Las cosas siguen empeorando para los Gigantes de Nueva York. Eñ mariscal de campo Daniel Jones  —que firmó una extensión de contrato esta temporada— se rompió el ligamento cruzado anterior durante la derrota por goleada del domingo.

El entrenador en jefe de los NYG, Brian Daboll, reveló los resultados de la resonancia magnética el lunes, anunciando que el mariscal de campo de 26 años se someterá a una cirugía para reparar el desgarro que sufrió contra los Raiders en Las Vegas.

Daboll, en su segunda temporada como HC de los Giants, temió que el diagnóstico fuera grave después de ver cómo la rodilla de Jones se doblaba en la primera mitad.

"Es duro. Nunca quieres que tus chicos caigan", dijo Daboll en la conferencia de prensa posterior al partido del domingo.

"Ha trabajado muy duro para volver y es desafortunado".

Jones jugaba en su primer partido de vuelta desde que se lesionó el cuello varias semanas antes, lo que le obligó a perderse un puñado de partidos.

La devastadora lesión se produce pocos meses después de que DJ firmara un contrato de cuatro años por un valor de 160 millones de dólares esta temporada baja, luego de una gran temporada 2022, la mejor de su carrera.

La campaña 2023 de Jones, antes del desgarro del LCA, había sido muy diferente. Daniel lanzó para solo 909 yardas y dos touchdowns, mientras que lanzó 6 intercepciones. Para ser justos, fue saqueado 30 veces.

fuera de la temporada
New York Giants

La lesión deja a los Gigantes con solo un QB en la lista. Tyrod Taylor está en el hospital con una lesión en las costillas que sufrió en la octava semana, dejando al novato no reclutado Tommy DeVito como el único QB saludable.

DeVito, nativo de Nueva Jersey, lanzó para 175 yardas y un touchdown el domingo. También hizo dos picks.

¡Mejórate, DJ!

Daniel Jones Out For Season After Tearing ACL ... Months After $160M Ext

Things keep getting worse for the New York Giants ... franchise quarterback Daniel Jones -- who inked a massive contract extension this offseason -- tore his ACL during Sunday's blowout loss and is done for the year.

NYG head coach Brian Daboll revealed the MRI results on Monday, announcing the 26-year-old signal caller will undergo surgery to repair a torn ACL that he suffered against the Raiders in Las Vegas.

Daboll, in his second season as Giants HC, feared the diagnosis was serious after watching Jones' knee buckle in the first half.

"Tough. You never want your guys to go down," Daboll said in Sunday's post-game press conference.

"He's worked really hard to get back and it's unfortunate."

Jones was playing in his first game back since injuring his neck several weeks earlier, forcing him to miss a handful of games.

The devastating injury comes just months after DJ signed a 4-year contract worth $160 million this offseason ... after a career-best 2022 season.

Jones' 2023 campaign, before the ACL tear, had been very different. Daniel threw for just 909 yards and 2 touchdowns, while throwing 6 interceptions. In fairness, he was sacked 30 times.

daboll: jones out for season
New York Giants

The injury leaves the Giants with only one QB on the active roster ... backup Tyrod Taylor is on the IR with a rib injury he suffered in Week 8, leaving undrafted rookie Tommy DeVito as the only healthy QB.

DeVito, a New Jersey native, threw for 175 yards and a touchdown on Sunday. He also had two picks.

Get well, DJ!

MATTHEW PERRY CHANDLER ENGAÑÓ A MÓNICA Pero le dijo a los guionistas que quiten la escena

El personaje de Matthew Perry, Chandler Bing, estuvo a punto de protagonizar un escándalo al engañar a Monica, pero nos han comentado que el actor consiguió que se desechara la idea.

Hablamos con Lisa Cash, que apareció en el episodio de 1999 de la temporada 5, "The One in Vegas: Part 1". Nos dice que consiguió el trabajo como extra, pero su papel en el episodio fue originalmente mucho más controvertido... o lo habría sido si Matthew no hubiera hablado.

una gran decisión

Ella le dice a TMZ que la escena tenía origen en Mónica -interpretada por Courteney Cox- quien tenía una acalorada discusión con Chandler. El personaje de Lisa supuestamente iba a entrar a la habitación de Chandler para realizar un servicio de habitaciones a su habitación de hotel en Las Vegas.

