Gal Gadot PROYECCIÓN DE IMÁGENES SIN EDITAR DE HAMÁS... Es aplastada por una organización judía

Gal Gadot planea organizar una proyección de casi una hora de la brutalidad cometida por Hamás en Israel, pero está siendo criticada por una organización judía en Estados Unidos.

Se dice que la actriz israelí le está dando una mano al director Guy Nattiv en la emisión de una película de aproximadamente 45 minutos, llamada "Bearing Witness", que fue originalmente compilada por las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel y muestra imágenes gráficas de lo ocurrido el pasado 7 de octubre.

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Secuestrados en Israel

El objetivo de todo esto es mostrar lo que realmente sucedió ese día. Esto, en medio de un montón de escépticos que están alegando que Israel está plantando banderas falsas para justificar sus represalias en Gaza. Los informes de bebés israelíes decapitados, por ejemplo, han sido objeto de escrutinio.

Por supuesto, esto ocurre un mes después del ataque inicial y desde entonces, Israel parece haber perdido algo de apoyo público a medida que continúa su campaña en Gaza. Eso se avecina aquí, también.

La primera proyección de "Bearing Witness" está prevista para esta semana en un lugar no revelado y, según los informes, se ha invitado a más de 120 personas. Se proyectará primero en Los Ángeles y en función de la acogida es posible que haya más proyecciones en el futuro.

En términos de reacción a esto, ha habido una gran cantidad de reacciones negativas de los partidarios pro-Palestina, pero curiosamente también está recibiendo críticas de una organización activista llamada Voz Judía por la Paz que, por cierto, se describe a sí misma como anti-sionista.

Su capítulo de Los Ángeles le dice a TMZ que consideran que esta proyección es un "evento de propaganda", y que simplemente no muestra una imagen completa de esta guerra, incluyendo lo que está sucediendo ahora mismo en Palestina. Es decir, miles de civiles inocentes que mueren en el fuego cruzado.

JVFP-LA dice que este tipo de material solo sirve para "[avivar] las llamas de la guerra y el genocidio", añadiendo que Israel está socavando su propia misión de tratar de salvar a los rehenes que aún están en poder de Hamás a través de sus tácticas brutales. En otras palabras, no están de acuerdo con Gal y compañía.

Haciéndose eco de ese sentimiento, hay otra organización llamada Alianza para la Paz (ALLMEP) en Oriente Medio, que nos dice: "Ha habido una negación y ofuscación muy preocupantes de los terribles crímenes cometidos el 7 de octubre. Es comprensible que se quiera evitar que esa negación se generalice. Sin embargo, esto debe equilibrarse con el hecho de que estamos tratando con personas cada vez más traumatizadas -tanto en la región como en todo el mundo- que han estado expuestas a imágenes, tanto de los ataques en Israel como ahora de los ataques aéreos en Gaza, que no pueden dejar de ver".

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Emboscada en un Kibutz

Y añaden: "Esto es especialmente preocupante para los niños y los jóvenes. ALLMEP centra sus esfuerzos en reparar las relaciones entre israelíes y palestinos y promover la paz. Que es, en última instancia, como podemos evitar que escenas espeluznantes como estas se vuelvan a repetir".

Otras fuentes de la organización nos dicen que creen que el gobierno israelí está utilizando a Gal, y un ex soldado de las FDI, para impulsar su agenda, con la esperanza de utilizar sus contactos en Hollywood para difundir su mensaje y así ganar una "guerra por poderes" en el tribunal de la opinión pública.

Se nos dice que ALLMEP reconoce las atrocidades cometidas por Hamás el 7 de octubre, pero dice que la verdadera solución para poner fin a la violencia radica en mostrar el derramamiento de sangre en todo su alcance, tanto de Israel como de Gaza. Dicho todo esto, la postura de Israel ha sido clara en todo momento: sus ciudadanos fueron masacrados y hacer pagar a Hamás con un método quirúrgico es prácticamente imposible.

