'Night Court' Star Richard Moll Dead at 80

Richard Moll, famous for playing the gentle giant bailiff on "Night Court," is dead.

The actor died Thursday at his home in Big Bear Lake, CA ... according to a rep for the family. Richard starred as "Bull" Shannon on the original "Night Court" sitcom from 1984 to 1992 on NBC ... acting alongside Harry Anderson and John Larroquette.

Richard's bailiff character was known for his tagline ... "Ohh-kay" ... his shaved head and a towering 6'8" frame. He appears in all 193 episodes and his character is abducted by aliens in the "Night Court" finale.

Following his success on "Night Court," Richard started doing voice-over work ... including "Batman: The Animated Series"  and "Spider-Man: The Animated Series" as well as some horror movies and video games.

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Richard also had roles in several movies ... most notably "Jingle All The Way," "The Flintstones" and "Scary Movie 2."

He grew up in Pasadena and got into acting after moving to Hollywood in 1968 after going to college at UC Berkeley, where he majored in history and psychology.

Richard was 80.


Tiroteo masivo en Maine Recordando a las 18 víctimas

Dieciocho personas fallecieron después del tiroteo masivo de esta semana en Maine, vidas que quedaron truncadas cuando Robert Card abrió fuego en un bowling y un restaurante... y la lista de sus víctimas incluye a personas de 70 años e incluso un niño de 14 años.

Los informes dicen que el adolescente Aaron Young estaba con su padre Bill en el bowling Just-In-Time Recreation el miércoles por la noche en Lewiston. Se encontraban allí para jugar y presenciar la liga de bolos de Aaron cuando el pistolero abrió fuego dentro del edificio. Tanto el padre como el hijo fueron asesinados.

Bob Violette, de 76 años, también perdió la vida en el bowling. Estaba como entrenador voluntario de la liga de bolos juvenil. Su compañero de trabajo le dijo a WBZ News que era un hombre "muy amable", "súper comprensivo" y "muy paciente con todo el mundo."

Tricia Asselin, de 53 años, fue tiroteada mientras intentaba llamar al 911 y el gerente del local Tommy Conrad, de 34 años, también murió mientras intentaba someter a Card.

Jason Walker y su amigo Michael Deslauriers II estaban en el bowling con sus esposas e hijos cuando sonaron los disparos. El padre de Michael dice que los dos hombres cargaron contra Card después de asegurarse de que sus familias estuvieran a salvo, y fue entonces cuando recibieron un disparo mortal.

Como se informó, Card salió del bowling y abrió fuego de nuevo en Schemengees Bar and Grille, matando a ocho personas más, incluyendo a Maxx Hathaway, un padre que estaba allí con su esposa embarazada Brenda y su hijo pequeño Lilian.

De acuerdo a su GoFundMe, la familia estaba en Schemengees cuando su esposa -que va a tener a su tercer hijo en poco más de un mes- decidió llevarse a su hijo pequeño a casa mientras Max se quedaba a jugar un poco más al billar.

Entre los muertos en el bar había varios miembros de la comunidad sorda, que estaban peleando un torneo de cornhole, incluyendo Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket y Joshua Seal.

Joseph Walker, de 56 años, era gerente de Schemengees y también fue abatido a tiros. Perdió la vida después de tratar de detener Card.

Como ustedes saben, Card también hirió a 13 personas durante su brutal ataque. Su casa en Bowdoin, Maine, fue rodeada por la policía el jueves por la noche, aunque él no se encontraba en casa. La persecución contra él sigue en marcha. Las tiendas de armas locales han visto un gran aumento en las ventas de armas de fuego y municiones en respuesta.

Maine Mass Shooting 18 Victims Remembered

Eighteen people are dead after this week's mass shooting in Maine -- lives cut short when Robert Card opened fire in a bowling alley and a bar -- and the list of his victims includes people in their 70s and even a 14-year-old boy.

