Sydney Sweeney got a sneak preview of her upcoming role as Spider-Woman when a real spider bit her on the set of a different movie ... and cameras captured her terrified reaction.


Normally, we'd call this a blooper -- an outtake from the set of her rom-com "Anyone But You," which was filmed in Australia -- but it's hard to laugh when you see, and hear, her scream.

Syd described it as a "soul scream" when she revealed the clip on Wednesday night on 'The Tonight Show.' She says she was supposed to act as if the trained Huntsman spider bit her, but then it truly had a feisty nibble on her hand.


As you can see, her eyes are wide open in panic ... and she shrieks at the top of her lungs while convincing others, including costar Glen Powell, that she's actually being bitten -- and not faking for the scene.

Huntsman spiders are widely lurking around Down Under, and while their bites are painful, their venom doesn't harm humans. Docs on set immediately checked out Sydney and she was fine.

This all happened before she bagged her upcoming role in Marvel's "Madame Web" ... so it's clearly a case of life imitating art.

Draymond Green No Stranger To Talking It Out ... Discussed On-Court Rage In '22 Session W/ Chopra

Amazon Prime Video

Draymond Green is getting help amid his suspension for unsportsmanlike conduct ... a practice he's quite familiar with, as he previously discussed his emotional struggles in a sit-down with self-help guru Deepak Chopra.

The Golden State Warriors star is reportedly seeking counseling after striking Jusuf Nurkic in the face during Tuesday's matchup against the Phoenix Suns ... with the NBA stating he must meet certain conditions before rejoining his team.

While Draymond said after the game the whole incident was just an accident, the Association clearly felt otherwise ... making his punishment indefinite to allow him to "take the time he might need to deal with challenges he’s facing," according to Adrian Wojnarowski.

As we previously reported, Green acknowledged his on-court rage in the Prime Video show, "The Sessions," last year ... where he explained how rage is "100%" part of his identity as a player.

"I go on the floor and no matter what, no matter who gets in the way, it's coming out. But, it's emotionally draining," Green said in the session with Chopra.

Green said he has always had a chip on his shoulder en route to the NBA ... but even after finding success as a pro, he never let his "I'm not supposed to be here" mentality go.

Chopra told the four-time champion there's nothing wrong with anger, as it can be a release for him -- just like laughter or sleep.

Golden State Warriors

But hostility, he continued, is more about seeking revenge or "getting even" ... which is much more dangerous.

While Draymond appeared to pick up what Chopra was putting down, it didn't put a stop to his on-court issues -- not only did he hit Nurkic in the face, but he also choked Minnesota Timberwolves center Rudy Gobert earlier this season, which led to a suspension.

It's unclear when Green will be back on the court ... but it sounds like he's hellbent on getting things right this time around.


A 71-year-old security guard is suing the Los Angeles Rams ... claiming the NFL org.'s negligence led to him suffering "catastrophic" injuries during a violent fan brawl at SoFi Stadium last year.

The man -- ID'd in the lawsuit as Robert Leahey -- says the incident happened back on Dec. 8, 2022 during the Rams vs. Raiders "Thursday Night Football" game ... when he was hired by Contemporary Services Corporation to help assist people in large crowds and help "maintain an orderly atmosphere."

At around 6:30 PM inside the Inglewood stadium, however, Leahey says a "large fight broke out" between L.A. and Vegas supporters -- and he jumped in to try to keep the peace.

But, in the lawsuit, Leahey says as other guards arrived on scene -- they pushed him, causing him to fall down a set of concrete stairs.

Leahey claims he hit his head several times while crashing down the stairs -- and when he got up, he alleges someone involved in the fight threw a Modelo beer can that connected with his head ... 'causing him further injury.

Leahey says on Dec. 9, he went to a nearby hospital ... "where he was tested and diagnosed with severe and catastrophic brain injuries, including a subdural hematoma with brain bleeding."

In the suit, Leahey claims since the incident, he's had difficulty with his speech and his vision -- while also suffering from headaches. He claims he's been unable to work as well.

Leahey is suing the Rams for unspecified damages.

OPRAH Done Being 'Shamed' ... Yes, I Used Meds to Drop 40 lbs.!!!

Oprah Winfrey is overcoming decades of shame attached to her body, and she's admitting taking weight-loss medication ... even though she previously said she'd never do that to slim down.

