at which this has all unfolded has alarmed many, and John here is right there with them in the concerned department ... and his reasoning lies in his personal experience.

Watch what he has to say for yourself -- John explains how things ran when he was in the field and how they've allegedly changed. Based on what he's claiming here, it's troubling, 'cause he suggests cutting corners is something the industry at large has leaned into.

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John claims that inspection operators and experts have been getting slashed from assembly lines in recent years -- an awful trend that he suspects has only continued since he left.

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With this in mind, he questions whether the 737s are, in fact, as good to go as Boeing insists ... because in his mind, he thinks more due diligence is warranted -- just in case, of course.

His concerns appear to be shared by at least some key shareholders ... 'cause a handful of them have just filed suit against the company, alleging prioritized profits over safety, among other claims.

Ex director de calidad de Boeing Tiene reservas con que el modelo 737S vuelva a volar Demasiado pronto...

Los aviones 737 de Boeing tienen luz verde para volver al cielo, pero un tipo que solía estar a cargo de garantizar la calidad de los aviones dice que podría ser demasiado pronto y no lo suficientemente seguro.

Hablamos con el ex gerente de calidad de Boeing John Barnett, quien se unió a "TMZ Live" el miércoles para discutir que su antigua compañía haya informado que los aviones 737 Max 9 están listos para golpear la pista de nuevo. Esto, a solo unas semanas de que ocurriera el incidente de Alaska Airlines.

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Fuerte deterioro de la calidad

La rapidez con la que todo ha ocurrido ha alarmado a muchos, incluido John, y su razonamiento radica en su propia experiencia personal.

Mira lo que nos dijo, primero explica cómo funcionaban las cosas cuando estaba en la empresa y cómo supuestamente han cambiado. Si nos basamos en lo que dice, es preocupante, porque sugiere que tomar atajos es algo que la industria ha estado haciendo.

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Tratando de mantener la calma

John afirma que los operadores y expertos en inspeccionar los aviones han sido recortados de las líneas de montaje en los últimos años, una tendencia horrible que sospecha solo ha continuado desde que se fue.

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Con esto en mente, se pregunta si los 737s son realmente tan buenos como para que Boeing insista en ello, porque desde su perspectiva, está justificada una mayor diligencia en este caso, por si acaso, por supuesto.

Sus preocupaciones parecen ser compartidas por al menos algunos accionistas clave. Un puñado de ellos acaba de presentar una demanda contra la empresa, alegando que están priorizando los ingresos por sobre la seguridad, entre otros reclamos.

La estrella de "The Boys" Erin Moriarty aparece por primera vez Desde la polémica con Megyn Kelly

Erin Moriarty está volviendo al ojo público después de dejar Instagram por algunas duras críticas de Megyn Kelly.

La actriz famosa por "The Boys" apareció el martes mientras paseaba a sus dos perros en West Hollywood. Aparentemente envió un mensaje después de que Megyn la acusara de abusar de las cirugías estéticas. Esta es la primera vez que la vemos desde que dejó las redes sociales.

paseando a las mascotas

Erin respondió por primera vez al acoso de Megyn anunciando que se alejaba de las redes, diciendo: "He estado en un agujero y he sido consumida por esto". Ahora parece estar de vuelta y pegada al teléfono.

Ahora, aquí está saliendo de ese "agujero" y tenía a sus amigos de cuatro patas acompañándola. Como se puede apreciar, Erin estaba haciendo malabares para controlar a los perros y el celular al mismo tiempo.

The Megyn Kelly Show / SiriusXM

Parece que los perros estaban tratando de alejarse y la reacción de Erin es básicamente la de una madre tratando de dominar a sus mascotas alborotadas en público.

Es interesante verla resurgir desde que llamó a Megyn. Recordemos que todo el drama comenzó la semana pasada cuando Megyn comenzó a lanzar opiniones contra la apariencia de Erin y los procedimientos cosméticos en general.

Megyn dijo: "No se trata de una objeción a la cirugía plástica, se trata de una obsesión por convertirte en esta versión falsa de ti mismo. Me parece un signo de enfermedad mental. Es extremadamente perturbador".

Erin respondió en una larga declaración, donde detalló que no solo no ha tenido la cirugía plástica -como Megyn sugirió- además a sufrido constantes ataques debido a esta falsa noticia.

Erin atacó a Megyn acusandola de practicar "feminismo exhibicionista" y dijo que iba a salir de los medios de comunicación social como resultado a estado mucho más discreta en línea a partir de entonces. Dicho esto, ella se ve muy segura, aunque igualmente preocupada.

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Esperemos que encuentre consuelo en sus perritos, ¡saben que nos hacen sonreír!

'The Boys' Star Erin Moriarty Lots on Her Mind Since Kelly Spat ... Has Her Hands Full Too!!!

Erin Moriarty is getting back out there after quitting Instagram over some harsh criticism from Megyn Kelly ... surfacing for the first time since their nasty back and forth.

The actress -- famous from "The Boys" -- went makeup-free Tuesday as she walked her two dogs in West Hollywood ... seemingly sending a message after Megyn savagely accused her of botched plastic surgeries. This is the first time we're seeing her since she left social media.

Lettin' The Dogs Out

Erin first responded to Megyn's bullying by announcing she was stepping away from being online, saying in part ... "I've been in a hole and I've been consumed by this" ... and now she's back in public, though it looks like she's still glued to her phone.

Now, here she is emerging from that "hole" ... and she had some 4-legged friends tagging along. As you can see, Erin kinda had her hands full here -- trying to juggle her pups, as well as her phone.

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Looks like the pooches were trying to get away from her at one point ... and Erin's reaction is basically every dog mom trying to wrangle their rambunctious pets in public.

It's interesting to see her reemerge since calling out Megyn. Remember ... the whole drama started last week when Megyn went on a rant against Erin's appearance and cosmetic procedures in general, going after her on her radio show.

Megyn said ... "It's not about an objection to plastic surgery, it’s about an obsession with turning yourself into this fake version of yourself. I find it, like, a sign of mental illness. It's extremely upsetting."

Erin fired back in a lengthy statement ... where she detailed that not only has she not had plastic surgery -- as Megyn suggested -- but that she'd been getting bullied because of the unfounded claim.

EM ripped Megyn for "exhibitionist feminism" and said she would be leaving social media as a result ... going dark online thereafter. With that said, she is looking quite confident here ... albeit, very preoccupied.

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Here's hoping she's finding solace in her doggos -- lord knows they're making us smile!

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