JEREMY RENNER Wired Up, Ready to Fly with Device ... Helps Recovery 1 Yr. Later

Jeremy Renner plays Hawkeye, but 'The Avengers' star looked more like Iron Man while traveling through NYC's JFK Airport ... thanks to a compression device he has to wear nearly 1 year after his horrific snowplow accident.

The actor wore 2 of the devices -- used to improve blood flow and reduce pain and swelling -- strapped to his lower legs ... along with some warm winter threads during his Wednesday travel plans.

Though, Jeremy has already come a long way since miraculously surviving the ordeal of being crushed by his snowplow on New Year's Day.

As well as his broken bones, he also suffered a collapsed lung and punctured liver ... but defied the odds a mere 10 weeks later as he began to walk with the aid of a cane.


Video footage captured the horror of the accident ... with a team of medics racing to save his life before he was eventually airlifted to the hospital in critical condition.

As well as the actions of the first responders, Jeremy told Jimmy Kimmel months later that his survival was down to pure luck.

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Well, defying the odds looks great on him as he approaches the anniversary of his ordeal.

Actor de "Mi Pobre Angelito" se opera de cáncer

Ken Hudson Campbell, que interpretó a Papá Noel en "Mi pobre Angelito", espera un milagro navideño luego de poner en marcha un GoFundMe para pedir ayuda tras su reciente diagnóstico de cáncer.

Campbell  —que también ha aparecido en otros clásicos queridos durante sus 35 años de carrera como "El día de la marmota" y "Armageddon"— fue diagnosticado a finales de octubre después de que un tumor "elusivamente creciera en la parte inferior de su boca y comenzara a invadir sus dientes".

La declaración en el GoFundMe dice que está programada una cirugía de 10 horas para extirpar el tumor el jueves, procedimiento que también eliminará una gran parte de su mandíbula.

Además, se someterá a cirugía reconstructiva y rondas de radiación y quimioterapia y tendrá un largo período de recuperación de 6 meses.

Desafortunadamente, Ken perdió su seguro de salud SAG-AFTRA en enero de 2022 tras la pandemia y aunque ha encontrado un nuevo seguro, todavía se prevén importantes gastos de bolsillo, de ahí el GFM.

Al momento de escribir esto, ha alcanzado un poco más de $58K de su objetivo de $100K.

La declaración hace hincapié en que la cirugía podría afectar a su empleabilidad futura, añadiendo: "Pedimos tu ayuda para que Kenny pueda aprovechar el tiempo que le queda para recuperar la salud y pasar más tiempo con su familia y amigos".


Ken Hudson Campbell -- who played Santa in "Home Alone" -- is hoping for a Christmas miracle ... after kickstarting a GoFundMe for help after his recent cancer diagnosis.

Campbell -- who's also appeared in other beloved classics such as "Groundhog Day" and "Armageddon" during his 35-year career span -- was diagnosed in late Oct after a tumor "elusively grew on the bottom of his mouth and began encroaching on his teeth."

The statement on the GoFundMe says he's scheduled for a 10-hour surgery to remove the tumor Thursday ... which will also remove a large part of his jawbone.

Additionally, he'll undergo reconstructive surgery and rounds of radiation and chemo ... with a lengthy 6-month recovery period.

Unfortunately, Ken lost his SAG-AFTRA health insurance in Jan 2022 following the pandemic ... and even though he's found new insurance, substantial out-of-pocket costs are still anticipated -- hence the GFM.

At the time of writing, it has reached a little over $58K of its $100K goal.

The statement emphasizes the surgery could affect his future employability ... adding: "We're asking for your help so that Kenny can use the time ahead to return to health, and spend more time with family & friends."

Separated Manatees 'Romeo & Juliet' Relocated ... After Viral Vid Sparks Outrage

A trio of manatees, including 2 former mates named Romeo and Juliet -- are finally being relocated after a viral video showed their isolated conditions, and the guy who helped make it happen is glad something's finally happening.

Phil Demers is the head of a whistleblower org called UrgentSeas, and a video he posted last month blew up on the Internet -- it showed the manatees, specifically Romeo, toiling in despair at the Miami Seaquarium.

Manatee Rescue

Romeo's counterpart, Juliet, was being kept separately and also alone in the Seaquarium ... not to mention a third manatee named Clarity. After Demers published his video though, public backlash forced the company's hand.

