Damar Hamlin Gets Heart Hands Tattooed On Neck ... On Anniversary Of Cardiac Arrest

Damar Hamlin is commemorating the one-year anniversary of his terrifying cardiac arrest with some new ink ... getting a pair of heart hands tattooed on the back of his neck.

The Buffalo Bills safety hit up Alexander Brenes twelve months after he nearly died on a football field to get the piece done ... and as you can see, it came out awesome.

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In addition to the hands, the dark, black tattoo also features an image of an electrocardiogram -- a clear homage to the health scare he suffered while playing against the Bengals on Jan. 2, 2023.

The 25-year-old -- who often threw up the heart hands during his recovery process -- was obviously thrilled with the final product ... he posed for a pic with the tattoo artist and even left a comment on Brenes' Instagram page as well.

In addition to getting the fresh tat, Hamlin also celebrated the anniversary of surviving his medical emergency by leaving a new note on his fundraiser page ... writing, in part, "On behalf of my family and I, thank you for being an important part of this incredible journey."

Damar Hamlin se hace un conmovedor tatuaje un año después de sufrir un paro cardíaco

Damar Hamlin está conmemorando el primer aniversario de su aterrador paro cardíaco con algo de tinta.

El safety de los Buffalo Bills acudió a Alexander Brenes doce meses después de casi morir en un campo de fútbol para hacerse un tatuaje y como puedes ver, le ha quedado impresionante.

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Además de las manos, el tatuaje oscuro y negro también cuenta con una imagen de un electrocardiograma, un claro homenaje al susto de salud que sufrió mientras jugaba contra los Bengals el 2 de enero de 2023.

El jugador de 25 años quedó encantado con el producto final, posó para una foto con el artista del tatuaje e incluso dejó un comentario en la página de Instagram de Brenes.

Además de conseguir el tatuaje fresco, Hamlin también celebró el aniversario de sobrevivir a su emergencia médica, dejando una nueva nota en su página de recaudación de fondos, escribiendo: "En nombre de mi familia, gracias por ser una parte importante de este increíble viaje".

MARVEL ACTRESS CARRIE BERNANS Hit by Car During NYE Celebration ... Sustains Horrific Injuries

Marvel actress Carrie Bernans was hit by a car while celebrating New Year's Eve in NYC ... and graphic images show the gruesome extent of her injuries.

Carrie is hospitalized and you can see her bloodied and hooked up to machines in photos her mom Patricia posted on Monday. She says Carrie had been walking with a friend when they stopped at food truck, and a car careened into it ... knocking Carrie unconscious and pinning her underneath.

Carrie, who was in "Black Panther" and "Avengers: Endgame," suffered broken bones and fractures. You can see her mouth is bloodied, she's chipped several teeth and sustained several cuts on her face.

The crash on West 34th Street and 9th Avenue was so serious, it was declared a mass casualty incident -- with 3 NYPD officers among 9 others who also were injured.

The cops were called to the scene around 1:40 AM Monday, and the driver -- a 44-year-old man -- is now in custody at Bellevue Hospital.

It's believed the police were chasing the car before the crash.

Despite the traumatic crash, Carrie's mother says her daughter is healing and holding onto an immense sense of gratitude for life itself -- and asking everyone to keep her in their thoughts and prayers.

Actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans Es atropellada durante la celebración de Año Nuevo ... Sufre horribles heridas

La actriz de Marvel Carrie Bernans fue atropellada por un carro mientras celebraba la víspera de Año Nuevo en Nueva York, y las explícitas imágenes muestran el horrible alcance de sus lesiones.

Carrie está hospitalizada y en las fotos que su madre Patricia publicó el lunes se la puede ver ensangrentada y conectada a máquinas. Ella dice que Carrie estaba caminando con un amigo cuando se detuvieron en un carro de comida en la calle y un vehículo se estrelló contra ellos, dejando a Carrie inconsciente e inmovilizada debajo.

Carrie, quien participó en "Pantera Negra" y "Vengadores: Endgame", sufrió fracturas y rotura de huesos. En esta imagen se puede ver su boca ensangrentada y varios cortes en la cara. También se astilló varios dientes.

