Serena Williams My Breast Milk Healed My Sunburn ... Seriously!!!


Serena Williams has G.O.A.T. DNA on the court and apparently in her breast milk too ... 'cause the tennis legend says just a couple drops of her boob juice healed her painful sunburns!!

The 42-year-old -- who gave birth to her second daughter in August -- shared the unique remedy with her 1.6 million followers on TikTok ... just after she said an outing in the sun left her under-eye areas in a heap of pain.

Williams explained in a 46-second video that she had been told that putting breast milk on her kids' wounds could help speed up their healing processes ... so she said she figured she'd "try it for like a week" and "see how it goes."

"It works for my kid," she said in the video, before dabbing it on her face.

And, as it turns out -- a few days later, she was pain-free!!

"Ok is this totally weird???" Williams said in a caption on the vid. "I have to say after a week of using MY breast milk under my eye - it worked!"


In even better news for Williams -- she said in her clip she "has a lot of extra" breast milk ready to go ... so it seems any future fights with the sun will be covered from here.

Yeah ... move over, Aloe Vera!!!

Kelly Oubre Jr. Breaks Silence On Accident ... Expected To Return Wed


Kelly Oubre Jr. is finally speaking out about the hit-and-run accident that left him with serious injuries last month ... speaking with media in Philly ahead of his return to the basketball court on Wednesday.

Remember, the Philadelphia 76ers forward hasn't played any basketball since he suffered a broken rib, in addition to hip and leg injuries, after he was struck by a vehicle on November 11.

The 27-year-old has kept quiet about the incident ... until now, as he's been cleared to play and is expected to be available against the Washington Wizards on Wednesday.

"First and foremost before anything, I just want to say thank you to my family and my friends, the 76ers organization, especially coach [Nick] Nurse, for the utmost support throughout this whole process," Oubre said to the media on Monday.

"I’ve spoken to the police about this situation and they have an ongoing investigation. So I’ve spoken to who I need to speak to about it and I keep that where that is. I won’t be speaking on any details about that because they’re looking into it."

Even with all the injuries, Oubre says he does not have any ill will towards the driver, saying he's always about "love and peace".

Kelly also addressed rumors he made up the incident.

"I'm just really blessed that it wasn't worse than what it is and that I'm able to come back to work and smile, walk, talk, and breathe," Oubre said. "So yeah, that's what I have to say about the conspiracy theorists."

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Remember, TMZ Sports posted video, with permission, showing Oubre returning home after the accident, clearly in a great deal of pain. His wife immediately called 911, and Oubre was rushed to the hospital.

Oubre -- who signed a 1-year, $2.9 million deal with the 76ers in September -- was averaging 16.3 points and 5 rebounds a game before the incident.

Welcome back, KO!

Ariana Madix Donates Big to 'VP' Pal w/ Brain Tumor Other Costars Chip In Too

Ariana Madix opened up her wallet big time to help out a friend of the 'Vanderpump Rules' family ... this after a major health scare that's threatening their life.

AM was among several 'VP' stars to draw attention to the GoFundMe page of Jesse Montana -- who's a pal of theirs and who's appeared on the reality show. He recently revealed he's been diagnosed with a brain tumor, and he's looking to raise funds for his hospital stay ... 'cause he's going into surgery on Monday.

Like we said ... a lot of the 'Vanderpump' cast members have donated, but Ariana has shelled out the most by far -- offering up a $9,000 donation to help Jesse.

In hopes that Jesse's unexpected health woes don't leave him with a financial burden, the GFM page has a goal to raise $100,000.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

The cast began donating over the weekend ... and other 'VPR' contributions include Katie Maloney giving $3,000, Scheana Shay dropping $2,000, Tom Schwartz and Rachel Leviss chipped in $500.


'VPR' alums Brittany Cartwright and Kristen Doute donated $100 and the show's executive producer, Alex Baskin gave $250. The donations touched Jesse ... who said in his IG Stories ahead of surgery Monday that he'll "forever be shocked at how fast life can change."

He thanked his Pump Rules family, his parents, boyfriend Joseph Newham, his doctors and everyone who supported him ... adding: "I'll be dreaming of you in colors that don't exist during surgery, cya on the other side angels."

Jeremy Allen White Efron Inspired Me To Get Shredded ... For 'Iron Claw' Flick


Jeremy Allen White is revealing one major influence on his buff transformation for the upcoming "Iron Claw" movie ... telling TMZ Sports his co-star Zac Efron helped whip him into wrestling shape!!

JAW is playing Kerry Von Erich in the project about the famous Von Erich family ... and while he was never in bad shape by any means, the dude really bulked TF up for the role.

