Wynonna Judd Clings To Jelly Roll During CMA Awards Performance ... Fans Worried About Her

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6:20 AM PT -- Wynonna Judd has clearly seen the criticism and worry from her fans, posting a video to address the performance -- she blames the whole thing on nerves, saying she wanted to be at her best for Jelly Roll. Wynonna says she was simply holding on for dear life ... and will be back on the road for another show.

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Wynonna Judd clung to Jelly Roll during their performance Wednesday night at the Country Music Awards -- and now her fans are worried something is wrong with her.

The country music legend hit the stage with JR to sing a duet of Jelly's tune, "Need A Favor," at the 2023 CMA Awards in Nashville.

At one point, Wynonna walked over to Jelly and grabbed his arm, giving off the impression she needed help to stay on her feet. It's unclear if Wynonna was experiencing some type of health issue, but she was able to polish off the song and leave the stage on her own.

Still, her fans took to social media and voiced their concerns after watching her seemingly unsteady performance. Remember, Wynonna lost her iconic mother, Naomi, to suicide in 2022, so she's had a rough time lately.

One fan wrote on X, "She could barely walk. She took baby steps."

Another one asked, "Am I the only one concerned for @Wynonna."

A third person observed, "Something is wrong with her. Hope she is ok. Wynonna Judd is holding on to Jelly Roll for dear life #CMAawards."


And a fourth freaked out, "It was seriously bizarre. I wonder what’s going on? She barely moved once she got a death grip on him."

In some good news from the show ... Jelly Roll took home the trophy for "Best New Artist."

Congrats, JR!!

Originally Published -- 6:10 AM PT

Olivia The Corgi Member of 'Hammy & Olivia' Dead At 8 ... After Kidney Emergency

Olivia the Corgi -- known as 1/2 of the famous doggy duo "Hammy & Olivia" -- has died ... this according to her owner, Chris, who broke down in tears telling fans about her recent health emergency.

TikTok / @hammyandolivia

Chris got extremely emotional in Wednesday's video, telling people Olivia passed peacefully after an emergency -- saying she was unable to empty her kidneys and he and his partner, Sarah, made the tough call to put her down ... adding, "We just didn't want her to suffer."

He rightfully says the family is "crushed" by the sudden death ... adding she was his best friend, and is urging his fellow pet owners to love their furry friends a bit extra today.

TikTok / @hammyandolivia

Olivia and Hammy rose to viral fame in 2020, gaining traction for their hilarious videos together -- getting decked out and hilarious costumes and even barking in a handful of comedic sketches, too.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Their stardom didn't end online, however ... because the pups -- along with Chris and Sarah, of course -- made it onto shows like "Access Hollywood" and several L.A. local news programs to talk about their recent dog food cookbook, "Barkcuterie."

Olivia was only 8 years old.


For more viral news, tune in to the TMZ Verified Podcast. Dropping every Thursday on all podcast platforms.

Kel Mitchell I'm On 'Road To Recovery' ... After Hospitalized In L.A.

"Good Burger" and "Kenan & Kel" star Kel Mitchell is now at home and on the road to recovery after his mysterious hospitalization ... something he's calling "genuinely frightening."

Kel broke his silence about the ordeal Wednesday night, saying on Instagram, "Grateful for the flood of prayers and positive vibes" -- adding, "The scare was real, but so was the support."

The 45-year-old goes on to say, "With the grace of God and the skill of the medical team, I'm now on the road to recovery at home, embraced by the love of my family" ... and he's shouting out all the folks who wished him well while spending time at the hospital.

Fans have been sounding off in the comments ... wishing him well, and asking what happened to land him in the ER -- but he's staying silent for the time being.

TMZ broke the story, Kel was admitted into a Los Angeles-area hospital Tuesday night, coming in through the facility's emergency room. We're told he appeared alert when he arrived.

Glad to hear you're doing well, Kel!

Kel Mitchell Estoy en camino a recuperarme... Tras hospitalización en L.A.

Kel Mitchell, estrella de "Good Burger" y "Kenan & Kel" ya está en casa y recuperándose después de su misteriosa hospitalización, algo que califica como "genuinamente aterrador".

Kel se refirió a la terrible experiencia que vivió, diciendo en Instagram: "Estoy agradecido por la avalancha de oraciones y vibraciones positivas. El susto fue real, pero también el apoyo".