Israel ha dicho que hace todo lo posible por evitar la muerte de víctimas civiles en Gaza, y ha emitido amplias advertencias sobre los ataques aéreos. El tiempo dirá cómo ven la película quienes lo observan desde fuera.

Gal Gadot Screening of Raw Hamas Footage ... Slammed by Jewish Org

Gal Gadot plans to host a screening this week that'll show off nearly an hour of nonstop carnage undertaken by Hamas in Israel ... but it's being slammed by a Jewish org in the U.S.

The Israeli actress is said to be lending a hand to director Guy Nattiv in airing a roughly 45-minute film, of sorts, called "Bearing Witness" -- originally compiled by the Israeli Defense Forces ... and which depicts graphic footage and images of Hamas' Oct. 7 rampage.

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The whole point of this is to showcase what really happened there that day -- this amid a lot of skeptics and others who've alleged Israel is planting false flags to justify their retaliation in Gaza. Reports of beheaded Israeli babies, for instance, have been scrutinized.

Of course, it comes a month after the initial attack ... and since then, Israel seems to have lost some public support as its campaign in Gaza continues. That's looming here, too.

The first screening of "Bearing Witness" is supposed to go down sometime this week at an undisclosed location -- and according to reports, upwards of 120 people have been invited. L.A. is first, and based on the reception ... more screenings might happen down the line.

In terms of reaction to this ... there's been a lot of pushback from pro-Palestine supporters -- but interestingly enough ... she's also catching flak from an activist organization called Jewish Voice for Peace ...which, FWIW, pegs itself as anti-Zionist.

Its L.A. chapter tells TMZ ... they consider this screening to be a "propaganda event," going on to say it simply won't tell the full picture of this war -- including what's happening right now in Palestine ... namely, thousands of innocent civilians being killed in the crossfire.

JVFP-LA says this type of material only serves to "[fan] the flames of war and genocide" ... adding, Israel is undermining its own mission of trying to save hostages still being held by Hamas through their brutal tactics. In other words ... they're not on board with Gal and co.

Echoing that sentiment is another org called Alliance for Middle East Peace, which tells us ... "There has been some very disturbing denial and obfuscation of the terrible crimes committed on October 7th. It is understandable that there would be a wish to prevent that denial from becoming more widespread. However, this needs to be balanced by the fact that we are dealing with increasingly traumatized people -- both in the region and around the world -- who have been exposed to images, both in the attacks in Israel and now the airstrikes in Gaza, that they cannot unsee."

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They add, "This is particularly worrying for children and young people. ALLMEP is focusing efforts on repairing relations between Israelis and Palestinians and furthering peace. Which is ultimately how we can prevent shocking scenes such as these from ever occurring again."

Other org sources tell us they believe Gal -- an ex-IDF soldier herself -- is being used by the Israeli government to push an agenda -- hoping to use her Hollywood connections to spread their message in hopes of winning a "proxy war" in the court of public opinion.

Israel has said they do their best to avoid civilian casualties in Gaza -- and have issued ample warnings about airstrikes. Time will tell how the movie lands on those who watch.

Chad Johnson Joe Burrow Is The Best QB In The NFL ... When Healthy


Move over Patrick Mahomes -- Joe Burrow is actually the best quarterback in the NFL ... so says Chad "Ochocinco" Johnson, who tells TMZ Sports the Cincinnati Bengals superstar deserves the title when he's 100% healthy.

Joey B has had his fair share of injuries in his short career -- he tore his ACL and MCL in his rookie season, forcing him to miss the final six games ... and, more recently, suffered a calf strain in July that continued to give him trouble early on in his 2023 campaign.

He's now proving he's back to his usual self after leading the Bengals to four straight wins ... and Ochocinco says this version of Burrow is all the evidence he needs to put him at the top of his QB list.

