Arnold Schwarzenegger SUED OVER TRAFFIC ACCIDENT WITH BICYCLIST ... You Were Driving Too Fast!!!

Arnold Schwarzenegger's getting dragged to court by the cyclist he accidentally hit with his car, and she's ripping his driving skills ... or the alleged lack thereof.

According to the new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, a woman named Joanne Flickinger claims she's the bicyclist who collided with Arnold's SUV back in February on a busy West L.A. street.

In the docs, Flickinger claims Arnold is at fault ... she says he was driving "with excessive speed and failed to keep a proper lookout." She also claims the collision caused her severe injuries.

TMZ broke the story ... Arnold was involved in a traffic accident with a woman on a bike, and she was transported to a hospital. We're told he took the lady's bike, attached it to his SUV and took it to a local bike shop for repairs.

At the time, our law enforcement sources told us the woman made a left turn in front of Arnold before he had a chance to hit his brakes and he was not going very fast at all.

Obviously, the bicyclist sees things differently ... and she's going after Arnold for money.

arnold_tmz_live FEBRUARY 2023

We reached out to Arnold's camp ... so far no word back.

Kourtney Kardashian Strong Evidence She's Given Birth Travis, Kylie at Hospital

There is growing evidence Kourtney Kardashian and Travis Barker are welcoming their son Rocky into the world ... although we don't know for certain she's had the baby, we'll lay out what we do know, and the biggest clue involves Travis Barker and Kylie Jenner.

This past Monday, we began receiving tips Kourtney showed up at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in L.A. On the one hand, lots of people know the Kardashians typically give birth at that hospital, so it's not automatically a lock the tips are accurate.

But then, we've been in touch with various people in the Kardashian orbit, and they have been unusually sketchy on the subject. The only clear fact we confirmed is that her due date was this week. One source said labor would be induced.

And that brings us to the next clue ... Travis and Kourtney have said they wanted the baby to be born on Halloween, which was this past Tuesday. If this was an induced birth and she was due this week, that kinda makes sense.

And now, the kickers ... Check out the photo of Travis Barker's reflection from the side mirror as he pulled into Cedars Thursday afternoon.

And then there's a photo of Kylie Jenner's Range Rover pulling into Cedars Thursday around 3:30 PM. Witnesses eyeballed her as she entered the facility.

All in all, our money is on Kourtney gave birth this week.


Stay tuned ...

KOURTNEY KARDASHIAN Fuerte evidencia de que dio a luz Travis y Kylie en el hospital

Cada vez hay más pruebas de que Kourtney Kardashian y Travis Barker están dando la bienvenida al mundo a su hijo Rocky, aunque no sabemos con certeza si tuvo al bebé, vamos a exponer lo que sí sabemos, y la mayor pista implica a Travis Barker y Kylie Jenner.

El pasado lunes, empezamos a recibir pistas de que Kourtney se presentó en el Cedars-Sinai Medical Center en Los Ángeles. Primero que todo, muchos saben que las Kardashians suelen dar a luz en ese hospital, aunque eso no implica que siempre sea así.

Además de eso, hemos estado en contacto con varias personas de la órbita Kardashian, quienes han sido inusualmente escuetos sobre el tema. El único hecho que confirmamos es que su fecha de parto era esta semana. Una fuente dijo que el parto sería inducido.

Y eso nos lleva a la siguiente pista... Travis y Kourtney han dicho que querían que el bebé naciera en Halloween, que fue este martes pasado. Si se trata de un parto inducido, que estaba previsto para esta semana, tiene un poco de sentido.

Y ahora, las mayores pistas... Echa un vistazo a la foto de Travis Barker desde el espejo lateral cuando se detuvo en Cedars el jueves por la tarde, donde se lo ve muy reflexivo.

Y luego está la foto del Range Rover de Kylie Jenner entrando al Cedars el jueves alrededor de las 3:30 PM. Los testigos la vieron mientras estaba entrando en las instalaciones.

En definitiva, apostamos a que Kourtney dio a luz esta semana.

Estén muy atentos.

Nick Saban I Broke A Blood Vessel In My Eye ... 'Yelling Too Much'

Even though Nick Saban might look like he got into a fight with Francis Ngannou this week ... he revealed Thursday his eye is actually busted up because he's been screaming too much.