El actor de 45 años continuó diciendo: "Con la gracia de Dios y la habilidad del equipo médico, ya estoy camino a recuperarme en casa, abrazado por el amor de mi familia". Kel Mitchell también quiso reconocer a todas las personas que le desearon lo mejor mientras estaba en el hospital.

Los fans han estado expresando lo que sienten en los comentarios, deseándole lo mejor y preguntándole qué lo llevó a aterrizar en la sala de emergencias, pero eso se mantiene en silencio por el momento.

Según TMZ, Kel fue ingresado en un hospital de Los Ángeles el martes por la noche, a través de la sala de urgencias. Nos dicen que parecía estar consciente de su entorno cuando llegó.

Nos alegra saber que estás bien, Kel.

Kel Mitchell Hospitalized In LA

Kel Mitchell -- famous for his work on "Good Burger" as well as "Kenan & Kel" -- is currently hospitalized, TMZ has learned.

We know the actor was admitted into a Los Angeles-area hospital Tuesday night, coming in through the emergency room. A witness tells us Kel appeared to be conscious and alert when he arrived.

The cause of Kel's illness is unclear, but we do know as of Wednesday, he was still in the hospital getting treatment. It's unknown when he'll be released or what his current condition is.

We reached out to Kel's reps, who did not comment on his situation.

Kel's social media pages are still posting despite his hospital stay -- but it's mostly promotional material -- including his work on "Hollywood Squares" and upcoming flick, "Good Burger 2" ... so it's likely the posts were preplanned.

Fans know Kel got his start in the Nickelodeon series, "All That" in the 90's ... before teaming up with "SNL" star Kenan Thompson for "Kenan & Kel" -- the 2 also starred in "Good Burger" in the middle of their comedy show success ... with a sequel to the burger film dropping later this month.

Get well soon, Kel!


Kel Mitchell —famoso por su trabajo en "Good Burger" y "Kenan & Kel"— se encuentra hospitalizado, TMZ ha indagado.

Sabemos que el actor fue ingresado en un hospital del área de Los Ángeles el martes por la noche que llegó a través de la sala de emergencias. Un testigo nos dice que Kel parecía estar consciente y alerta cuando llegó.

La causa de la enfermedad de Kel no está clara, pero sabemos que el miércoles todavía estaba en el hospital recibiendo tratamiento. Se desconoce cuándo será dado de alta o cuál es su estado actual.

Nos pusimos en contacto con los representantes de Kel, pero no hicieron comentarios sobre su situación.

Las páginas de Kel en las redes sociales siguen publicando a pesar de su estancia en el hospital, pero es sobre todo material promocional, incluyendo su trabajo en "Hollywood Squares" y la próxima película, "Good Burger 2", por lo que es probable que los mensajes fueron programados de antemano.

Los fans saben que Kel consiguió su inicio en la serie de Nickelodeon, "All That" en los años 90, antes de asociarse con la estrella de "SNL" Kenan Thompson para "Kenan & Kel". Ámbos protagonizaron "Good Burger" en medio de su éxitoso show de comedia, con una secuela de la película hamburguesa a finales de este mes.

¡Que te mejores pronto Kel!

Steve Wozniak Hospitalized in Mexico City After Falling Ill Experiencing Vertigo, Doctors Performing Tests

Steve Wozniak has been hospitalized in Mexico City after taking ill and suffering what appears to be vertigo ... TMZ has learned.

Sources with direct knowledge tell us, Woz gave a speech Wednesday in Mexico City at the World Business Forum, after which he told his wife he was "feeling strange." He then started exhibiting symptoms that alarmed his wife, who said he needed to go to the hospital.

We're told the 73-year-old cofounder of Apple resisted, saying he'd be OK, but his wife persisted and ultimately insisted he go to the hospital.

At the time of the post, we're told Steve is in the E.R. at a Mexico City hospital, where doctors are performing tests.

Several people from Steve's team are flying from the U.S. to Mexico City on a private jet, to see firsthand what is going on with him and take him back to the U.S. for further treatment if that's necessary.

Woz has been traveling a lot lately, but it's unclear if fatigue played a part in the medical emergency.

We will update as we obtain more information.

Steve Wozniak Hospitalizado en Ciudad de México Siente vértigo, los doctores están haciendo pruebas

Steve Wozniak ha sido hospitalizado en Ciudad de México después de enfermar y sufrir lo que parece ser vértigo, según ha indagado TMZ.