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Sadly, it doesn't sound like Romeo and Juliet are going to be reunited anytime soon ... and they probably won't even be released into the wild, and Demers tells us why. Still, the fact the manatees are going to better facilities with proper care is a 'W' in his book.

He says the fact this is happening is proof public pressure can, in fact, spur positive change and he's glad the manatees will get a new lease on life.

The Miami Seaquarium, meanwhile, said this was the plan all along ... although, it's unclear if anyone's really buying that.

Trevor Lawrence I Declined To Use Cart After Injury ... 'Maybe That Was Dumb'

Jacksonville Jaguars

There's a really good explanation for why Trevor Lawrence didn't use a cart after he injured his ankle during 'MNF' ... he says he declined to get on one -- and now, he's explaining he regrets that decision.

ICYMI, the Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback suffered a high-ankle sprain in the fourth quarter of their 34-31 overtime loss to the Cincinnati Bengals on Monday night ... and when he went into the locker room to get it checked out, he was seen limping the entire way to the X-ray room.

Many wondered why the Jaguars' franchise player didn't hop on a ride to avoid any further complications with his leg ... and on Wednesday, he revealed it was all his choice -- not the Jaguars'.

"I'm already on the sideline at that point -- the tunnel's right there -- I just want to get off the field, get out of there," Lawrence said. "I didn't know what was goin' on with my ankle."

"I felt like I could get off. I was like, 'Hey, you're good, just don't bring [the cart] out. I'm going in.'"

The 24-year-old, though, told media members he immediately had regrets once he realized how far the walk was going to be ... but he nonetheless kept it moving.

"They asked again if I wanted a cart, I'm like, 'No, we're going to make it the whole way,'" Lawrence said.

"I was the one that didn't choose to take one. So, you guys put that on me. Maybe that was dumb. Maybe I should've taken one. Whatever."

Despite all the cart drama ... Lawrence was seen without a walking boot on Wednesday, and there appears to be at least a modicum of optimism he might be able to suit for the Browns game this Sunday.

Cowboys Coach Mike McCarthy Undergoing Appendix Surgery ... Eagles Game Status In Question

The Dallas Cowboys might be without their head coach for their huge matchup with the Eagles this weekend ... 'cause the team says Mike McCarthy is slated to undergo surgery later Wednesday that could keep him from the sidelines on Sunday.

The Cowboys revealed McCarthy will have a procedure on his appendix after he was diagnosed with acute appendicitis following some abdominal pain he was suffering from earlier Wednesday morning.

The team says the 60-year-old is scheduled to be released from the hospital before sunrise Thursday ... and, somehow, he "anticipates coaching" against Philadelphia -- this despite kickoff being roughly 100 hours away.

While he's out, the Cowboys say their three coordinators will run team practices.

Of course, it'd be a big blow for the Cowboys if McCarthy cannot ultimately make it to AT&T Stadium ... because, after all, the contest is quite possibly the biggest regular season game the team has had in the last few years.

If Dallas wins, both teams will sit atop the NFC East with 10-3 records. If it loses, however, it will not only be two games behind Philly in the standings, it will also lose out in a tiebreaker scenario.

Kickoff is slated for 5:20 PM.

Britney Spears publica una foto con su padre luego de la noticia de su amputación

Britney Spears se siente nostálgica acerca de su, padre Jamie Spears, y es la última señal de que está calentando a la idea de una reconciliación padre e hija.

La cantante publicó una serie de fotos de la familia el martes, la mayoría mostrandola a ella llevando a sus hijos ahora adolescentes cuando eran mucho más jóvenes, pero una muestra a Jamie junto a Brit, sosteniendo la lonchera de su nieto y una caja de jugo.

Britney no título las fotos, pero como te dijimos, ella está abriendo la puerta a la posibilidad de llegar a su padre, por lo que la foto podría ser una pista de que todo va por buen camino.

TMZ publicó la historia; los médicos tuvieron que amputar una de las piernas de Jamie después de 5 cirugías sin éxito para combatir una infección masiva. Además de su mal estado de salud, Jamie ha tenido que hacerle frente a la avalancha de críticas sobre su manejo de la tutela de Britney, con la cantante criticándolo públicamente en redes sociales.

Sin embargo, nos dijeron que la estrella se ablandó respecto a él recientemente, incluso diciendo que lo ha echado de menos a veces y consideró enviarle dinero para ayudarlo a salir.