After shedding 40 lbs this year, the billionaire TV mogul is done with cruel and insensitive conversations about her appearance -- gushing that pharmaceutical assistance has changed her relationship with her figure.

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Oprah tells PEOPLE a doctor prescribed the meds to her following her "Life You Want" series' "The State Of Weight" taping back in July, where she realized she wasn't to blame for being overweight ... noting it was more about the brain than willpower.

With a new mindset, Oprah says weight-loss meds are a healthier alternative for her rather than yo-yo-ing, and she takes the medically-approved drug as, and when, needed.

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Case in point, she took them just before Thanksgiving cause she knew she had "two weeks of solid eating" ... and, as a result, says she only gained half a pound rather than eight.

This comes in stark contrast to Oprah labeling weight loss drugs such as Ozempic and Mounjaro an "easy way out" earlier this year during a chat with WeightWatchers CEO Sima Sistani.

She hasn't specified the exact meds she takes -- though many health professionals have warned against most of them due to significant side effects -- but for O, it looks like a much-welcomed solution to her weight woes.

Luke Combs indignado por demanda contra una fan que vende vasos y le envía dinero

Luke Combs está rechazando su propia demanda de 250.000 dólares contra una mujer de Florida que estaba vendiendo vasos de 20 dólares con su imagen, dice que no sabía nada de eso y ahora está tomando medidas para ayudarla financieramente.

La estrella de la música country dice que no era consciente de que su equipo iba tras la mujer en los tribunales, y en un video que publicó el miércoles por la mañana, dice que no le gustó para nada despertar con esos titulares.


La demanda fue presentada en un tribunal federal de Illinois, y se enredó en Nicol Harness, quien dice que estaba vendiendo vasos en Amazon de Luke Combs por $20 y solo haciendo un total de $380. Ella dice que no sabía que estaba siendo demandada hasta que su cuenta de Amazon se congeló y se enteró de que un juez le ordenó pagar $250K.

Luke dice que se puso en contacto con la mujer y ella le dijo que no podía acceder a $5.500 en su cuenta de Amazon y él prometió enviarle el doble de esa cantidad, que es $11K.

Es más, Lucas dice que va a empezar a vender su propio vaso y darle a los ingresos a Nicol, porque ella sufre de insuficiencia cardíaca congestiva y tiene toneladas de facturas médicas.

Luke dice que le paga a una empresa para perseguir a los falsificadores a gran escala de su mercancía y no está seguro de cómo la pequeña operación de Nicol fue barrida en la demanda.

Nicol dice que comenzó a vender los vasos este año después de ir a un concierto de Luke Combs y él dice que la está invitando a un próximo show para que también pueda disculparse en persona.

La demanda sigue su curso en los tribunales, pero Luke hace parecer que ella no tendrá que desembolsar 250.000 dólares cuando se calmen las aguas.

Luke Combs Lawsuit Against Fan Selling Tumblers Makes Me Sick ... So I'm Making Things Right


2:54 PM PT -- Luke Combs just unveiled his own tumbler, going for $20 a piece on his website ... and as promised, all proceeds will go to Nicol Harness and her family.

Luke Combs is shooting down his own $250,000 lawsuit against a Florida woman who was selling $20 tumblers with his likeness -- he says he didn't know about it, and is now taking steps to help her financially.

The country music star says he was unaware his team was going after the woman in court, and, in a video he posted Wednesday morning, he says it made him sick to his stomach when he woke up to headlines about her plight.


The lawsuit was filed in an Illinois federal court, and it roped in Nicol Harness, who says she was selling $20 Luke Combs tumblers on Amazon ... and only making $380 total. She says she didn't know she was being sued until her Amazon account froze and she learned a judge ordered her to pay $250K.

Luke says he got in touch with the woman and she told him she could not access $5,500 in her Amazon account ... and he's promising to send her double that amount, which is $11K.

What's more, Luke says he's going to start selling his own tumbler and give the proceeds to Nicol ... because she suffers from congestive heart failure and has tons of medical bills.

Luke says he pays a company to go after large-scale counterfeiters of his merchandise ... and he's not sure how Nicol's tiny operation got swept up in the lawsuit.

Nicol says she started selling the tumblers this year after going to a Luke Combs concert ... and he says he's inviting her to an upcoming show so he can also apologize in person.

The lawsuit is still playing out in court, but Luke makes it seem like she won't have to fork over $250K when the dust settles.