Many had been wondering what was wrong with the 72-year-old coach after he had been spotted in public multiple times this week with an eyeball seemingly full of blood.

Pat McAfee even joked with the Alabama honcho during his appearance on the "Pat McAfee Show" early Thursday morning -- asking if the seven-time national champion had suffered an injury squatting too much.

Initially, Saban said he had no idea what was wrong ... but during his hit on his weekly radio show on Thursday night, he announced it was simply a wound he got from yelling at his Crimson Tide players.

"[The doctor] comes to see me after practice today," Saban said. "And, he looks at me and he said, 'You been coughing?' And I said, 'No.' And he said, 'You know, you can get this from yelling.'"

Hey Coach & The Nick Saban Show

"He said, 'You got it from yelling. There's nothing wrong with you. You just got it from yelling. You busted a blood vessel in your eye from yelling too much.'"

Saban and his cohosts got in a good laugh over it all ... with Nick even joking of his appearance, "It looks like I've been in a gang fight and my gang didn't show."

Saban should be fine going forward ... as the Mayo Clinic describes the issue as a "harmless" one that should subside in just a few days.

That is, of course, assuming Saban's players don't require any further tongue-lashings!!!

MATTHEW PERRY Lanzan una fundación Para ayudar a personas con adicciones

Matthew Perry hizo un punto mientras estaba vivo sobre la importancia de ayudar a las personas que sufren de problemas de adicción con las drogas o el alcohol, y ahora va a llevar a cabo su misión desde la otra vida.

Los más cercanos al actor de "Friends" están lanzando una fundación en su nombre, que se llamará "The Matthew Perry Foundation". TMZ publicó la historia, Perry había estado planeando la creación de esta organización durante meses antes de que repentinamente falleciera, y ahora su sueño se está manifestando en la realidad.

El propósito de la fundación es ayudar a las personas a superar el abuso de sustancias, y llevará el espíritu y el humilde enfoque de Perry respecto a la adicción y su recuperación.

Cómo quisiera ser recordado
Q with Tom Power

Una vez dijo: "Cuando muera, no quiero que "Friends" sea lo primero que se mencione, quiero que ayudar a los demás sea lo primero que se mencione. Y voy a vivir el resto de mi vida demostrándolo. La adicción es demasiado poderosa para que alguien la venza solo. Pero juntos, día a día, podemos vencerla".

Su equipo dice: "Nos embarcamos en un viaje para honrar su legado mediante el establecimiento de la Fundación Matthew Perry, guiado por sus propias palabras y experiencias, e impulsado en su pasión de marcar una diferencia en tantas vidas como sea posible".

El sitio web, que es bastante escueto en este momento, describe de esta forma su misión y por ahora solo le da a la gente la opción de donar. Por cierto, este esfuerzo es legítimo, viene directamente de su equipo, por lo que no hay motivo para preocuparse por su autenticidad.

Como informamos por primera vez, Perry fue encontrado muerto en su jacuzzi el sábado pasado cuando su asistente regresó a su casa de Los Ángeles después de hacer mandados. El asistente llamó de inmediato al 911, a la madre de Perry y a uno de sus hermanos.

Los investigadores creen que Perry se ahogó, pero la causa oficial de muerte está pendiente. Los policías no recuperaron ninguna sustancia ilegal de la escena, pero se incautaron medicamentos recetados, incluyendo antidepresivos y ansiolíticos. Perry solo tenía 54 años.

Que en paz descanse.

Matthew Perry Foundation Launches Post-Death ... To Help Those w/ Addiction

Matthew Perry made it a point to help people suffering from drug and alcohol addiction while he was alive ... and now he's going to carry on that mission in the afterlife.

Those closest to the "Friends" actor are launching a foundation in his name, aptly titled "The Matthew Perry Foundation." TMZ broke the story ... Perry had actually planned to create this org months before he suddenly passed, and now -- it's being manifested into reality.

The whole purpose of the just-announced foundation is to help addicts overcome substance abuse -- and it'll carry on the spirit of Perry's humbling approach to addiction and recovery.

