ONE's Angela Lee I'm Not Unretiring ... Focused On Bringing Mental Health Org. To MMA


Angela Lee has no plans of returning to the cage after recently shocking the MMA world with her retirement announcement... telling TMZ Sports her focus is now on providing mental health services to combat sports athletes!

Lee -- who retired and vacated her 115-pound ONE title at Fight Night 14 on September 30 -- launched her non-profit, Fight Story, in honor of her younger sister and MMA fighter, Victoria, who died by suicide in December 2022.

Lee also revealed she attempted to take her own life in 2017 when she purposely crashed her car.

"I wouldn't say that I have fully recovered [from my sister's death] because healing processes take some time," Lee told us, "but I have gotten a lot better with the help and support of my husband, my daughter, and also with the nonprofit organization I created in honor of her."

Angela added ... "We're hoping to acknowledge our past and our personal experience but also take steps to proactively take care of our mental health [and] physical health."

The 11-3 mixed martial, who holds the record for longest championship reign in ONE, knows about the stress/pressure MMA fighters face ... and she pointed out combat sports athletes don't get the same mental health resources as other sports.

"I wanna highlight this group of individuals because the fact is the topic of mental health or mental health support is pretty much nonexistent in the fight world," the 27-year-old said.

"I think with Fight Story," Lee said, "we have lots of plans for the programs that we wish to implement and bring to the community."

Lee told us several fighters have already reached out to help the cause ... and they're hosting two big events, including a kickoff party that's going down on December 3 in Hawaii.


Angela says she's thankful for the support she's received ... and how it keeps the memory of her sister alive.

"I feel whenever I'm doing things with Fight Story, I really feel like Victoria is with me and helping me to work on this," Lee said.

"Something we're doing together."

If you or someone you know is struggling or in crisis, help is available. Call or text 988 or chat

Cher Denies Having Adult Son 'Kidnapped' ... To Force an Intervention


12:57 PM PT -- A rep for Cher reiterated her denial about the kidnapping claim to TMZ, telling us ... "Not true thanks for checking."

Cher says she had nothing to do with the alleged "kidnapping" of her adult son -- this despite the fact her daughter-in-law has claimed the whole thing was orchestrated by mom.

The singer was asked point blank about this by the New York Post, which did a new interview with her chronicling her career and legacy. During the chat, they brought up this bizarre story that surfaced last month ... courtesy of Marieangela King (aka Queenie).

In recent court docs pertaining to her ongoing divorce from Cher's son, Elijah Blue Allman, King made a startling allegation ... namely, that Cher supposedly had Elijah forcibly taken from his hotel room in late 2022 ... this while he and MK were attempting to reconcile.

Per Daily Mail, Elijah had been staying at a hotel in L.A. for several months at the time -- allegedly battling substance abuse -- when this staged abduction/intervention took place ... so says King in a declaration she made in court. She claims that, as they were talking in his room, four men stormed in and snatched Elijah against his will ... dragging him away.

King alleges that one of the men revealed to her that Elijah's mom, Cher, had actually hired them -- adding in her court paperwork, "I am currently unaware of my husband’s wellbeing or whereabouts. I am very concerned and worried about him." She also said she believed he was at a rehab facility at an undisclosed location ... without access to his phone.

Now, one month after all these revelations surfaced ... Cher is outright denying any involvement. She told the Post, "I didn’t do it, and if I did it, I wouldn’t say I did it."

She adds, "You never stop being a mom -- you go to the end, you go to the mattresses when you’re trying to save your children. But I didn’t do it. And if I did it, I wouldn’t care to tell you." Interestingly, this echoes what she told People about 2 weeks ago.

At the time, she said ... "I’m a mother. This is my job -- one way or another, to try to help my children. You do anything for your children. Whenever you can help them, you just do it because that’s what being a mother is. But it’s joy, even with heartache -- mostly, when you think of your children, you just smile and you love them, and you try to be there for them."

FWIW ... Elijah's father, Gregg Allman, died in 2017 from complications tied to liver cancer. Also, we've reached out to Cher's team for further comment -- so far, no word back.

Originally Published -- 11:46 AM PT

Rod Wave Crashes Through Stage, Back First ... Come See Me Fall!!!


Rod Wave is dedicated to his art -- so much so, in fact, that he recreated a perilous leap from a window live onstage for all his fans ... although, it's quite clear they didn't want this.

