Jamie Dornan fue hospitalizado con síntomas de infarto Debido a una oruga

una oruga muy tóxica
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan aparentemente pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón el año pasado luego de experimentar síntomas preocupantes, sin embargo, fue una falsa alarma.

El susto fue revelado a través de un amigo suyo -el locutor escocés Gordon Smart- durante una aparición en la BBC en "The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected", donde contó esta historia que involucra a Jamie y algunos otros amigos con los que visitaron Portugal el año pasado.

Después de una noche de fiesta, Smart dice que algunos en su grupo comenzaron a sentirse muy enfermos al día siguiente, y terminaron enviando a con Gordon al hospital. Ya que sentía un hormigueo en la mano y en el brazo, Smart pensó que estaba teniendo un ataque al corazón, pero más tarde le dijeron que había sido infectado por una oruga local.

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TMZ Studios

En concreto, Smart dice que le dijeron que debía haber entrado en contacto con orugas de la procesionaria del pino, las cuales tienen pelos venenosos por todo el cuerpo y que pueden infectar a los seres humanos. No suelen ser mortales para las personas, pero pueden matar a los animales.

De todos modos, dice que cuando regresó al hotel donde se alojaba Jamie, vio que Jamie también estaba conectado a un equipo médico y notó que había sufrido los mismos síntomas.

Con el tiempo, los síntomas de ambos se aclararon y en términos de cómo podrían haber entrado en contacto con estos pequeños bichos, Smart dice que parecen estar en todos los campos de golf, que es donde los chicos estaban vagando justo antes de caer enfermos.

Jamie no se ha referido a la historia. El mundo es salvaje... tomen precauciones.

Jamie Dornan Hospitalized Last Year w/ Heart Attack Symptoms ... After Run-In w/ Caterpillar

the very toxic caterpillar
The Good, the Bad and the Unexpected/BBC

Jamie Dornan apparently thought he was having a heart attack and might die last year after he started experiencing tell-tale symptoms for a heart attack ... but he was just buggin' out.

The actor's health scare was revealed through a friend of his -- Scottish broadcaster Gordon Smart -- during an appearance on the BBC's 'The Good, The Bad and The Unexpected'  ... where he told this wild story about him, Jamie and some other pals hitting Portugal last year.

After a night out, Smart says some in their group started to feel really sick the next day -- with GS getting sent to the hospital ... as he felt tingling in his hand and arm. Smart thought he was having a heart attack ... but was later told he'd been infected by a local caterpillar.

TMZ Studios

Specifically, Smart says he was told he must've come into contact with pine processionary moth caterpillars -- which have poisonous hairs all over their bodies, and which can infect humans. They're not usually deadly for people -- but they can, in fact, kill animals.

Anyway, he says when he got back to the hotel where Jamie was staying -- he saw JD, too, was hooked up to medical equipment ... and noted he'd suffered from the same symptoms.

Eventually, both of their symptoms cleared up -- and in terms of how they might've come into contact with these little buggers ... Smart says they seem to be all over golf courses there, which is where the boys were roaming just before coming down with their illnesses.

Jamie hasn't addressed the story himself. It's a wild world out there ... take precautions, y'all.


A celebrity dog breeder had his lip hanging on by a thread ... after a French bulldog viciously bit him in the face.

Ronnie Wright of Famous Owned Bullies tells TMZ ... he needed 11 stitches this week when an adult Frenchie at a client's house lunged at his face as he went to kiss it.

He didn't have much time to stop the gush of blood from his mouth ... telling us when he walked into the house to wash it off another Frenchie pounced onto his leg -- though he managed to kick it off.

Ronnie tells us when he looked in a mirror, his lip was hanging off his face and he was rushed straight to the ER.

Currently, he's still super swollen ... meaning it's hard for him to talk, eat, or sleep. He has been dealing with dogs his entire life and Frenchie's for 16 years and never had a single incident.

To rub salt in the wound ... he's gotta have reconstructive surgery when his stitches come out ... 'cause the bite ripped out a piece of his lip cartilage.

