Bob Knight legendario entrenador de baloncesto fallece a los 83 años

El legendario entrenador de baloncesto universitario Bob Knight ha fallecido, anunció su familia el miércoles. Tenía 83 años.

"Es con el corazón encogido que compartimos que el entrenador Bob Knight falleció en su casa de Bloomington rodeado de su familia", decía un comunicado de los seres queridos de Knight. "Estamos agradecidos por todos los pensamientos y oraciones, y apreciamos el continuo respeto a nuestra privacidad, ya que el Coach solicitó una reunión familiar privada, la cual está siendo honrada".

"Seguiremos celebrando su vida y recordándole, hoy y siempre como un querido Esposo, Padre, Entrenador y Amigo".

Knight  —AKA "The General"— es uno de los entrenadores más exitosos en la historia de la NCAA con 902 victorias en la División I, liderando el banquillo de tres programas (Army, Indiana y Texas Tech) de 1963-2008.

Knight fue tres veces campeón como entrenador jefe de los Hoosiers, ganándolo todo en 1976, 1981 y 1987. También fue a la Final Four cinco veces durante su tiempo en Bloomington.

Antes de convertirse en entrenador, Knight jugó en Ohio State, donde ayudó a los Buckeyes a ganar un campeonato nacional en 1961.

A los 24 años, Knight se hizo cargo del Arm, donde entrenaría a la futura leyenda de los Blue Devils de Duke, Mike Krzyzewski. El entrenador K también sirvió como asistente de Knight antes de ir a Duke.

Knight se convirtió en el entrenador en jefe de los Hoosiers en 1971, pasando 29, incluyendo 24 apariciones en el torneo de la NCAA y 22 temporadas de 20 victorias.

Los Hoosiers lograron un perfecto 32-0 en su camino hacia el título nacional en la temporada de 1976, el equipo más reciente en lograrlo.

Knight también entrenó al equipo de Estados Unidos que ganó la medalla de oro olímpica en 1984.

Knight, conocido por su temperamento, fue expulsado durante un partido contra Purdue en 1985 tras enfadarse por una falta.

El tiempo de Knight en Bloomington terminó en controversia luego de que fue capturado en video estrangulando al ex jugador Neil Reed en 1997, la escuela implementó una política de tolerancia cero hacia el entrenador y fue despedido después de que el estudiante Kent Harvey acusó a Bobby de agarrarlo por el brazo por referirse a él como "Knight".

Knight fue contratado como entrenador en jefe de Texas Tech en 2001, donde llevaría a los Red Raiders a una aparición Sweet 16 en 2005.

Se retiró de Texas Tech en 2008 y su hijo, Pat, tomó las riendas.

Knight entrenó a varias futuras estrellas de la NBA durante su carrera, incluyendo Isiah Thomas y Mike Woodson.

Tras su retirada, Bobby trabajó para ESPN como analista hasta 2015.

Knight fue incluido en el Salón de la Fama del Baloncesto en 1991 y en el Salón de la Fama del Baloncesto Universitario en 2006.

Knight fue hospitalizado en abril con una "enfermedad aguda" y el programa de Indiana pidió a sus seguidores que rezaran por él.


Jorge Soler Sued Allegedly Hit Fan's Eye With Ball ... During '21 World Series

A baseball fan is suing MLB star Jorge Soler ... claiming he hurled a ball into the stands during a 2021 World Series game that ended up causing an "excruciating injury to her right eye."

The lawsuit was filed by Mayra Morris in Georgia on Oct. 25 ... nearly two years after she says Soler caused the injury during one of the Braves vs. Astros championship games at Truist Park in Atlanta.

Norris claims she, her husband and her brother-in-law had seats for the Oct. 29, 2021 contest near the right field grass ... when in the fifth inning, Soler changed her life completely.

She alleges the then-Atlanta Braves outfielder hit her "directly" in her eye after he threw a baseball into the stands during a break in the action "with great force, speed, and intensity."

In the suit, Norris says Soler's toss was not "incidental to the game or any warm-up between players." She also says that after she got checked out by medical personnel, she was diagnosed with multiple fractures, an edema, and an infra-orbital abrasion ... which will require long-term medical care.

She's suing Soler and the Braves for unspecified damages.