Reports say teenager Aaron Young was with his father, Bill, at the Just-In-Time Recreation bowling alley in Lewiston Wednesday night for Aaron's bowling league when the gunman opened fire inside the building -- the father and son were both killed.

76-year-old Bob Violette also lost his life in the bowling alley. There for his volunteer job coaching the youth bowling league, his coworker told WBZ News he was "so kind," "super understanding," and "very patient with everybody."

53-year-old Tricia Asselin was gunned down while trying to call 911 at the bowling alley, and the location's manager, 34-year-old Tommy Conrad, died while trying to subdue Card.

Jason Walker and his friend Michael Deslauriers II were both at the alley with their wives and kids when the shots rang out -- Michael's father says the 2 men charged at Card after making sure their families were safe, and that's when they were fatally shot.

As we reported, Card left the bowling alley and opened fire once again on the crowd at Schemengees Bar and Grille, killing 8 more people ... including Maxx Hathaway, a father who was there with his pregnant wife, Brenda, and their toddler, Lilian.

According to their GoFundMe, the family was at Schemengees when his wife -- who is due with their 3rd child in just over a month -- took their little one home while he stayed behind to play some more pool.

Among those killed at the bar were several members of the deaf community, who were there for a cornhole tournament ... including Bryan MacFarlane, Steven Vozzella, Billy Bracket, and Joshua Seal.

56-year-old Joseph Walker, manager at Schemengees, was also gunned down ... losing his life after trying to stop Card.

As you know, Card also injured 13 people during his murder spree -- his Bowdoin, ME home was surrounded by police Thursday night, but he wasn't home. A manhunt is still underway for him, as local gun stores have seen a huge uptick in sales of firearms and ammo in response.

Northwestern State Football Season Canceled, Coach Resigns After Player's Tragic Death

Northwestern State University has canceled its football team's season following a player's tragic death.

The school announced the move on Thursday ... just 14 days after junior safety Ronnie Caldwell was shot and killed near NSU's campus in Louisiana.

The university said in a statement "the mental health and wellbeing of its student-athletes" was the "primary reason" for the decision.

"While our instinct was to return to the field of play following [Caldwell's] death," NSU President Dr. Marcus Jones said, "we've since learned that the hurt on our team was too deep. Now it is in the best interest of our players, coaches, and staff to pause and to take this time to mourn, to heal, and to support Ronnie's family."

The team canceled its Oct. 14 game against Nicholls State immediately after Caldwell's death, but it suited up for its game against Southeastern Louisiana a week later. It lost the contest, 37-20, but players and coaches all honored Caldwell during the matchup.

The team had four more games remaining on its schedule before Thursday's decision to forego the rest of the year was made.

Meanwhile, NSU head coach Brad Laird revealed he was resigning from his position after holding it for the past six years ... saying he was heartbroken over Caldwell's passing.

"Due to the loss of Ronnie and the emotional burden it has caused me, I don't feel I can give my all to these players or this program," Laird said. "Any coach will tell you that their players become like family, so the loss of Ronnie was like losing a son. I love this program and this university and I know it will persevere and move forward with the competitive spirit that is at the core of our DNA."

Caldwell had appeared in 11 games last season for NSU, but hadn't suited up this season due to a preseason injury.

He was just 21 years old.

Fitness Trainer 'Proud' To Tear Down Poster Of Kidnapped Israeli Kids


A fitness instructor is being accused of tearing down a poster of kidnapped Israeli kids outside a popular Los Angeles gym  ... and he says he's "proud" to be doing it.

The incident went down Wednesday outside the iconic Gold's Gym in Venice -- the man crumpled up the poster and chucked it in the trash. He's asked about why he ripped it down, telling the man filming he's proud of himself, before adding "Get the f*** away."

The man in question has been identified as model and fitness trainer Zaid Shaat -- his social media profiles say he's a "Lifetime Natural Athlete," and that he loves to "motivate people to live a healthy lifestyle. I am passionate about helping people achieve their goals and dreams."

