Britney Spears Mansion From Her Rocky Years ... Take a Peek Inside

Britney Spears unveils loads of crazy stories in her new memoir, many of which went down in the mid-2000s ... a tumultuous time when she lived in this Bev Hills mansion that became infamous the night she was committed.

Her spacious former pad is located in a gated community called The Summit, with the roughly 7,500-square-foot home even being considered "paparazzi-proof" because of how exclusive it is.

It's got some sweet perks like a home theater, chef's kitchen, saltwater swimming pool, jacuzzi and tons of backyard space.

Britney moved into the bougie pad in 2007 -- not long after filing for divorce from her ex, Kevin Federline -- and she was still living here when she melted down in early 2008 and was placed on a mental health hold.

You'll recall, an ambulance raced to the home and paramedics strapped Britney to a stretcher ... removing her as photographers swarmed, and TV helicopters hovered above to get shots.

Brit was taken to Cedars-Sinai for treatment.

As we reported, she first listed the home in 2008 with Tomer Fridman of Compass ... and ended up selling the place in 2012 for $4,253,000 -- more than $1 million above the original asking price. We were told she got multiple offers for the home, too.

Sources added she was getting out of there and moving in with her then-fiance, Jason Trawick.

Britney's mansion sold again in 2021 -- this time by "Million Dollar Listing Los Angeles" stars Josh and Matt Altman -- when it went for $6.1M.

The luxurious Bev Hills spot already had a ton of Britney history, and now "The Woman in Me" is shedding even more light on its iconic past.

PILOT ACCUSED OF ATTEMPTED MURDER I Was Having Nervous Breakdown ... Admits to Taking Mushrooms

The off-duty Alaska Airlines pilot who tried taking down a sister airline's plane is blaming the incident on a nervous breakdown and a serious lack of shut-eye, and also admits to taking shrooms.

Joseph D. Emerson admitted to law enforcement he tried shutting off the plane's engines during a "nervous breakdown" in the cockpit, adding he felt dehydrated and tired and had not slept in 40 hours.

According to the criminal complaint, obtained by TMZ, Emerson told investigators, "I didn't feel okay. It seemed like the pilots weren't paying attention to what was going on. They didn't ... it didn't seem right."

Emerson copped to pulling both emergency shut-off handles, explaining ... "I thought I was dreaming and I just wanna wake up."

Police say Emerson told them he wasn't taking any medication, but said he had been depressed for about six months ... and then the conversation turned to psychedelic mushrooms.

The complaint says Emerson told investigators about his use of magic mushrooms, saying it was his first time taking shrooms. The complaint does not make it clear when or how many mushrooms Emerson ingested, but there's an insinuation he might have been on mushrooms during the flight.

As we reported, Emerson was arrested and booked on 83 accounts of attempted murder for the incident on a flight from Washington to San Francisco.

Now, the feds are charging him with inference with flight crew members and attendants ... a charge carrying a prison sentence of up to 20 years behind bars.

Remember ... the captain and first officer subdued Emerson in the cockpit after he tried to shut off the engines mid-flight.


The pilots told cops that before Emerson reached for the handles he stated, "I'm not okay."

The complaint says after Emerson was subdued, he told a flight attendant, "You need to cuff me right now or it's going to be bad." Another flight attendant says Emerson stated, "I messed everything up" and the attendant told investigators, "he tried to kill everybody."

Talk about a bad trip.

Mary Lou Retton Out Of ICU ... Recovering At Home

Mary Lou Retton has just taken a huge step in her fight to beat pneumonia ... she's been released from the ICU -- and is now at home recovering.

One of the Olympic legend's daughters, McKenna, shared the good news on her Instagram page on Monday ... thanking doctors, nurses and fans for everything they've done to get her to this point.

"We still have a long road of recovery ahead of us," McKenna wrote, "but baby steps."

Retton was first admitted into the ICU earlier this month after contracting a rare form of pneumonia ... and while initially her family was pleased with her progress, they said she suffered a "pretty scary setback" last week.

Seems, though, Retton has battled past that ... something her family is obviously overjoyed about.

"We are overwhelmed with the love and support from everyone," McKenna said. "Grateful doesn't scrape the surface of the posture of our hearts."

A SpotFund created to help Retton with her hospital bills, meanwhile, received 8,319 donations totaling $459,304.