Meanwhile, Norris' husband, Scott Norris, is also listed as a plaintiff in the suit ... after he alleges the "loss of companionship, love, affection and intimacy" as a result of the incident.

The Braves did not have a comment on the suit when reached this week ... according to Atlanta News First.

As for Soler, he was a superstar during the series ... helping the Braves win it all, before earning MVP honors. He later went on to sign a three-year deal with the Miami Marlins in the offseason.

Kirk Cousins Thumbs-Up After Achilles Surgery ... Pray For Me!!!

Kirk Cousins is in great spirits after going under the knife to fix his torn Achilles ... sharing a positive update from his hospital bed.

The Minnesota Vikings quarterback went down with the injury in the fourth quarter of Sunday's win over the Green Bay Packers ... officially ending his 2023 campaign.

Despite the circumstances, Cousins was all smiles following his procedure Wednesday morning ... giving a big thumbs up as he showed off his new purple cast wrapped around his right leg.

"Surgery was a success!" Cousins said on X ... adding he enlisted popular doctor J. Chris Coetzee of Twin Cities Orthopedics in Eagan, Minnesota for the job.

"Grateful for your prayers, Dr. Coetzee’s abilities, and our medical team. Would appreciate continued prayers! One day at a time…"

The Vikings -- 4-4 so far this season -- will now look to move past the injury ... trading for Josh Dobbs prior to Tuesday's trade deadline. Jaren Hall will get the start.

Cousins has been a trooper in the days following his ailment -- he even showed up to the team's trick-or-treat event and signed autographs for young fans on Monday.

Heal up, Kirk!!

Celine Dion Resurfaces after 3 1/2 Years at Hockey Game ... As She Battles Stiff-Person Syndrome

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Montreal Canadiens

Celine Dion made an appearance Monday in Vegas ... and the images are remarkable, given what she's been going through.

Celine hit up a hockey game at the T-Mobile Arena between the Vegas Golden Knights and her hometown team, the Montreal Canadiens.


Although her team lost, everyone was in good spirits in the locker room afterward as Celine chatted up the team and seemed in great spirits.

As you know, she's been struggling with stiff-person syndrome, an extremely painful neurological disorder that triggers sometimes unbearable muscle spasms.

The video and photos are kind of astonishing ... there have been no photos of the singer for 3 1/2 years. She hasn't performed and has released almost all of her staff as she deals with her illness.

Celine's sons, René-Charles, and twins Nelson and Eddy were with her, and posed with a couple players.

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Instagram / @celinedion

Celine told the world late last year she was suffering from the disease and explained her music career was on hold until she could put her illness in check.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Celine Dion Reaparece tras 3 años y medio Mientras lucha contra el síndrome de persona rígida

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Extraordinaria recuperación
Montreal Canadiens

Celine Dion hizo una aparición el lunes en Las Vegas y las imágenes son notables, teniendo en cuenta lo que ha estado viviendo en el último tiempo.

Celine llegó a un partido de hockey en el T-Mobile Arena entre los Vegas Golden Knights y el equipo de su ciudad natal, los Canadiens de Montreal.

Aunque su equipo perdió, todo el mundo estuvo de buen humor en los vestuarios después del juego. Celine conversó con el equipo y parecía estar de muy buen humor.

Como ustedes saben, la cantante ha estado luchando con el síndrome de persona rígida, un trastorno neurológico extremadamente doloroso que desencadena espasmos musculares, a veces insoportables.

El video y las fotos son un poco sorprendentes. No ha habido registros fotográficos de la cantante en tres años y medio. Ella no ha actuado y ha liberado a casi todo su personal mientras se ocupa de su enfermedad.

Los hijos de Celine, René-Charles y los gemelos Nelson y Eddu también estuvieron con ella el lunes, y posaron con algunos jugadores.

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Ha sido difícil
Instagram / @celinedion

Celine le dijo al mundo que sufría la enfermedad a fines del año pasado y explicó que su carrera musical estaba en suspenso hasta que pudiera contener sus problemas de salud.


Gypsy Rose Blanchard está dispuesta a ponerse delante de un micrófono cuando salga de la cárcel, pero no lo hará para ganar fama y atención, sino para ayudar a otras personas que sufren lo mismo que ella.