"A healthy Joe Burrow is the best quarterback in the NFL," 45-year-old Johnson -- who played for the Bengals from 2001 to 2010 -- said this week.

"You can argue Patrick Mahomes, you can argue what other quarterbacks, but he just is."

Burrow has been balling out lately ... with big wins over San Francisco and Buffalo over the past two weeks as the Bengals find themselves in the contender conversation once again.

Since Burrow was selected as the No. 1 overall pick in 2020, he has led the Bengals to five postseason wins and a Super Bowl appearance ... something Johnson said shouldn't be ignored.

"What he's done for that franchise in such a short amount of time, I mean, how can he not be [the best]?"

Speaking of Burrow, he appeared on this week's edition of "Inside the NFL" -- which airs Tuesdays on the CW -- and Johnson said he had a blast interviewing the Ohio product.

"It was a joy for me," Johnson said. "It was really, really dope."

And, since Johnson was a Bengals receiver, we asked if he would've liked to have played with Burrow during his time in Cincy ... and his answer is really interesting.

C-Knight Dead At 52 ... Family Seeking Money For Burial


12/4 1:07 PM PT -- C-Knight's family tells TMZ ... the rapper has not been buried because the family does not have the money to put on a proper funeral for him.

They are seeking crowdfunding from fans via their GoFundMe.

C-Knight, a member of hip hop group The Dove Shack, has died ... TMZ has learned.

A family member tells us C-Knight, real name Arnez Blount, passed away Tuesday after it was decided to take him off life support, weeks after first being admitted to the facility for a stroke.

TMZ broke the story, C-Knight's father told us his son was hospitalized mid-October after his blood sugar was at a scary level -- a result of his diabetes.

While getting dialysis at the hospital, he somehow suffered a stroke and went into cardiac arrest. He was resuscitated by doctors and put on life support ... but had been in an unresponsive state -- with medical staff telling the family there were no signs of progress.

C-Knight's father last told us they were waiting on the results of a crucial MRI to hopefully see any notable brain activity -- but his family kept optimistic while they waited.

The Dove Shack played a big part in the West Coast G-Funk music movement in the 1990s ... jumping in the game with fellow big dogs like Warren G and Snoop Dogg.

C-Knight, along with Bo-Roc and 2Scoops, put out some memorable hits like "Summertime in the LBC," "This Is The Shack," and "Smoke Out."

He was 52.


Originally Published -- 11/7 3:36 PM PT

Evan Ellingson Death Investigated As Possible OD ... Drug Paraphernalia at Scene

Former child star Evan Ellingson's death is being investigated as a possible overdose ... we're told evidence was found at the scene which might point to drug use.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... drug paraphernalia was found at the San Bernardino County home, where Evan was found dead on Sunday. Right now, cops are continuing to investigate and we're told the case is being looked at as a possible OD.

Sources close to the case tell us the pending results of Ellingson's toxicology report will determine how the investigation will proceed -- if drugs are found to have been the cause, authorities could potentially investigate where they came from, and if there's any criminal culpability.

TMZ broke the story, Ellingson's body was found in his bedroom ... and officials told us there appeared to be no foul play involved.

His father, Michael, told us his son was found at a sober living home ... while Ellingson struggled with drugs in the past, Michael says he was doing better as of late.

Aaron Rodgers Achilles Healing At Record Pace ... Real Chance of Return this Season

Aaron Rodgers' ruptured Achilles is healing at a pace never before seen in an NFL player ... and there's a real chance the future Hall of Famer returns to the field this season ... sources connected to the QB tell TMZ Sports.

We're told 39-year-old Rodgers is in "no man's land" -- uncharted territory -- when it comes to the speed at which he's healing from the serious injury to his left leg. No player previously has come this far, this fast.

Typically, a ruptured Achilles takes 9+ months to recover. Aaron's injury happened on September 11, just 57 days ago. Using that timeline, Rodgers wouldn't be ready to return until training camp next year.