Q with Tom Power

He once said, "When I die, I don't want 'Friends' to be the first thing that's mentioned — I want helping others to be the first thing that's mentioned. And I'm going to live the rest of my life proving that. Addiction is far too powerful for anyone to defeat alone. But together, one day at a time, we can beat it down."

His team continues ... "We embark on a journey to honor his legacy by establishing the Matthew Perry Foundation, guided by his own words and experiences, and driven by his passion for making a difference in as many lives as possible."

The website cites that as the mission statement ... and for now, it only gives people the option to donate. BTW, this effort is legit, as it's coming directly from this team, so folks need not worry about its authenticity.


As we first reported ... Perry was found dead in his jacuzzi last Saturday when his assistant returned to his L.A. area home after running errands. The assistant promptly called 911, as well as Perry's mother and one of his siblings.

Investigators believe Perry drowned, but an official cause of death is pending. Cops did not recover any illegal substances from the scene, but they did seize prescription medications, including anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs. Perry was only 54 years old.


Titans' Treylon Burks Carted Off Field ... After Suffering Scary Injury

Tennessee Titans star Treylon Burks was strapped to a backboard and carted off the field after suffering a scary injury during Thursday night's game ... but, thankfully, he now appears to be doing OK.

The terrifying moment happened late in the fourth quarter of Tennessee's tilt with the Steelers in Pittsburgh ... when Burks attempted to make a circus catch to keep a late-game Titans drive alive.

The 23-year-old jumped up for the ball, grabbed it with two hands ... but when he came crashing to the grass, it slipped from his grasp as his head and neck slammed violently into the ground.

Burks lay motionless for several moments ... before trainers and medical personnel rushed to stabilize him.

The wide receiver -- a former first-round pick -- was eventually taken to the locker room ... where Titans head coach Mike Vrabel said he was showing positive signs of recovery.

"He's alert, moving," Vrabel told reporters after the game. "I'll have more of an update hopefully tomorrow, but he's back there being evaluated. But, I would say that the way it looked -- it's probably better than how it looked."

Adding insult to injury, the Titans couldn't complete their comeback attempt against the Steelers ... falling, 20-16.

Florida Man Arrested for Child Abuse Allegedly Botched Cousin's Circumcision

A Florida man was arrested last month after he allegedly tried circumcising his toddler cousin -- which went terribly wrong ... and which landed this guy behind bars.

29-year-old Timothoes Powell was taken into custody and booked on child abuse charges earlier in October -- all because he allegedly tried snipping his 2-year-old relative's penis while babysitting him down in Daytona Beach ... this according to the local authorities.

Here's how cops are saying it went down ... Powell was watching his young cuzzo while the kid's parents were away -- and mom and dad got a call from their nephew at one point saying he had to rush their son to the hospital because he was bleeding from his crotch.

As it turns out ... the child appeared to have been cut, and when asked about this -- Powell reportedly told police glass must've been in the little one's diaper. Upon further questioning, however, Powell reportedly said he may have pulled the baby's foreskin down too hard while trying to clean him. Of course, cops weren't buying that -- 'cause nurses said it looked like a clean cut and was far too precise to be any sort of accident like the one he described.

Cops ended up arresting with some other evidence they say they recovered -- including home surveillance footage which supposedly shows Powell acting mean to the kid ... and allegedly walking away from the boy at one point with an object in his hand. Investigators believe he may have attempted to deliberately circumcise his cousin ... and now, he's in trouble.

Powell is facing aggravated child abuse charges and is still locked up in Volusia County Branch Jail.

Matthew Perry Walk of Fame Star Next To 'Friends'?!? Family's Decision To Make

Matthew Perry getting a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame -- in the same area as Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston -- is a real possibility ... if that's what his family wants.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, which oversees the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame, tells TMZ ... they would love to honor the late actor with a star and posthumous ceremony, but it's up to his family to decide if and when that would happen.

We're told Matthew was previously selected for a WOF star back in 2013 after being submitted by his PR firm, but a ceremony was never scheduled and in 2018 the award expired.

The Hollywood Chamber of Commerce is confident it could renew the award for Matthew, and it would just have to be approved by the chair of the selection committee. Chamber officials tell us that would be a slam dunk.

So far, we're told no one from Matthew's family has reached out to the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce about scheduling a star ceremony ... but that's understandable, given the situation.