Worth mentioning that Joe Gold, the founder of Gold's Gym, was Jewish ... and folks online have been letting Shaat have it over what he did outside the L.A. hot spot.

As you know, Hamas first attacked Israel on Oct. 7 killing thousands and taking more than 200 civilians hostage -- all of which sparked war as Israel retaliates.

The problem, and growing controversy, involves the deaths of civilian Palestinians killed as Israel launches airstrikes into Gaza aiming of snuffing out Hamas.

Entrenador físico Orgulloso de arrancar un cartel de niños israelíes secuestrados

Atrapado en el acto

Un instructor de fitness está siendo acusado por arrancar un póster de  niños israelíes secuestrados afuera de un popular gimnasio de Los Ángeles y dice que está "orgulloso" de haberlo hecho.

El incidente ocurrió el miércoles fuera del icónico Gold's Gym en Venice, cuando el hombre arrugó el cartel y lo tiró a la basura. En el video le preguntan por qué lo hizo, y les dice que está orgulloso de haberlo hecho, antes de añadir "váyanse todos a la mier***".

El hombre en cuestión ha sido identificado como Zaid Shaat, modelo y entrenador físico. Sus perfiles en las redes sociales dicen que es un "atleta natural de toda la vida" y que le encanta motivar a la gente a vivir un estilo de vida saludable. "Me apasiona ayudar a la gente a alcanzar sus metas y sueños".

Vale la pena mencionar que Joe Gold, el fundador de Gold's Gym, era judío y los usuarios en las redes están pidiendo que lo castiguen por lo que hizo.

Como ustedes saben, Hamas atacó por primera vez a Israel el 7 de octubre, causando la muerte de miles de personas y tomando como rehenes a más de 200 civiles, lo cual ha desatado una guerra mientras Israel toma represalias.

El problema, y la creciente controversia, tiene que ver con las muertes de civiles palestinos mientras Israel lanza ataques aéreos contra Gaza con el objetivo de acabar con Hamás.

Maine Mass Shooting Gunman Opens Fire At Bowling Alley & Bar ... 18 Dead, 13 Injured


10/26 -- 7:45 AM PT -- Officials just held another press conference, revealing 18 people were killed in Wednesday night's shooting and 13 were injured. 7 (1F, 6M) of the deceased were killed at the Just-In-Time Recreation Center, 8 (8M) were killed at Schemengees Bar and Grille ... and 3 people transferred to the hospital died.


8:35 PM PT -- Cops just provided an update, saying the person of interest is 40-year-old Robert Card. Residents are advised to shelter in place, as he's still on the loose.

7:31 PM PT -- Reports now say at least 20 are dead ... and the suspect is still on the loose, allegedly seen driving a white Subaru.

A gunman went on a deadly shooting rampage at a bowling alley in Maine, killing at least 16 and injuring dozens more ... and the suspect is still on the loose.

The mass shooting went down Wednesday night in Lewiston, Maine ... and there are also reports of shots being fired at two other locations ... a local bar and a Walmart.

Maine State Police says it's an active shooter situation ... and folks are being asked to shelter in place.

There are images of a gunman in the bowling alley ... and he appears to be armed with an assault rifle.

Cops are also looking for a car believed to belong to the gunman.

Lewiston is the second largest city in Maine ... it's roughly 30 miles north of Portland.

Originally Published -- 10/25 6:47 PM PT

Tiroteo masivo en Maine Hombre armado abre fuego en un bowling... 18 muertos y 13 heridos


26/10 -- 7:45 AM PT -- Las autoridades acaban de dar otra conferencia de prensa, revelando que 18 personas murieron en el tiroteo del miércoles por la noche y 13 resultaron heridas.

Si ven algo, repórtenlo

8:35 PM PT -- La policía acaba de proporcionar una actualización, diciendo que la persona de interés es Robert Card y tiene 40 años de edad. También ha aconsejado a los residentes que se refugien en sus lugares, mientras el sospechoso sigue suelto.