But, Aaron isn't conventional, and the 4x NFL MVP made up his mind shortly after the injury, he was going to do all he could to return this season.

Doctors, however, need to balance Rodger's eagerness with the danger of reinjuring his leg. They'll only allow him to play if they're confident he isn't at high risk of reinjuring the ligament, according to our sources.

What's interesting ... we're told one of the balancing factors is how much the Jets need Rodgers. If he's game critical, it would offset some of the risk. In other words, the more he's needed, the more risk can be tolerated.

As for why a 39-year-old is healing faster than any football player known to medicine, we're told it's a combination of the top doctors using cutting-edge procedures combined with Aaron's unrelenting approach to physical therapy.

All the talk of a comeback could be moot if the 4-4 Jets aren't in playoff contention. There's no point in rushing a return if Gang Green's playing in meaningless games.

Following the Jets Monday Night Football loss to the Chargers, Derwin James asked Rodgers when he was going to return.

"Give me a few weeks," Aaron answered the Pro Bowl safety.

Evan Ellingson Muerte está siendo investigada como posible sobredosis

La muerte de la ex estrella infantil Evan Ellingson está siendo investigada como posible sobredosis. Esto, luego de que las autoridades a cargo encontraran evidencia en la escena que podría apuntar al consumo de drogas.

Fuentes policiales le dicen a TMZ que se hallaron diversos elementos relacionados con las drogas en su casa del Condado de San Bernardino, lugar en que Evan fue encontrado sin vida este domingo. En este momento, los policías siguen investigando y nos dicen que el caso está siendo considerado como una posible sobredosis.

Fuentes cercanas al caso nos dicen que los resultados pendientes del informe toxicológico de Ellingson determinarán cómo procederá la investigación. Si se determina que su causa de muerte fue producto de las drogas, las autoridades podrían potencialmente investigar de dónde provenían y si hay alguna culpabilidad criminal.

TMZ publicó la noticia, el cuerpo de Ellingson fue encontrado en su dormitorio. Los funcionarios nos dijeron que no parecía haber indicios de un crimen violento.

Su padre Michael nos dijo que su hijo fue encontrado en un hogar que llevaba una vida sobria. Aunque Ellingson había estado luchando contra las drogas en el pasado, Michael dice que estaba muchísimo mejor en el último tiempo.


El tendón de Aquiles de Aaron Rodgers se está curando a un ritmo nunca antes visto en un jugador de la NFL y hay una posibilidad real de que el futuro Salón de la Fama vuelva al campo esta temporada. Fuentes relacionadas a la estrella le comentaron a TMZ Sports.

Nos dicen que la recuperación de Rodgers —39 años— de la grave lesión en su pierna izquierda, ha sido más rápida que la de cualquier otro jugador en la historia del deporte.

Normalmente, una rotura del tendón de Aquiles tarda más de nueve meses en recuperarse. La lesión de Aaron ocurrió el 11 de septiembre, hace solo 57 días. Según ese calendario, Rodgers no estaría listo para volver hasta al campo de entrenamiento hasta el año que viene.

Pero Aaron no es convencional y decidió que iba a hacer todo lo posible para volver esta temporada.

Los médicos, sin embargo, tienen que equilibrar el afán de Rodger con el peligro de volver a lesionarse la pierna. Según nuestras fuentes, solo le permitirán jugar si están seguros de que no corre un alto riesgo de volver a lesionarse el ligamento.

Nos comentan que uno de los factores a considerar es lo mucho que los Jets necesitan a Rodgers. Si es crítico para el juego, compensaría parte del riesgo. En otras palabras, cuanto más se necesita, más riesgo se puede tolerar.

En cuanto a por qué un jugador de 39 años se está curando más rápido que cualquier jugador de fútbol conocido por la medicina, se nos dice que es una combinación de los mejores médicos que utilizan procedimientos de vanguardia combinados con el enfoque implacable de Aaron a la terapia física.