In fact, he didn't shy from putting his swole figure on display ... dropping the top for a workout back in July.

Naturally, we had to ask JAW all about his new bod outside "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" this week ... and whether Efron -- who's always been chiseled -- motivated him in the gym.

"He definitely did!!" White said.

As for actually wrestling in the future, JAW ain't too sure he can hang with the big boys ... especially considering he was so fresh to the industry when he got the gig.


White added he has a ton of respect for professional wrestlers ... pointing out it's a super athletic sport, so all the haters who trash it due to it being "fake" should listen up!!

Jeremy Allen White dice que Zac Efron lo motivó a hacerse trizas para "Iron Claw"


Jeremy Allen White está revelando una gran influencia que le sirvió al momento de llevar a cabo su transformación para la próxima película "Iron Claw". Nos informa que su coestrella, Zac Efron, lo ayudó a dar forma al personaje.

Jeremy interpreta a Kerry Von Erich en el proyecto sobre la famosa familia Von Erich, y mientras que él nunca estuvo en mala forma de ninguna manera, el tipo que tiene que interpretar está a otro nivel.

De hecho, no se privó de mostrar su esbelta figura, dejando caer la parte superior para un entrenamiento en julio.

Naturalmente, tuvimos que preguntarle a Jeremy todo sobre su nuevo cuerpo durante "Jimmy Kimmel Live!" esta semana y si Efron -que siempre ha sido esbelto- lo motivó en el gimnasio.

"¡Definitivamente lo hizo!" dijo White.

En cuanto a la lucha libre en el futuro, el actor no está muy seguro de que pueda estar con los grandes, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta que era tan nuevo en la industria cuando consiguió el trabajo.

¡feliz navidad!

White añadió que tiene mucho respeto por los luchadores profesionales, señalando que es un deporte super atlético, por lo que todos los haters deberían darse el tiempo de entender o irse por su camino.

estrella de "Supernatural" vuelve a la vida tras 6 infartos mortales

La estrella de "Supernatural", Mark Sheppard, estuvo a un paso de la muerte el viernes, luego de sufrir no uno, sino SEIS ataques al corazón. Los paramédicos tuvieron que traerlo de vuelta a la vida.

Mark dice que estaba en su cocina el viernes cuando se desplomó. Fue entonces cuando sufrió una serie de "infartos masivos". Los paramédicos tuvieron que traerlo de vuelta a la vida cuatro veces.

Según Mark, tenía una obstrucción del 100% en su arteria descendente anterior izquierda (LAD). Eso también se llama un "widowmaker", y casi le hizo honor a ese nombre.

Mark atribuye su supervivencia a su esposa y al equipo del Hospital St. Joseph y afirma que sin ellos "no estaría escribiendo esto. Mis posibilidades de sobrevivir eran prácticamente nulas".

En cuanto a su estado, otro susto... "Me siento muy bien. Humillado una vez más. Mañana en casa!"

En cuanto a la reacción, su coprotagonista en "Supernatural" Misha Collins dijo: "¡Mark! ¡No tienes por qué ser tan intenso! ¿6 infartos? 2 o 3 habría sido suficiente. Nos has impresionado, vale. Ahora déjate de sustos y vuelve a la carretera con nosotros. Te quiero, amigo".

Un final feliz después de todo.

Mark Sheppard 'Supernatural' Star Brought Back to Life ... After 6 Deadly Heart Attacks

"Supernatural" star Mark Sheppard was at death's door Friday, after suffering not one, but SIX heart attacks, and EMTs had to bring him back to life.

Mark says he was in his kitchen Friday when he collapsed. That's when he suffered a series of what he says were "massive heart attacks." EMTs had to bring him back to life 4 separate times -- it was that touch and go.

According to Mark, he had a 100% blockage in his left anterior descending artery -- his LAD. That's also called a "widowmaker," and it was almost true to that name.

He credits his wife and the team at St. Joseph's Hospital with his survival, saying without them, "I wouldn't be writing this. My chances of survival were virtually nil."

As for his condition, another shock ... "I feel great. Humbled once more. Home tomorrow!"

As for reaction, his "Supernatural" costar Misha Collins said this -- "Mark! You don't need to do the most and biggest every time! 6 heart attacks? 2 or 3 would have been impressive enough. You've impressed us, okay. Now stop with this heal up and get back on the road with us. Love you, pal."

Close call with a happy ending.

Britney Spears Reconciliation w/ Mom ... Comes Amid Isolation Post-Memoir


4:20 PM PT -- As if Lynne's presence wasn't enough proof they're simpatico again ... here she is cradling her daughter ... and vice-versa.

