Martyrdom Metal Band Apologizes ... After Using Severed Pig Head as Prop


A black metal band might've gone too far with their latest gimmick ... drawing the ire of fans on social media after tossing around a severed pig head at a recent show.

Martyrdom played a gig at the White Swan in Houston, TX on Friday -- when one of the band members made the bonehead move of bringing a severed pig's head to the show ... and later hurling it around the room, some of which was caught on video.

Check out the vid -- pigs really do fly in this case, with the head soaring from the middle of a circle and into the crowd amid screams and blaring music. Someone also took a still of the head ... and it's a pretty terrifying-looking thing to have thrown in anyone's direction.

Now, if you're wondering how social media reacted ... the answer's pretty emphatically NOT good. The boys in the band are getting tons of backlash for bringing the head -- with some people making "Lord of the Flies" references ... and others playing the animal cruelty card.

Martyrdom must've realized they messed up because they've since released an apology -- saying their stunt got out of hand and they didn't mean to offend anyone. They went on to apologize to any "vegans, Muslims or other minority groups" they offended as well as anyone who was "harmed" during the act. At this point, it's unclear if the swine caused any injuries.

The group also apologized specifically to the venue, and the sound operator ... though it's unclear how he might've been affected by the set. Worth noting ... the band has done this before -- and the act of throwing pig heads is kind of a pastime of metal bands, period.

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While that might be the case historically, it seems people are crying foul on this sorta thing nowadays -- and we suppose other bands would be wise not to piggyback off of it.

Tommy Fury Surgery On Secret Hand Injury ... Busted Since 2019

Tommy Fury just went under the knife to fix a nagging injury he's dealt with for YEARS ... spilling the beans on the secret ailment after a successful surgery.

TNT posted a shot from his hospital bed on Wednesday ... and he appeared to be in great spirits as he updated his fans on his status.

"Since 2019 I have been dealing with a hand injury that I’ve never spoken about/shared online," Tyson's half-brother said on Instagram. "Since my third professional fight I have been trying to manage this injury, training and fighting through extreme pain which led me to often not being able to use my right hand at all."

In fact, Tommy (10-0) claims he didn't use his right hand at all in the weeks leading up to his most recent fight against KSI in October ... which he won via unanimous decision.

Tommy said after years of fighting through the pain, he finally addressed the issue with the procedure ... and now he's expecting to be fighting fit soon.

"I’m excited for my recovery journey and so ready to be back feeling and giving 100% in 2024."

Policía de Arkansas Rescata a un niño de un estanque congelado Dramático registro...

Rescate policial en un estanque

Un oficial de policía de Arkansas saltó a la acción como un superhéroe al rescatar a un niño de un estanque congelado y todo fue capturado en video.

El registro de las cámaras del sábado pasado muestra al Oficial de Policía de Jonesboro, Troy Ellison, corriendo a ayudar a un niño que se había caído a través del hielo en un complejo de apartamentos al sur de la ciudad, saltando por encima de una barrera de madera antes de arrastrarse lentamente hasta el agujero.

El cuerpo del niño estaba sumergido, sus brazos apenas podían agarrarse del borde de la ruptura, pero el oficial Ellison mantuvo la cabeza fría y le aseguró repetidamente que todo iba a estar bien mientras se abría paso hacia él.

El policía llegó hasta él y parece que al principio le costó sacarlo del agua. Afortunadamente, los bomberos llegaron a la escena en ese momento y le lanzaron una cuerda desde el borde del estanque, que él agarró mientras el grupo tiraba del otro lado hasta que el oficial y el niño estuvieron seguros.

TMZ investiga
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Medios locales informan que el niño fue llevado al hospital para ser revisado por lesiones, aunque su identidad no ha sido revelada al público.

Parece que esta situación tuvo un final feliz, sin duda gracias a las acciones del oficial Ellison.

Ahyeonde, BabyMonster se reincorpora al grupo Tras no debutar por problemas de salud

El grupo de K-pop BabyMonster vuelve a ser un septeto, porque Ahyeon se ha reunido con sus compañeras después de perderse su gran debut para centrarse en su salud.

YG Entertainment acaba de anunciar la gran noticia el miércoles, diciendo que Ahyeon se ha "recuperado totalmente" de sus problemas personales y actualmente está trabajando en los próximos proyectos del grupo.