Originally Published -- 11:19 AM PT

Krayzie Bone Reuniting With BTNH Onstage ... 3 Months After Near-Death Experience

Krayzie Bone's no longer on the mend -- the Bone Thugs-N-Harmony rapper's put his September hospitalization behind him, and says he's looking forward to hopping back onstage with his group!!!

In a new interview with Spin, Krayzie says he's lucky to be alive and admits he really didn't know the severity of his condition, until he woke up 10 days later in the hospital surrounded by friends, fam and his BTNH brothers.

Apparently, he's thuggish ruggish inside and out ... he'll be reuniting with Bone this Saturday in Los Angeles, marking his first performance since falling ill.

TMZ Hip Hop broke the story ... KB underwent a 2nd round of surgery to fix a bleeding lung after his pulmonary sarcoidosis -- which causes severe lung inflammation -- spiraled out of control.

Doctors still have KB on medication and a travel restriction. He says he lost 25lbs while hospitalized but has been in the gym getting his fitness back together. 💪🏾

Marjory Stoneman Douglas High Student Slammed on Head in Video ... School Working with Cops


A student from Marjory Stoneman Douglas High in Florida -- where a mass shooting took place a few years ago -- was met with pure brutality by his own peers ... as seen in this shocking video.

Several clips depicting a recent fight among students at MSDHS are making the rounds online, and in all of them ... you can see one kid getting jumped by multiple other teens who are ganging up on him and pummeling him with blows.

Eventually, you see him get picked up by at least a few students ... who then throw him back on the ground, and he lands awkwardly on his neck and head -- instantly going limp.

Of course, a crowd formed around the chaos ... and most of the students cruelly stood by and watched.

But, some did attempt to check on the boy -- who appeared completely unconscious -- and they rolled him over on his back. You can hear someone ask if he's breathing, but others are more entertained by the fact he was KO'd.

The video is rightly sparking outrage in the community, which already went through utter devastation in 2018 when Nikolas Cruz claimed the lives of 17 people.

There's been speculation this might've taken place on school grounds, in one of the parking lots, but the school principal tells TMZ ... that's not the case.

Michelle Kefford says this took place at a nearby park, and did indeed involve students from Marjory Stoneman Douglas. In a note sent to parents, she adds ... "While this park is not a school or district-operated property, the safety of our students is always our priority, and we are working with law enforcement to help identify those involved."

She continues, "Due to the open investigation, I am not able to provide additional details, but I want to assure you this situation is being taken seriously. Please do remind your students to say something if they see something. As always, thank you for your support."

Unclear what condition the injured student is in at this point -- some people online have claimed he actually fractured his skull ... but is apparently conscious now.

La lucha contra el cáncer de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell documentada en el reality show de Mama June

La batalla de Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell contra el cáncer era algo que estaba bien documentado, TMZ ha indagado y se mostrará a los fans en una próxima temporada de la serie de realidad de Mama June.

Fuentes de la familia le dicen a TMZ que Anna era muy abierta sobre sus problemas de salud y quería que se documentara en la nueva temporada de "Mama June: From Not to Hot" para que la gente pudiera entender mejor las luchas por las que pasó.

Ella también quería que los fans sepan todo lo que enfrentó, ya que siempre fue sincera con ellos.

Nos dicen que Anna no tuvo problemas con el equipo de producción filmando su viaje, la tripulación estuvo a su lado apenas unas horas antes de su muerte. Anna estaba en hospicio por un poco más de tres semanas hacia el final y estaba abierta a documentar todo.

Las fuentes dicen que la producción consideró que era mejor no estar allí en el momento final de Anna, y no estarán allí para filmar el funeral. A pesar de que Anna estaba de acuerdo, el equipo quería darle a la familia un poco de privacidad durante el duelo.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

Como informamos, Anna sufría de carcinoma suprarrenal en etapa 4 y murió el sábado, nos dijeron que Anna pidió que sus fans pudieran asistir a su funeral con ataúd abierto, y nuestras fuentes dicen que la familia está honrando que como uno de sus últimos deseos.

También nos han dicho que Anna estaba muy unida a la TikToker Angela Butler, y que quería que ella cantara "Usher Me" de Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers, la misma canción que Angela le cantó a Anna antes de morir.

Jamie Spears aparece sin su pierna derecha tras una amputación

Jamie Spears ha reaparecido sin su pierna derecha, siete semanas después de que se la amputaran.