TMZ Studios

Ronnie, based in Carlsbad, San Diego, has built a successful career for himself ... entrusted by clients including Snoop Dogg, Wiz Khalifa, Jamie Foxx, Selena Gomez, and more -- so the attack undoubtedly comes as a shock.

Exchange LA Watch Out Below!!! Ceiling Partially Collapses Mid-Show

Tik Tok / @paratie / @staticrun / @hercreator

EDM artists at a concert in Los Angeles blew the roof off the place Saturday night ... and we mean that kinda literally -- 'cause part of the ceiling collapsed mid-show.

Here's the deal ... Brennan Heart headlined a show at Exchange LA -- a popular local nightclub/music venue. Lucky Rabbit, TYEGUYS and JayR were also slated to take the stage.

But, it seems they weren't all able to -- 'cause part of the ceiling came down right in the middle of the crowd during the show, halting it in its tracks.

Clips of the venue after the crash are all over social media with some users claiming they were there and were either hit or nearly hit by the falling debris ... not exactly the most fun concert experience.

The aftermath's a bit chaotic, with the music cut and show shut down almost immediately while security escorted people out of the building ... check out the message on the all-red screen too -- the venue wasn't messin' around.

It's not clear if anyone was hurt or why exactly the ceiling collapsed ... it's an older building and the rain's been beating up on SoCal for a few days now -- but, quite frankly we don't know.

We have reached out to Exchange LA ... no word back yet.

TMZ Studios

The one thing we do know ... sometimes when Chicken Little says the sky's falling -- maybe look up!!!

WWE Superstar Big E No Timeline On Return ... I Gotta Be Smart!!!


WWE Superstar Big E says he still has no clue when he'll compete in the squared circle again ... telling TMZ Sports he's not going to rush into a comeback after suffering his scary neck injury nearly two years ago.

We caught up with 1/3 of The New Day out in NYC this week ... and while the 37-year-old recently reunited with his tag team partners Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston after an extended time apart, it doesn't sound like he will be seeing action anytime soon.

"I don't have a timeline, unfortunately, but thank you for asking," Big E said this week.

As for whether he has any concerns about getting back into his wrestling career, the former champ gave a bit of insight into his mindset.

"I just want to make a smart decision," he added. "I didn't start wrestling to end up in a wheelchair, so I just want to make sure I'm just making the best decision for myself."

Of course, Big E hasn't competed since he broke his neck during a tag-team match on "Smackdown" in March 2022 ... after he was dropped on his head.

But the good news, Big E says his bones are connected again ... which is certainly a step in the right direction.

In the meantime, fans have gotta be stoked to see E, Kofi, and Xavier together again ... considering the trio is one of the most beloved groups in the biz!!

Bahamas Shark Attack New Vid Of Tanks Before Attack ... Guests Face to Face w/ Sharks!!!

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The overcrowded Area


5:35 PM PT -- We talked to a rep for Blue Adventures by Stuart Cove -- the business that runs the shark experience at the resort ... who tells us the maximum number of participants is five and a group of five would be accompanied by three chaperones.

The encounter depicted in the vids featured three guests with two team members in the water at all times.

The Atlantis Bahamas resort shut down its shark tank after a child was attacked ... and now we have an idea of how the excursion operated days before the tragedy.

A couple clips -- obtained by TMZ -- show guests heading down into one of the resort's tanks last Saturday ... just two days before a 10-year-old was attacked by one of the sharks.

Guests are all donning big white helmets while staff members are floating around in more traditional scuba suits -- and the ratio seems a bit skewed, with a lot more guests than employees floating around.

And, check out how near the guests are getting to the underwater beasts ... talk about up close and personal!


Our sources tell us ... the tank's got about 15-20 sharks with the largest measuring about eight feet. Three chaperones help the guests get into the water and walk around for about 20 minutes -- before sending them back to the water park.

In terms of whether or not that's safe ... we can't say for sure -- we're not experts on the subject ... and this wasn't taken at the time of the attack, so we don't know if this is the same setup the resort had going Monday -- what we do know is it look like a whole bunch of tourists getting real familiar with some massive sharks.

