Madre en Ohio es detenida Por supuestamente fingir el cáncer de su hija ... Recaudó miles de dólares

Una madre de Ohio está tras las rejas después de ser acusada de mentir sobre el cáncer de su hija y utilizarlo para recaudar dinero en un caso que recuerda inquietantemente a la terrible experiencia de Gypsy Rose Blanchard.

Pamela Reed fue detenida el lunes después de que las autoridades dijeran que la mujer le dijo a sus amigos y familiares que su hija, identificada como AR y hoy de 7 años, tenía cáncer, específicamente leucemia mieloide y que sufría convulsiones y era ciega de un ojo.

Las autoridades dicen que Pamela incluso rapó la cabeza de AR para reforzar sus afirmaciones y que habría recaudado alrededor de $8,000 para pagar los gastos de tratamiento del cáncer de AR.

Pero, de acuerdo con la declaración jurada del arresto, todo llegó a su fin cuando la enfermera de la escuela de AR descubrió que no estaba ciega de su ojo derecho, y tras llamar al médico de la niña, se enteró de que no tenía cáncer.

La policía dice que Reed confesó la verdad más tarde a la escuela y le dijo a la policía que reenvasaba recetas para hacer parecer que eran para el tratamiento del cáncer.

Los funcionarios también afirman que le dio medicamentos para las convulsiones a AR que no necesitaba.

Cuando los policías la interrogaron, Reed admitió haber seguido adelante con la mentira durante mucho tiempo porque disfrutaba del apoyo financiero.

Según los policías, Reed ha estado publicando sobre los problemas de salud de su hija desde que tenía 20 meses de edad.

Si esto suena similar a la situación de Gypsy, no se equivocan. Como se acordarán, la defensa de Gypsy en su caso criminal se centró en que su madre Dee Dee sufría de Síndrome de Munchausen por Poder, lo que la llevó a hacerle creer falsamente a Gypsy que sufría de leucemia y distrofia muscular y que necesitaba una silla de ruedas.

Ohio Mother Arrested Allegedly Faked Daughter's Cancer ... Raised Thousands in the Process

An Ohio mother is behind bars after being accused of lying about her daughter's cancer, and using it to raise money in a case eerily reminiscent of Gypsy Rose Blanchard's ordeal.

Pamela Reed was arrested Monday after authorities say she told friends and family for years her 7-year-old daughter, identified as AR, had cancer -- specifically myeloid leukemia -- suffered from seizures and was blind in her right eye.

Law enforcement says Pamela even shaved AR's head to bolster her claims, and had raised about $8,000 ... which was given to help aid AR's cancer treatment expenses.

But, according to the arrest affidavit, it all came to an end when AR's school nurse discovered she wasn't blind in her right eye, and after calling the girl's doctor, learned she did not have cancer.

Cops say Reed later confessed to doctoring AR's paperwork for the school and told cops she repackaged prescriptions to make it seem like they were for cancer treatment.

Officials also claim she gave AR seizure medication she didn't need.

When cops grilled her, Reed admitted carrying on the big lie for so long, because she enjoyed all the financial support.


According to cops, Reed has been posting about her daughter's health concerns since she was 20 months old.

If this sounds similar to Gypsy's past situation, you aren't wrong -- you'll recall, Gypsy's defense in her criminal case focused on her mom, Dee Dee, suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy, which led to her making Gypsy falsely believe she suffered from leukemia and muscular dystrophy, and needed a wheelchair.

Nicole Eggert Celebs Sending Money & Love After Cancer Diagnosis

Nicole Eggert says she's getting tons of support -- both financially and emotionally -- from many of her famous friends on the heels of revealing she's been diagnosed with cancer.

The former "Baywatch" star tells TMZ ... Kyle Richards is among the celebs who've donated to her fundraiser, with the 'RHOBH' star kicking in $1,000.

Nicole, who recently announced she's fighting stage 2 breast cancer, tells us she goes way back with Kyle ... they were childhood friends running in the same child actor circles in Hollywood.