Al parecer, Chandler y el personaje de Lisa se llevaron bien después de su gran pelea con Mónica, llegando incluso a engañarla con la empleada del hotel.

Si veías la serie, sabes que eso es algo que los fans NUNCA le perdonarían a Chandler y eso es exactamente lo que Matthew pensaba. Lisa dice que después de ensayar la escena, fue a los escritores y les dijo que la eliminaran.

Lisa sabía que tener un papel protagonista con Matthew Perry habría sido un cambio de juego para su carrera, pero cree que en última instancia fue un buen movimiento y podría haber cambiado el curso de la serie.

Mientras que toda la trama fue cancelada, Lisa terminó permaneciendo en el episodio como azafata en la escena de Ross y Rachel.

Ha habido una avalancha de amor por Matthew desde que fue encontrado muerto en su jacuzzi el fin de semana pasado y Lisa corrobora muchas de las cosas amables que la gente ha estado diciendo sobre él a raíz de su fallecimiento.

Matthew Perry Chandler Supposed To Cheat On Monica ... Went To 'Friends' Writers To Get It Cut

Matthew Perry's character, Chandler Bing, on "Friends," almost had a scandal on his hands by cheating on Monica ... but we're told the actor got the whole idea scrapped.

We spoke with Lisa Cash, who appeared in the 1999 episode from season 5, "The One in Vegas: Part 1" -- telling us she got the gig as an extra, but her role on the episode was originally a lot more controversial ... or it would have been if Matthew didn't speak up.

game-changing decision

She tells TMZ ... the OG scene revolved around Monica -- played by Courteney Cox -- getting into a heated argument with Chandler, with Lisa's character eventually bringing up room service to his hotel room in Vegas.


Apparently, Chandler and Lisa's character hit it off after his big fight with Monica -- going so far as to actually cheat on her with the hotel staffer.

If you watched the show, you know that's something fans would NEVER forgive Chandler for, and that's exactly what Matthew thought. Lisa says after rehearsing the scene, he went to the writers and told them to axe it.

Lisa knew having a costarring role with Matthew Perry would have been a game changer for her career, but thinks it was ultimately a good move and could have changed the course of the show.

While the whole plot got nixed, Lisa ended up staying in the episode as a flight attendant in Ross and Rachel's scene.

There's been an outpouring of love for Matthew since he was found dead in his jacuzzi last weekend ... and Lisa's echoing a lot of the kind things folks have been saying about him in the wake of his passing.

Damar Hamlin Emotional Postgame Moment First Return to Cincinnati

Damar Hamlin made his first return to Paycor Stadium since suffering cardiac arrest back in January ... and the Buffalo Bills safety was visibly emotional as he reflected on his journey in a postgame moment on the field.

25-year-old Hamlin -- a healthy scratch from the Bills' 24-18 loss to the Cincinnati Bengals -- made his way onto the field after Sunday's matchup ... crouching down near the spot he collapsed and needed resuscitating last season.

"Head Clear. Blessed & Highly Favored. Thank You," Hamlin said on social media alongside a short clip of his time on the grass.

It was a special night for Hamlin -- he also embraced several Bengals players before the game ... smiling from ear-to-ear as he dapped them up.

"Tonight was everything for me," Hamlin said on X. "Y'all don’t know the half of it. Trust me."

Hamlin also took his return as an opportunity to do something really special -- announcing scholarships named after the 10 medical professionals who brought him back to life ... and enjoying a dinner with the heroes over the weekend.


The $1,000 scholarships will help young kids in Cincinnati over the next three years.

The Dove Shack Rapper C-Knight on Life Support ... Post-Stroke MRI to Come

C-Knight -- an original member of rap group The Dove Shack -- is fighting for his life, with his loved ones waiting on some key tests before any next steps ... TMZ has learned.

The MC's father, George Lee Washington Blount Jr., tells us his son was hospitalized on Oct. 18 as a result of a scary blood sugar level -- which we're told stems from his diabetes. Blount says that while C-Knight was receiving dialysis, he somehow suffered a stroke.

In addition to that, we're told C-Knight went into cardiac arrest ... and that his heart stopped, with him needing to be resuscitated by doctors. At that point, Blount says C-Knight was placed on life support -- but Blount says even more health issues surfaced amid all this.