TMZ broke the story ... Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi last month and pronounced dead.

Should Matthew's fam ultimately decide on getting him a WOF star, we're told a family member would have to accept the star on his behalf and the fam would be in charge of inviting guests to a potential ceremony, with a guest list between 60 and 90 people.

There's also a $75,000 sponsorship fee, which accounts for the WOF star and ceremony, but we're told the money could be put up by a studio, family member or friends ... as long as Matthew's family is on board.

And, get this ... if possible, we're told the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce would love to put Matthew's potential star in the same area as his "Friends" costars, Courteney and Jennifer ... which is on Hollywood Blvd and Vine Street, one of L.A's biggest intersections.


Matt LeBlanc parece tan abatido como cabría esperar menos de una semana después de perder a su querido compañero de "Friends" Matthew Perry.

LeBlanc salió el jueves por la tarde en Sherman Oaks, California, conduciendo su Mercedes-Benz. Es la primera vez que lo hemos visto en público desde que Matthew murió el sábado pasado.

Matt lleva gafas de sol oscuras y una gorra de béisbol, y parece bastante triste, un reflejo de las emociones que él y sus ex compañeros de reparto expresaron a principios de esta semana.

Recordemos que el actor y el resto del elenco de "Friends" han dicho que están "completamente devastados" y todavía están procesando el hecho de que han perdido a Matthew.

En su declaración, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer y Matt dijeron: "Éramos más que compañeros de reparto. Somos una familia. Hay tanto que decir, pero ahora mismo vamos a tomarnos un momento para llorar y procesar esta pérdida insondable".

Y añadieron: "Por ahora, nuestros pensamientos y nuestro amor están con la familia de Matty, sus amigos y todos los que le querían en todo el mundo".

hablando de teorías

TMZ publicó la historia. Matthew fue encontrado inconsciente en su jacuzzi, después de haber jugado dos horas de pickleball el sábado por la mañana. Las fuentes dicen que no había drogas ilícitas encontradas en su casa, aunque había varios medicamentos, incluyendo antidepresivos y medicamentos para la ansiedad.

Como te contamos por primera vez, Matthew salió a almorzar con la modelo y reportera de espectáculos Athenna Crosby el día antes de morir, y ella dice que estaba feliz y vibrante.

El informe toxicológico completo de Matthew podría tardar hasta 6 meses en completarse, aunque las pruebas iniciales revelaron que no tenía metanfetamina o fentanilo en su sistema.

La División de Homicidios por Robo de la Policía de Los Ángeles está investigando la muerte de Matthew, ya que es el procedimiento estándar para los detectives de esa división para manejar casos de alto perfil.

Matt LeBlanc First Sighting Since Matthew's Death

Matt LeBlanc looks as downcast as you'd expect less than a week after losing his beloved "Friends" costar Matthew Perry.

LeBlanc ventured out Thursday afternoon in Sherman Oaks, CA ... driving in his Mercedes-Benz SUV. It's the first time we've seen him in public since Matthew died over last Saturday.

Matt's wearing dark sunglasses and a baseball cap, and looks pretty sad ... a reflection of the emotions he and his former cast mates expressed earlier this week.

Remember, ML and the rest of the tightknit "Friends" stars have said they are "utterly devastated," and are still processing the fact they've lost Matthew.

In their statement, Jennifer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer and Matt said ... "We were more than just cast mates. We are a family. There is so much to say, but right now we're going to take a moment to grieve and process this unfathomable loss."

They added, "For now, our thoughts and our love are with Matty's family, his friends, and everyone who loved him around the world."


TMZ broke the story ... Matthew was found unresponsive in his hot tub, after he'd played 2 hours of pickleball on Saturday morning. Sources say there were no illicit drugs found at his home, though there were several Rx medications including anti-depressants and anxiety meds.

As we first told you, Matthew went out to lunch with model and entertainment reporter Athenna Crosby the day before he died, and she says he was happy and vibrant.

Matthew's full toxicology report could take up to 6 months to complete, though initial testing revealed he didn't have meth or fentanyl in his system.

LAPD's Robbery Homicide Division is investigating Matthew's death, but there's no evidence of foul play -- it's standard procedure for detectives in that division to handle high-profile cases.