The rapper was performing in Lincoln, Nebraska Thursday ... and at one point in his sold-out show, he decided to play stuntman right then and there in front of everyone -- climbing on top of a set piece and reenacting something he did in one of his music videos.

Watch ... the dude scales the side of a fake building, going up the fire escape and eventually standing on the rail -- with his back turned to the audience. Guess what happens next!

RW goes crashing toward the ground below ... dropping like a sack of potatoes and eventually tearing through the stage floor itself. Indeed, it's pretty damn dramatic. It stunned the audience -- and even from the crowd, you can hear folks telling him not to do it.

The videos cut out before we can see what happens next -- but, presumably, he's alright ... on account of the fact that he was performing in Minnesota last night and is posting pics on his IG page. All's well that ends well, we suppose -- but damn, this was dangerous.

BTW, this whole fall-from-the-window thing is straight out of his music video for "Come See Me" ... which is the song that was playing when he did this. So, a little life imitating art.

Committing to the bit, indeed.

American Hostages First Look At Kidnapped Mother & Daughter Safe After Hamas Release

We're getting a first look at the American mother and daughter hostages just released by Hamas terrorists -- both looking alive and well -- escorted by members of Israel's armed forces.

Judith Raanan and her teenage daughter, Natalie, can be seen in a new photo shared by the Israel Defense Forces, while holding the hands of a man in a flak jacket.

As we reported, Judith and Natalie were visiting Israel from Chicago earlier this month to celebrate a family member's birthday and the Jewish holiday season when Hamas attacked.

Hamas said in a statement they released the mother and daughter for "humanitarian reasons" ... claiming it was done to prove to the world that "claims made by Biden and his fascist administration are false and baseless."

President Biden confirmed on Friday that the 2 were in safe hands ... saying in a statement, "Our fellow citizens have endured a terrible ordeal these past 14 days, and I am overjoyed that they will soon be reunited with their family, who has been wracked with fear."

Kim Zolciak Gets Laser Vagina Treatment ... Amid Divorce with Kroy

Kim Zolciak's marriage is falling apart, but her vagina isn't ... getting laser vaginal rejuvenation to tighten things up downstairs.

Zolciak was in Los Angeles this week where she visited with cosmetic surgeon Dr. David Matlock to get the "V Rejuvenation." Kim explains she's had 6 kids, all of which were natural births, and she sometimes pees when running or sneezing.

Instagram / @dr.matlock

Zolciak tells fans she hopes the procedure will correct those issues -- and she can go about her day pee-free.

We know what you're thinking, as Kim and her estranged husband Kroy Biermann are facing serious financial issues ... but it's likely the former 'RHOA' star got a serious discount for promoting the procedure on Dr. Matlock's social media.

As we reported, Kim and Kroy are still embroiled in a nasty back and forth with Kroy in their divorce -- a dispute focused on custody of their 4 young kids and financial assets.

Surprisingly enough, Kim and Kroy were spotted together earlier this week at LAX headed back home to Georgia. We're told Kroy was helping Kim get back after some discomfort following the procedure.

It was only a few weeks ago when Kim stated she and Kroy were still having sex -- a sign things were going to turn around -- but Kroy has maintained he wants a divorce and will go through with finalizing the ordeal.

No word on whether or not the "V Rejuvenation" was Kim's Hail Mary.


El matrimonio de Kim Zolciak se está cayendo a pedazos, pero no su vagina... o al menos eso es lo que espera conseguir con el rejuvenecimiento vaginal láser que busca apretar las cosas allá abajo.

Zolciak estuvo en Los Ángeles esta semana donde visitó al cirujano estético Dr. David Matlock para hacerse el "Rejuvenecimiento V". Kim explica que ha tenido 6 hijos, todos los cuales fueron partos naturales y que a veces se hace pis al correr o estornudar.

Manteniendo todo tonificado
Instagram / @dr.matlock

También le dice a sus fans que espera que el procedimiento corrija esos problemas y que así pueda andar "libre de pis" en su día a día.

Sabemos lo que están pensando, Kim y su marido Kroy Biermann se enfrentan a graves problemas financieros, pero es probable que la ex estrella de 'Real Housewives Of Atlanta' haya obtenido un buen descuento por promocionar el procedimiento en las redes sociales.

Como hemos informado, Kim y Kroy todavía están envueltos en un desagradable enredo de idas y venidas con Kroy, una disputa por el divorcio que se ha centrado en la custodia de sus cuatro hijos pequeños y sus activos financieros.