El accidente en West 34th Street y 9th Avenue fue tan grave, que fue declarado un incidente mayor, con tres agentes de la policía de Nueva York y otras 9 personas heridas.

Los policías fueron contactados alrededor de la 1:40 AM del lunes, y el conductor, un hombre de 44 años de edad, está ahora bajo custodia en el Hospital Bellevue.

Se cree que la policía estaba persiguiendo el carro antes del accidente.

A pesar del traumático accidente, la madre de Carrie dice que su hija está sanando y se está aferrando a un inmenso sentido de gratitud por la vida. Le está pidiendo a todos que la mantengan en sus pensamientos y oraciones.

Brutal incidente Líder demócrata de Corea del Sur es apuñalado en el cuello

Apuñalado en el cuello

El líder del Partido Demócrata de Corea del Sur fue brutalmente apuñalado por un sospechoso con un cuchillo durante una rueda de prensa, y el ataque fue grabado en video.

Lee Jae-myung se encontraba en un acto público rodeado de un grupo de periodistas y cámaras de televisión en la ciudad portuaria de Busan el martes, cuando el agresor se acercó a él para pedirle un autógrafo y repentinamente le clavó un cuchillo en el cuello.

Echa un vistazo al salvaje video, Lee hace muecas de dolor mientras se desploma en el suelo después del apuñalamiento. La multitud salta sobre el sospechoso, que lleva una corona azul de papel alrededor de la cabeza, y es derribado al suelo.

Otras imágenes muestran a Lee tumbado boca arriba en el piso con los ojos cerrados mientras alguien le aplica un pañuelo en la herida del cuello para detener la hemorragia.

Lee fue trasladado de urgencia a un hospital de Busan, donde le brindaron ayuda de emergencia para la herida del cuello, que no ponía en peligro su vida según Reuters. Luego, fue trasladado en avión a un centro médico de Seúl para recibir tratamiento adicional.

El portavoz del Partido Demócrata de Corea del Sur, Kwon Chil-seung, ofreció una rueda de prensa en la que afirmó que el personal médico cree que Lee sufrió daños en la yugular.

Mientras tanto, la policía acudió rápidamente al lugar del crimen y detuvo al hombre de 66 años, quien no reveló el motivo del ataque. Al parecer, el sospechoso se enfrenta a un cargo de intento de asesinato.

Stabbing Attack Video South Korean Dem Leader Knifed By Suspect on Video


The head of South Korea's Democratic Party was brutally stabbed by a knife-wielding suspect during a press conference ... and the horrifying attack was all caught on video.

Lee Jae-myung was at a public event surrounded by a gaggle of reporters and TV cameras in South Korea's port city of Busan Tuesday when the assailant approached him for an autograph before suddenly plunging a knife into his neck.

Check out the crazy clip ... Lee grimaces in pain as he collapses to the ground after the stabbing. The crowd jumps on the suspect, who's wearing a blue, paper crown around his head, tackling him to the pavement.

Other footage shows Lee lying face up on the ground with his eyes closed as someone applies a handkerchief to his neck wound to stop the bleeding.

Lee was rushed to a hospital in Busan, where he was given emergency care for his neck injury, which was not life-threatening, according to Reuters. He was then airlifted to a medical facility in the capital city of Seoul for additional treatment.

South Korean Democratic Party spokesman Kwon Chil-seung held a press conference, saying that medical staff believes Lee suffered damage to his jugular vein.

Meanwhile, police quickly responded to the crime scene and arrested the 66-year-old man, who did not provide a motive for the attack. The suspect reportedly faces an attempted murder charge.

Blac Chyna I Got My Breast Implants Reduced ... Suffered Surgery Complications

Itty Bitty Committee

Angela White, formerly Blac Chyna, is going for a new look ... and she says reducing the size of her breast implants has been a painful process.

Chyna says she recently decided to decrease her breast implants, with multiple plastic surgeries leading to some health complications.

BC says she made the change because she no longer felt large fake boobs fit her body type ... but because she's had so many implants over the years, she needed to gradually reduce the implants to get to her desired size.

Chyna says she's had two recent surgeries to go from 585cc implants to 190cc ... and one procedure resulted in her left breast being encapsulated. In other words, her muscle contracted around the implant.