These photos are starting to make the rounds, and they appear to show Brit and Lynne palling around during her birthday get-together. Like we said ... mending fences.

Britney Spears and her mother, Lynne Spears, reunited this weekend and appear to be on the road to reconciliation ... and despite their recent problems, mom seems to realize -- her daughter needs her right now.

Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ that Lynne's drop-in for Brit's birthday party Friday night was no coincidence ... but it is indeed meaningful, especially after everything the two of them -- the Spears family, at large -- have experienced over the past few years.

More recently, Britney torched her immediate family members in her memoir, 'The Woman in Me' ... and as it pertains to Lynne, she accused her throwing out precious valuables of hers -- something Lynne denied.

There were also reports of Lynne selling off some of Britney's famous clothes ... but she denied that too. Of course, Britney has also suggested her mom was just as culpable for her conservatorship as her father, Jamie ... and there's been bad blood for a while there.

The two of them attempted to bury the hatchet earlier this year, pre-memoir, with Lynne flying in to L.A. to meet up with Britney and her then-husband Sam Asghari ... but it was a brief chat, and it wasn't clear whether they were on the greatest of terms at that point.

Now, we're told Lynne and Britney are definitely in a better place ... not only did Lynne swing by for the birthday bash -- but our sources say they were 2 peas in a pod last night, which then turned into Lynne spending the night ... and also, hanging out with Brit today.

As far as what, exactly, spurred this latest coming-together ... our sources tell us Britney's incredibly isolated and alone right now -- especially after divorcing Sam. We're told she has almost no friends or confidants -- and it appears Lynne recognized that.

Britney is still close with her brother, Bryan -- who was also in attendance for her party Friday night -- but she doesn't see him as often. Now, there's another person in her orbit ... somebody of her own flesh and blood, no less.

It's great to see them acting like a family again ... but the same can't be said about Britney and her dad/sister, whom she has not been seen with for several years. By all accounts, she doesn't talk to them ... although there have been signs of warming toward Jamie Lynne.

No better time than now to heal old wounds, we suppose ... it is the holidays, after all.

Originally Published -- 3:50 PM PT

Britney Spears Su madre Lynne la ve irse Después de un susto de cumpleaños con su perro


2:40 PM PT -- Aquí está la prueba fotográfica de que la relación de Britney y su madre se está reparando, porque su mamá estuvo de hecho en la fiesta de cumpleaños de su hija, y al parecer pasó la noche también.

Estas fotos fueron tomadas el sábado y muestran a Brit saliendo de la casa de su manager en Los Ángeles, y no lo habrían imaginado, Lynne Spears aparece despidiendo a su hija mientras sale en un SUV.

Se puede ver a Britney diciéndole adiós a Cade mientras la escolta hasta el vehículo, y muy claramente en el fondo, a su madre, mirando. Ya nos habían dicho que Lynne asistió la noche anterior, así que verla allí al día siguiente es bastante revelador.

Como saben, ambas han tenido muchas peleas en los últimos años, incluyendo algunas últimamente, sobre todo después de que Britney publicara sus memorias. Todo está bien ahora... o eso parece.

10:25 AM PT -- Fuentes le dicen a TMZ que el perro de Britney se encuentra bien. Solo se lastimó una pata y tuvo que ser llevado para que lo revisaran, pero nos dicen que todo está bien con el perro.

Además, nos dicen que la madre de Britney, Lynne, estuvo allí celebrando el cumpleaños de su hija y las fuentes nos dicen que se llevaron muy bien.

Britney Spears se puso de mal humor el viernes por la noche, después de que su perro tuviera una aparente emergencia médica, según ha indagado TMZ.

Britney estaba celebrando la previa a su cumpleaños en Los Ángeles en la casa de su manager y mejor amigo Cade Hudson, junto con su hermano Bryan y varios otros. La cantante cumplió 42 años hoy.

A las 2 AM, Britney, Cade y Bryan salieron de la casa de Cade y se subieron a un carro. Un fotógrafo de la agencia que se encontraba en el lugar dice que llevaba a su perro en el vehículo y que se dirigieron rápidamente a una clínica veterinaria abierta las 24 horas. Nunca vemos al perro, pero el fotógrafo afirma que lo llevaron con ellos.

Parada en una gasolinera

Britney y su equipo se dirigió entonces a una gasolinera en Sunset Strip y por las fotos se puede ver que se trataba de algún tipo de emergencia. Cade está en pijama y sin zapatos.

Luego volvieron al veterinario y no está claro si tenían al perro cuando se fueron.

Bryan parece ser el único miembro de la familia con el que Britney mantiene una relación cara a cara. Ha estado con ella con bastante regularidad en los últimos meses.

