Matthew Perry Cause of Death Still a Mystery ... Autopsy Pending

Matthew Perry's death will remain a mystery for now -- because officials are waiting for some key tests to be done before weighing in definitively on how he died.

The Los Angeles County Medical Examiner's Office just published their findings on an initial autopsy of the late "Friends" actor -- and they're deferring his cause of death ... pending toxicology results and further investigation, which could take weeks to complete.

They're also not indicating the manner of death at this point ... although our sources have told us no foul play is suspected, and no illicit narcotics were found on the premises.

The only other notable detail from his autopsy report is that they note he died at his residence -- and that his body is now ready to be released to his family for burial/cremation. A probe into the circumstances of his death is underway with law enforcement.

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TMZ broke the news ... first responders rushed to his property on a cardiac arrest call, and Matthew was found unresponsive in his hot tub ... this after an apparent drowning. The exact sequence of events is unclear, but he was eventually declared deceased on the scene.

Like we told you ... MP had played pickleball Saturday morning for a couple hours before returning home and sending his assistant on an errand. Sometime later, the assistant returned, discovered his boss ... and then called 911.

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It goes without saying ... Matthew's passing sent shockwaves throughout Hollywood. Considering his history with substance abuse, there's been speculation that could be at play -- but so far, there's no indication that's in fact the case.

Medical professionals are going to wait to see what was in his system at the time of his death -- in the meantime, all his fans and loved ones can do is mourn.

No word yet on funeral plans ... but we imagine a major celebration of life is coming soon.


Angelina Jolie Strong Stance on Israel-Palestine ... Gaza Bombing Not Justified

Angelina Jolie is drawing a line in the sand on the Israel-Palestine issue -- and considering her well-documented humanitarian work worldwide ... her position here is interesting.

The actress -- who's moved into more of a public service role over the past decade or so -- posted a lengthy statement this weekend addressing the war in the Middle East ... and she says quite clearly, the ongoing offensive that Israel's undertaking in Gaza isn't right.

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

She starts by sympathizing with Israelis that were victimized in the Oct. 7 terrorist attack carried out by Hamas -- saying, like millions of others, she too was sickened/angry about all those who were killed, especially kids ... adding she prays for the safe return of hostages.

However, she then writes this ... "What happened in Israel is an act of terror. But that cannot justify the innocent lives lost in bombing a civilian population in Gaza that has nowhere to go, no access to food or water, no possibility of evacuation, and not even the basic human right to cross a border to seek refuge."

AJ cites her many years of experience in this field, saying that there is a desperate need for aid in the area -- and that Israel's response is only making matters worse. She adds, "The denial of aid, fuel and water is collectively punishing a people. Humanity demands an immediate ceasefire. Palestinian and Israeli lives -- and the lives of all people globally -- matter equally. Anything that can prevent civilian casualties and save lives must be done."

Angelina goes on to say she's donated to medical relief efforts for Gaza, and spotlighted Doctors Without Borders as an org she's supporting and following at this time.

As far as how Israel's proceeding at this point ... it looks like it's full steam ahead. Their ground operation into Gaza is intensifying -- and PM Benjamin Netanyahu has said this now marks the "second stage" of what he says is going to be a long and difficult war.

Gaza is in a blackout at the moment -- with no lines of communication to the outside world -- something Elon Musk says he'll help fix with Internet access ... albeit, only to internationally recognized humanitarian groups in the area ... something Israel strongly objects to.


The U.S. certainly feels divided on this conflict -- and there have been fierce protests and demonstrations on both sides ... with a notable pro-Palestine sentiment in the streets.

As for Angelina ... she's taken a firm stance. Basically, she's telling Israel to stand down.

Matthew Perry Family Addresses Death & Fans ... 'Heartbroken by Loss'

Matthew Perry's family is speaking out in the wake of his death -- and they're addressing both the suddenness of losing him ... and the love they've received in the aftermath.

The actor's family tells TMZ ... "We are heartbroken by the tragic loss of our beloved son and brother. Matthew brought so much joy to the world, both as an actor and a friend. You all meant so much to him and we appreciate the tremendous outpouring of love."

It's brief, but impactful ... especially considering how strongly folks have reacted to the news.

Of course, members of Matt's family were on the scene last night -- including his parents, Suzanne Morrison and John Bennett Perry -- pulling up to his property and looking sorrowful. Even his stepfather, Keith Morrison, arrived and was moving through police tape.

