Fatal Fight Man Falls Onto Train Tracks, Dies ... Run Over By Subway


A man in Philadelphia is dead after being run over by a train ... and he ended up on the tracks because he was fighting another man while they were on the subway platform.

Video shows two men fighting in the subway station when one guy takes a punch and falls down onto the tracks just as a train is pulling in and runs over his body.

Folks who saw the incident play out start screaming and rush over to look for his body under the train.

Police say the man died in the incident, and a person of interest was arrested at the next station.

The fatal fight went down Thursday evening at 34th Street Station in Philly's University City area ... which is between the campuses of the University of Pennsylvania and Drexel University.

Cops say they are investigating the man's death as a homicide.

It's already causing a headache for commuters ... train service is stopped in the area and folks are instead being forced to hop on buses to get where they need to go.

It's still unclear why the men were fighting. While there have been multiple violent incidents in subways in recent years, this Philly incident might be the most grisly.

Big Boy My Weight Helped Me Hide Guns Once During Police Search!!!

Hip hop radio legend Big Boy is revisiting a time being overweight came in real handy -- he says all that extra cushion helped him duck gun charges that might've ended his career before it got started!!!

BB made the eye-popping revelation on "All the Smoke" after Matt Barnes and Stephen Jackson asked him about the urban legend that he hid a gun from the police in his body fat.

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BB once weighed over 500 lbs -- back before Will Smith convinced him to get surgery -- and he confirmed the legend as fact, but explained there was a perfectly good reason for his actions.

Before earning his stripes on radio, BB bodyguarded for The Pharcyde. and recalled the day of June 17, 1994 -- the same day O.J. Simpson famously led LAPD on the low-speed chase.

The iconic moment caused BB to be separated from the group as they stayed in the Bay Area and he flew back to L.A. -- but left them his gun to drive back to the city.

After BB retrieved his gun the next day, he got pulled over while he also had another gun on him ... so, really bad timing.

Luckily, the officer failed to pat him down properly, and he was able to skate any charges. God knows a strip search at county jail would've gotten interesting!!!

As fate would have it, he got a call from Power 106 the very next day, starting his on-air gig ... and eventually got a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame presented to him by Dr. Dre!!!

Oh, and he's slimmed way down -- so, no more conceal and carry.

Christopher Nolan Peloton Instructor Ripped My Movie ... While I Was in the Class!!!


1/5 8:26AM PST -- Jenn just addressed the video, laughing it off and blaming the pandemic for her state of mind back then ... she says while she may not have liked "Tenet" she definitely loved Nolan's "Oppenheimer" -- watching it twice -- and invites Nolan to one of her in-studio classes.


Christopher Nolan says a Peloton workout turned into a scathing, live movie review ... as the instructor -- who probably didn't know he was watching -- unloaded on his film during class!!!

The "Oppenheimer" director won a New York Film Critics Circle award Thursday for best director, and during his acceptance speech he recalled the time a Peloton instructor took a shot at his work.


Christopher says he was in a virtual Peloton class when the woman leading the workout, Jenn Sherman, started talking trash about "Tenet" ... asking if anyone else saw or understood the 2020 movie. As Jenn put it, "I'm not kidding. What the f*** was going on in that movie?" She also groused she'd wasted hours of her life that she'd never get back.

BTW, he didn't call out Jenn by name, but internet sleuths quickly found the clip.

CN says he was also getting his butt kicked in the workout when she piled on, but it sounds like she had no idea Christopher was in the class.

The funny anecdote was part of Christopher's broader point -- that everyone's a critic these days.

Interestingly, Christopher didn't offer a critique of Jenn's skills as a Peloton instructor. Probably a smart move -- never tickle the tiger in charge of your cardio!

Christopher Nolan Mi instructor de pelotón se burló de mi película... Mientras estaba en clase!!!

Christopher Nolan dice que un entrenamiento de Peloton se convirtió en una crítica mordaz y en vivo a una de sus películas, pues el instructor, que probablemente no sabía que estaba mirando, ¡¡¡se descargó contra ella durante la clase!!!

El director de "Oppenheimer" ganó un premio del Círculo de Críticos de Cine de Nueva York el jueves, como mejor director, y durante su discurso de aceptación recordó el momento en que un instructor de Pelotón se rio de su trabajo.

¿Qué diablos fue eso?

Christopher dice que estaba en una clase virtual de Pelotón cuando la mujer que dirigía el entrenamiento, Jenn Sherman, comenzó a hablar mal de "Tenet", y preguntó si alguien más había visto o entendido la película de 2020. En palabras de Jenn: "No estoy bromeando. ¿Qué diablos pasaba en esa película?". También se quejó de que había perdido horas de su vida que nunca recuperaría.