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The terrifying footage

We broke the story ... shocking video showed the aftermath of the brutal attack on a 10-year-old -- with people screaming and what appeared to be employees in blue shirts running for help.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force said the boy -- on vacation from Maryland -- got bit on the right leg and was taken to the hospital ... thankfully, he was in stable condition, and Atlantis shut down their tanks immediately.

TMZ Studios

We've reached out to the resort for comment ... so far no word back.

Originally Published -- 1:48 PM PT

Ataque en Bahamas Nuevos videos muestran a los tiburones antes del ataque

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El resort Atlantis Bahamas cerró su estanque de tiburones después de que un niño fuera atacado, y ahora tenemos una idea de cómo funcionaba la excursión días antes de la tragedia.

Un par de clips obtenidos por TMZ muestran a los huéspedes en dirección a uno de los tanques del complejo el sábado pasado, apenas dos días antes de que un niño de 10 años fuera atacado por uno de los tiburones.

Todos los huéspedes llevaban grandes cascos blancos, mientras que los miembros del personal estaban flotando alrededor en trajes de buceo más tradicionales, y la proporción parece un poco desbalanceada, con muchos más clientes que empleados flotando alrededor.

Echa un vistazo para ver lo cerca que estaban los huéspedes de las bestias submarinas, ¡eso sí que es tener intimidad!

Criaturas mortales

Nuestras fuentes nos dicen que el tanque tenía alrededor de 15-20 tiburones y que el más grande medía alrededor de ocho pies. Tres acompañantes suelen ayudar a los visitantes a entrar en el agua y caminar durante unos 20 minutos, antes de enviarlos de vuelta al parque acuático.

En términos de si eso es seguro o no, no podemos decir con seguridad. No somos expertos en la materia, y esto tampoco fue tomado en el momento del ataque, así que no sabemos si se trata de la misma configuración del resort en el momento del accidente el lunes. Lo que sí sabemos es que se ve como que un montón de turistas están acercándose, quizás muy de cerca, a algunos tiburones.

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Aterrador registro

TMZ informó primero la noticia, un impactante video mostraba las secuelas de un brutal ataque a un niño de 10 años. La gente estaba gritando y los empleados de camisas azules parecían correr en busca de ayuda.

La Policía de las Bahamas dijo que el niño, que es de Maryland y estaba de vacaciones, fue mordido en la pierna derecha y llevado al hospital. Afortunadamente, estaba estable y Atlantis cerró sus tanques de inmediato.

TMZ investiga
TMZ Studios

Nos hemos puesto en contacto con el centro turístico para que realicen comentarios, pero de momento no nos han contestado.

Larry Merchant Recovering At Home ... After Being Hospitalized W/ Vertigo

Don't count out Larry Merchant ... the legendary boxing announcer tells TMZ Sports he's on the mend after a bout with vertigo that put him in the hospital!

We broke the story ... 92-year-old Merchant was rushed to the emergency room just days before Christmas, and things appeared bleak for the former HBO Boxing commentator.

But, Larry himself tells us he's on the mend!

Merchant says he was diagnosed with vertigo, but after receiving treatment, he was sprung from the hospital after just a few days. He's now recovering at home, and he says he's doing well.

According to WebMD, "Vertigo is a sensation of feeling off balance. If you have these dizzy spells, you might feel like you are spinning or that the world around you is spinning."

TMZ Studios

Merchant says he "appreciated the outpouring" of support, and even joked it was like witnessing his funeral.

Merchant, who worked alongside fellow greats like Jim Lampley, George Foreman, Roy Jones Jr., and Harold Lederman, laid down his microphone in 2012 ... and is widely regarded as one of the greatest commentators in the history of the sport.

Get well soon, Larry!

Ashley Park Hospitalized with Septic Shock ... 'Grateful' and On the Mend

Ashley Park is thankful for her good health ... revealing she was sent to the hospital while on vacation over the holidays with an infection that affected several of her organs.

The actress/musician shared a few snaps to IG on Friday featuring her laid out in a hospital bed ... with her "Emily in Paris" costar and rumored beau, Paul Forman, by her side.

