Browns' Elijah Moore Suffers Scary Head Injury On 'TNF' ... Convulses On Ground


9:37 AM PT -- Browns head coach Kevin Stefanski just revealed Elijah Moore spent Thursday night in the hospital ... though he said the wideout is now at home resting.

"Glad that he's back home," the coach said.

The Browns' win on Thursday night came with a cost -- their star receiver, Elijah Moore, suffered a terrifying head injury that sent him into convulsions right on the turf.

The scary moment happened just before halftime of Cleveland's "Thursday Night Football" tilt with the New York Jets ... when Moore slammed his head face-first into the grass at Cleveland Browns Stadium after making a big catch.

Replays of Moore's grab showed he wasn't able to brace himself as a Jets defender flung him to the ground -- and almost immediately, he appeared to be knocked out.

What's worse ... while seemingly unconscious, his body twitched repeatedly.

Moore eventually regained consciousness and was taken off the field by trainers. He did not return to the game ... and he's since been placed in the NFL's concussion protocol.

His status for Cleveland's regular-season finale against the Bengals next week is now in doubt -- though further details surrounding his condition have not been made immediately available.

Moore had been having a big game prior to his injury -- the 23-year-old caught five passes for 61 yards and a touchdown.

Cleveland still managed to get the 37-20 win in Moore's absence -- securing a spot in the playoffs ... something we all hope can lift Moore's spirits while he recovers.

Originally Published -- 6:09 AM PT

Un surfista muere atacado por un tiburón delante de su padre en Australia

Un surfista adolescente murió trágicamente el jueves tras ser atacado por un tiburón en el sur de Australia y un testigo dice que el horrible incidente ocurrió justo en frente a su padre.

La policía de Australia Meridional informó en un comunicado de que había recibido el aviso del ataque sobre las 13:30 horas en la playa de Ethel, en el Parque Nacional de Innes, pero cuando los médicos llegaron al lugar, dijeron que lamentablemente el niño había fallecido.

Un transeúnte le dijo al Adelaide Advertiser que el adolescente había estado en el agua con su padre jugando con las olas cuando un tiburón de repente tomó su pierna.

"Otro chico salió corriendo, saltó sobre su tabla y remó para ayudarle", le dijo el testigo al medio.

"El tiburón los estaba rodeando mientras el chico sacaba al niño del agua. Había mucha sangre. Lo llevó a la orilla, pero creo que ya era demasiado tarde".

Trágicamente, éste es el quinto ataque de tiburón que se registra este año en Australia Meridional y los avistamientos de estas criaturas marinas han sido frecuentes en la zona recientemente.

De hecho, en mayo, un profesor fue asesinado por un tiburón en Walkers Rock, justo al oeste de donde murió el adolescente el jueves.

Teenage Australian Surfer Killed In Shark Attack In Front Of Dad

A teenage surfer tragically died on Thursday after he was mauled by a shark in South Australia ... and a witness says the horrifying incident all went down right in front of the boy's father.

South Australia Police said in a statement they received reports of the attack at around 1:30 PM at Ethel Beach in the Innes National Park ... but, sadly, when medics arrived on the scene, they said the boy had passed.

A bystander at the beach told the Adelaide Advertiser ... the teen had been out in the water with his father catching waves -- when a shark suddenly took his leg.

"Another local guy ran out, jumped on his board, and paddled out to help him," the witness told the outlet.

"The shark was circling them as the guy pulled the boy out of the water. There was a lot of blood. He brought him to shore but I think it was too late by then."

Tragically, this is the fifth reported shark attack this year in South Australia ... and sightings of the sea creatures have been common in the area recently.

In fact, a teacher was just killed by a shark at Walkers Rock in May -- which is just west of where the teen died Thursday.

NBA's Mikal Bridges Reveals Chipotle Obsession I've Eaten It Every Day For Last 10 Years!!!

NBA star Mikal Bridges' body has apparently been sculpted by Chipotle -- 'cause the Brooklyn Nets forward just revealed he's been eating at the fast food joint every day for the past 10 years!!

The 27-year-old -- who's currently averaging 21.1 points per game -- made the shocking revelation during an interview with GQ Sports earlier this month ... explaining he's been plowing through burrito bowls daily since he was a teenager.

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Bridges said the meals are simply "too fire to not have it every single time" ... adding, "It don't disappoint."

The former first-round pick, however, said his meals are on the healthier side -- telling GQ he gets his bowls with white rice, double chicken, salsa, corn, lettuce ... and nothing more.