Mary Lou Retton Fuera de la UCI ... y recuperándose en casa

Mary Lou Retton acaba de dar un gran paso en su lucha por vencer a la neumonía. Fue dada de alta de la UCI y ahora se está recuperando en casa.

Una de las hijas de la leyenda olímpica, McKenna, compartió la buena noticia en su página de Instagram el lunes, agradeciendo a los médicos, enfermeras y a los fans por todo lo que han hecho para llegar a este punto.

"Todavía tenemos un largo camino de recuperación por delante", escribió McKenna, "pero estamos dando pequeños pasos".

Retton fue admitida por primera vez en la UCI a principios de este mes después de contraer una rara forma de neumonía, y aunque inicialmente su familia estaba contenta con su progreso, confirmaron que sufrió un "aterrador revés" la semana pasada.

Parece, sin embargo, que lo peor ha pasado, algo por lo que su familia está obviamente, muy contenta

"Estamos abrumados con el amor y el apoyo de todos", dijo McKenna. "Decir agradecidos no raspa ni la superficie de la postura de nuestros corazones".

Mientras tanto, un SpotFund creado para ayudar a Retton con sus facturas del hospital, recibió 8.319 donaciones por un total de 459.304 dólares.

Britney Spears Biggest Memoir Bombshells So Far

Britney Spears has revealed a lot ahead of her new memoir's release -- so, just to get you ready for its Tuesday release ... here's a look at her biggest bombshells, so far.

Of course, the biggest truth dropped in "The Woman in Me" is the fact Brit had an abortion in the early 2000s while dating Justin Timberlake -- something she seems to mostly pin on him, saying JT "didn’t want to be a father" and he "wasn't happy about the pregnancy."

Britney says she regrets giving up the baby, in hindsight. She says having the abortion devastated her, at the time ... and she says Justin tried to soothe her during the process by strumming a guitar.

There are more JT claims she's making in the book ... including the allegation he cheated on her with an unnamed celebrity. Britney also acknowledges she cheated on Justin with Wade Robson, but insists it was just a kiss. However, one of Britney's writing partners tells us the Wade relationship was much more than that.

Brit also addressed other elements of her private life, including the fact she'd started having sex at 14 -- with a friend of her older brother -- and that her drug of choice in her heyday was Adderall ... which she says helped make her feel less depressed.

Speaking of doing the dirty ... Britney says she had a hot fling with Colin Farrell back in 2003, where they were banging as if they were fighting, at least that's how she puts it.

Britney also reflected on her brief acting career ... saying her starring role in "Crossroads" was fun and all, but noting she didn't like the experience of having to pretend to be someone else. In that same breath, Britney also claims she almost snagged a HUGE role.

As it turns out ... Brit had actually auditioned for the lead female role in "The Notebook," opposite Ryan Gosling, and it sounds like she was in the running for a good while. In the end, though, she lost out to Rachel McAdams -- something BS says she's happy about.

There've been countless other revelations that have leaked out thus far -- including the fact Britney says she posts so many nude photos of herself as an act of liberation ... this after being under the constraints and control of a conservatorship for so many years.

Britney has also spoken at length about that conservatorship in her book ... and one of the latest nuggets she opened up about, as it pertains to the legal apparatus, is that she only "went along" with it as a way to get back to her children -- whom she'd lost custody of in 2007.


There's been much more that's been exposed, but we're going to get the full story from Britney herself in about 24 hours. "The Woman in Me" will be for sale starting Tuesday.

Paris Hilton Shuts Down Trolls Over New Baby ... My Son Is Healthy, Y'all Are 'Sick'

Paris Hilton is firing back at folks online who are poking fun at the size of her baby boy's noggin ... saying there's absolutely nothing wrong with him.

Mama P shared some snaps Friday holding Phoenix ... while she got some love from her followers, she also heard from lots of trolls -- with jokes flooding the comment section about Phoenix's head.

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People have taken to TikTok to point out all the rude things being said ... and Paris responded to one of the people defending her, writing, " 🥺😢There are some sick people in this world.☹️My angel is perfectly healthy."

She went on to say, "And yes, of course he has been to a doctor, he just has a large brain."

As we reported, Paris announced at the beginning of the year she had Phoenix with her husband, Carter Reum ... and she's been sharing some pretty adorable shots of her new bundle of joy while navigating motherhood for the first time.


We chatted with her about being a mom in March, and she said she's loving it -- and, more importantly, she ain't ready to stop at just one kid!