Tik Tok/@joy.of.everything

Perry's parents split while he was young ... and his mother went on to marry Keith and have children with him -- including 3 girls and 1 boy, all of whom are MP's half-siblings. Keith also has a son from a previous marriage.

While his mom and dad might've not been together through most of his life -- they displayed a united front Saturday night in front of paps ... this while investigators did their work.

Countless stars and showbiz types have been pouring on the tributes for Matt -- including some old "Friends" staffers ... mostly folks behind the scenes. We still haven't heard directly from any of his main costars ... who've all been radio silent since TMZ broke the news.

An investigation into Matthew's death is ongoing ... but we know he was discovered unresponsive in his hot tub. No foul play is suspected, and no illicit drugs were found either.

He was 54.


Matthew Perry No Illicit Drugs but Prescriptions Found at Home of Drowning

First responders who rushed to Matthew Perry's home Saturday did not find illegal drugs, but new information from law enforcement sources revealed there were numerous Rx drugs found in the house.

Our law enforcement sources tell TMZ ... authorities found anti-depressants, anti-anxiety drugs and a COPD drug in the house. COPD is short for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease -- that drug is often used for people who have emphysema or chronic bronchitis. Matthew was a smoker during his life. The L.A. County Coroner will conduct a toxicology exam to determine if any drugs were in Perry's system, but that could take months.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew was found unresponsive in his jacuzzi Saturday afternoon, after playing 2 hours of pickleball at Riviera near his home in Pacific Palisades.

Sources tell TMZ ... Perry was in "good spirits" during the game. He was a pickleball fanatic ... even creating a pickleball shrine in his home.

After the pickleball game, we're told he had his assistant pick up a new iPhone for him, and prescription glasses, which the assistant did. Two hours later, the assistant returned to Perry's home and found him unresponsive in the jacuzzi and called 911.

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Our sources say after calling 911, the assistant called Perry's mother and one sibling, along with an unrelated woman.

Perry was 54.

Matthew Perry Coroner at Death Scene ... Investigation Begins

The Matthew Perry death investigation is underway after the L.A. County Coroner arrived at his home to begin the autopsy process.

The coroner's large white van pulled up Saturday evening outside the Pacific Palisades home where Matthew was found dead earlier that day. Several members of the coroner's team rolled the body out on a stretcher and placed it in the van.

As TMZ first reported ... Matthew's assistant discovered him unresponsive in a hot tub, and our sources say the death appears to be the result of drowning. While there were no illicit drugs found on the scene, we're told there were some prescription drugs found in the house.

The coroner's office will perform toxicology testing, in addition to the autopsy, to determine cause of death, and if any substances were in Matthew's system at levels that could have harmed him.

In a grim scene ... Matthew's mother, father and stepfather were also at the house Saturday, a few hours after he passed.

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Perry shared a post less than a week prior to his death that raised no eyebrows at the time, but seems eerie now -- it's a Shot of himself sitting in the corner of the hot tub at night, looking out at the city lights.

He captioned the image ... "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman."

Perry was 54.


Los primeros en llegar a la casa de Matthew Perry el sábado no encontraron drogas ilegales, pero nueva información de fuentes policiales reveló que había numerosos medicamentos prescritos en la casa.

Nuestras fuentes policiales nos informan que las autoridades encontraron antidepresivos, ansiolíticos y un medicamento para la EPOC en la casa. EPOC es la abreviatura de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica, es una droga que se utiliza a menudo para las personas que tienen enfisema o bronquitis crónica. Matthew fue fumador durante toda su vida. El forense del condado de Los Ángeles llevará a cabo un examen toxicológico para determinar si había alguna droga en el sistema de Perry, pero eso podría llevar meses.

TMZ publicó la historia, Matthew fue encontrado sin vida en su jacuzzi el sábado por la tarde, después de jugar dos horas de pickleball en el Rivera County Club cerca de su casa en Pacific Palisades.

Fuentes le informan a TMZ que Perry estaba de "buen humor" durante el juego. Él era un fanático de pickleball, incluso tenía un santuario de pickleball en su casa.

Nos informan que después del juego le pidió a su asistente el favor de recoger un nuevo iPhone para él y unas gafas graduadas. Dos horas más tarde, el asistente regresó a la casa de Perry y lo encontró inconsciente en el jacuzzi y llamó al 911.