Nicole's got a GoFundMe to raise money for her upcoming medical expenses -- she doesn't have family to lean on and her insurance won't cover everything, so she's hoping to raise $100K, and already has about $25K and counting.

One interesting side note about Kyle's donation ... she made it under the name Kyle Umansky, even though she's separated from Mauricio.

Anyways, Nicole says another 'Real Housewives' star, Bethenny Frankel, donated too ... with the 'RHONY' star chipping in $500 and her partner, Paul Bernon, matching that.

NE says she's thanked both women for their support, and Bethenny told her she's there for whatever Nicole needs.

She's also getting support from Alyssa Milano, with whom Nicole was childhood friends ... as they both appeared on the sitcom, "Who's The Boss?"


Nicole says most of her former "Baywatch" castmates have reached out, including David Hasselhoff.

All in all, she's in awe of all the love she's receiving, and while the occasion isn't a good one ... Nicole's happy she's been able to reconnect with so many old pals.

Nicole Eggert recibe donaciones y muestras de cariño tras la revelación de su cáncer

Nicole Eggert dice que está recibiendo toneladas de apoyo de Hollywood a raíz de su diagnóstico de cáncer, tanto financiera como emocionalmente.

La ex estrella de "Baywatch" le dice a TMZ que Kyle Richards está entre las celebridades que donan a su recaudación de fondos, ¡desembolsando $1.000!

Nicole, quien recientemente reveló que está luchando contra el cáncer de mama, nos dice que se remonta con Kyle ... eran amigas de la infancia que se ejecuta en los mismos círculos actor infantil en Hollywood.

Nicole tiene un GoFundMe para recaudar dinero para sus próximos gastos médicos, ella no tiene familia para apoyarse y su seguro no cubrirá todo, así que espera recaudar $100K y ya tiene alrededor de $25K y contando.

Es interesante... Kyle donó bajo el nombre de Kyle Umansky, a pesar de que está separada de su marido Mauricio Umansky.

De todos modos Nicole dice que otra estrella de "Real Housewives", Bethenny Frankel, también donó, y su aporte fue de $500 y su pareja, Paul Bernon, hizo lo mismo.

Nicole dice que le envió un mensaje de texto Kyle y Bethenny, dándoles las gracias por sus donaciones, con Bethenny diciéndo que está ahí para lo que Nicole necesite.

También nos dicen Alyssa Milano le envió amor y apoyo a Nicole. Eran amigas de la infancia ya que ambas aparecieron en la comedia televisiva "¿Quién es el jefe?"

Nicole dice que la mayoría de sus ex compañeros de reparto de "Baywatch" se acercaron, incluyendo a David Hasselhoff, con una notable excepción... Pamela Anderson.

De todos modos, Nicole nos dice que está agradecida y que ha sido genial volver a conectar con tantos amigos famosos.

Michael Lohan Gets Skin Cancer On Hand Removed

Michael Lohan -- father of Lindsay Lohan -- underwent a cancer procedure today on his hand ... TMZ has learned.

Michael tells TMZ ... he's been fighting skin cancer for a while, being diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma about 4 years ago and "recently had a suspicious lesion on my hand" that prompted doctors to do a biopsy.

Things changed Tuesday night when he got a call regarding the biopsy and that he needed to get the patch removed ASAP -- and Wednesday, that's exactly what happened.

He tells us the cancer had "deep roots" and needed a lot of digging, but we're told they thankfully were able to get it all out.

Michael admits the type of cancer he has is "aggressive" and he's constantly monitoring it ... adding it likely will return at some point.

Lindsay's father posted about his new scar on Instagram Wednesday, writing, "A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed, you endured the pain, and God has healed you."


BTW, we're told his son, Michael Jr., was the only one who knew about his medical situation -- and Michael tells us he didn't want Lindsay to worry or affect her work, which is why she was unaware.

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High School Reunion

As you know, Lindsay gave fans a big surprise when she appeared at the NYC premiere of the new "Mean Girls" flick earlier this week, smiling alongside Tina Fey, one of her costars from the 2004 version.