Nos dicen que Jamie está totalmente abierto a volver a conectar con su hija, y nada le encantaría más que estar en buenos términos de nuevo con ella.

Como ya sabemos, también se lleva bien con mamá (Lynne), quien voló para la fiesta de cumpleaños número 42 de Britney el fin de semana y también se comunica con su hermana, Jamie Lynn.

Aunque las circunstancias que rodean la posible reconciliación no son las mejores... parece que para Britney la familia es lo primero en tiempos de crisis.

BRITNEY SPEARS Good Ol' Days with Dad & My Kids ... Posts Throwback Pics After Amputation News

Britney Spears is feeling nostalgic about family, including her dad Jamie Spears, and it's the latest sign she's warming to the idea of a father/daughter reconciliation.

The singer posted a slew of throwback family snaps Tuesday -- most showing her carrying her now-teenage sons when they were much younger, but one also shows Jamie next to Brit ... holding his grandson's lunchbox and a juice box.

Britney didn't caption the photos, but as we told you, she's opening the door to the possibility of reaching out to her father -- so, the pic could be seen as her extending an olive branch to Jamie.

TMZ broke the story ... doctors had to amputate one of Jamie's legs after 5 unsuccessful surgeries to combat a massive infection. In addition to his ailing health, Jamie's had to cope with the barrage of criticism over his handling of Britney's conservatorship -- with the singer publicly blasting him on social media herself.


However, we were told the star softened towards him recently ... even missing him sometimes and considered sending him money to help him out.

We're told Jamie's totally open to reconnecting with his daughter, and would love nothing more than to be on good terms again with Brit.


As you know, she's also been getting along with mom Lynne, who flew out for Britney's 42nd birthday bash over the weekend and she's also communicating with sister Jamie Lynn.

While the circumstances surrounding the prospective reconciliation aren't the best ... it seems that for Britney, family comes first in times of crisis.

Se revela la causa de muerte de Brandi Mallory estrella de "Pérdida de peso extrema"

Brandi Mallory murió de complicaciones debido a la obesidad, esto de acuerdo a su informe oficial de la autopsia.

TMZ obtuvo el documento del médico forense del condado de Fulton, y no arroja demasiados detalles sobre lo que fue lo que sucedió exactamente para causar la muerte de la estrella "Extreme Weight Loss". El hecho fue muy repentino y se cita su peso como el factor principal.

El papeleo dice que no había señales de una lesión reciente y no había razón para sospechar de juego sucio tampoco. El informe señala que había rastros de marihuana y alcohol en su sistema, pero el forense dice que no tuvieron implicancia en su muerte.

Esto es lo que dicen en la autopsia: "Es mi opinión que Brandi E. Mallory murió de complicaciones relacionadas con la obesidad, la cual se consideró una condición significativa respecto a su muerte". También enumera su muerte como natural cuando se trata de la forma.

TMZ publicó la historia, Mallory fue encontrado muerto en un estacionamiento del centro comercial de Atlanta después de una carrera de comida rápida de la noche anterior. Ella entró en el establecimiento, salió con su comida, y luego entró a su vehículo, pero nunca volvió a salir después de eso.

Un transeúnte preocupado llamó al 911 y dijo que sospechaba que había un cuerpo en el carro, ya que se dio cuenta de que no se había movido durante mucho tiempo.

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audio del 911

Mallory concursó en la cuarta temporada de la serie de ABC allá por 2014 y participó en el programa hasta 2018.

Solo tenía 40 años.

'Extreme Weight Loss' Star Brandi Mallory Cause of Death Revealed ... Obesity Complications

Brandi Mallory died from complications due to obesity -- this according to her official autopsy report.

TMZ obtained the document from the Fulton County Medical Examiner, citing the "Extreme Weight Loss" star's weight, an enlarged heart, and some elevated blood indicators suggestive of prediabetes all as factors in her overall health.

The paperwork says there was no sign of a recent injury and there was no reason to suspect foul play either. The report does note there were trace amounts of marijuana and alcohol in her system ... but the coroner says neither played a role in her death.

Here's how they put it in the autopsy ... "It is my opinion that Brandi E. Mallory died of complications of obesity was considered a significant condition contributing to the death." It also lists her death as natural when it comes to the manner.

