Richard Simmons reitera que no está vinculado al biopic sobre él de Pauly Shore

Richard Simmons quiere dejar muy claro que no tiene absolutamente NINGUNA participación en una próxima película biográfica protagonizada por Pauly Shore, la cual está oficialmente en desarrollo y estará en el cine cerca de usted muy pronto, TMZ ha indagado.

El representante de Richard nos reiteró el miércoles que el proyecto de Pauly, que acaba de obtener la luz verde, no está autorizado, y Richard señala que ni siquiera podría ser consciente de si la película está en proceso en Hollywood en este punto.

Nos dicen que Pauly y el equipo de Richard hablaron el año pasado sobre invitar a Pauly a participar en la película, pero la gente de Richard le dijo al comediante que el momento no era el adecuado para que Richard se subiera a bordo.

Ya sabíamos que Pauly no tenía la bendición de Richards para este proyecto —algo que Pauly realmente buscaba— y ahora, sabemos que la posición de Richard no ha cambiado, aunque su representante dice que llegará un momento en que Richard quiera contar su historia. Lo de Pauly simplemente no va a ocurrir.

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mis respetos a richard

Recordemos que Pauly nos dijo en septiembre que estaba preparando una propuesta para Richard, y ahora Deadline informa que una película biográfica se está desarrollando en la Organización Wolper, una filial de Warner Bros. El resto de los detalles sobre quién más podría venir a bordo para ayudar a hacer de esto una realidad no están claros por ahora, pero Pauly dice que está "emocionado".

Pauly también interpreta a Richard en un cortometraje llamado "The Court Jester", que se estrenará esta semana en el Festival de Cine de Sundance en Utah.

¿donde fue richard?

Richard no ha sido visto en público durante años, pero en 2022, TMZ lanzó "TMZ Investiga: Lo que realmente le pasó a Richard Simmons" en FOX y Hulu, esto atrajo una gran respuesta y dio pie a que Richard publicara un mensaje raro a sus fans.

richard simmons new promo video art
¿qué pasó con él?

Pauly y Richard tienen algunas conexiones que se conocen desde hace décadas, y Richard también conocía a la difunta madre de Pauly — La dueña del Comedy Store Mitzi Shore— pero, hasta ahora, no están conectados para esta película.

Veremos lo que sale de ella en el final, y si Richard cambia de opinión una vez que es en realidad fuera. Teniendo en cuenta su increíble historia, también suena como un Óscar a punto de llegar.

Richard Simmons Reiterates No Ties to Pauly Biopic ... As It Heads to Development


1:13 PM PT -- The Wolper Organization tells TMZ ... "While we would love to have him involved, we respect his desire to privacy and plan to produce a movie that honors him, celebrates him and tells a dramatic story."

They add, "We know he is deeply private and we would never want to invade that, how ever he is an amazing person, that changed millions of peoples lives and the effect he has had on the world needs to be recognized."

Richard Simmons wants to make it crystal clear he has absolutely NO involvement in an upcoming biopic starring Pauly Shore -- which is now officially in development and coming to a theater near you soon ... TMZ has learned.

Richard's rep reiterated to us Wednesday that Pauly's project -- which just recently got the green light -- isn't authorized, and notes Richard might not even be aware the movie's on the Hollywood conveyor belt at this point.

We're told Pauly and Richard's team spoke last year about PS portraying him in a film, but Richard's people told the comedian the timing wasn't right for Richard to get on board.

We already knew Pauly didn't have RS' blessing for this project -- something Pauly really sought -- and now ... we know Richard's position hasn't changed, though his rep says there will come a time when Richard wants to tell his story. Pauly's thing just ain't it, though.

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Remember ... Pauly told us in September he was getting a pitch ready for Richard, and now Deadline is reporting a biopic is being developed over at The Wolper Organization, a subsidiary of Warner Bros. The rest of the deets on who else might be coming aboard to help make this thing a reality are unclear for now -- but Pauly says he's "excited."

Pauly is also portraying Richard in a short film called "The Court Jester," which is premiering this week at The Sundance Film Festival in Utah.