Celebrity Chef Curtis Stone Double Big Mac Is Insane ... 'Big Gulp of Burgers!!!'

Celebrity chef Curtis Stone says foodies should be wary of McDonald's' new Double Big Mac ... and he thinks the mega burger should come with its own freakin' warning.

Curtis joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to talk about the Golden Arches' super-sized creation, which Australians have been chowin' down on for a while, and is about to return to the U.S. for a limited engagement.


According to Curtis, this 4-patty beast is an eat-at-your-own-risk kind of situation, and should have a health warning attached to it ... but his concerns don't stop at the caloric intake -- which is around 740 calories, for the record.

Curtis thinks McDonald's has often provided a lack of food information to its customers -- namely the "100% beef," which could be a mixture of all kinds of meat cuts -- and folks should always know exactly what they're ingesting.

He also thinks companies like Mickey D's dominate the country by adhering to peoples' cravings, but Curtis tells us why that's doing a lot more harm than good.


BTW, Curtis' new show, "Getting Grilled with Curtis Stone," kicks off next week on QVC and HSN+, but we're guessing his take on the Double Big Mac won't be on the menu.

El famoso chef Curtis Stone La Bic Mac doble es una locura...

El famoso chef Curtis Stone dice que los amantes de la comida deberían tener cuidado con el nuevo Double Big Mac de McDonald's y cree que la mega hamburguesa debería venir con su propia advertencia.

Curtis se unió a nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" para hablar de la nueva creación de la empresa de los Arcos Dorados, que los australianos han estado comiendo por un tiempo y que está a punto de regresar a los Estados Unidos para un compromiso limitado.

Consume con precaución

Según Curtis, esta bestia de 4 hamburguesas tiene sus riesgos y debería tener una advertencia de salud adjunta. Aunque sus preocupaciones no se detienen con la ingesta de calorías, que es de alrededor de 740, para que conste.

Curtis cree que McDonald's a menudo ha proporcionado poca información sobre los alimentos a sus clientes, como por ejemplo que el "100% carne de vacuno" podría ser una mezcla de todo tipo de cortes de carne. Él piensa que las personas siempre deberían saber exactamente lo que están ingiriendo.

También cree que las marcas como Mickey D's dominan el país por adherirse a los antojos de la gente, pero Curtis dice que eso está haciendo más daño que bien.

¿Qué está pasando realmente?

Por cierto, el nuevo programa de Curtis, "Getting Grilled with Curtis Stone", comienza la próxima semana en QVC y HSN +, pero suponemos que su opinión sobre el doble Big Mac no estará en el menú.

Bob Saget Widow Kelly Rizzo Honors Him ... 2 Years After Death

Bob Saget's widow, Kelly Rizzo, took time to honor her late husband on the second anniversary of his untimely death ... reminding others to hold their loved ones extra tight.

Kelly wrote about her late husband Tuesday, saying it's felt like both "a week and an eternity" since his passing -- and the rest of her remarks were pretty emotional, even 2 years later.

She used one of the last selfies he took onstage for her post ... which, according to her, was a great example of him "doing what he loved to do…making people laugh…making people happy."

She continued, "I will forever be grateful that I got to share life with this extraordinary person for 6 years. What a blessing. And grateful I can look back on endless memories and photos and videos with smiles, laughter, and yes…still tears."

Kelly then reminded folks to "hug your loved ones," and admitted she's "blown away by the fact that Bob hasn't faded from all your hearts in the slightest."

She did the same last January, remembering her "brilliant, adorable" husband a year after he died ... saying, in part, "the gratitude I have that we have each other is immeasurable."

As you know, Kelly lost her husband at the beginning of 2022 ... after he was found dead in his Orlando, FL hotel room. Authorities determined he died from blunt head trauma, apparently falling backward and hitting his head.

There was an outpour of folks honoring Bob after his shocking death -- including his longtime pal and "Full House" costar, John Stamos, who wrote, "I am broken. I am gutted. I am in complete and utter shock."