Por cierto, no llamó a Jenn por su nombre, pero los detectives de Internet no tardaron en encontrar el video.

Nolan dice que también estaba recibiendo una paliza en el entrenamiento cuando ella se le echó encima, pero parece que no tenía ni idea de que Christopher estaba en la clase.

La divertida anécdota fue parte de un argumento más amplio de Christopher, y es que todo el mundo es un crítico por estos días.

Curiosamente, el director no criticó las habilidades de Jenn como instructora de Peloton. Probablemente, una decisión inteligente, ¡nunca le hagas cosquillas al tigre a cargo de tu cardio!

La madre de Casey Anthony sufre un ataque de pánico al responder preguntas sobre su nieta

en aprietos
A&E & Lifetime

La madre de Casey Anthony sufrió un ataque de pánico mientras estaba en el banquillo... y fue tan grave que tuvo que abandonar una entrevista sobre su nieta fallecida.

Cindy Anthony sufrió un ataque de ansiedad durante una entrevista que le hicieron para el documental de A&E y Lifetime, "Los padres de Casey Anthony: La prueba del detector de mentiras", que se estrena esta noche y ella dice que está convencida de que su hija —Casey— sabe lo que le pasó a Caylee de 3 años de edad en 2008.

Cindy comienza a llorar durante la conversación, se lleva la mano al pecho y tiene que salir de la habitación, alegando que está teniendo un ataque de pánico... su marido, George, rápidamente va con ella para ayudar a calmarla.

Sin embargo, parece que el ataque no desapareció, ya que George le recomienda que acuda a un hospital mientras la tumba en el suelo para intentar que se relaje. Solo hemos visto un clip en este punto, por lo que no está claro qué tan grave se puso.

luchando por responder
A&E & Lifetime

Como informamos, George se emocionó durante la prueba del detector de mentiras en otro avance del documental, luchando por responder si ocultó o no el paradero de su nieta, algo que Casey afirmó.

Recordemos que Caylee desapareció en junio de 2008 y su cuerpo fue encontrado meses después, Casey dijo durante su juicio en 2011 que George se deshizo del cuerpo de Caylee y dijo el 2022 que escenificó su muerte para que pareciera que era culpa de Casey.

No están claros los detalles de cómo fue que los padres pasaron las pruebas del detector de mentiras, pero esto será revelado el jueves por la noche.

NBA's Ricky Rubio Retires Amid Mental Health Struggle

NBA star Ricky Rubio is ending his professional basketball career ... revealing he made the decision after going into "a dark place" last offseason.

33-year-old Rubio -- the fifth-overall pick in the 2009 NBA Draft -- spent 12 seasons in the Association ... most notably for the Minnesota Timberwolves, where he played from 2011-17.

The Spanish guard joined the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2021 ... but it was announced back in August he would take time away to focus on his mental health.

On Thursday, Rubio shared a statement on his official retirement ... sharing July 30 was "one of the toughest nights of my life," but did not go into detail.

"I kind of knew I was going on that direction, but I've never thought I wasn't under control of the situation," he said.

"The next day, I decided to stop my professional career."

Rubio said he will talk more on what happened at a later date so he can help others going through similar situations ... and will continue to work on his mental well-being moving forward.

"But I am proud to say I'm doing much better and getting better everyday," he added.

Rubio -- who averaged 10.8 points, 4.1 rebounds and 7.4 assists in his career -- said it was a dream to play in the NBA ... thanking the Wolves, Utah Jazz, Phoenix Suns and Cavs for "good memories and great relationships."

He also sent a special message to Cleveland ... thanking the organization for being "extremely respectful and understanding" of his situation.

Casey Anthony's Mom Panic Attack Under Questioning

A&E & Lifetime

Casey Anthony's mom suffered a panic attack while in the hot seat ... and it was so severe, she had to walk away from an interview about her late granddaughter.

Cindy Anthony's anxiety set in during an interview she did for the A&E and Lifetime doc, "Casey Anthony's Parents: The Lie Detector Test," which debuts tonight ... and she says she's convinced her daughter, Casey, knows what happened to 3-year-old Caylee in 2008.

Cindy starts crying during the convo, reaches for her chest and has to step out of the room, claiming to be having a panic attack ... her husband, George, quickly goes with her to help calm her down.

It seems the attack didn't go away, however -- as George recommends heading to a hospital as he lays her on the ground to try and get her to relax. We've only seen a clip at this point, so it's unclear just how serious it got.