Britney Spears Mother Lynne Sees Her Off ... After Birthday Dog Scare


2:40 PM PT -- Here's photo evidence that Britney and her mother's relationship is repairing itself right before our eyes ... 'cause Mama Bear was indeed at her daughter's birthday shindig, and apparently spent the night as well.

These pics were taken Saturday, which show Brit leaving her manager's house in the L.A. area ... and wouldn't you know it, Lynne Spears is back there seeing her kid off as she hit the town in a waiting SUV.

You can see Britney saying bye to Cade as he escorts her to the vehicle ... and very clearly in the background -- you can see her mom, looking on. We'd already been told Lynne was in attendance the night prior ... so to see her there the next day is quite telling.

As you know, they've been feuding a lot over the past couple years -- including recently, especially after Britney released her memoir. All is well now again, though ... or so it seems.

10:25 AM PT -- Sources tell TMZ that Britney's dog is fine -- it simply hurt its foot and had to be taken in to be looked at ... but we're told all is well now with the pooch.

Also, we're told Britney's mom, Lynne, was there celebrating her daughter's birthday -- and sources tell us they were getting along great.

Britney Spears got super upset Friday night, after her dog had an apparent medical emergency ... TMZ has learned.

Britney was out in L.A. for a pre-birthday celebration -- she turned 42 today -- at her manager/best friend Cade Hudson's home, along with her brother Bryan and several others.

At 2 AM, Britney, Cade and Bryan left Cade's home and got in a car. An agency photog at the scene says she had her dog in the car and they rushed to a 24-hour veterinary clinic. We never see the dog, but the photog claims they brought it in.


Britney and crew then went to a gas station convenience store on the Sunset Strip, and from the photos you can tell this was some sort of emergency. Cade is in his PJs with no shoes.

They then went back to the vet, and it's unclear whether they had the dog when they left.

Bryan seems to be the only family member with whom Britney has a face-to-face relationship. He's been with her fairly regularly over the last few months.

Originally Published -- 6:59 AM PT

Susan Sarandon Apologizes For Anti-Jewish Remarks At Rally

Susan Sarandon is now walking back antisemitic remarks she delivered at a pro-Palestinian rally in NYC last month ... offering her apologies to anyone she offended.

The actress posted a lengthy statement on Instagram Friday night, explaining that she made a "terrible mistake" when she said Jews are “getting a taste of what it is like to be Muslim in this country, so often subjected to violence.”

Susan uttered the words in front of a large crowd at the November 17 rally in Manhattan's Union Square.

The demonstrators were protesting against the Israel-Hamas war, which broke out after the terrorist group invaded the Jewish state on October 7. Hamas militants, who rule over the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, slaughtered some 1,400 Jews, including babies.

In her IG post, Susan said she was invited to the event, but was not supposed to speak, yet ended up on stage with a mic in her hand, trying to communicate concerns about a rise in hate crimes throughout the country.

Waiting for your permission to load TikTok Post.

She pointed out the controversial phrasing she used falsely implied that Jews have not faced persecution. She then highlighted centuries of Jewish oppression and genocide in Europe, as well as the Tree of Life shooting in Pittsburgh, PA.

Susan went on to say she "deeply regrets diminishing the reality" and for voicing her hurtful remarks.

The Oscar-winner was dropped by her Hollywood talent agency following the incident.


Kevin Turen, famous for producing HBO shows like "Euphoria" and "The Idol," died as a result of multiple heart issues ... TMZ has learned.

The producer's official cause of death is acute cardiac dysfunction and hypertrophic heart disease ... according to the medical examiner, who also lists coronary artery disease as another significant factor.

As we first told you ... Kevin suffered a medical emergency while driving his Tesla down a California freeway earlier this month, when his 10-year-old son was in the car.

Kevin's family told us the son was able to navigate the car to the side of the road, calling 911. Kevin was rushed to a hospital, where he ultimately died.

Remember ... we were told investigators quickly ruled out drugs and alcohol as a factor ... and now we know it was a fatal heart issue.

Kevin was only 44 years old, and he's been remembered in Hollywood as a family man who was more proud of his children than his work in showbiz.

Productor de Euphoria Kevin Turner Murió de una falla cardiáca

Kevin Turen, famoso por producir programas de HBO como "Euphoria" y "El Ídolo", murió como resultado de múltiples problemas cardíacos, según ha indagado TMZ.

La causa oficial de muerte del productor fue una disfunción cardíaca aguda y una complicación cardíaca hipertrófica, de acuerdo con el médico forense, quien también enumera la enfermedad arterial coronaria como otro factor significativo.