Bridges, who's 6-foot-6, 209 pounds, did say he used to get it spicy -- though his taste buds just can't stand it anymore.

"Rest in peace to the hot sauce," he said with a smile.

Unclear if Chipotle's gotten word of Bridges' obsession with their product -- but if it hasn't, we're sure it will soon -- and we're smelling a partnership coming shortly thereafter!!

NBA's Charlie Villanueva Grateful To Be Alive After Bad Car Crash

Former NBA star Charlie Villanueva is counting his blessings today ... revealing he's ultra thankful to be alive after he was involved in a bad car crash earlier this week.

The former Milwaukee Bucks forward said on his Instagram page Wednesday night that he and his wife, Lala, were riding in a Mercedes G Wagon when someone hit them from behind.

Thankfully, the 39-year-old ex-hooper revealed no one was seriously injured in the wreck -- though in pictures he shared from the crash scene, you can see his car was almost completely destroyed.

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"If you wondering what happened, my wife and I got hit bad by another car, and the crazy part is that whomever hit me, decided to run," Villanueva said.

"Sore neck, sore back, messed up car, we are thankful to see another day. Our lives can’t be replaced, but the vehicle can."

Villanueva -- who played 11 seasons in the NBA -- praised God for keeping them safe.

He then went on to leave a message for those who've dealt with similar scary situations this year.

"2023 is just preparing us for 2024," Villanueva said. "So to those whom 2023 has been a difficult year, a year of struggle be thankful, and don’t give up, because once you come out of the storm, you’ll see your true power."

Actor de Parásito Lee Sun-Kyun Le rogó a la policía que no revelara su investigación sobre drogas ... Días antes de su muerte

La estrella de "Parásito", Lee Sun-kyun, le había suplicado a la policía que no anunciara públicamente que estaba siendo investigado por consumir drogas ilegales, solo cuatro días antes de su aparente suicidio.

Funcionarios de la policía confirmaron el jueves que el abogado de Sun-kyun le pidió a los policías que cerraran la última ronda de preguntas de la prensa el sábado, pero se negaron.

Un día antes de que se encontrara el cuerpo de Sun-kyun, su abogado añadió que el actor esperaba que cualquier interrogatorio futuro se realizara en privado, ya que estaba agobiado de hablar de las acusaciones en público, pues la cobertura mediática había sido intensa.

Aunque el jefe de la policía metropolitana de Incheon, Kim Hui-jung, expresó su profundo pesar por el fallecimiento de Sun-kyun, se mantuvo firme respecto a la línea de interrogatorio, añadiendo que se había hecho con su consentimiento.

Como ya informamos, el actor surcoreano fue encontrado sin vida, a los 48 años, en su carro el miércoles en la capital, Seúl. Esto, después de que su representante denunciara su desaparición a la policía.

Estaba siendo investigado por una trama de chantaje con drogas. Estaba acusado de consumir marihuana y otras sustancias en casa de una azafata de un bar local, aunque él decía que ella lo había engañado para que consumiera las drogas e intentó chantajearlo.

Fue interrogado por última vez por la policía el 23 de diciembre y fue detenido durante 19 horas antes de ser puesto en libertad.

Dos sospechosos, un hombre y una mujer, fueron detenidos en relación con la investigación de narcóticos y un día antes de que Lee fuera encontrado muerto, pidió a través de su abogado que la policía le hiciera una prueba del detector de mentiras a él y a los otros dos.

No está claro si se les hizo la prueba del polígrafo o no.


'Parasite' star Lee Sun-kyun had begged police not to publicly announce he was under investigation for using illegal drugs ... 4 days before his apparent suicide.

Police officials confirmed Thursday that Sun-kyun's lawyer requested cops to close the latest questioning round to the press on Saturday ... but they declined.

A day before Sun-kyun's body was found, his lawyer added the actor was hopeful any future interrogation would be in private ... explaining he felt burdened discussing the allegations in a public setting as the media coverage had been intense.

While the Incheon Metropolitan Police Chief, Kim Hui-jung, expressed deep regret over Sun-kyun's passing ... he stuck by their tough line of questioning -- adding it had been done with his consent.

As we reported, the South Korean actor was found dead, aged 48, in his car Wednesday in the capital city of Seoul ... after his manager reported him missing to the police.