El padre de Britney estaba en un almacén en Kentwood cuando se tomaron las fotos. Por cierto, Britney es propietaria del almacén, así que Jamie tiene la oportunidad de utilizarlo para guardar su caravana y otras pertenencias.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo le dicen a TMZ que la pierna de Jamie fue amputada 4 pulgadas por encima de la rodilla.

TMZ publicó la historia, Jamie se sometió a la cirugía después de que una infección se extendiera a tal punto que los médicos no pudieron salvar la extremidad.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Jamie ha sido equipado con una prótesis de pierna, pero hasta que sea capaz de usarlo está confinado a una silla de ruedas y un andador.

En cuanto a su relación con Britney, horas después de que dimos la noticia de su amputación, Britney publicó una foto de su padre en Instagram, la primera foto que ha publicado de él en mucho tiempo.

Más allá de eso, nuestras fuentes dicen que Britney no se ha acercado a su padre, al menos hasta ahora. Sin embargo nos dicen que ella ha hablado recientemente de echarlo de menos.

La relación de Britney con su madre, Lynne, parece estar más avanzada. Lynne ha vuelto a Los Ángeles por segunda vez este mes para pasar tiempo con su hija.

Anna 'Chickadee' Cardwell Cancer Battle Documented On Mama June's TV Show

Anna "Chickadee" Cardwell's battle with cancer was something that was well-documented, TMZ has learned ... and will be shared with fans in an upcoming season of Mama June's reality series.

Family sources tell TMZ ... Anna was very open about her health issues, and wanted it to be included on "Mama June: From Not to Hot" so people could better understand the struggles she went through, and those of cancer patients, in general.

She also wanted fans to know everything she faced, since she was always candid with them.

We're told Anna had no problems with the production team filming her journey, and the crew was by her side just hours before she passed away -- Anna was in hospice for a little over 3 weeks toward the end, and she was open to documenting everything.

Sources say production felt it was best to not be there when she passed, and they won't be there to record the funeral, either ... despite Anna being alright with it, the crew wanted to give the family some privacy while they mourn.

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Tik Tok / @officialmamajune

As we reported, Anna was suffering from stage 4 adrenal carcinoma and died on Saturday -- we were told Anna requested that her fans be able to attend her open-casket funeral, and our sources say the family's honoring that as one of her last wishes.

We're also told Anna was close with TikToker Angela Butler, and she wanted her to sing "Usher Me" by Donald Lawrence & The Tri-City Singers ... the same song Angela sang to Anna before she passed.

Jamie Spears Surfaces Without Right Leg Post-Amputation

Jamie Spears has resurfaced without his right leg, 7 weeks after it was amputated.

Britney's dad was at a warehouse in Kentwood, getting out of his car, when the photos were shot. BTW, Britney owns the warehouse, but Jamie has what amounts to a lifetime lease where he has the right to use it to store his RV and other property.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ ... Jamie's leg was amputated 4 inches above his knee.

TMZ broke the story, Jamie underwent the surgery after an infection spread to a point where doctors could not save the limb.

Our sources say Jamie has been fitted with a prosthetic leg, but until he's able to use it he'll get around with the help of a wheelchair and a walker.

As for his relationship with Britney, as we reported, hours after we broke the story about his amputation, Britney posted a photo of her dad on Instagram ... the first photo she's posted of him in ages.

Beyond that, our sources say Britney has not reached out to her dad, at least so far. We are told, however, she has recently talked about missing him.

Britney's relationship with her mom, Lynne, seems to be further along. Lynne has come back to L.A. for the second time this month to spend time with her daughter.


Shannen Doherty Su ex niega el romance, dice que estaban separados ... Ella dice que es mentira

Shannen Doherty y su marido separado tienen un recuerdo muy distinto sobre cómo terminaron. La versión de él niega las acusaciones de infidelidad que ella ha alegado en su podcast, pero Shannen asegura que esa es "la verdad".

Esta es la cuestión, Shannen fue noticia la semana pasada cuando dijo en su podcast 'Let's Be Clear' que se había sometido a una cirugía para extirpar un tumor cerebral después de enterarse de que Kurt Iswarienko "había estado teniendo un romance durante dos años" y que su matrimonio de 11 años estaba "esencialmente destruido".