Thing is ... Chyna says it's the first time she's dealt with side effects from breast implants, calling it the worst possible outcome.


While Chyna says it's been painful, she's on the mend ... and she's loving her new look and happy about her future.

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BC says she's going to pick up running in 2024 ... with her goal to finish a marathon, which may be easier now that she's part of what she calls the "Itty Bitty Titty Committee."

Monica Appears To Faint At Houston Concert

out cold!!!

Scary moment for singer-songwriter Monica on Saturday night ... the "So Gone" singer appeared to pass out during her show in Houston.


TMZ's obtained video from one concertgoer first showing Monica, bleach blonde hair cascading down her back, belting out "Angel of Mine."

Later, a figure with those same light locks appears passed out at the side of the stage with a member of the crew quickly carrying them away from the spotlight.

And, then there's this ... several fans took to social media and alluded to some kind of incident at Monica's show in The Bayou City.

One X user asked "What happened to Monica at the Houston concert??" while another added, "The Houston streets are talking! They’re saying Monica left in an ambulance after passing out by the stairs."

Monica is no stranger to health issues. She's often talked about her mitral valve prolapse, a heart condition she was diagnosed with at 18 which impedes the flap between the upper and lower chambers of her heart from closing properly.

She's also suffered from, and been hospitalized for, high blood pressure in the past, a condition she's said she's worked hard to control, and she's had multiple surgeries for endometriosis.

43-year-old Monica has several shows coming up in the American Southeast on her tour ... perhaps heaping extra stress on the star's plate.

We've reached out to Monica's reps for comment. Get well soon, Monica.

'Mean Streets' Star Richard Romanus Dead at 80

Richard Romanus -- famous from his memorable role in "Mean Streets" -- has died.

The actor's son, Robert, broke the sad news this weekend, telling THR his father had passed away Dec. 23 at a private hospital in Volos, Greece. The exact circumstances of his death remain unclear, and an official cause has yet to be announced.

Romanus hadn't acted in much since the early 2000s, with his last credited role being in Disney's "The Young Black Stallion" from 2003. Still, his career was noteworthy ... especially his turn as the villain in one of Scorsese's first films.

Of course, he played Michael the loan shark in 'MS' ... his character grows impatient with Robert De Niro's Johnny Boy after constantly ducking/dodging him on a fat debt owed.

Fans might also remember him for playing Richard La Penna in a few episodes of "The Sopranos" ... not to mention roles in other big shows like "Tenspeed and Brown Shoe," "Foul Play," "Strike Force," "Hill Street Blues," "The A-Team," "Cagney & Lacey," "Johnny Bago" and more.

Outside of "Mean Streets," Romanus' movie credits include ... "Wizards," "Sitting Ducks," "Heavy Metal," "Pandemonium," "Strangers Kiss," "Protocol," "Murphy's Law," "Oscar" and many others.

He's survived by his son, his wife and his famous younger brother, Robert. Romanus was 80.


Richard Romanus protagonista de "Mean Streets" muere a los 80 años

Richard Romanus -famoso por su memorable papel en "Mean Streets"- ha muerto.

El hijo del actor, Robert, dio la triste noticia este fin de semana, diciendole a THR que su padre había fallecido el 23 de diciembre en un hospital privado de Volos, Grecia. Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte aún no están claras y una causa oficial aún no ha sido anunciada.

Romanus no había actuado mucho desde principios de la década de 2000. Su último papel acreditado fue en la película de Disney "The Young Black Stallion" de 2003. Aun así, su carrera fue notable, especialmente su papel de villano en una de las primeras películas de Scorsese.

Por supuesto, interpretó a Michael, el usurero, en "Mean Streets". Su personaje se impacienta con el Johnny Boy de Robert De Niro después de eludirle constantemente el pago de una cuantiosa deuda.

Los fans también podrían recordarlo por interpretar a Richard La Penna en algunos episodios de "Los Soprano", por no mencionar papeles en otras grandes series como "Tenspeed and Brown Shoe", "Foul Play", "Strike Force", "Hill Street Blues", "The A-Team", "Cagney & Lacey", "Johnny Bago" y más.