La famosa delincuente convicta -que se declaró culpable de asesinato en segundo grado en relación con el brutal asesinato de su madre en 2015- está lista para pasar la página cuando salga de la cárcel en diciembre, incluso dicen que va a hablar en público.

Fuentes cercanas a Gypsy le dicen a TMZ que está planeando convertirse en una figura pública que se hará cargo del trabajo de defensa en nombre de las víctimas de abuso infantil. Obviamente, ella se considera una víctima más, a causa de lo que su madre, Dee Dee, le hizo.

En concreto, se nos dice que Gypsy quiere crear conciencia sobre el síndrome de Munchausen por poder, un término médico que los profesionales han utilizado para describir su historia infame.

Por supuesto, eso se refiere a un padre que finge que sus hijos están enfermos y vive la mentira.

Teniendo en cuenta la amplia experiencia de Gypsy en este ámbito, nuestras fuentes dicen que ella cree que puede ayudar a muchas otras personas que podrían estar pasando por algo similar en sus propias vidas y al mismo tiempo, va a poner un foco positivo en la salud mental desde su punto de vista.

Nos han dicho que Gypsy ha crecido y madurado mucho durante su encarcelamiento y que se siente bien preparada para volver a integrarse a la sociedad y hacer algo bueno. Nuestras fuentes dicen que tiene un gran sistema de apoyo a su alrededor, que le ayudará con esta transición, incluyendo a su marido, Ryan.

Una de las cosas en las que Gypsy ha participado mientras estaba en la cárcel ha sido la terapia de grupo, nos han dicho que le ha sido increíblemente útil. Nuestras fuentes dicen que las sesiones individuales de terapia de trauma también están probablemente en su futuro, ya que todavía tiene problemas que resolver.

Como informamos, Gypsy obtuvo la libertad condicional anticipada el mes pasado, unos años antes de lo que se suponía que iba a ser liberada en virtud de su sentencia inicial de 10 años.

Gypsy Rose Blanchard Public Speaking Plans Post-Prison ... A Lot of Therapy Too

Gypsy Rose Blanchard is ready to step up to a microphone once she's released from prison -- but it won't be for fame and attention, instead, she wants to help others who suffer like she once did.

The infamous felon, who pled guilty to second-degree murder for the 2015 slaying of her mother, is ready to turn over a new leaf when she gets out in December ... according to sources close to Gypsy.

Those sources tell TMZ ... Gypsy's planning on doing a lot of public speaking and engaging in advocacy work on behalf of child abuse victims. Obviously, that's how she categorizes herself, on account of what she says her mom, Dee Dee, put her through.

Specifically, we're told Gypsy wants to raise awareness about Munchausen's syndrome by proxy -- the medical term professionals have used to describe Dee Dee's actions.

It pertains to a parent who pretends their kids are sick and live out the lie.

Considering Gypsy's extensive experience in this realm, our sources say she believes she can help a lot of other people who might be going through something similar ... and in the same breath, it'll put a positive spotlight on mental health from her POV.

We're told Gypsy's grown and matured a lot while incarcerated, and she feels well-equipped to reacclimate into society and do some good. Our sources say she has a support system around her -- including her husband, Ryan -- to help with the transition.

One thing Gypsy's taken part in while in prison is group therapy -- which we're told was incredibly helpful -- but when she's out, she'll probably enter one-on-one trauma therapy sessions, as she's still working through her issues.

As we reported ... Gypsy was granted early parole last month, a few years before she was originally supposed to be released under her 10-year sentence.


Tyler Christopher, famoso por su trabajo en "General Hospital" y "Days of Our Lives", ha muerto.

La estrella de telenovelas murió el martes por la mañana en su apartamento de San Diego, resultado de un "evento cardíaco" de acuerdo con su compañero de elenco Maurice Bernard.

Tyler está siendo recordado por Maurice como "un individuo verdaderamente talentoso que iluminaba la pantalla en cada escena que interpretaba y disfrutaba llevando alegría a sus leales fans a través de su actuación".

Maurice continúa: "Tyler era un alma dulce y un amigo maravilloso para todos los que lo conocían. Tyler era un defensor de una mejor salud mental y el tratamiento de uso de sustancias que abiertamente habló de sus luchas con la depresión bipolar y el alcohol".