BRITNEY SPEARS Las revelaciones más polémicas de sus memorias hasta ahora...

Britney Spears ha revelado muchas cosas antes del lanzamiento de su nuevo libro de memorias, así que solo para prepararte para su lanzamiento (el martes), le echamos un vistazo a sus mayores polémicas hasta el momento.

Por supuesto, la mayor verdad que se deja caer en "The Woman in Me" es el hecho de que Brit tuvo un aborto a principios de 2000 mientras salía con Justin Timberlake. Ella parece culparlo sobre todo a él, diciendo que Justin: "no quería ser padre" y que "no estaba contento con el embarazo".

Britney dice que se arrepiente de haber renunciado al bebé. Dice que tener el aborto la devastó en su momento y que Justin trató de calmarla durante el proceso tocando la guitarra.

En el libro, Britney también acusa a Timberlake de engañarla con una celebridad sin nombre. Britney también reconoce que engañó a Justin con Wade Robson, pero insiste en que solo fue un beso. Sin embargo, uno de los compañeros de escritura de Britney nos dice que la relación Wade era mucho más que eso.

Britney también abordó otros aspectos de su vida privada, incluyendo el hecho de que había comenzado a tener relaciones sexuales a los 14 con un amigo de su hermano mayor y que su droga de elección en su apogeo fue Adderall, la cual dice que le ayudó a hacer que se sienta menos deprimida.

Hablando de sexo, Britney dice que tuvo una aventura con Colin Farrell en 2003, y las cosas fueron bastante rudas y sucias, al menos eso es lo que ella dice.

Britney también reflexionó sobre su breve carrera como actriz, diciendo que su papel protagonista en "Crossroads" fue divertido y todo, pero que no le gustaba la experiencia de tener que fingir ser otra persona. En ese mismo aliento, Britney también afirma que casi consiguió un papel ENORME.

Resulta que Britney había hecho una audición para el papel principal femenino en "The Notebook", junto a Ryan Gosling, y parece que fue la primera opsión durante un tiempo. Sin embargo, perdió ante Rachel McAdams, algo con lo que Britney dice estar feliz.

Ha habido un sinnúmero de otras revelaciones que se han filtrado hasta ahora, incluyendo el hecho de que Britney dice que publica tantas fotos de ella desnuda como un acto de liberación, esto después de estar bajo las limitaciones y el control de una tutela durante tantos años.

Britney también ha hablado largo y tendido sobre la tutela en su libro y una de las últimas pepitas que soltó sobre el proceso legal es que ella sólo "siguió adelante" como una manera de volver a sus hijos, de quienes había perdido la custodia en 2007.

Ha habido mucho más que se ha expuesto, pero vamos a obtener la historia completa de la propia Britney en unas 24 horas. "The Woman in Me" estará a la venta a partir del martes.

actitud nudista

PARIS HILTON CALLA A LOS TROLLS SOBRE SU NUEVO BEBÉ Mi hijo está sano, ustedes son los enfermos

Paris Hilton le está respondiendo otra vez a la gente que se burlan del tamaño de la cabeza de su bebé, diciendo que no hay absolutamente nada malo con él.

Paris compartió algunas fotos el viernes sosteniendo a Phoenix. Hubo mucho amor de parte de sus seguidores, pero también hubo trolls haciendo bromas acerca de la cabeza de Phoenix.

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déjenlo en paz

La gente ha estado usando TikTok para señalar todas las cosas groseras que se dicen y Paris respondió a una de las personas que la defienden, escribiendo: "🥺😢Hay algunas personas enfermas en este mundo.☹️ Mi ángel está perfectamente sano".

Ella continuó diciendo: "Y sí, por supuesto que ha ido al médico, solo tiene un cerebro grande".

Como informamos, París anunció a principios de año que tuvo a Phoenix con su marido, Carter Reum y ella ha estado compartiendo algunas fotos bastante adorables de su nueva alegría mientras vive la maternidad por primera vez.

la madre del año

¡En marzo hablamos con ella acerca de ser madre y dijo que le encanta y, más importante aún, que no está dispuesta a tener un solo niño!

Georgetown Coach Tasha Butts Dead At 41

Georgetown women's basketball head coach Tasha Butts has tragically died following a battle with breast cancer, the school announced Monday.

She was just 41 years old.

In revealing the heartbreaking news, school president John J. DeGioia called her death "a devastating loss."