Dijo en un mensaje de video: "A partir del mini álbum, puedes esperar las actividades de BabyMonster como un grupo perfecto de siete miembros", agregando que cualquier trabajo anterior será regrabado para incluir las voces de Ahyeon.

Yang también dijo que el EP del grupo saldrá el 1 de abril y el plan es lanzar su primer proyecto de larga duración a finales de este año.

Como informamos anteriormente, la cantante de 16 años de edad dejó el grupo poco antes de que su primer single, "Batter Up", saliera en noviembre, con solo Ruka, Pharita, Asa, Rami, Rora y Chiquita participaron en la grabación de audio y el video musical.

A pesar de la ausencia de Ahyeon, los visuales acumularon más de 200 millones de visitas en línea.

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En diciembre, se informó de que Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa y Rosé, de BLACKPINK, habían acordado permanecer con la discográfica para todas las actividades relacionadas con el grupo, mientras que se iban a otros lugares para trabajar en solitario.

Los fans también están emocionados, ya que Ahyeon estaba considerada como una de las mayores estrellas emergentes de la industria, e incluso se le comparaba con Jennie debido a sus amplias habilidades bocales.

¡Bienvenida de nuevo!

Arkansas Police Officer Rescues Kid From Frozen Pond ... Dramatic Body Cam Footage

Police Pond Rescue

An Arkansas police officer jumped into action like a superhero and rescued a child from an icy pond ... and it was all caught on video.

Body cam footage from last Saturday shows Jonesboro Police Officer Troy Ellison rushing to aid a young kid who'd fallen through the ice at an apartment complex in the Southern city ... hopping over a wood barrier before crawling slowly across the fractured expanse.

The kid's body's submerged at this point -- arms barely gripping the edge of the rupture made when they fell in ... but Officer Ellison keeps a cool head and repeatedly assures the child they'll be alright while making his way toward the hysterical kiddo.

TE reaches the kid and seems to struggle pulling him up and out of the water at first. Thankfully, firefighters arrive on the scene at that point and toss him a rope from the edge of the pond -- he grabs it, and the group on the side pulls him and the child to safety.

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Local outlets report the child was taken to the hospital to be checked for injuries though their identity has not been released to the public.

Sounds like this situation had a happy ending ... no doubt thanks to the actions of Officer Ellison.

BabyMonster Ahyeon Returns To New K-pop Group ... 'Fully Recovered' in Health

K-pop group BabyMonster is back to being a septet -- 'cause Ahyeon has rejoined her fellow members after missing their big debut to focus on her health.

YG Entertainment just announced the big news Wednesday ... saying Ahyeon has "fully recovered" from her personal issues and is currently working on the group's upcoming projects.

He said in a video message ... "From the mini-album onwards, you can look forward to BabyMonster's activities as a perfect seven-member group" ... adding any previous work will be re-recorded to include Ahyeon's vocals.

Yang also said the group's EP will drop April 1 ... and the plan is to release their first full-length project later this year.

As we previously reported, the 16-year-old singer left the ensemble shortly before its first single, "Batter Up," came out in November ... with only Ruka, Pharita, Asa, Rami, Rora and Chiquita taking part in the audio recording and music video.

Despite Ahyeon's absence, the visuals racked up more than 200 million views online.

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It's more great news for YG -- in December, it was reported BLACKPINK's Jennie, Jisoo, Lisa and Rosé agreed to stay with the label for all group-related activities while going elsewhere for solo work.

Fans are also excited ... as Ahyeon was considered to be one of the biggest rising stars in the industry, even drawing comparisons to Jennie due to her wide-ranging skills on the mic.

Welcome back!


Jillian Michaels has no business pushing out an anti-Ozempic narrative cause she's a personal trainer and not a REAL medical expert -- this, according to Dr. Terry Dubrow.

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We got the "Botched" star on "TMZ Live" Tuesday ... he pops off on Jillian's stance that society will find themselves dependent on the weight loss drug -- saying we should, in fact, be championing something that treats the disease of obesity.

Terry tells us these drugs have been around for decades and are totally safe ... making them a viable option in reducing body fat and lowering the mortality rate.