TMZ broke the story ... Mallory was found dead in an Atlanta strip mall parking lot after being seen entering her car the night before. A concerned bystander called 911 and said he suspected there was a body in the car, as he noticed it hadn't moved for a long time.

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Mallory competed on Season 4 of the ABC series back in 2014, and had been involved with the program as recently as 2018.

She was only 40.


Trevor Lawrence Wife 'Overwhelmed' By Positive DMs ... After QB's Injury

Trevor Lawrence's wife says dozens of Jaguars fans have reached out to throw their support behind her and her hubby after the star QB was injured Monday night ... flooding her social media inbox with positive messages.

Marissa Lawrence shared a screen recording of some of the DMs she says she received just after Trevor appeared to badly injure his ankle in the fourth quarter of Jacksonville's home tilt against the Cincinnati Bengals.

Almost all of the messages seemed to contain some kind of prayer for Trevor ... something Marissa said she was super grateful for.

"Really overwhelmed by people's kindness and love," she said in the clip of the fans' messages. "Just wanted to share something positive and thank everyone truly for your prayers and support."

Trevor went down in a heap of pain as he was trying to lead the Jaguars to a win ... and on Monday, head coach Doug Pederson said his 24-year-old signal-caller was dealing with a high-ankle sprain.

It's unclear how much time Trevor will need to miss while handling the ailment ... but one thing is apparent -- he'll have the support of Jaguars nation fully behind him as he attempts a comeback.

Jamie Spears Leg Amputated After Infection ... Britney Warming toward Reconciliation

Britney Spears' dad, Jamie Spears, had his leg amputated a month ago, TMZ has learned, and we're told there is hope for a father/daughter reconciliation.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, Jamie had a massive infection in one of his legs that landed him in a hospital for weeks. He had 5 unsuccessful surgeries to contain the infection, and doctors decided the only way to proceed was amputation.

Jamie is not doing well. He's had other ailments and has been downcast amid the torrent of criticism over his handling of the conservatorship ... something he thinks is terribly unfair. Remember, Jamie is the one who moved from Louisiana to care for his daughter back in 2007. Lots of people who were involved back then say Jamie may have saved Britney's life.

Now here's the interesting twist. Our sources say Britney has softened toward her dad recently. There have been times when she's said she misses her dad, and once even talked about sending him money to help him out.


As for Jamie, our sources say there's nothing he'd rather have than a reconciliation with his daughter, and harbors no ill will.

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As we reported, Britney's been trying to mend family fences as of late. She invited her mom Lynne to L.A. over the weekend for her 42nd birthday party, and we're told they got along great. They have been talking on the phone for weeks and are forging a new relationship.

Britney also invited Jamie Lynn to the party, although she was out of town and couldn't attend. BTW, we know Britney is communicating with her sister. Her brother Bryan did join in the fun over the weekend.


Our sources say Britney misses her family and now that she's told her truth in her memoir, she wants to reconnect. Jamie would be the last piece of that puzzle.

What's interesting ... whether reestablishing a relationship with her dad would have an impact on the legal action in play over allegations over the conservatorship.

Stay tuned.

El padre de Britney Spears sufrió la amputación de una pierna Britney se acerca a la reconciliación

El padre de Britney Spears, Jamie Spears, tuvo su pierna amputada hace un mes, TMZ descubrió que hay esperanza para una reconciliación entre padre e hija.

Fuentes directas le dicen a TMZ que Jamie tenía una infección masiva en una de sus piernas que lo llevó al hospital durante semanas. Tuvo 5 cirugías sin éxito para contener la infección y los médicos decidieron que la única manera de proceder era la amputación.

Jamie no se encuentra bien. Ha tenido otras dolencias y se ha mostrado abatido en medio del torrente de críticas por su gestión de la tutela, algo que considera terriblemente injusto. Recordemos que fue Jamie quien se trasladó desde Luisiana para cuidar de su hija en 2007. Muchas personas que estuvieron involucradas en ese entonces dijeron que Jamie pudo haber salvado la vida de Britney.

Ahora, aquí está el giro interesante, nuestras fuentes dicen que Britney se ha suavizado hacia su padre recientemente. Ha habido momentos en los que ha dicho que echa de menos a su padre e incluso una vez habló de enviarle dinero para ayudarle.