He was under investigation for a drug blackmail plot ... accused of using marijuana and other substances at the home of a hostess from the local bar -- though he claimed she deceived him into taking the drugs and tried to blackmail him.

He was last questioned by police on Dec 23 ... and was detained for 19 hours before being released.

Two suspects – a man and a woman – were arrested in connection with the narcotics investigation ... and a day before Lee was found dead, he requested through his attorney that police administer a lie detector test to him and the two others.

It's not clear if they were given the polygraph exam.

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Fan de Taylor Swift muere agotada por el calor en concierto en Brasil

El agotamiento por calor fue la causa de la muerte de una fan brasileña en el concierto de Taylor Swift, así lo confirma un informe forense.

Ana Clara Benevides Machado se desmayó durante el concierto de Taylor en Río de Janeiro el 17 de noviembre en medio del calor agobiante de la ciudad -105 grados- y fue declarada muerta horas más tarde en el hospital.

El Instituto Médico Legal de Río de Janeiro revela que la exposición al calor provocó un "compromiso grave de sus pulmones y muerte súbita", en términos médicos, sufrió un paro cardiorrespiratorio.

El informe señala que no tenía ninguna condición preexistente o problemas de abuso de sustancias que podrían haber contribuido a su muerte.

El fiscal de Río de Janeiro ha abierto una investigación penal sobre la muerte de Ana Clara, y en un comunicado emitido el miércoles se informa de que representantes de la empresa Time4Fun, organizadora del concierto, serán llamados a declarar tras un análisis en profundidad del informe.

Poco después de que se produjera el trágico incidente en el Estadio Olímpico Nilton Santos, los fans le exigieron a los organizadores que suministraran más agua en los siguientes conciertos ya que no se les permitía entrar en el recinto.

Los ejecutivos de la empresa reconocieron su error poco después, diciendo que "no economizar en nuestros esfuerzos o recursos para seguir las mejores prácticas globales en nuestra industria para garantizar la comodidad y la seguridad de todos".

La tragedia devastó a Taylor, quien escribió una sentida carta diciendo que su corazón estaba destrozado.


Heat exhaustion was the cause of death of a Brazilian fan at Taylor Swift's concert ... a forensic report confirms.

Ana Clara Benevides Machado passed out during Taylor's Rio de Janeiro concert Nov. 17 amid the city's oppressive heat -- 105 degrees -- and was pronounced dead hours later at the hospital.

Rio's Forensic Medical Institute now reveals heat exposure led to a "serious compromise of her lungs and sudden death" -- basically, in medical terms, she suffered a cardiorespiratory arrest.

The report notes she didn't have any preexisting conditions or substance abuse issues that could have contributed to her death.

Rio's public prosecutor has now opened a criminal investigation of her death ... saying in a statement Wednesday representatives of the concert's organizers, Time4Fun, will be called to testify following an in-depth analysis of the report.

Soon after the tragic incident unfolded at Estádio Olímpico Nilton Santos ... fans demanded the organizers supply more water at the following shows because they weren't allowed to take any into the venue themselves.

The company execs acknowledged their mistake shortly after ... saying they "did not economize in our efforts or resources to follow the best global practices in our industry to guarantee the comfort and safety of all."

The tragedy devastated Taylor ... she penned a heartfelt letter saying her heart was shattered.

Russell Wilson Benched In Denver

Russell Wilson has been sidelined in Denver ... the Broncos are benching the future Hall of Famer.

Head coach Sean Payton made the decision this week, according to ESPN's Adam Schefter, informing his team Wednesday that backup Jarrett Stidham will now be the starting signal-caller going forward.

Wilson has been largely a disappointment since Denver traded a bevy of picks and players for him prior to the 2022 season ... but, per Schefter, the move also has a lot to do with the 35-year-old's contract.

Schefter reported Wednesday that leaving Wilson on the bench will ensure he won't get injured -- and therefore $37 million of his contract will not become guaranteed in 2024.

The former Super Bowl champ had arrived in Colorado with huge expectations, but he was one of the worst QBs in the NFL in '22 -- throwing just 16 TD passes to 11 interceptions.

His 2023 campaign, however, had seen far more ups -- he's thrown for 26 TDs and just 8 INTs this season -- but the Broncos are still just 7-8 ... and have lost three of their last four.

Complicating matters further for Wilson, Payton was seen screaming at him on the sidelines during Denver's blowout loss to Detroit earlier this month.