Tyler interpretó famosamente a Nikolas Cassadine y Connor Bishop en "General Hospital", apareciendo en 1.153 episodios desde 1996 hasta 2016.

Además de su papel de larga data en 'Hospital General, Tyler también interpretó a Stefan DiMera en "Days of Lives", apareciendo en 160 episodios desde 2001 hasta 2019.

Tyler tenía 50 años.


'General Hospital' Star Tyler Christopher Dead at 50

Tyler Christopher, famous for his work on "General Hospital" and "Days of Our Lives," is dead.

The soap star died Tuesday morning in his San Diego apartment, the result of a "cardiac event" ... according to his 'GH' costar Maurice Bernard.

Tyler's being remembered by Maurice as "a truly talented individual that lit up the screen in every scene he performed and relished bringing joy to his loyal fans through his acting."

Maurice continues ... "Tyler was a sweet soul and wonderful friend to all of those who knew him. Tyler was an advocate for better mental health and substance use treatment who openly spoke about his struggles with bipolar depression and alcohol."

Tyler famously played Nikolas Cassadine and Connor Bishop on "General Hospital" ... appearing in 1,153 episodes from 1996 to 2016.

In addition to his longstanding role on 'GH,' Tyler also played Stefan DiMera on "Days of Lives" ... appearing in 160 episodes from 2001 to 2019.

Tyler was 50.



El cuerpo de Matthew Perry no estuvo en su bañera de hidromasaje por mucho tiempo antes de que fuera encontrado muerto de un aparente ahogamiento... esto añade una nueva capa a su trágica muerte.

Fuentes policiales le dicen TMZ que el cuerpo de Matthew no estaba anegado cuando los socorristas llegaron a su casa de Pacific Palisades y lo declararon muerto en la escena

Matthew estaba solo cuando murió - estaba en casa después de jugar pickleball temprano en el día sábado en Riviera Country Club - y es justo preguntarse cuál habría sido el resultado si alguien más estaba cerca, o si su asistente había llegado a él antes.

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audio del despacho

Recordemos que Matthew llegó a casa desde el club de campo y envió a su asistente a un recado, cuando el asistente regresó a casa Matthew no respondía en el jacuzzi y el asistente llamó al 911.

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captura aerea

Como informamos por primera vez, al revisar la casa del actor no apareció ninguna droga ilegal, pero había numerosos medicamentos encontrados en la casa, incluyendo antidepresivos y ansiolíticos.

Nuestras fuentes dicen que la policía también encontró un medicamento para la EPOC en la casa. EPOC es la abreviatura de Enfermedad Pulmonar Obstructiva Crónica. Esta droga se utiliza a menudo para las personas que tienen enfisema o bronquitis crónica.

una pérdida devastadora

Matthew fue un fumador durante su vida y ahora nos informan que la ley encontró parches Nicorette y goma de mascar Nicorette en el hogar, por lo que parece que Matthew iba en serio acerca de dejar los cigarrillos y recuperar su salud.

Hablamos del legado de Matthew en el último episodio de Last Days, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Matthew Perry Death Body Wasn't In Water Long Before Being Found ... Timing Adds To Tragedy

Matthew Perry's body wasn't in his hot tub for very long before he was found dead from an apparent drowning ... which adds a whole new layer to his tragic death.

Law enforcement sources tell TMZ … Matthew's body was not waterlogged when first responders arrived at his Pacific Palisades home and declared him dead at the scene.

Matthew was alone when he died -- he was home after playing pickleball earlier in the day Saturday at Riviera Country Club -- and it's fair to wonder what the outcome would have been if someone else was around, or if his assistant had gotten to his house sooner.

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Remember ... Matthew got home from the country club and sent his assistant on an errand, and when the assistant returned home Matthew was unresponsive in the jacuzzi and the assistant called 911.

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As we first reported, a search of MP's home did not turn up any illegal drugs ... but there were Rx drugs found in the house, including anti-depressants and anti-anxiety drugs.

Our sources say law enforcement also found a COPD drug in the house. COPD is short for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease ... and that drug is often used for people who have emphysema or chronic bronchitis.


Matthew was a smoker during his life, and now we're told law enforcement found Nicorette patches and Nicorette gum in the home ... so it seems Matthew was serious about quitting cigarettes and reclaiming his health.