En cuanto a Jamie, nuestras fuentes dicen que no hay nada que preferiría más que tener que una reconciliación con su hija y no alberga mala voluntad.

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maravillosa reunión

Como informamos, Britney ha estado tratando de reparar las cercas de la familia últimamente. Invitó a su madre Lynne a Los Ángeles el fin de semana para su fiesta de cumpleaños número 42 y nos dicen que se llevaron muy bien. Han estado hablando por teléfono durante semanas y han forjado una nueva relación.

Britney también invitó a Jamie Lynn a la fiesta, aunque ella estaba fuera de la ciudad y no pudo asistir. Sabemos que Britney también se comunica con su hermana. Su hermano Bryan sí se unió a la diversión durante el fin de semana.


Nuestras fuentes dicen que Britney echa de menos a su familia y ahora que ha dicho su verdad (en sus memorias), quiere reconectar. Jamie sería la última pieza de ese puzzle.

Sería interesante saber si el restablecimiento de una relación con su padre tendría un impacto en la acción legal sobre las alegaciones sobre la tutela.

Estén atentos.

Amy Robach Thought T.J. Had Killed Himself ... After 'GMA' Firing

Amy & T.J. Podcast

Amy Robach thought her boyfriend, T.J. Holmes, had taken his own life as their tumultuous final months at ABC came to a close -- a harrowing story she just shared on their podcast.

The former 'GMA' anchors-turned-lovers got into this ugly chapter on their just-launched media venture -- and it's mostly Amy recounting how scared she was in 2022 when she briefly thought T.J. had killed himself ... this as they were on their way out at the network.

Amy says T.J. started sending her alarming texts in the past tense, where he said she *was* the love of his life, etc. -- and it spurred her to rush over, with her father in tow, to check on him.

Amy says they accessed T.J.'s apartment with the help of his doorman ... and they found him sprawled out on his bed, where Amy believed he might already be dead. She gets pretty emotional telling this part, as it's clear it was a scary moment for both of them.

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Eventually, it became clear he was still alive, but was in an unconscious state ... and they were able to wake him up.

T.J. says he doesn't remember much of that, but does explain he'd gotten off work that day and started pounding vodka and weed edibles -- which landed him in that condition.

Elsewhere on their first pod episode, Amy described the tough time they endured after being ousted from their TV jobs, calling it the "year from hell." She even said she "wanted to die" during parts of the scandal -- but clearly, they're back and ready to work on their new project.


They've told their 'GMA' story ... so we'll see what else they discuss on the podcast. Definitely an engaging, and sorta creepy, start though.

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Jamie Foxx I Almost Died

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Jamie Foxx took home some hardware at the Critics Choice Association Awards Monday night, and he got emotional as he opened up about his mystery illness that he says almost killed him.

Jamie accepted the Vanguard Award for his performance in "The Burial" and spoke to the audience for 12 minutes -- it's the first public appearance since he was rushed to the hospital back in April.

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Jamie didn't say what triggered the emergency, but he painted a bleak picture, saying he couldn't walk and wouldn't wish what he went through on his worst enemy.

The crowd was eating out of his hand, giving him a standing ovation and cheering him on as he talked about a journey that was almost life-ending.


He said, "I cherish every single minute now ... I saw the tunnel. I didn't see the light."


From all appearances, Jamie is back to his old self ... at least that's what it looks like from the outside.

Jamie Foxx Casi me muero...

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Emotivo discurso

Jamie Foxx se llevó a casa un premio de la Asociación de Críticos Choice Awards el lunes y se emocionó cuando se abrió sobre su misteriosa enfermedad que casi lo mata.

Jamie aceptó el Vanguard Award por su actuación en "The Burial" y habló 12 minutos con el público en su primera aparición pública desde que fue llevado al hospital en abril.

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Pasé por un infierno...

Jamie no dijo lo que desencadenó la emergencia, pero pintó un cuadro sombrío, diciendo que no podía caminar y que no le desearía ni a su peor enemigo lo que tuvo que vivir.

El público estaba comiendo de su mano y lo animó y ovacionó de pie mientras este hablaba del viaje que casi le cuesta la vida.

Dijo: "Yo aprecio cada minuto ahora ... Vi el túnel. No vi la luz".

Merry Elfin' Christmas!!!

Por lo que parece, Jamie ha vuelto a ser el de antes, al menos eso parece desde fuera.