Sorprendentemente, Kim y Kroy fueron vistos juntos a principios de esta semana en LAX de regreso a casa en Georgia. Nos dicen que Kroy estuvo ayudando a Kim a volver después de algunas molestias tras el procedimiento.

Fue hace solo unas semanas cuando Kim reveló que ella y Kroy seguían teniendo un montón de sexo, una señal de que las cosas iban a cambiar, pero Kroy se ha mantenido firme en que quiere el divorcio y seguirá adelante hasta terminar con la terrible experiencia.

No se sabe si el "V Rejuvenecimiento" fue el Ave María de Kim.

Anthony Joshua On Four-Day Darkness Retreat ... Aaron Rodgers Inspo

Anthony Joshua is going all Aaron Rodgers ... the heavyweight boxing star is in the midst of a four-day darkness retreat with little to no technology!

AJ recently revealed his plan to Men's Health Magazine ... telling them he was beginning the retreat all by his lonesome starting October 16.

"Four days in the dark," Joshua said in the interview. "Alone with your mind."

"By October 20th, I will be one of the coolest people, coming out after sitting for four days in the dark."

The 34-year-old explained the process ... there's no internet access whatsoever and he just hopes to have a decent bed after paying $2k (chump change to him).

"There is a door, they open the door, slide in your food on a tray, you eat. You don’t see them," AJ said.

"No phone. No TV. No radio. No audiobooks. Nothing."

Joshua -- who won his 26th fight against Robert Helenius in August -- said he's looking forward to the interesting experience with the intention of gaining more character.

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The Pat McAfee Show

Obviously, Anthony isn't the first athlete to do this. New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers sent the internet into a frenzy when he did the same thing earlier this year ... as he was contemplating his NFL future.

Joshua's retreat should be ending very soon, if he isn't already out ... welcome back to civilization!

Britney Spears Abortion Performed at Home in Secrecy ... Excruciatingly Painful

Britney Spears describes the at-home abortion she had, and turns out the whole thing was shrouded in secrecy and torturous for her.

TMZ broke the story ... the bombshell in Britney's memoir -- "The Woman in Me" -- is that Justin Timberlake got her pregnant and made it clear he did not want the baby. Although she apparently wanted the baby, after some emotional discussions, she agreed to an abortion.

She wrote, "I'm sure people will hate me for this, but I agreed not to have the baby. I don't know if that was the right decision. If It had been left up to me alone, I never would have done it. And yet Justin was so sure that he didn't want to be a father."

Now we learn Britney and JT made a pact that no one would know she was pregnant and chose to have an abortion ... so they decided to terminate the pregnancy at home, without a doctor and without telling their family or anyone else.

She writes, "It was important that no one find out about the pregnancy or the abortion, which meant doing everything at home."


Britney says the procedure was "excruciating." The medication caused her severe physical pain.

She writes as she lies on the bathroom floor sobbing, Justin tried comforting her with music -- strumming his guitar.

Britney says in the memoir ... "I kept crying and sobbing until it was all over. It took hours, and I don’t remember how it ended, but I do, twenty years later, remember the pain of it, and the fear."

Britney Spears El aborto realizado en casa fue en secreto ... e insoportablemente doloroso

Britney Spears describió el aborto que tuvo en casa y resulta que todo el asunto estuvo envuelto en un manto de secretismo y dolor para ella.

TMZ dio la noticia, la mayor bomba de su nuevo libro de memorias "The Woman in Me" es que Justin Timberlake la dejó embarazada y dejó muy claro que no quería tener al bebé. Aunque aparentemente ella sí lo quería, después de algunas discusiones emocionales, ella accedió a realizarse un aborto.

Ella escribe: "Estoy segura de que la gente me odiará por esto, pero estuve de acuerdo en no tener el bebé. No sé si fue la decisión correcta. Si hubiera dependido solo de mí, nunca lo habría hecho. Y, sin embargo, Justin estaba tan seguro de que no quería ser padre".

Ahora nos enteramos de que Britney y Justin hicieron un pacto para que nadie supiera que ella estaba embarazada... así que decidieron interrumpir el embarazo en casa, sin médico y sin decírselo a su familia ni a nadie.

Ella escribe: "Era importante que nadie se enterara del embarazo o del aborto, lo que significaba hacerlo todo en casa".