'Mushroom Murders' Woman Allegedly Poisoned Ex-Husband's Family ... With Death Cap Mushrooms

An Australian woman accused of poisoning her ex-husband's family with death cap mushrooms has been charged with murder ... after officials say her deadly meal killed three of the four people who ate it.

According to reports, Erin Patterson hosted the ill-fated lunch July 29 at her home in Victoria, Australia ... serving a beef Wellington dish she cooked, which is alleged to have contained deadly death cap mushrooms.

Patterson allegedly served the poisonous food to her ex-husband's parents, sister and brother-in-law ... three of them died within a week of the lunch from symptoms police say are consistent with mushroom poisoning.

Meanwhile, the ex-husband's dad was hospitalized for nearly two months with a severe illness.

On Thursday, over three months after the meal in question, Patterson was charged with three counts of murder. She was arrested Wednesday, and on Friday she's expected to appear in an Australian court.

Death cap mushroom is one of the deadliest varieties of mushroom ... and it's found in Victoria, where Patterson lives and where she served the food.

For her part, Patterson has denied any foul play ... she told cops she prepared the beef Wellington dish using fresh mushrooms from a local supermarket and dried mushrooms from an Asian grocery store in Melbourne, about 85 miles from her home.

Patterson claims she also ate the dish and served it to her two kids the next day ... though she says her kids did not want the mushrooms and she scraped them off their plates. She claims she was hospitalized after eating the dish too, with diarrhea and stomach pains.

Surfer Israel Barona Olympic Hopeful Dead At 34 ... After Seizures In Hotel Room

Israel Barona, a surfing star in Ecuador and Olympic hopeful, passed away following a medical emergency in his hotel room in Central America this week.

He was only 34.

The National Civil Police (PNC) reported the death of Barona on Tuesday, announcing the young surfer suffered seizures in his hotel in El Zonte, La Libertad.

"He was taken to a hospital, however he was already deceased," PNC said on X.

"Homicide is ruled out" ... indicating there was no foul play.

The Ecuadorian Olympic Committee confirmed the sad news, saying the surf champ was in El Salvador for a competition when he died.

"The Olympic Movement extends its heartfelt condolences to the Barona Matute family, following the death of the great athlete of Team Ecuador Surf, Israel Barona Matute," the committee said on Tuesday.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

"Rest in peace, champion."

Barona's surfing career started when he was 10 years old ... and he won several national championships. He repped Ecuador at the World Surfing and Bolivarian Games.

Israel also coached the sport with his sister Dominic Barona who is one of the best female surfers in Latin America.

Fans and fellow surfers paid tribute to Barona on social media, including Rafael Romero who called him "a great friend and mentor of the ocean ❤️."


Surfista Israel Barona Promesa olímpica muere a los 34 ... Tras sufrir convulsiones en habitación de hotel

Israel Barona, estrella del surf en Ecuador y aspirante olímpico, falleció tras una emergencia médica en su habitación de hotel en Centroamérica esta semana.

Solo tenía 34 años.

La Policía Nacional Civil (PNC) informó de la muerte de Barona el martes, anunciando que el joven surfista sufrió convulsiones en su hotel en El Zonte, El Salvador.

"Fue trasladado a un hospital; sin embargo, ya había fallecido", dijo la policía en X.

"Se descarta homicidio", indicando que no hubo juego sucio.

El Comité Olímpico Ecuatoriano confirmó la triste noticia, diciendo que el campeón de surf estaba en El Salvador para una competencia cuando murió.

"El Movimiento Olímpico extiende sus más sentidas condolencias a la familia Barona Matute, tras el fallecimiento del gran deportista del Team Ecuador Surf, Israel Barona Matute", dijo el comité el martes.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

"Descansa en paz, campeón".

La carrera de Barona en el surf empezó cuando tenía 10 años y ganó varios campeonatos nacionales. Representó a Ecuador en el Mundial de Surf y en los Juegos Bolivarianos.

Israel también fue entrenador de este deporte junto a su hermana Dominic Barona, quien es una de las mejores surfistas femeninas de Latinoamérica.

Fanáticos y compañeros surfistas rindieron homenaje al deportista en las redes sociales, entre ellos Rafael Romero, quien lo llamó "un gran amigo y mentor del océano ❤️."