Fuentes con conocimiento directo nos dicen que Woz dio un discurso este miércoles en la capital mexicana, en el marco del World Business Forum, después de lo cual le dijo a su esposa que se estaba "sintiendo extraño."

Entonces empezó a mostrar síntomas que alarmaron a su mujer, quien le dijo que tenía que ir al hospital.

Nos dicen que el cofundador de Apple, de 73 años, se resistió, asegurando que estaría bien, pero su esposa persistió y finalmente logró que fuera.

En el momento de la publicación, nos dicen que Steve está en urgencias en un hospital de Ciudad de México, donde los médicos están realizando pruebas.

Varias personas del equipo de Steve están volando desde Estados Unidos en un jet privado, para ver de primera mano lo que está pasando con él y llevarlo de vuelta para recibir tratamiento adicional si es necesario.

Woz ha estado viajando mucho últimamente, pero no está claro si la fatiga jugó un papel en la emergencia médica.

Actualizaremos la información en cuanto dispongamos de más datos.

A$AP ROCKY Ex miembro de A$AP Mob testifica ... Con la pistola en el estómago me dijo "voy a matarte"

El excompañero de A$AP Rocky en Mob, quien asegura que Rocky le disparó hace dos años, acaba de testificar que también amenazó con matarlo antes de apretar el gatillo.

Terell Ephron, quien iba como A$AP Relli cuando estaba junto a la cuadrilla de Rocky, subió al estrado el miércoles en una audiencia preliminar para el caso de asalto en Los Ángeles.

Por supuesto, Relli es el testigo clave y supuesta víctima aquí, por lo que fue bajo juramento para explicar lo que ocurrió el 6 de noviembre de 2021. Asegura que su viejo amigo abrió fuego contra él y le golpeó la mano con al menos uno de los disparos.

En la corte, Relli recordó cuando se reunieron por primera vez y cómo se formó A$AP Mob entonces, pero también describió cómo su relación comenzó a deshilacharse cuando la carrera de Rocky se disparó, mientras otros en el grupo fueron dejados un poco de lado.

Relli dice que empezó a resentir Rocky para los movimientos que percibía como deshonesto, como la supuesta promesa de ayudar a mantener la familia de un miembro de A$AP Mob asesinado lo que Rocky nunca hizo, según Relli. La mala sangre supuestamente llegó a un punto crítico esa fatídica noche.

Según Relli, Rocky lo llamó y le preguntó dónde estaba. Acabaron encontrándose en un hotel de Los Ángeles, lo que él pensó que podría ser una buena oportunidad para terminar con sus rencillas. En cambio, Relli afirma que Rocky y algunos matones se abalanzaron sobre él, y las cosas se calentaron.

Relli afirma que se intercambiaron palabras duras. Rocky puso el arma en su estómago, supuestamente diciendo: "Te voy a matar ahora mismo". Relli declaró que Rocky no disparó en ese momento, pero afirma que las balas empezaron a volar poco después de que se separaron.

En ese momento, Relli dice que sintió cómo se le calentaba la mano y supo que le habían dado. Alega que Rocky disparó unas cuatro veces antes de salir corriendo y dejarlo allí en la calle. Relli dice que no fue a la policía hasta el día siguiente por miedo.

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En la escena

Como les contamos, Rocky ya se ha declarado inocente de dos cargos de asalto con un arma de fuego semiautomática. Los policías rodearon su casa el año pasado y llevaron a cabo una redada justo después de que aterrizara en Los Ángeles de un viaje a Barbados en el que estaba con Rihanna.

Rocky también estuvo en el tribunal hoy, y escuchó todo el testimonio de Relli. Fue visto al salir a almorzar durante un descanso. La sesión se reanudará el jueves por la tarde.

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Frente al juez

Hasta ahora no hay señales de Rihanna, por lo que parece que Rocky está lidiando con todo esto solo con sus abogados por el momento.

A$AP Rocky Ex-A$AP Mob Member Testifies ... Gun to My Stomach, He Said 'I'll Kill You'


6:16 PM PT -- Rocky's high-powered attorney, Joe Tacopina, grilled Relli on cross in court today ... and it proved to be a combative back-and-forth that delved into the alleged victim's personal history with Rocky -- including the nitty-gritty of what led to them falling out ... as well as how, exactly, he came to report the alleged crime and when.

The whole purpose of this questioning, it seems, was to get Relli to admit that he seemingly dragged his feet in raising this issue with law enforcement ... with the implication being that he may have had ulterior motives. That's certainly what Tacopina was driving at, anyway.