Since the stroke and cardiac arrest ... we're told C-Knight has been in an unresponsive state, and that the medical staff has told the family there's no signs of progress they're detecting.

As for where things stand now ... Blount tells us they're waiting on a crucial MRI scan to be done, which will tell if them if there's any notable brain activity. We're told the family believes he can battle back and recover from this ... despite how grim it looks at the moment.

In the case that the scan shows no brain activity -- which is the worst case scenario -- we're told his family plans to keep him on life support for the time being ... and will weigh their options. For the time being, they're praying for a miracle, hopeful he can pull through.

The Dove Shack only released 2 albums, but they're both memorable ... especially for their impact on the West Coast G-Funk movement in the '90s, which was spearheaded by Snoop Dogg and Warren G -- both of whom are familiar with these guys, and friendly with them.

The other members, 2Scoops and Bo-Roc, are obviously tight with C-Knight -- and Bo called for everyone to send their thoughts and well-wishes his way as CK tries to bounce back.

We've lost a lot of legends in hip-hop, and almost all of them were taken far too soon. Here's hoping C-Knight doesn't become one of them and is able to make a full recovery. 🙏🏽

RAY J LLEVA A SU MADRE AL HOSPITAL Mala reacción a la terapia intravenosa

La madre de Ray J, Sonja Norwood, se está recuperando de una mala reacción a algo que es, en general, algo saludable. Un error al realizar un tratamiento llamado IV en casa se convirtió en una situación de emergencia, TMZ ha indagado.

El drama se desarrolló cuando Sonja comenzó a sentirse mareada después del tratamiento IV, que está destinado a entregar las vitaminas esenciales y nutrientes directamente al torrente sanguíneo.

Es una tendencia de salud y bienestar popularizada por las celebridades en los últimos años y, hace unas semanas, Sonja decidió entrar en la acción.

Por desgracia, nos informan que Sonja tuvo que recostarse debido a que su respiración se aceleró repentinamente. Su familia llamó a una ambulancia por la preocupación.

La revisaron en el hospital y finalmente se recuperó.

La terapia intravenosa que recibió fue una mezcla de vitaminas C y B, así como calcio y magnesio. Se supone que esto se hace para estimular el sistema inmunológico de un paciente, pero los efectos secundarios pueden incluir infecciones, erupciones cutáneas, coágulos de sangre, embolia gaseosa entre otras dolencias.

Allá por 2018, Kendall Jenner también fue hospitalizada tras una mala reacción a una terapia de vitaminas intravenosas.

RAY J RUSHES MOM TO HOSPITAL ... Bad Reaction to IV Therapy

Ray J's mom, Sonja Norwood, is recovering from a bad reaction to something that's, generally speaking, good for you -- a home IV drip that turned into an emergency situation ... TMZ has learned.

The health drama unfolded when Sonja began feeling light-headed after the IV treatment ... which is meant to deliver essential vitamins and nutrients directly to the bloodstream.

It's a health and wellness trend popularized by celebs in recent years, and a few weeks ago ... Sonja decided to get in on the action.

Unfortunately, we're told there was no wellness involved that day ... as Sonja had to lie down due to sudden rapid breathing, which prompted her family, including Ray, to call an ambulance out of concern.

She got checked out at the hospital and, eventually, she was okay.

The IV therapy she got was a mix of C and B vitamins, as well as calcium and magnesium. It's meant to boost a patient's immune system, but side effects can include infection, rashes, blood clots, air embolism and more.

Back in 2018, Kendall Jenner was also hospitalized following a bad reaction to an IV vitamin drip. Some people just might be better off sticking to vitamins from a bottle.

Celine Dion Crashes Katy Perry's Vegas Show Harry & Meghan, Cameron Diaz & Orlando Bloom Too!!!

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katy perry's famous fans


1:54 PM PT -- TMZ has obtained some video of Katy Perry's last residency show in Vegas -- and it looks like the stars on hand, including Celine Dion, were busting a move and having a blast.

Check out this footage that shows the celebs who attended boogying down throughout the concert -- you can see Celine Dion bobbing to the music as Katy did her thing ... plus, Cameron Diaz and her husband, Benji Madden, were right behind getting their groove as well. So was Zoe Saldana, BTW -- so yeah, it was a packed house, and star-studded to the max.