A&E & Lifetime

As we reported, George got emotional during a lie detector test in another preview of the doc, struggling to answer whether or not he concealed his granddaughter's whereabouts -- something Casey claimed.

Remember, Caylee disappeared in June 2008 and her body was found months later -- Casey said during her 2011 trial that George disposed of Caylee's body, and she said in a 2022 doc that he staged her death to make it look like it was Casey's fault.

Unclear how well the parents passed their lie detector tests ... but safe to say that'll be revealed Thursday night.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Munchausen Org Condemns Mom's Murder But, Gypsy Will Help Thousands!!!

Gypsy Rose Blanchard being free will do more good than bad for those suffering from Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy -- so says an org focusing on the rare behavioral disorder.

Andrea Dunlop, Founder of Munchausen Support -- the only nonprofit dedicated to helping victims and families impacted by Munchausen by Proxy -- tells TMZ ... she wishes Gypsy healing and peace after everything she went through at such a young age, and can't wait to hear her perspective.

She adds, "While we don't condone her actions with respect to her part in her mother's murder, she has served her time and has every right to share her experience in her own words, and it will undoubtedly shed light on this little understood form of abuse to the millions of people who have been captivated by her story."


Dunlop also tells us Munchausen by Proxy is actually far more common than people might be aware of -- and they think Gypsy's unique POV will actually lead to thousands of others coming forward to share their own stories of survival ... obviously a positive result.

Some of these lesser-known cases are covered in Dunlop's podcast, 'Nobody Should Believe Me,' and the org says more will likely surface now that Gypsy's back on the outside, and ready to share her history with the condition.

Bottom line ... yes, Gypsy did a bad thing -- but now that she's paid her debt to society ... she can clearly become an invaluable resource for others who might be silently suffering in a similar situation.

Considering how vocal GRB's been thus far ... something tells us she'll do just that.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard recibe el apoyo de la Organización del Síndrome de Munchausen

Gypsy Rose Blanchard siendo libre hará más bien que mal para los que sufren de síndrome de Munchausen por poderes, al menos así lo dice una organización centrada en el raro trastorno de comportamiento.

Un representante de Apoyo Munchausen -la única organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a ayudar a las víctimas y a las familias afectadas por Munchausen por poderes- le dice a TMZ que desean que Gypsy mejore y que tenga paz después de todo lo que pasó a muy temprana edad.

Y añaden: "Aunque no aprobamos sus acciones con respecto a su participación en el asesinato de su madre, ella ha cumplido su condena y tiene todo el derecho a compartir su experiencia. Sin duda esto arrojará luz sobre esta forma poco conocida de abuso a los millones de personas que han quedado cautivadas por su historia".

Continúan diciéndonos que el Munchausen por poderes es en realidad mucho más común de lo que la gente cree, y dicen que la popularidad de Gypsy conducirá a que miles de personas compartan sus propias historias de supervivencia, obviamente un resultado positivo.

Algunos de estos casos menos conocidos están cubiertos en el podcast de la fundadora de Munchausen Support, Andrea Dunlop, "Nadie debería creerme", y la organizacón dice que es probable que más salgan a la superficie ahora que Gypsy está de vuelta en el exterior y lista para compartir su historia con la condición.

En pocas palabras, sí, Gypsy hizo algo malo, pero ahora que ha pagado su deuda con la sociedad, su visibilidad puede ser de gran ayuda para otras personas.

Si tenemos en cuenta lo abierta que ha sido respecto al tema, podemos apostar que así será.

El guitarrista de Rascal Flatts desmiente los rumores de transición

El guitarrista de Rascal Flatts, J.D. Rooney, ha estado fuera del radar durante mucho tiempo, pero ha vuelto para aclarar las cosas sobre su vida personal y hacerle frente a los rumores de que se estaba convirtiendo en una mujer.

El artista country publicó una larga actualización en X el miércoles, donde se abrió sobre dónde ha estado, lo que ha estado pasando y lo que no es cierto acerca de su viaje personal. Aquí es cuando desmiente el rumor de que se estaba sometiendo a cirugía de reasignación de sexo.

Rooney comienza su carta abierta a los fans pidiendo disculpas por haber estado desaparecido en los últimos años, y luego añade ... "En primer lugar, ¡estoy vivo! Ha habido muchos rumores y opiniones sobre mí, pero por fin estoy sano y listo para el mundo. Y NO, no voy a hacerme mujer.  Nunca se me ha pasado por la cabeza. No tengo nada en contra de la comunidad trans, pero necesitaba dejar las cosas claras."