Richard has not been seen in public for years -- but, in 2022, TMZ released "TMZ Investigates: What Really Happened to Richard Simmons" on FOX and Hulu ... which drew a huge response and resulted in Richard posting a rare message to his fans.

richard simmons new promo video art

Pauly and Richard have some connections ... they've known each other for decades, and Richard also knew Pauly's late mother, Comedy Store owner Mitzi Shore ... but, so far, they're not connecting for this flick.

We'll see what comes of it in the end, and whether Richard changes his tune once it's actually out. Considering his incredible story, it also sounds like an Oscar waiting to happen.

Originally Published -- 1:13 PM PT

Warriors Vs. Jazz Game Postponed ... After Dejan Milojević's Medical Emergency


9:03 AM -- The NBA just announced Wednesday night's Warriors vs. Jazz has been postponed in wake of Dejan Milojević's medical emergency.

A makeup date has not yet been announced.

Golden State Warriors assistant coach Dejan Milojević was reportedly hospitalized Tuesday night after he suffered a serious medical emergency while out at a restaurant in Utah.

The incident, according to ESPN, happened while Milojević and other Golden State players and coaches were dining out in Salt Lake City ... some 24 hours before their Wednesday night game against the Jazz.

Further details surrounding the 46-year-old's status were not made immediately available.

Milojević became a part of Steve Kerr's staff in 2021 ... after he built up an impressive coaching resume overseas. He played pro ball Serbia, Turkey, Spain and Montenegro ... and was a star on the Serbian national team.

Story developing ...

Kate Middleton Has Abdominal Surgery ... Hospitalized for 2 Weeks Now?!?


7:56 AM PT -- King Charles will go into the hospital next week for treatment for an enlarged prostate, Buckingham Palace announced in a statement.

The 75-year-old's public engagements "will be postponed for a short period of recuperation."

Kate Middleton went under the knife to deal with something in her gut -- and now, the Royals are saying she's gonna be bedridden in the hospital for two whole weeks.

The Princess of Wales underwent a scheduled abdominal surgery Tuesday -- which Kensington Palace says was successful. They don't get into details about what the procedure was meant to address -- but they do say she'll remain hospitalized for the time being.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Specifically, they say Kate will be under a doctor's care for at least 10 days ... if not 14. They also say that as she recovers, she won't be able to perform her public duties as a Senior Royal until after Easter -- something they say was recommended as medical advice.

Again, Kensington Palace isn't getting into the specifics of what's going on with her -- and they explicitly ask the public to respect her privacy during this time. They note they'll only provide significant updates on her condition ... and nothing more.

The palace also says Kate apologizes in advance for anyone inconvenienced by her postponed engagements, and looks forward to getting back on her feet in due time.

While her ailment is a mystery, sources with direct knowledge have assured TMZ ... her condition is non-cancerous -- so we can rule that out right off the bat.

Still, it's a startling development, which seems to have come out of nowhere -- and more troubling is the fact that a 14-day hospital stay after a surgery is quite a long time. Mind you, we haven't seen Kate in public since December ... and she looked pretty okay then.

Here's hoping for a speedy recovery. Get well soon!

Originally Published -- 6:47 AM PT

Kate Middleton Tiene una cirugía abdominal... ¡¿Hospitalizada por 2 semanas ahora?!


7:56 AM PT -- El Rey Carlos ingresará al hospital la próxima semana para recibir tratamiento por un agrandamiento de la próstata, según ha anunciado el Palacio de Buckingham en un comunicado.

Los compromisos públicos del monarca de 75 años "se pospondrán por un corto periodo de recuperación".

Kate Middleton pasó por el quirófano para lidiar con algo en su intestino y ahora la Realeza está diciendo que va a estar en cama en el hospital durante dos semanas enteras.

La princesa de Gales se sometió a una cirugía abdominal programada el martes, que el Palacio de Kensington dice que fue un éxito. No entran en detalles sobre lo que esta pretendía abordar, pero sí dicen que permanecerá hospitalizada por el momento.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

En concreto, dicen que Kate estará bajo el cuidado de un médico durante al menos 10 días ... si no 14. También dicen que mientras se esté recuperando no será capaz de realizar sus funciones públicas como Senior Royal hasta después de Pascua, algo que fue recomendado por el propio médico, según dicen.

Una vez más, el Palacio de Kensington no entra en detalles en lo que le pasó y pide explícitamente al público que respete su privacidad durante este tiempo. Señalan que solo proporcionarán actualizaciones significativas sobre su condición y nada más.