Britney dice que el procedimiento fue "insoportable". Los medicamentos le causaron fuertes dolores físicos.

En el libro describe cómo ella estuvo yaciendo en el suelo del baño, sollozando, mientras Justin trataba de consolarla con música, rasgueando su guitarra.

Britney dice en las memorias: "Seguí llorando y sollozando hasta que todo terminó. Me llevó horas y no recuerdo cómo terminó, pero sí recuerdo, veinte años después, el dolor que me causó y el miedo".

Bronny James Hits The Dougie At USC Hoops Event ... But Sits Out Of Competitions

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Bronny James was teachin' fans how to Dougie at a USC hoops event Thursday night ... dancing his tail off during player introductions -- but he sat out all of the night's competitions, an indication he's still not quite 100 percent after suffering cardiac arrest.

LeBron's oldest son received a super warm welcome at the annual Trojan HoopLA shindig at the Galen Center in downtown Los Angeles ... and he sure seemed to love it all, gyrating to Cali Swag District's "Teach Me How To Dougie" as people in the stands roared.

However, that was about all the physical activity he did during the evening ... electing not to participate in the skills competition, dunk contest and the 3-point contest.

Of course, it's not unexpected at all ... Bronny required surgery just a few weeks ago after he had the issue with his heart back in July -- and everyone involved has been making sure he's been brought along slowly ever since.

It's unclear when he'll be able to officially start putting basketballs in hoops for the Trojans this year ... a timetable has not been given -- but LeBron said just days ago the goal is for his son to make an impact at USC soon.


Meanwhile, there were plenty more highlights from the Trojans event Thursday ... including when freshman forward Brandon Gardner threw down a massive slam over star USC quarterback Caleb Williams during the dunk contest.

Rap stars YG & Saweetie also performed!!

USC men's basketball will officially kick off its season against Kansas State on Nov. 6 ... here's to hoping we see Bronny dancin' -- and playing again -- then.

Pink Respiratory Issues Force More Show Delays

Pink is taking some time away from her tour ... she says she's suffering from a respiratory infection and is postponing a couple more scheduled shows as a result.

The singer shared the health update Thursday on social media, revealing her diagnosis and saying a doctor advised her to take a step back from performing.

Pink says she's postponing her upcoming Friday and Saturday shows in Vancouver ... and wants to reschedule for another date when she's feeling better.

As we reported ... Pink previously postponed two shows in Washington state earlier this week, explaining "family medical issues require our immediate attention."

Now, Pink's postponed four shows altogether this week ... and she's not indicating when she may be back onstage. After Vancouver, her next scheduled gig is Wednesday in Denver, followed by a pair of shows in Kansas City.

Pink's also got a ton of tour dates in November ... and then she's got a scheduled break for the holidays before picking up the overseas portion of her tour in February when she goes to Australia.

In the meantime, Pink says ... "I wish everyone good health and am sending lots of love."

Rap Legends Galore LL, T.I., Jay-Z & More Takeover City Of Hope For #HipHop50!!!

Russell Simmons

Hip Hop’s 50th anniversary was celebrated to the core last night in Los Angeles at the annual City of Hope gala … DJ Cassidy’s Pass The Mic Live! steered performances from the likes of LL Cool J, T.I., and Ja Rule!!!

The glitzy gala is known for going the extra mile in raising money for cancer research and went down inside the Pacific Design Center ... allowing for plenty of rap royalty from all generations to collide in the deepest veins of the culture.

Jay Z

Flavor Flav dapped up Jay-Z before hitting the stage with Public Enemy, and N.O.R.E. was also spotted entertaining the crowd with drunk uncle jokes!!!

Redman, Warren G, Onyx and many more all took the stage at one point and DJ Kid Capri burned up the turntables turning the event into an authentic hip hop block party!!!

Late De La Soul rapper Trugoy the Dove aka Dave was also there in spirit via a mural on the wall ... hip hop is 1/5's graffiti, ya know!!!

Waiting for your permission to load the Instagram Media.

Pioneering hip hop exec Lyor Cohen spearheaded Spirit of Life's healthcare fundraising this year and was honored for his contributions to the cause ... captured by his good buddy, Def Jam co-founder Russell Simmons.

Russell Simmons

Cohen's currently the global head of music at YouTube and Google, but stands as an Israeli-American first and used part of his speech to rip the Hamas terrorist attacks.