Celebs came out in droves to send him off at his funeral ... including John, Norman Lear, Dave Coulier, John Mayer, Jeff Ross, Ted Sarandos, Dave Chappelle, Kathy Griffin, Chris Rock, Judd Apatow, and many more.

Some time has certainly passed, but the legendary comic is still in the hearts and minds of those who loved him most, especially his wife Kelly.

Kanye West Es demandado por agresión y lesiones... Por un hombre que quería un autógrafo

Kanye West está siendo demandado por asalto y agresión, después de supuestamente golpear a una persona que quería un autógrafo en 2022.

Según los documentos obtenidos por TMZ, Ye está siendo llevado a los tribunales por un comerciante de autógrafos que dice que todo sucedió en el centro de L.A. hace casi 2 años. Como recordarán, un video posterior al presunto ataque mostraba al hombre en el suelo.

La persona afirma que Ye se enfureció con él y le gritó: "Voy a dar un maldito ejemplo contigo", mientras se refería a su divorcio con Kim Kardashian, antes de golpearlo.

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Ye pierde los estribos

Dice que le pidió una disculpa a Ye, a lo que el rapero respondió: "¿Disculpa por qué?". Luego, supuestamente lo golpeó de nuevo varias veces y "lo hirió gravemente".

Afirma que una de las personas que estaba con Kanye le dijo que parara, pero Ye comenzó a gritarles y les exigió que "fueran a la p*** casa y agarraran a sus p*** hijos".

El hombre está demandando por daños y perjuicios, alegando que es víctima de asalto y agresión y ha sufrido angustia emocional.

Su esposa también está demandando por una pérdida de consorcio (una ley de California sobre la pérdida del cuidado o afecto debido a lesiones causadas por un otro), diciendo esencialmente que perdió la compañía de su marido como resultado del incidente con Ye.

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Como informamos, un video separado de esa noche muestra a Kanye enfurecido mientras se va de un estudio de grabación en Hollywood y grita sobre 2 mujeres que pueden haber estado con él durante el incidente en el centro.

Nuestras fuentes nos dijeron que el hombre terminó siendo revisado en un centro de urgencias después de la supuesta paliza y que la policía de Los Ángeles estaba investigando.

Kanye West Sued For Assault & Battery ... By Man Seeking Autograph

Kanye West is gettin' sued for assault and battery ... this after allegedly striking an autograph seeker back in 2022.

According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Ye is being taken to court by an autograph dealer who says it all went down in DTLA almost 2 years ago -- as you'll recall, video from just after the alleged attack showed the man on the ground.

He claims Ye went ballistic on him, allegedly shouting ... "I'm going to make a f***ing example of you," while referencing his divorce from Kim Kardashian -- before hitting him.

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He says he asked Ye for an apology, only for the rapper to reply, "Apology for what?" ... before allegedly striking him again multiple times and "severely injuring him."

He claims one of the people with Kanye told him to stop the attack, but Ye started shouting at them, and demanded they "go to the f***ing house and get my f***ing kids."

The man is suing for damages, claiming he's a victim of assault and battery and has suffered emotional distress.

His wife is also suing for a loss of consortium -- essentially saying she lost the companionship of her husband as a result of the incident with Ye.

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As we reported, a separate vid from that night showed Kanye enraged leaving a recording studio in Hollywood, shouting about 2 women who may have been with him during the downtown incident.


Our sources told us the man ended up getting checked out at an urgent care after the alleged beatdown and that LAPD was investigating.

Alan Ruck Cane at Globes Not Crash-Related ... I Had Knee Surgery!!!

Alan Ruck was seen walking around with support at the Golden Globes this past weekend -- and while we know exactly where your mind's going on why ... there's another explanation.

The 'Succession' star was on hand Sunday in L.A. for the big award show, and folks immediately noticed he was using a cane to get around the red carpet. He didn't say anything about it in the moment -- but folks thought this was car crash-related.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

Remember, Alan got into a nasty wreck out here in Hollywood when he lost control of his fancy electric truck and smashed through a wall a pizza parlor -- which caused a big scene and a lot of damage.