Stidham, meanwhile, has played sparingly in his four-year NFL career ... logging just two starts. He'll get a chance to show what he can do next when Denver plays on Sunday against the Chargers.

Ken Hudson Campbell El actor de "Mi pobre angelito" agradece a sus fans ... Muy conmovido en medio de susto de salud

El actor de "Mi pobre angelito" Ken Hudson Campbell está agradeciéndole a sus fans por todo el apoyo tras un reciente susto de salud relacionado con un cáncer de boca.

La hija de Ken, Michaela, creó una página GoFundMe para ayudar a cubrir sus gastos médicos y publicó una actualización en Navidad sobre su condición de salud, que fue escrita por el propio Ken con una foto suya sonriendo en un gorro de Santa.

En caso de que se hayan olvidado, la foto de Ken es un homenaje, por supuesto, a su papel de Kris Kringle en la película de 1990 "Mi pobre angelito".

Ken escribió que estaba "conmovido más allá de lo creíble por su generosidad y sus buenos deseos", al mismo tiempo que les deseó a sus fans una "Feliz navidad y alegría en todo."

Según Michaela, Ken fue diagnosticado de cáncer en octubre después de que un tumor comenzara a crecer en la parte inferior de su boca. Desde que Ken perdió su seguro SAG-AFTRA después de la pandemia de COVID en 2022, se vieron obligados a iniciar el GoFundMe para recaudar dinero para sus facturas médicas.

Ken fue operado hace unas semanas, le extirparon el cáncer y parece que está mucho mejor de ánimo ahora, justo a tiempo para las fiestas.

Por cierto, su GoFundMe ha recibido un montón de visitas, ya acumula más de 119.000 dólares en su objetivo de 150.000 dólares desde que la página apareció por primera vez a principios de este mes. Como ya informamos, varios de sus famosos amigos ya han contribuido, entre ellos Jeff Garlin, Tim Meadows y Steve Carell.

Ken Hudson Campbell 'Home Alone' Actor Thanks Fans ... 'Moved Beyond Belief' Amid Health Scare

"Home Alone" actor Ken Hudson Campbell is thanking his fans for all their support following a recent health scare involving mouth cancer.

Ken's daughter, Michaela, set up a GoFundMe page to help cover his medical bills ... posting a Christmas update on his condition written by the man himself with a smiling photo of him in a Santa hat.

In case you forgot, Ken's smiling Santa image was an homage, of course, to his role as Kris Kringle in the 1990 "Home Alone" movie.

Ken wrote that he was "moved beyond belief by your generosity and well wishes," while also offering his fans a "Merry Christmas and Happy Everything."

According to Michaela, Ken was diagnosed with cancer in October after a tumor started growing on the bottom of his mouth. Since Ken lost his SAG-AFTRA insurance after the COVID pandemic in 2022, they were forced to start the GoFundMe to raise money for his medical bills.

He had surgery a few weeks ago and had the cancer removed, and it looks like Ken is in much better spirits now ... and just in time for the holidays.

BTW, his GoFundMe has gotten a ton of traffic, accumulating over $119,000 of its targeted goal of $150,000 since the page first appeared earlier this month. As we reported, several of his celebrity friends have already chipped in, including Jeff Garlin, Tim Meadows, and Steve Carell.

'One Life to Live' Soap Star Kamar de los Reyes Dead at 56 ... After Private Cancer Battle

Kamar de los Reyes -- a longtime soap opera star -- has died, according to his family.

A spokesperson broke the news to THR Sunday, saying the actor passed away Saturday night in L.A. after a brief battle with cancer. Unclear what sort of cancer he might've been battling, or when he was diagnosed -- but it sounds like it was kept fairly private.

While de los Reyes will perhaps best remembered for his role as Antonio Vega on "One Life to Live" -- on which he was featured in 287 episodes -- video game fans probably recognize him too ... as he voiced villain Raul Menendez in the "Call of Duty" series.

He voiced Menendez -- a main and recurring character -- for a total of 4 'COD' installments ... including the famed 'Black Ops II,' where he debuted as the big bad for years to come.

de los Reyes had an impressive résumé outside of that as well. In addition to his work on 'OLTL' and 'COD' -- he had also memorably starred in shows like "Sleepy Hollow," "All American," "The Rookie," "Reed Between the Lines, "Promised Land," "Four Corners," "Valley of the Dolls," "ER" ... as well as guest starring on "Law & Order," "CSI," "The Mentalist" and more.