As for Meghan Markle and Prince Harry ... we're told they were also seated in the VIP section, but they were in a group of seats that were adjacent to Celine and co., so not really with them.

Their night seemed to be a little more low-key ... with Meghan chatting up a woman she was sitting next to, and PH just kinda sitting there minding his own biz, somewhat aloof. Even when they were seen standing up with the others ... the couple just sorta stood there. 😅


Anyhoo, one other notable sighting ... Katy's fiancé, Orlando Bloom, was obviously in the crowd and he had their daughter perched up on his shoulders and Katy explained how much their child means to her. He also danced with their little girl, Daisy Dove, while mom was onstage.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

After the show, Katy and Orlando broke off from everyone else and hit up XS Nightclub at the Wynn and celebrated her last bow with The Chainsmokers. Cool way to go out, no doubt.

Celine Dion is definitely on the comeback trail ... she made her second public appearance in a week at Katy Perry's concert last evening -- and Prince Harry and Meghan Markle were also in the crowd!!!

Celine and her twin sons, Eddy and Nelson, dropped in to catch Katy's performance at Resorts World Theatre in Las Vegas Saturday night -- and she looked absolutely spectacular.

This is great news given her health struggles. As you know, Celine has long been dealing with a debilitating disease called stiff-person syndrome, which causes painful muscle spasms.

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Montreal Canadiens

On Monday, the iconic singer was seen out for the first time in 3 ½ years, showing up at the T-Mobile Arena for a hockey game between the Vegas Golden Knights and her hometown Montreal Canadiens.

As for Harry and Meghan, the couple arrived apart from Celine and her sons to Katy's concert Saturday. They quickly became the center of attention as fans shot cell phone videos of them.

At one point, Harry and Meghan were pictured near Celine, but it's not clear if they ever got to talk to one another.

Interesting photo, nonetheless. And, it seems like everyone had a terrific time, including Katy’s fiancée, actor Orlando Bloom, and their daughter Daisy Dove.

Originally Published -- 5:19 AM PT


¡Celine Dion está de regreso! La cantante hizo su segunda aparición pública en una semana en el concierto de Katy Perry anoche. El príncipe Harry y Meghan Markle también estuvieron en la multitud.

Celine y sus hijos gemelos, Eddy y Nelson, se dejaron caer para ver la actuación de Katy en el Resorts World Theatre en Las Vegas el sábado por la noche y ella se veía absolutamente espectacular.

Esta es una gran noticia teniendo en cuenta sus problemas de salud. Como ustedes saben, Celine ha estado luchando durante mucho tiempo con una enfermedad debilitante llamada síndrome de la persona rígida, que causa espasmos musculares dolorosos.

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una recuperación notable
Montreal Canadiens

El lunes, la icónica cantante fue vista por primera vez en tres años y medio, apareciendo en el T-Mobile Arena para un partido de hockey entre los Vegas Golden Knights y su ciudad natal Montreal Canadiens.

En cuanto a Harry y Meghan, la pareja llegó aparte de Celine y sus hijos al concierto de Katy el sábado. Rápidamente se convirtieron en el centro de atención ya que los fans les grabaron vídeos con sus teléfonos móviles.

En un momento dado, Harry y Meghan fueron fotografiados cerca de Celine, pero no está claro si llegaron a hablar entre ellos.

Parece que todo el mundo se lo pasó en grande, incluido el prometido de Katy, el actor Orlando Bloom y su hija Daisy Dove.

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. Held For Psych Evaluation ... Allegedly Downed Pills

Julio Cesar Chavez Jr., former boxing champ and son of one of Mexico's greatest-ever athletes, was recently treated at a psych hospital after his wife told police he consumed dozens of pills, and she was scared for his safety.

Sources tell TMZ Sports 37-year-old Chavez Jr.'s wife, Frida Chavez, contacted police in the Hollywood area on October 24 ... after she became worried about her hubby's health.

Frida -- who was previously married to Joaquin "El Chapo" Guzman's late son, Edgar Guzman Lopez -- told cops she believed Julio ingested a large amount of potent and potentially dangerous medication ... and wanted medics to check him out.

Rescuers were dispatched and were able to contact Chavez Jr.

It's unclear exactly what happened, but Julio wasn't permitted to leave after officials determined Chavez Jr. needed to go to a psychiatric facility for treatment, known as a 5150 in California.