While Alan was seemingly uninjured at the time -- he did walk around with a knee sleeve in the days after ... and there, too, people thought he'd gotten a little banged up in the accident.

Now, here he is with another assist ... and the speculation has picked up all over again. Welp, we've got some answers -- and this isn't what it seems. Sources close to Alan tell TMZ his cane is actually helping him with an unrelated ailment he's been dealing with lately.

We're told Alan underwent a full knee replacement surgery just 3 and a half weeks ago -- this after suffering from arthritis for some time now. So, that's why he was using it.

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TikTok / @olgaparusske

If it wasn't clear from that ... no, this cane was not a fashion statement -- we're told AR absolutely needs it, and he's putting it to good use early and often. It's interesting (and miraculous) that he wasn't seriously hurt during the October wreck.

Considering how high impact it was, you could imagine him being hurt -- but he's just on the mend for another thing ... and we certainly wish him well!

El bastón de Alan Ruck en los Globos de Oro no fue consecuencia de un accidente

Alan Ruck fue visto caminando con apoyo en los Globos de Oro el pasado fin de semana, y aunque sabemos exactamente cuál pudo ser la razón... hay otra explicación.

La estrella de 'Succession' estuvo presente el domingo en Los Ángeles para la gran entrega de premios y la gente inmediatamente se dio cuenta de que estaba usando un bastón para moverse por la alfombra roja. Él no dijo nada al respecto en ese momento, pero la gente pensó que esto estaba relacionado con el accidente de carro.

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serios daños
TikTok / @olgaparusske

Recordemos que Alan se metió en un feo accidente aquí en Hollywood cuando perdió el control de su camión eléctrico de lujo y se estrelló contra la pared de una pizzería, causando una gran escena y un montón de daños.

Mientras Alan resultó aparentemente ileso aquella vez, se le pudo ver algo magullado los días posteriores.

Ahora la especulación vuelve... pero tenemos algunas respuestas. Fuentes cercanas a Alan le dicen TMZ que su bastón en realidad lo está ayudando con una dolencia no relacionada que ha estado tratando últimamente.

Nos dicen que Alan se sometió a una cirugía de reemplazo de rodilla completa hace solo 3 semanas y media, esto después de sufrir de artritis desde hace algún tiempo. Así que por eso lo estaba usando.

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sin parar
TikTok / @olgaparusske

No, este bastón no era una declaración de moda, nos informan que Alan realmente lo necesita, y así lo está haciendo. Es interesante (y milagroso) que no resultara gravemente herido durante el accidente de octubre.

Teniendo en cuenta lo fuerte que fue el impacto, uno podría imaginarse que resultara herido, pero se está recuperando, ¡y desde luego le deseamos lo mejor!

'The Voice' Star Lauren Duski's Mother Dies By Apparent Suicide

The mother of "The Voice" star Lauren Duski appears to have died by suicide ... this after being found dead in her car with a gunshot wound, TMZ has confirmed.

According to the Tuscarora Township Police in Indian River, Michigan, officers found a car "sitting on the edge of the roadway with a female in the driver's seat slumped over" on Friday -- and paramedics were unable to find a pulse when they arrived.

Police say she had a "single gunshot wound to the chest" and a handgun was found in the car with "one round spent." TMZ confirmed with law enforcement sources the woman was Lauren's 59-year-old mother, Janis Duski.

While cops are still investigating Janis' death, it appears all signs point to it being a suicide.

Lauren said an emotional goodbye to her mother in a touching post online Monday, saying, "My mom was the greatest human I’ve ever known. There was no one who loved harder."

In the post, the season 12 contestant took time to remind people to "please talk to one another. If you’re struggling, do not be ashamed. Do not be ashamed. Do not be ashamed. Your mental health is nothing to be ashamed of and neither is talking about it."

Janis was 59.


If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

La madre de Lauren Duski estrella de "La Voz" es encontrada sin vida

La madre de la estrella de "The Voice" —Lauren Duski— parece haber muerto por suicidio, esto después de haber sido encontrada muerta en su carro con una herida de bala, TMZ ha confirmado.