The L.A. County Coroner has yet to determine an official cause of death. The toxicology results will take at least 6 weeks.

We discussed Matthew's legacy on the latest episode of Last Days, available on all podcast platforms.

Jon Jones Patched Up After Pec Surgery ... Shows Off Bandages


Jon Jones is on the road to recovery after going down with a serious injury ahead of UFC 295 ... showing off his bandaged-up pec following surgery last week.

Bones was forced to back out of his big heavyweight championship bout against Stipe Miocic after he tore his muscle right off the bone in a training session ... postponing the highly-anticipated matchup until 2024.


Jones wasted no time fixing his ailment by going under the knife ... and on Tuesday, he posted a video revealing Steri-Strips -- which are used to hold incisions together -- near his shoulder.

Jones didn't talk in the short clip ... but he really didn't have to -- you can tell by his facial expression he's just as bummed as everyone else about not being able to fight on Nov. 11 at Madison Square Garden.

In the meantime, Sergei Pavlovich will now take on Tom Aspinall for the interim heavyweight title at the Garden ... which will be the co-main event alongside the Jiri Prochazka vs. Alex Pereira fight.

Jones also shared a post-op vid last week ... confirming he had gotten the procedure done and was ready for the next steps in his comeback. Dr. Neal ElAttrache -- who recently worked on Aaron Rodgers' Achilles -- performed the surgery.

Instagram / @jonnybones

Stipe claims he wasn't asked to stay on the 295 card ... but either way, he's ready to get the title back from Jones when the time comes.

"The fight being canceled, it sucks," Stipe said. "No question about it. Unfortunately, that’s just the game we’re in. It happens. Like I said, I hope he’s okay. You want to be the best; you’ve got to beat the best. I want that belt back. It’s my belt. It’s going to happen."

Dana White said it will take eight months for Jones to get back to 100%, but orthopedic surgeons like Dr. David Abbasi say he could be back in half the time.

Here's hoping it's sooner rather than later -- get better, Bones!!

Adam Johnson EIHA Making Neck Guards Mandatory ... After Tragic Death

The English Ice Hockey Association is changing its rules following the tragic death of Adam Johnson ... now making it mandatory for players to wear neck guards starting in January.

The org. announced the decision Monday, saying in a statement, "the safety of our players must take precedence above all else."

"We are firmly committed to our obligation to exhaust every possible means to ensure that a tragic incident of this nature never befalls our sport again," the EIHA said.

The new mandate comes roughly 48 hours after Johnson died following injuries he suffered when he was slashed in the throat by a skate during an on-ice collision.

EIHA officials initially said the incident was "a freak accident" ... though South Yorkshire Police said Sunday they are investigating the matter.

Johnson was just 29 years old.

While neck guards will still be optional for the remainder of '23 ... the EIHA said it's making a "strong recommendation" that players wear them while skating on the ice.

It added that the mandatory rule change would have been implemented immediately if not for anticipated supply issues.

"It is unacceptable for any player to lose their life while playing sport," the EIHA said. "Our responsibility is not only to avert the recurrence of such a heart-breaking accident, but also to pre-emptively address other foreseeable incidents in the future."

EIHA officials said more rule changes could be coming down in the near future ... saying in its statement, "We bear both a legal and a moral obligation to respond in a measured and pragmatic way."

"There is a distinct likelihood that comprehensive evaluations will transpire at the international level, and the EIHA is committed to taking an active and constructive role in this comprehensive process."

Ivan 'Pudge' Rodriguez Strips Down To His Undies ... For Testicular Cancer Awareness


Ivan "Pudge" Rodriguez just got in front of a camera with his manhood nearly on full display ... and he's hoping the hilarious sight will now help save some lives.

The MLB legend stripped down to his undies as part of a partnership with underwear company Saxx -- filming a 75-second commercial with the goal of raising awareness for testicular cancer in mind.

In the vid, Rodriguez rocked a pair of boxer briefs that he insisted held his family jewels "like a catcher's mitt" ... before he introduced a "Ballgorithm" that will ultimately raise cash for the good cause.

Rodriguez and his co-host explained ... the algorithm -- a math equation centered around the number of bad balls that a pitcher hurls during a contest -- will be applied to every Rangers vs. Diamondbacks World Series game this fall ... and then that figure will be multiplied by 1,000.