El palacio también dice que Kate se disculpa de antemano por cualquier inconveniente por sus compromisos pospuestos y espera volver en plena forma a su debido tiempo.

Aunque su dolencia es un misterio, fuentes con conocimiento directo le han asegurado a TMZ que no es cancerosa, por lo que podemos descartar eso de buenas a primeras.

De todos modos, es un desarrollo de los acontecimientos sorprendente y que parece haber salido de la nada, y lo que es más preocupante es el hecho de que sea una estancia de 14 días en el hospital después de una cirugía. Es un tiempo bastante largo. Eso sí, no hemos visto a Kate en público desde diciembre y parecía bastante bien entonces.

Esperamos que tenga una pronta recuperación. ¡Que te mejores pronto!

Colts Owner Jim Irsay Found Blue, Unresponsive in December ... OD Suspected, Cops Say


The Colts released a statement on Jim Irsay's health ... saying he is still recovering from his "respiratory illness."

"We will have no further comment on his personal health, and we continue to ask that Jim and his family's privacy be respected."

Jim Irsay was found laying in his bed unresponsive, cold to the touch and gasping for air during a suspected overdose in December ... this according to police in Indiana.

Carmel Police Department documents, obtained by TMZ Sports, show cops were dispatched to Irsay's Carmel residence on Dec. 8 at around 4:30 AM ... after someone said they had found the Indianapolis Colts owner unconscious on a bathroom floor with a blue skin tone.

When police first arrived on the scene, they say Irsay had been moved to his bed ... where he was struggling to breathe and had a weak pulse and constricted pupils.

Police say in the docs an attempt to wake him with a sternum rub was unsuccessful. They added, though, that after administering one dosage of Narcan -- a drug commonly used to revive people in opiate overdose situations -- "he responded slightly."

Cops say they were prepared to attach an AED to Irsay -- but paramedics arrived and "took over lifesaving efforts." Irsay was eventually transported to a nearby hospital via an ambulance.

Officers noted in the documents that a caretaker provided them a list of the medications Irsay had been taking ... though they wrote in the report, "At this time, it is unknown what Mr. Irsay had ingested prior to our arrival." They classified the incident in the docs as both "overdose" and "overdose/poisoning."

Irsay had not been seen around his Colts' team in the weeks following the incident ... and on Jan. 9, the team announced he'd been dealing with a "severe respiratory illness." The Colts explained in a statement that he would miss a scheduled appearance in Los Angeles with his "Jim Irsay Band" while receiving treatment for the ailment.

"He is receiving excellent care and looks forward to returning to the stage as soon as possible," the Colts said. "We'll have no additional information at this time and we ask that you respect the privacy of Jim and his family as he recovers."

We do not know if Irsay's recent hospitalization is related to the December incident at his home.

Irsay -- who's been the owner of the Colts since 1997 -- said in an interview with Andrea Kremer back in November, he's battled addiction to alcohol and pain pills during his life, requiring at least 15 trips to rehab. He also told Kremer he previously suffered an overdose after he "was trying to detox myself."

"All of a sudden I started slurring my words and then code blue, I stopped breathing," he told Kremer of the OD. "And they revived me, and the doctor goes, 'Jim, you're one lucky man because I had signed, virtually, the death certificate.'"

We've reached out to Irsay, but no word back yet.

Originally Published -- 12:30 AM PT

Brad Pitt no se duchaba durante días dice un ex compañero de piso

Antes de alcanzar la fama en Hollywood, Brad Pitt pasaba días enteros sin ducharse, al menos según Jason Priestley, que solía vivir con él.

El ex "90210" reflexionó sobre su breve tiempo viviendo juntos antes de la fama junto con otra persona en una "parte cutre de Los Ángeles". Contando la historia en "Live with Kelly and Mark" el martes.

no se bañaba

Jason dice que los roomies con frecuencia jugaban un juego para ver quién de ellos podría estar más tiempo sin bañarse, y resulta que Jason dice que había un ganador constante.

Según él, era Brad quien generalmente ganaba la competencia repugnante, lo que nos deja preguntándonos si todavía se habría convertido en el mayor rompecorazones de Hollywood si la gente hubiera sabido de esto.

Afortunadamente, Jason dice que él no cree que Brad siga con esas costumbres, aunque dice que no puede confirmarlo tampoco.