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In fact, he compares the anti-O argument to life-saving medical treatments ... saying it would be like de-influencing people from undergoing chemo for cancer.

He does agree with Jillian that diet and exercise are critical to staying healthy ... but says belittling weight loss drugs is sending out the wrong message -- urging others to listen to their physicians for proper scientific and medical info.

You'll remember ... last week, JM accused Oprah of hopping on the celeb bandwagon of promoting Ozempic ... claiming she was doing so for financial gain.


It's important to note ... there's no solid evidence that proves this. Bottom line -- Dr. Terry is fine with people who decide Ozempic (or other related drugs) are right for them.


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Mcplastic Mcflurry

A McDonald's customer is McHatin' after her latest trip to the fast food joint ended with her finding a gag-worthy surprise in her McFlurry!

You'll be repulsed watching the clip yourself ... the woman discovers what appears to be a trash bag or glove left behind in her Oreo-flavored frozen treat -- horror plays out on her face as she continues pulling out the seemingly never-ending item.

Laughter seems to be the best medicine in the situation ... she chuckles awkwardly with her friend in the viral TikTok clip.

"We had no idea what she just found at the bottom of her mc flurry im losing my mind,"  the user @kekebobeke adds in the text overlay.

She claims the item was folded down and left behind on purpose, and she tagged McDonald's on the post, hoping to get some answers.

The fast food chain has yet to publicly respond, but current/former employees attempt to explain what the item is in the comments -- one says it's an ice cream liquid bag -- another says it's the sleeves the cups come in.

TMZ Studios

Needless to say, the customer's hoping for an apology -- at the very least -- from the fast food joint. We're guessing she wouldn't turn down free McFlurry's for life either! Just sayin' ...

Clienta de McDonald's Saca una asquerosa sorpresa de su McFlurry

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Plástico en un McFlurry!!!

Una clienta de McDonald's está que revienta después de que en su última visita al restaurante de comida rápida se encontrara con una asquerosa sorpresa en su McFlurry.

La mujer descubre lo que parece ser una bolsa de basura o un guante olvidado en su helado de Oreo, ¡y el horror rápidamente aparece en su rostro mientras sigue sacando el aparentemente interminable artículo!

La risa parece ser la mejor medicina en este caso, pues ella se ríe torpemente con su amiga mientras todo sucede en el clip viral de TikTok.

"No teníamos ni idea de lo que acababa de encontrar en el fondo de su mc flurry, no me lo puedo creer", añade el usuario @kekebobeke en el texto.

La chica afirma que el artículo fue doblado hacia abajo y dejado atrás a propósito y etiquetó a McDonald's en el post con la esperanza de obtener algunas respuestas.

La cadena de comida rápida aún no ha respondido públicamente, pero los empleados actuales y antiguos están intentando explicar lo que es en los comentarios. Uno dice que es una bolsa de helado líquido y otro dice que es la manga donde vienen las tazas.

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No hace falta decir que el cliente espera una disculpa, por lo menos, de la cadena. Suponemos que tampoco rechazaría un McFlurry gratis de por vida. Por decir algo...


Michael Strahan's daughter Isabella is finally kicking back for a much-needed pool day ... after wrapping up her last radiation treatment to tackle her brain cancer.

The 19-year-old posed away with her twin sister Sophia in a series of bikini-clad IG snaps Monday from their sunny vacation ... captioning it, "In good company."

Isabella also enjoyed some R&R at the beach ... smiling wide as she made the most of the break before starting chemotherapy next month.

She said she was excited to be done with radiation during a candid YouTube video last week ... nearly 3 months after doctors found a malignant brain tumor.

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She explained on 'GMA' earlier this month her cancer is known as medulloblastoma -- noting docs discovered a tumor as big as a golf ball lodged toward the base of her skull.

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Upon the discovery, Isabella underwent emergency surgery at Cedars-Sinai in L.A. ... where she's attending college at USC. The procedure to remove the mass appears to have been a success.

Her dad dropped everything in NYC at the time ... booking a flight to the West Coast to be by his daughter's side -- which explained why Michael had been off the air so much back in the fall.

Isabella will begin chemotherapy at Duke Children's Hospital & Health Center in Durham, NC, in February.