Aparte de "Mean Streets", los créditos cinematográficos de Romanus incluyen, "Wizards", "Sitting Ducks", "Heavy Metal", "Pandemonium", "Strangers Kiss", "Protocol", "Murphy's Law", "Oscar" y muchas otras.

Le sobreviven su hijo, su esposa y su famoso hermano menor, Robert. Romanus tenía 80 años.


El actor británico Tom Wilkinson Muere a los 75 'Full Monty,' 'Clayton,' Etc.

Tom Wilkinson, uno de los actores británicos más conocidos de los últimos tiempos, ha fallecido.

Sus seres queridos dieron la noticia a la BBC el sábado, con un comunicado de la familia que decía: "Es con gran tristeza que la familia de Tom Wilkinson anuncia que este murió repentinamente en su casa el 30 de diciembre. Su mujer y su familia estaban con él".

Las circunstancias exactas de su muerte no quedaron claras inmediatamente, ya que no se dieron más detalles. En cualquier caso, es un duro golpe para la comunidad cinematográfica, en la que era muy querido.

A Wilkinson se le recordará sobre todo por su papel de Gerald en "The Full Monty", una popular comedia de los 90 sobre un grupo de hombres de mediana edad que abría un local de striptease solo para hombres. Pero lo cierto es que Wilkinson participó en muchas otras películas igual de buenas a lo largo de los años.

Interpretó a Arthur Edens junto a George Clooney en "Michael Clayton", así como a Matt Fowler en "In the Bedroom" de 2001, y al autor en "The Grand Budapest Hotel" de Wes Anderson.

Wilkinson protagonizó otras innumerables películas a lo largo de los años, incluyendo "Batman Begins", "Shakespeare in Love", "Rush Hour", "Wilde", "El fantasma y la oscuridad", "El patriota", "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind", "Valkyrie", "Mission: Imposible - Protocolo Fantasma", "El Llanero Solitario", "Selma", "Snowden", "El Titán", "El Samaritano"... y muchas, muchas más.

En total, tenía 129 créditos como actor y 2 proyectos en espera. Uno ya estaba en postproducción, por lo que presumiblemente será su último papel antes de morir. Wilkinson tenía 75 años.

Que en paz descanse.

British Actor Tom Wilkinson Dead at 75 ... 'Full Monty,' 'Clayton,' Etc.

Tom Wilkinson -- one of the most recognizable British actors in recent memory -- has died.

His loved ones broke the news to the BBC Saturday, with a statement from the family reading, "It is with great sadness that the family of Tom Wilkinson announce that he died suddenly at home on December 30. His wife and family were with him."

The exact circumstances of his death weren't immediately clear, as no further details were provided. In any case, it's a huge blow to the film community, in which he was beloved.

Wilkinson will likely best be remembered for his role as Gerald in "The Full Monty" -- a popular '90s comedy about a bunch of middle-aged men starting an all-male strip joint. Fact is, though ... he'd been in plenty of other films over the years that were equally as great.

He played Arthur Edens opposite George Clooney in "Michael Clayton," as well as Matt Fowler in 2001's "In the Bedroom" ... plus, the author in Wes Anderson's "The Grand Budapest Hotel."

Wilkinson starred in countless other films over the years, including ... "Batman Begins," "Shakespeare in Love," "Rush Hour," "Wilde," "The Ghost and the Darkness," "The Patriot," "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind," "Valkyrie," "Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol," "The Lone Ranger," "Selma," "Snowden," "The Titan," "The Samaritan" ... and many, many more.

All told, he had 129 acting credits to his name ... and 2 projects on standby, with one already in post-production -- presumably his last role before he died. Wilkinson was 75.


Racing Legend Gil de Ferran Dead at 56 Suffers Heart Attack While Racing Son

Racing legend Gil de Ferran, who won the Indy 500 back in 2003, has died.

Gil was racing his son Luke at Florida's Concourse Club when he had a heart attack. According to another driver, Gil had pulled over because he wasn't feeling well and then the massive heart attack struck.

Efforts made to revive him were unsuccessful.

Gil raced for Team Penske, and the Chairman of the Penske Corp., said, "We are terribly saddened to hear about today’s tragic passing of Gil de Ferran. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Angela, Anna, Luke and the entire de Ferran family. Gil defined class as a driver and as a gentleman. As an IndyCar Champion and an Indianapolis 500 winner, Gil accomplished so much during his career, both on and off the track."