Como les contamos la primera vez, Kevin sufrió una emergencia médica mientras conducía su Tesla por una autopista de California a principios de este mes, cuando su hijo de 10 años estaba en el carro.

La familia de Kevin nos dijo que el hijo condujo el carro a un lado de la carretera y llamar al 911. Kevin fue trasladado de urgencia a un hospital, donde finalmente murió.

Recuerden, nos dijeron que los investigadores descartaron rápidamente el uso de drogas y alcohol como un factor, y ahora sabemos que fue un problema cardíaco fatal.

Kevin solo tenía 44 años y ha sido recordado por Hollywood como un hombre de familia que estaba más orgulloso de sus hijos que de su trabajo en el mundo del espectáculo.

Derek Chauvin Policía que mató a George Floyd Fue apuñalado 22 veces en un ataque en prisión

Derek Chauvin, el policía condenado por asesinar a George Floyd, fue apuñalado 22 veces en un brutal ataque en prisión y el recluso responsable dice que quería matarlo.

Los fiscales federales anunciaron este viernes que el recluso John Turscak fue acusado de intento de asesinato por el apuñalamiento en prisión. Con un cuchillo improvisado, Turscak atacó a Chauvin el 24 de noviembre en la biblioteca jurídica de la Institución Correccional Federal de Tucson, Arizona.

Según los fiscales, Turscak, de 52 años, le dijo a los funcionarios de la prisión que habría matado a Chauvin si no hubieran intervenido.

Como hemos informado, la familia de Chauvin no había tenido mayores detalles en los días siguientes al ataque. Los funcionarios de la prisión cabreados no les habrían ofrecido más información que el hecho de que Chauvin estaba en estado crítico pero estable.

Chauvin fue declarado culpable del asesinato de Floyd y condenado a más de 22 años de prisión. También se le dio un plazo de 20 años en un cargo federal separado por violar los derechos civiles de Floyd, que es lo que está cumpliendo en Arizona.

Por cierto, el 24 de noviembre, el día del ataque, también fue el Black Friday y Turscak le dijo a los agentes que eligió la fecha como una conexión con el movimiento Black Lives Matter y el símbolo de la "Mano Negra" asociado con la banda de la mafia mexicana.

Derek Chauvin George Floyd Killer Cop Stabbed 22 Times in Prison Attack

Derek Chauvin -- the cop convicted of murdering George Floyd -- was stabbed 22 times in a brutal attack behind bars ... and the inmate responsible says he wanted Chauvin dead.

Federal prosecutors announced Friday inmate John Turscak was charged with attempted murder in the prison stabbing. Using an improvised knife, Turscak attacked Chauvin on November 24 in the law library at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tucson, Arizona.

According to prosecutors, 52-year-old Turscak told corrections officers he would've killed Chauvin if they hadn't intervened.

As we reported, Chauvin's family had been left in the dark in the days following the attack ... pissed prison officials hadn't offered them more info other than the fact Chauvin was in critical but stable condition.

Chauvin was convicted of Floyd's murder and sentenced to more than 22 years in prison. He was also given a 20-year term on a separate federal charge of violating Floyd's civil rights ... which is what he's serving in Arizona.

BTW ... November 24, the day of the attack, was also Black Friday -- and Turscak told agents he chose the date as a connection to the Black Lives Matter movement and the "Black Hand" symbol associated with the Mexican Mafia gang.

Mysterious Dog Illness Dog Bounces Back with Covid Drug

A last-ditch attempt to save a dog from a mysterious illness plaguing the nation is seemingly working -- with one vet deciding to prescribe the popular COVID-19 drug intended for humans ... Paxlovid -- and it seemed to work!

The life of a bulldog named Cash -- who was struggling to breathe with inflamed lungs while coughing up blood -- was spared when Doug Swain, D.V.M., a veterinarian at Lyman Vet Clinic in Cass County, Iowa, gave him the antiviral pills.

Dr. Swain tells Iowa news outlet KCCI 8 he made the decision because there was nothing to lose ... adding within days, the dog recovered after being on the brink of death.

Since then, he has continued to prescribe Paxlovid to other dogs battling severe cases of the mysterious illness.

Dr. Swain says he came up with the solution after noticing the owners of the struggling animals had recently been ill with COVID ... and their symptoms were similar to humans.

He adds he put 2 and 2 together when he noticed the affected dogs looked just like he did when he spent 9 days in the ICU after being struck down with COVID.

The American Veterinary Medical Association says the mystery illness in dogs has been reported in at least 14 States. As of now, there's no official treatment, and labs across the nation are working overtime to give an official cause to the disease.