Golden State Warriors Honoring Dejan Milojević W/ Shirts ... 1 Week After Death

NBC Sports

The Golden State Warriors will wear all-black T-shirts this week to pay tribute to Dejan Milojević in the wake of the assistant coach's tragic passing.

Steve Kerr debuted the tee at a press conference on Monday afternoon ... and you can see it features Milojević's initials inside of a heart as well as the word "BRATE" -- which means "brother" in Serbian.

Kerr said his team has been devastated and heartbroken since Milojević suffered a fatal medical emergency on Jan. 16 while at a team dinner in Salt Lake City ... telling reporters this past week has been "hard to describe."

"It's just the saddest thing I have been a part of in the NBA where we lose someone who's so close to us and then, more importantly, seeing his family suffer," Kerr said.

Kerr, however, praised Milojević's former Serbian teams, Mega and Partizan, for honoring Dejan during their game Monday.

"Deky's two teams were playing against each other," Kerr said. "I'm not sure I've ever seen anything like the pre-game dedication from the fans and organizations there to Deky."

"It was incredible."

Milojević joined Kerr's staff in 2021 ... and following his passing, the NBA postponed the Warriors' games against the Jazz and the Mavericks.

Golden State is slated to play for the first time since Milojević's death on Wednesday against the Hawks.

Actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" está hospitalizado y aplazan su juicio Por violencia doméstica

El juicio por violencia doméstica por el que está pasando el actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" —Devin Ratray— se ha retrasado después de que sus abogados le informaron al juez que fue hospitalizado "en estado crítico".

Un miembro de la familia le dice a TMZ que Devin —más conocido por su papel de Buzz McCallister— ha sido dado de alta del hospital de Nueva York y está de vuelta en casa descansando por prescripción médica.

No se sabe la razón por la cual el hombre de 45 años terminó en el hospital, o incluso cuando fue que pasó, pero en los registros judiciales se nota que estaba fuera del estado cuando su emergencia médica fue notificada.

La pesadilla médica del actor provocó un aplazamiento en su caso judicial. La selección del jurado se fijó para comenzar el lunes en un tribunal de Oklahoma, pero ahora, todo el asunto ha sido reajustado para antes del juicio el próximo mes, y todo causa de la hospitalización.

Devin fue detenido tras las acusaciones de que golpeó a su ex novia durante un altercado borracho en diciembre de 2021, con la ex diciendole a la policía que la empujó, le dio un puñetazo en la cara, y presionó sus manos contra la garganta y la boca.

TMZ obtuvo la declaración jurada de causa probable, cuando Lisa le dijo a las autoridades Devin dijo: "Así es como se muere".

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Fue fichado por delito grave asalto doméstico y agresión por estrangulamiento, así como delito menor asalto doméstico. Más tarde fue puesto en libertad bajo fianza de 25.000 dólares.

Devin tuvo su primera comparecencia ante el tribunal en febrero de 2022, entrando en una declaración de no culpabilidad, pero las cosas se han movido lentamente desde entonces.


"Home Alone" star Devin Ratray's domestic violence trial has been delayed ... after his lawyers informed the judge he was hospitalized "in critical condition."

A family member tells TMZ ... Devin -- best known for his role as Buzz McCallister -- has now been released from the NYC hospital and is back home resting on doctor's orders.

No word as to what landed the 47-year-old in the hospital in the first place, or even when -- but court records do note he was out of state when his medical emergency went down.

The actor's medical nightmare triggered a hold-up in his DV case as jury selection was set to begin Monday in an Oklahoma courtroom ... but now, the whole thing's been reset for pretrial next month, all 'cause of the hospitalization.

A rundown of his legal woes ... Devin was arrested following accusations he beat up his ex-GF during a drunk altercation in December 2021 ... with the ex-GF telling cops he pushed her, punched her in the face, and pressed his hands against her throat and mouth.

TMZ obtained the probable cause affidavit at the time ... in which Lisa told authorities Devin said, "This is how you die."

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He was booked for felony domestic assault and battery by strangulation, as well as misdemeanor domestic assault and battery. He was later released on $25K bond.

Devin had his first court appearance in February 2022, entering a not-guilty plea ... but things have moved slowly since then.