7:31 PM PST -- Los informes dicen ahora que al menos 20 personas han muerto, y el sospechoso sigue suelto. Fue visto supuestamente conduciendo un Subaru blanco.

Un hombre armado inició un tiroteo mortal en un bowling en Maine, causando la muerte de al menos 16 personas e hiriendo a decenas más, y el sospechoso sigue suelto.

El tiroteo masivo se llevó a cabo la noche del miércoles en Lewiston, Maine, y también hay informes de disparos en otros dos lugares: un bar local y un Walmart.

La policía del estado de Maine dice que el estatus del tirador sigue activo y se le ha pedido  a la gente que se refugie en el lugar.

Hay imágenes de un hombre armado en el bowling, al parecer con un rifle de asalto.

Los policías también están buscando un carro que se cree que pertenece al sospechoso.

Lewiston es la segunda ciudad más grande de Maine y se ubica aproximadamente a 30 millas al norte de Portland.

Publicado originalmente -- 6:47 PM PT

'Walking Dead' Actor Erik Jensen Diagnosed With Stage 4 Cancer

"The Walking Dead" actor Erik Jensen has been diagnosed with stage four cancer ... this according to his wife, who has started a GoFundMe to help cover the rising costs.

Erik's wife, Jessica Blank, said on the fundraiser her husband has stage four colorectal cancer ... and his diagnosis is coming a year and a half after he survived a brain aneurysm.

She says Erik's cancer "has metastasized to his liver," but his doctors "have a shot at shrinking the tumors enough to do two very major surgeries and get them all out" ... adding how strong and resilient her husband is.

Jessica points out that Erik, like countless other actors like him, has been financially affected by the "lack of streaming residuals" over the years ... not to mention the ongoing SAG-AFTRA strike, which has shut down most of Hollywood.

She says they have mountains of medical costs, and now Erik's facing "serious risk" of losing SAG insurance ... which is why she's asking for his fans to help in any way they can.

It seems like folks have already been supporting Erik during his health crisis -- he's received over $97k in a week, with a goal of $300k.

Fans of the AMC series remember Erik portraying Steven Edwards, a doctor working at the post-apocalyptic medical facility, Grady Memorial Hospital. He's also worked on projects like "Mr. Robot," "The Equalizer," "Chicago P.D.," and "CSI."


tiempo de intervenir

Meta de Mark Zuckerberg se aseguró de diseñar Facebook e Instagram para que sean muy difíciles de dejar y el resultado ha sido negativo para la sociedad, al menos esa es la alegación del Fiscal General de Tennessee y otros 41 estados.

Jonathan Skrmetti, el policía más importante del Estado de Voluntarios, se unió a nosotros el miércoles en "TMZ Live" para exponer por qué 41 estados  —y Washington, DC— están demandando a Facebook y a la compañía matriz de Instagram por supuestamente perjudicar a la juventud de nuestra nación.

Alegan que las aplicaciones de redes sociales están diseñadas intencionalmente para aprovechar la forma en que todos estamos conectados, haciendo las plataformas extremadamente adictivas con características como el desplazamiento infinito, recordatorios y notificaciones, solo por nombrar algunas.

Skrmetti dice que Meta es plenamente consciente de que las aplicaciones son difíciles de dejar y lo malo que es para la gente. Dice que causan problemas de sueño, ansiedad, déficit de atención, depresión y suicidio potencial.

En sus ojos, solo hay mucho que los padres pueden hacer para detener a sus hijos de engancharse a las redes sociales, y es en un punto ahora donde el gobierno tiene que intervenir para hacer cambios.

que hay de los demás

Es bastante salvaje ... Skrmetti nos dice por qué las aplicaciones de medios sociales están a la par con las drogas adictivas y pareciera que más demandas vendrán contra otras plataformas de medios sociales.