In the caption, AP wrote she had a bout of tonsillitis around New Year's ... normally a relatively routine ailment to deal with -- but unfortunately for Ashley, it spiraled into full-blown critical septic shock. She added she was improving "despite what we had initially been told" ... sounds like doctors thought this was gonna be a whole heck of a lot worse.


She also divulged she was forced to go to three different hospitals and spent a full week in the ICU ... and thanked Forman for being by her side through all of the scary moments -- seemingly confirming their romance by saying she loved him "More than I can ever say."

'EIP's leading lady Lily Collins wished her well, commenting on the post, "I can hardly look at these without crying. I love you sister and I’m forever grateful you’re on the other side" ... she added she couldn't wait to give Park and Forman big hugs when she saw them.

Park's no stranger to hospitals ... she beat leukemia when she was just a teenager -- but still a scary few weeks for the star whose career is taking off like a rocket!

On top of 'Emily,' Ashley starred in the most recent season of "Only Murders in the Building" ... and fans can catch her in theaters teaching French to Regina George and her cronies in "Mean Girls."

So glad you're OK Ashley ... and we hope to see you in Paris soon!!!

Ashley Park Hospitalizada por un shock séptico Agradecida y en vías de recuperación

Ashley Park está agradecida por su buena salud y reveló que fue enviada al hospital mientras estaba de vacaciones por una infección que afectó a varios de sus órganos.

La actriz y músico compartió unas fotos en Instagram el viernes donde aparece acostada en un hospital, con el coprotagonista de "Emily in Paris" y rumoreado novio Paul Forman, a su lado.

En el comentario escribió que tuvo una amigdalitis alrededor de Año Nuevo, una dolencia relativamente rutinaria de tratar, pero que por desgracia para Ashley, se convirtió en un shock séptico crítico en toda regla. Añadió que estaba mejorando "a pesar de lo que nos habían dicho inicialmente". Suena como que los médicos pensaban que esto iba a ser una pesadilla mucho peor.

De buen humor

También divulgó que se vio obligada a ir a tres hospitales diferentes y que pasó una semana completa en la UCI y agradeció a Forman por estar a su lado en los momentos de mayor miedo, aparentemente confirmando su romance diciendo que lo ama "más de lo que puede decir".

La protagonista de "Emily in Paris", Lily Collins, le deseó lo mejor. En el post comentó: "Apenas puedo mirar esto sin llorar. Te quiero hermana y estoy eternamente agradecida de que estés del otro lado". Añadió que no puede esperar a darles un gran abrazo a ambos cuando los vea.

Park no es ajena a los hospitales. Venció la leucemia cuando era solo una adolescente, pero aún así, son unas semanas de miedo para la estrella cuya, carrera está despegando como un cohete.

Además de "Emily in Paris", Ashley protagonizó la temporada más reciente de "Only Murders in the Building" y los fans pueden verla en los cines enseñando francés a Regina George y sus compinches en "Mean Girls".

Nos alegramos mucho de que estés bien Ashley, ¡¡¡y esperamos verte pronto en París!!!

TMZ TV Recap 'Lizzie McGuire' Reboot Goes PG-13 Oprah/Ozempic, Reba Sings

TMZ got into the thick of things on Thursday -- covering a canceled reboot of an old Disney show ... to Jillian Michaels calling out Oprah over Ozempic, and everything in between.

TMZ Live


Let's get right into it with "TMZ Live" ... where we dove into the legendary fitness guru JM going after Ms. Winfrey for what she claimed were financial reasons on the issue of Ozempic.

Check out the full segment to get the gist of what exactly this was all about -- but basically, Jillian was suggesting Oprah has a vested interest in making sure the magic weight loss drug does well on the market ... and it all has to do with a stake she owns in WeightWatchers.


lizzie mcguire reboot mm 011824_TMZ_9117006.mxf.00_00_34_08.Still001

Up next, we got "TMZ on TV" ... where the gang tackled this "Lizzie McGuire" reboot that was scrapped by the Mouse House -- all 'cause some of the material they were writing/shooting at the time wasn't exactly family-friendly.

You'll see what we mean by the convo here ... Hilary Duff was living as a full-grown 30-something woman -- that is, until Disney pulled the plug.