The Chairman went on ... “Gil was beloved by so many. He was a great friend to the Team Penske and IndyCar family, as well as the entire international motorsports community. Gil’s passing is a terrible loss and he will be deeply missed.”

Gil was an accomplished driver who also scored titles in 2000 and 2001.

And there's this distinction ... he holds the closed-course land speed record, clocking in at 241.428 mph.

Gil is survived by his wife, Angela, son Luke and daughter Anna.

He was 56.


Jeremy Renner I Came Back to Thank You!!! One Year After Near-Fatal Snowplow Accident

Jeremy Renner marked a near-fatal anniversary with a return trip to the hospital and medical staff that saved his life.

Jeremy showed up Friday at the Renown Regional Medical Center in Reno ... nearly a year to the day after he was crushed by a snowplow. As you know, Jeremy actually jumped on the runaway plow to stop it, fearing it would run over his nephew. Jeremy fell off and was run over himself.

The 52-year-old actor thanked the doctors, nurses and others who cared for him ... taking photos and shaking lots of hands.

Renner also showed up at the local fire dept. to thank some of the first responders who rescued him.

Jeremy's injuries were gruesome ... more than 30 broken bones, a punctured liver, and one of his eyes popped out of his skill. Just horrific.


His recovery has been remarkable, and at least from the outside, Jeremy appears to be back to his normal self.


An anniversary to celebrate, for sure.

Madonna Boston Shows Not Postponed ... Despite Ticketmaster Claiming Otherwise

Madonna is NOT pushing pause on her big tour again, despite a huge ticket provider claiming she's postponing upcoming shows.

Here's the deal ... a message popping up on Ticketmaster is claiming Madonna's upcoming shows in Boston are postponed, and now her fans are freaking out.

However, a rep for Madonna tells TMZ ... the shows are not postponed or canceled and she'll be in Boston Jan. 8-9 for her two scheduled shows at TD Garden.

It's unclear why Ticketmaster is giving a pop-up notice that reads, "The Event Organizer has had to postpone your event." We reached out to Ticketmaster ... so far no word back.

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YouTube/Thomas Lambert

As we reported, Madonna announced "The Celebration Tour" back in January 2023 ... it covers her long discography -- spanning over 4 decades.

The 35-city megatour was set to begin in July, but had been postponed for several months in June after Madonna fell ill with a terrible bacterial infection ... something she later revealed put her in a coma for 2 days.

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Madonna's been touring since October ... and there have already been a few highlights... like when she gave Santa Claus a holiday lap dance at last week's show in D.C. -- and the man with the bag, aka Jerry Wise, took a rough tumble while on stage. Saint Nick let us know he's doing just fine after the spill.

Bottom line ... the Boston show postponement claim is just a false alarm.

'Concussion' Dr. Bennet Omalu On Elijah Moore's Injury ... 'He Should Retire'


If Dr. Bennet Omalu -- the inspiration for the famous Will Smith "Concussion" movie -- were advising Elijah Moore following his scary head injury on Thursday night ... he says he'd tell the Browns wideout to retire.

"That is my recommendation," the famed neuropathologist tells TMZ Sports.

Moore was hurt in the second quarter of Cleveland's win over the Jets on "Thursday Night Football" -- and the scene was horrifying.

The 23-year-old's face slammed into the turf ... and after he appeared to lose consciousness, he convulsed on the ground several times.

Moore did not finish the game and stayed the night at a local hospital -- and Omalu says if he had things his way, it'd be the last time Moore ever sees an NFL field again.

"He was having a seizure," Omalu said Friday. "A seizure is a manifestation of brain damage, brain injury."

"That is permanent damage."

There currently is no timetable for a return for Moore -- he's been placed in the NFL's concussion protocol while he remains at home recovering.

Omalu tells us if Moore doesn't retire -- he'd at least urge the receiver to sit out the rest of this season ... even if that means missing Cleveland's upcoming playoff run.

"Given what I saw in that video, he should be benched for rest of the season," Omalu said. "For at least three months."

Moore has been one of the Browns' best players in 2023 -- logging 59 catches for 640 yards and two TDs in 16 games played.