Fuentes cercanas a Kurt están cuestionando la narrativa de Shannen, diciéndole a TMZ que Kurt y Shannen en realidad habían estado viviendo vidas separadas al menos dos años antes de su cirugía en enero de 2023, y que él había sido franco con ella sobre empezar una nueva relación más mientras estaban viviendo en diferentes estados.

En su podcast, Shannen dice: "Entré a esa cirugía temprano en la mañana y lo hice después de enterarme de que mi matrimonio estaba básicamente acabado... me sentí tan traicionada".

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Instagram / @theshando

Sin embargo, nuestras fuentes dicen que Kurt le dijo a Shannen de su nueva relación justo después del Año Nuevo de 2023. Nos dicen que Shannen se cayó unos días después de que Kurt le dijera acerca de la otra mujer, y fue entonces cuando fue enviada a realizarse una resonancia magnética y los médicos descubrieron su tumor cerebral.

Shannen niega totalmente esa versión de los hechos. El martes por la noche, en su Instagram, la calificó de "mentira absoluta" y acusó a las personas relacionadas con Kurt de tratar de eludir la verdad.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kurt estaba viviendo en Texas en ese momento y Shannen en California cuando le descubrieron el tumor cerebral. Él voló de regreso y fue a las citas con los médicos con ella, solo para que ella le dijera la mañana de la cirugía que no lo quería allí.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Shannen haciendo parecer que Kurt había estado husmeando a sus espaldas no es exacto, pero obviamente, el momento fue bastante duro.

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preparándose para la cirugía
Instagram / @theshando

TMZ publicó la historia, Shannen pidió el divorcio en abril, cuando su representante, Leslie Sloane, nos dijo: "El divorcio es la última cosa que Shannen quería. Desafortunadamente, sintió que no le quedaba otra opción. Puedes contactar a la agente de Kurt, Collier Grimm en PICTUREKID, ya que está íntimamente involucrada".

Shannen y Kurt se casaron en 2011 y ella fue diagnosticada con cáncer en 2015. Nuestras fuentes dicen que él estuvo con ella durante todo el proceso de diagnósticos, tratamientos y visitas al médico.

Nos dicen que los tratamientos de Shannen funcionaron al principio, pero el cáncer regresó y a finales de 2020 su matrimonio no estaba funcionando. La pandemia de COVID jugó un papel importante en el deterioro de la relación.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que Kurt todavía quería ser parte de su vida y estuvo alquilando casas en su área entre enero y julio de 2021 mientras intentaban resolver las cosas, pero cuando no pudieron, se mudó a Austin y finalmente conoció a la otra mujer.

Una vez más, Shannen dice que "la verdad importa" y planea compartir más en lo que respecta a Kurt y su supuesta aventura.

Shannen Doherty Her Ex Denies Affair, Claims They Were Separated ... She Says That's a 'Lie'

Shannen Doherty and her estranged husband have a much different memory of how and when they split up -- his version flies in the face of the infidelity she alleged on her podcast, but Shannen is doubling down on "the truth."

Here's the deal ... Shannen made headlines last week when she went on her new 'Let's Be Clear' podcast and claimed she had surgery to remove a brain tumor right after learning Kurt Iswarienko "had been carrying on an affair for two years," and their 11-year marriage was "essentially over."

Sources close to Kurt are disputing Shannen's narrative, telling TMZ ... Kurt and Shannen had actually been living separate lives for 2 years before her January 2023 surgery, and he had been upfront about starting a new relationship with someone else while they were living in different states.

On her podcast, Shannen said ... "I went into that surgery early in the morning and I went in after I found out that my marriage was essentially over ... I felt so betrayed.”

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Instagram / @theshando

However, our sources say Kurt told Shannen of his new relationship just after New Year's of 2023. We're told Shannen fell a few days after Kurt told her about the other woman, and that's when she was sent for an MRI, doctors discovered her brain tumor and then she had the surgery.

Shannen's fully shooting down that version of events -- Tuesday night, on her Instagram, she called it "an absolute lie" and accused people connected to Kurt of trying to skirt the truth.

The sources close to Kurt say he'd been living in Texas, and Shannen was in California, when doctors found the tumor. but he flew back and went with her to doctor appointments ... only for her to tell him the morning of the surgery she didn't want him there.

Our sources say Shannen making it seem like Kurt had been sneaking around her back isn't accurate, but obviously, the timing was pretty rough.