TMZ Sports


Lastly, we have "TMZ Sports" ... where Michael Babcock and Mojo talked about Reba and Post Malone taking a crack at the anthem and "America the Beautiful" for the upcoming Super Bowl.

They had some hot takes and then some on that one. Take a listen for yourself -- and make sure to watch all of TMZ's shows through your local listings!!!

ataque de un tiburón en las Bahamas el video muestra a un niño gritando

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el terrible video

Un video escalofriante del ataque de un tiburón a un niño en un complejo turístico de las Bahamas muestra al niño de 10 años gritando de dolor mientras su familia entra en pánico para sacarlo del agua.

TMZ obtuvo un video del momento en que un tiburón en uno de los tanques en el complejo Atlantis Bahamas en Paradise Island le dio un mordisco a un niño de 10 años de edad, un accidente extraño que ha sido absolutamente horrible de escuchar, pero que ahora se puede ver.

Otra familia está filmando el tanque de tiburones y tobogán de agua, cuando de repente, oyen gritos desde el lado opuesto con la gente apresuradamente a la superficie de una experiencia bajo el agua con tiburones nodriza y de arrecife.

Los gritos llenan el aire y la gente empieza a pedir ayuda, y el niño es arrastrado hasta el borde del tanque y sacado del agua. Parece que el personal comenzó inmediatamente a atenderlo.

El ataque del tiburón se produjo el lunes, con la Real Fuerza de Policía de Bahamas diciendo que el niño fue mordido en la pierna derecha y llevado a un hospital en condición estable. Se desconoce el alcance de sus heridas, pero a primera vista suena increíblemente doloroso.

La experiencia de nadar con tiburones del complejo —gestionada por una empresa externa— se ha cerrado, al menos temporalmente. Tiene sentido... podemos imaginar que esto podría asustar a la gente y con razón.

Aconsejamos siempre ser precavidos.

Bahamas Shark Attack Child Screams In Chilling Footage ... Get Him Outta the Water!!!

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The terrifying footage

Chilling video of the shark attack on a child at a Bahamas resort shows the 10-year-old boy screaming in pain ... as his family panics to get him out of the water.

TMZ obtained video of the moment a shark in one of the tanks at the Atlantis Bahamas resort on Paradise Island took a bite out of a 10-year-old boy from Maryland ... a freak accident that's been absolutely horrifying to hear about, but which can now be seen.

Watch ... another family is filming the shark tank and water slide, when suddenly -- they hear screams from the opposite side  ... with people hurriedly surfacing from an underwater experience with nurse and reef sharks.

Shrieks fill the air and folks start calling for help ... and the boy is pulled to the edge of the tank and dragged out of the water. It appears staffers immediately started tending to him.

The shark attack went down Monday, with the Royal Bahamas Police Force saying the boy was bitten on the right leg, and taken to a hospital in stable condition. The extent of his injuries is unknown -- but on its face, it looks and sounds incredibly painful.

The resort's swimming with sharks experience, which is operated by an outside company, has since shut down ... at least temporarily. Makes sense -- ya gotta imagine this might spook folks for a bit.

In the meantime ... be safe out there, everyone.

Pauly Shore I Know Richard's Mad About My Movie But I Honestly Mean Well!!!

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he'll come around ... i think

Richard Simmons made very clear this week that he doesn't approve of Pauly Shore making a movie about him/his life -- but Pauly thinks he'll win the guy over ... eventually.

The actor touched down at the Salt Lake City Int'l Airport Thursday, where he's in town for the Sundance Film Festival that's going down this weekend in neighboring Park City. Right off the bat, photogs on hand were ready to pepper him with questions about this film of his.

Of course, the big one being ... do you think it's right to proceed with this Richard Simmons biopic -- even though the man himself hasn't given his blessing ... explicitly so.

Check out Pauly's take here, 'cause he touches on a few different things. For starters, he thinks RS might be singing this tune today ... but could well be feeling completely different about it by tomorrow. More importantly, though, he thinks intention is everything with this.

From Pauly's view, he's not coming from a vindictive place -- and he vows to do Richard justice in his portrayal of him. He also says straight up ... build it, and they'll come!