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audio del despacho

Nuestras fuentes dicen que después de llamar al 911, el asistente llamó a la madre de Perry y un hermano, junto con una mujer no relacionada.

Perry tenía 54 años.

Matthew Perry Interview With Diane Sawyer Last Year ... Admitted To 55 Per Day Pill Habit


Matthew Perry detailed his personal struggles with drug addiction in an interview with Diane Sawyer last year -- and they even discussed his possible death.

The "Friends" star sat down with the legendary journalist to promote his memoir during an ABC News segment in October 2022 — and the conversation turned dark almost immediately.

Sawyer read a passage from the book titled, "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir," quoting Perry as saying, “My friends call me Matty and I should be dead."  With a serious, yet troubled look on his face, Perry responded, “That’s definitely true."

Sawyer continued to quote from Perry's book, asserting that addicts can only beat drug addiction with a healthy support group.

Perry replied that his addiction was always waiting to get him alone so he could fill his time by using drugs, in which case he admitted, "You lose to the disease."

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As we reported, Perry was found dead Saturday in a jacuzzi at his L.A.-area home after first responders received a call of a person in cardiac arrest. Investigators believe Perry drowned and are awaiting the results of toxicology tests to determine his cause of death. Our sources say no illicit drugs were recovered from the scene and no foul play is suspected.

At one point during the Sawyer interview, Perry tried to paint a rosier picture of his pill addiction, explaining that he "now feels OK and feels like he's got some strength." But Sawyer pushed back, asking him what he meant.

Perry said, "It means I developed some safety nets around this."

He went on to talk about his seemingly never-ending battle with the pain killer Vicodin, disclosing he ingested a jaw-dropping 55 pills per day. Visibly stunned, Sawyer asked how he could get so many pills.

Perry said he would do anything to obtain them -- even if it meant raiding the medicine cabinet at a seller's open house or going to a doctor's office with a fake migraine to get a prescription.

He also said he stayed sober for long periods of time -- but then he would get cocky, thinking, "I've got this" and "I don't need to learn anymore." As a result, Perry stopped going to 12-step meetings, leading him down the path of using drugs again.

Over the years, Perry said, he detoxed more than 60 times, spending half his life in rehab or sober living, while attending thousands of AA meetings. He also claimed he first drank when he was 14 and was guzzling booze every day by the time he was 18.

MATTHEW PERRY ENTREVISTA CON DIANE SAWYER EL AÑO PASADO Admitió su hábito de tomar 55 pastillas al día

una lucha constante contra la adicción

Matthew Perry detalló sus luchas personales con la adicción a las drogas en una entrevista con Diane Sawyer el año pasado, e incluso hablaron de su posible muerte.

La estrella de "Friends" se sentó con la legendaria periodista para promover su libro de memorias durante un segmento de ABC News en octubre de 2022 y la conversación se volvió oscura casi de inmediato.

Sawyer leyó un pasaje del libro titulado "Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing: A Memoir", citando a Perry diciendo: "Mis amigos me llaman Matty y debería estar muerto".  Con una mirada seria, aunque preocupada, Perry respondió: "Eso es definitivamente cierto".

Sawyer continuó citando el libro de Perry, afirmando que los adictos solo pueden vencer la drogadicción con un grupo de apoyo sano.

Perry replicó que su adicción siempre estaba esperando a que se quedara solo para poder volver al consumiendo drogas, admitiendo: "Pierdes ante la enfermedad".

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audio del despacho

Como informamos, Perry fue encontrado muerto el sábado en un jacuzzi en su casa del área de Los Ángeles después de que los socorristas recibieran una llamada de una persona por paro cardíaco. Los investigadores creen que Perry se ahogó y están a la espera de los resultados de los análisis toxicológicos para determinar la causa de su muerte. Nuestras fuentes dicen que no se encontraron drogas ilícitas en la escena y no hay sospechas de actividad sexual.

En un momento durante la entrevista, Perry trató de pintar una imagen más color de rosa de su adicción a las pastillas, explicando que "ahora se siente bien y se siente como si tuviera un poco de fuerza." Pero Sawyer se opuso, preguntándole qué quería decir.

Perry dijo: "Significa que desarrollé algunas redes de seguridad en torno a esto".

Continuó hablando de su aparentemente interminable batalla con el analgésico Vicodin, revelando que ingería 55 pastillas al día. Visiblemente aturdida, Sawyer le preguntó cómo podía conseguir tantas pastillas.