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El famoso guitarrista continúa diciendo que tocó fondo en septiembre de 2021 cuando fue arrestado por conducir ebrio en Tennessee, un incidente salvaje que TMZ cubrió con gran detalle en ese momento.

Rooney dice que después de eso se fue a Utah para desintoxicarse, un proceso que requirió mucho de su parte, pero del que salió sobrio y mejor que nunca. JDR reflexiona sobre lo que él dice es su alcoholismo causado por grandes rupturas en sus relaciones.

Como hemos dicho, J.D. está mucho mejor ahora, añadiendo: "Mi vida ha cambiado para siempre y estoy agradecido por el cambio. Llevo sobrio casi 28 meses desde el 13 de enero. Nunca creí que pudiera vivir mi vida sin beber. Se había convertido en una parte tan importante de mi rutina diaria y nocturna... Dios intervino y me ayudó a recuperar mi vida".

Él le agradece a los fans por las oraciones y los buenos deseos y a cambio espera que todo el mundo tenga un gran 2024.

Hablando de una puesta al día muy necesaria.

Rascal Flatts J.D. Rooney Breaks Silence I'm Alive, Also ... Not Transitioning!!!

Rascal Flatts' J.D. Rooney has been off the radar for a long while -- but he's back to clear the air on his personal life ... and addressing the rumors he was transitioning to a woman.

The country artist posted a lengthy update on X Wednesday, where he opened up about where he's been, what he's been going through and what's NOT true about his personal journey ... namely, he debunks a rumor that he was undergoing sex reassignment surgery.

Rooney starts his open letter to fans by apologizing for being MIA over the past few years or so, and then adds ... "First off, I am alive! There have been so many rumors and opinions thrown around about me - but I’m finally healthy and ready for the world. And NO, I’m not transitioning to be a woman.  That thought has never entered my mind. Nothing against the trans community whatsoever but I needed to set the record straight."

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The famed guitarist goes on to say he hit rock bottom in September 2021 when he got busted for a DUI in Tennessee -- a wild incident TMZ covered in great detail at the time.

Rooney says after that, he went away to Utah to get clean ... a process he says took a lot out of him, but from which he came out the other side sober and better than ever. JDR reflects on what he says his alcoholism caused ... like major rifts in his relationships.

Like we said, J.D.'s doing much better now -- adding, "My life has been changed forever - and I’m grateful for the change. I’ve been sober now for almost 28 months come this Jan 13. I never believed I could actually live my life without drinking. It had become such a huge part of my daily and nightly routine ... God intervened and helped me to get my life back."

He thanks fans/supporters for the prayers and well-wishes -- and dishes those back to 'em in return ... hoping everyone has a great 2024, which he certainly seems to be having himself.

Talk about a much-needed catchup.

Actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans Nuevo video muestra el brutal choque la noche de Año Nuevo

Locura en el centro

Un nuevo video ha surgido que muestra lo peligroso que fue el accidente que envió a la actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans al hospital en la víspera de Año Nuevo, cuando un conductor imprudente se abalanzó sobre los transeúntes y un carro de food truck.

El aterrador accidente ocurrió en Midtown la madrugada del lunes, cerca de Madison Square Garden. En el registro se ve un Mercedes negro que vira imprudentemente y choca contra el carrito de comida, mientras la gente grita asustada.

El carro destrozado termina encima de una mujer, aunque no parece ser Carrie, mientras los transeúntes intentan sacarla de abajo. Sin inmutarse, el conductor imprudente continúa por la calle antes de que la persecución finalmente llega a su fin.

Como informamos, la madre de la estrella de "Pantera Negra", Patricia, ha estado actualizando a los fans sobre el estado de su hija, mostrando una foto de Carrie conectada a las máquinas del hospital después de la terrible experiencia.

Abran espacio

Patricia dijo que Carrie estaba con un amigo y que se detuvo en un camión de comida antes de que el carro la derribara, dejándola inconsciente e inmovilizada. No está claro en qué momento de la terrible experiencia Carrie fue golpeada.

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La actriz terminó siendo operada por sus graves lesiones, las que incluyeron dientes astillados y huesos rotos. Su familia ha estado pidiendo que piensen y oren por ella, mientras Carrie continúa recuperándose.

Después del caos
Loudlabs NYC

El conductor de 44 años, Mohamed Alaouie, ha sido acusado de intento de asesinato después de lo que pasó. Tres oficiales de la policía de Nueva York entre otras 9 personas resultaron heridas, incluyendo Carrie.