The law allows certain officials (police officers, doctors, etc.), should they believe someone to be "a danger to others, or to themselves, or gravely disabled" to be held for up to 72 hours "for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention."

Chavez Jr.'s family is clearly concerned for his health. In fact, his dad, Julio Cesar Chavez Sr., recently expressed fear for his son's well-being during a podcast appearance.

"I feel sorry for him, because his children are little and he's not enjoying them. It hurts me that he's going to go crazy, that he's going to have an accident driving at 12-1 in the morning at full speed, that he's going to have a heart attack from all the pills he takes," Chavez Sr. said on the Bromeando con los Rivera show.

Speaking of Sr., while Chavez Jr. never reached the athletic heights of his legendary father, he was still an accomplished boxer, holding the WBC middleweight title in 2011 and 2012.

Julio, 53-6-1, last fought against David Zegarra in December 2021 -- a fight he won by unanimous decision.

'TAN MOM' PATRICIA KRENTCIL Back On Campaign Trail After Scary Surgery ... Senate Bid Rolls On!!!

Tan Mom Patricia Krentcil is on the mend after a very risky surgical procedure ... and she's gearing up to get back on the campaign trail as she runs for a U.S. Senate seat in Florida.

Tan Mom's campaign manager, Adam Barta tells TMZ ... she was admitted to a hospital in Boca Raton last Monday for bypass surgery to remove the stent separating her pancreas and liver.

We're told Tan Mom previously had the stent inserted because of her pancreatitis, and when doctors removed it this time, her organs had major swelling and caused her a ton of pain.

What's more, we're told doctors discovered gallstones stuck by her liver during the surgery ... and she's going to have to go back under the knife in the future to address the issue.

TAN MOM 2024

Tan Mom's camp characterized the procedure as "very risky" for her ... and we're told she's recovering at home and recently regained her ability to walk.

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We're told Tan Mom's hoping next week she'll be feeling well enough to make her scheduled campaign stops as she runs for one of Florida's seats in the U.S. Senate. She's filming a new campaign video next week with Dr. Miami, who did her makeover in her reality series, "Tan to 10."

Tan Mom's made healthcare one of the most important issues of her campaign ... and she's got some recent experience dealing with the system.

Michael J. Fox Almost Lost Hand Over Infection ... '1 Day, I'll Run Out of Gas'

Michael J. Fox's health problems are no secret to the world -- but they're far more dire than just about anyone could've imagined ... 'cause the guy nearly became an amputee.

The beloved actor got into the full extent of his medical hurdles with Town & Country, opening up about just how banged up he's been in recent years ... and revealing that he practically had to have a part of his body surgically removed.

MJF says, "My hand got infected and then I almost lost it. It was a tsunami of misfortune."

The context here is Mike discussing all the injuries he's sustained of late -- including breaking two of his arms, a shoulder, his orbital/cheekbone and one of his hands ... which somehow led to a far more dire diagnosis, albeit ... one that thankfully never fully manifested.

On top of these dings, Michael also underwent surgery in 2018 to have a spinal tumor removed -- which was unrelated to his Parkinson's disease. While rehabbing from that, he suffered a nasty fall ... and says he broke his other arm in the process.

michael j fox APRIL 2023
CBS Sunday Morning

In this T&C interview, he continues to reflect on his mortality -- just like he did earlier this year with CBS ... where he said he didn't see himself living past 80.

Here, Mike says ... "One day I’ll run out of gas ... Certainly, if I were to pass away tomorrow, it would be premature, but it wouldn’t be unheard of. And so, no, I don’t fear that."

Michael's been battling Parkinson's since 1991, when he was in his late 20s. Considering that he continues to fight and be well enough to live a public life is nothing short of a miracle.

Michael J. Fox Casi perdió la mano por una infección...

Los problemas de salud de Michael J. Fox no son ningún secreto para el mundo, pero son mucho más graves de lo que cualquiera podría haberse imaginado.

El querido actor abordó extensamente sus problemas médicos con Town & Country, abriéndose sobre lo golpeado que ha estado en los últimos años y revelando que casi tuvo que se amputado.

El actor dijo: "Mi mano se infectó y casi la pierdo. Fue un tsunami de desgracias".