Perry dijo que haría cualquier cosa para obtenerlas, incluso si eso significaba asaltar el botiquín en la casa abierta de un vendedor o ir a la consulta de un médico con una migraña falsa para obtener una receta.

También dijo que se mantenía sobrio durante largos periodos de tiempo, pero entonces se volvía engreído, pensando "ya lo tengo" y "no necesito aprender más". Como resultado, Perry dejó de ir a las reuniones de 12 pasos, lo que lo llevó por el camino de consumir drogas de nuevo.

Perry dijo que a lo largo de los años se desintoxicó más de 60 veces, pasando la mitad de su vida en rehabilitación o sobrio, mientras asistía a miles de reuniones de AA. También afirmó que bebió por primera vez cuando tenía 14 años y estaba engullendo alcohol todos los días en el momento en que tenía 18 años.


recordando a MATTHEW PERRY

Matthew Perry fue el gran tema del sábado, y Adele no se quedó atrás, y le rindió homenaje a la estrella de "Friends" durante su show en Las Vegas.

Adele llamó al personaje de Perry, Chandler Bing, "probablemente el mejor personaje cómico de todos los tiempos".

TMZ publicó la historia, Perry fue encontrado muerto en su jacuzzi el sábado a causa de un presunto ahogamiento.

Adele continuó: "Siempre es tan impactante, especialmente alguien que no conoces y que te hizo reír y trajo tanta alegría a tu vida. Esto es lo que me parece tan extraño, nunca lo conocí en mi vida. Hay algo... te sientes tan triste, especialmente porque no sabes necesariamente lo que estaba pasando".

Adele, vestida para Halloween como Morticia Adams, dedicó "When We Were Young" a Perry.

Adele dijo: "Él era tan abierto respecto a sus luchas contra la adicción y la sobriedad... creo que fue increíblemente, increíblemente valiente".

Perry tenía 54 años.

Matthew Perry Parents Arrive at Home Where 'Friends' Star Died ... Dispatch Audio References Drowning

Matthew Perry's family showed up at his home in L.A. just hours after the "Friends" star died Saturday in a jacuzzi.

Tik Tok/@joy.of.everything

Matthew's mother Suzanne Morrison, his father, John Bennett Perry and his stepfather, "Dateline" correspondent Keith Morrison displayed their emotions as they walked up to the house where Perry died.

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TMZ broke the story ... first responders rushed to Perry's home after receiving a cardiac arrest call. Perry drowned in his jacuzzi. No drugs were found at the scene. TMZ obtained the dispatch audio -- not the 911 call -- in which first responders were sent to the house.

As TMZ reported, Matthew posted an eerie photo just days before his death, in which he showed himself in a jacuzzi with city lights below, and the caption ... "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman."

Matthew's parents split when he was still a young boy. His mother married Keith Morrison in 1981. Matthew devotes a significant portion of his memoir talking about his upbringing and some of the struggles he endured as the child of divorced parents.

Matthew stayed in touch with his biological dad, an actor, and John even appeared on one episode of "Friends." John was also the Old Spice sailor in commercials.

Matthew and John weren't tight, but they were together as recently as this month. Matthew posted a pic with the caption ... "Here is me, and my father John, both holding a beverage." FYI ... the beverage was soda.

'Friends' Star Matthew Perry Dead at 54 ... After Apparent Drowning


6:02 PM PT -- More details are surfacing about the circumstances surrounding Matthew Perry's death ... as sources tell us he actually died at his own house after some physical activity this morning.

We're told Matthew came home sometime in the AM after a 2-hour round of pickleball, and that he sent his assistant out on an errand shortly thereafter. We're told when the assistant returned about 2 hours later, he discovered Matthew unresponsive ... and called 911.

Unclear if what Matthew was doing before his passing played any role in his death at this point -- the investigation into his death is underway.

Matthew Perry -- one of the stars of "Friends" -- has died ... TMZ has learned.

Law enforcement sources tell us the actor was found Saturday at an L.A.-area home ... where we're told he appears to have drowned. Our sources say first responders rushed over on a call for cardiac arrest. It's unclear where exactly on the grounds this happened.

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Our sources say he was found in a jacuzzi at the home ... and we're told there were no drugs found at the scene. We're also told there is no foul play involved.