Que descanse en paz.

Ryan Leaf Matthew Perry Helped My Sobriety ... He Was 'Instrumental'

The Straight Line / PointsBet

Ex-NFL quarterback Ryan Leaf believes he wouldn't be where he is today if it weren't for Matthew Perry ... crediting the late "Friends" star with playing a pivotal role in his sobriety.

Leaf -- who's approaching 12 years clean after battling drug and alcohol addiction in the past -- poured his heart out about his friend on his "Straight Line" podcast with PointsBet this week ... just days after 54-year-old Perry was found dead at his L.A.-area home.

The former No. 2-overall pick kicked off his tribute by stating Perry was "instrumental in my recovery" ... before going into detail about how the actor offered his support without hesitation over a decade ago.

"I got out of prison and when I got to Los Angeles, Matt put his arm around me immediately," Leaf said. "And he carried me for like, the first six months probably in Los Angeles, trying to learn how to be a sober person really in a public platform."

"I don't know if I’m here right now, being able to do stuff like this -- or anything -- if it weren’t for him, and him sharing his story and making me understand that you can be a guy in the public eye that everyone knows and still be sober, be humble and be about helping other people."

Leaf explained even as Perry dealt with his own drug, alcohol and mental health issues over the years, he didn't ever leave his side and continued to assist in the athlete's sobriety.

The 47-year-old said his takeaway from the tragedy is Perry was so much more than a TV star -- he was a guy who wanted to help others, and that's how he will remember him.

"There's a lot of people that I owe for the life I now have, get to live ... and he's certainly at the top of that," Leaf said.


"Matt, we'll miss you. I'll miss you. I hope you are finally at peace because I just don't know if you ever truly were."

Bob Knight Hall Of Fame Coach Dead At 83

Legendary college basketball coach Bob Knight has passed away, his family announced Wednesday. He was 83 years old.

"It is with heavy hearts that we share that Coach Bob Knight passed away at his home in Bloomington surrounded by his family," a statement by Knight's loved ones said. "We are grateful for all the thoughts and prayers, and appreciate the continued respect for our privacy as Coach requested a private family gathering, which is being honored."

"We will continue to celebrate his life and remember him, today and forever as a beloved Husband, Father, Coach, and Friend."

Knight -- AKA "The General" -- is one of the most successful coaches in NCAA history with 902 Division I wins ... leading the bench for three programs (Army, Indiana and Texas Tech) from 1963-2008.

Knight was a three-time champion as the Hoosiers' head coach ... winning it all in 1976, 1981 and 1987. He also went to the Final Four five times during his time in Bloomington.

Before becoming a coach, Knight played at Ohio State, where he helped the Buckeyes win a national championship in 1961.

At 24 years old, Knight took over at Army ... where he would coach future Duke Blue Devils legend Mike Krzyzewski. Coach K also served as Knight's assistant before going to Duke.

Knight became the Hoosiers' head coach in 1971 ... spending 29 seasons with the program, including 24 NCAA tournament appearances and 22 20-win seasons.

The Hoosiers went a perfect 32-0 en route to a national title in the 1976 season ... the most recent team to ever do so.

Knight also coached Team USA to an Olympic gold medal in 1984.

Knight -- known for his hot temper -- infamously got ejected during a game against Purdue in 1985 after getting angry over a foul call.

Knight's time in Bloomington ended in controversy -- after he was captured on video choking former player Neil Reed in 1997, the school implemented a zero-tolerance policy toward the coach ... and he was fired after student Kent Harvey accused Bobby of grabbing him by the arm for referring to him as "Knight."

Knight was hired as the Texas Tech head coach in 2001 ... where he would lead the Red Raiders to a Sweet 16 appearance in 2005.

He retired from Texas Tech in 2008 ... and his son, Pat, took the reins.

Knight coached several future NBA stars during his career ... including Isiah Thomas and Mike Woodson.

After retirement, Bobby worked for ESPN as an analyst until 2015.

Knight was inducted into the Naismith Basketball Hall of Fame in 1991 ... and the College Basketball Hall of Fame in 2006.

Knight was hospitalized back in April with an "acute illness" ... and the Indiana program asked his supporters to pray for him.