De acuerdo con la Policía de Indian River (Michigan) los oficiales encontraron un carro "sentado en el borde de la calzada con una mujer en el asiento del conductor desplomado" el viernes... y los paramédicos la encontraron sin pulso cuando llegaron.

La policía dice que tenía una "sola herida de bala en el pecho" y se encontró una pistola en el carro con "una ronda menos." TMZ confirmó con fuentes policiales que la mujer era la madre de Lauren, Janis Duski, de 59 años.

Aunque la policía sigue investigando la muerte de Janis, parece que todo apunta a que se trata de un suicidio.

Lauren dio un emotivo adiós a su madre en un conmovedor post en línea el lunes, diciendo: "Mi mamá fue la más grande persona que he conocido. No había nadie que amara más".

En el post, la concursante de la temporada 12 se tomó su tiempo para recordarle a la gente que "por favor, hablen entre ustedes. Si tienes problemas, no te avergüences. No se avergüencen. No te avergüences. Tu salud mental no es motivo de verguenza y tampoco lo es hablar de ello".

Janis tenía 59 años.


Si tú o alguien que conoces tiene problemas o está en crisis, hay ayuda disponible. Llama o envía un mensaje de texto al 988 o chatea con

Colts Owner Jim Irsay Dealing W/ Severe Respiratory Illness ... Backs Out Of Band Gig

Indianapolis Colts owner Jim Irsay has been placed on Injured Reserve with a gnarly illness ... forcing him to back out of an upcoming concert with his band.

The news just came out Tuesday morning ... with Adam Schefter releasing a statement from the Colts on 64-year-old Irsay's condition.

"Jim Irsay is currently being treated for a severe respiratory illness," the team said.

Irsay was slated to hit the stage alongside his "Jim Irsay Band" rock group as part of an exhibit and concert event in Los Angeles on Thursday ... which will feature items from his massive music and sports memorabilia collection.

The band -- which is slated to have special appearances from Kevin Cronin of REO Speedwagon, Billy Gibbons of ZZ Top and more -- will seemingly hit the stage without Irsay, who served as main vocalist for previous gigs.

"While this unfortunately means he won't be able to perform with his band this week in Los Angeles, he is receiving excellent care and looks forward to returning to the stage as soon as possible," the team added.

"We’ll have no additional information at this time and we ask that you respect the privacy of Jim and his family as he recovers."

Sinéad O'Connor Cause of Death Revealed

Sinéad O'Connor died of natural causes, British authorities announced Tuesday.

A rep for London's Southwark Coroner's Court tells TMZ ... she passed away from "natural causes" and "the coroner has therefore ceased their involvement in her death."

As we reported, cops in London responded to a report of an unresponsive woman at a residence ... arriving to find the 56-year-old singer already dead. Attempts were made to revive her, but they were unsuccessful.

Sinéad's 17-year-old son, Shane, died by suicide in early 2022 just 2 days after going missing from the hospital while on suicide watch. After his death, Sinéad called her son "the very light of my life" ... begging for him to be at peace.

She expressed more grief about Shane less than 2 weeks before her death, saying on social media, "He was the only person who ever loved me unconditionally. I am lost in the bardo without him."

Sinéad has also struggled with her mental health in the past, telling Dr. Phil in 2017 she'd attempted suicide 8 times in a year.


She also was reported missing the year before, allegedly threatening to jump off a bridge -- but Sinéad was found safe and said the suicide claims were BS.

The singer's seen a ton of love from the community since her death ... including from Conor McGregor, who had her sing during his 2015 walkout at UFC 189 in Las Vegas. He told TMZ, "The world has lost a beautiful voice and an even more beautiful person."

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Twitter / @KarenBoston

Pink and Brandi Carlile also paid tribute to her, jumping on stage together to perform a moving rendition of Sinéad's hit song, "Nothing Compares 2 U."

We discussed Sinéad's legacy in a recent episode of the Last Days Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.