Pauly goes on to explain that he genuinely believes once Richard can see this new short film of his -- on which the forthcoming biopic will be based -- RS will come around to seeing his things his way, basically suggesting the work will be good ... and it'll be done right by Rich.

Bottom line for Pauly here ... people love Richard, and they also love him -- and he says folks are itching to see both of them make a comeback in a big way.

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His question is ... what's wrong with giving the people what they want?!?

Time will tell if Richard does, in fact, warm up to the idea. For now, he's very much anti-this.

Donald Trump La foto de la mano roja No es más que un corte de papel

Una foto de Donald Trump provocó una tonelada de especulaciones sobre su salud en Internet, pero ahora, TMZ tiene algo de claridad.

Así es la cosa, Trump estaba saliendo del juicio por difamación de E. Jean Carroll el miércoles en Nueva York cuando levantó la mano para saludar a sus fieles seguidores que estaban estacionados fuera de la corte, y algo de color rojo brillante llamó la atención de los fotógrafos.

Es difícil distinguir exactamente lo que es, pero algunos pensaron que parecían ampollas o llagas de algún tipo, y por supuesto, Internet se volvió loco lanzando teorías, la mayoría afirmaba que estaba sufriendo problemas de salud graves.

Curiosamente, salió de la corte más tarde el mismo día y la supuesta mano roja se veía normal.

De todos modos, hemos hablado con algunas personas y fuentes vinculadas a la campaña de Trump que nos están contando una historia diferente de lo que la gente cree que vio en la foto original. Nos dicen que lo único que aquejaba a Trump ese día era un simple corte con papel y que accidentalmente esparció la sangre por su mano. Sí, eso es lo que el campamento de Trump está diciendo.

Si bien puede sonar difícil de creer, en realidad podría ser la verdad. Considerando que salió con la mano aparentemente limpia y en buen estado.

A propósito, el ex Presidente fue visto en público el jueves y no había señales de cualquier enrojecimiento en su mano derecha por lo que pudimos ver. Como informamos, asistió al funeral de su suegra con Melania y su hijo Barron jueves por la mañana.

Estamos en la recta final de la campaña republicana y cada pequeño detalle va a volver loco al público, especialmente viniendo de Trump.

Nos informan que el misterio está resuelto. Fue atrapado con las manos en la masa, pero no es lo que piensas.

Donald Trump's Hand Mystery Blotches Spark Speculation ... We Have An Answer!!!

A photo of Donald Trump's hand sparked a ton of speculation about his health on the internet ... but now, TMZ has some clarity -- at least from Trump World's POV.

Here's the deal ... DT was leaving the E. Jean Carroll defamation trial on Wednesday in NYC when he raised a hand to wave to his loyal followers who were stationed outside the courthouse ... and something bright red caught the attention of photogs.

It's hard to make out exactly what it is -- but some thought it looked like blisters or sores of some sort ... and of course, the internet went crazy with theories when they saw it, with many attempting to diagnose the former Prez with just about every ailment under the sun.

Interestingly, he surfaced from court later the same day on Wednesday ... and the so-called red hand was a little more normal-looking that time around. It was very, very weird.

Anyway, we talked to some folks and sources tied to the Trump campaign are telling us a different story than what people think they saw in the OG pic. We're told the only thing that was afflicting Trump that day was a simple paper cut, and he accidentally spread the blood around his hand. Yep, that's what the Trump camp is saying here ... just a little nick.

While that might sound hard to believe, it might actually be the truth -- again, DT came out with his hand seemingly cleared up and free of any abrasions ... so maybe it was just blood.

BTW, he was out again in public Thursday ... and there was no sign of any redness on his right hand from what we could see. As we reported, he attended his mother-in-law's funeral with Melania and his son Barron Thursday morning.

We're in the home stretch of the Republican campaign now ... every little detail's gonna drive the public freakin' crazy -- especially for a guy who loves talking about his hands like ex-POTUS.

On this issue ... we're being told the mystery is solved. He was caught red-handed, but it ain't what you think.

Old news is old news!
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