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Instagram / @theshando

TMZ broke the story ... Shannen filed for divorce in April, when her rep, Leslie Sloane, told us, "Divorce is the last thing Shannen wanted. Unfortunately, she felt she was left with no other option. You can contact Kurt's agent, Collier Grimm at PICTUREKID as she is intimately involved."

BTW ... the new woman Kurt revealed to Shannen was indeed Collier, and we're told they're still together.

Shannen and Kurt tied the knot way back in 2011, and she was diagnosed with cancer in 2015 ... with our sources telling us he was there for her throughout all of her early diagnosis, treatments and doctor visits.

We're told Shannen's treatments worked at first, but the cancer came back and by late 2020 their marriage was not working ... with the COVID pandemic playing a role.

Our sources say Kurt still wanted to be part of her life, and was renting homes in her area from January 2021 to July 2021 while they tried to figure things out -- but when they couldn't, he moved to Austin, and ultimately met Collier.

Again, Shannen says "truth matters," and she plans to deliver more of it regarding Kurt and his alleged affair.

'Big Bang Theory' Star Kate Micucci Reveals Lung Cancer Diagnosis ... 'Never Smoked a Cigarette'

"The Big Bang Theory" star and comedian Kate Micucci is battling lung cancer, and says her diagnosis was a total shock because she's never smoked a day in her life.

Kate shared her scary medical news over the weekend, telling folks on TikTok she had surgery to remove her lung cancer and is recovering in the hospital. Thankfully, Kate says they were able to detect the cancer early.

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TikTok / @katiemicucci

What's most puzzling to Kate is the fact she's never smoked a single cigarette, but still wound up with the illness. However, she's keeping a positive outlook on the whole situation, given the surgery was a success.

Smoking is the leading cause of lung cancer -- but, about 15 percent of cases are linked to other factors such as secondhand smoke, asbestos and various chemicals ... according to the World Health Organization.

She kept a smile as the vid went on, walking around the hospital with the help of staff right behind her ... and she even posed for the camera with her typical hospital food -- a small box of cereal and a banana!

Fans of "The Big Bang Theory" remember Kate playing Lucy in a handful of episodes, who was Raj's love interest.

She's got credits in tons of other projects ... including "DuckTales," "The Little Hours," "Garfunkel and Oates," "Raising Hope," "Steven Universe," and she's played the voice of Velma in "Scooby-Doo" since 2015.

She's also married and has a 3-year-old son with husband Jake Sinclair ... who's written and produced tracks for musicians like Taylor Swift, Weezer and Panic! at the Disco.

The good news is Kate's on the road to recovery now after a major scare.

Kate Micucci estrella de "Big Bang Theory" revela que le han diagnosticado cáncer de pulmón

La estrella de "The Big Bang Theory" y comediante Kate Micucci está luchando contra el cáncer de pulmón y dice que su diagnóstico fue un shock total porque ella nunca ha fumado un día en su vida.

Kate compartió su aterradora noticia médica durante el fin de semana, diciendo en TikTok que tuvo una cirugía para extirpar su cáncer de pulmón y se está recuperando en el hospital. Afortunadamente, Kate dice que fueron capaces de detectar el cáncer temprano.

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diagnosis sorpresiva
TikTok / @katiemicucci

Lo más desconcertante para Kate es el hecho de que nunca ha fumado un solo cigarrillo, pero aún así terminó con la enfermedad. Sin embargo, ella mantiene una actitud positiva sobre toda la situación, dado que la cirugía fue un éxito.

Por si sirve de algo, el tabaquismo es la principal causa de cáncer de pulmón, pero hay varios tipos.

¡Ella mantuvo una sonrisa durante el video, caminando por el hospital con la ayuda del personal justo detrás de ella, e incluso posó para la cámara con su comida típica de hospital, una pequeña caja de cereal y un plátano!

Los fans de "The Big Bang Theory" recuerdan a Kate interpretando a Lucy —el interés romántico de Raj— en un puñado de episodios.

Ella tiene créditos en toneladas de otros proyectos, incluyendo "DuckTales", "The Little Hours", "Garfunkel and Oates", "Raising Hope", "Steven Universe", y ha interpretado la voz de Velma en "Scooby-Doo" desde 2015.

También está casada y tiene un hijo de tres años con su marido Jake Sinclair, que ha escrito y producido temas para músicos como Taylor Swift, Weezer y Panic! at the Disco.

La buena noticia es que Kate ya está en vías de recuperación tras el gran susto.