Por suerte para Jaso, sus días juntos en un pequeño apartamento no duraron mucho, ya que ambos se catapultaron a la fama a principios de los noventa, Jason en "Beverly Hills 90210" y Brad en "Thelma y Louise". Después de eso, el resto es historia.

Es seguro decir, que son cualquier cosa menos actores lavados en estos días ... aunque, suena como BP podría haber necesitado un baño o dos, mientras que él estaba tratando de entrar en el negocio.

Afortunadamente, esos días han quedado atrás y sus carreras han recibido una lluvia de elogios.

No deja de ser curioso que el galán más reconocido de Hollywood alguna vez fue el roomie apestoso. 😅

Paul Walter Hauser I'm Down For Dried Mango Collab ... After Funny Emmys Moment

I'm Very Serious

Paul Walter Hauser is looking for a new brand deal after his mango moment at the Emmys ... and fittingly, he wants to do biz with a dried fruit company.

We got the "Black Bird" star at LAX the day after his big win at the Emmy Awards and we asked him about eating dried mangos during his acceptance speech.

Paul agrees an endorsement deal for dried mangos makes a whole lotta sense now.

In case you missed it ... Paul had a mouthful as he took the Emmys stage to accept his award for Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Limited Series or Movie ... later explaining he was munching on mangoes.

Paul told reporters backstage at the Emmys his agent gave him the dried mangoes as part of an inside joke ... and he promised to eat them on camera.


While Paul says his award season success isn't bringing him new roles just yet, he has a new and fun way to make some extra cash here. It's a fun conversation ... and Paul tells us which types of fruits he likes to wolf down.

On a somewhat more hefty note ... he's asked if he wants to focus on more dramas in his career, and what sort of competition is out there for him. He's facing some big hitters in showbiz right now ... but yes, PWH is ready to get super serious. Can you tell???

BRAD PITT Wouldn't Shower for Days Pre-Fame ... Says Ex-Roomie Jason P.

Before scrubbing up for his Hollywood fame, Brad Pitt would happily go days without showering -- at least according to Jason Priestley ... who used to live with the dude.

The '90210' alum reflected on their brief time living together pre-fame along with one other person in a "crappy part of L.A." ... telling the tale on "Live with Kelly and Mark" Tuesday.


JP says the roomies would frequently play a game to see who among them could go the longest without bathing. And as it turns out, Jason says there was a consistent winner.

According to him, it was Brad who usually made a clean sweep of the disgusting competition ... which leaves us wondering if he still would've become Hollywood's biggest heartthrob if people caught wind of this alleged stink-fest back then.

Thankfully, Jason says he doesn't think he's into those games anymore, given his flashy A-list status and all -- although he says he can't confirm this definitively.

Luckily for both J&B, their days cramped up together in a small apartment didn't last long as they both catapulted to fame in the early nineties -- Jason in "Beverly Hills, 90210" & Brad in "Thelma and Louise." After that, the rest was history.

Safe to say, they're anything but washed-up actors these days ... although, it sounds like BP might've needed a bath or two while he was trying to break into the biz.


Fortunately, those days are behind them, and their careers have been showered with praise.

Whodathunkit ... the most famous Hollywood hunk was once a Hollywood skunk. 😅

RV Miracle Guy Gets Ejected on L.A.-Area Fwy ... Lives to Tell the Tale!!!


A guy got launched out of an RV that was barreling down a freeway in the Los Angeles area -- and he got thrown onto the complete opposite side ... somehow surviving the ordeal.

Wild video surfaced Monday of a horrifying accident that miraculously didn't end up being deadly. It shows a driver cruising in one direction along the 14 Freeway near Santa Clarita ... and his dashcam caught an RV coming toward him from the other side of the barrier.

Watch ... you see the RV is a little out of control, and it actually appears to bang against the cement divider -- which seems to have flung one of its passengers through its doors.

Soon enough, a man's body tumbling appears in clear view ... it looks like he fell out of the RV and onto the shoulder of the opposite end of the road, almost hitting oncoming traffic.


BTW, there are a couple different angles capturing the action here ... and it's totally insane.

As you might imagine, this ended up drawing a massive police response -- with first responders rushing to the scene to attend to this poor guy ... and, miraculously, he lived!