Toda la charla sobre un regreso podría ser discutible si los 4-4 Jets no están en la lucha por los playoffs. No tiene sentido apresurar un regreso si Gang Green está jugando en partidos sin sentido.

Tras la derrota de los Jets en el Monday Night Football ante los Chargers, Derwin James le preguntó a Rodgers cuándo iba a volver.

"Dame unas semanas", respondió Aaron al safety del Pro Bowl.

Aaron Rodgers 'Few Weeks' Comment Was A Joke ... Gonna Be Longer



12:22 PM PT -- Aaron Rodgers is clarifying his comment about being back to action in "a few weeks" ... saying the whole conversation was just silly banter with a friend.

The quarterback discussed the popular sound bite on "The Pat McAfee Show" on Tuesday ... claiming he didn't expect mics to pick up what he was discussing with James -- and he wasn't stating fact.

Rodgers went on to say the previously stated timeline is pretty unrealistic ... and he is more like "a few fortnights" from suiting up again.

FYI -- a fortnight is 14 days ... so, see you in six weeks, Aaron??

Aaron Rodgers is telling people they won't have to wait long to see him get back on the field -- the New York Jets quarterback was caught on a hot mic saying he's only "a few weeks" from returning from his Achilles injury.

AR8 met up with Los Angeles Chargers star Derwin James on the 50-yard line following his team's 27-6 loss during Monday Night Football ... and when the two embraced, the All-Pro safety asked what everyone wants to know -- "When you coming back, man??"

Rodgers' response will have Jets fans salivating.

"Give me a few weeks," he answered.

Of course, the four-time MVP has been showing strong signs of improvement over the past few weeks -- he has been walking without crutches and throwing the football before games ... claiming he's well ahead of schedule with rehab since suffering the injury on September 11.

Worth noting -- it's entirely possible Rodgers might not have been too serious with his answer ... as he could have been playing it up for the cameras or wanting to keep the real timeline a secret.


Rodgers has made it clear he wants to return this season -- but the quickest Achilles recovery in NFL history belongs to Cam Akers, who returned after 5 1/2 months. If Rodgers takes the same amount of time, it'll be right around the Super Bowl.

Originally Published -- 7:24 AM PT

Aaron Rodgers Estoy a unas semanas de volver... Tras lesión en el Aquiles

Aaron Rodgers le está diciendo a la gente que no tendrá que esperar mucho tiempo para verlo jugar nuevamente. El mariscal de campo de los Jets de Nueva York fue capturado diciendo que está a solo "unas semanas" de regresar de su lesión de Aquiles.

AR8 se encontró con la estrella de Los Ángeles Chargers, Derwin James, después de la derrota de su equipo 27-6 durante el Monday Night Football, y cuando los dos se abrazaron, el jugador le preguntó a Rodgers lo que todo el mundo quiere saber, "¿cuándo vuelves, hombre?".

La respuesta de Rodgers tendrá a los fans de los Jets salivando.

"Dame unas semanas", respondió.

Por supuesto, el cuatro veces MVP (most valuable player) ha estado mostrando fuertes señales de mejoría en las últimas semanas. Ha estado caminando sin muletas y lanzando el balón antes de los partidos, afirmando que está muy por delante de lo previsto en su rehabilitación desde que sufrió la lesión el 11 de septiembre.

Vale la pena señalar que es totalmente posible que Rodgers no se haya tomado totalmente en serio su respuesta, podría haber estado jugando con las cámaras o queriendo mantener la línea de tiempo real de su recuperación en secreto.

Sin carrito no hay problema

Rodgers ha dejado claro que quiere volver esta temporada, pero la recuperación de Aquiles más rápida en la historia de la NFL pertenece a Cam Akers, quien regresó después de 5 meses y medio. Si Rodgers tarda la misma cantidad de tiempo, sería justo alrededor del Super Bowl.