Countless rappers ... Jermaine Dupri, Juicy J, Xzibit, Bow Wow have steadily been complaining about today's quality of music and the COH's Pass the Mic event makes it clear why.

Adam Sandler Stops Show For Fan's Medical Emergency


Adam Sandler is definitely in tune with his audience ... pressing pause on a recent show for a fan suffering a medical emergency in the crowd.

The comedian was performing at SAP Center in San Jose Wednesday night when he brought everything to a screeching halt -- we're told Adam heard an audience member yelling "medical emergency" and stopped the whole thing to make sure the fan got assistance.


Not long after, the lights came up and everyone waited until paramedics were able to get to the fan in distress ... Adam helped guide the medics to the person in need.

Sources connected to the show tell TMZ ... the performance was on hold for about 10 minutes, and the man who had the emergency was believed to have been dehydrated while in the crowd but is doing fine.

Adam's been hitting the road for his "I Missed You" tour, performing standup and some of his most popular songs from over the years ... rest assured, his audience will be taken care of.



Jussie Smollett tiene un nuevo look mientras sigue adelante.

La estrella de "Empire" apareció el miércoles luciendo la cabeza rapada mientras recibe tratamiento ambulatorio en un centro de rehabilitación.

Jussie llevaba un libro de "Narcóticos Anónimos" mientras entraba en el centro de rehabilitación, donde está recibiendo tratamiento por abuso de sustancias.

TMZ publico la historia, Jussie ha estado luchando contra las drogas. Su representante nos dice: "Jussie ha tenido unos últimos años extremadamente difíciles. Él ha estado trabajando en silencio muy duro desde hace algún tiempo y estamos orgullosos de él por tomar estas medidas necesarias".

El actor sigue luchando contra su condena por fingir un crimen de odio en Chicago allá por 2019, cuando aseguró que dos partidarios de Trump enmascarados le atacaron y le pusieron una soga en el cuello.

Jussie fue condenado a 150 días de cárcel por el incidente, pero fue puesto en libertad mientras su caso es apelado. Esa apelación aún está pendiente.

La naturaleza del abuso de sustancias no ha sido revelada, pero el consumo de drogas se mencionó bastante durante su juicio.

Lo cubrimos todo en el último episodio de The TMZ Podcast, disponible en todas las plataformas de podcast.

Jussie Smollett Fresh Start, Fresh Cut While in Outpatient Rehab

Jussie Smollett has a new look as he turns over a new leaf.

The "Empire" star was out and about Wednesday sporting a shaved head as he gets outpatient treatment at a rehab facility.

Jussie was carrying a "Narcotics Anonymous" book as he walked into the rehab center, where he's getting treatment for substance abuse.

TMZ broke the story, Jussie has been struggling, with his rep telling us ... "Jussie has had an extremely difficult past few years. He has quietly been working very hard for some time now and we are proud of him for taking these necessary steps."

The actor is still fighting his conviction for faking a hate crime in Chicago back in 2019, when he claimed two masked Trump supporters attacked him and put a noose around his neck.


Jussie was sentenced to 150 days in jail for the incident, but released from jail while his case is appealed. That appeal is still pending.

The nature of the substance abuse has not been disclosed, but drug use was mentioned quite a bit during his trial.

We covered it all on the latest episode of The TMZ Podcast, available on all podcast platforms.

Mary Lou Retton Suffers 'Scary Setback' ... Remains In ICU

Mary Lou Retton has suffered a "scary setback" this week in her battle with a rare form of pneumonia ... and she now remains in the ICU fighting for her life.

The Olympic legend's daughter, Shayla, provided the concerning update in a video on her social media page Wednesday evening ... saying Retton had been showing signs of improvement prior to the turn.

"Basically, at the beginning of this week," Shayla said, "we were going on the up-and-up. We were so excited. Seeing so much progress. And then yesterday, we had a pretty scary setback. She is still in ICU."


Thankfully, there is at least a bit of positive news ... Shayla said Retton had a much better day Wednesday, though the 55-year-old former gymnast is clearly nowhere near out of the woods yet.

"We're just working through some things as far as her setback goes," Shayla said.

Retton has been in the ICU since earlier this month ... though plenty have sent prayers her way in the hopes she improves. So far, over 8,000 donors have given more than $450,000 to a SpotFund created on her behalf ... something Shayla said she's super grateful for.

"Thank you guys again for just the support," she said. "I'm getting so many messages and emails and just it's so great to see people love on her."