Relli, meanwhile, reiterated he only waited a bit to report this out of fear of retaliation ... and insisted he was a gunshot victim, period. He also denied trying to extract money out of this situation. Like we said, the exchanges were testy ... and it proved to be heated at times.

Now, a source directly familiar with the proceedings today tells us they feel like Relli got exposed, and that his case likely won't hold up in front of a jury due to inconsistencies addressed in the prelim. Of course, time will tell if that actually comes to pass.

5:10 PM PT -- A$AP Rocky's first day in court for his criminal trial appears to have just wrapped, 'cause the dude just left the building ... and he's looking cool and confident on his way out.


Check out this video of Rocky cruising out of the front doors of the DTLA courthouse he's been in all day ... where one of his former A$AP Mob members testified he shot him 2 years ago. As you can see, AR was in a damn good mood ... signing autographs and smiling wide.

From the looks of it, he's not all that worried about this case ... despite how serious it is.

A$AP Rocky's former fellow Mob member -- who claims Rocky shot him 2 years ago -- just testified Rocky also threatened to kill before pulling the trigger.

Terell Ephron -- who went by A$AP Relli when he was rolling with Rocky's crew -- took the stand Wednesday in a preliminary hearing to AR's assault case in Los Angeles.

Of course, Relli is the key witness/alleged victim here ... so he went under oath to explain what he alleges happened on Nov. 6, 2021 -- which is that his old pal opened fire on him and struck his hand with at least one of the shots.

While in court, Relli recounted how he and Rocky first came together and how A$AP Mob formed back in the day -- but also described how their relationship started to fray when Rocky's career skyrocketed, as others in the group were kinda left behind.

Relli says he began resenting Rocky for moves he perceived as dishonest, such as allegedly promising to help support a slain A$AP Mob member's family ... which Relli claims Rocky never did. All their bad blood allegedly came to a head that fateful night.

According to Relli, Rocky called him and demanded to know where he was, and they ended up meeting at an L.A. hotel -- which he thought might be a chance to squash their beef. Instead, Relli claims Rocky and some goons rolled up on him ... and things got heated, with a gun allegedly being drawn.

Relli claims harsh words were exchanged, and Rocky put the gun to his stomach ... allegedly saying, "I'll kill you right now." Relli testified Rocky didn't shoot right then and there, but claims the bullets started flying shortly thereafter as they separated.

At that point, Relli says he felt his hand get hot and knew he'd been hit ... and alleges Rocky fired around 4 times before taking off running and leaving him there on the street. Relli says he didn't go to cops until a full day later out of fear.

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As we told you ... Rocky has already pleaded not guilty to 2 counts of assault with a semi-automatic firearm. Cops swarmed his pad last year and conducted a raid right after he landed back in L.A. from a Barbados trip he was on with Rihanna.

Rocky himself is in court today and heard all of Relli's testimony -- he was seen stepping outside during a lunch break ... and they're set to resume the hearing on November 20.

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No sign of RiRi anywhere ... looks like Rocky's dealing with all this with just his lawyers at the moment.

Originally Published -- 2:15 PM PT


La leyenda Dick Butkus murió luego de sufrir un derrame cerebral el mes pasado, según el certificado de defunción obtenido por TMZ Sports.

Publicamos la historia primero, el miembro del Salón de la Fama falleció el 5 de octubre en su casa de Malibú, y ahora sabemos lo que le pasó a la estrella del fútbol amado.

El certificado, emitido por el Departamento de Salud de Los Ángeles, muestra "accidente cerebrovascular" —conocido comúnmente como un derrame cerebral— como la causa inmediata de la muerte.

También hubo causas secundarias, como la fibrilación auricular (un latido irregular del corazón) semanas antes de su muerte, y problemas relacionados con el colesterol alto y la aterosclerosis (arterias gruesas / endurecidas) durante años.

El documento también señala que Butkus se sometió a una operación de bypass coronario en 2001.

La ocupación de Butkus figura como "linebacker", teniendo en cuenta que fue uno de los mejores que jamás haya jugado en esa posición. Su negocio, no es de extrañar, es la Liga Nacional de Fútbol, donde dominó durante nueve temporadas.

Como informamos anteriormente, los paramédicos respondieron a una llamada de un paciente en paro cardíaco en la residencia de Butkus en Malibú a las 12:51 PM. Fue declarado muerto en el lugar.