Ryne Sandberg Reveals Prostate Cancer Diagnosis ... Receiving Treatment

The baseball world is rallying behind Chicago Cubs great Ryne Sandberg ... who just revealed Monday he is receiving treatment after being diagnosed with cancer.

The 64-year-old Hall of Famer shared the health update on his social media just minutes ago ... saying, "Last week, I learned that I have been diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer. I have begun treatment, and I am surrounded by my loving wife Margaret, our incredibly supportive family, the best medical care team, and our dear friends."

Despite the battle ahead, Ryno said he will remain in good spirits and "fight to beat this."

"Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time for me and my family," he added.

The comments section under Sandberg's post has been flooded with words of encouragement from fellow Cubs like Dexter Fowler and David Ross ... as well as countless others.

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Sandberg played the majority of his career with the Cubbies from 1982-1997 ... earning 10 All-Star appearances, nine Gold Gloves, seven Silver Sluggers and National League MVP honors in 1984.

His No. 23 jersey was retired in 2005 ... the same year he was enshrined in Cooperstown.

Following his playing career, Ryno managed the Philadelphia Phillies from 2013-15.

The Cubs addressed Sandberg's diagnosis in a statement ... saying, "We cannot imagine how incredibly tough it is right now for Ryne and his family, but we do know Ryne is one tough competitor and a winner."

"We are rallying around his family with locked arms as they begin their journey to conquer this battle with cancer."


Instagram / @worldmaverik

The moment a monster wave hit an Army base in the Marshall Islands has been captured on camera ... playing out like a scene from a horror movie.

Check it out -- a 3-to-4-ft wave breaks down doors and crashes inside the Army's dining hall in Roi-Namur Saturday, an island at the northern end of Kwajalein Atoll ... knocking people off their feet and sweeping them away.

Some hold onto whatever they can find ... others climb on top of withholding furniture as the powerful stream of water continues surging in.

Then the power goes out ... plunging everyone into darkness as they continue scrambling for their safety before the clip cuts out.

Luckily, Erik D. Hanson says no one was seriously injured in the IG clip's caption ... which he only shared after confirming everyone was OK.

He adds a combination of wind, tides, and swell direction from an off-shore storm was behind the freak waves.

The U.S. Army added in a statement Sunday "a series of weather-induced waves hit Roi-Namur which caused significant flooding in the northern portions of the island" at approx 9 PM on Jan 20.

The damage resulted in the evacuation of all "non-mission personnel" from the island ... while flooding by the waves hit the two airports at Ailinglaplap Atoll ... likely keeping them closed for weeks.

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No deaths were reported at Roi-Namur ... and neighboring islands only reported moderate damage from the flooding.

Olas monstruosas en una base militar de las Islas Marshall

enfrentando a la naturaleza
Instagram / @worldmaverik

El momento en que una ola monstruosa golpea una base militar en las Islas Marshall ha sido captado en video y es aterrador.

Compruébelo usted mismo, una ola de 3 a 4 pies rompe las puertas del comedor del Ejército en Roi-Namur el sábado —una isla en el extremo norte del atolón de Kwajalein— golpeando a la gente y arrastrándola lejos.

Algunos se aferran a lo que pueden encontrar, otros se suben encima de los muebles mientras la poderosa corriente de agua sigue atacando.

Entonces se va la luz, sumiendo a todos en la oscuridad mientras siguen luchando por sus vidas antes de que se corte el clip.

Afortunadamente, Erik D. Hanson dice que nadie resultó gravemente herido, dijo esto después de confirmar que todo el mundo estaba bien.

La combinación de viento, mareas, y la dirección del oleaje crearon una tormenta perfecta peligrosamente cerca de la costa.

El Ejército de EE.UU. emitió un comunicado el domingo "una serie de olas inducidas por el clima golpearon Roi-Namur, lo que causó inundaciones significativas en la parte norte de la isla" aproximadamente a las 9 PM el 20 de enero.

El daño resultó en la evacuación de todo el "personal que no estaba involucrado en la misión" de la isla, mientras que las inundaciones golpearon los dos aeropuertos en Ailinglaplap Atoll, probablemente tendrán que mantenerlos cerrados durante semanas.

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No se reportaron muertes en Roi-Namur y las islas vecinas solo reportaron daños moderados por las inundaciones.

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