Perry is most famous for his role as Chandler Bing on the hit '90s sitcom, which ran for 10 seasons ... and with him in all 234 episodes. His character was a fan fave, as was his performance -- mannerisms and lines of which have gone on to be recreated and spoofed by fans all over the world. One comes to mind, in particular ... "Could (blank) BE more ..."

While "Friends" was his biggest claim to fame ... MP starred/guest starred in countless other TV shows over the years -- such as "Boys Will Be Boys," "Growing Pains," "Silver Spoons," "Charles in Charge," "Sydney," "Beverly Hills, 90210," "Home Free," "Ally McBeal," "The West Wing," "Scrubs," "Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip," "Go On," "The Odd Couple" and more.

He had also acted in a handful of memorable films (mostly comedy) ... like "Fools Rush In," "The Whole Nine Yards," "Three to Tango," "The Kid," "17 Again," "Getting In," and many others. He's been off the scene more recently ... not having acted since a TV miniseries in 2017.

While his onscreen persona was affable and upbeat, Matthew suffered mightily behind the scenes -- notably, from his addiction to drugs and alcohol ... pain killers, specifically. He was hooked on Vicodin for years -- even while on 'Friends' -- and had been in and out of rehab.

Matthew opened up about this painful chapter of his life in a memoir he put out last year -- where he detailed the struggles he had ... including his clear weight loss/gain on the show.

During his press run for his book ... Matthew did a number of interviews where he got incredibly emotional -- including one with Diane Sawyer, where he detailed his story.

Diane Sawyer / ABC News

While Perry appeared to be clean and sober a year ago, the year prior -- when he and the other cast members were plugging the "Friends" reunion show -- drew concern from fans ... as they felt he appeared unwell, at times slurring his words and looking a bit out of it.

On top of his substance use ... Matthew also dealt with health issues, some of which were serious and required hospitalization. One such incident stemmed from a gastrointestinal perforation -- which forced him to undergo emergency surgery ... but he luckily recovered.

Matthew never married, but he was briefly engaged to Molly Hurwitz a couple years ago ... which came to an end after only 6 months. Before that, he'd been linked to Lizzy Caplan.

He was 54 years old.


Originally Published -- 5:10 PM PT

Adele Honors Matthew Perry at Vegas Concert


Matthew Perry was all people were talking about Saturday, and Adele was among them ... paying tribute to the "Friends" star during her Vegas show.

Adele called Perry's character, Chandler Bing, "probably the best comedic character of all time."

TMZ broke the story ... Perry was found dead in his jacuzzi Saturday from a presumed drowning.

Adele went on ... "It is always so shocking, especially someone that made you laugh and who brought so much joy to your life that you don't know. This is what I find so strange, I never met him in my life. There is something, you feel so sad about it especially because you don't necessarily know what was going on."

Adele, dressed for Halloween as Morticia Adams, dedicated "When We Were Young" to Perry.

Adele echoed what people have been saying since news of Perry's death broke, saying ... "He was so open with his struggles with addiction and sobriety, which I think is incredibly, incredibly brave."

Perry was 54.

Matthew Perry Casual Meal with a Friend 1 Week Ago ... Plus, Eerie Final IG Post

Matthew Perry seemed to be enjoying a day out with a friend exactly one week before he died -- leaving a West L.A. eatery in a scene that turns out to be the last time he'd be seen in public.

On October 21, the "Friends" star was walking out of the Apple Pan -- a popular West L.A. spot for burgers, sandwiches and pies. He appeared to be leaving with a male friend who was carrying a takeout bag.

Matthew was growing a little goatee ... a different look from the clean-cut guy millions of "Friends" fans knew and loved, but all in all the guy seemed to be doing well.

Prior to that, MP was seen on October 3, as he left a workout in Los Angeles.

TMZ broke the story ... Matthew's assistant found him unresponsive Saturday morning at his home, just a couple hours after he'd completed a 2-hour match of pickleball. Our sources say he was found in a hot tub, and there were no drugs found at the scene.

It certainly seems like Matthew enjoyed soaking in the tub. It's an eerie image now, but just 6 days ago -- in what would be his final IG post -- he posted a nighttime shot from the hot tub, and included the caption, "Oh, so warm water swirling around makes you feel good? I'm Mattman."

Clearly, that sense of humor his fans loved and came to expect from the beloved 54-year-old actor was still intact.

We discussed Matthew's legacy on the latest episode of Last Days, available on all podcast platforms.