La muerte de Butkus conmocionó al mundo del fútbol, desde leyendas hasta antiguas estrellas demostraron su dolor ante la pérdida de uno de los jugadores más temidos que ha habido.

Dick Butkus Died From Stroke ... Death Certificate Says

Chicago Bears legend Dick Butkus died after suffering a stroke last month, according to the death certificate obtained by TMZ Sports.

We broke the story ... the Hall of Fame middle linebacker passed away on October 5 in his Malibu, CA home, and now we know what happened to the beloved football star.

The certificate, issued by Los Angeles Department of Health, shows "cerebrovascular accident" -- known more commonly as a stroke -- as the immediate cause of death.

There were secondary causes listed as well ... including atrial fibrillation (an irregular heartbeat) weeks prior to his death, and dealing with high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (thick/hardened arteries) for years.

The document also points out Butkus underwent coronary bypass surgery in 2001.

Fittingly, Butkus' occupation is listed as "linebacker" ... considering he was one of the best to ever play the position. His business, no surprise, is the National Football League, where he dominated for nine seasons.

As we previously reported ... paramedics responded to a call for a patient in cardiac arrest at Butkus' residence in Malibu at 12:51 PM. He was pronounced dead at the scene.

Butkus' death sent ripples through the football world ... with everyone from legends to former stars weighing in on the loss of one of the most feared players to step on the gridiron.


El ex jugador de la NFL Matt Ulrich —ganador del Super Bowl con los Indianapolis Colts en 2006— ha muerto, anunció Jim Irsay el miércoles. Tenía 41 años.

Los detalles que rodean su muerte no han sido revelados por el momento.

Irsay compartió sus condolencias en X hace unos minuto, diciendo que a pesar de que el guardia ofensivo estuvo con el equipo por un corto tiempo, su presencia se sintió en toda la organización.

"Estoy desconsolado al enterarme del fallecimiento de Matt Ulrich", dijo Irsay en un sentido post. "Matt estuvo con nosotros solo dos temporadas, pero dejó su huella en muchos".

"Fue un gran tipo y he oído que era un gran padre... fue campeón del Super Bowl.  Mis oraciones para su familia. 🙏"

Ulrich fue un atleta estrella en Streamwood High School en Illinois. Recibió altos honores en fútbol y lanzamiento de peso antes de asistir a Northwestern.

Ulrich se unió a Indy en 2005, apareciendo en diez juegos en su carrera, ganándolo todo junto a Peyton Manning en el Super Bowl XLI.

Cuando se jubiló, fundó una empresa de fitness y también se aventuró al mundo de los negocios.


Matt Ulrich Ex-NFL Offensive Lineman Dead At 41 ... $30k Raised For Family

Former NFL player Matt Ulrich -- who won a Super Bowl with the Indianapolis Colts in 2006 -- has died, Jim Irsay announced Wednesday. He was 41 years old.

Details surrounding his death have not been revealed at this time.

Irsay shared his condolences on X just minutes ago ... saying even though the offensive guard was with the team for a short time, his presence was felt throughout the organization.

"I am heartbroken to hear of the passing of Matt Ulrich," Irsay said in a heartfelt post. "Matt was with us only two seasons, but left his mark on many."

"Great guy, I hear he was a great dad---and he was a Super Bowl champ.  My prayers to his family. 🙏"

Ulrich was a star athlete at Streamwood High School in Illinois ... receiving high honors in football and shot put before attending Northwestern.

Ulrich -- who went undrafted -- joined Indy in 2005 ... appearing in 10 games in his career, winning it all alongside Peyton Manning and Co. at Super Bowl XLI.

He started a fitness company in retirement ... and also ventured into business.

A fundraiser was set up to support Ulrich's family following the athlete's sudden death ... with nearly $30,000 being raised over the past 18 hours.

Tom McMakin -- the CEO of Profitable Ideas Exchange, where Ulrich worked -- donated $20k for the cause. TMZ Sports spoke with McMakin ... and he said Ulrich had the biggest heart in Montana.

"Matt had love and energy for everyone he met," McMakin said ... adding Ulrich was heavily involved in the community by coaching his kids' football teams and providing speed and strength training for young athletes.

McMakin also praised Ulrich's brain and leadership -- assisting on multiple boards for causes throughout the area and raved about his success in the office.

"An NFL lineman is usually scary ... but Matt immediately put you at ease," McMakin said. "He was a gentle giant."