Wiz Khalifa dice que ha estado sobrio durante 8 meses y es un hombre mejor gracias a esto. Sin embargo, no tiene planes de abandonar la hierba y los hongos.

El rapero de "Black & Yellow" está de vuelta con un nuevo álbum "Khali Sober". En el podcast "Cuhmunity" explicó como es su nueva y sobria vida viviendo en el Golden State.

Wiz dice que la clave para dejar de beber fue que dejó de tomar sorbos entre tomas mientras grababa en el estudio y cuando estaba en asuntos familiares.

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wiz en el escenario

Wiz Khalifa, el cantante de "High School Reunion Tour", se embarcó con Snoop Dogg en su gira "High School Reunion Tour" y todo el mundo celebró sin tener que preocuparse por las resacas.

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sobrio al fin

Los raperos han estado mostrando su show a diestra y siniestra este año. La última vez que hablamos con Lil Uzi Vert, elogió el acto de sobriedad, después de haber grabado "The Pink Tape" libre de drogas antes de que se convirtiera en el primer álbum de hip hop en llegar al No. 1 en 2023.

French Montana, Busta Rhymes, Method Man y varias otras leyendas del rap se unieron recientemente por una iniciativa más sana... parece ser una tendencia en desarrollo.

Wiz dice que no es un activista contra el alcohol y que todavía es dueño de la empresa de ginebra McQueen y la Niebla Violeta y aconseja a la gente a beber con responsabilidad.

TN Attorney General Meta's Apps Too Addictive for Teens ... We're Suing to Make Social Media Safer


Mark Zuckerberg's Meta made sure to design Facebook and Instagram so they are super hard to quit, and the result has been bad for society ... at least that's the allegation from Tennessee's Attorney General, and 41 other AGs.

Jonathan Skrmetti, the Volunteer State's top cop, joined us Wednesday on "TMZ Live" to lay out why 41 states -- and Washington, DC -- are suing Facebook and Instagram's parent company for allegedly harming our nation's youth.

He says the social media apps are intentionally designed to take advantage of the way we're all wired -- making the platforms extremely addicting with features like infinite scrolling, reminders and notifications, just to name a few.

Skrmetti says Meta is fully aware the apps are hard to quit and bad for folks -- he says they cause sleep deprivation, anxiety, ADD, depression and potential suicide.

In his eyes, there's only so much parents can do to stop their kids from getting hooked on social media, and it's at a point now where the government needs to step in to make changes.


It's pretty wild ... Skrmetti tells us why social media apps are on par with addictive drugs, and it sounds like more lawsuits will be coming against other social media platforms.

Wiz Khalifa I Went Alcohol-Free Only Earth Drugs Now 🌳🍄

Wiz Khalifa says he's been dry for 8 months and is a better man for it ... but he's got no plans to abandon weed and shrooms.

The "Black & Yellow" rapper is back with a new album "Khali Sober," which he explained on the "Cuhmunity" podcast as his custom spin on sobriety living in the Golden State.

Wiz says his key to quitting drinking was he stopped taking sips in between takes while recording in the booth and ultimately decided to stop after the occasional lapse during performance time or family functions.

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He tested out being booze-free on the road for the first time ever this past summer when he and Snoop Dogg embarked on their High School Reunion Tour ... and had everyone getting in shape without worrying about hangovers.

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Rappers have been cleaning up their act left and right this year ... the last time we spoke to Lil Uzi Vert, they praised the act of sobriety, having recorded "The Pink Tape" drug-free before it became the first hip hop album to go No. 1 in 2023.

French Montana, Busta Rhymes, Method Man and several other rap legends recently banded together for a healthcare initiative ... it's a growing trend.

Wiz says he's no alcohol activist -- and still owns the gin company McQueen and the Violet Fog, which he advises people to drink responsibly but is permanently tapped out on all taps.

Paris Hilton Trolling My Son 'Unacceptable!!!' And It 'Hurts My Heart'

Paris Hilton is continuing to protect her son, Phoenix, after social media trolls posted a bunch of rude comments about the infant's head size ... and she says the remarks hurt more "than words can describe."