The man was taken to the hospital, and the extent of his injuries isn't entirely clear. Now, as for how exactly this could've happened in the first place -- an eyewitness is quoted as claiming that the driver fell asleep, and that the man who was shot out was her hubby.

If true, the lesson here obviously is ... buckle up. But, by the same token ... wake up!

Hombre sale despedido de un vehículo en una autopista de Los Ángeles y sobrevive

expulsado del vehículo

Un hombre salió despedido de un vehículo que se precipitaba por una autopista en la zona de Los Ángeles... y sobrevivió milagrosamente a la terrible experiencia.

La dashcam captó el momento en que una camioneta que parecía tambalearse, expulsa a un hombre de manera muy extraña...

Se ve que la camioneta está fuera de control y parece golpear la barrera cemento arrojado a uno de sus pasajeros a través de sus puertas.

Muy pronto, el cuerpo de un hombre dando tumbos aparece a la vista... al parecer se cayó de la camioneta quedando a la merced del tráfico.

golpeando el suelo

A propósito, hay un par de ángulos diferentes que capturaron la acción... y es totalmente increíble.

Como te puedes imaginar, esto desencadenó una respuesta masiva de la policía. Los socorristas corrieron a la escena para atender a este pobre hombre que milagrosamente sobrevivió.

recibiendo ayuda médica

El hombre fue llevado al hospital y el alcance de sus lesiones no está del todo claro. Ahora, en cuanto a cómo exactamente esto podría haber sucedido en primer lugar, un testigo ocular se cita como afirmando que el conductor se quedó dormido y que el hombre que salió disparado era su marido.

Si es verdad, hay una lección que aprender... ¡abróchate el cinturón!

Christina Applegate Standing Ovation At Emmys ... Jokes About Shaming MS

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"Don't shame me"

Christina Applegate got folks out of their seats at the Emmys ... and it's all because of her courage.

The "Dead to Me" star, who is dealing with her multiple sclerosis diagnosis, came out to a standing ovation as she presented the award for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Comedy Series.

Christina used a cane to get to the stage as the crowd rose to its feet and applauded.

Ya gotta see the video ... she got emotional about the reception she was getting, and cracked a joke, saying ... "You're totally shaming me with disability by standing up."

Remember, Christina revealed her multiple sclerosis diagnosis back in 2021, referring to it as a "strange journey."

It's great to see her involved at the Emmys ... when she was up for a SAG award last year she said it would likely be her last award show as an actress because of MS.

At that award show she used a cane with a powerful message on it ... "F U MS." While her cane Monday night wasn't fitted with any such note, Christina's presence onstage said plenty.

If her acting career is over, as Christina's predicted, she could certainly still do award show presenting --- she had the Emmys crowd wrapped around her finger.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Lola Brooke NYC Rats ... Gotta Learn To Live With Them At This Point!!! 🤷🏾‍♀️


New York City's rat infestation appears to have taken a turn for the worse ... a reality that's not likely gonna get any better if you ask proud New Yorker Lola Brooke!!!

TMZ Hip Hop recently got the "Don't Play With It" rapper's take on what could be done with the rodent rampage -- last week, city officials were put on alert when the furry pests were spotted seeking warmth underneath a homeless man's blanket.

TikTok / @six4bk718

Kathleen Corradi, the 6-figure salaried specialist hired by NYC Mayor Eric Adams to solve the problem, recently told us there's a 7% decrease in rat complaints ... but Lola thinks that's only because people have just stopped complaining.

Lola's a lifelong Brooklynite -- she tells us she grew up with rats in her home to no fault of her own and says it's basically time for the Rotten Apple to realize it's ... well, rotten.

Rat traps haven't been able to slow down Lola's hustle getting the cheese ... she recently joined Wyclef Jean, Pusha T and Capella Grey for a blockbuster performance of their "Paper Right" anthem!!!

C.J. Gardner-Johnson Teammate's Hit On Higbee Wasn't Dirty ... Blame The QB!!!


The brutal hit on Tyler Higbee, which ultimately tore the TE's ACL, was NOT dirty ... according to Kerby Joseph's Lions teammate C.J. Gardner-Johnson, who says if the Rams want to blame anyone, it should be their QB!