"She was extraordinary," DeGioia said. "Tasha was a person of character, determination, vision, and kindness. She will be deeply missed by our community and by so many people around the country who have been inspired by her life."

Butts starred on the court at Tennessee from 2000 to 2004 -- playing forward for Pat Summit ... before she was picked by the Minnesota Lynx in the second round of the 2004 WNBA Draft.

She eventually got into coaching following her one season in the league, beginning as an assistant with Duquesne in 2007. She later coached for LSU and UCLA, before landing a promotion to the associate head coach role at Georgia Tech in 2021.

She found a ton of success as the leader of the Yellow Jackets, this despite being diagnosed with breast cancer during the 2021 season ... and in April, she was named Georgetown's head coach.

She stepped away from the team last month, however, to continue her fight with cancer.

"When I met Tasha, I knew she was a winner on the court, and an incredible person whose drive, passion and determination was second to none," Georgetown AD Lee Reed said. "She exhibited these qualities both as a leader and in her fight against breast cancer. This is a difficult time for the entire Georgetown community, and we will come together to honor her memory."

The school announced Darnell Haney will be the interim head coach for this upcoming season. It also said Monday it and the Big East will continue to raise funds and breast cancer awareness through her "Tasha Tough" initiative.


Madonna Still Not Feeling Well on Tour ... Fans Seriously Worried

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clean bill of health?

Madonna apparently still isn't 100% after her lengthy, life-threatening hospitalization -- but despite this, she's still powering through on the road ... and her fans are worried.

The singer made the troubling revelation over the weekend while performing in Belgium, where she continues on her mountain of a tour. She's got a dozen more stops across 15 different countries -- that's the plan, anyway -- but, in her own words, the Material Girl's simply not feeling great.

Madonna said this in the context of discussing her health scare earlier this year -- which saw her in the ICU for a time, fighting for her life after a bacterial infection -- something she says she's thankful to have survived ... while in the same breath, reminiscing on her late mother.

Madonna says it's a miracle she came out on the other side of that ordeal, but folks online focused on her words about how she's feeling right now .. which sounds iffy, at best.


Strangely enough, Madonna was drinking onstage out of what looked like a beer bottle ... and like we said, she finished the show -- not to mention a string of London performances she did last week to kick off this international tour. So, on its face, she appears okay enough to get through it.

Still, people are weighing in, expressing their collective hope she's getting the proper health care she needs -- and more importantly, sound medical advice.

The sentiment from her fans here is ... don't force yourself to do this if you're struggling, 'cause we'll love you anyway. Remember, this tour was postponed for a good long while this summer as Madonna battled her infection, and she seemed set on seeing it through.


Keep in mind, she's 65 years old ... so an undertaking like this is no easy task, especially if she's still fighting to get back into tip-top shape. Take care of yourself, Madge.

3-Year-Old Girl Shooting 911 Caller Claims Adults Tried To Hide Incident


The adults in the room when a 3-year-old shot herself with an unattended gun tried covering up the bloody incident ... at least according to the woman who called 911.

In the dispatch audio, obtained by TMZ, the caller says she's not at the home but has been informed about the shooting and is rushing over to help. She's not sure if anyone in the home called 911, and the dispatcher can't seem to find any prior call about the shooting.

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The caller begs for an ambulance to rush over to the home, adding ..."And, they are trying to hide it. That's why they didn't call fire rescue. I need an officer over there. I need fire rescue over there."

She also tells the dispatcher the people in the home are trying to take the kiddo to the hospital themselves and "they just let her shoot herself in the hand."

As we reported ... home surveillance video shows the young girl, Serenity, playing in the living room at her grandma's Florida home, jumping onto a couch where a loaded firearm is sitting in plain view.

Serenity grabs the pistol and peers over at a relative, Orlando Young, who is watching a football game on a laptop ... and then the gun goes off. The bullet strikes her hand, and she cries out in pain as chaos ensues.

The caller is on the phone with 911 as she races to the house, and she's still on the line when she pulls up ... and you hear her yelling at someone, "Why didn't they call fire rescue?!?"

Miami-Dade County police say family members took Serenity to a hospital ... and Young was arrested and charged with child neglect.

It's unclear if the caller is the girl's mother, Warnicia Williams, who told Local 10 News she wants Young held accountable.