Bronny James Getting Checked Out This Month ... Could Play This Season

Bronny James could be one step closer to making his college basketball debut -- the USC guard is slated to have a health checkup later this month ... and if all goes well, he will be cleared to practice with his teammates.

The update came from Bronny's NBA superstar pops, LeBron, on Monday ... who doubled down on the chances his eldest son could see game action for the Trojans this season after suffering cardiac arrest on the court while training in July.


"Things are going in the right direction with Bronny's progress," LeBron told reporters after the Lakers' 108-107 loss to the Miami Heat. "He's doing rehab. Every week, he gets to do more and more."

No. 21-ranked USC kicked off its college season against Kansas State ... and of course, Bronny did not play. He has been with his teammates as he recovers ... even dancing during USC's annual Trojan HoopLA event at the Galen Center last month.

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"We have a big moment at the end of this month to see if we can continue to go forward," LeBron continued. "If he's cleared, then we'll not be too long from him getting back on the floor and back with his teammates and practicing with the notion of being back on the floor and playing in a game situation."

"Everything is on the up and up. We're proud of his progress, we're proud of his strength."

As we previously reported, it was determined Bronny had "an anatomically and functionally significant Congenital Heart Defect," which caused his cardiac arrest on July 24.

Here's hoping everything continues to go well!!

Travis Barker Regresa al hospital donde dio a luz Kourtney

Travis Barker se presentó en el Cedars-Sinai Medical Center en Los Ángeles el lunes, casi una semana después de que Kourtney diera a luz a su bebé.

Travis llegó en su Range Rover a última hora de la tarde, presumiblemente para visitar a Kourtney y a su bebé recién nacido, Rocky.

Como informamos, Travis y Kourtney querían tener a su bebé en Halloween, y según nuestras fuentes, el parto estaba previsto para la semana pasada, por lo que bien puede ser que Rocky haya nacido el martes pasado.

No hemos visto mucho de la prole Kardashian en el hospital durante la última semana. Kylie apareció el jueves pasado, pero aparte de ella no ha habido otros avistamientos.

Este es el tercer hijo de Travis de 47 años y es el cuarto de Kourtney de 44 años.

No está claro por qué Kourtney y Rocky siguen en el hospital. Les deseamos buena salud.

Travis Barker Returns to Hospital Where Kourtney Gave Birth

Travis Barker showed up at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. Monday, nearly a week after Kourtney gave birth to their baby boy.

Travis rolled up in his Range Rover in the late afternoon, presumably to visit Kourtney and their newborn baby, Rocky.

As we reported, Travis and Kourtney wanted a Halloween baby ... and according to our sources, the baby was due last week so it may well be Rocky was born last Tuesday.


We have not seen much of the Kardashian brood at the hospital over the last week. Kylie showed up last Thursday, but other than her there have been no other sightings.

This is 47-year-old Travis' 3rd child and it's 44-year-old Kourtney's 4th.

It's unclear why Kourtney and Rocky are still in the hospital ... we wish them good health.

Francis Ngannou I'm Down To Wait For Fury Rematch ... Until After Usyk Bout


Francis Ngannou isn't sending mixed signals ... he wants a rematch with Tyson Fury next, and if that means waiting a few months until The Gypsy King fights Oleksandr Usyk, he tells TMZ Sports that's exactly what he'll do!

The 37-year-old combat sports superstar joined Michael Babcock on the "TMZ Sports" show (airs weeknights on FS1) ... where the guys talked about Francis' future in the ring now that he's the hottest commodity in the sport.

"I would be willing to wait [for Fury to fight Usyk]. I know that they are going to fight, they had a contract already, so they are going to fight sometime in February instead of December 23, which is my fault," Ngannou said smiling ... "I shouldn't have cut him. He would've fought December 23, and maybe we would've run it back early next year."