Elon Musk Offering Starlink Help in Gaza ... Israeli Govt. Objects


3:27 PM PT -- The State of Israel is fuming over Elon's pledge to help Gaza -- with its Minister of Communications saying his attempt to intervene is only going to bolster terrorists.

Shlomo Karhi took to Twitter to write, "Israel will use all means at its disposal to fight this.  HAMAS will use it for terrorist activities. There is no doubt about it, we know it, and musk knows it. HAMAS is ISIS."

He adds, "Perhaps Musk would be willing to condition it with the release of our abducted babies, sons, daughters, elderly people. All of them!  By then, my office will cut any ties with starlink."

Elon, meanwhile, has responded ... "We are not so naive.   Per my post, no Starlink terminal has attempted to connect from Gaza.   If one does, we will take extraordinary measures to confirm that it is used *only* for purely humanitarian reasons.  Moreover, we will do a security check with both the US and Israeli governments before turning on even a single terminal."

Elon Musk is coming to the rescue in Gaza -- which is currently being infiltrated by Israel ... and which is effectively cut off from the world in terms of communication and connection.

The multibillionaire tech boss announced this weekend that he'd be lending his Starlink satellite services to people on the ground there ... which will provide Internet access amid a blackout in the area as Israeli forces move in amid their delayed ground operation.

Elon actually broke the news in response to one of his famed foes, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez -- who was decrying the fact that Israel had made Gaza go totally dark overnight.

Seemingly unprovoked, EM responded directly to the NY congresswoman, writing ... "Starlink will support connectivity to internationally recognized aid organizations in Gaza." He went on to reiterate this with others, highlighting the UN as one of the orgs that'd get connected.

Of course, his specificity here speaks to the fact that Hamas terrorists are still all throughout Gaza -- which is who the Israelis are attempting to root out and eradicate ... despite an overwhelming call for a ceasefire worldwide, which has erupted into pro-Palestine protests.

In trying to find the ones responsible for the Oct. 7 attack on Israel -- which claimed more than 1,400 innocent lives -- thousands of Palestinians have been killed in retaliation.

The war has become incredibly polarizing, especially here in the States ... but Elon's stepping up and seemingly showing some compassion for Palestinians caught in the middle of this.

Originally Published -- 1:45 PM PT

Aaron Carter Son Princeton Sues Doctors, Pharmacies for Wrongful Death ... Claims Prescribing Oxy, Hydrocodone Was Reckless

Aaron Carter died from a drowning accident, but his son believes the wheels were set in motion by doctors and pharmacies that destroyed Aaron's judgment ... and he's suing them for wrongful death.

Princeton Lyric Carter, the nearly 2-year-old son of Aaron, claims in a new lawsuit, obtained by TMZ, doctors prescribed Hydrocodone, Oxycodone and Alprazolam with no medical justification and knowing Aaron's "mental health and psychiatric condition.

The lawsuit names, among others, Walgreens, claiming the drugs and quantities, along with Aaron's psychiatric issues, should have sounded alarm bells for the pharmacy.

Aaron died November 5, 2022 -- he was found by his housekeeper, dead in his bathtub. The official cause of death was Xanax and huffing that led to drowning.

Princeton's mom, Melanie Martin, filed the suit on his behalf.

The lawsuit seeks unspecified damages.

Aaron Carter Su hijo Princeton demanda a médicos y farmacias por homicidio culposo

Aaron Carter murió a causa de asfixia en un accidente, pero su hijo cree que todo fue causado por los médicos y las farmacias que destruyeron su juicio, y por eso, ahora los está demandando por muerte injusta.

Princeton Lyric Carter, el hijo de casi 2 años de Aaron, afirma en una nueva demanda obtenida por TMZ, que los médicos le recetaron Hidrocodona, Oxicodona y Alprazolam sin justificación médica y conociendo la "salud mental y el estado psiquiátrico" de Aaron.

La demanda nombra, entre otros, a Walgreens, alegando que los medicamentos y las cantidades, junto con los problemas psiquiátricos de Aaron deberían haber hecho saltar las alarmas de la farmacia.

Aaron murió el 5 de noviembre de 2022, luego de ser encontrado sin vida en su bañera por su ama de llaves. La causa oficial de muerte fue Xanax y el uso de inhaladores que condujeron a un ahogamiento.

La madre de Princeton, Melanie Martin, presentó la demanda en su nombre. Esta persigue daños no especificados.