The tackle in question came late in the 4th quarter during the Lions-Rams playoff game at Ford Field Sunday evening ... when Joseph, a safety, hit Higbee low as he attempted to catch a ball running across the middle of the field.

The TV broadcast showed Higbee's planted leg bending backward ... and many people have deemed the hit "dirty."

But, Gardner-Johnson feels differently ... placing the blame on Matthew Stafford for putting his TE in that position.

"If anybody on the Rams feels like it was dirty, well tell his quarterback don't put the ball in a place where he can get his player hurt," CJ told reporters after the game.

"You heard [Tom] Brady say it all the time."

In fact, Brady did recently make this point ... after Colts receiver Michael Pittman Jr. got hurt after a hit from Steelers' Damontae Kazee (he was suspended for the rest of the 2023 season).

"Nobody likes seeing players get hurt. But hard hits happen," Brady said.

"QBs should not be throwing the ball in areas where they are exposing their own teammates to these types of hits."

On Monday, the Rams fears were confirmed ... Higbee tore his ACL on the play.

Johnson -- a third-round draft pick of the Lions in 2022 -- spoke about the hit after the Lions 24-23 win, saying he wasn't trying to hurt Tyler.

"I’m praying for bro and his family I don’t have no intention to hurt no body and or harm their career," Joseph wrote on X.

"I been a mf dog since I came out my mama womb and nun of y’all on here gone take that away from me #GODBLESS."

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy acude al médico y le recetan ansiolíticos tras demandar a Blueface

La madre del bebé de Soulja Boy, dice que su demanda por difamación contra Blueface está haciendo mella en su salud mental. Sus abogados dicen que está viendo a los médicos y tomando nuevos medicamentos para la ansiedad y el insomnio.

Los abogados de Jackilyn Martínez, Vadim Yeremenko y Tara Licata, le dicen a TMZ que su clienta se siente angustiada por las declaraciones de Blueface sobre su hijo y las amenazas que ella dice que ha recibido de sus fans. Nos dicen que ha estado viendo a un terapeuta y un psiquiatra y que le han prescrito algunos medicamentos.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jackilyn demandó a Blueface después de que él dijo que tuvieron relaciones sexuales el 2022 e insinuó que el hijo que comparte con Soulja podría ser de él.

Blueface hizo más daño más en una serie de mensajes... y como resultado, toda esta situación ha sembrado la discordia entre Soulja y el niño.


También nos informan que Jackilyn y Soulja Boy ahora se comunican muy poco.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn parece estar pasando por mucho, su demanda afirmó que recibió amenazas de muerte de los fans de Blueface, y ahora su equipo legal nos dice que desde entonces ha desactivado los mensajes en las redes sociales.

La demanda fue presentada en diciembre y los abogados nos dicen que sirvieron Blueface mientras hacía un meet and greet en Fountain LA en Koreatown, la misma noche que nuestro fotógrafo lo encontró allí con Jaidyn Alexis.

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CONsiguiendo ESe DINERO

Todo un drama.

Soulja Boy's Baby Mama Fallout From Blueface Defamation Suit ... Doctor Visits, Anxiety Meds

Soulja Boy's baby mama says her defamation lawsuit against Blueface is taking an extreme emotional toll -- her lawyers say she's seeing doctors and taking new medications for anxiety and insomnia.

Jackilyn Martinez's attorneys, Vadim Yeremenko and Tara Licata, tell TMZ ... their client is feeling distressed over Blueface's statements about her child and threats she says she's getting from his fans. We're told she's been seeing a therapist and a psychiatrist, who have prescribed her meds.

TMZ broke the story ... Jackilyn sued Blueface after he said they had sex the day before her and Soulja Boy's baby shower back in 2022 ... and insinuated the son she shares with SB could actually be his.

Blueface took more jabs at Soulja and Jackilyn in a series of social media posts ... and as a result, we're told this whole situation has sowed discord between Soulja and the baby boy.


We're also told Jackilyn and Soulja Boy now have minimal communications themselves.

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Instagram / @souljaboy

Jackilyn seems to be going through a lot ... her lawsuit claimed she received death threats from Blueface fans, and now her legal team tells us she's since disabled messages on social media.

The lawsuit was filed in December and lawyers tell us they served Blueface while doing a meet and greet at Fountain LA in Koreatown ... the same night our photog got him there with Jaidyn Alexis.

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Drama on top of drama.

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