Marvel Actress Carrie Bernans New Video Shows Brutal NYE Car Crash

Midtown Madness

New video has emerged, showing just how dangerous the situation was that sent Marvel actress Carrie Bernans to the hospital on New Year's Eve ... as a reckless driver plows through pedestrians and a food truck.

The terrifying wreck happened in Midtown early Monday morning, near Madison Square Garden -- you see a black Mercedes whip around before flooring it toward cops and a food cart, while people scream in fear.

The smashed cart ends up on top of a woman -- though it doesn't appear to be Carrie -- as bystanders try to pull her out from under it. Unphased, the reckless driver continues down the street before the chase eventually comes to an end.

As we reported, the "Black Panther" star's mom, Patricia, has been updating fans about her daughter's condition ... showing a photo of Carrie hooked up to machines in the hospital after the gruesome ordeal.


Patricia said Carrie was with a friend and stopped at a food truck before the car took it down, knocking her unconscious and pinning her underneath. It's unclear when during the ordeal Carrie was struck.

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The actress ended up undergoing surgery after her serious injuries, which included chipped teeth and broken bones ... and her family has been asking for thoughts and prayers while Carrie continues on the road to recovery.

Loudlabs NYC

44-year-old driver Mohamed Alaouie has been charged with attempted murder after what went down -- with 3 NYPD officers among the 9 others who were injured, including Carrie.


Christina Aguilera was a sight to behold during the opening night of her Las Vegas residency -- showing off an incredible 40 lb. weight loss.

The singer belted out her catalog of hits Saturday from The Voltaire at The Venetian, Xtina's strong and slender figure was front and center in a series of tight leotards and thigh-high boots.

After years of scrutiny for her fluctuating weight, XTINA's maintaining a healthy physique ... previously admitting she hated being skinny and loved her booty.

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She's clearly now found the secret to maintaining those curves ... and says it's helped with a balanced diet and dedicating herself to boxing, strength training and cardio workouts.

It wasn't all smooth sailing though ... she restricted her daily food intake to 1600 calories on the Rainbow Diet after welcoming her son Max in 2008.

However, in a turn in 2020, she said she was dunzo with dieting ...  focusing on clean eating and consuming fewer sugary snacks.

No doubt, her high-energy residency performances will also help keep her in shape.

Christina Aguilera Luce 40 libras menos ¡¡Viva Las Vegas!!

Christina Aguilera fue un espectáculo para la vista durante la noche de apertura de su residencia en Las Vegas, mostrando una increíble pérdida de peso de 40 libras.

La cantante cantó su catálogo de éxitos el sábado desde The Voltaire en The Venetian. La cantante lucía una figura fuerte y delgada mientras estaba en el escenario, con unos pantalones de tipo leotardos ajustados y botas hasta los muslos.

Después de años de escrutinio por su fluctuante peso, XTINA está manteniendo un físico saludable, admitiendo previamente que odiaba ser delgada.

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Está claro que ahora ha encontrado el secreto para mantener esas curvas y dice que le ha ayudado tener una dieta equilibrada y dedicarse al boxeo, a hacer entrenamiento de fuerza y ejercicios de cardio.

Sin embargo, no todo ha sido miel sobre hojuelas. En 2008, restringió su ingesta de alimentos a 1.600 calorías cada día, siguiendo la Dieta Arco Iris, después de dar la bienvenida a su hijo Max.

No obstante, en 2020, dijo que no quería saber más de la dieta y que se iba a centrar en una alimentación limpia y en consumir menos bocadillos azucarados.

Sin duda, sus actuaciones también ayudará a mantenerla en forma, ya que demandan una gran energía.

YFN Lucci Haircut, Shave, New Clothes Coming Up ... Gotta Look Fresh For Court!!!

YFN Lucci is going to great lengths to look like his usual self when he enters a Georgia courtroom to stand trial for murder -- the incarcerated rapper got the judge's approval for some professional grooming.

According to new legal docs, obtained by TMZ Hip Hop, Lucci has the greenlight to get a haircut and shave ahead of his trial ... and it seems like he'll be rocking a new suit too. The judge also granted him a contact visit, so a tailor could get his proper measurements.

Lucci's been locked up since the top of 2021 on murder charges, and his road to redemption hasn't been a cakewalk -- just ask his legal counsel.


TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... Lucci claims he was stabbed by a fellow inmate in February 2022, but he has been unsuccessful in attempting to bond out of jail ahead of the trial.

It remains to be seen what sort of defense he presents, but he's at least looking to impress the court with his personal presentation.