She reacted to the wave of hate Tuesday on X, admitting that living in the spotlight comes with folks commenting left and right, before adding ... "but targeting my child, or anyone else’s for that matter, is unacceptable."

She says the things she's seen about her baby boy hurt her heart, saying she's "worked hard to cultivate an environment that is all about love, respect, and acceptance, and I expect the same in return."

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Paris even points out the corner she's backed into ... "If I don't post my baby, people assume I'm not a great mother and if I do post him, there are some people who are cruel and hateful 😢."


Regardless of the haters, Paris says she's a "proud working mom" and has always dreamt of being a mother -- calling Phoenix 'the biggest blessing of my life."

As we reported, Paris first clapped back in the comments section of a TikTok about the nasty comments she got on a cute photo of her and Phoenix ... writing, "🥺😢There are some sick people in this world.☹️My angel is perfectly healthy."

Paris Hilton Burlarse de mi hijo es inaceptable Y me duele en el alma

Paris Hilton sigue protegiendo a su hijo Phoenix después de que los trolls de las redes sociales publicaran un montón de comentarios groseros sobre el tamaño de su cabeza, y dice que los comentarios le duelen más "de lo que las palabras pueden describir".

Paris reaccionó a la ola de odio el martes en X, admitiendo que sabe que vivir en el centro de atención implica que las personas comenten a diestra y siniestra, "pero apuntar a mi hijo, o al de cualquier otra persona, es inaceptable", añadió a continuación.

Dice que las cosas que ha visto sobre su bebé le duelen en el alma, asegurando que ha "trabajado duro para cultivar un ambiente que solo está rodeado de amor, respeto y aceptación" y espera lo mismo a cambio.

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Dejen a Phoenix tranquilo

Paris incluso señala la incómoda situación en la que está arrinconada. "Si no publico a mi bebé, la gente asume que no soy una buena madre y si lo publico, hay algunas personas que son crueles y odiosas 😢".

Paris responde

Independientemente de los odiosos, Paris dice que es una "madre trabajadora orgullosa" y siempre ha soñado con ser madre, llamando a Phoenix "la mayor bendición de su vida".

Como informamos, Paris reaccionó primero en la sección de comentarios de un TikTok sobre los desagradables comentarios de su foto junto a Phoenix. Allí escribió: "🥺😢 Hay algunas personas enfermas en este mundo.☹️ My ángel está perfectamente sano".

Jon Jones UFC 295 Fight W/ Stipe Miocic Off ... Suffers Serious Pec Injury


Jon Jones vs. Stipe Miocic will not happen at UFC 295 next month -- Dana White just announced the heavyweight champion suffered a torn pectoral tendon while training earlier this week ... sidelining him for the next eight months.

"What's up, everybody? Here we are again," Dana said in a social media video late Tuesday night. "Jon Jones was training last night, got injured. He was wrestling and he tore the tendon that connects your pec to the bone off the bone."

"Eight months, gonna need surgery. He's out."

White shared footage of the moment Jones went down ... showing him wincing in pain as he reached for his chest.

The UFC honcho said fans can now tune in to see Sergei Pavlovich take on Tom Aspinall for the interim heavyweight title at Madison Square Garden on Nov. 11 ... which will be the co-main event alongside the Jiri Prochazka vs. Alex Pereira bout.

Despite the bumming news about Jones vs. Miocic, White is clearly fired up about the new fight ... as No. 2-ranked Pavlovich is 18-1 with 15 knockouts, and No. 4 Aspinall is 13-3 with 10 K.O. and three submissions -- meaning he's never let any of his wins go to the judges.

"A combined 25 knockouts, 26 first-round finishes -- No. 2 vs. No. 4 in the heavyweight division for the interim heavyweight title."

Dana reportedly still wants to make Jones vs. Miocic happen ... once Jon is all healed up and ready to go in 2024.