He had also been in a handful of films ... like "Nixon," "In Search of a Dream," "The Cell," "Cayo," "Salt," "LA Apocalypse," "Amelia 2.0," "Hot Guys with Guns" as well as others.

de los Reyes is survived by his wife, Sherri Saum, their children and other family. He was 56.


Pete Davidson Cancels A Slew Of Comedy Shows ... Gives No Reason

Pete Davidson has mysteriously pulled the plug on a number of his comedy shows that extend into the new year, leaving some of his fans disappointed.

The actor/funnyman nixed his performances at NYC's Beacon Theatre Friday and Saturday night. On Friday, mere hours before he was to hit the stage, the theater fired off emails to ticketholders announcing Pete wasn't going to make it and promising full reimbursement within 30 days for each show.

According to Ticketmaster, Pete also canceled his shows scheduled for December 26 through January 4 in Texas, Tennessee, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky and Wisconsin. Several of the venues posted messages on their websites explaining that "unforeseen circumstances" led to the cancellations.

A few fans took to social media to express their disappointment after Pete was a no-show Friday at the Beacon.

One person wrote, “Was literally about to walk out the door for the pete davidson show just to see it was canceled 2.5 hours before the show started….. rip this week is not going my way."

Another complained, “Was excited to see Pete Davidson tonight but his show just got canceled."

So far, Pete hasn't said a peep about why he scrapped the shows ... but it's no secret that he has mental health issues and sometimes enters rehab to deal with his struggles.

We've reached out to Pete's rep for answers ... no word back yet.

Madonna Santa está muy tranquilo tras su caída en el escenario ... Sorprendido por el baile erótico!!!

El Santa Claus de Madonna se cayó en medio de un baile erótico en el escenario, pero no está herido, ni confundido, según ha indagado TMZ.

Jerry Wise, también conocido como Santa Jerry, nos dice que no sabía que iba a haber un baile erótico durante su actuación en la parada de la gira de Madonna en D.C. el martes por la noche, pero que el número navideño solo falló porque la silla en la que estaba sentado no podía soportar su peso y el de la mujer.

El show debe continuar

Dicho esto, Santa Jerry dice que está bien y que su principal preocupación en el momento era no arruinar el espectáculo. Nos dice que sabe que tenía que recuperar la compostura con cierta rapidez porque se trataba de una actuación en una arena y había un montón de gente reunida para disfrutar un concierto de primer nivel.

Con todo, Jerry lo manejó tan bien como pudo y después del suceso, nos dijo que el equipo de médicos de Madge se aseguró de que no se hubiera lesionado, así como la propia Madonna, lo que él aprecia.

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Bailando en el regazo de Santa

En cuanto a cómo se involucró en la gira, Jerry dice que es parte de la Red Mundial de Santa Claus y que recibieron una llamada del equipo de Madonna horas antes del espectáculo en busca de un Santa cerca del área de Washington DC que pudiera manejar ser el centro de atención.

Llamaron a Jerry y él dijo que estaba preparado para la tarea o al menos hasta que la desgracia se cruzó en su camino. Pero Papá Noel no se avergonzó: hizo su trabajo y todos se fueron a casa contentos.

Madonna Santa's Still Chill After Onstage Fall ... Surprised by Lap Dance!!!

Madonna's Santa Claus taking a nasty tumble in the middle of a lap dance on stage might've looked embarrassing -- but the dude's not hurt, nor is he trippin' ... TMZ has learned.

Jerry Wise, AKA Santa Jerry, tells us he actually didn't know he was in for a lap dance during his gig at Madonna's D.C. tour stop Tuesday night, but the racy Christmas bit only failed because the chair he was sitting on couldn't handle his weight the woman's.


That said, Santa Jerry says he's fine, and his main concern in the moment was not ruining the show. He tells us he knows he had to pull it together somewhat quickly -- 'cause it was an arena performance, and there were a lot of people there for a top-tier concert.

All in all, Jerry handled it as well as he could ... and after the fact, he tells us Madge's team of doctors made sure he wasn't injured -- as did Madonna herself, which he appreciates.

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As for how he even got involved with the tour in the first place -- Jerry says he's actually part of the Worldwide Santa Claus Network, and they got a call from Madonna's team hours before the show, looking for a D.C.-area Santa who could handle the spotlight.

They called Jerry and he was up for the task ... that is, until a booty-ful curveball came his way. No shame in his game, though -- Santa did his job ... and everyone went home jolly.