Tom also commended Ulrich for continuing to focus on his health following his playing days ... pointing out the athlete had lost 40 pounds in recent years and was in "peak condition."

As for why he decided to make the substantial donation, McMakin said, "He helped build our company and he was the heart and soul to the business. It's the least we could do."


Matthew Perry Buried Near Other Celebs ... Memorial Flowers Removed from Site

Matthew Perry has been laid to rest alongside some of the biggest stars in Hollywood -- but it looks like his loved ones want to keep his grave's exact location under wraps for now.

TMZ has learned where, precisely, the late "Friends" star's burial plot is at the Forest Lawn cemetery in Hollywood Hills -- where his former costars and family members came together last week to honor him during an intimate funeral.

As it turns out, Matt's casket has been placed within the walls of the Sanctuary of Treasured Love ... a private section on the grounds that's gated off and secluded.

The reason for that privacy and security has to do with who else is buried there -- including Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Michael Clarke Duncan and Ronnie James Dio -- among other big celebs.

Now, Matt's there too ... but like we said, it would appear his family isn't quite ready to have the public come flocking just yet.

Following Friday's service, there was a huge flower arrangement left in memorial at Matthew's gravesite -- which was there until as recently as Monday. However, on Tuesday, those same flowers were gone, and his burial plot is relatively bare -- as seen in these pics.

Matthew's burial spot has yet to be officially marked, but headstones are usually completed and installed on the gravesite sometime later.

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As we reported ... Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer and Matt LeBlanc were among the select few who came to say farewell to their dear friend and longtime cast member.

The funeral service looked incredibly solemn ... capping off a heart-wrenching week where everyone was seeking answers to explain his sudden and shocking death.

There still are no official answers, and likely won't be for several weeks or months, but what we do know is Matt was on the straight and narrow, substance-wise, before he died and in a great place personally and professionally.

The beloved actor was only 54.


Matthew Perry ha sido enterrado junto a algunas de las estrellas más grandes de Hollywood, pero parece que sus seres queridos quieren mantener la ubicación exacta de su tumba en secreto por ahora.

TMZ ha descubierto el lugar exacto donde se encuentra la difunta estrella de "Friends". Quién fue enterrado en el cementerio Forest Lawn en Hollywood Hills, donde sus antiguos compañeros de reparto y miembros de la familia se reunieron para honrarlo durante un funeral íntimo la semana pasada.

Resulta que el cuerpo del actor ha sido escondido entre las paredes del Santuario del Amor Atesorado, una sección privada que está cerrada y aislada.

Hay otras grandes estrellas como Carrie Fisher, Debbie Reynolds, Michael Clarke Duncan y Ronnie James Dio, entre otros.

Ahora, Matt también está allí, pero como ya hemos informado, parece que su familia no está lista para que el público acuda en masa todavía. La razón... una especie de monumento conmemorativo.

Verán, después del servicio del viernes... había un enorme arreglo floral en la tumba de Matthew, que estuvo allí hasta el lunes. Sin embargo, el martes, esas mismas flores se habían ido. Como se ve en estas fotos, el lugar se veía bastante vacío.

Además, el espacio de Matthew en la pared aún no ha sido oficialmente marcado. No está claro si esto es intencional, pero es posible que el círculo íntimo de Matt quiera que este espacio se deje solo por el momento.

Sabemos que todos los que estuvieron presentes el viernes trataron de ser lo más discretos posible, así que presumiblemente, esto es solo una extensión de eso. Si todo el mundo supiera donde encontrar a Matt, el lugar se convertiría en un zoo, viendo la cantidad de fans y admiradores que tiene.

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amigos hasta el final

Como informamos, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer y Matt LeBlanc estaban entre los pocos elegidos que vinieron a decir adiós a su querido amigo y miembro del elenco desde hace mucho tiempo.

El servicio fúnebre parecía increíblemente solemne, culminando una semana turbulenta en el mundo del espectáculo, uno en el que todo el mundo estaba buscando respuestas para explicar su muerte repentina.

Todavía no tenemos ninguna respuesta oficial, pero lo que sí sabemos es que Matt estaba sobrio antes de morir, por lo que  esa posibilidad se puede descartar por el momento.

Se ha hecho una autopsia, pero los resultados están pendientes de más pruebas toxicológicas, por no hablar de una investigación por parte de la policía.

Perry solo tenía 54 años.