We reached out to Young's attorney, who declined to comment at this time.


audio al 911

Los adultos en la habitación cuando una niña de TRES años se disparó con una pistola desatendida trataron de encubrir el sangriento incidente, al menos según la mujer que llamó al 911.

En el audio, obtenido por TMZ, la persona que llama dice que ella no está en la casa, pero que ha sido informada sobre el tiroteo y se apresura a ayudar. Ella no está segura de si alguien en la casa llamó al 911, y el despachador no puede encontrar ninguna llamada anterior sobre el tiroteo.

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sin supervisar

La persona que llama pide una ambulancia y dice: "Están tratando de ocultarlo. Por eso no llamaron a los bomberos. Necesito un oficial allí. Necesito a los bomberos".

Ella también le dice al despachador que están tratando de llevar a la niña al hospital ellos mismos y "que acaban de dejar que se dispare en la mano".

Como informamos, el video de vigilancia de la casa muestra a la niña, Serenity, jugando en la sala de estar en la casa de su abuela en Florida, saltando sobre un sofá donde hay un arma de fuego cargada a la vista.

Serenity coge la pistola y mira a un pariente, Orlando Young, que está viendo un partido de fútbol en un ordenador portátil y entonces el arma se dispara. La bala impacta en su mano y ella grita de dolor mientras se desata el caos.

La persona que llama se mantiene en el teléfono con el 911 mientras corre a la casa, y todavía está en la línea cuando se detiene y se oye gritar a alguien, "¡¿Por qué no llamaron a los bomberos!?"

La policía del condado de Miami dice que miembros de la familia llevaron a Serenity a un hospital y que Young fue arrestado y acusado de negligencia infantil.

No está claro si la persona que llamó es la madre de la niña, Warnicia Williams, quien dijo a Local 10 News que quiere que Young rinda cuentas.

Nos pusimos en contacto con el abogado de Young. No quiso hacer comentarios en este momento.

AMERICAN AIRLINES Pasajero demanda por derrame de café MI BRAZO Y MI TATUAJE ¡QUEMADOS!

American Airlines podría estar en aprieros, al igual que el pasajero que se quemó cuando un asistente de vuelo derramó una taza caliente sobre su brazo.

George Latorre dice que estaba ocupándose de sus asuntos en un vuelo de Vietnam a Nueva York a principios de este mes cuando pidió una taza de café. Según la demanda, la azafata cometió todo tipo de negligencias al derramar lo que él afirma que era "café hirviendo" sobre su brazo izquierdo.

Latorre afirma que sufrió quemaduras de segundo grado en la parte superior del brazo izquierdo, así como ampollas, descamación y hemorragias. Él dice que fue tan grave que hasta dañó su tatuaje.

Latorre afirma que la demanda por "deformidad estética y cicatrices" puede ser permanente, y todavía está sufriendo "dolor, sufrimiento extremo, daño emocional, angustia mental y angustia, entre otras cosas.

El abogado de Latorre, David Jaroslawicz, le informa a TMZ que después del derrame, Latorre pidió un asiento más cómodo, incluso ofreciendo pagar por un mejor lugar, pero se le negó y se quedó donde estaba el resto del vuelo.

Jaroslawicz dice que su cliente se dirigió a un médico después de aterrizar en Nueva York y le dijeron que la quemadura era tan grave que necesitaba ver a un cirujano especializado en quemaduras.

Nos pusimos en contacto con American Airlines, pero no hacen comentarios sobre litigios pendientes.

American Airlines Passenger Sues Over 'Scalding Hot' Coffee Spill ... My Arm and Tat are Burned to a Crisp!!!

American Airlines could be in hot water ... just like the passenger who was burned when a flight attendant spilled a hot cup of java on his arm.

George Latorre says he was minding his own business on a flight from Vietnam to NYC earlier this month when he asked for a cup of coffee. According to the lawsuit, the flight attendant was all sorts of negligent by spilling what he claims was "scalding coffee" on his left arm.

Latorre says he suffered second-degree burns to his upper left arm, as well as blistering, peeling and bleeding. He says it was so bad it damaged his tattoo.

The lawsuit claims Latorre's "cosmetic deformity and scarring" may be permanent, and he's still suffering "extreme pain and suffering, emotional harm, mental anguish and distress," among other things.

Latorre's lawyer, David Jaroslawicz, tells TMZ ... after the spill, Latorre asked for a more comfortable seat -- even offering to pay for the upgrade -- but he was denied and remained in economy for the rest of the flight.