Mike estaba hablando sobre todas las lesiones que ha sufrido en el último tiempo, incluyendo la rotura de dos de sus brazos, un hombro, su orbital/pómulo y una de sus manos, lo que de algún modo condujo a un diagnóstico mucho más grave, aunque afortunadamente nunca se manifestó plenamente.

Además de estos golpes, Michael también se sometió a una cirugía en 2018 para que le extirparan un tumor espinal, que no estaba relacionado con su enfermedad de Parkinson. Mientras se rehabilitaba de eso, sufrió una fea caída y dice que se rompió el otro brazo en el proceso.

michael j fox APRIL 2023
Me queda poco tiempo
CBS Sunday Morning

En esta entrevista, el actor también reflexiona sobre la muerte, al igual que lo hizo a principios de este año con la CBS en donde dijo que no se veía a sí mismo viviendo más allá de los 80 años.

Aquí, Mike dice ... "Un día me voy a quedar sin gas ... Ciertamente, si yo fuera a morir mañana, sería prematuro, pero no sería inaudito. Así que no, no temo eso".

Michael lleva luchando contra el Parkinson desde 1991, cuando tenía unos 20 años. Considerando que sigue lidiando con la enfermedad y que se encuentra lo suficientemente bien como para llevar una vida pública, es poco menos que milagroso que siga firme.

Mark Zuckerberg Tears ACL Sparring ... Has Surgery To Repair

This never happened coding ... Mark Zuckerberg tore his ACL training MMA, and was forced to go under the knife, delaying a real deal fight Zuck had scheduled for early next year!

The Facebook founder shared several photos from his hospital bed Friday afternoon ... announcing he's suffered a serious injury to his left leg.

"Tore my ACL sparring and just got out of surgery to replace it. Grateful for the doctors and team taking care of me. I was training for a competitive MMA fight early next year, but now that's delayed a bit. Still looking forward to doing it after I recover. Thanks to everyone for the love and support," 39-year-old Zuck wrote on Instagram.

The bit about the upcoming fight is news, too. No one ever publicly announced Mark scheduled a mixed martial arts bout.

A bunch of MMA stars wished Zuck well after hearing about his injury, including former UFC champ-champ Henry Cejudo, who wrote ...  "Speedy recovery Mark! 🙏"

Through training, Zuckerberg has befriended many of the world's top fighters like Israel Adesanya and Alex Volkanovski.

FYI, the ACL, or the anterior cruciate ligament, is a band of tissue that connects your thigh and shinbones together and is a common injury among athletes.

Of course, Zuckerberg and Elon Musk spent months negotiating terms for an MMA fight, though it never came to fruition. The billionaires blamed each other for the breakdown.

Earlier this week Musk went on Joe Rogan's podcast and again reiterated that he would fight Zuckerberg "anytime, anywhere, any place."

ACL recovery typically takes around 9 months, give or take, to return to competition post-surgery.

Until then, Mark's likely not fighting anyone.

Get well soon!!!

ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER Es demandado por un accidente de tráfico con una ciclista... Andabas muy rápido!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger está siendo arrastrado a los tribunales por una ciclista a la que accidentalmente golpeó con su carro, y ella está apelando a sus habilidades de conducción, o más bien, a la supuesta falta de ella.

De acuerdo con la nueva demanda obtenida por TMZ, una mujer llamada Joanne Flickinger afirma que es la ciclista a quien Schwarzenegger chocó con su SUV en febrero en una concurrida calle de West Los Ángeles.

En los documentos, Flickinger afirma que Arnold es responsable. Dice que estaba conduciendo "a exceso de velocidad" y falló en mantener una "visión adecuada". También afirma que la colisión del actor le causó lesiones graves.

TMZ publicó la historia, Arnold estuvo involucrado en un accidente de tráfico con una mujer que fue trasladada a un hospital. Se nos dice que tomó la bicicleta de la señora, la ató a su SUV y la llevó a un taller de bicicletas local para su reparación.

En ese momento, nuestras fuentes policiales nos dijeron que la mujer hizo un giro a la izquierda delante de Arnold, antes de que él tuviera la oportunidad de pisar el freno. También dijeron que no iba muy rápido en absoluto.

Obviamente, la ciclista ve las cosas de manera diferente, y va tras de Arnold por dinero.

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Nos pusimos en contacto con el campamento de Arnold. Hasta ahora no hemos tenido respuesta.