That total number will then be turned into dollars and donated to the Testicular Cancer Foundation -- a cause Pudge tells TMZ Sports he cares deeply about.

"The purpose is just to make people laugh and make people aware to go check themselves," he said, "and we did a nice commercial."

The MLB Hall of Famer -- who's now working as a special assistant to the general manager of the Rangers -- said he's been catching a lot of ribbin' both inside and outside of the Texas clubhouse over the vid ... but he couldn't be happier that it might prevent tragedies for people going forward.

"For me, that's the most important thing," he said. "Pay attention. This is a disease you can get in the early ages. So, our message is just to go check, because you never know."


As for Pudge's former team -- the Rangers -- they're all tied up at 1-1 with the DBacks and are now headed to Arizona for Game 3 on Monday night. Check out our interview with Pudge to see how he thinks it'll all shake out from here!!

Mary Lou Retton Still Battling Pneumonia ... But 'Continuing To Slowly Recover'

Mary Lou Retton is opening up about her battle with pneumonia for the first time since she contracted the illness earlier this month ... and she says while she is recovering, she's not totally out of the woods yet.

In a statement posted to her Instagram page on Monday afternoon, the Olympic legend thanked her followers for all of their support ... but added that her recovery from the ailment is moving at a snail's pace.

"I'm beyond blessed to have the opportunity to make this statement," the 55-year-old said. "I am overwhelmed with all the love and support from the world as I fight. I am forever grateful to you all!"

"I'm with family continuing to slowly recover and staying very positive as I know this recovery is a long and slow process," she added. "I appreciate everyone's respect of my privacy at this time."

Retton was diagnosed with a rare form of pneumonia at the beginning of October ... and ended up in the ICU over it all.

During her multiple-day stay at the hospital, her family revealed she suffered a "scary setback" ... and at times, things seemed dire. Thankfully, however, Retton was able to fight through it all ... and returned home to recover last week.

In her statement Monday, she promised to reveal more about her fight at a later time.

"I love you all," she wrote.

A fundraiser to help with her medical bills, meanwhile, has received $459,324 from over 8,000 donors.


La muerte de Matthew Perry seguirá siendo un misterio por ahora, ya que las autoridades están esperando a que se realicen algunas pruebas clave antes de pronunciarse definitivamente sobre cómo murió.

La Oficina del Médico Forense del Condado de Los Angeles acaba de publicar sus conclusiones sobre una autopsia inicial del difunto actor de "Friends", y están aplazando su causa de la muerte a la espera de los resultados de toxicología y una mayor investigación, que podría tomar semanas para completarse.

Tampoco han informado el motivo de la muerte, aunque nuestras fuentes nos han dicho que no hay rastros de actividad sexual y no se encontraron narcóticos ilícitos en el lugar.

El único detalle destacable del informe de la autopsia es que se indica que murió en su domicilio y que el cuerpo está listo para ser entregado a la familia para su entierro o cremación. Una investigación sobre las circunstancias de su muerte está en marcha con la aplicación de la ley.

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tomas aereas

TMZ publicó la noticia, los primeros en responder se apresuraron a su propiedad por una llamada de paro cardíaco y Matthew fue encontrado sin respuesta en su bañera de hidromasaje, esto después de un aparente ahogamiento. La secuencia exacta de los acontecimientos no está clara, pero finalmente fue declarado muerto en el lugar.

Como informamos, Perry estuvo jugado al pickleball el sábado por la mañana durante un par de horas antes de volver a casa y enviar a su asistente a hacer un recado. Un rato después, el asistente regresó, descubrió a su jefe y luego llamó al 911.

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audio del despacho

No hace falta decir que el fallecimiento de Matthew envió ondas de choque en todo Hollywood. Teniendo en cuenta su historial con el abuso de sustancias, se ha especulado que podría estar en juego, pero hasta ahora, no hay ninguna indicación de que ese sea el caso.

Los profesionales médicos van a esperar para ver lo que estaba en su sistema en al momento de su muerte, mientras tanto, todos sus fans y seres queridos pueden recordarlo con cariño.

No se sabe nada aún sobre los planes funerarios, pero nos imaginamos que una gran celebración de la vida está por venir.