Jaroslawicz says his client beelined it to a doctor after he landed in NYC, and was told the burn was so bad he needed to see a surgeon who specializes in burns.

We reached out to American Airlines, but it does not comment on pending litigation.

YouTuber Eugenia Cooney Cops Flooded with Calls Over Skinny & Frail Appearance

Influencer Eugenia Cooney's very thin physique has resulted in her local police getting bombarded with calls and emails ... but we're told the YouTuber isn't in any sort of danger.

Concern for Eugenia's well-being ramped up in recent weeks after she posted TikToks of her dancing -- with many in the comments focusing less on the moves and more on her appearance.


A story also came out about her, sparking even more concern -- Greenwich Police Sergeant Brent Reeves tells TMZ ... calls and emails have been coming into his department about Eugenia from all over the world -- even getting people calling from as far away as Egypt and New Zealand.

We're told the callers are looking to make sure she's doing okay and isn't being forced by her mom to make content and keep up her appearance -- a couple of things that Sgt. Reeves says are untrue.

Sgt. Reeves says he's known Eugenia for more than a decade and they have a good relationship ... they even have a special code. She puts a certain object in her videos so he knows everything is alright.

If that object isn't there, however, he'll know to get her help.

The Sarge says Eugenia has always been skinny ... adding they can't really make her eat more if she's at the size that makes her comfortable. He says she's of sound mind and always has a bubbly personality when he chats with her.

Other agencies have checked on her in the past, but we're told she's never met the criteria to force her to get any kind of help.

This isn't the first time fans have been asking Eugenia to get help -- people have reached out over the years, notably in 2019 when YouTube star PewDiePie asked his followers to send her words of positivity.

TikTok / @eugeniaxxcooney

She's also spoken out in the past about being put on a 5150 hold by her friends when she lived in California ... saying in 2020 she felt betrayed and ambushed.

Despite online speculation, Sgt. Reeves tells us Eugenia does eat -- he says she especially likes chicken sandwiches.


El delgadísimo aspecto de la influencer Eugenia Cooney ha hecho que la policía de su localidad reciba una avalancha de llamadas y correos electrónicos de preocupación por su salud, pero nos dicen que la YouTuber no corre ningún tipo de peligro.

La preocupación por el bienestar de Eugenia aumentó en las últimas semanas después de que publicara TikToks de su baile, con muchos de los comentarios centrándose en su apariencia más que en sus pasos de baile.

Preocupante aspecto

También se supo otra historia sobre ella, que provocó aún más preocupación, según cuenta el Sargento de la Policía de Greenwich, Brent Reeves, a TMZ. Su departamento ha estado recibiendo llamadas y correos sobre Eugenia de todo el mundo, incluso con personas llamando desde lugares tan lejanos como Egipto y Nueva Zelanda.

Nos dicen que las personas quieren asegurarse de que ella está bien y no esté siendo obligado por su madre a hacer el contenido y mantener su apariencia, cosas que el sargento Reeves dice que son falsas.

El oficial comenta que conoce a Eugenia desde hace más de una década y tienen una buena relación. Incluso tienen un código especial. Ella pone cierto objeto en sus videos para que él sepa que todo está bien.

Sin embargo, si ese objeto no está allí, él sabrá que debe pedirle ayuda.

El sargento dice que Eugenia siempre ha sido delgada y añade que en realidad no pueden hacerla comer más si tiene el tamaño que la hace sentir cómoda. También dice que está en su sano juicio y siempre ha tenido una personalidad chispeante cuando hablan.

Otras agencias la han examinado en el pasado, pero nos dicen que nunca ha cumplido los criterios para obligarla a recibir ningún tipo de ayuda.

Esta no es la primera vez que los fanáticos le piden a Eugenia que reciba ayuda. Los usuarios le han tendido la mano a lo largo de los años, en particular en 2019, cuando la estrella de YouTube PewDiePie le pidió a sus seguidores que le enviaran palabras positivas.

Más fotos de ella
TikTok / @eugeniaxxcooney

También habló en el pasado de que sus amigos la pusieron en retención, por el código 5150, mientras vivía en California, diciendo en 2020 que se sintió traicionada y emboscada.

A pesar de la especulación en las redes, el sargento Reeves nos dice que Eugenia come. Le gustan especialmente los sándwiches de pollo.