Of course, Francis is referring to the cut he opened up on Tyson's head ... a big reason he won't be able to turn around and fight in less than 2 months. The cut has to heal.

So, a fight with Fury, barring the Usyk bout completely falling apart, will not happen until, at earliest, mid-2024.

In the meantime, Anthony Joshua, through his promoter Eddie Hearn, has said he's down to fight The Predator in Saudi Arabia on December 28. We asked Ngannou if he was interested.

"First of all, it's too soon. Secondly, my focus, as boxing is concerned, is a rematch with Tyson. That's the most important thing for me right now, everything else for boxing comes after."

In addition to AJ, Deontay Wilder and Joseph Parker are names that have been thrown out as possible future opponents for Ngannou.

All this doesn't necessarily mean Francis won't fight before Fury ... he just won't box. Remember, Ngannou is signed to PFL (as a fighter and Chairman of PFL Africa).


Last week we spoke to PFL CEO Peter Murray ... who previewed some of the promotion's plans for their superstar fighter.

There's also much more with Francis ... from whether he believes Fury trained for him to how his life has changed since the epic performance.

Check out the full interview! 👊

Aaron Rodgers What Torn Achilles?!? No Limp Or Crutches 8 Weeks After Injury



3:20 PM PT -- Rodgers wasn't just walking tall before the game ... he was also back on the field slinging the football around -- which is another great sign for Jets fans.

The quarterback dropped back a few times and let some passes fly ... putting weight on his left leg as he followed through.

It's definitely trending in the right direction for Rodgers!!

Aaron Rodgers is recovering from his torn Achilles at a mind-blowing speed -- the New York Jets QB was spotted walking completely normal ahead of his team's Monday Night Football matchup against the Los Angeles Chargers ... just 56 days after going down with the injury.

AR8 was in great spirits as he made his way through the MetLife Stadium tunnels just minutes ago ... showing no signs of limping or needing to use a cart, as he did for previous games.

Of course, the four-time MVP ruptured his leg tendon just four plays into his first season with the Jets on September 11. Many assumed his season was over, but the 39-year-old vowed to get back on the field ASAP -- even revealing he was going to try to play again during the 2023-24 campaign.

It sounded crazy at the time, but Rodgers might really be onto something -- he also spent some time throwing the pigskin on the field before the Jets game last month.

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It's not the first time we've seen Aaron walking without crutches -- he was able to move around slowly just three weeks after the ailment ... but now, it looks like he's walking perfectly.

Rodgers said last week he's crushing rehab and ahead of schedule ... but still has a "long way to go."

So far, so good!!

Originally Published -- 2:00 PM PT

Dr. Phil I'm Coming Back On My Own TV Network ... New Primetime Show!!!

Dr. Phil is going BIG in his return to TV ... he's launching his own cable network, and anchoring a new nightly show.

Phil is calling his new TV network "Merit Street Media" ... and his new talk show airing nightly at 8 PM ET is called "Dr. Phil Primetime."

Dr. Phil says the first episode will premiere Monday, Feb. 26 ... and it will follow the same format as his longtime daytime talk show, "Dr. Phil," only it's going to film in front of a live studio audience at a brand new studio in Texas.

Phil says his new cable network is "dedicated to bringing viewers essential news and entertainment" ... and he wants to talk to families about real problems because "American families and our core values are under attack."

Remember ... Dr. Phil's long-running talk show ended in May after 21 seasons on TV.

Now, Phil's coming back on a new network and in a new time slot, but some things will remain the same, he says ... "As always, the audience will dictate our content because they are our content."

Dr. Phil adds ... "I continue my pledge to help individuals, couples, and families have the tough conversations, face the hard realities, and get real answers for the most positive and effective outcome."

In other words, your favorite TV doc is coming back to a screen near you. Stay tuned for the details on cable providers, dates, etc. -- all that info is set to arrive in the coming weeks.